mm mm elem THURSDAY NOV 333843an WWW gonomonomanm one NEWS or ELMVALE nonzs Il Stewar 1a fund1 Hell ngin irrer liomvt oziiria ii II 10111 Over thiIIop III Iii en El rte sto im 511 1W1 II II TI hi1 it had it lJl itpim 1l II IIIIIII mu HU OH on the llLH Hunt CHJH IllIill Bell Iltl Nlzln lllll Tlittrlorz lglllllllii llItl IvizrltItIleln 11 II rum 0111 1lll 1114 ltiel Cant tinid I1 it ll 11 in twp 5111 1cm 11 Naizv 11 st 11 51 lml ant ii11lheil at pii Blhll II Steinmg 131111 111111 it 11 as great 11 ea in mm home package rI iIIV izizztttil EIIIEII TI 1010 411 11 1t 15 116 Iv 1mm II 2mm RIHMIIHCI IIII IIII II lfll lllz 1231Ntz11 iivanlsl 111mi II II 1II1IIIIIIIIII I1III1II III1 IIIIIIIIII flax our New know Ht 11 tasting tea 01 II II lrineuial ch11ll11119h 1Il IIV 11 it 11111111111111 11 11 it 11 11 1Llll 1115 15 131 in the experts own Ilnl Lillie iirl Swallows Screw Nail On l11ltlti1v little Juvce Melin II uh dnughwl IUI 01 SLFI Splrl 301 IiI MI and Il Wallace lichoniwll II yy gt111 ll1 I51 It ltll III II 111 11 111191111Ie1li11d the lIliiiC lLllIl 11 111 LlI ll ll 51 KICWS 511 Ex lMLIlI 417 fpl 11 14 11Iilil1Il1l1II mfg II It AC LII It IJLL 1I111I11II1l1 DmiIfUrInIkidHmaIglut Ii ll lCnhZ Hill II 1llilltl0ll nicely 31154 J11 ll lLtl CK PCtts jlltlllgc to 77517 tstlng gt hims YPU progrcwiv mnnnt nilmid II J1 my Mini brouuhv qII fatalnhg YIHI of 1ll iii1ltlt11111 lJpltm C1 Cf II progressive dinner party the I11 I111I11 11111 111 1111111 WIN c1 llIllH 1f MK Moiuncr Iannintz LI011gt11 3111 illII mllllllll lllIIlllII IlIyilIilm Iw llIhlIIIlI11 VII ll GlIl been at IHHD Mai 11 Uncut 111 lllt Mutual late ll inada l111 n11nil11r llllllIIl Mfg Lil alllwgpgmlh hgunzlh IIiilII Im 1111 ltf 12111 1l 21 gm 101 Ill 11 mom 11 II ll lllt1llll in own lite ninth illltqllilltlV 11 mid evening when an in RiHlil1 M1 Wl 11lolIlv 11IIIIIl MM 37 11nd MAI OI lliOVt ill ll IUl xv11 IIIUII In IIIIIIII IIZIIIIINI In XIIIIIIIII my mun IIml IllltIIIIWllhnhlhllilftlgl ullhthngIlltl and old Stat 11 11117I I11 111 MEII IVIIIlI III whnli will linng me and 111v wilt 101th hwlmg mung mm Mth minmg in after 5Jl1I 111 OMIII I11II51 11111 111 peeiaily 111 Illll 11e1131I111l 11 lament4 212111115 1111 lintnIthe teachonI MI whciz in find liitlillll 1111111 l1 Unwed Church Annie and 1195 Jounev 112K ldni mllt Im lloubleWeildin all Umlid Chlmll mm hl lI H1 IIleqIII1 HWI 11 IIII lhrw TIHIlH Wm Shhqu pIIpIISI IIIII II WI PIGIIMIIII IIIITII lint have qone little further We want our P33011311 mmlmh HN IhII mV 1h gtI 111 1171 11iII gt1i1111 1411111 Hallo11113141 ny Inn II 11 WNW Cllllllfll DJVWWUW ml PW lgt1I I1 IIIHI III 61117 1vII ll 11 I1 1311111 lt1 an 1itetit11111I1111111rt in the mm WWW mum 539 Il 11 II 1111 1I71I11Iv11I I1 WLl AIW W154 ill Damnproof Your Own Clothing MM III KIIIIIIIII In Iklucuimny 1101i 1W minding on Saturday afternoon lotittuhI nun11 11111 11 11111 AII III III mm mm IId 1137 My wumI III II II III Immcg It Iou II II II NW 1945 RSV 51 Billllmr m1 Ill 1IIl NW3 MM ltliilll il1llll ovoistuI whim and minr ttllLLLli llalionw Np II II lt henIlohn is 18 we shall start to formed the ceremony Mm Bernice need at Illnilv 1111 111 11111 IlnliwII llI1IU11d1 111 IIIIIyI 1III Graham MM htunyu epided pyimn khh Its not 011 the mar Ct Mary el111r litiulier of Mr and in1ltwonarns 111 lt 1l 111111 Ired l111 tL1lllltfl ll1111 gt Dr 41 Hr it 111i1hut boconyVacuum ha develop receive our year monthly lllttllllt with ninth to my his 1L 11 11 11 15 gt Mrs Cliil1gt1iI1riier Elnivole bc LllLL to 11 111 111 il IwIHWL IM Uh in xiilwrent mumz 1111 ll 1Ilit 11111115 lne 111 1Ieil nontoxic nonniilamable nah College expenses and this 011111 the lilidt 0f Eldon 10111215 Mrs James MEG ml it 1gtl11lt presiding 111 111 anon provoked sonic 0111111811111 which added to llllSC II III ltltilden son of MI imd solo illgt llaivr zli1 MIiI II EjllflliwV Ifl IIIIll Li 311315111 sinziinv and ini l111tI iauuhsIlnf pupillt rervwi miw in the Emmy onstiI will amount 11 111111111111 Thmms McFuddmI 1ny MIiss pIQIQMWYW IiiNana him llllliIIlltII xiii III111I ltI 1I1I111 In 11 WM HJIWMII Mumm lumm vrnumd Supply IIIIIIIII II Clothing in it WIMP hriltlin1 Mae Gibbons 1211101 or rrnii 11 lit1v 1111 of 11 Ir Wit 13 l1 1lm in fer well 11f 111m plex lt ilt scarce 1l1151 Own l1 ll 11 lU WM 13 111111151111 with uth it Mr and Mrs William Gibbons was given lJ 1ll 111 had 1=lIl llill illUM 11 MS 11 11 tltgtll1l ail tin1 Ivar lllt lllt ltt111elieegierx lreiii ml by the US Army to make tent tional 1111101111 ll lle 111 lIII 11i pd the IR 11HtI mm in in I101 III 111111 Mind LL piiinm iuxt til1llt111e lenwood 11x1l1i11y fer their l111gt 011 Sunday Nov ll itzincam1 111 1111=l 111111 1ll 1I1Cll liars UOliltS and 111111 corn From Idmlh llmlmS nd 0mm miller pitality brance Day returned strivireniii lltl lillltll the remainder 111 the the audience htarty time of ms UleFlmdmlllI0919l1ml III mW to pay all the pieiniinnx Annan Ont was wedded ttIiIIIGeorILie Francis Salisbury son of iIr ant mm ml Mrs Wesley Salisb11ry Barrie services of life inmranec that Mrs David Klrton Addresses PU many people overlookhelping parents to guarantee Johns 11111111 education for Canadas youth The YPU of St Johns Unith Church held its first meetingi of the reason on Monday evening with splendid attendance Ewart 11 Mutual 111 rirrmilritiic arrange an phi7429 in presidentI was in chmge of 1110 Ltlimlzmml nltrifor your litI devotions and business Ron Ritehie Ir57If II was in Cniiit Of 10 Dmglhm 7IfM1 gI we VI 10d bv MiSgtBerV 391 lt erIThe Maelc SUCICI II Low Cost tiicleI IivaxIIiliveIn hV Miss J03 Itohiiis Mro avid Kiitm1im Eng fa nsmanbe lish va bride recently come 10 OF CNADA gin 969 Elmvale gave very vivid word picture of England during war HEAD IJFFICE VATEIRLOO ONTARIO Bfanch OfficellIPeter St Orillia Ontario RALPH LANG Branch Manager Representative PHILLIPS 132 Mary St Barrie Ontario IICIIIIISI IIImIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IVIIII Ihe IIIISI rumours of war in l939 and follow i111r through to VJ Day It won most interesting and informative talk and thoroughly enjoyed SLIJohns Church Anniversary The 63rd anniversary of St Johns United Church was observ ed on Nov with Prof Johnston DD as preacher The church altar was adorned With potted plants and cut flowers Special music was furnished by the choir Dr Johnston tool for his text Now the elder brother wIas in the field Of all the short storiesm the Bible there is none more per feet than the story of the prodigal shes voting asses sonuln the evenmg hls lexl 35 VOIlCC Out Of the Cloudsv he ye mm JOlmSlon emphaslzqd have toqu EfIal 95 aggrrmm the are ot lass classes IUS 1W9 I1 1W to explain Hlmi 31 we ma The WT 0f emft to f0 1m they re contact lenses of plastlc Obadiencta yerguitmleam 1m an ry An anthem by the chmI duet 60 lightel than glass piactically by Mrs HIolmes and Miss Jon raging44 010 by Inow gorgldhgwneg IIIcIDIOIIIIIIIy III III If lialM unbreakableI Such lenses have restored IIL enjoyed by the largeIcong1gl10n1v Northern Sewom Meeting of vision to those almost 13111111 from Simwe Pr rial IWMS at esby W7 hy by handwmklhm Allenwoqd injured cornea They have saved the The Northern Section of Simcoe 45 can one quc ereaser piesbymiai WMS met at llen th Iandcheaperbymachinel wood Oct 30 IWlth splendid careeis ousan 0011 not tendance MYS ROSSPamlt WhY l3Ul UP Wllh lheI Midland PTeSIded The Womb wear OdeHI glasses 111 lfilr Chosen Ci serv1cewas conducted thev TU ger elmean ButtMrs Ray Spring illen profeqsionSI woodI extgnded hearty welcenteI II II II 91EYW9lii to ihernsnors WeltEma Ilflarbovl member replyingII rSI ermIan mhges Of hand mkl IIIIIIobinson Vigeyl conductedIIfIn Thls unexpecmdbenet to an emoriam an as were on ilYluggil theIaIltaiA duet wag wig byL 155 comes from petroleum research Shell venience on re ma in Fran umney an IissI ie If Robinson A11 stood forsllem Pray Research made from petroleum the advantages of domg er of er whichthe first three verses of ohn 14 wererepeated Mrs IIIw w9rlsme daIY lGSk by Greenloui leg inthprayerrandhe 11161511311531angmdlem 0f the P135116 servicecose Wl apoemiuey IImPlYESlI9lhIIIzAIY AIISI 111in Erogoiegim III WWWmi for these lenses acetmle an essential arri iteI er in 1s Is 12 15 113 Sb III cal IMstIHarvieI vereInamedv anti Part of methac ylate plastics OUr Dr Uso ion an our esy commi II II II II Inningy reports Showed Ia keen ea er or Pam dish lllireeiioghemlgidg$lis1 r1 Iw TaskILiteratureI Secretary Miss II Eva Winfield said Let todayIs If reading shape tomorrows Welrldi rs sxRubxsnr2ke on Missmn irclIeS ad MISSMUMW on CGITI IYouImlynevepIhave mtI of whiqhtherare 1135 thrice IIIibl II groups ind51$coeICwntyIISheIgog II II II II IVJIS 6901mm IenIseIsI But III on xi 33 3151 laBagcgfgrmiaI said you cmbenet fmmtius iglrgzmgei oasis same Shell researchom gh$tiitlnggMahdi and experience iwhih is II III applied topetroleuinpro II II ducts you use Ifday orideiiiraraiia III III IIII are thatWMSmemws have in II it We must emlans Ii SI tohave arbeliteeranadaSlogam liigiiisgxirias World for rm to make motoring sItressingItwomgiinpointy We oe hevemlsGOdsworw ZWem ofhnerogasolilw lieve whiliihumaneffort has its place triumph of good is in Gods hands to do this God must have free channels to worksthrough Begin with myself when each II II out Christs coMandvstillstahd5 ogeminto 331 111er and DIAN FARM prea eIgo owvermcrea tiiIref Ellie nltllted jst mIIem