doors Of this Canteen approximate THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7250 Copies 82nd Mrs Le v1 OI ln=idiy law we Active Servwe Cilia lid Canteen happy 4111 Wing of czl on at the closing ccieii of ill Epitlldld on organization which find ope atrd buikrgtltlily for the all 0325 iii the Assembly the willie Cillllllc of the t1fllgt=i and the blllc snacks the assistants DILdUtllllliilLtl as iiagrit be ex pected iltcl illt iaigc enrolment during the xtiil lltnilll also won lllfllilltls of the liliecutivc and rillillilc of itlici iilcrc people The outstanding to win the llilitrl shown Mrs Agnis llintngn Leeds thicf SillitIVlNil lilili lts dent of the Executive ilpjrliltflb of the Executive laid workers who had siiwd il the six Qiils lritll USP 110 Hlrigt gift If tllc 1lt1tlll llzo piogiuiil held in the largo Canteen room opened with short itt11l5 by Mrs Leeds vclcolil trig those present she said the was glad to co all llrt workers gather Hi there and thank Win for ilic wonderful work they Tilttllli were CXISgtC1 to the llxcclltivcfuirr every way possible they had aided iil rlliikini the an tccri an outstandingactivity Spcc ilil mention was made of the fin ancial sponsors of the Canteen the lneiilbcis of the Town Council the Kiwanis and the Lions clubs Each year these llllCt orgariiiiiitimis gave so much to vlllt lllillllttlllllltf of the Canteen and did it graciously and tLOllOlollsly The present quarters were made Ii1gt51113 by the interest and pen ciosity of Mr Morrow of lo rorilo tllc Landscaii Club Toronto tMrs Wallace Barrett President and Mr 11 Wrizzlit of Barrie Barrie and the men of ClllllD fioi den are deeply indebted to them Scholarship Presentation in making the presentation of the Scholarship Fund Mayor Peter Sinclair said am sure that will perfoirii few acts during my term of office as Mayorof the Town of llaiilc which are more ill harmony with rily own feelings than this public ackllowlcdgilierlt of the service and leadership provided by you to our Active Service Club and Canteen Since the inception of this club exactly six years ago you have been its guiding light as Supervisor of Services and latterly as chairman of the Executive Mere words earl not fittingly describe your success Through the generosity of Mr Morrow of Toronto the Laridseair Club of that City Mr Wright of Barrie other local citizens and organizations this fine building was opened for the belie fit of men and wolilen in the ser vices There have passed through the are 500000 service personnel large number of these are now friends of yours and know you will meet ill future wherever you go some of those boys and girls and will talk over old times on joyed inerthiseeCantecn The Barrie Canteen has the re putation of being one of the friend liest service centres in Canada and will ever make the Town of Bar rie cherished by those whom lthis Canteen serVed so well know that your task here has been long and difficult and we know also that your coWork ers have had trying times How ever let me say that the most worthwhile things in life are tile ones requiring the greatest effort You must be proud of theservice you have renderedyour fellow men and your country This inner feel ing of pride in service sowell done will be an everlasting joy to you Turn to page flyovplease ADDITIONAE STAFF crease correspondingly post Offices office will permit facilities have laced provided to$speed the service to the publicSpeCiailwicktsare forstamp psales parcel des patch and parcel insurantIe Tiler is the speeialnboSi f9 mailing of Christmas cards to the residents of business mail his staff trust that the servieerend1 cred will be acceptable and satis of extendingChristmas greetings to their clientele and remind them that there will be nodelivery of CF 21 TO HANDLE Postmaster Thomson ad visesthat the Christmas mails are now beginning to flow thfough at doll and directs attentionofthe mailing public to theadvertisementsappearingin this issuemnspage From daily averageof about 73000 outgoing letters thisgnumber will increase up to 35000per day while the incoming mails also in Even witthhe additional staff if 21 theaccurate and speedy de spatch and delivery bf these mails constitutesa majdr task and the Postmaster solicits the cooperation ffice butter a1 other so rarl asthe layout ofthe post the town This boxis otitin the lobby and mail deposited there will receive special attention and pre ferred elivery Thereis also special receptacle provided for Everything has been provided to give service and the Postmaster and factoryunder the abnormal condi tions They take the opportunity mail onChtistmas Day nor will thewicketd beeper on thatdayr had done Inatinwfrgongeso Onlyih Associationflild their annualimeet YearNo SO eds Honored In Presentations at Closing ActivemService Canteen lAcTIVE SERVICE CANTEEN SERVED TOTAL or 523216 0n llwlllbel 1939 iii quarters rover the store Barrie the Active Service Club and Canteen of Barrie was officially opened Then only hundreds of men were at zrirlp Borden and these men who had Just come from civilllln life knew very little about Carl teens and it took time and pil hence to llllflrLt them in the place Slowly at first the men came when faster and faster and when linany thousands were stationed at Crimp Borden the attendance soarcd to great numbers making the llllllxblllg aggregate ofv 523216 Through the generosity of Morrow of Toronto and of the Landseair Club of that city Mrs Wallace Barrett is president of this clubt ii larger Canteen was opened in July 1941 This bliillt1 irii included lounge and writing room plugpong room large Canteen with excellent kitchen equipment as well as several rooms upstairs where dancing singsongs and gariles were enjoyed llotli the Canteens have been sponsored and maintained by the Town Council the Kiwanis and the Lions Clubs and the interest and aid given by these organizations have been of tremendous value Tile voluntary workers have ex pressed rnucll pleasure over the sentiments stated by the many men enjoying the place They always eillpliasize the friendliness of the atmosphere they have experienced here Large enough to house throughout ii busy Saturday as many as 1500 men at other times it is small enough to give much personal attention to the men Tile women of Barrie feel they have been fortunate indeed to have had this opportunity0f serv ing the men and women of the fighting forces The figures on the attendance throughout the years make interesting reading Ill 1940 the attendance was 33966 in 1941 37390 ill 1942 79904 in 1943 148 624 and in 1944 closed in Augustl 135061 were coming and the need for it seemed over While the first part of hog producers 1945 was busy the Fall months registered with llilii and about the have been very quiet and so few same number registered with Floyd that the usefulness LBSthY BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY DECEMBER 13 Heads BCA RODGERS President of the recently organl 11101 Home Community Aswcliiliolr ONLY NINE Morris SHOPPING DAYS There are only nine more shopping days until Christmas two days this week six next week and Monday of Christ mas week With Christmas on Tues day this year the stores and other places of buslncss will observe Wednesday Ls Boxing Day holiday The churches will observe Sunday Dec 23 for spcelal Christmas services St Marys Roman Catholic Church will celebrate High Mass at mid night Christmas Eve 1506 SIMCOE HOG PRODUCERS VOTED MARKETING ACT Approximately 1500 Sililcoc County hog producers registered with the agricultural representa tives in order to cast ballot on the proposed hog marketing act the polls for which closed last Sat urday Dec It is believed that nearly all W110 registered to vote did vote Stewart Page reported that 7871 in North Sirncoe who Ayes jrcturningi officer for South Silncoe During the six years of the work Throughout the province the bal iii the Canteen over 500 women lots have been cast and the locked have been on shifts In the early days around 50 voluntary work ers were used in serving the troops while in 1943 the number reached the 300 mark An effort has been made to make list of the work ers who have served on shifts throughout the whole six years There are over 00 of these and it is expected that the full list of these when completed will be entered in the historical records of the Can teen The Executive The late Hamilton was the first president and devoted great boxcs sent to Perkin of the Farm Products Control Board at Toronto Results have not yet been announced If twothlrds of the hog produc ers who registered voted in favor of the Act it Will be put into ef fect by the Ontario Legislature The Act would provide for the set ting up of Board which wouldl give producers certain measure of authority in negotiating agree ments with the processors Iii ad ditiorl the producers would pay two cents hog about $100000 year based on 1945 figures and this deal of time to his duties On his money would beiivallable to the removal to Teronto he resigned and producers organization to develop Mrs Leeds was appointed in his markets or improve the breedor stead Others on the ExecutiVe in any way improve the hog mar were Flynn secretary Mrs Flynn Fred Stevenson treas urer Mrs Stevenson Mac Laren Rodgers Mac Laren Miss Spry Robertson and WDobson lt IACK HOWEY Is TRANSFERRED To REGIONAL OFFICE JB Howey manager of the Bar rie office of the National Employ ment Service left Saturday hav ing been transferred to employ ronto Mr Howey was manager of the Barrie office throughout the employees at Camp Horde in the early war years were engaged through this office Major Pageveterans of ficer at the Barrie Employment of fice also left his employment here last Saturday Major Page has ust and he resigned to accept an other position The Barrie officeofrtlie National Employment Service is temporary ily in charge of supervisor from the regional office until new manager israppointed Robt toresqeuds South Sim oe Plow Association The 751311111 VSimcoe Plowmeris ing at Alliston on Monday and laid plans for tfhe71946matoh october was chosen as the date and the farm of the Slmcoe County Home at Beeton was suggested as the pos sible looatibn The 1945 match at Gilford was considered one oizthe best on record with 37 plowmen Blythe McConkey wand Gilmore Reivefas delegates to the annual meetingot the Provincial As sociatipn in February Robt Bayes Lefroy was again elected president and Lash ley agricultural representative Al listoii secretarytreasurer cmsrno noun mi TAKING Examiner Classifieds lsFive QClock WEDNESDAYS merit at the regldnal officein To keting industry for0ntario farm ersrrvlg The Federatioh of Agriculture supported the movement for yes vote in Simco County and throughout the province Harry Cclliglien AWcrded the DCM Thornton Correspondence Harry Callighen youngest son of Mr and Mrs Callighen former ly of Thornton and Barrie was very much surprised short time ago to receive Distinguished Ser vice Medal During the early days bf the war Harryrwas with the Navy but apparently he is too modest to tell illst what brave been engagedibere since last Aug competing The Association named ATAMos lied Farmers Cooperative COMI deedhe did to receive this honor The Examiner gIVes all the news for Barrie and District While it is news dgt iFormgerly oleairie lilits Ubblt would like PlangLIo Speaking Cklilcl Cclrir llllc Hodge lrldtfil of the newly formed Barth Tiinivlrlity Aswcilltlon lead slfllr portions of the constitulrui ti inform the crib Lens as to but this organization plans to do The parts quoted read as Inlluwsl The name of the Association shall be the Barrie Coiiilllultily As Actrvc Sm ice Monday night isoriatiorl The mills and objects of the Association gtlllf11 be to prorlictc llll recreations and rflrtl activities of the citizens of the Town of Unr ilc and vlcliidy and lo crlcotilage the dcvclnprncnt of their splts sludm discuswills lililsrc diurn and other occupy tions their iclsuic tune with particular ctllphzisls oil the needs of limbs iii their tecnargc and those returned from =crvicc The Armenia gt118 be gov cured by IIUdltl of Trustees coil sisliiig of two duly appointed lc presentatist of the Town of Bar lie the Lions Club the Kiwanis Club and three dilly appointed ieprcscrllativcs of the owner of the premises Trustees shrill have power to clcct and appoint slibcorrllirittecs and other offices outside the mem bers of tlic Bould of Trustees The Council of tllelowli of Harrie the Lions Club and the Kiwanis Club shall be financially responsible in equal shares for the operation of the Association Airy regular constituted or bcrship 111 this Association and if approved by majority vote of the trustees may join the Association upon payment of the initial fee of one dollar We would like to stress that it not the policy of our board to OI gzillize groups or take ally part iii the lilanagerrlcnt or planning of their activities The success of this new under itllkiiig will depend entirely on the manner in which the numerous or ganizations in Barrie avail them selves of the facilities we have to offer in closing said Mr Rodgers to thank Mr Morrow the owner of the build ing the Laildseair Club and Mr Wright who furnished and equip pcd the building for their very generous offer which will enable us to carry on this very Worth while project Iii accepting the keys of this building on behalf of the Barrie Community Association pledge support of the Board of Trustees in endeavoring to rnaiiltain the facilities of these quarters for the benefit of the citizens of thcltown and vicinity CQMS Cdmeron Hurt In Holland October 31 Reported Out of Danger Mrs Cameron 11 Thompson St Barrie has received word that her husband CQMS Vernon Cameron in Holland is now out of danger following an accident and expects to be coming home in the near future CQMS Gamron was seriously injured ina traffic accident in Holland Oct 31 While being transferred to the 5th Division from the Army Service Corps he was travelling in jeep which c01lt lided with Dutch truck He suf fered severe concussion and com pound fracture of the left leg Last week his leg had improved suffi ciently that it could be placed in cast CQMS Cameron wentover seas in October 19441 THREE srcrlons IN THIS WEEKS ISSUE There are three sections again this issue of The Barrie Ex aminer and most of the 22 pages will be found filled with interesting gift suggestions by Barrie stores glance through this edition will der monstrate that there is no need to go beyond Barrie to procure Christmas presentssm Barrie merchants urge you to dyour shoppipg EARLY this year In this way you will have the pick of available merchandise and the store staffs willbe able to serve you more readily SHOPEARLY should vbetlie motto of all in thisChiistmas season Examiner advertisers get com THE BARR1E+ EX gPresident Outlines How EBarrie Community Assn arry On Major Creasy Promoted To Stuff Inspector Mayor Citab who named district inspector of provm 151 police at Sudbuiy few week ago when he IfCClVCdlili release from active service has now been promoted to the rank of Stuff in spectrir This 19 12h steps have lllls urirlei rank and he Will be transferred to thc head office of provincial Police at Toronto former lllrllllltl of the plo itliirlsl polxo tinct al Barrie him and Kitchener before Joirilrig the prowl Corps early in the war He win at Cililil Borden lo mar months and also served overseas Mrs Clcasy clinic to Barrie when organize the Provost Corps ill 1910 and has made her home here since that time They have two llillllid daughters IMARYBURNHAM ACTING SUPT SIMCOE 0118 MCCnrroll president SllllCOC County Childrens Aid 80 lclety has announced that Miss igzirlizzrtioii in the Town of BarrielMitry EiurmW has bee lPOlllCd land vicinity may apply for morn1Clmg Superintendent 01 the CA5 since the resignation of Gordon ll Foster December to becomch licc magistrate Miss Bilrrllianl has been on the Simcoc CAS staff since May l9t2 Born iii Edmonton Miss Burri ham went to Toronto at an early Age and attended public and high Ischools there She won scholar ship to go to University and at tended Trinity College After graduating with Bachelor of Arts degree in 1930 she continued her studies and obtained degree ill social science iii 1939 Oil graduating Miss Burllhllin tookup social service work with an illfants home in Toronto private institution and she was there until coming to Barrie in 1942 Miss Burnliam was social worker under the Barrie office from May 1942 until going to Or illia to open branch office in l943 She remained in charge at Orillia until returning to the head 32111106 in November 1944 as super visor of social workers The staff of the Simcoe CAS now consists of six at the Barrie office three at Orillia three at Midland one at Alliston anione at Coiling wood 40 Boys Guests At Kiwanis Meeting The annual Father and Son Night was observed at Mondays Kiwanis meeting when some 40 boys were present with Dad or some Kiwanis member An ex cellent program was arranged by Walter GodwinAand his commit tee Sixprizes were drawn for un der the direction of Jack Hathaway These went to Howard Steckley Gordon Abercrombie Ted Clarke Cameron Tom McConkey and Ronny Kelcey screened film singsong was greatly enjoyed also fil on GreyOwl and His Guests rs Pugh of Shanty Bay delighted with her inimitable selections all so timely and true to life Wgresident Parsons announc ed that nexLMgnday night club members would be guests of the farmers at Midhurst Township Hall o1 Mew Perm80 of Ow hood Frozen in Cabin Henry Perry age80 died re cently in his cabin on the 8thcon cessionof Oro He had been liv ing alone and was found dead in betFDc when two neighbors Andrew Beaten and John Wood row noticed there was no smoke Comingrortt the chimney and the snow had nbt beenhslfovelld from in front of the cabin door Provincial Constable lobinson was notified and he callv ed coroner Dr LittleThe body was frozen when found There wasa good supply of fuel on hand and itis thought theaged man died and the body from as VJUS lot rcasy had served at ilvlollllu her husband was sent to Borden il if 7645 Headed Poll 14 Hii FAMILY CHRISTMAS FOR THOUSANDS lil Itll of thousands of homes throughout Iiiadlt this year thcrc will be it fairiin lirist mas with all incililleis present for the first time iii tour or live years livery troop transport that crosses the Atlantic makes it 105511110 for family rinliioii in hundreds more lltlllll For the troops coniirii holin now there is extra rejoicing lit the Yuletide season and Ill add is blessed with 1111 illtlllltlm ancc of everything to iillikc hristnllis enjoyable wnEulilIIYIIN ls BADLY INJURED WHEN CAR SKIDS Joyce Flynn and Mrs 19 Flynn tlii licrcz result Dec ti of an nulolnobilc She suffered fracture of of car driven the front seat The vehicle was 1the highway was freeziilg as it fell down bill mile north of Bradford the car slid over lthe lefthand side of the road went into steep ditch aild struck telephone pole at the bottom Mrs Flynn remained to care for her daughter while Mr Woods rail to the Lee farm to telephone for assistance Brad ford dOCtOl arrived and Miss Flynn was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie After xelays there she was taken by ambul ance to Toronto the same day She first went to Chorley Park Hospi tal anrfwaslaler transferred to Christie St Miss Flynn had served 18 months as signalwoiliail in the RCNVR prior tohoodisehaugevlastnsuin mer She was attending Macdon raid College McGill University Montreal While there she con tracted an injury that necessitated an operation on one foot She had been home in Barrie convalescillg ifiom this injury last week VETEEANs HOUSES VALUED AT $4500 Included ill the building permits issued in Barrie last month were ieight to HillsClarkFrancis Ltd leach for $4500 for veterems houses These are the houses now well un der way on Peel St and will be available next spring to discharged members of the armed forces ber included the following iill11lllt ml St Barrie is in CililSilP St lilof pltal Toronto dangerously ill accident one of the vertebrae lll her neck Thursday morning last week Mrs Flynn was riding ill the back seat by her rilotlieii John Woods was passenger in triivclling south on No 11 liiii way It was about 930 oclock and icy with rain Going slowly and halft AMINE Section leoges t08 1Manual Training Class SCHOOL BOARD BRIEFS ilctiill il 7dr ll 31 1m Tia ri he ever 1L2 tlw twinning lli tzlc ca litl tr lllr ii lllclJrlr 11lt5 Ttltil and to permit use lrchrised projector Alis Smith asked 31min 1Ilttll withi stand there would not bei llldlly to have such wlnkl one liZlS Mrs 1111 argued 1111 llll no oi the students was more rrlpolIilt the llIKJlIItlll ian extra equipment for the movie projector Ti 5100 Stewart llllldc motion to buy the movie equlpw merit and it was carried ll Loughch suggested that al fence be erected at King Edwardl School to prevent the boys and girls running out into the traffic on Burton Ave when they are play1 iiigr games tie also suggested sen ior student trziflic Officers to as sist the younger children across streets at intersections near the schools These ideas willybe pass ed on to the 1946 Board Andrew Cumming spoke of pro posals being made to establish high school areas and suggested that the board look into these pro posals This suggestion passed on to the 1946 trustees crl1llgt be installed to ill JlllflxtWS will be ifor or All Public School Students Is Suggested Next year Barrie puhhc st will Lizziugnrdtc class in man nothing if repair presented at the December meeting of the 1945 Board of Education lsAadcpted for ictloii by the 1th board Acwrdlng to the lm room the baseizlelit of Prince of in Wnles School could be Adapted for mull trialling at rest of ap poxiliiel $2000 The engaging iii full12c lrlstructor for lltLil Joys of grades fznzil all pu li lurtlleriilole fill 11 lltl would be students of St 11116 lute LUllld be lit dait li rllulliil of Mrs llvri 11=31Cfill of on Monday night The civillnnttcc worked operation with the principal of llzlnce of Wales School and Gordon inspector of industrial Arts for the Deparlnlent of filuca 111 At the present time there is inrwrllcilt room in Frame of Wales used for the nsnuctlorl of rdwcrk to the boys of grades in Cli ppwtprh cvcrl and eight attending this lynx Humbug school The equipment consists of in 1mm mg benches and tools donated by KY Club and cupboards built by the blLlLltllit At one end of the room 51 Hung rump bench and equlprrleilt for night mi1classinstruction in motor mechan Dyllght is restricted to small guzndows on the north and east Aitificial lights have been pro vlded liecomnlcndaiions Of theocommitn ice were as follows That depairtillent of manual its that or illr students Vllcliiiiimms be 591 Pmlce Of Wales School 50 per cent of the cost to be covered by the Depart merit of Education That the present cleared up of all scrap That it be decorated plaster ed and paintch That additional wiring be in stalled for glue pot and drill press That the motor mechanics be moved out into the adjoining base ilieilt room That this room be whitewash ed lighted and partitioned off room be from the hall That additional movable cup boards regulation benches Vises and necessary tools be secured That We unlvents be installed to keep the air moving inboth rooms That the room be equipped with blackboard facilities 10 Thatthe boys make use of the second domestic science room other skills such as leather work pottery etc and that port able cupboards be installed to store Mrs Clemmens indicated that there was not the best of under standing between the Board of Education and the school staffs She asked if the minutes of board meetings Wcould bevsent to school principals in addition to being sent tomembcrs of the board Mr Stewart opposed this suggestion and said the principals could in quire of the secretary if they wish ed to know what action had been taken on any particular matter He further stated that principals were entitled to attend the meet ings of the board Mr Woods sug gested the principals might be en materials 11 That the 1946 board should look into the matter of hiring duly qualified instructor of man ual training The reportvnoted that Mr Gor don the inspector stressed that child development was the prime consideration in inaugurating such instruction not the trade angle The report was accepted by the meeting and will be available for the 1946 Board of Education ooNrn CT IS $51000 FOR MIDLAND DREDGING The Department of Public Works couraged to attend board meetingsjas released list of contracts Mrs Clemmens said they might not feel welcome if they did notare ceive an invitation to attend Mr Woods inquired if Mr Heath had taken ally action to have the BCI Cadet Corps affiliated with the Grey and Simone Eorcsters as reComlnended by the board He itten to Major DgF MacLarelr Other permitsissued ill Novem was informed that Mr Heath had NM Gavin house On Lount St $2800 Bidwell houseon Sophia St $4600 Reg Tuck house on Mul holland St $50007 F1Catlin 169 Essa Road repairs $1500 17 smaller permits $3070 November $53670 From January to the end of Novemben the total value ofbuild ing permits in Barrie was $595290 Th gt jj 39 Raccoons total full former ministeg ofthe Essiltoad Presbyterian Church who has been elected president otthe UII Amos now residing at Port Dover has been fornearly 20 years member of the board He served as preSiderit for six yearsfrom 1930 to l936and during the past few months has been vicepresi dent Marshall Norwich was elected vicepresident and Wood Alliston on executive member 14 COMING Bingoat Liegionx Hall every Fri day night 830 sharp15 games 35c 40tfb The Christmas meeting of the Canadian Club Tuesday DE 18 830 Collier St United Church Sunday School rooms 50b Edgar Hall auspices vWomens Association Play The Absent minded Bridegroom by Waverley talent Also bazaar Friday Dec 4950b Barrie Branch British Israel Federation The Great Pyramid Prophecy regarding the Imminent Grand Climax of the Ages Speak er Roy Wemp Sunday Dec Billions Club Rooms pm 501 pletemoverageofABarriSIadlng Iconic onwardEm Lthere was no0ne to tend the fire tives at Shanty Bay EVENTSFai Bingo andrTurkey Draw LTB Orange Hall Elizabeth St Mon day Dec 17 830 pm The Ladies Auxiliary of the CanadianLegion Will meet on Tuesday Dec 18 at oclock in thel Legion Hall 50b TonightTinkers Wedding and Elizabeth Refuses two plays by Barrie Drama Club in Library Hall Thursday Dec 13 Tickets 25c 50p Reception and presentation for returning servicemen from Belle Ewart Defroy and Cherry Creek Lefroy Community Hall Friday Dec 14 830 pm Program lunch and dancing Ladies who bring lunch Ind guests free admission omen 35c 71495013 ii ThcIateEnry Perry had relal 50p This string of 39 raccoons were caught by Fred Rayner Cumber land St Allandale last month He was aided by hisdog also in the picture All animals Were trapped in the Barrie district and it is the first seasonfor Mr Rayners coon dog Freds father used to hunt coons years ago but it is not easy to find dog that can be trained to this work Most dogs run their legs off chasing rabbits or get on the trail of porcupine and end upwith nose full of quills Back to Jobs the current Canada Carries On release deals with the rehabilitation of Canadas reremployment in civilian life is connection Acting on request from Cockburn theeboard decided to ggganother 50 cadet uniformii The boaEd voted in favon of spgngljng $150nto buy piano for the BCI that had been recommends ed as satisfactory by Harold Webb The resignation of Principal JE Morrison 6f Prince of Wales School and Principal Girdwood of the Collegiate werevaccepted with regret OerotiOn ofCDiStewartthe boardwetedfingfavor of buying suitable stand to accommodate the book of remembrance whieh FeltEressrltedtgxfbs 939 VictorKnox who left the public school staff here to enlist in the armed forceshaslreceived his dis charge and is attending Western University His reduestfor an ex tension of one year to his leave of absence from the staff here was referred to the management com mittee As the meeting was concluded Lougheed who is retiring from the Board of Education expressed his good wishes to the members for the good relations in the past year King rFarouk of Egypt who is Chief Scout of his country recently attended Scout show staged by nine different nationalities The visit of the King marked the 12th fighting men and women and their anniversary pf his investiture as Scout wl awarded in November Included in the list is one for moori ities at Midland to Canadian Dredge and Dock Co Ltd Toronto atabout $5137994 IURTsArs GUILTT AUSTIITLACASSE ls FINED $50000 7111 County Court last week Aus tin LaCasse Of Gravenhurst was fined $500 and costs by Judge Har vie when juryfoundb1mglu lt of failing to stopat thescene of an accident The jury was out two hours The charge was laid fol lowing an accident at the Atherley bridge nearrlixuly 17 as are result of which William Ward was killed According to the evidence La Casse had been drinking in boy erage room with some friends on the night of July 17 About 10 ofclock he left to drive meg passengers iifethe car drilitte they struck arbump near the Atherley bridge antheway home The driver did not stop the car and the followuigday itwasrtakeu to garage for repairs to the fender and jwiiidshicld Police connected thedaimaged car with the man whorlihd been killed and expeits fiom the Uniyersltypf Toronto testified that hair found onthe fender of thecar the same as that of William Ward Fur ther evidence was given to show that paint chips found at the scene of the accident were identicahwith the paint on the damaged fender William Ward was believed to havebeen walking on thehighway at the thnehe was struck and kill ed He was 38 yearsgold In addition toga $500fine Judge Harvie suspended the It cenSe of foroneyear rid the alternatiye to the ne listsix months in 8901CI0WD Frank Hammond