Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1945, p. 2

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mm nuanm THE HARRIET EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA DURHAM COUNTY 10 AGRICULTURE OPPOSED TO ATTITUDE or ORGANIZED LABOR PAGE TWO THE BARRlE EXAMINER EztkLISHED tau Published Thursday Mariam by no BARRIE EXAMINER LIMITED MacLAItEN Insists M3 IANAGING ccim WALLS lctMISIEEM MD BLSihES noun MEMBER OF anadlnn Weekly Newspaper Assoclntlo 1263 of Canada Bureau of Circulation Clogs W1 Audit SUBSCRtlillth or Great Britain $200 year $2 50 year each Ur State Sige Ctrirs quite 1315 received by the forum held nitn2lier tor the avoidance of Minty of these plans de Dominion cooidlniitingl eoztiinittm wlizrl inc been an session 1112 lil lllh aimk lliis ptiiii permitted to end 111 EftlWUIlSiltilx foznnnssion tisn provincial interests must not prevent 11 and ttiil tlllplll future leplt lptnd upon the outcomeot the oiizrieiice iti le tri BAR If the Proriiicizti Iifllll NOMINATIle NIEIZIING lilWl nom lli viiiltililcc tif ed if kxllll lir tis 3152 lvriday zizcltt was are the wit ot Barrie the lilb llail was well lzllcd utth it ep4 ifitllltvln tilfllllltlllt iitercst at civic the whole little tuult Wlh ltlLlitl hitKlayor Mac teia observations on ttlIdJ businss of the Term is con lilt hopi tiidt these being in tin lrlfx0l would lead to Iiniiiiir work Miltlxitells eoni Iii Alo mtlllt conference must not be aseo like its prede Sel1 lil= folio it iru izizpugy WM in it 11 Vim1 lenillnit lPUBLlC HElllTHillSKS COUNTY PLAN 1N 31111301 tContInued from mule one lle udd doctor l2tililLIll insistence on rights that belong to the pro vinces be aborted to preVeiit success the most important Abbot in his remarks was that whzuevez is decided upon by the Prol and Federal loieriinieiits will clieii ll tiireeqwar trial and on the basis wiii linppens in those three years tlielpi Dlun will he continued or discarded This seems like it most sensible win to good many Provinciul people lit1 have doubts about the success of the DtlllllEIUll Lieverzninnt proposals but there should be little to worry about if they are vgteii llllttftlll trial At the end of that time the privinces will have the right to re ject them if they do not work out as sug cested One thine is certain the tax field must tax structure WWW pitinezii Eltititlieis replied iii the negative lllLl Stzitetl flint llltlt Cllw finite busts 14 welfare unit livuiir of lliadfcrd thunk ed Dr Stiutheri for hilt lucid ere plnnation and inclined 1013 counti2 3115 To our iillltl thing mentioned by tttil the fi ll the report Iflltlltnl trend983 iiuuit was for and could lie operated in preventive livW izi efl to leiiislntioii Zviiahlnii it innineipal ls years council had little the proposal to make the =litt 11 direct elmrce upon vor and Ald Pugh cem lt iiiinc thinipixd all around the ltifltll surrounding Ll liaard of Health and to see tiiztt lllllllltlf 11o illowed to exist tllllitl itv tro far us we havoc heard handle it There etlioii li plutz fee coinizinn doctor clieine but no Elllllitllllll1 hull yet tuken idvaiitiigm of it Seymour stufcd tliut itllizi 1t opposed tol the Scheme Lind asked the plan outlined pirpos tioni the irliill iillia Ill Itlt itotiun mmiexpluiiied the high school urea II for county velfzire Ontario Ie Welfare llllfl inv clnriiied and our whole given It thorough overhauling Dual income dual successltm lays the egolden egg and govern Ilifiiiseltes Ptlllllt Dicil Iiii iii sunhnce iiiinc tiiisgiiiitrrry from tinsi alanine iiie year hxiru any fitlltilix roinpluiii tho the rotiP tractor is not civinc good service Ald Grant viizplzztiivally ten of optruling the garbage system belngi Iltltl to the tax rate Mayor Sinclair stated this would innouii to two millzs but Itvxor l=lllll1ll stated that when he wits ill Council most careful estimate hiid put cost at three mills Paying for the gur vice through the tax rate that the tenants would bear none of he cost unless the landlord could get per mission from the WPTB to raise the rent and is not at all certain that such permission would be gpvenlhere would also be big disparity in what rate the same service ir MacLuien said that the collec Zion of garbage should not be made muni ripitl undertaking without vote of the peo ole This we believe would be the only optr course to pursue if the 1940 council penny of it decides Ml hmtixes duties will kill the goose tlia mehts sources illtl ti tlu dew without Wm Many of the present taxation lnws are wholly wiiindequzite and unfair This applies particularly in the suc frequently estnte cannot possibly make the payments required without selling property stocks or ionds at loss It is to be hoped that the Provinces and the Dominion will see that the Conference does not fail EDITORIAL NOTES Continentinc on the magnificent showing made in Iunudus Ninth Victory Loon the Financial Post very wisely says It is up to Parliament now to ensure that this money is used wisely It is still the peoples money and there should be an accounting for every find major ZLlelI 1011 declared against the zmt was He indicated the plan asked if the speaker knew of ill oligectioiix Stiutliem Government the plain It cession duty reulin where the favor ll flint Ittillltgtllll explained only to those municipalities which re tiiicsted information only matter holding up its intro duction on greater scale was pcisoniicl coming back from the armed services could see the advantages of preventive ined iciiie but it takes time for training in publicliczilth measures Worden Herbert Barker thanked Dr Strutliers for his explanation of the plan to the council Further reports of County Coun cil appear on page MAMIIICEAIR llCCLAlelON tContinued Irom page one accomplished much we put the old dump in hsunitnry condition which stopped any further smoke or smell The Health Department has lizid very busy year and this work the different milk pro the to the board of education duccrs were given instructions lClumn under the present System handling of milk so that the local dairies are able to give Barrie yieijyi fine quality of milk do not need to tellyou that Barrie is in 21 splendid financial condition and it is our first con sideration to always keep it that way Next year we intend to go after more industries and believe with the aid of the of we will We feel however that the CGE should come to the stage where it is operating to their satisfaction before we secure any other large plants arbienoWagrcbtieelingcofcop timism among our citizens and this we plan to maintain through ag gressive leadership Referring to the gar slated would iir said the trained doctors luck added that ayers would pay for members of the United Entomo Little light was thrown on the question of bile Workers Union CIO employed by the ogors Corporation in the United States are on strike because their demands of 30 percent increase in wages has been refused In View of the fact that this year automobile workers were listed as the high worked iiizilly luvdr making the change 175000 other than general jothking nieterfz stiitement that of 500 cities in the United suites which had installed this system not one had abandoned the meters It does not iollot that what satisfactory in certnlnf the USA is good for Barrie the American experience we have ignlficunt fact that for several years rulesmtn for parking meters have been en tleiIorinc to sell their system to towns and cities in Ontario and have succeeded in plac ing them in only one town Sudbury The question of care of trees on the streets was touched upon by several speakers Ald Wilson making thesuggestion that this work be turned over to the Parks Commission and Mr Leishman nthocutcd having the work under the supervision of forestry This idea has merit It would of course necessitate an increased budget for the Parks Commission Trees are valuable feature of the towns beautyand are well orth beingwtaken care of The financial the mayors hard and cit ies dill lest paid labor in America with on average of $5564 Week the strikers will notgetl much sympathy from the public not through In an advertisement published last week the Ford Motor Co of Canada stated that the unions income through the checkoff system was $205056371 It also stated that the Company collected for the union in dues initiation fees and special assessments the hgc total of $779992465 during the period from August 1941 to October 1945 Yet early in the strike it was suggested by some who sympathize with the employees that the Federal Government should provide for the employees who had quit their jobs With such an enormous sum of money available it might naturally be expected that the union members would bewelltakencar of by their union done expert Provincial or be successful There is in statement diStributed at the meeting showed Barries finances to be in very healthy condition include $55000 The County COunciI didnot seem very en Its current in Victory bage collec thheprob continued to crop up afteryear and it was time some thing was done about it He stated thtmlhe town should have some over the collection described as bad condition the garbage being dumped on side streets and along roads surround ing the town Speaking of arking meters the Mayor stated that they were first introduced in 1935and of more than 500 cities in United States that adopted this systemhot One city had abandoned the plan accommodate more cars in day he stated In conclusion he thankedcmem ers of the 71945 council for the rkdoneduring the year EDUCATIONJEEP SECRET The Penticton Herald If there had been any doubts about education they must surely have been dispelled during the last fvc yearsbof war Education let us W29 it bluntly was really what wonathe war Courage and mere gwight of numbers alone was not enough But the knowledge that enabled our service personnelto master the technical intricacies of mo dern wars complexitiesit was that Our enemies feared that most And their fears were wellfounded Because the policy paid divi dends the government spent mil lions of dollars in setting up aborateand comprehensive servwe and vocational training schemes asSets which lem year last week to set up another organization to improve the public health of this county The cost is estimated at $90000 of which the ratepayers of Simcoe County would have to pay $45000gBut estimates for plans to be maintained byipublic expenditures have waiwa fallingshort of requirements in the process of carrying out the scheme Ihis plan while it is stated to be for prevntivc purposes Would overlap to considerable extent the work of Public Health Service al ready operating in this county require staff of 34 fulltime employees in cludingzs public health nurses The present Public Health Scrvi public health and it has foundvpossible to keep affull staffiof that taff of 23 trained 28 amount to $13510262 Against thisthere are liabilities of $8327766 of $10000 from 1944 is to be paid out of this years funds which will leave surplus of 34132496 ExMayor MacLarens Complimentary ref erence to the wink of Mayor Sinclair was futhmerited He not only has given close attention to his duties in connectibn with the Council but has been exceptionally gt tentiv in attgidiiig metingsr of Parks Com mission Police Commission Hospital Board and other bodies of Which tlimyor is an cxafficio member ciiici The overdraft control and It would Meter parking EEJEAKIRIAI AS SAFEGUARD THR Speaking On radio program recently Hon Douglas Abbot of the Fderal Cabinet not bee number Where would outlined the plans the Government has fgri nurses be found uncommon Almonte Gazette The Ontario Goivrnments new 48hour week allbws someWoik pm more free time and if is ex pected thatby shortning the hours for each flint moge sorbddn inddstry UThe Renfrew Mercury to say about the alawz yearago last July many Th9 trend is obThis isnot the proper wayItodeal smaller enterprises ancilcommerj viously towarda much higher tax with this prOblem An assessor 0181 Places put thorderint03ef rate unless extreme caution is used should be responsible man free fect as W811 88 the WGEkSholidays welcoming modern im from all interference from the With DaY Eight hOUIS work is provoments Mr MacLaren said he council in the conduct othls duties fair diVISIOn 0f the 241 Eight hours liked to feel that the municipality Referring to parking meters hello sleep eight hours to work and is Iivingywithin its means Until said coupcll shouldgive very ser few Weeks ago gravel roads in ious consideration to the matter this town ware in disgraceful before they put 11foot iron post notwithstanding tre eVery 20 feet alongthe sides of mentions increase in the Board of the main street after the conncils Works expouditure It is now proe had succeeded in clearing the posgd to take over the collection street of telephone pales of garbageas aimunlclpal underh taking which willadd another three mlllsat least do theme 13 should notrbe done Without as torithe ratgpaygrs If this were one helm not much doubt gretslmorethan do the unfpru rtunate decease of Mr Wilson Knapp said the speaker the ned of capable successor should be apparent to everyone was shocked at the Court ofRe vision this year to havea member of the council admit that the preSf entactlngrassssor had had instrucl tions to goout and make blanketi increase in the assessment at leash on certain streets iii iiiiiuiir iiiiiitiitiii 12 fbut tunftgiiv uni oaize one Will be ab Vmake provision jNogpart ioffthe Tovvns share of thevcot of the pavements laid this year or the skvers has been paid goutOf the has this in the town current taxes While eight hours to come and go But unless oneis intgsrested in his or her task and does it well with speed shorter hours willnot bring contentment ltgt Inseam msn SHIPMENT MADE no mucosarams Idition In conclusion be congratulated Mayor Sinclair upon the able and dignified manner in Which he had repreented the Town on allpublic ocpasions andon the assiduity with which 110 bird devoted himself due yearxto the business of the fMore than 1815000 pounds of frozen sh were whipped from the Maritimesto the Unified States over Canadian National Railways lines in September arech or any weday period Ninety refrigerator cars intent 194040mfles erafar 3wa Francisco if Ith lug 12191511981 Town is to appoint EDERRTION ett 341 ftizid ZJ Oh Hod litmii zind tle llitlIKUdSE 1ritrrjd in Zlt them lx Ili ocllfdl is to ill to filltuil latiwen 1531 paid tij ilze eorisuiiiir tinLl lllt for It tliam Lent ti dti recent Illtlli littleenri to the erovers of Ill iteratic linlillllliilt and goth ISET UP HIGH SCHOOLAREAS Township ippeaied liefore Totlzity itouiitil Iagtt liitirsdny to risk II Ilill Wilson Iltllflll of lducatioii had been in xilh 400 or 500 pupils Mr lllllllll aid that the aim should be for all Hunt 300 He added Illill it would be possible to have composite students full course for commercial stud ents agricultural depzirtiiieiit home itiiiitulllts and shop course To divide Simcoe County into Ilillll school ureus consultative chiniiiittee would be set up with iiuiinbers named by the County Council Nearly all of Essex County hxs been set off in hiin school dislricls and there is de mand from other ports of the pro vince for similar action Consul lllIIVL committees have been form iii Kent Lambton Perth Middle sex and Cnrleton Mr Duffin suggested that the towns and villages should not be expected to embark in expensive building programs to provide for the district rurzil pupils when thdy could not be sure that in few Hears these students might not dei cidc to go to hiin school in neighboring community He warn ed that some small centres might be bringing on themselves too high debenture debt if they cur iied out their present plans for required in few years board of education The County Council would appoint more mem vital part of the high school area plan would be transportation which would provide every stud ent in the district an equal oppor tunity to reach school The trans portation would be arranged by the DuffilL board of education M1 stated that in recent years the provincial and county roads Were open during the winter In this connection he added that it was better for high school children to live at home even if it was few miles from school than to board in town He pointed out that these boysand girls wouldbeowaydrom their parents long enough in later in their teens firm xi as thosevinwtownil Warden Herbert Barker thanke school The policy ishowediiselt in war Nowrwhat Of thepeace Can we not see the opportunityz Education Weekghas coined slogan It would be well drills jto rememberiit Education can help Canada the ilslogan goes VbutwillCanada help education It seems obvidus that the dderal authoritys Wealthdrawmg power must be brought in increasing in tensity into the picturq Inadeguate systems of educational finance are disastrously costlymu the long run The Examiner goes to press Wed nesday Get your copyin early HAVE LIVED LARGE Cirrus LONG ENOUGH have some property near Barrie and want to mOve my family there and work in Barrielinstead of Llorontd amjust over forty and have had varied business experience In such things as counting advertising costing and cost control production and production control publicity publishing statistics and isomo knowledxebf personnel and purchasing work Jwm towork in and investxsome money In alarm rm wounding business in or near Box 27513111 Examinut Wont 44 4o Ail1a AirMme 713 35 SN TH UR ov 29 1945 Years Ago manic xxxnisitu ff gun it discharged ll$ lhif ggii 50 nnh mens 18 Barrie Local Notes fixed PS crushd bimcue County Briefs About it met ALxiV and thy tlllx liiullol pluces Im MW WM kam if lilirltltllt Wd tit Uni IIVKI he iltl Bulge lift1 County Klt entpy0d in ltclv burn lillilt both font Horne if Nev led cven foxeshis full Friday ELIi tigltliitl fol Zdf luiroiis SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT news is worth shouting And to llitvtmmds ul ulia dizins the lively brisk nvour of will llgdfiid burned down Lilltuna Ieu in certainly headline nlinzrry flaillusting tens seem dull mt yesterdays news the moment you taste the briskuvriur of Liptons always tangy tplrltetl und Iullbodiml never tlnt or inni Change infirm Ironing Iiiptoiia Advi SCOTCH SHEEP ARE BROUGHT T0 CANADA For the purpose of improving the in Western bred Scotch sheep four ewos and it rain were Saskatoon steiinishipowhich brought them to Canada in charge of the Canadian National crnlId gt115 Heiidltn nbou Suzie lltlltt3 MiG$130 spring CTR nuxilxiij eiy Nib ILIIIJ lgsJw which indicate detailed WW i3ii1 title tfl nui int inintctnnee of New lamell new shrewdSliced pniadiw for blarksiuiths An oldfashioned it live of Arthur Bells treut for Mr llvn Elin led when buggy and his horse laddy Keenan wel Alllbliill hunk Illlir Edits to litintwille vult and lllgfltikttILI Advance ipplt lit 35 young Simcoe ounty For third iiiize iii 1020 lain visits in lliillrtltl leddes garage Cuinpbeli dun Slot Kinsirys garaue and Winnister 3v mum 021an to heavy snow stoina nuzile of dimers bmkc new iii IlllIISIlI had to In their ltnnips Shwm Jump WW mmms delegation from letuinsetli out of the Show Illld iozielwiizilicrnImu lmi mum Hf EM week on lclltlllll Road liail to luy off ling Briefs thud wheel Iii refuge WWI mine if it 112111 ntlei Ilnylir River Geo VIICUXS gtltii illltl Rubi JVKL livestock high quuldy of Cunndu five Itltllllis are requested to get illltll copy into The Examiner of lfiee early fdifticult to get otii paper out on time ktll Ililal curried fltlln Illt iat nnd cncoe be divided nit high school Cundleg killed Iii Sillltllis tire llllI ims Tvleiiilieis lif the delegation Eden villlll were StevntlAdams Utop ltiieuliniii IJnIc SCllUllhlBlCrllhiiod hi Nllllilllb on ti MacDonald liesion and Innisfil David McWttzs Con 13 linnsfil iordi lluffiii til the IepntI lnnisfil eeil ll McDonald listuted ll iwtnanf on 15 lllt appealed llSHSHllCllll 1izi Colliintwood but it vns settleut Stating that the most economical at on increase or $40117 neti tho it high school was Ulltillllll figure $04000 EIlt is Dr ittirilie Frlllll llk sales Fi Link liiile copy makes II Express They were 371 Reggie tlllll3 on llnirnton lhos ivned to the council HFsltllt ind lie ro 50 Yours Ago forward view mi ivoivmcnu cliool if there were 200 or morelnq In addition to the usuzil icadeiiiic course there would be ADVANCE NOVEMBER 28 lflfl Barrie Local Notes attended clzircs in favor of aCounty llouse Refuge Methodist Ihziiiksciviiigi supper null Concert leading features were scl cations by two quartettcs Miss King Miss Nitu Bennuse Frank chrosc and Edwards Mes srs chrosc Geo Monknian niid Chas King Bud fire in promises occupied by carriage builder and Scott for packing ind stor Tlie roof fell iiid front Wall crashed fallingr upon two eiii ployees of Scott Worsley 51 bones broken at sczilp wound sev eral inches long external bruises iind intcriiul injuries The otherI Little was not seriously 15000 rIllC facttlmt we live in an era 1001011 in which great economic changes have already taken Largely Collier Isl place and in which equally great chanch in to ht anticipated has made carefully thoughtout plzm t0 protectbyour family and estate matter of practicnl llllilmdrf necessity We offer you the experience of sixtythree years of estates administration and the group judg chigny mcnt of men who have made specialty oflonqrangc ting eggs Wm planning consultation will put you in position had severnl shall to decide which trust arrangements are best suited toyourpcrsonal needs best able to take advantago than injured dozen eggs puckedj ready for ship mgnl to Liverpool inuny of which werc ruined by water illld subsc scliool addition that might not belquent freezing It was stressed that the plan lotl1Zllg high school area would save money for the towns andvillages and at the sometime would give the rural areas more say in the of allowable tax savings and have the host chance Scott had of conserving your esfaitc Our planning service is always available write or telephone today welllltlllltl GENERAL runs IN PRINCIPAL CITIES HEAD OFFICE 253 BAX ST Library Bouird return of SOClllS Winter to have taken 1i firiii hold Pur leClllillS of Sproule former Borric barrister giveu by Churchill correspondmit lllle its follows He was found dead Mr Barry of chroy with tin ugly gunshot wound in his thigh He had been ELECTRIFY win FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN death CORPORAJION BRANCHES passing through Referring to theJarge number of rural students who had continued their education and made names for themselves Mr Duffin sug gested it was often only because the rural student had relative in town that he was able to board cheaplynnd continue his educaii Education for rural students shouldhot be left to accident he eclared In conclusion Mr Duf fin asked Shouldnt everyrural boy have an opportunity the same Mr Duffin and the delegates from South Simcoe for bringing the mat ter of thehighschool area to the attention ofCouncil and for the explanation He also said he was to have the four public inspectors presentJ Gibson Scott Horton Electricitycan takcvthe of farmchorcegsaveyou time andmoneyhelp make baslierv str cvetybpe inhth life pleaontcr and Elan now toolecdfify your Warm wl aFarm AffauybfhChOLTIIO Ray one nmiMailablcdofarmersi for the pmchosc installation unimprovelbentb szirm Claudesystems Tligcloains Foamnumb madeOh sccuritycf thequlpmebfiltself and repayment arranged lbygconvenint instalmentsp If elctrical ieguiprnent lsistaill hard roger sluybur district youcan make starchy doing your pre liminary Wiring Wire switch boxes transfonnors etcare availoble dummy districtsdBystaitiug nowyou will be ready putielectriciigygqhmk On your funnaquulpmm combsbri theimarktv Talk yourgpimjover with nearestbraddh Iljfltfbin Bank of Canada etc reflexive Tii9gtizuiex mow in Rho

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