Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1945, p. 9

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THE +BARRlEll EXAMINER 82nd YeorwNo 48 BARRtE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY NOVEMBER 29 l945 Section 2Poges to l4 iBarrie Arena Company lHOG PRODUCERS Now Being Equidated lURGED TO VOTE lmPeIIBlThurPrISat Slut allpilllltel operating Cltlltli ii 5499733 hildlMAKE YES illitllldaltir to wind up the affairsopcrahng expenses of $33891li Housnpr HITS Nun of Mm ma won Ll the Barrie Agrilullurnl Arena iie stdtcnient us presented by Mr pJn hump from Ovencn Linilted at the 611 and List ailnwl Salter was approved llie oniy wily to prevent welcomed cam New If we bhlrlhldch sevenl ll 35 ll Cdlb 81 llliil sin Hum $3 hugs Hm ivy Laundmw mu hhhou an directors holding prwa votes abldrena compmw WM hm Organized lttle flog lriiducers Scllcrlie said stende the final meeting held inlm Bafe um timea C0nliliiriliz Russel lccpfebldiil of P051 to Edmonton ime mmfndeii mu wwlliin was inciirtxirated because slime gimme COUNY Fedefillm Lt Dudley son of hiajorEWSdi afteriiiiun The only dlfliair Board could not nvn buildl=icullC well mli AMERiCAs Ac mime optic and Mrs Dudley of Barriecc01libimwi Nwlw iiigs rm mm mmde bed or at Sluyncr lan Wednesday has been posted to Edmonton Hf It believed that when tlieliin arena was then loclited on the At all if meetings held last week arrived home month ago zifieycharier is illlillyfillrrlldirtd theresitc now occupied by the Bum the fluiiich were clearly in qutlI servm overseas lhlltfftjvllf waspvill be tillplllSlUbUO and llllrEllUllCitilltglltl0 of the plan which priivtdcs falui Wounded three tunes Will be divided itillilllg the Slime HEW yum m1 imiidm LIh Willi uli UDDWtUmYY H0811 Mme num unum huilcrs who bougnt stuck 10 yeawlimrmd mp Himd human rate the price of hogs through TERXYMOtLlDAYJRYONGREER Dzughtcr of Llcrgyman lliglu to the extent of Sdtlootl ii 33 axiom 2000 mp jtitlll Ctdllltlrtft Itplesclllllig fziiiii LAW Mary Sinclair daughteri llle Arcnu iiiiiplirly is beingllpcted and the mmmnv WM rclcl5 and packers The scheme llitw of Rev and Mrs 11 Sinclair wound up because the Arena waslmgamzed and region re mi lbecn approved by the Department Hum Swarm of Allandale came home on the sold to the Town of Barrie llllilt use uddmmm 0m of Agriculture HEAR Joan lltls wind up the outboard motor asvtndruun Queen Elizabeth last week and Fem no dump Tm 5213e4irhmugh the gcncgumv he Cm Mcwngb week we mm EAR Gem Km in drums ON if SAD PROGRAM ANOT reached her ltoine last Friday holdch agreed to give the liiiildinglums nd me dd um the Snitch Settlement Mirthurst HEAR Ethel 5mm play the big orgd COMMUNITY SING SONG mommgf Miss Sll 3mm Vmelfo ihmwll dlim mill fgWright bought $13000 viirtli xi Avenlng Stroud Utopia Ulllllirll RCAF 10 lrmg 194 md Infield llml NillCJtshares himself the $30000 was Lisle New Lowell lvv Arli 55 AND Pox ll OVIETOHE NEVS PM 359 llllv Vldxlmlo ll lulmlpd rinsed Stayner Guthrie Maple Vailc electiiin ii 3er gig voted in favor 11 bllOWlllg lllL bilnlt Program len ycliis ago the ILgtLlll UUlld ltl an ianL ill Brothers Home of Spending $30000 to install zln AN sTllll Till rli NT liit docked at Halifax Nov 19 and in operation Now that the town mm Cdulwnib HL rN now owned by the town and $30000 ye Jillll ICdflllll llami ton nil the Hi owns ic undiiig tlll Alum 15 up nd pmp Lucid mm last Thursday were Pie Ernest and eruted by it commission appointed yam fpml lilllmp 1m hulld uh ILX lurn DAL OBRHN pm Douglas mus Mn and MN by me TOW Cumml 11 with an artificial ice plant llltCltlthh xil be attended uNNnnnuHunwuuwmnm one or more directors of the Sun gt William Shaughnessy 218 Dunlop At the meeting to wind up the Mulcomson whultovik we COW chmmun pmmrm AS EVER SANG WAY St Barrie They were met by affairs of the Barrie Agricultural down the minutes for the list on WWW mum their parents and several parties Arena Limited President nual meeting of the Barrie Agri shcm MAX This is one of the have been given since they arrived Smith was in the chair Others cultural Arena Limited served on home At Hlmilton they were also present were Qiilter trcas the board of directors of that or mm npdrldm pmglmb fillme greeted by il sister Nora and ltltl llld llltllllll idircctuil llllllllltlll for 30 ycurs ind wi hit Hlmldkcn limy lOihS th brother Kexmem Tncy Wm Malcmmun Jeremy Secretary for 20 yelm Th com and marks the beginning of new icgonomw tived himle 11 June latter five and Lime Tllllitlll lillllltli ll llll is now hem lhd do for agricmmre if the wth thrillingnewson WHO is successful The Federatioi of 33 onehalf years overseas Lrncstand Rodgers Donald MacLarcn the charter Wlll be surrendered 56 Klt li by Rdg5 nd Douglas bllaughnessy were over he firmneial statement for the pursuant to the conditions of the rim 50a auitlocesl Hammerstein seas three and onehalf years and year ending Oct ii 194 Showed Ontario Companies Act new wild gave you served from Normandy through to 511 b1 10 $1011 Oklahoma Germany md Md WWW mi 112mm has been manned mm the lilllleis must register tthll their agricultural representative and whole effect is cleancut and cheer cind Carousel With Esex Scottish Ite ll Stranaghan Son of MP flll liend lair banal he Cpscscnllil and Mm Robert 51mm mm 140 77 mm lves lCC iis ntay one Blake St Barrie came Dimme iilliil but must be completed by we Queen Elizabom and reached Advertiscrs are requested to get Dec the lust voting day Barrie last Thursday He was their copy into The Examiner of r$vvg greeted in Toronto by his parents tire early Late copy makes it and brother RUSSQL on wednes difficult to get our paper out on dz he was if Windwr to tend The opening of the nor Home time 37 Apphance branch Shut ab my recepmm Ewen for ms regunenl nOUHCCd thOUgl fun Page the Esselx scoulSh Olmrseatsthrge vertiscmcnt in lhis isgue brings years saw mucr ac ion in lc cnilan lc wu youn 20 France Honanl Belglum nd Gel men who have been on acfive dul DENTIST Flymg and gliding were very nggfm munyN with the Canadian forces for some Wm 10 the fore all Monday MENS umc Kiwanis meetln Barrie Air Cadet Cpl Barber Home Clifford Keny 36 of mm Is now in practice with Squadron 50m 30 strong were He was unaccumm Cpl Wallace Barber son of Mr manager Fred Kelly will be the Dr Brereton guests as well as number of ifl Lbic kin and Mrs Barber RR Bar men from Cam ti manager of the new branch Born or en in 13 rle reached Halifax on Queen E1 in Toronto he cdumted in POSt Office Sl wc Maiioy Air station CO and rxyslhgblhe YQliPlt izabeth on Monday and arrived SW Tl rifyou roar home early 13 Friday morning Ngdwl0llliteiilgtcldcinhslfdronliiu Forappomtment sing CVCIIlllygeL was Nfglhgrnnziii COMEDYImlouwgasp On Queen Elizabeth vault cmm um 1min phone 3251 Barrie Bill Green who recently tookl gt ion te ours eacoc es 15 Slgnaner served the HMCS course gildmg at the CM AWARNER BROS FICTUREWM of Mr and Mrs Wm Peacock 34 Open Tuesday and My Drummondvme that Capacny 00 Far udwl and now hlb mg We hm We and saw plenty of action on the Thurs Wings 15 certicate 85 Ilallfled Slld91 ALAN HALE LEE PATRICK DAVID BRUCE Directed by EWISSEILER seas he Queen Ellubeth mincsweepel during the VaT He pllt Shurt lm ammriunnvmmmmn rivasrvmnmnrnmnmpwmnnsmmm went overseas 18 months ago an receiwd his discharge recently screened 2nd feature CHARLESWINNINGERFAYBAINTER THE ROXY GRANADA HAVE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ONCE AGAIN XMAS GIFTTICKETS was in me campaign right through With him on sales and service There are hundreds of Air Cadet lt II Slfedliill 53 ES AP IN Di ER With whom the Em 55 of Bri Prince Rupert he received his edu OW ll 15 Proposed that llley lake cationin Booth Memorial High up gliding All blfll threefofi the erVmeS are or mpg Dantiile Alan Hale Samuel Hinds 1323 sumect to ddllonsand years wiihdhe Norihem power this So school for training ln ASgt Larkin 11 CAR 26 Co in that province and later with structors gliding was established Owen st frame the Canadian National Telegraph FULL COURSES 03 at Carp 16 miles from Ottawa war Assets at reasonable ICC5 to Germany is Albert madman who hails gt Sdlladrons across Canada and JeallSullivan Phillip Dom Irene Manning Helmut tam recently were the ionowmg School there He was forsonie He enlisted in October 1942 with Bill Green was Sent 10 this SChOOl The insurance on each cadet woulrl Tpr AyOtte the Ontario Committee He be about per Seasonpr and the RCAC and was with that THIS YEARGIVE ENTERTAINMENT Elllnlsgagne 11 CAR branch of the Canadian forces unl 18th some of his experiences dl then it would cost about 60 cent rgwnll CAR er til October of this year in thel CATERERS lthis school Kirby wooden per flight Gliding is quite safe 813 sit atey same month he was married to ii glidler was used The first few once you get used to the com01 Dance Midhurst Hall Friday Barrie girl Miss Doris McFadden fhg ts are rather terrifying until Dec ices Ves Branch ngH Longhurst RCCS 202 for younget accustomed to the com Sgthgxgminlilaeialc Iglinillillelii3iscanadian Limo VAizlmlssmn 33 daughter of Mr and Mrs McFadden William St The new branch is at 26 Eliza POSTOFFIVCEVSQUABE bethSL in the rebuilt store which is tastefully redecorated in pale HOLMES Propemr green with white and trim of Bradford SL Barrie Tpr Crozieryll CAR RTRNO Cookstown Tpr Eatqnll CAR Angus ng DJudg RCCS RR No Anten Mills Bdr Gibbons RCA 115 Gwen St Barrie Gnr EsMoore RCA Thornton LtNS Barbara Green RCMC 38 Burton Ave Barrie Returned Home from0vcrscas Pte Gordon Gapp of RR Bar rie returned home withihis unit the Royal Regiment of Canada to Toronto last Wednesday night from overseas after twoand half trols number of the students after an accident gave it up as comed mm he Chlb Gems 4849b bad job cablewire is attached mm to the glider so you can only go so high Bill said he made 27 flights before he got up 1000 feet You have to get the feel of the glide and be able to go with the BRETHETTlle family of the laterJames Brethet wish tdthank Eltlrpurrentb petore you car mdswr their many friends neighbors and relatives for their many acts of Ghders were use 1011 before kindness and their beautiful florali arrplanesln chlllwlglll2t Lemembrenges at the time of their thers gained their first real fl sudde said bereamrrimriHFTOSS ing experience in gliders Gliders 9f lovmg father 48b proved their worth in this war FLETCHERMr Fletch The British have developed glid er andfaiilily 113540 express thenl appreClatlon to their neidhbors and FOR APPOINTMENT mg to hgh degree and 1t played friends and especially Nev BRA ATD ENTERTAINMENT LASTSHOWING TONIGHT THURS RED SKELTON ESTHER WILLIAMS BATHlNGBEAUIl FRI SAT MAT Si 230 GRAND ACTION HITS uuucounoilIInuunouuuncnnunuInucllnnll TRINITY CHURCH marlin Congregational Dinner mm DENTIST is new in practice with DECK Reception for Returning Service Personnel TRINITY PARISH HALL WM BOYD WMARGAN yars 0tsejvice throu France MONDAYDECEMBER$630 pm Viv ninrpdifritrtinithe Normandv Dam their manykmdnems PRONEWMszh in ANN SAVAGE SETSSllfllililelillli SPEAKER MAJOR VINCENITPRICE KC ofTORONTO $332 ielllgilfn intgiliill $233133iiiBellinghe it in Amour where they were given FIGHTING Fm plum which was responsible for holding MI c1vrc welcome by Mayor Saunders of Toronto and afterbeingnis TICKETS 50 sector mtwo months Gliders can go up 40000 feebanl misSed was greeted by his par entsbrb er and sistervand other relatives and friends Tnere was verylarge crowvd to welcome all trial hinual Commenceiitciltjxerclses ormaiiigifegieiliigaizgiiiie Dex willabe jThursdgay randidagmevenjngsl ADMISSION 25 InnununnuuuguIWInmnunIHunu stay in the air for days The cost 0f glider training for air Cadets TO CHOOSE YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS IS is the big factor It is possible to get gliders end equipmentfrom the AGRICULTURAL BE WISE COMMISSION To ASKFOR RATES BECEIVEBRIEFS Stevenson SLCompany TheOntarlo Agriculturnl Coma 95 DUNLOP ST PHONE 2419 BURNERS MANHUNT UNDATMIDNIGHT MON TUES trip of mission of Inquiry which has rel Membcr of Barrie Chamber of Cumulercc sumed its sessmns for the coriSidjl LiIhrceniglits Week from three WEED501T Sizes3337g BROWN ToNES BUTTON MODELS 52550 BOYSOVERCOATS TWEEDS Sizes111615yaisfjj gt suns FOR FixSERVICE PERSONNEL BRING us YOUR PRIORITY4 WILF Hrroonq tutii Jim four tliilfililcrllredligkztigclesgloy 13119 THE BCoI eration of the problems ofmar CC ourso if bA Barrie Arena In addition there Tl aggngnglounllo $3th lifteivsllaiiigl many as 500 representations ffromtany organiza Firemen it ar whometlmes asf elixir JiHL milanalog thereis Spec lovlcent 2n ADDED HIT ip schoolchildren Li Ricar Dix in Since the artificml ice plant was gt installed six weeksiagowthere have bnirilore than 5000 paid admis SLOLSLQQBEEEL4WE citizens Barrie and many from the sur rounding territory appreciate the factthat they canVaalways depend on ice There is now no hesitation about planning askttingpg and the increasing numbers 35 at the Arena on skating nights is ges ture of appreciation to the tax pllyeis who made the artificial ice plant possiblei Manager Wes All sopp saysche is more than pleased that So It by young people are en laying use ofthe Arena Pennies flush ereggvren gogsfagns net ur aygan at ur ay evenings the demand for skates and Bing booth has increased Itis under Mmiqe Elm 5tbodthat5linta Claus will have lot of requests for new skates thls Chtistrnas lo lions farm grolipsmor individuals having suggestions or recommenda tionsto present on any phalse0t farm marketing Professor Leitch Vchalrmanof the Commis sion announces Professor Leitch stated lhatbe wished to tendon nvitatibli 10 all suclfllindividuals Orvgroups to appear befor the Marketing Committee of the Com mission and make their views known This Committee will be holding meetings throughout the month of December and dates for the hearing of representations will be arranged as Soon as possible af iierisiiie rlglllarimdiiil Til CRAWFORD 00 ii issid gt They will bravely facejfany liskBllTpiGlC Will Loss andonly yorlrfire insurancepolicy canpro tectyourragainst that Seeusptoday tti7inconsonswr 41 Dunlop St INSURANCE AGENCYf pial 3735 MEMBER OF Bennie CHAMBER oricomlunngp Ilhursday Evenings 8157 Iilfffc Oddfelhwnau 31 12 GAMES 35 DOOR PRIZE Prlizrzs THIS WHEK40hlcljiens Haskeis ennui and Climber Prizes Also Good Dbor Prize and citeShare tht3Woalth Game phases of marketiig of farm pr0 ducts including 1001 prices co operative marketing development of export marketsand extension of schemes underthe Farm Products TORONTO control Act andthe cqminitieewill welcome biiefs on any of these ERS OF Tm TORONTO 03$me ml subjects aIS well as on other aspects of farm marketing RequestS for chewing before the Commission should be made as soon as p05 sible to McIntyre Hoodfsecre fairy Parliament Buildings To If phoning Clashtfled gdlets or newsltems have the itemwritten out iiothat no time islost at the phope FLYNNplsRANOH BARRTE puma49 DUNLCtl ST

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