THURSDAY DECEMQER INS ONTARIO CANADA THE BARBIE EXAMINER BAR Strike Methodslvs Issues Allardales popula numbeibflcres denominatiom 1411 Pmbyterzan 52 An dilnlic dltM Inn in Itllgmm L15 Years Ago mun xxnmxmiff hf MKMBER OT Canadian Weekly Newmpca Association Class chkzin of Conch Audit Bureau of Circulztiom SUBSCEHETIONS Canada or Great Brittln $100 you United States 3158 year Single Copies in ILlQmO ltdinllt Roman hushed Wu 350mm fby IXAMINEB LMTKD MACIAREN 11mm no IANAGlKG trim IL WALLS mama no mum Iwm DECEMBUC lLU AAAAA gti the rprtlntle Ll Lff Iliitrx lvkclc Simcoc uunty Briefs win Borne Conducting Sumudnle Harrie Local New TN Lni 8c ouch tlttlil Leliltg Lt Illegalh Itininnnziienc frorei thil 3131VtgiLtllt mllrl Im Ii tnlrtl that lit was nltl for in Im iihllils rltilslislltii tott Sliri though the cm of inzluuidw Bread droppet puking the tinv llll mytnze who lllS Toronto or any other city knows whut it is to llllc up for tnudui anc right to gel line our revenue notvncmg sufficient t1 puj wk 1Illxhi lltltlllr an limit giwutilllilzflill LuillltlgllllLilhllju one cent Janie leiiyti ll bet tlcliii Slilsi ilv of pin hilllicts 0212 iri lirnla rtc of litr it iicur llontt llctl ttIil let lttl nnd then to be iinnmed in tighter llla ii llzilli alblciliciil on to for it lnigcluti tiretil Aid ttllll til S5bl9btl iii the gin pow to deal Willi md $35134 at the tins antmt the ittimi oi strikers who For imciziizvmd pulley tin lirnttci tiny pzutmx In for fninl of Funk fvlCAitiiJl Clothe lliit villtlvll tne Sons of FARMERS SIIODLI to Next Saturday December ii wt for the farmer4 twnnty and in factthrouzhoan the pmnrm in that day it will be tlcczded whether ill the proposed Ilog Pltltltltclr ktnketinc Far be putlnto effect For the his nut+ tr loci years leading hop producer lltt tt9mpting to get this iegoinzioz The Ontario Departureit of Aloniii nzis promised to put the At fficientiiurnber of the produwix vote itol and to this end they have et an riichnery for the vote to be Lilten lag fntze is twothirds majority throutzhoit 2e province the proposed Act will be lthLi it will provide for Lt marketing board to be up on which the producers will intri facial representation with the prom5 lIL 1tderation of Agriculture is lllizl vote and Saturday December iir day for votes to be rccelvwi wilLIcls in Simcoe are Stewart inct ltlii lloyd Lashley looks only to the market and loses Sight on In Ontario there are SCUILh lownx with iiiltitlllllt water and pulverlwm um Wm Minx with highway and mil facilitiesi iii ell in tin pioim pancnituc that it no liltloitctl by llml ljlllllllln wmm mnpkyee$hve lulu litl chiralled pill Ulllnlltllllll es because most of Ilii cnr LQIjiig thievm litllt hes nctbc it inn icinitzonce fretncntlv it Rugby without turned thll wait1 tvorks byluw thl tolll viron mud in Ltnvdol of lleetun Hiplaycld ii citbw croquet games llilultgflrvtll tllt Winning Ell ind listltlz of Lilch nni llcrch omitin THATS RICH the tion in it lllLtllltxL form kind of hearty Appreciation thats ttkcllctl liy Olin lusting Liptona the ten ilint imports say 1139 IiiNi llzlvulit rilwnyx fresh live lttILl llilllligttliitl ne er tint or insipi Set if utlf taste agrees with the experts Ask your grocer today for iris tasting Liptonu 71gb lld Women dcthodul Llilillh thuvM pri 2llllT at her lttl alllkik llttfvklt l2ilrlt1til with the pro tortillt day in indige Ailtciilikr ll lickle tfVi ion irnerrt lil illtlgul liitllmtlo Ail hill tiny it any bond of Slilh llJll Mi til lows tttli impunity untl preacher constituted lilililtillt to permit innircc bonds it NIH nntts in The lizirin Incttnnl men were Li Sltilllliilll Slurp ljviii lucioti tlluil prion the MCI llml 1le ti IlnLH Mr Mega itlililtl grippiics llll could quite easily provide ideal coh vn industry Taxes in them cen aud there are not the tram Lxllsilittttl dr med untri tcccpt kg ry llldll in effect Scltlllij up llatit own little Iflvlilttl niuttiid at plan or tnniuniy and sitppluntmg the xtiiktrs li xll thine illitStlimh responsible illtilrlkl of Lotto lulllillicgt llltlal in the Ford tll Zillitltl itrix Shiv hteggivh tll ill tiltiiillitlo normal atuiw SLLIHII Arnnll Letle Vicle Ft lltl lio filorlznici lnhd Kttilltrx llttllhwlutll tris Lit lucl All ul port contend wth in the citi the employers lire within walking distance ldtiily Mn Fred ltcridr and use EXIIIIlllltI lnsstfieds of Lic ltlit liie Mayo of Wind ll hottly up he vtLllzill of tln liilmi qh of with low lzZii viii ct mm ilc lltzznnntan We feel with the CloOperator that thelpmw encourage newlinerring uni lylllxl llnl moistthing lilmcoc ountt Brick The Lonnly otincti reforestation is the only onswm nccepl winniltttc icpnzi ilic litlzcliznr of it Is in lllpf cerium lnni it cnn Litnt oil it is the tiny unswc which hilt hill the security til tllt Slitllmil litlllllfv ltlll jvth xvii ln buy my Ontario Government shout or ixlidlltlnztc industries to locate in sma pinup lltttlzllJllleLlUll of industry would Ieiitii nit tlttl in ripm be helpizil to not only the industry itscllu but would make more rcudilg nvniloblegs for the farmers operating nroundi wliicli the ptvvltlt new WW that effect iii ivotum Cpi lull uiririinrp deftrd il inc mitt which Ylicj hive en lipitnciiln love 531 $725 on fzon Win opolnitl tor the keep of two trump Ltgtllvli0lll lul intiiiil iliiiczllt fill lll lvtntlull llltl in clerical iaiznnlziirnint lrltil lilill rm Willi lnztonniv litllllll ifr in omptl tittinr xvi1e illliltoiilll lul tliuun inny Zuni land the taintt of lrikci Ii bv were itlllllillnliltl lLiILI the Iucth No on oil Nii laborsaving WW itil Mm and viryn work from ii by liilcn cit lllllltliltll tilivlnnnl In pn $llltl tiitll to Eliefluct cduculmnil libthtllltltitt Years Ago IN NORTHERN ADVANCE lllLtllitL the smaller centres of the province now 21ch to ship much of their produce to tile cztt ri inmloui rm from tin2r rItIi on ll Bond Head Personnel Welcome Home Party ltclurnnt Unwindii EXERCISES BCI If you manage your own securities sorroiitforrs lizigh Clark who writes it very interesting column for the flight River tAltu Times presents 11 new angleto the strike situation when he says illdck of the demand for shorter work week is the dcuire of union lenders to incrcuse the number of workers thus Strolling the revenue from dues and lIlililllllll the political pressure which or cnnizcd bodies tilll exert upon governments lllltl politicians as well as employers Vynnbf Yorkton Sask one of Cnnodns well nown weekly newspapermen us highlynonorcd recently when 100 men ipromincnt in the newspaper political and lint business life of the prairies gathered at for him Sponsored the by Yorkton and District Board of Trade to Llll11llltllk his completion of 40 years editor of the Yorkton Enterprise Generous tribute was paid to his life of pub service rendered both personally and lit nCWSpaper Sam was the county you will find the agency service of this Importation lllFSED HYDRO TAXES OIIOSEI The Ontario Municide Electric lSStitlLI has issued uxirdcd protest against the effort beina mode to have additional taxation impoactl upon Hydro which now pays $35tiotnitioti innunlly in taxes Associations brlcf states any wit in the lineof additional tzixzition won not be in the interests of the people also contends tlltylll many cases nguv merits favouring further been initiatedby individuals or groups wl are seeking to undermine Hydro in order to promote their own selfish interests The submission goes on to point out additional taxation would increase cos rural consumers and adversely of interests of 900 municipalities 000p01 in the development of powc busts The Hydro organization throughout tlltl 110 Province has no function save tlitzclcvelop through his CXCOHC mom and distribution 0f Elecmc energy all stated to have seen the whole development coat the brief states It is not competing 01 Continued from page one At this itizicttizc jizcwnled licv iinnnnnfr it Itcurn with lied Tmi Hodge of Scivice fo ttihlltiltviii with the lnnncli lllilllkl 11 great help in saving time and trouble Briefly it very timely stronle iContlnucd from pnizc Six vsic directed by llllt lllntlgfclni Work iii Mirs Lory SltVtIl wot one He conicin much nvlilli joyirl by of the cusi vclrt Audrey lllltlllt lrnnc liell lolin Aime Murphy John ltccve and IItI this servnc comprises iun Ill ecil ittitil2 litum ckpiwiwd ihti appreciation of the honor tic lwdcil upon lllllt lunch Shear illltl IIIitltinltltit tins The physical safekeeping of your securities fitltlltrltt llcnilieis arm 1M Mm lllttllllll tlIltl rtditingofmromt toyour account ninounccit Ilicl mien hid the icrnliEIIdcr it the evening hwptIit in dznicini to the IIIIISIi of 1mm lnxtonr lllUVl Siepncnson v1 then MW mzntjfcIguiml RUSS Mira Providing SlallSthitl information Milden nppolntcd toziilllitltt to lrnw up it constitution for thel Burrit Liicrnzy Society WCTU risks town council ltiipliilllltll from entering poolrooins vns ull Sill Lll retires llic Illnitlcy lncli Attending to purchases and salesi Diplomas Presented Mnyor diplomas known Iunc During this period Miss Linc Dunczni performed SUIIIt dc llilltlllll exhibitions oi solo danc well mm pot lcnscry prcxcntcd tlic Siitllltllll school honor stud cntx the secondary school produ ution Sliltlttllh and two coiiiincrciul ill llliltlll were able to be prcseni to receive their but the Iollotvnip llnirsdny intro Sinclrnr taxation lily With the continuing trend towards the multiplication lllt Itclicf Bullltl of detail in all spheres of activity our agency service pay Ill accounts now due Pulling from office Alluridnlc visit Toronto re Allundnle liicrc will lli another of llltSt enjoyable evenings lntcr nnd niorc yttlllllilltlllf when more boys and lilll return from overseas nnd ire tllStlIiIl tied Forces Murpnret Marjorie lwcnnytli llutchings Elaine Irwin Jos Dorothy Jones Mary Kcnncy Don llzilllnntc Gerrard Gordon Ross ltccvc can play port in setting you frcc You keep Two members of appointed udtcrworks for New legal firm of Lcnnox Boys Brown announc ed On Monday afternoon Dec ill one oclock Alfred Wnrnicn and his son lch iollcndnl in boot to come to Bnrric nnd it was fcnr ed their bout liod capsized in the couple of toys inter the 1ennoxibont was found on the south side then thought and by some tiltltltlitli Deputy vestmcnts and have the comfortable is to complimentiny dinner control of your in diplonms had nullified mm Secondary School Ilonor Graduation Diplomas Bernice Baldwin linxcl Booth hlznptirei Kenneth Kntlilccn line Barbara Dymcnt Lois Farris Ircclictte ntlierine linlnnn lioword Green Klillliilllli Bernice Elennor Mitchell lollnnn ltnwson Irene Scott luxford lt from Majestys assurance that your records are always in proper ltarris IIutton IIunter llntchin Johnston Marion Muc Iiiindy llurris Ilood Shirley William 0n low ilSL and publisher shape The cost is reasonable we invite your inquiries soundproofIlls BRANCHES IllPRINCIPAL CITIES HEAD OFEICE 253 BAY SI lilennnn Carson Bomber Peter Ross Eve yn Boys Cnldwell Creed TV Still Milly Joan lotlwin lnllonte storm Yorkton from its oxonrt stage to the Wm pnvate mdnstry It ls cmmnmllly present large and progressive community mg very be to lower l0 COSL powllll In recognition of his services he was pros to industry and to commercml and clonioytlcE outed with mm painting Active for years consumers so that they III turn ill lldtt weekly newspaper organizations he has held numerous important Offices His many newspaper friends wish for him continued good 110 1th and suc Laws McCunig Muriel McKcevcr Audrey McLean Kenneth McLe0 Ilonnltl McMustcr Ptllllcl Mzidi both occupants mun Jncqncttzi Maxwell John Mcrrett Bonnenh Moore John Moron Herbert Mor row Int Poland John Reeve Dor xcu Richmond Pauline Robinson Beverley Rowe Phyllis Sanderson Iiclen Scott Kay Scott Ruth Simpson Helen Smith Ronald Smith William Spanis Bet ty Stairs Hilda Strnehnn Louise Walker Shirley Walker Ramona theham Arvilln Webb Beatrice Williams Edna Woodrow Donald Katharine Henry Marie YOIk Kathleen Youlll Spanish Dancers Joan McCorklndnle Joyce Brown Bill LitIleleu Smith Helen Storey Helen Scott Doris Lambert Lois Allsopp Kathleen Young Louise Walker Marie Vanderbeek Joyce Marion Dawson ViolinistsMarion Heath Janice McCuaig onnic CORPORATION McBride lnnicc Mnyes lonn Mnrion llenry Maison of the buy It was they put up means capsized the bout and that bout were McCunig lJolni McLean Ross lntricizi Eon ice Lenore Anne Tracey lil llli West Yommercial Graduiition Diplomas Evelyn Butter Gwen Brown Secondary School Ernest Alexander Joyce Allen Mury Belernnting Norma Built Frances Bell linrold Margaret Marshall Donald more funds to meet their obligations It is pointed out that rates for electrical service Would be increasedand Ontarios position as an economically tor new industries would be jcopardizmi it more taxationwere imposed onulIydro lt3a DECENTRALIZATION OF INDUSTRY The decision of the Canadian General il cctricCQmpony to locate its new factory in Barrie issgiven as an examplebfgtworth while trend by the Rural CoOperator prominent farm publication In an editoriall on the subject of industry locating in rural territory Editor Andrew Hebb expresses the opinion that large centres should stop try ing to expand into great unlivable masses CCSS Graduation attractive centreL fiiiiions or OTHERS WRIT SARCASTIC The Printed Word Lawyers say that access to and egress front ones erty Lind the right freely to pass along ighfnres are elementary points of jns FMSOI Mny Fulheuer N0 in common aniIIowevcrrdo he light of the realities of ight be something to this Anne Rodgers Brett Clarke mg Betty Caxton Frances Crniit Patricia Crawford Evelyn Creed Mnry Davis ildn Dunsmorc Dunbar ilelen Bruce own pro public thorot ltice firmly rooted clnrify the position in the Ford strike there in effect included in the Criminal Code The citizen is entitled to enter and leave his place of business or employment to pursue his trade business profession or any other lawful octivity except that he may be pre vented by labor union or any group of per Graham William Graham Fern Humpel Henry Jenn IIickling Norma Hin Hutchinson Eleanor Leigh tle Joyce Mchnn Stella McCord Barbara Mat Mary ton Alvin William Luking McMulkin Florence Maxwell Maxwell Nina Millen Mary New man John Nixon Beryl Iurvis Marion tliews Jones ofhouses and factories and that industries should locate in smaller centres Rock Valley Dancers sons calling themselves trade or labor union Betty BallJean Carruihers Dor Helen Reeve Audrey Richmond Salter or committee thereof in which event neither The police of the Dominion nor ofa province mrrofra municipalityrniay7take any action to evention whether it be by force or lice officer or other ial who erfered Robinson Maric John Stephenson John Huey ensoh Ronald Stewarthryanw Un derhill Roy Woodrow The DominionProvincial schol arships won by Kenneth Carson and Howard Green were present ed by Duncan McCuaig KC WJmith town clerk pres ented the Andrew Hay prizes for In his remarks Mr fuzzy wrltmg as mum Smith recounted interesting inci del Will get the Idea dents of school historycomiected With former principals of the BCI mathematics Holden There is much truth inwhat the Rural Co Certainly industry is oubtless as MrHebb ocating othy Gapp Doris Goodwin Betty Hook Gwen Johnston Betty Lin ton WiliaLonghurst JiineMor Mulholland Belt Spring Maribn Wallwin Bud Bad Leonard Cumming Bill Hin Jerry Lougheed ilpott Harry Rogers Val all Jack Wallwin Chorus BassWilliam Dunnett Wesley Greeri William Day AltoElwood Wynes Lois Allsopp Gertrude Crane Anne MoorhouseConnie Owens Mary Ellen Young Lillian Warniczt 2nd SopranoRuth Fieldman Saso RoserMarion Florence La Operator has to Sat too concentrated and it suggests industry would benefit by in more healthful surroundings be recalled that one brought the Canadian Gen eral Electric to Barrie was the healthyat tom and another was the ees could get home for their without much trouble one large centres is that of to lunch Transportation sys tied to the limits thesegdays stop sudh pr intimidation and any p0 Dominion provincial or municipaloff is proven in court of law to have with such actions on the part of st ch labor commmees thereof may be prosecut for damages by the union rison Bertie the consid gley ton Frank Jory It will ed in court of law or its members The foregoing may be as of our legislation And another claus that unioneers cannot be holed person who sounreasonoblymight have desire enter his property when it was strikebound Van de mathematics mosphere of the fact that employ Ccn noonday meal of the difficultiesln getting hem temsi strai but the rea cooper might be added to make certain into court by the The upper to award went tdEvelyn Creed and Roy Woodrow won the middle school prize FRIDAY NIGHT school can EVAN MCCORMICK Morrow senior member of the staff was chairman for the reommencementFriday nightThe musical and entertainment program ilar to that of the previous BARBIE CREAMer HAS DESIBHIIER Cominup Prom page one Hidkienatediby SF Lawrason Norris told The Examiner Whe waS very pronclrof the work by his butter makers and ted out that they had been stressingquality for several years Mr Allems hasbeen with the Bar rie Creamery for 30 years andis new plant manager Mr MacKen zie has been with the plant for years and is head butter The Barrie qreayiery has fotd by Mrrerorsig since 1930 Due Deneldo Coles Joan Peter son lst sopranoMadeleine Micks Rdth Campbell Rena rMadiga Betty Warlow Dora Dorothy Cheesman Shirley Cryder man Dolly Shewchuk Florence West Marguerita Paddison Mar garet Morrison Margaret Irwin rfdtheYS 3301 Band ClarinetsK Cooper Heath Stewart Monitored12 Roach FMaxwell Philpoit Hodges Mulholland Robinson Dyment Fisher Lynn alto Marshall FlutesFen Maxwell 13 Stairs OboelT Hutchingsi Saxow phpneslM HamiltonSimone Johnson TReidf Philpott BassoonlrW Spanig Trumpetgl +41 Clark HunterJ NlXOn Wiseman 13 Mayor Bevis Hutton Gosnoy McCullough TrornboneshW Craig 11 rArms HornskH Louie M2 Ma5tv1ell gJ McEaLian Fisher Costello Dowel EuphonlnnI4 Tuck Elackgtsock Salaam 311857 vestAT OConnor NeedhamiA Gates Percusaionle Irwin VIAElam CHAMBER or COMMERCE NOTES JRDUD1EYMANAGER Anpnrissns LION Such public Wor well named for they do protride work for vast numbers of the publiciDol Jamng empqued create thousands oijdbs buildup thecountrjy and at the same time offer the utmost Wasolicyhoidersunds This portion of every dollar int vested by Die InSurnce 00m pairiiesisin byieddtal ptovircial govgmmpntarhexo mainlxig 55ceziis is invetd inv olher bonds securities mott ngagos etc Besldo developing thecountry Life Insurance funds for more than 2i himdred yam havafguazdedthe homoeroIJCmV mainland privatiom from range one They believe this is themxim Pattersoni mud when town reaches ni 10000 the people start in order that the popu Continue ht Cockburnphysica1 educa lation will tion and science instructor pres ented rathletic Irawards tisftgtllows Field Day Champions The Hartley Grafton Cup Senior Wm Laking received be by his brother John Baking The ExaminerICup Intermed Champ ion Reg Roach ThGeo Comm Champion ions Club Cup Co London movmg out Itjvas decided that VarrequesLb made to thliedjl Goveffilherit theg5d mat number proceed with the construction orthe extension of our present 3g Government dock in the Barrie at the foot of Bay as an unemployment measure Jacobi and Maj Du attended the Ontario Associate ReOlganizatldn by theeld secretary are for of ac Mr Mc ormick saidthe of CT did not ree with this thought of size and ave champion NDREDSOWILLIONS dollars have gone to war in the last six Years inthe shape 50f investmentsin Victory BOnds Life Insurance Companieshave in vested for their policyholders over onefand onthalfbillion dollars in vitorr Phyllis don pom Town of if Barrie did they would now field St to decide who was going to moved out The Mc and circle pro tlined Conke Bill Ayerst The Senior Champion Stella MeCozd The Phyllis Johnson Cup Int Champion Louise Walker Junior ampionGwen Brown Thetfollowfng awards wet ented by Walls Elmslie cup forsenlor champ ionshirp rugby CossaVGe0rgian Bay District7Larry Lougheed Strathf cona medal for marksmanship ReginaldPage Cups and Engravadj spoons to heed boy and head girl head boy Cockburn Cup PeterBoys head girl WhiteCup Joan McBride square Brennan bass 163 been 13031 Meetirig The An make our ds of Trade rToronto November 30 sidesof the squ 3n co tit01 PlvMeetmgflhe Bill tivitis are commercial agricul eoggctgdog 211120ntngreamefy Chamber of Commerce and tvml industrial and civic mm with Election of Officers will be held ofthe Ontario ntries creameries The natiorial field secretary paid 011 mber of Me conference of tread he added Afasoeiatiori thepairyjm 3m 9pm 0nJanuaiY 19463t WhiCh tribute to Barrie open discusgions and fullreports willrbe made to the members arid laillmembers Will be requested to pmximatelv forty 108 butter new be in attendance and in addition Commerce and particularly manager Mjor Dudley calling the recent 7bnd5195d secretaries inMon Major Dudley stood outpndmor than phySically The speakerwas introd LNettleton presidentofithe Barrie at and heWas thank ed by Robinson Warren Wilgarweloorned th of dir ectors to the Lions meeting and Bill Garner welcomed members of the ToWn Council Kiwanis president brought greet ings from his club Mayor Peter Sinclair commended Bert Gurney for hiswork as cbairman of the Lions civic improvement commit tee VicePres was in the chair in the absence of President Bony Saso who was on business trip to Chicago It Lilo Immancedollarswtll soon begeltirigbaol intofcivvieshgain Airprpgabetimoiondition rturn Lille Insurance gvil again lolly ubefulfenter rises as the of highways bridges harbours ekvatorslretb re Commit pened trong French were ije representing pa per centot petition LBki Simmer for Oglmip told the con venting that whitey this provlhce last year 0ny58per scent of the butter was fmgvarade compared with an averageof Ripe centfor the Domixdotills yearrtpe tario gureWELD 75 per cent 21 The competiftomiw permanent tbpgtrankinguspeaker hagbeen in vited to addreSS this gathering The Barrie Chamber Tot Com merce have assisted nine exseig vice men in securing business premises and in various ways to become established in the Town ofBilrie in the past few weeks in addition to some larger organiza tions pending theinmrltvaljnjth Town of Barrio 0N IS PLANNING SECOND WAR MEMORIAL Only 25 of Allistons 1700 citi zens turned out to 5a public meet ing called last week to discuss what might be done to erect war mem oririi for those who had served and lost their lives in the Second Great chiefvcreame ucgy Harold Mrs IvanClemmens omember of the Beard or Education pres ented certificates to the following students who had Stephenson Tyinpant 13 Stewart Board of Eddcation handsomely bound vo school on behalf of the secretary oft the of Education and term ity The volume was Inscribed demarcated to the Barrie Collegiate Instituteby Mr and Mrs Edward cl their daughter Muriel in caribou son ahdbrdther Donald Felt who was killedyin ac tion over Germany on July 26 timber To the resented tune to thef intermediate qualified ordan Parsons Abercrombie Eleanor Adamsori Douglas Allen Gwyn neth Allen Barbara Appleton Ro bert Armstrong Ronald Armstro Verna Armstrong Mervyr Ayres Marie Ball Ronald BlackstoCk Lena rBonney Shirley aBush Kerim neth Bytes Murrayrealdwell May Calvert Kelly Cameron Eric Chon Ontarios oddity improvement pro ALLIST it is guidith LIFE INSURANCE Clifford at Silverwoods ls dairy was Wiggly group two Bill Stephenson Felt an memo petition nen Eileen Clarke William Craig Josioi DAmbrossio Ronald Davies salvage machines Harvey Dawe Marian Dawson Ban depths are Walter DeGeer Joan Eer Ruth i942 It wmbe book of rem vmbrance 10 record the names of those from the Bell who served doi Howevgi many suggestions were put forward by those present and commirtleejwas appointed Wot Message fromtheLifo brilliancecompanies Canada at 714 in Ion ms SALVAGE TELEVLS The jaws of will operated at great oc ttyyguided by television apparatus Fieldman Eileen Fine firmn 1mm infifthe Second Great War