mm OADDTE WA THURS NOV 29 1945 THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA PAGE VElGllT fffl$ gghlifw L4lRepresentiltivos Report 2iil ii gum iilTo County Council on lAgricuuura Aetiyie the ym agricultural legit ltitlie Lil South Simeoe was in 4t idtiicn anneal He will 1th 1443 ituuiil go down ill his hr Jl that required four COUNTY ASSESSOF Alms llltgt t1 pu the crop in iild four lC Uniorm Basis Llll li Lirir it off The wotle For the Whole County Board Set Up to Get Fair Livestock Prices CiiLllirll that fli air he pointed to luniir funnel xviis stringed ll li It lilo tiilltw id lilo was paid llLs fuztav in wmim Inglicitlaizlil repremiitative Donald men mi ill latl Simi n=lslltir who coached the provincial ii vi iildiirr fliglhiJl Allc gi2lli illi of Alllatott MT in tim My MD SODbhM the 521 til Vi isnltmihsiiuimc inlmm ii iii tlic driull is v1 pm Huh yliiix digginltiigiltula infi nountil Ki iit iiiitiii Allis il1falahH21mf33 icfnuljfl ixfmilfxy 333 norm of llJlrtli llli Nd mninscd the W4 ANAHA welcomes you home You lllgiILiklgu21SEH inn it my HHSEQQV EdiAlkth he 531d gm and on um thrhom Cth pacer Mannditto ch llltlliltllliilllt Nliiiiiiii Sumac itin wem seven fummmuhme fungi fur EH mo ML 75 pctnwivhh Bum mm and mm iii Di mi dkd Plint and mill in change the liltl Mm Hume The daughter 0f VAnd naturally you have decisions to icr IA 71th lixmnwil in km Wk Hm glmu SHMNm wumy 5955 mm make Forcmmphyuumuy bewondermg Hum lii itiil Sliltlllllkl lllitm in Kmhm gown Cuulh how to use your vimbimaion Gran J5 LNG hkdhciwv IIMVH ymx blip huh mi awq YT ELI Mb iuittl ilj Mr Sm mg 315 fdu mumi mull or Money Back Waring ink cz tiiiic it JOr mmmwmm hm ifllclllxtvl 311Smlickisliesgemoms Bank proptllttl to help you mill friendly Founphm hii xi lii gt33 in 11 jig in up Swim hpl in Smmm kw pructlculuducc lipnviilfpgp fill llf l3l fl him Zilyll 113714 lllwl WW priiriiiieiit in swine production was Gratuities and Money iGrunts Business Doppngscnlpylop pii ti il in gllJLR brow farmlip tlii tiillli mod VJ 4H 11 it Am tum 01 Ioiln rind Lnuilhiilliminllrmcraltv Wltgwlrjg gfe litter1 vctHl Him ii lt glarincil to Low mcm he mutter of inlenseltlilnvltxlil Tim PM Mr lil irltl lilm illVilltil stimuli Hm Ltlulallon and ltcllllllul Irnimng offer loony DP stan Hm MUHJHLJRY Hm 1i with plumulail in the now mm hf Mm W11 Ur mu mum My Pug uppur inn opin mun poser io llt m2 itl ti il mil dum ialziiliii lllliillllilll inc unity nutty mu than was courses offutureendeavour Ade mum Hi 33 and more wink being done through The Bunk 0f Nam Swim mm help For WIde seleChon and Cho ce ixillli tiii liin WM Wm WV ll Penson Plan fo the If RwyIm loci 30 hurlur rs Vi 9e mnmu these he llltJlllollLd county iIi will liiaiiii illi Uil il Hltfl06h lCDunty Employees at mumvi mmiv rmicuimm WWI 0m of our Branches and lit ii owi with if 1H Slit1 l5 Nil ii lltl ll Ar llzy izi iitnii iiiii the ting pin The January SCSSIOIIS IlxllltL lcdcration of Agriculture It lllllllllgll ls nail and llxtous to ly ix ELM ASAill My ltllltl iii no itlll ill in biltk litllllliml FWltllCSi CWD lmlHUvl will Illanhng mr Pmbklms illitt7 VimIi iii Ilili t=iIlllltill of lllt lillltls l2lli iiilillmiri lllll iicnt associations Soil illld limfl lit ni tit ll rt It The winmr pman lbw WVlm my INN Hmmlmw nwmlmuw Ml lliziziiiiiiit lflllllh unitiii implanted the pioustrcixcd ttllllllltllllly night classes iv Hi it ll ii llltgttllly iiilit iii councillorsiiiiipivii illiiil plan or tlillly eiii carried on iii cooperation With the CIhe of Ml ilmlllv 11 ml riiiiniv iiliiciillt tlllllllJLiiliiilll5 All Nil llt lillMl ll lld lllkll Almwmum we Iriiliwnrl it ivimlizlttiv in ltiillil v1ll lwcntvdhree centres in libM Mi Ullklldlllittl bl Ml il mlll llll MT Mm mm qumhiilin ins Sgiliitl Nunt gt lwiili hour lltlin lmms ni HM Hill tll ilnizriiiaii anti iiiiiiniz llinw who illllwtl tul lllmt WNW Oreru mitiirynf Blinking Expcriencc Shunt th tXVltltltll Iiiliii Ciillrlfrllrrlr iii 1I111iilitltit lfllj rm ilk our run it into Vi iii iriiiilt llilliiflllltil by itrit iii tllctl allirlus hgd this gt 331t311isltl Essa illzlliliilili iif tllviuttlllfl Illl5tlti lmllll iziiiiiiiliiiiii rviiiiiiiiittiv Navr lllivllllll ii NW I110 it 0111 Mrs ll Bevcridge Montreal immnw wer phrmissiuii liltiil wrillltl llt iutulnziiic at those visited few days last vcclc lll AmPW 23AN31ALIUIFP Jimsqu Adletsvbhoum be Sent lt llllgtlltl certain designated lillltliillflt The plan also provides ionlier aunt Mrs Alfred Dyer A5mdlll d5 JIUdlIlCFCHl 01m l9 10 hximlllllr d5 earlYEPIPOS with Mummy pumhm mum mum MSW iivphc people this community or pieces OfIlltithlldllllC used in sible to meditate classification mm wmmmn WWW pi win hm hm 11K pleased to he that mg making Single pull of leather under proper headings 5pmWed i0 itllltll oi the lidtl51rlll llilfliltil lllt yClilllll ltll many years dump of Rev Dr Green is still nn 511005 nesduy lb closmg time Ltillllllllltt brought in bv chairman The matter will be brought up friri llmmd gt tF 11 Vfi in lctNltHl no Jinumv Slitgltll meeting of Sunday An extra $r5 monul ml win 111 Hf Lfgllilt School teachers zind offlCErS was boginning at up Hm sly imp illiilii l3 Sump lu llCld til church NOV 25 ll icr Sunday cliool to zirrzinuc for leh appnnlmnd lt the NIHth bHdCL hmqmu 9m nn Week pavillilc now In addition LHllltilllltt for UllSlthlllllUlL gt Presentation to it and Mrs Burns Itshefcoillgb thaallcks the cough that is hard 54W 111C1011gtlt About 50 friend gathered at get 11 ecoug accompanied tickling in blltlllltl you in Mime ollr TM mldry of me Supermmdm 1ltinlibhhliiyiiiik lolly school Nov to honoi My the throat that causes the nervennd fhioat wrecking gt family would get 5940 at once nurses was increased 3170 Chumh sunnth enmm and MlSl1llIIlSllln AFern Em trouble that kccps ou awake at night or lUm Cl 09 ha Vcly Dr WOOdG P1110 Syrup helps to relieve and 9n llltnlllllV for cdlh Id ill 150 SIM lt lt Royal Ballk Ulldmgi PCWUWW Mcnlbtrs of the public llClllll still rst $35 Bglilllln103113inirilnISPDIOgrlnfc dld$ ddlld Illsss 881 this coughiiig colliditlon Smoothing theurltotedpnrta iii uirics uro lIlVlllt lira mg 05 Or 011 Pre ooseuingt egm an stimulating the bronchial organs and when this lt KETCHESON Rah ill 10 30 llt Till Hth tlife milligmvbclliiiiil gielillllnwtllllllh tblgoigdiigsVeds cam done the guanine irritating cough my be relieved illLeticoi incroiscd to $2 40ilind Pie Charlie Breedon Brock Dr WON Non Pm STUD has been on the market 01 thGPMli Bran Manager ville cut the veelendat home 4830313 The Trade Uku3 16 Tr908 llll car allowance of $800 vP Mui Local bewwemcn Honored and Errol lennox received their Price 3508 bottlelmgefamly 8120 about 3tlmeaanmucb 600 stall NW lncwmel by MC Founof our boys llilluld Brce rings at Ll welcome home party held counters Muster showed that 3227615 trees don Jimmie Brendon Jack wilsm iii the hall last Thursday night The MilliurnCo Limited Toronto on my The key tomodern 11v1ngm your home IS an adequate electric Wiring system and plenty of outlets For convenience and appearance for efciency Safety and savingeevery lamp eye appliance needs its Own outletat every point ofusage Toomany appliances Operating fromtoovfewoutlets meandagerousaw overloading of existing wire Too few Outlets mean exposed makeShifcicOrdvsj unsightly andunsafe TOO few outlts mean less efciency from your equipiii menc dimmer lighting vslorwer Service and higher electricity bIIIspl GENERALQELEGIBICis Wiringendsfcint correnientli chaicddutlcts Save time if andirimbleeby giv gimuboweiendplightwhrever neededIlleysaveinoney by ensuring thdFevry and appliance in your home is receivingvough if electricity for efcientjhd Operation They enableyOuto eiijOy lllthe bone3 fitschat modern electricalieqwl merit can give Make the mascot electriCail living bymalgirig sure that your home tremor old is adequatelyiwired with dependablelonglastingGeneral ElectricWiring materials iiilino IIAN GE ER HE53AD diner TORQNTO