Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Nov 1945, p. 2

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To the Editor of The Examiner writinghontmllof the march of thoworld todaytowands Social acts tipgovernments composed 1y thallnearly only member of that comm mos ho mmnsisu Publhhcd my nmtx by Bum muss moo 3532mm nuinzsr AND mam mm WALLS netmun no comm MIA SHOWS FIR FAITlTIN CANADA The tremendous success achieved in the Ninth Victory Loan campaign which pro duced approxunatcly two billion dollars may fairly be rcgardcd as strong evidence that the pcoplc of our Dominion have faith in Canada today and in her future IIrc the campaign opened under sccmlngly nonl too favorable conditions and with tho objective raised tosl50tl00tl000 the fool ing of many was not very optimistic as to the outcome But when thc canvass got nicely undcr way confidence lllclcasctl and bcfoic thcrxpiration of thc Loan pcriod thc mln sights were set higher As tho days passed the now objcrtivos wcrc gradually over haulcd and finally topprd with ovcr tffo bil lion for all Canada wonderfully successful and hcartcning achicvcmcnt Espccially so when it is considcrcd that this grout volume of bonds hasbccn maikrltcd at an cstlinzvttecl cost of loss than one ccnt on the dollar for advertising supplies commissions etc It would be impossible for anybusincss con cern to raisc money so cheaply In the rcsult Barrio and Simcoc Wcst fully played their part Bonds to thc cxtcnt of 86155900 were sold in the unit as compared with $3952000 in thc Eighth Loan When Larric rcachcd thc million the salesmen kcpt right on going and finished with the splendid total of 81601850 This was four times what Barrio purchased in the First victory Loan Collingwood deserves special mention for its flue showing going over the million for le first time on record notwithstanding to loss of the Clyde Aircraft payroll and reduced employment at the shipyards Notwithstanding the discouraging Fall the farmers bought on scale even better than before While feeling of patriotism was very important influence in securing support for the Loan selfintcrest was not overlooked by invest0rs Purchasers realized that the Ninth Loan was good investment espec ially with lovver interest rates in prospect The USA Victory Loan pays 212170 and in Great Britain loan at 21400 was withdrawn in the expectation of floating another at lOWer figure The United States recently gave loan to Great Britain for $5000000000 for 50 years at Money was increasingly plentiful as savings bank deposits showed without profitable investment in sight This combined with scarcety of consumer goods created demand for such sound security as the Ninth Loan feature that helped to put pep into the campaign was the addition of 17 servicemen as salesmen who entered into their work enthusiastically All exceeded their Quota and of the ten highest salesmen half were servicemen One of them was at the very top with respect to percentage of objective achieved One thing that greatly facilitated the workof the salesmen was thefact that with more bond conscious Unfortunately after the last war all bond holders did not realize that there is big difference in the value of bonds according to the security behind them and some suf fered at the hands of high pressure sales men who sold very inferior issues just be cause they were bonds MWTAlthllTUomihiO6f Canadabonds are investments of the highest quality and the personmwhol holds onto them until some prssingfheed arises is making no mistake COMMUNITY RECREATION Every time one looks at tho papers theseI days there is an account of some town that is planning communityrecreatioirprogranh RatepayemAssociatronm Sirncoe County held at Stayner last Saturday was ofvso little interest to the educationists that there were only thirty people in the hall after the competitors intlfeTraitoricalcontest and the friends who had comewith them left the ball If thirty is all such meeting can attract from this big county itlooks like a4 waste of time and effort to try and Maintainv the organization Some are buildingMemorial Halls as was recommended in letter in this paper last week Others as in Toronto are preparing to use the schools for community programs Other communities are establishing NTeen 91gt in nearly every com munity in the cpuritryrbig and small the citizensare planning and talking about com muityrecreation or CCF HEAETJTEOM is time your persdnal prejudice against the CCF shouldcease to cloud your own mind and thatof your readersto the very clear Surly tho issuc in Europe is clear enough whenevery election solely cf wDemocraticSocialists anddommunistsi Tho reason for 1hiswas pointed up very clearly duribathtcgrh electionsname lithe old rightest parties had boar discredited thrombicollaboratiom Cominsiicloser within the Brit islri Gommwcalth Didyou eve pause to think that Canada is the Italian wealth not yet govemed by at am 450 ratio socialist majority If two or three back hand nlm our overrthe last pgovihomIelectlohsfbut did you er takotim count the num obtained ineach tin Filancmf lather oountr TF4 can own mm 3mm ONTARIO CANADA oth Luz Defied by Etrikers zestlied the stage of insurrection MEMBER Canadian Weekly Newspapersdnocktlon loss Weeklics cf Canada Audit Bureau of C1rculplqu SUBSCRIPTIONS Canada or Great Britain 3200 you $250 year Ilhe Manual The Windsor hllliv hlo focus so ktr at large slid to gowrzzit The first order United States Single Copies Mm excl issue li Through desperate rm Windsor what aiicinui to SlillitULvll prcjudius lmr cow luvs riot ll Lilli the luv This good sign for we have in our society brrll neglrctful of this ph life In carllcr plan for our rccrc ics oi were tax 51 r4613 of our sary to it was not ncc lon but the pace of mo dcrn llfc and tho strainit puts on people has Iradually crowdrd out many of the informal knds of rccrmition tin pcoplc used to have The omiortunity for incur with our neigh th rs in an intormal way is disappearing and be some or connnunity Many edu cators sociologists ind others think that jinuch of thr mcntal allhealth delinquency unhappy and causcd by this lack of opportunity for whole sonic lcticuliun on neighborhood and com llit niorc to restore oppor Ttunitits for such recreational activity is to tumor objective wasalmost realized and thc Qmmpmpp In Barrio wu arc fortunate in the way this Eidca is bring ticvclopcd lnstcad of rushing jinto big building program or some special lprogram lrotdsionul Committee was ap lpointcd to study tho whole question of re creation in llurric and rcconnncnd apro ggriun that would mch our needs here The iCommittee has made it clear that its lpurposc is to survcy the use to which exist ing facilities are put so that we can get the jmaxinium use of thc facilities we have and will not duplicato scrviccs already provided Such survcy will also show where programs arc nccdcd It will then be our job to meet thesc nccds lcaturc of the proposals so far made by the provisional commlttcc that must commcnd itself to the citizens of the town is that thc committee recommends very modest budget and stresses the impor tancc of employing someone who would give direction and guidance to community rc crcation program enabling us to make the best use of existing facilities and training and ticvcloping local leadership We have alrcady seen the benefits in the Barrie business world of the formation of Chamber of Commerce and the employment of fulltimc secretary to coordinate and stimulate business action in the field of recreation may be ex pccted to result in equally beneficial results in this sphere And inthc case of the Com munity Recreation Program we are spending our money to secure that greatestasset of any town wholesome character and vigorous community spirit EDITORIAL NOTES Inhis address on his recent visit to Barrie Mr Turner of the Canadian General Elec Our standard of liv ing can only rise in Canada to the extent to which productivity per worker increases This is undoubtedly true though the objec tive of many these days is to get big pay and short hours thus producing less In order to keep within the 48hour week local garagemcn have decided to close their shops at noon on Saturdays Motorists who run into trouble and have to suffer great inconvenience from lack of garage service will quite agree with statement often every succeeding loan the public had become heard when the 48hour law Was put into effect that not the slightest cdnsideration was given as to how itWould affect the gen eral public lllnl tactill 1ndushave 5x aptctntlc of utr IrvinY trlcs illegal strikers havc wage turns if the ls them making lav Canada tlllnc vnvc crunuiuls In and llt=l ctuiywlnrv iilllik Lu uid loo futbio in doing 2c job of lritll$llll with which on with Lilltl lirtli It ltilffil change isrcc of crimc frustrated lives But inunity basis Lilt bus nouou llicn ticlay in is of Illlzv lllllltliltllllt to them well as ovcry tillltl Stllllll wttll community tutittrnplflel luJ li lllll Illll pictl throughout Our becoming govcrmncnt hushl itself bu caught inatrtp turcfully picpurcd by Communist strategists ltgununt been You wont illt uiywhcrc behaving yoursrlvcs some roughhomo That will scar the govcrnmcnts lion fastnund gain ground Courageous and cltiricnl action huuiiirzcd lubur will serve itself govornmcnts vcry adequate wintr lilrs natuml unpzuicucc until winning arguments social dumcntal that poison ULICI ippziront that le StPlllS Conn IIlHl munist Lots haw You ll Would policc have pu fortcs intoliull forms lcgtul and moral of Windsor long bcforc tlic situation iiicnibcrsllip in community life IIte Strike SglfIlestroying Weapon By LEWIS MILLIGAN Trade unions have scrvcd noblc purpose in securing tcononiic jus tice for the workers they have rcp rcscnlcd Union is Strength is sufficiently in tho grout unilcd unions Their original motto demonstrated strength present day They are power to be reckoned with not only in in dustry but politics They have fought good and they may be said They have labor development Similar more and more fight have won the war won it chiefly through the strikc weapon But having won the war and secured full recognition many of the union leaders still go on fight ing and using the old Weapon of the strike It seems that they still regard industrialists and employ crs generally as the cucmy of all working people if not of so lt would perhaps be unfair to blame the recent epi demic of strikes on trade unions generallyfor it appears that many of these disputes have been pro cipitated by unions and irresponsible agitators This is reported to be the case rte garding the dock strikes in Eri tain As for the recent strisz in the United States and Canada the Labor Review organ of the Cana dian Federatidn of Labor makes the following editorial on the situation Louder demands of unioneers wartime opulence achieved at workers preaches early deflation fore they go down like pricked these parasites industry and honest toil have decided to showthat they have still another trick ortwo up their sleeves lopercent in crease in wages 48 hours pay for 40 hours work and lay off pension ofh months wages for each year worked these the theirfEfiirnt objectiVes until they can persuade their uepaying dupes to stand out or something more fantastic The Review gOes on to sayihat for sheer gall there is nothing tric Company said ciety at large recently organized comment and sillier come whose expense Be deed are ahead for Colllng wood if the plans to establish afurniture industry there for supplying the British market materialize Premier Drew foresees business thatwill run int0manymilllons of dollars As yet the final word closing the contract has notbeen okenv We hope that it soon will be and that the expccmnons of our neighboring town large measure balloons Bright days in may be realized in The annual meeting of the Trustoes and nu Public Adv propcilyvinanagai Loo pititrct the interrsts of the JLISI as much as the lil of the public at large Police protect Workers from being lllc illullsh violent and courses which so seriously Iltl muniCxpal provincial and innml Iliklt partly poor show il All slimvcri weakness and chrysauthcunzin slt iO Llirlmtlulls full bloom boat builder inunclics slot feel llltllts long over till Zilltl carrying Sill foct of cum lup students in Jr Class Vcrt Flormtcv Cooper lrcnvilll Caldwell Wm Vdir May Moinprizc Aruuc Paton Howard Plccvcs ancc Lit Goor 1021 Mill Bradford St ullr BurI lifes thriving liltllilllc3 It JnlltwlJldQ My Swim5 wiped photo from 40000 to 500w lbs of vuol Hum mu chicf productions lllllllfduhii ltbts twccds uttl yarns Slmcoc ounty Briefs Applcs shipped by the LleltlLlII from Cookstown and Ilones to build new bank $700 paid to patrons of cheese incinrymt Wycvalc lust vcck Mow of straw blown up it Waverley on Guy Fawkes lllllll it an Orungc cclcbrution irijuicd it girl Who was struck by some iron scraps used in the explosion lot of ncts sclzcd at Bigllli the owner $20 Still plowing zit Wavcrlcv Crawford of chis hind 90 wagon loads of turnips off Jake and Charlie Gluldaur bcaton in double scull race at Austin Boll Angus Shipped to customer in Ireland vluil was said to bc largest shipmcnt of turkeys cvor tinys in carrying out the prune of goveiziritczit which isto sue lull is llillltlllttl All wcic Eer cause If llt Vllitlbul case all govern irc coirlisted by the whole niiiy iii which they arcl voscd to assert against the law ttirl whether LIlletll thief or vtilllll labor union llic Windsor business again on lt$ lllt imptilnncc both for has and tho public of labor icwptuig tsponsibllity coin tltinund For instance Mobs confiscated liliniit motor Vchitlcs with which hit ckudc many blocks of strcct wzrl tho Ford plant Not only in this amount to theft of the but it tlcprivcd largo of propcrty of police and Iilt protection ltbrought serious Linusynncnl and impairmcnl of lw lllllllR and libcrtics ufmuny in illltllill9 Labor unions have succcssfully won laws protecting their rights liltl privilcgcs lint with tho pos tll of all rights and privileges ttlgtp1lltlllll rcsponsilulitics Tho rcsponsibilitics labor unions izivc tzcncrally rcfuscd to accept llk Us roll whcn it decides to accept the government is all powerful and if lit can take over an industry by force of law it can take over and oven abolish unions which refuse to abide by its decisions The final result is dictatorship In his book The Time For Dc cision Stunner Welles dealing with the situation in Italy at the time of the rise of Mussolini says General strikes of revolutionary character succeeded one another Government as well as industrial cfficicncy rcaccd new low similar situation prevailed in Ger many when Hitler seized power and Mr Wcllos says Strangely enough even German labor be lieved that friendly arrangement between German labor unions and the Nazi regime could be devised although in their case it was not many weeks before they learned their grievous crror Agnes Dennis is perhaps too pcssimisTCiVchm she declares that Trade Unionism is on the way out but she is nearer the mark when she says The day of Victory for Labor through the weapon of the Strike is hope over Let us hope this new era will usher in the choice of the Man of Wisdom the man ofconciliation comprom ise and cooperation who working in harmony with management will build up the Tabernacle of our ec onomic life and that it will be strong and beautiful edificea fit ting monument to the Spirit of Peace 25 Years Ago IN THE BARR EXAMINER NOVEMBER 18 19201 Barrie Local Notes Town Council voted $500 for starving children of Europe Gray fake findependent mis sionary who had been making collections for severaloyears was sentenced to Burwash Prisonfor three years Premier Drury in itiated into Corinthian Masonic Lodge An audited report sub mitted by Fred Marr showed that $468300 was spent on the June cele apnmachthisnroposaloflay off pay for war workers who have been making high wages for years The editorial points out that the average pay in aircraft and motor vehicle industries has beenlrnot lessrrthan $200 month ioh pays past dischargd private about $90 month while theyfind themselywjobs is most unlikely to pay shelterd workers $20021 No government senses would entertain such pro posal especially as it would rear lize that by yielding to pressure him it would invite still greater pressure when the subsidy term expired That is the voice of long exper ience in labormatters and it is just plaincommon sense If the overnmonb in to continue to $19K woms for doing was 317 inches osnow intwodays 14 the money must come out of the month inv kits To go back to our own western it does not copy other parts of the provinces You try to make out Empire withrespect to Socialism To our waykof thinking the people ofCanadaare in every respect as well qualified to forth an opinion ontheir method of government as are those of any other Empiref Missanaikesil talks of fganging the CCFJn British Columbia and Manitoba In both these provinces it wasva caseate record of good gotternment based on free that in Manitoba we are only sup DeanSirLlLseemm Qrtedbxjheilabclm unioriut you iaiglgto explain why Saskat chewan province composedal most wholly of farmers should be lieve in our policyl to the extent of every farmer pledging to CCF funds thepresent pricel of steer lonehundrdd01lars in the be jlief that CGF government will ensurethe price of st ing arthatrlevel In the interest or fair play pleasej printfthisvletter Yours truly swarms Editors Notehegardless of the ove writorfs reference to our eclouded mindf indirez we have few Words of comment on the above part of the up against cei remainT versus like the profits of private industries Socialist ccrm British Colum bia former StrongholdrthCCFE suffered decisive defeat1osinq third of its former seats and polling 29619 less votes In Saskatchewan the ECF aim ed at making the legislationand performance of its government model ion the rest or Canaddtoj follow How little impression this made was eviderip from the results in the recent provincial elections In addition to this landowner ed by the CCF provinciall if representation in the House of Commons is more regionalthan national there being no members from Prince Edward Island New nswick Quebep Ontario or rta edl adletsrreoelved for gutrent issue after5 pm Weak uy Space in llhwx tin demand enterpri and personal commune The writer ofjitf holds up Europe is today under Socialism as 33 temior us to follow Person ally prefer to live in the good old Couhty of Slmcoe rather than 13mm Or any of the underfbcialism red with the to lflhata bit fan an majority of to the deg and the Ioi Bru Ailb No one or 10101131661 that ithe people of Sim County are lof theysamewdew clearly den linon byaeli veto GodzillaCm candida Simooe oostltuencies in th ast my Waterman analog well have added motley your private employer dvo comm item that an vu dostmv your 111011 11 the facts in Mass opined hunch telllgentflabor leadcrs would ra ltltnr deal with private commit than with nua ri oth ration some marketpri eggs 85c doz butter 65cIbfpo tatoes $150$175 bag apples per basket 25c50c hay $27$28 ton Slmcoe County Briefs Anten Mills correspondent re ports Anten Millsfolk enjoying fresh mutton as theGTR has been slaughtering sheep at James Mcg Laughlins expense j230 cass weregdealt with in Orilliapelic court in past year Local UFO topped Toronto market with bunchof blackfaced lambs ship pediby Geo Stoddartrlhey aver aged 70 lbs and brought 14c lb In 1920 twelve school fairs were held in SimcooCounty107schools taking part High praiSe by Victoria Times iIas given Harry Mocking for his playing withvthel cific driest Hockey Assocm MasonidchnTle landiservices andtoholdzupvthosezv FdkM industries and Services by gstrifs is toy kill the goose that lays the goldn eggsand delay mansion reconstruction from wartime pggpetlme production Itr gthe Dalhoiisie Revie Julyezlgst there is an article any limit 18 Organizcm Industry Selfkg Destroying inwnich one author AgnesMDennisxtakes 7ver 1993 simifstic view of the la ortmovoy montiSbe Swain tOo ylptorious mum leads 1ogica11 fraction or Capitali feat of itsIown ends As Hillman who hadi weeessfully led the gar mentswmkeya put sot the depths of human misery put it tarsolar whonrlia refused to let his Union press for further concessionst Des xyouribossr and you destroy I919 swarms ANII backwards The EincncialE 7T Askrtheavergetman gyms foretho War andhe mightimen lwhn newTiiiredit was almostpone existent when bodily inventories mightibe fatal when RuhIICEDIIF ebb in recedt history Yet it was during that period himself Kindncisionrmasiem 1m Elias lied in Emil swank forte on Canadiansintthn 272 Zeb than storesrtodaylg prong thatthereisalillays opporq tunity individual enterprise andu3bkamipep customa Years Agol mmk ADVANCE or gzn RV kw Qf9 12 inn TOWN HALL MINDARON the Editor of The Britain in my story of columns mention most im lbouglit 830 bugs Hf WWGH ill Hydrant partthe foundation the Silllalltlil Army 33 Ha barracks demolished it not briitgiwn in yuur Aug issue and do by Mr Hurry Smith he tells the aunt photo from which he 13 made it had the date plainly show Jno Jutmlzl 140 Eillllllmg as that on memorial stone It Vil ILlhun the foundation 41inlacrossaiily mean that the present tionl part of the NOVEMHEK I895 Barrie Local Notes Yachting on the Dd Nov l2 Large force of limit walking on the 33 primed Galbraith named Dear Sir 0UE optrd house forms bag the pictum intact Methodist tusslble to remove Corner Church Hone new nidalc lard on Nov This would not IISKERMANS 10 sher mans Inch varies but theres one plenum that never vurixs that is the deep lasting cnjoynwnt ofa cup ZUS John hail was there In looking uwr dates again Was started to be buizt in 1372 on life widened and lchgthontll old foundation of 1856 wtuld infer that the old photo taken about 287 as tho new registry office sccn in the background and it was bring built in 187374 old court house is seen and it was cnjollcllud beginning 1877 Battle we fnl this part of brisk tasting lca perts say Liptons Iran brisk flavour always fresh liwly and fullbodied new flat or insipid Youll say so too the moment you discover the extra plcasuru of brisk tasting Liptons lca Liptons Ward School wruii Smith had was uvcrulk lllxtlfll Again the Advt go llogg woolw So the found somewhere butwun the many incwings of flit foundation NELLIE RAXKIN SlSSONS could still those two the old lulu bctwvcu 1llt wsth tho authority which annually M1 ltocvc Stupor at Bccton not anllissue Point and was fined Ihc cost to your cstatc is not small ficld practical issue when yonarc considering the appoint ItXllS mom of the Toronto General Trusts as your cxccutor and trustee All executors and trustccs arc cmitlcd Bronze cross the ocean Miss Allingham 50 years mu sic teacher at llawkcstonc was in stantly killed on the railway track near Oro Station broken and one arm crushcd Hay selling at $16 ton in Ponc tang Must farmers at Churchill potatocs rather than sell at 253 cents bag to bc paid and lhcrc is an established legal pro ccdurc applicablc equally to all otthcm for assessing llcr neck was the amount of their compensation The rcal point is that you obtain skill long experience and dcpcnd their stock feeding ability for the usual compensation by choosing the TOP FLIGHT BOMBER CREWS Toronto General Fruststhc advantages in factof an The elite of crows bomber of Vancouver squadron was the only Canadian squadron to engage in the highly specialized and sccrct Pathfinder Pathfinders main bomber streams to locate tar gels The City of Vancouver group was the first Canadian bomber squadron to arrive overseas and it became the nucleus of adian BombcrtNo Group For its outstanding contribution squadron garnered more topflight decorations than any other Can adian squadron overseas Canadas aim and competent organization specially cquippcd Clty syMiomxm mum gm to administer your estate under the compch con headed ditions existing today We invite your inquiries GENERAL BRANCHES HEAD OFFICE operations the Can =TtlllthT0 CRPORATION this IN PRINCIPAL CITIES 253 BAY srl xv sorrow WE HAVE BANKER IN THE FAMILY gt Well Bob has rmly decided mm lies nisbcdschool be imam to ginto work in banltAndlmglzzdsfor lot of reaction Hell got thorough training and can nfeciveruniverty instruction an oi hehe king and con mcs 18 working Banking 1311 learned in day but hell getJots ofhelpand every opportunity to move upas he proves himself The road to the top iswido open and offers abovczeromndl excellent crashing 7taXpayers All taxes dome loutgof 121mia M330Uillldl lthe host time to chart successful business in thedeoadea or so be for tlon anvyear except those tuned which immediately followed the crashinpllm Thatwas Pctiod chasing power was at invest ithatg one of Cmadpfsr outstanding imerchetadifoerc Walter Zellorrafteng working 20 years for 0th pmplev Ideoidod to go into business for Zodiacs storyown convincing

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