avgw PAGE EIGHT mm Mn icxnm DRINKS INFLIJLML Organ Chimes $1100 War Memorial Installdlmzt if moat on 54w gan of It Church wns ticii tuned Icer managers Mobil Prwo Mrs worsenu ovrnsrst M99 EMS on lsro IROlBLL PAY risks For Orillio Reunion li airtlunt lrt gtl ti Lit lxcft Lt Single Itltltr If The lixainirar cents At all ltviliitl er this office SHOP EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE OF li Wr ILI 222 it il Alii ltl tic trit Sunnidcrle Corners BREEDER MASH LAYING MASH Chicken and Turkey Fattening Pellets llllild lie iv 11 Ruhr1 Fleshing Pellets iriflr rrn FullOPep Laying McTsh lliiIiz rim gvllifiiphuSin Browns XXX Laying Mosh rinrn pltif the 1411 the oung lelple it New lilo and lIderivale at in lrediv everzlriu and Ill lleib lll10tl and truly Mall 11 speit til ulth lr and Mrs lus llcQuziv llu sympathy ot the comnulnitv is exter te tile Innzly of the Poultry and Hog Concentrates Hog and Cattle Mineral lile ie MEMBER OI BARBIE CHAMBER Ol OMMICIHIC ltead and um ierff ROBINSON HARDWARE Master Feeds weekend it llttttltl who passed illlllltl Classifieds Here Tomorrow liICNNlJH ltlitilLRS Pill the the liloi xi lldlllr an address tinT ru nntc ltlr1llt lo leinpw iiPlonning to Help Canadas Young Amps ti anti cnui tilt re til ltlitl by tile llr ltt 11 Lil it it Wu All 1rill Itll pf would be the rr o1 li1irf rncrrri ll oplrn in at nl ll imde It llllw Hi 13121 liillllrt 21llllllll pro 11 ll lfiitiltlttl 11 will lltl tlll ti llttill day lflflt the el fttl o1 Eie ul11ce they illiltl lwl Honk and will enable lh erv lt rleet te World on fairer tcrne irt ltlt lnnbiit ll pj tnr funds wltii which to build lllll memorial is now lrillii Ell lll by the Torlilo Branch the Amputation 1Itltllltlll of which 117 it lintiert who lost ha oversee in llllti is the Dom linlori tiltltltlll Theobjective ol the cirpi1r Sitltltltltl trined in lititt the War Amputa tthe largest Olllllllllltllt of serious tllgtllitt ltlltttlltll in the lJnnilnion There are now lti hranctes scattered troni ttlilsllii crust and the Toronto Ilancil serves tlle whole of central and northern Ontario its nzernbcrship cmnprises iiitznt nnethird of all the war lrnps in Canada That the plans for health train in of the war amps is supplemen tar to the provisions inthe splen ld ritticlaluehahilit in which tle Minister of Veterans Affairs This project 1s indecd victory of freedom mith be won said Mr McKenzie lpavc and returned to still give Canada stands before heroes in these tasks belovc and fellowship the campaign Donations Worthy cause should be mailed tr the honorary treasurer Amps Memorial Project St Toronto cm Theyre 50 still and blissfully comlortobleptheserisootlhg sleepytime slippers of luxuri ous Australian lombs wooll Yourtiredwtoias will lovedheir Smooth caressing touch and lllrsxligflf Ileri spent few days in Toronto lastweek Mr Push and Peg and lean were home fortlle weekend Margaret Henson nurseintrain lnu at Orlllla was home for the wcckcndw Servrce scnce of minister Ilev LLIink to New Parish The REV and Mrs Leigh Pink left on Wednesday Nov 28 to tak up residence in their new parish They will be much missed in Shan ty Bay and neighborhood On th previous Monday evening some of the parishionersmet at the home of and Mrs Raikeslo bid them Godspeed in their well and new home toasty warmth your orlistic soul will simply Hora their umsycutelines end their relating colors DO trout YQFR fei I6 Magi pain loom toy5 riot dgygioorson t4 $15 ls Shippeidrrifrontboridhe Robert CoillSon Bert Weir Wt Clarence Corbett Salvage is HEKE mi J4 conditions use ure coolin nledlcaledlt vuoorn lPIlo Greaseress TGooo Cars Wanted For CaSh Harold Hill 5355 Ellz St Phone 4035 Member of Banla Chamber of Commerce Till BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARI Average prices were Produce Eggs According to Size and 11111111 tlmil ii uric tions of Canada is without doullt an program all cVservicelnen share can be seen from the remarks of fit tiny and listing memorial to those who sacrificed their lives that the It is mem ioiial which serves those who also these lnnnblcness and united desire to serve them as they served our land and to striveto rebuild lnern with the full facilitE of science But the miracles of science cannot alone Surrounding all must An appropriate slogan Give as they Gave is being used durin to this 62 St Albarls $3311 BAY on gt Sunday last at St lhomas Church was conducted by Mr Cuttlc from Toronto in the ab Wednesday Nov 2811 box car Of mixed salvage was shipped from Barrie by the Red Cross Auxiliary Salvage Committee This was the first since September In additiOn to three men provided by the town those who did volunteer work were liam Bainford Ian Welsmanand still ed Barriere er orMpney8iick For qillckurelief fromitching caused by eczema athletels oat scabies pimples and other itchin nd stainless Soothes comforts and quickly calnii intense itching Dont suffer Aakmill CANADA ATM Market iiitreis ll lb 5n 12 lzizg fowl iiucns lll 30c Vegetables Fruit etc trzio tliil lKtl tirl bask tilltile ll lll llagt itr ti 11 ltitrons 10c to Lie Pepper gtLlllttrl SC to tile azrtrace 3c it lltil Cabbage lttc Cauliflower lttc it 231 tooitrnn Iltttllrtt out We lllt tint Iii luznips etch 3c in ltlct lt sav is tgt1tgtlr bch ir Cakes Pastry etc akes 30c to 500 Rolls and buns 20c to 30c Cookies doz 20c plarts doz 85c Pier large each 30c liis Fillull lllr llrcad lozrf 11 to 10c Ellllt work at various prices Vood Civil trlt Munch 211lel loart 1111 ilcil lliillltlll lLdlltli trailer load larger load In cedar and pine lLLinch trailer load $titttli Slltii kn $13011 APTO i4 hestel liltllJltlkUll is home lronrf lllt north Mr and M12 llon Weir moved opcltinds cottage Miss Gertrude lriel route visited at her home here last week Miss illarlzarct Moran is lSlllllLLl in Toronto for it couple of weeks Bert llarnrlton and Clarence Car on spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs lrvinr Carson vis llttl friends in Uxbridge over the weekend Mr and Mrs llarry Ctllgttlll lo lento spent the weekend at Richardsons Miss Joyce Richardson has been with her sister in Toronto for couple of weeks Mrs Iriel was in Toronto last week attending the funeral of niece Sister Marcialn Mrs loftus was recent visitor hvrvel with her daughter in loronto Michael Garvey returned With her to Toronto VAV CENTRAL ORO Jack McArtliur spent day in Toronto last week Mrs McArthur is spending few days with her daughter Mrs Kendall Mrs John Emms friends are gladI to know that she is able to get round to some extent The WMS of Central Church will hold their annual meeting at Mrs Ross Curries on Dec 12 Every member is cordially invited There will be social gatheline at the Sunday School of Central Church on Friday of this week all pm All are asked to be present Mrs Frank Adamson who hast accomplish been the telephone manager for the past few years left last week for Toronto Our best Wishes go with her to her new home We extend to the new manager Wallace Gouuh and bride who tookover their telephone duties on Dec our best wishes for success wJINTEN MILLS Billy Ilankins recently held his tonsils removed Mr and Mrs Jack Braithwaite Toronto have purchased Braitn waites farm on Con F105 and expect to move here in the Spring Mr and Mrs Scott visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrstlmer Irwin and Mr and Mrs Ted Hall Uxbridgc We are pleased to hear that Al vin Cox is progressing so well after his operation for appendix removal in the Royal Victoria Hospital == WAVERLEYV Mr and Mrs Roy Lillicrap Bar rie spent Sunday with lluaxs Miss PhylliL Truax Toronto spent the weekend with her par cuts Mrs Ed Barr and mother spent Wednesday liarn Fletcher lin Yorkshire inEngland and in with Fergusonvale THURSDAY DECEMBER 1945 Tile GREEN FRONTSTORES HARDWARE AND CHINA WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS Only Fifteen Days to Christmas Toys GamesBooks Woodenware Bomb the Axis Game $100 Doll Beds $125 $200 $250 29c $350 $495 $695 Shove lla Penny Kindergarwn Bingo 25b 50c 75c $100 to $159 PULL TOYS Ix REM ME Mexican Pets 514 49 65c 85c $125 $175 $200 $250 Simme mm $1733 Trains $100 2159 $130 $250 to $375 t2fillt711iii5200 mam51 Rationing lame $100 Mogujivrmmm 98c Doll Furniture plastiC Set 5159 Drums Metal and oinpositiorl 50c 65c wall msney T935 Egc SL2 Metal and Plastic Phones 75c to $225 Model Builders 00c $100 Stuflcd animals 50c 70c 80c $3119 onstructo Roller Toy 500 $100 Odd Aeroplanes 353y 50c Modelling Plastic lac 2ac Jtlc otlc 790 Builder Construction Kit $100 $198 Books for Boys and lirls it $175 Swingo Acrobatic Toy 256 gm Hmeg worm SCH illkitv Dog and walkey DUCK aSl59 Walt Disneys Blllnltl 150 Pinocchio 125 35 Nice Range of Books at each $110 um 5m bllovcEQLL Autograph and Scrap Books 25c and 69c $100 $150 $375 Photo Albums $1011 $1119 $139 $115 COLEMANGASANDOILLANTERNqu few to sell at $895 Slept Dust Pans green 400 Jig Saws well made cacti $1250 Iiiililirigdclothes Driers S138 Bread Boxes white rampart $169 $150 $165 Bust Mops 19c 79c title to $269 Twin ltunncr Birli Skates pair $1139 Circular Saws 30 and ltZfor 11 fin and 11 lIartllcnware lkapots cup Size 49c Olllown Tan Blue Green Yellow Clothes Baskets $110 5135 ltulilicrllkc Stair Treads 18 eaeh 100 Metal WASTE Baskets 35c 50c$125 many colours andrttecolated Galvanized Tin Pails 35c 39c $125 $275 Stair Treads wltll nosing per doz Flashlights batteries $159 STISBszas lrurniturv lolishinir Cloths each 20 Combination Screen and Storm Doors Truck Back looks and Brackets 2bv8x6by83nd2by10x6by107v Used Steel Drums 15 gal $250 8350 Mb VENTILATING SCREENS Aladdin OilMontcl LAmps $850 rind $900 with Parchment Shades Dr Bells and Royal Purple Tonies for Poultry and Stock llliiiiic Motor Kits 60 pails $159 To build working electrlc motors Sump Pumps for draining basements etc WAXES and Polishes Sure Fibber Mchc and Molly put on good show but we are still firmly con vinced that no rubbing wax is yet to be compared with 112le Pens 77Co11apsible $695 and $850 Liquid 01 Paste Wax Trouble Lamps complete $325 $395 JzipALac rlastc ilVax per lb 400 Childs Strollers Grey and Brown $1795 Back again and quality as of old DONT WORRYCLOSSONTHE HEELS OF THE PROS PEBITY OF THE WICKED WILL FOLLOW THE GHOST or CALAMITY HARRY ARMSTRONG 93104 DUNLOP ST PHONE 2801 Hundredth Anniversary Alliston Next Year anyone who was willing to learn college education never hurt something afterwards illCLI Rainfalrus Filledlloils lliecause ot Much Misery Alliston will celebrate its 100th birthday next year if the town council at an early meeting in 1946 starts the ball rolling by appoint ing suitable committees tO arrange series of events to mark the oc If you stiffer from boilfs you know how sick and 510 miserable they made you co It was the year 1820 that Boils are an outward indication of impurities in came to Canada the atom and ust when ou think you are rid of from his native town of Alliston one another crops up to take its plnqermd prolong your misery Allthe lancing and poultlerng you can coming To help that old reliable blood medicine 1847 he came and settled on the Essa Tossorontio townline near the four corners The Examiner goes to press Wed this purpose fpr the past 60 years Why not you rnesday Get your copy in earlyg 77777 The minimum 00 Limited Toronto Ont rlends and Allard Reynolds spent claysvin TorOnto Mrs Wallace Wood and Joan spent Sunday with Wal at Collingwood sister Mrs Drinkle Mrs Jack Stewart has smonth with her parents Toronto on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Wm Clarence and wife Midland 3Hllgh William Brock returned Wednes day to his homeon St Joseph Is land after attending the funeral his nephew on Saturday Compliments to Mrs For whose birthday wasNov 28 Mrs Freema French and French remained for aliew days Young Couple showered number from here fattende and Mrs DonMaxwell Thejyoun couple received many lovely gltt Shower for NewlyWeds Anumber of friends and rel tlves gathered at the home of weds with manyusetul gifts Ffed Reynolds Wallace Kells few daughter lace MrsVince JohnsOnreturned to Lindsay after few days with her left for her heme in California after Mr and MrsH Hornsby and children attended the Ice Capades Bannister spent the wekendRiith thelrson Quinlan and Mark Comp bellxcalledpn friends here before leaving for theirjobs in Timmins ney who celebrated her birthday Nov 30 and to Mrs Hornsby Eslgy spent Wednesd in Toronto and attended the Ice Capades Mrs the shower at Mrs Jas Smiths Wednesday night in honor of Mr and Mrs Tom Reynolds last Tues day nt ht andshowered the newly and Mrs Alvin Reynolds Examiner advertisers get coin plete coverage of Barries trading do may not stop more OVcrcOme boils yOu should purify the blood so whypotgivo Burdock Blood Bitters chance to show what it will do in helping you get rid of them Thousands have used it for Just tea etipeririusej to idesjgcrgibe they fresh1 livelySpirited avorirj6rf Liptons Textile tea WItbIthTiSI AVOurrieycrl atginsipidior Wishyz Weshy Change now taste iSLiPtonsTea