mm nuance WI lHE BhRRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANAD 194 0n SaturdayDecembel at Elizabeth St ANNOUNCEMENT take great pleasure in announcing the appointment of Mr Clifford Iohn Kelly as manager of this new branch store yactive service with the RCAC after three years in thcit branch of the service Born and reused 1n Prince Rupert BC he was edu ceded at Booth Memorial High School there Previous to enlistment he was with the Northern Power Co and He has recently returned to ciVilian life after serving for over three years with the RCNVR as Signalman on the HMCS Drummondville CLIFFORD KELLY Born in Toronto he received his education in Ottawa and at the BCI here in Barrie With him on sales and service Will be Mr Albert Norman Blackhall who was also just released from Wlilloalriotlllll111tllllllollllltltrllIlllltlllllllllll later with the CNR Telegraph You may feel safe in consulting these boys on your service problems Satisfaction is guaranteed by thisr store ELECTRIC Electig KELLYS Signed 11KELLY IIIIIIIIIIIIllllIAlllIl Record Players crud Records SMOKERS STANDS ASH TRISYHS 1111 Elecitrothe AIR CONGRKTULATIONS and bet CONDITIONERS wishesto Mr Kelly and his as soctoteson they openmg of 1118 new store SILEX CORY and 77 VACULATA QEEEWMAKEBSWM MrgKellys enterprise has done Vmuth towards providing 110 and ght fonthe homes pond busi neSses of Borrie We know this VCCRY RODS new store will add to this 13161111 record of service 7i viEverr Home 1111111111 11 Ldmp THEM1NOW Lamps ofAlFKindE FLOOR LAMPSITABLE AND BED coups PINUP gLAMPs STAND AND GLASSWAREuV LAN11$ DIVISION 111111111111111111113111111111a 15 AAVu LIMITED 111111111101 grit fr1m7frzf Ik Lina 1591601theSSitdhCIHnOnizWiththo vlntenordecomtron ofryour home Authortied Dealers 101 in 1111111111111 111 gy611e Brrht 1mm gr IRAENGETTES WASHING MACHINES M11111 STORE and New 111111111135 2111 AVAILABQE soc BUT 111111 your name right wa 111111mg Clapperton 51 Em 1cm if DIAL 3432 toma1iurrrW gt narrowerVJw NEW 21 Elizabeth 31 11111111101112111 wnsrrNcnousu DEALER