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llVVVVAVVVVVV EXFHANGED scripts from i1ill1 illl Illtllllos 11111 AP 01 0t Fl lo may lli Hili 11 l1lls MLAD liMlloliix zilld Willtil lllmkl PleOlltll Dodge 122 can iIVllmi V01 11le 93101011 Vltlwmg ClllVlOlOl 111d FOltl my301113Ifjlnil WI lira 1110041th linAS lill 980 1V V13215112131131111SldVVail1lVLnV3VVGVuV Wbuilt motors in Stock WSW 10mm mm that OXV O1 OVAIVTIVNE 5ch MC COMPLEIE CANVAS SERV 25 IY 1331i MidlIlndI vliow 00110111storymdllilttmv01m Foot COd leer AWL mm ill licllvcll uplifill mini if tlicpro Shave Cream PALMOUVE SOAP i0 17 IISIIIMAIIIES IOURTEOUHY SUBMlTTED YI1IVIIII full uvmf Oil Midlalnd Body and Fondcr Work 1110ch see success ill it we may WI Emmet TFVTQ AWNINGS TARPAULINS liKZgidghgnx152fl Duco Spraying lOSl assured they will snilp it up FOI easier shaves Food 3941111 UNGENllNE Yours mm Vimmlm VVV Cemetery Alilolliz those from 24 hour to service Sillooilltl 5km VITOF SHAMPOO Zoo 491 98c dliistzlnco who attended to pay tlicir 0113 ROSSIAND VV or 1451 respect we ends and x1 213 Nm 33C 49C ABSORBINE 980 319 CREAM GREEN OR WHITE81 ritivcs 11111 Toronto St Josephs Fine prompt Ser VICKS VAPORUl 43c lslmul Midland Victoria Harbor 01 34 Hayfield St Vlcc Fair PlltOS tfx on 01111 111t5 Gm filo Ef 10W IV WM or my FROPMETOR ILVII11m Imd 1110500 5W MM AW 22 tilliii 11 33 Wholl Brand Specials Tinno monans 111101 the death of HM ninnliv 1111112711131 In mmI nmmw 11m husband Mrs Charles Gla For Him FriV and Sat 1111111 died 11 her home 55 Pcnelang I1uui+ ISL Billlic Tuesday Nov 20 1945 51 was her 62 year and Since Reg 39c 79c SUIfIIIImII II Mmkc II year ago had The leStiCk that VV been declining health Taken whis ers love me CAMPHORATED 01L 21c llilcgfmiriv IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ifhm Smith Mrs Graham was there four weeks I1 II wIis then taken home where dnnlnan iroln astile by Shellabarger 300 VnV 11 11111 Remembered by Hilton 275 5h mod had mm Internatlgnal MOlor TruCks Reg 25c 21c WV mt my by Bmmeld 400 101111 is Born July 29 1884 at Tara mm VV I5 IT IIVl IIIII IIIIovI Leliiigln SoundI MW Emma ac ard utomOblles am605 Reg 43 396 ltV2V1 lniViVleiVVVanoVVVV VV UVVVOVV Sinclair 595 VWS living at Edenvale when S1 VVM IIIIIllllOili1e first ten best sellers for gmwiedl Cd Cgahlm 8991 ijdizczd 11 hcy NC in all 011 neg Um by All Duel Miller Vino ym Mrs Gm was mm IIIiU Ground by EIISkm caldweu IIIIII or IFUH Gmpel Tabermde Lavender 51 Mum by Graves 325 Surviving are three sons Charles Reg 43c Wimaes by chLenmn 300 arrjeV em 13V an V1 VVV VVVVVVVVn Mm by CHan 3M Wilhan of bongo and VV dighV ST RegV 1mlwrorS PM be gem tcr Mrs Earl Babcock of Tor VP 0f 150 120 111111 llcr to eaven en mes iams OmOV There are 10 randchudrem 1111+ pumian 10111be VVz nclrews Also surviving me Ewo halfbl0 Reg 250 with Vhan C11 coddndmdd added 91 an or 021 way on as IIII Ire bah by 90in 00 ington 1V one in sienna aum rca UfViCtUry 18021812lohy Bryant II 400 Gigrgiggxgistlglh3g EViVlVl Leaves the IthTSOft and iiw ifier by Thane 300 funeral service from thetLloyd and Harvest by V1016 King 275 Steckley Funeral Home Nov 23 lustrous Reg 250mm 39c IIYYW by MW 300 Among the many lovelyIfloralI triI II Vin IIIIii 77 5le VIVlStClIzVlceiglgya Biography butes were those 13m theV Cana ELIZABETH ST KN GHT vl OhShim the M00 the Full Gospel Tabernacle Friends Autobiography of Robert Seerce 450 and relatives were resent fr VV Complete Poems of Robert Service Sunmdale comers Sfayner Nogth at Bayfleld DRUG STORE DRUG STORE ll Ti its Youn 325 II rt oVrVVeVV Ralph VVVVV ve WV Bay Toroan 2de 519mm T1 Next to ltoxyV Theatre7 opposite Post Office iIIliiI 3081191 LilyI bYI Murphy 300 gillgfaggr ggffsoiuglfghaagig Helena RUDlnSteln Tonetries LAURA SECORD 1101116110 Of Time by McLean ford GrahamV Clareme GrahamV VV The Wisdom Tree by Hawklxdge 450 Boadway all of Barrie and um Ewe by Nan Bm 305 Boadway of Torohto Interment mm Fires Burning by Li Hemqles 300 was made in Barrie Union Ceme 111931 Son by Ferber 300 my lhoyIClinngeITheir Skies by Osborne 300 lt 331 lzxuabio Gwethalyn Graham 300 VV VV grubby IV Sophie Tucker 335 The main item business atthe VV BOOKS STATIONERY Elizabeth Arden Toiletrteo 1111111191 to Overlord by Munro 3110 Statutory meeting Stayner town KODAKS and FILMS ngqidVIS Cusden thB llic Robe by Douglas 300 50 Wellm toI Hot Block lieltlnesaay MormngiLuw Right Rev Robert JohnIRen PM was recelve mom DIAL 42 ison DDA 275d EELasiagemim ffVrVVVVtheleaguasfrpr aw par 188 16 VV Tlganiiilgai Vi1VlVViiiV1VeVVntiiie of EdSinVVIViVVVshay and Kathiar111VeVV0 MacarthurVV This statementoshows of course VVV hut 34 tho towns nances to be in and 15 egrg mimicry Row byV John Steinbeck 250 shapeV with bank balance gar genuine persian Fur axiomloge isa Serious Business byRev Randolthay 300 Incomplete Anglers by John Robins 300 02038 as compared With balance Coatbut 1t IOOKS 44443 at the same time in 1944 121m Ontario by Arthur Pound 450 like furflt feels like axes Sill payable 10 1945 1111 High Barbareeby Nordhoft and Hall 200 amount to $821431 as compared fur1t Will give you Hot meat supper in 1vy Ham between the Bookends with Ted Malone Volume 5I 325 with $761535 receivabl at Nov many seasons of ThursdayV NOVV 29V Up the Stream of Time by Viscountess ByngV of Vimy emberii 1944V Liabilitieg Show brand Mr and MrsIESten Davis and 11 $255 P51 11195611001 19W unpaid for its 00d lok family SpentFridaX WilhTrnt9 Tainbourand other Stories by Raddall V300 194535 $600 scompared Wig3500 mg endSV IV Lettersof Alexander Woollcott by Kaufman Vand Hennessey 450 ynpid iFIQMV naleSuhtd uh 1V Vdappearanco ofPer VVMiSS D011 1gng Toronto spam DEVSyllilatllgby C0110 300 paid accounts Vall Sgt giggingggm 41 sian SizesV 1444 FridaydWithLerSanderstangcfi James Takin 11 dd Tliis is the is oVim art an rs arry over Vr of he 101119 moth newer VV things into Vaccount the town is VVVVVV VVangvmeV Vspem Sunday With about $1500 Chaim Year agOI Budge Term nndIChnm 415 11 Daanof Liberation by Rt Hon Winston Churgiilld gt en VeVreI 1V II Mr and Mrs Watt Du not us 375 runnunnwV 1Vn Clacdae Wii Isell Man are visitingIt atterIs Sainlsiano strangers bvdd wooden Wartime Prooodlrnr Ind1111 did mend being the livVegVot Illgtim regulations Mr Rod ers l1 IFathQstwl the 13mm with ThorhttflllqspellliISuggy withgivlr 111911 1111111113 111111 1003 Laykawa Plail srllall and MmIGeo FuDavis 11 VVV family $3M Mk9th 31mm 300 deposit willhoid an mick MrsStewantJamieson and Miss VVVVV VV VV I5 IIIihirgwAgmeIllIiee 18108 03301111111 untilrequiied 313511032131 123325 weekend Id ZV VV Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Smith 149 Mr Vand Mer Murra McVVaneVll IN Rebecca Daphne dil Manner 169 Exchange and Rem antiMiss Marwn Arno Toronto Ma nificent Obsessmn L10 Don has 149 spent the weekend with Mr and II gs II MI ybI gI heerfuny mad Fred Amom LI Evian 18 11 olioriag Iggggime Stem Dr Cook head of Agricultural USED ySeeds Town rile SnowVVVGooso beVV Galileo 135 Lg 111 will speak on thegrowing oi THEVABOVEVARE FORADULT READING splendid assortmentof booksfor IIWeValsohavI Children of all jages fwd 111111111111 Bookstore 30311210611 Sis Phd 10551 some Ont Minimal 01 moms cumin or 00 on 554d 14 Al 1111111111 111110 DEALER 05 CollierVSVt Phone 3783 IlIIIVAlhnIMlhhuulhIIInhI nil1960111111 1111101111 111 inow The November llall at Boigio Armouries tonight min11 000 TORONTodzzs 11011105in yam 575 131111101111 Also BAVRRlE 11110 01111111111 Nov 30 at 815 soy beans in Ivy school Friday All interested are welcome Thtichiijdren were baptized in Christ Church Von Sunday Brenda LynnV daughter ofIMrIand Mrs Clo VeBanting Barry Thomas son oi and MrsKennleth Bantingi an Sandra Ann daughter of Mn and Mrs Harold Jennett Davis The Examiner goes to press Wed nnslzw lot you tony in early Drive in lochiyoinId have hound it over IlaBERN Alifd tlfllilt PHONE 24117 want 11 Wuutnoirom Moohiofpf BARBIE 0M