THURSDAY NOV 11 1945 FAG 21TF1N ALLANDALE gSimcoe East Figures As At Tuesday Noon VIHumHomommnmwanmnulvowlcroomvlaua OON4N00vao The Green FlOlll 8101 TO STocIIuicrlou Hardware and China HERE YOU PO 1288 Badminton Birds lil for Elnili lillorr iitrllf Ilium it about to tolllluclilr All AUlliuil adv til the lttl of luck lost Sound Mr luck appealed the llttllull JiJlln him and lllt mic bid to 1m puxlptlltl lilr limit of All had null II Judmm WIN tream Kills with tap and gauge 5195 lltltl gt1 sciiillillullil dullr mIti Ltilf lldIktSI Hill51881 ISL NIIIerFIICIIMI An IIch IQtI 439 11 on orlltrrcl to Hilltll Humidifiers to fit between Rad coil 100 II gt 1111 Am Ni NW Radiator Covers brown 79c Khulcrgarltli Sctx 8205 and $090 if mrlW Stair Pads with nosing each 29c and 0m mili in set Hull lt Rubberllke 18 11101103 long II and g7 95 113 Galvanized Pails large size 40c Boudoir Lamps 300 0110 115 long while since we had these to ti very attractive advertise lill NUW 191 BEST llOlItlI We have large and varied array of CENTRAL one SHOP EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE or IIIII II III 13 III IgIltl 11 33thth II III gi 7110 113311 L00 14 lucw liiilli all 1111111 Motor 11 115250 Gals 89c 10 20 30 40 and 50 85112 Buy this oil with confidence Radiator Brushes 29c 45c 50c weekend at her home here Mr and Mrs Hall and Diane spent the weekend in Toronto Mrs Mercklen Pcnetang spent few days with her brother Goodhand Wm Hall Sr held fairly suc cessfulsale of farm stock and in ftllklllllS iii units lltltllxs ilill 15 ltilili mum zlvlis lltll IIIII II IIIlIII Dust lops 49c 79c 98c $125 to $309 Maw wiwmwLmr II MW Fire lllCt ulrds ood Viluc 15450 mch noun rots 11 18111 Allin lili 7171 LV 1n Tritium llulnc lrumIRIMft ii on Lanterns $125 $150 $225 00 30 5H iiK red with saucers fl lit in lil Poultry LL Bands sizes duz ll Paul uu III II Mm mm lg II inbl 119 114 11130 mm umbtltdl Jirdinlcrrs white and green 100 so mm licnuto lupinin Fluid 85C Ig Bmwn mS pm sct 5110 hwcnem for Home5 our WI ll Imlllnpwr3 Qt 3m catll 150 l1illll tile 11 lillill110l ler JHKS $139 to 51495 NI II iluht damn 11 13 now to have for next summer WC English Vases illlll 0M 30 11 llril is ouldii supply 11151 filllllllitl 1Ulltl IIIIII III IIIIiIIIl II II VIIIIII WI II LUKL R0050 95 50 03 75 White lscs mlitixsrd Title and 801 Side handles for ashes garbage etc or bl lc lccll hitc 0c it hliwfnilWWHi HgOdwslFQl HO 195 P00 moms 317 50 GS 15101041011illliigvklcfib IIS303 Iii0510 possum 001th in 51 now 101 Christmas qumed by Fir coopemuve Pk onlmo Lido Bun BACON iloos Dressed not weight on rail lndo plus federal and provullE WISE MAN OFT CHANGES HIS MIND FOOL NEVE II ldl 0011115 IM II flflff Im 21000 10 01 INC T4 mn SOWS Nd ST NU GYM $141Miroooouuno JONONNINIOOOIIOOOIOOOIOllllOIIIOIIIlQltollIItllllllllltolllllwlx II to rrrrr llucliir little SlttflS 10110 $11030 Annw wv llIIllltl llllt liclnlln Jacksonulltl iiulcwr llltlclliillelsulp lii$10011 MA lIIillIlllIllldIhlilllaiy Walton bullozl lllt 111 Lilli iboul mmh COWS SM milllltlslolveiill lilrtv 15 in About mm 30mm Bu iifmo The Orange 111111 was crowded to hl5lilmil 10 111th btmnd 11 111W 11151 lllld you 51111 00 Veal Calves up to 30 hire lrvillo Johnston spud capacity for the annual llallowcill ll Li hlviginlvlg it not far Sillilil vzrck ill Toronto villl hcl 111151 party sponsored by the Womens mmmm mm II 311601 110111531101033301 DEATH 01 JOHN WALKER leis II II Ilnstltlllc on chllcsdlIly 11th KNI 11110111 arcc 101 VCFSCEIS gl llS Tiarcs arccr is spcmlnlz tunes vslc many allt tzlllut llllr oil llolu too so 111 101 pt 111m 011 II iJ II lots $1 11II II In Illl IIletl ycal John 111 Walk ii few 1in with her lliilullu 1110 IIIIHIl LVN CUIWM ION ltS Lt liolil 50 501111 Lupin owl lbh 01500 01 llCl lilduy Nov 101 ills II La lillltllllitl llltdiln ALI 1111 ll 11 ll In Ears IIme It ConksmwnI LI dim Wm Llllidies III allgtI111lIgtI1llIrifl11IlltgtIIItIllllllv Iitll llilll Hoods ovol ill lltllltl Zillltll is lady or action With 1015 IIIIIIIII IIII pnuummm 13m in TCCUIDSCHL IIIVgIIlIvaIlIIflIIiIII gtXIII1I1IIIIIf iI EiIIlIlIIIII IIIIIlIfIIlIfII or 11111 to uuit both purse tilfl plupost infill WWSlillhslowl31IIflklill41135 Orchard man in clcrlclll attire iiiicl oilic was 77 id 151 rdbczi 10 to numerous to mention loviuzo WM 11 11140110190301110001111031 31 duyuniiiniiit oxiictviion 00111 im 111011153015110111305llCllIUlmlihli from Sirloin liii limo crunch115511011151 Co cIV Ii8IIinvfjnlMull lqzmwxlmnlf yMl and3 Mrs Frank Channel ol the CLTI Barrie took ClliIllgC of CHICKENS Mary and Georvc motored ltll111 the lllllilfS in her VClV llcitllli her of the Church of Enuland he GmdeA Lake last week lllllllll the hall ls dccotattd siliiSllllg Headgear Grade and lulu ilI CtlllILIlleIW60I hi 1101305I Mm ti01d Clements iiiirl soil with orange and black streamers Minded Mkfed 13 30 glIIlfllIEIItLgHtlelIilI$SICtid Terry Kirkland Lake are visiting and other llllllOWCLll decorations at the parsonave pumpkins 010 DUTCHIEHI I1I1I1 IIlIliIIl ItItl IlltleICIiIII211ull AIIvClgiaIlislgLlIvlCLI will go llIclil lI II II II met Gnuc1 on iiiiriin MEN rim ll ii 11 10 le Sultnlnl 0ch his ulfc Maud II IlIrtIIxIIIlILllvIIIIIIRII tIlIlIIt IlhIItIIIII IIIIIIMI SnowStun for spyrts slrcct wear Undm it Consuls lllIllIISlSlCIlII IMiIs Ild iII Nlrslhlclghinglv nIIIIIII dIIIIIIIIIIIIII 8235 TM llLiwCltl Smurtly lesigned styles ls this craniunncuddlcr of BlusllchRuyou Broilers 31 Wfilnilelrov ohfl chI Aylmch are vismnu hm hm iLlnlltilgtc Wm NM Wms mm mm Smurf brothelRobrtliicdecczt TV We 501 ltllli microns ll WI 00 lllI lirccn bluc also lwocolour and lCl navy powder blue brownlrccn Gratle1 Ca him 23 303m The funeral 501 Donald Jacobs Barrio who lll II IIMIT IiIIiIIIIfggoig miill 0111 vlollcly bmmum zcucrmhrm Trimmed with colourful braid Zellcr Over lbs vice lllesdav Nov was conduct lCCJlllly IClllllled llUm the WCS it lt00 its 31 mm 490 in 91 id visited his sister Mlsa Alfrci Foy Wednesdah N0 14 230 1l om 5179 nmm 031 it ird MARC10501732Qi35 34 51511 MIS WK DSm mw lc CVI II II IMI humid Shem The above are dressed poultriheld from St Johns Church The Centre 5000011111 1001113 lilbqltli LTilSlltl9olv11rl NEW 11 Cookslown with interment in St the SIImcoIc Presbyterile WMS was 5P0 prices and are subiect to in In Job Cemetery Among the mam held Mmesg Umicd Church on Lestel and 11115 Slessor charge of ve cents Per bud flowers was wreath from Mam Thursday ChiCkens and mm undlzc on ml toba Oranae Lodge The pallbear Miss Ethel Chappcl and Mrs Barrie Examiner $200 year Ladies desl 1keysfor birds delivered alive to the ms were Dalton JacksonI Ammd Clifford Vanqu Barbara and Cm strictly in advance Whlte La lmt Ducks and geese are only Sui liffe Damion Ramsey 01 Barrie spent few days at the Gill purchased dressed head off Unlt WI Wright Graham Filcnds and 110100 01 the Pdlelltc Iv Mus fuished 011111 not being 80000100 lelillives attended the funeral from Major McKee and Mrs McKee ur P1 11 Jt eseIt timey St CillllilllCS Toronto Oiilid have returned home after visitinrr at Dr 5155 mi loo lbs we N10 hm 001 glOVC Midland Battle and Alliston friends in DetrOit and Dr and N110 Little pills W1 lElfWith zippCiCd ayon San quilted back Ladies Angom Red pow gvmumumwm Andrews at Goldwater Mich BARBIE FLOUR MILLS Mulls of Emmy FUL 31ml back lining zip and or embiOldered backs ck Tile United Church WA bazaar limem Wm peled ompltment bottle nigger WYEVALE Ddmw 01 NOV 14111215 be can Ulmp ribbon 11511000 def Jade celled Regular meeting Will lie tunnellch 15 1101th on Nov 15 at Mrs Waller OOCS Shirley Brock Town Spent 109 goodly number of ladies spent very enjoyable afternoon quilting in aid of the Red Cross on Tues day dainty lunch was served with the tables decorated ill Hal loween colors MissGreta Clarke who has spent 26 years in China and plans to re Ianl Biliousncss iSjustauother name for clogged or sluggish liver It is very common complaint but can be quickly remedied by stimulating Three piece glass Ash Tray Set Each 36111 Table Covers square grand turn in two weeksgave splendid tray different SIZC 90 for bridge tables Of good quality Toastywm HeadKerchiekWhIIe IIedI II III plemcnts lust Today address Sunday afternoon at the ow of 110I Tlnggoftens 0th cotton white 01 colouretrwith 1101211 whitefringed Blac ancc swm My Local tFaChelsI W111 be at 9th Peters church on conditions in accumulated 100513 the poisons are Rayon Grand Value things you want to do The Slmcoe Ieacheis Conventlon ml Chma and the need ofI more mis mica out of the Em and the Eight piece glass Ash Tray Set and dot dCSIgnS Al $100 fuchsia DOWdCl tenants of boring yield Aliandale on Wednesday Nov simmes and prayer for the work 11 II 08 rcudny to the Scientic sorry report that little Mar The churheS there are crowded wet and b01108 110 10 0V0 3011 angles 50 mm support of the new lene Black has 5001th fever The withmiccplcI anxious hem thc toned up tamertwgla1getrayuldfcgtur2Wd8chwa1xcadresinrea 03eggnyfgaglggggr while the Gospel n1esage Milliurus LuxaLivchills quicken 5105111 mdwmual SIZES $138 only to 0111 Christmas decorations Ispecf services on bha mm suliday visitors Mrs Graves and enliven the sluggish liver IoIpIelIl PI 1210 150 signs were held in United Church Emmiat F1001 Fumes IMF and 4110111 cvcry channel by causmg GLASS JUICE SET 381 Us SPOTPAD 155 asiindav Mr power layman MrsWI end MrsVlclmollv free ow of bile andthus cleanch 77 gt from TorothoTspoke at the inorn Maple at will Maw Marlo the liver of the clogging impurities Six piece set in the National pattern Tumblers For Lapel Cth ls different Designed by experts mg same and Rev MFII Strang MayeS TOIOntO at Milyes Diu WW othy Wood Toronto 01401 Wood Mr and Mrs Dalton Richardson BiilqndDorothI Piowribh Tiny rim inrllunaoasyao take Do not 21 Grant Baiirse illo Million00 101 Toronto0nb Various shaped in patterned tumb Optic bell sizes 150 pa whohuve studied every possible vari ation otrupture The patented Spot Ifeaturc holds theruptllchirmly witll onebrill the pressure of ordinary wa recently returned from Consisting of 4Ioiily5 Ioz glasses Ch Touk the evening service only 18 ozjjuiee pitcher lens in Colonel Bl only inch tray shaped etc and Igripa weaken or sicken of gm 5v eppcruppels iiir Shining little lourfui gem trusses fitsvio snugly yoiirforget lahle Glassware pt Water Set pc Console Set Sugar8LCrea Sell finished metal set Wllhco Animal and you me or hm InnlleeIIII9mer ZellerIlirIiftPrieed at Set 59 like Stones Bilng ButtZerzy at ZellerSI The Spqllloldsl1ic11euiia Emir ImotIIiiIs1n ISgXIIW7 securell 05 with your MI The PYPS were guests at social II IAII II II last Friday night with Crdssland Purser tumult 3Com in and consiilt us See ibishcw NonSkid SpotPad Trusstho prqc tical answer to rupture troubles Abdominal Belts Knec Supports IAnkicSupportsI for sometime We ll fll kd if i11112201011351 P2 110105 Ylggiry to report thatblrs Frank IiBepalnng Remgdehng RehnIShlng II slipping Mclllvll MIlIS will rrrrr IIZ II issuers rile youvaTAwaf l15i5withpinto UPHoLeruY CLEANINGf 1311 them all SHOES $13993 Smut01y Istylddu for IGlowmg Girisfand just what the Jive Self prefer iloafers espadf llllotics oxfords With fillt or medium heels Made of sideleatherin black brown Try Us on Those Ugly Sorotches Burns II rBERfBOXKLLI ID803124 IPhonel3600 FORMER VtWllITESmTSERVICE STNI IHOPENAGAIN LAMONT IMPERIAL ATLAS DEALER TIBESEBYICE TIRES 222 BRADFORD STBARRIE OLD AND NEW PATRONS WELCOMED spbedy retovcry Sunday and Weekend tors Mr and Mrs Arliold McQuayT01onto and Mrs AAiex Grant Bowman ville with Mr and iMrsIIJ Mc QuayMl lind Mrs iTom Schell with Mr and Mrs Norman Schell New Lowell 12111 fandIllIrsTChgrltes Lou heed an aml or Elastic Stockings withg Mr and Mrs Everett 100T FeatherweightBracers Illced Dorothy Bates Toronto With Ladies surgical Supports PM Back Support and Shl1 Qualied Fulani ioServeYou $159 DandyI for liessjup and school wear loafers monkstrapstyles moc assilloxfords brogucsv Made with comfortable Iheillth lusts and sturth ilyconslructcd of4 good quality leathers Black blOWn Sizes lilto Checked flanneilette kiI Shirts iumbeIi lack style Smart andWakmifor spoIr Buttoned to the neck rWithIhandy pocke III Red orpliic plaids Sizes 1420 It HM VG1 dis071 52531 09 Skipper Shoes made in oxford etyieszI designed 011 health lasts toglvc maxxmum comfort to busy growing youngfeet Black or brown sideleather uppers sturdy soles rubber Iheels Slzes to Harrisons General Stere Stroud agency for NilService DryClean cm and Launderers Barrie Two deliveries weekly Advt 45b UOLWELL Mrs Nellie Johnson Listowel is visiting her brother George and ers Symes GeorgePage who hIasIbeen un der the doctors care is improving very well M11 and Mrs Harold Tiffm and friends Meaflird ant aday With Mr and Mrs Jos itfm oiijrlyvuiippmo AIDS Now being SiloWll it colourful collection of Christmas Gift Wrappings fancy ribbons hseals tugs priced Zellerlowl Start selecte jing yours At CHRISTMASMCIARDS Advance Shula111g but itsnot too early fo you to start tiltilting selections now tid assortment pf individual Christmas do complete with envelorcs at DRUG STOR vllhono 2823 Allananlo MEMBER Barium IHAMBER or comment 42155 tomccach 59 100 lkgc LLfEfIils LIMITED