AB IiCtlJlflv are going to have 111 No1th with 111 liCl rugoj 11v piiiy two 111115131 junior Lthtilz is ttlitClt It tl111 001 in Oilllill Olillil 11111 IKI the In their i11 by StllL enior game ii just 111 as Orillia are thing tinee players Mach Ros 0C1 found himself will 11 senior tins Hmon played Dorrie here l1t had seven 11111 in In so had to 11lte tiiiee men over age stilool Jerome himself blinr around with 11111 1Ill Ile 1111 11 broken llitllt gunne 32 vi visits liCl SENIORS have wi tliit title anyway brine eligible 101111 oicll burn has not made 11 murmur llzltiie ytNIelalziy tint $11111 it large to win 11 Oiiliia to otiieiwise have the hftract junior 111214 lv1 Vim are 51x21 played in llit e1i1t111o1 irreligitiet 13 llii til It lf Ititll suffered two 111511311 1111 in th pening 1e but 1114 in tr 11 pl lIllt flush 1i1 virl gt tiatl was hon ttltit in inkle 1n ill lllt it Ilt 11111 ll Ctlkli iii mind whether in send hi1 tean to To for the 11111111 COSSA playoltt and 11 rein with rice new set of ritiiiy pants retelztly uitnneil JUNIORS have llll Illli lurk this Muriwlt lEiry lou Kely tinnion t1r kicker train it illjlllit itei lt111l1 111311 111111111 hilt hand In 31 Oiitiia the team ltrl itll III SHE tit 1E11 il C1 tzple iltt lt $11in halt i1 Ltplt 1111ve1i 51 in 1112 111 Iirztll Ii 1lt 111111 11 IIIIt 2111f 111111 the A11 tlltl tru ugint 11 Paul 911th 1s111 with knee injure ind lnllll Fritis gt1 ttll ted bone in 1111 leg when he stepped ill 111 1111 13111 field The jinn emu11111111 ordon lliaxins 11 tluir tlrs five1 1Inertwoto St 11lrevlt IU 11 1e111111ket one to rilti tllLtl Yolk 311 one 111e 11111 b11111diy 111112 liekuiint llttl1t li1l1Vv 1111 l1l they win liillia in Satin day they are all through for the reason The senior in four htiljh to date have beaten St Andrew There is some illewtmrl In to timritwiee lostto rillia and Pickering ONOWNMINOOIOONNOIINO OIIMIIO Ii IIOllilIOOIOOIIJ IV am or Evenings 830 Amateur Photographers TIIF BARRIE CAMERA SHOP 71 Elizabeth St HAS COMPLETE STOCK OF FILM 117 120 Phone 4014 1120 111 1111 35 111111 mm and 16 mm black and white Screens and Equipment for the 8Nmm Movie Fan ICE SKATING REGULAR SKATING NIGHTS Tuesday and Thursday evenings Saturday afternoon and evening 1030 SpecialSkating Monday afternoon 24 School Children 10c Adults 250 DEVELOPING EQUIPMENT CHEMICALS Splicch Reels rand Cans Afternoons 24 BEATS 210116 BEAROS all how Schick1njectorLrazorspeeds up shaving thanks to magic Automatic 47TBIAdCChange And no matterhow wmwgiveyoursmoothersafe shavcshntBecauscgyenthemoststubbom are simply REPAlRS AND PAETS tonalt makes of Washing Machines Experienced workmen SKATE SHARPENING Pmmpt and Efficient SerVice Assnms mac111111 47 ELIZABETH Sat PHONE 4383 your WhiskersarmiiiSchiclLlnj fffff cinch forla SChick Get Sorters BC it 211w 8111 limell 3111 Lutll at Filtl tl tllr tin with 81 111 1y JUNIOR SEAT manic llyers Have Good Team Lined For Junior SUBSCRIBER PLAN CLOSES MONDAY Nuti ilJt liunnnrr 11 1IE tllsilt kllt In 41 tlvudl iltt fur ti home paints of iii lerir Hycrs Junior ittuln turn this xenon the man Jgemrnt stairs that the me 11 ill tone mu Month night at oclock If oilareiiilri1ttit it good JI tor the game sculpt UsilJAJ 51 Hikes halt get your name in lurin lirisiie 11 11mm littlrlt on then The drpmit out $1311 111l1 scat 11111111 lla tor 1111 IJNI tun home games Kulbtltlitls SHARPENED by the modern method Bring them to URRY BROS iii IHYIIICLI SI DIAL 38H lumber ni onlmrrce tlenibrrs Barrie just as at Maple Leaf thirtieth iiltf iv may be sure of their seats 111l mi good seats for the entire til son SUIMKIIIHHN only low ttlrir rtsrrveit seats if Ill miss two games Nails ue good for playoff too Tickets will be left at setting ngntlt of the club and mint he pirkiit yz up110t later than six o1lotk the illi Hi ht of the garlic lult pan it Ed Lure my with ttfutan of the plan will he Une tit Ltfrttttl try itnttav Iltti 11 liaiin mitt 1311 Kim mm lyg frvw hits to 1111 wo t1ll$ 011 11 41 1111 I11 lilikiinrl t1m 111 hi who is Milli tx 1111 t1 Ting IU anotun ttltl keep pace 111t11 an inn Oshawa or hit 1111 thin tilltt 11 Ht it RCA Ktttit tlomtt 1111i t1l11t with 3111le lni 11111th gt Wt ll lMVmt llilt 1v11111rz1111 11 11ilt win lliit l1ilt ill1 311o 81121 11d 1111 iticfv Itltlt 11 llil lilitll with that filbuzim tlilltvttb lvt Miniaj tlf lilitl 11km Hllt ittltHlV but Itudtlll li1l Kinan 1111211 l1 l41lllt 1111 with lilytlll Datlx vtliillilt fiilFJinlfizl 31 tlilll i1lo=1lij win illt pt on tiiwi Tm 117 BENT l1llltl 511111 wiri rl11111111l1l litlli 1111 til fililv if 111 It gtvllh Audit Cit 33 111ltki who second iii st 111111 1111 iiawa lenernis taut wini Itilll hit itVlitttt lci1i1141e11y1111r1111 lo 11 o1 light thttiy i111 Srnnn 111111 llit was one of our titw 1191 the to 111 the tear which defeated ti1ie l1o1 11 iit llltlitt liCt 1111 i111 my ll Ze Units in tin VIVltlti years 111 Jpn in Um JIM Mimi titmtldil Still to entire 14 Andy t111i11 from N1 rit lily t111tl xl 111l1 q1 tyu 11 VI in tho A1111 11 Vllltlllt but igt ivawt Vii11 li1i1lielltmd111 1mm 11 mt Ollml Niltrill itll1111131 tltlltl 01151 ilro lilztl in 1111 For tilt tel 1111 1111 lit 1111le 11111 21 on 111 til 11 Chimp Haul HIHH Wh WW icoSSA liltlt hte the 111111 lttl 11 hey V11111 111 lll liil pHth pi tnigv vll 3111 t11nt the povxeiu 11ek1dt11n tutu 1111 ti 11111 Hit ttv1ii mp1 11 11min 11 111 cities ltlllftlll to be seen int we have 111111 tin11 1111 111 1111111 11m 11v111Ti ii Hind 111921 and they look imil See for yoursell 111v Stafford tiiiziorizir 1111 by it 113 iiite inwm in tile mule 1111111 iifmii AND ll11l 1W 1ltltil1ttl luv1 lill 115 1111l1121tdei tiiriiitlwt 11 1111 l11llitllti littll nwti 11 tltlllillit who i1111l 111mi ttit1 lIt 3111111111 Bovine LEAGUES My 1111 1111 t1ili 1111 ital 11 ili t1 Klliltit llruiti supportml by tntlllttl 1111ki111 111 11211 11111 their captains 738 triple took soul the 1111 half 11 1101118 from Norris Dairy ml Spurred mm mm bwclrm Dtllliltll E1rtl his t1 Ix 3111111 111 1111 hitIVA in it Dissiilgsiirnithtlitiotiiiikfhiiliit DUNN hm Mlllmml 0le iiie tgt1i Illltll about 3111 t1t 111 rh ronp The scerc of 311 01 points from Harmony Grill powerful 11211111 by virtue of team record took five points and Olynip and previous night lom Moxon got his ClllVL ball breaking right 111 the tnird game for 362 single Dick gtRowett piled up tho following 320 2172l to make high three of 818 Group Pts Knights Drugs It 22 Olympia 19 llIcAnley Haulage 18 CNR 13 Dixics 17 Canada 14101 17 Ball Planingr Mill 13 Clarke Clarke 11 Barrie Tanningr 10 Copaco IO Lukevicw Dairy Norris Dairy 10 Group Pts Harmony Grill 10 23 Examiner 10 23 Corner Cupboard 19 Garners l7 Cusdens Phcy 15 Underhills 12 Emms Electric 12 Smiths Dairy 12 MasseyHarris ll iWestons Westons Barrie Tanning 96 Next week will bethe last night scores will be entered for the spec ial prize now Lon Id isplay at the BowlinpAlleys The winner will be announced week Clarke and Clarke League gameis ippers ViVDers tTanners Finishers Office Mechanics Hatters Tuckers 11 10 10 signi 178 Men 218 ghscoresLadies LLaura Campbell 240 three Laura Campbell 571 mrage Vera Ter single Lougheed 243 three Ambrose Ri eragTAmbmSLRiye in this column next 25 24 24 22 16 16 13 10 12 10 12 10 11 single George scams LOSE BY Welding Outfit ROTARY CLUB prAsn SEND Addrssv II tuuuunruuu Vl This new 1941 model 7Mas yours todayrcompletc blades at drugand cigar stores will ani Equipped wlthtlaoodyear iiies Vmws AfiIEAlrs screw or 1311 GASOLINE rANi on 712011911 $190 seyHarris tractbr equipped withVnew Goodyear Tires andone years supply of BA Gasoline VandOll Second award Lincoln Portable Third award+3new1946 Frigidaire LEASIDE AWARDEWII no Annooiviiiir iirtiifii Any of these valuableorticlescan be yours for only$100 Proceedsutob used for the Sick Childrens Hospital The jicitippled Childrens Fund and Community Service SHARES $100 EAonV on SHARES FOR $5001 MAIL THIS 001110VN NOW or LEASIDE 1101 MILLWQOD ROAD oriTAiiio isHAEEs Bah mnt and during or PICKERING BCI senior glidders were defeat ed by Pickering College seniors last Saturday by 12Oct New market The Barrie boys started ofo Witha flash of speedth fin ished up in the mud which was ankle deeptandtwicex as slimy re the garnekwas fiveVmin uteVsold Nixon hadkicked place in Has many minutes kicked vfoiianother single Bfore theirhost quarter ended heVreturned aPickeitngizpunt theball hobbled almost to Pickerings deadline and hej raced down and recovered itfor touchdown which wastnotvconL veited Score Barrie 9Pickering Birrie lost60 yards during the second quarter on minor infrac tions ofthe rules while Pickering 113 lost 35 yardstor Jhe same reasons Fickering kicked for one point with theswinduat their backs 2A rie looked good enough to Win Halftime score Barrie 9Pickiering Themudconditions or somel Ithing seemed tohold Barrie brick the second half Vfor they didnt get out of their content for the tuna minutes During the time Pickering counted if 1946 tiiciints legiate seniors racked up lST win over Barrio here last ltiurs lay the first defeat for tl1I locals in three gilllltStM rugby tilts year lll top spot in I3 Group is stillt The teams clashi attain in the re lltltt ltlilltll by EXilllltllCl and ll1 turn name at Oriilia this Saturday inony Grill both teams taking scv uftvnonn and it is expected the Underliills Barrie Tanningr respectively llarry Cooper captain of the EX amlner team showed his boys the way with 717 triple Dudley 111 at an average of 130 turnedin 194 score which is nice bowling in taking their seven points set three league sea son records The team rolled 113117 to heat Olympia score made 1113 play will be broadcast oVerCFOlt the new station in the Coiicliicli int town Despite the power on the older lrillia backfield Barrie believe they were more ontlucked than outplayed here last week and definitely expect to reverse the decision two days from now IT WAS ALI MILLIGAN Former rillia junior and sen ior star Jim Milligan has been away in the Navy for several years and is just back to school He is too old for COSSA play so the letllOOIllli senior scrtes must be classed as exhibition only Two other 001 players are also not eligible Milligan figured in all his teams scoring here He tossed two beati tiful forwards both for touch downs kickcd placement con vert and rouge for five extra points Les Mould took one of the tosses for major and Jim Perry man counted the other NO SCORE IN FIRST the first quarter although there was one moment when the visit ors marched downtlle field to the local line With just one foot to go the BCI line held solidly and Orillia had to back up with no score The first 15 minutes was markedbyisome hard plunging by Special Bargdins HAVE YOUR CHRISTMAS PHoros TAKEN NOW qndctvoidV disappointmef PAUL ILVES 112 DunlopStreet BARRIE Haitvii 415131 55TRUCK1NG Gravel Sand Loam etcf PHONETOZOZ new 111111511111 tours R113Ui1i 1v Barrie held Orillia scoreless in 1srun10h YOUNG RANGERS AT GARDENS MONDAY Billllt Iflyers open the HA Junior season at Maple Leaf Gardens next Monday night against Toronto Young Rangers Iirst came in Barrie is on Friday Nov lti with Toronto Marlboros as opposition Then comes the Canadian champion tore he was tlrntlttii down 11d Harvey moved down the lltlil and PM made kick near the touch tin rie had the ball ready in ltClitllll 11d tlnl 111 post another of which Wilson ttllllllttti liu hil was reeovered tiiiinid the 11111141 line and three lininie 11111 znvh tued Wilson to rtozt 11111112111 oin Iolaiiti llltltllltt unotilit iltt11i11 1111 1311 sue llllt Spring the Mdmf Mil3m tovBurlf halfback intercepted Arena on dmsday lov pass and 1m iiH The local club received noti Md fication of their schedule yes tentay and we will have the full list to publiin next week The Junior meeting is being held at Toronto tonight to clear up player details schedule etc bothloams Jack Nixon more than jheltl hisown in kicking exchanges with Milligan rillia finalty lnoktfisc in the second quarter and after bucks by Mclsaac and Middleton worked down the field Milligmi let go his first good pass which Motild took 25 yards away and ran on for ltouchdown Milligan tried another pass for the convert but it was knocked down tr Orillia kept on the move and soon got back into position for Milligan to split the bars with threepoint placement BARRIE GETS MAJOR Down 80 Barrie came to life with some solid plunging by Ron Stewart Bill Laking and Larry Lougheed They followed up with welltimed end run and Nixon carried over for major not con The local collegialishad the wind again after half time and with Nixons long hoofs kept Orillia bottled up Nixon added two more points on single kicks to the dead line Barrie had great chance fort forward to Bernie McKinnon who was in the clear but drOpped the ball ORILLIA TAKES OVER With the wind in the last quar ter Orillia took command again Milligan hoofed along kick and Nixon was nailed behind the line on rouge TWIhont 97 They stayed there and des pite all Barrie efforts toget going held the locals in check alongthe line so 3that Milligan wasable to Amid ray of forwards in Joe Krol style One beauty was heaved over the it for majoiliglit out of the armsof Barrie half Before the game ended Milligan hadsplit the Vgoalposts with long placement for another three pointsF The three Jimson the 0C1 back field Mllligan Cooke were ail outstanding the latter pair for pluitginz 0n the deadly andeach grabbed tciucha downmdss Hipwell attmiddle and ers For tthe BarrieClub Nixons kicking was thewfeature while qoodOn pltmges Middle wing came defensively andwas Barries besttbet Ton plunges BCISnap Bruce Grim insides Rill LaPlanteAustin Stoneham middlosg Ron Stewart Maurice Baldwick outsides Terry Harris Harold Brett quarter Larry Lougheed flyinri wine George Storey halves VBill Laking Jack Nixon Bernie McKinnon subs Ralph Knowles Done Fcaleigh black Moran Frank Moran Reg Don Snenrn Officials Gordon Higgins Maurice Hines and Major Gordon AianstrongL DSO Barrie 119115qu ticn litvqminer Closifteric ts all llliltlt and all for big lluiehesvin made major when Nixon heaved long dhzzlingrar line and Perrymamcamedniograb Middleton and line the ends were bothtacklirig our old Barrie friend ferry Car others at inside Welcsolidbloc1lt flaking and Lougheed More also Ron Stewarp turned in very fine Roach Norm Binion Murroy Fitch Pickerin went down with three beautiful to want 11152 in fttltii gt11 first tne tiiiid was iron Mossip Spring Iiekelintz was 11ein11 Barrie tiilllil line and 1111t 11 lulthld Binion Clttlitllt the null to intercept and break up the Pitken in drive Iii tlithhird quarter Roach 1n terceptcd Pickering f111illl and ran yards before he was brought down Pickering again got into the game when they blocked one of Polands liCllt2111l not the ball the ti1l1l Mossepthicw forward which Ian Witsoncauglit to end the game Poland and Roach played good game fordhe winners At inside Poland got through to break up several Pickering plays When he did the kicking for BCI the Pick crinLr backfielders could not catch that end over end ball The Examiner gives all the news for Barrie and District while it news verted when the kick was blocked 27 Fame Market Wise heat Vhirtnway at even weights in record time for the Jockey Club Gold Cup He won his last race so lame he could not walk fight ing heart made himfamous Winchester Cigarettes are famous becausethey ciimhine liocly taste and rmildness contributed by Turkish Virginia and Hurley tobaccos lended rigJlv Winchester 5W llie consist141tpiipiilaiity of95 Underwear The is proof of its outstanding value liitllt warm and durable materials are exactly right for indoor and outdoor com tort during Canadas Fall and Winter Iph tailoring is typically PetlllulllS COUCCt it very detail assuring maximum Comfort and perfect Ask to see Peninans 95 CIGARETTESg MarkctWiscFby Brokers Tip out of On Watch Light booedywith soft fact his gamcncss brought 111m past the pot attend Of motevpowcril opponents KITONIEJUhibhl1it arket ire