=1iy 131 tiltElf ll1 Idol Chocolate FUDGE SUNDAE 15 LYNCH ll BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy lid liryson Stan llryson lc 5111111 11 II WRIGHT Organist ltclllcllllnurpcc Day hlJIOH tlhllllNION 111 1111111 Zurich wit lt their live lt ul lrczlchrl The Nestor AldIlei1hicr Suftdny School BIS PATBIBLE CLASSES lllSllNIfY SCHOOL lflICVENIG PRAYER lrcachel The Doctor 20 Muleaster Street Barries Revival Centre sUNDAY Nov 11 1915 10 llISIINDAY SCHOOL ll AifDevotionzl Service 730 PMThy Kingdom Celtic inspiring message Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY NOV 11 1945 REMEMBRANCE DAY lircsin World War II PMSUNDAY SCHOOL PillTHE MINISTER Come to Church REV LEWIS MA BD Minister MRS GRIFFITHS Organist SUNDAY NOV 1171945 Grace Gospel Holt 37 Mary Street Barrie Trinity Anglican Church law 11 nownrw 11l lftClOl illi3 SUNDAY NOV 11 ll AllBcllevers fl pmS11ndy School ll 4iospcl Service it gtll lraycr Allitliil You are cordially invited iCiilorn 1111 undress by Ill The Salvation Army COLLIER STRE Officers in Char Iucntyfourlll Sunday after lrlnlty Memmk ii It Service 15 lien1nili1cc Wed Nov l2 and Stldlltl Wclid v1 Dept of the Altt aild Crafts Group iCAPT AND MRS JAMES BROWN ship riil be open to anyone in Sim it County and the provisional 31v11zlniztel1as mtan llelen lranccs RN iauttlltcl of Mr and Mrs llulne Mirror sUNDAY Nov 11 1915 11 All and PM 230 PMSITDAY SCHOOL Full Gospel Tabernacle C085 pmRS Womens Aux Wed pmYoutll Group meeting Thursday pm Friday pmChildrens Meeting Saturday pmPublic Meeting lalaae Rev Thomas Lotto BA Minister Central United Church REV BEWELL organist Miss Jessie It Bryson Fourth iii series on the Lords Prayer Jesus our Lord and Lozning King There will be no slrilses strife or war when the Prince of Peace comes Hear this SUNDAY NOV It 1945 REMEMBRANCE DAY 1115 AM Guest Preacher Major Jarrett Srll1ll55l004315193135 rimmed Tile Barrie Branchof thevamadieln b21222 St Andrews Presbyterian Legion will Worship with the con gregation in special Remembrance Day Service PALTHE MINISTER How We Know God THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ll amThe Beginners Class 230 pmAll Other Classes Come to Gods House on His Day Free Methodist MiSSIon Clapperton Street REV BALL Pesto Edmund Hardy Mus 1336 FTCM ll AlliMemorial Service forthe men of St Andrews who gave their SUNDAY NOVI11 1045 sensor HO SILVER DOLLARS MISSING lf lw ttllc 111111 tafl lus bet1 31 11lli111 11f tilt 1ial iimvs Elrlicd tor liztlllln 121 Eiti 11 his 111111 Asst 11 lli Sc 111 lubll 1l Ii 11l 11 1E Gaitskell 16 Allen iSimcoe Arts and Crafts Torgonization Meeting 12 oat1143 rinc11 superf 1l1l 11il Will in 11 ltlillt l=1 lltlll1lit 11r lfiitlllg inaly llail 11nc11c11 ull the glnbiit 11 i1 111115 con1ltcc ruined Sllncuo A1 zafrs Group 11 hlndlclaft exhibit pr ltl11t by the 1li11lln Handicraft Eul1l and the wort of local crafts cn wiil l1 be shown iii1i 11 permanent executive it be elected to promote the aim 1i 11llLls of the Simcoe County tor tiizccwecks handicraft schoil 111 be conducted in Barrie next January the generous boxes of assorted CHRISTMAS CARDS in our will our or real photograph style in box for 500 or 12 cards with Scripture texts at Silothese are few of the designs we are show ing limited stock of Gift Cal endars has just arrived prices from 251 to 751 each ETHEL CROSSLAND Drllggist 50 Dunlop EYES EXAMINED 193145 PMThe Pastor Lxf Soldiers and strangers will nd Collier St United Church cordial welcome at this mission Thurs pmPrayer Meeting l15 Collier 51 Baptist Church chrTELlf Minister REV 433 SUNDAY NOV 111945 h1 Iunnuuuuna REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICES 11 Mind 7PM 11 AMChrist in the Dark Valley gt P7MBIBLVEV SCHOOL Regular Classes had in Canada 1nt Ali lt 11v been 01111119 ot liducalain Week lhelc Read and use Examiner Classifieds nnnllpqlnuucuIIIIIl stiller NOEL STEPHENSON no Dunlap St Barri9 Optometrist and Optician nIrvunrIrunIonnnndnnnnouuuuuuuIlI Restrictions Lifted on the 1F0110winulflagaziltesbyMail rm 3mm EXAMINER slams ONTARIO ammo MAKE 357m COFFEE flus easy way Youll be amazed at the difference in the coffee you make how much richer how much tastirr llnh much more ililiuhtlul when pause the ory AllClass llll1tlllltlllllll gin5 coffee lnakcr Fillers uer Through oee Its the patented filter rod that assures clear fullbodied hillflavored collcc every time because itjillrrs ctr1e through toffee The steamng llrcw tillers naturally down through the finely ground coffee which forms lter llttl around the Cory glass llllcr roil flavor11illlingnmssy clotllorpapcr Nonlctal sprinng chainsto cor 5o1lclllc Cory tiller roll is all glassjust rinse and its cleanApatcntcd fratureollhcfanloiu Cory Class Coffee Hrrucrvhut its 111 slandorrl gloss ergfcenlrlkcrt 011 301 murmur nu urtru lrnvurtic HOME APPLIANCE SHOP Phone 3432 ENGAGEMENTS Flt Salt and Mrs Gill announce the engagement of their eldest Edaultiiter Selena Emily to Gordon lStevart Perry son of Mrs Sarah Perry and the late Russell Perry Memberinf Barrie lllc weddinl to take place Saturday Nov 10 The encultemcnt is announced of Alberta to Duncan Campbell son of Mrs ll Campbell alld the late Mr Campbell Shanty Bay Mr and Mrs ll Scott Allan dale announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Elizabeth Betty to Mr John Cudneg Ash man only son of Mrs and the late Mr Roy Ashman London 0111 The marriage to tallc place quietly at low Canadian landscapes in col9 the home of the brides parents in Ailnndnle Deccmbersrr STILL TRUE to reward our care as to revenue negleeL We work badly too much ground instead of cultivatnuwC i111 well little Nicholas Biddle ill an address to the Philadelphia Society for Promoting ARIlCtlllllLC in 1809 GLASSES FITTED Foi Appointment Rhone 4201 CHURCH SCHOOL 11 amBeginners and Primary Depts pmBaracaClass 230 pmYoung Womens Class pmSenior School pmAdult Bible Class tIOlIIl 11 AMESpecial 13 PM Christs One Sacrifice for Sin Friday Nov p111 of Bethel Ba YP Rally Young People Church Orilliawtaking complete treat in store for you ptist service Come BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHUR CServices Of Worshiplyultll am and pompV Rev Alfred Laycock of Orillia CH aridMr Frank Dobson Memorial Service fbr Ourboys who paidtho supremHaerifice also the vunveilingof the Honor Roll 2309 PMSUNDAYi SCHOOL IIolly Service at 313m The publicare cordially invited IvIlI IlIIlIIlIIr ST BAPTISTCHURCH REV Tr HAIRE Minister MISS ELSIE CLOUGHLEY ATCM Organist and Choirleader SARY SERV ICES 4SUNDAY NOVEMBER llIH llAMMORNING WORSHIP 3vIvMBJBIESGHOOLV ammo WORSHIP 1513515 SPEAKERwltEV ERIC QUIRK MQsinnaryfrom India MUSICBE THE CHOIR YlP 1pm Prayer Service wArrs YOUAT THESE SERVICES CAN HOME JOURNAL LIBERTY $200 Weekly LIFE $550 TIME ea NEWSWEEK $500 SATURDAY NIGHT 7$300 SATURDAYTELELMCQST $400 COLLIERS $300 VOGUE ijsr00 Simeon Monthly iMACLEANS $150 OUTDOOR LIFE $150 FIELD ANDsTREAM $200 ESQUIRE $500 LADIES HOME JOURNAL $200 READERSIDIGEST $300 MAGAZINE DIGEST $300 $1100 MCCALLS $200 POPULAR MECHANIC f$3500 FORTUNE $1200 EMPIREHDIGEST $3100 OORONET $300 HQUSEAND GARDENS 2=$450 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC $500 pk CAN HOMES dz GARDENS $200 WOMANS HOME HCOMPANION $150 GOODIKOUSEKEEPING $4907 77 ewe CHATELAIN $100 No orders outside of Canada AMERICAN HOME $150 ew orders placed on waiting list PLACE YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS WITH wcaym0utllBookstore pneumonia 51 canals Phone 4055 Home or Blame Orrinrpm 0F common WPNMPApp unInIIu uuuuf lBlake St at the corrreLQ cent St After the death of Mr Moberlyjn 1927 the family moved to Toronto The funeral too yesterday Bittl JESSIE MOBERLY outstandilnt figure in child welfare work ill Canada Miss Jes se Vol1 Moberly died on Sunday Nov at her home 91 St Joseph St loronto after brief illness iil Mollerly was largely respon stgti1 for much of the early child legislation in Canada and was in s11nlcntai for the chance in policy 111 the infants Home from institu tion to foster home care than at Fort William she was the daughter of Frank Moberly civil engineer and the first engin ccr to survey for the CPR and Mrs Georgina Macinter Moberly daughter of John Maelntyre of the Hudsons Bay Co She received her education ill England where she lived with her aunt Lady Rrydges Following her return to tins country she travelled across Canada with her parents She and Men praise the bounty of Nili ture but it is much safer to relyon her justice Whichms rarely fails her mother were credited with be ing the first white women to set foot in the Abitibi country ill Nor thern Ontario in the United StatesMis Moberly was appointed superin tendent of the Isolation Hospital in Victoria BC In 1919 she went to Toronto and joined the staff of the Infants Home as matron At the inception of the new foster home scheme she was made executive secretary the position she held at the time of her death She was member of the Canadian Associa tion of Social Workers Sept 1945 rt 1111211111 Barrie residing to Barrie Union Cemetery JESSIE FLORENCE LAIDLAW JessigFlorence Laidlawrrdied at St Andrews Hospital Midland on Friday Oct 26 1945 after long illnessx She was 81 years Old Mrslsaidlaw born Jessithior ence Partridge was born in 1865 in Barrie She hadlived inkLid land 1orthe past 33 years Her husband Thomas Laidlaw Sr died in 1936 Shown member ofhe Presbyterian Church Funeral services Were heldr the home of her son Thomas Laid iaw Russell St Midland Oct 29 Rev Stewart officiatediPall bearers were Lloyd Cook Belt Cook and Albert Cook Barrie lCIifforcl Archer Port MeNicoll Nate PdrtridgerCollingwood Laidtaw Wasaga Beach Surviving are two sortsThomus or Midland and Horace Port Mc Nicol and three daughters Mrs Archer Georgina Port McNicolI MrsCook Maude Barrie and MrsvPring1e Florence Londom Relativesand arenasfrmm disz tance attending the funeral went Mr and Mrs Allenanidlaw and Mrs DOrvalHOuston Toronto Mr and Mrs Nate Partridge Collin wobd Mrs Charles Rutherford Bellevtille Mrfand Mrs Ed Partv ridge Bert Partridge and Will Partridge Barrie Mr and Mrs Allen Laidlaw Wasaga Beach Mr andiMrsLlOydCookAlberLCook Bert Cooltxand Ross Cock Barriep Mrs MacGregdr North Bay Among the beautiful owers re Ioeived were thosefrom employees of elevator at Port McNicollRe bekah Lodge Barrie Staff of Nurses St Andrews ospitalthid iand and other lovelywreaths News dealers Barrio sell on an average 1507coples of The Bar tie Examiner every week Add subscriptions to this gives totaliof $5500 copies tn them Andire nnidlnadvance circulation too inelis garage 7W native of Hollyrhe was son of zelgfelmgarette cases Surviving are two brothers Moberly Toronto and Mob erly of Sioux Lookout and sis ter Mrs Olga Ottershaw of Sur rey England Her mother died Oil For number of years the fam public years John JOHN mum Public Meeting Saturday Nov 10 830 p111 in Orange Hall Barrie Elizabeth St near tlary over Grahams Nl Itll OPEN DiSttSnmN Mr and it John P1hlic Our conquering heroes have won the war Let us will the peace With intelligent planning by touting our forces by consolidating the peoples strength ill Labor and Farm ers movements and all prOgressize orgalmatlon we can win are creatures who live and lore and have physical Cl dell lllc tr Slittnutl tlcfl he 121 1114 and economic hazards and desires ethnltlty of oppor lltllhll trinity security and enjoyment 3m You are concerned in the future of Canada and your children You re The Peoples Recollycrsiml Com incl for than Ellllltc Mt Tilzlshtl tic tmblir Hlfiscl Please attend and take part ill YOUR meeting WW 710 ii1 ltvlillt The Peoples Rcconvcrsion forum Iliii om 11l Secv OWENS Clltillllltlll CRAWFORD 11 11 4gt 11011InilhloleHlulrtliK 214 elected Bldlmd Sl 01 Stilton to the legislature as Liberal He Orrin My Wm ii Wiltlnaoir lliilClL Kennett 911 1111411 111 rtle hold this office unil ins appointlMNmm SM Hf OW Sump 1511 114 Will it Rtdlliitl ml SI11ibeautiful 11i from the lleligin William Alla11 111 and An Clllll 1934 ll lltm iliilitul and rr1 iii1 ll token from llcw Ann111 of F171 iilc mil Hi Ler Illllh I1lrl11 litt filthtnl tttl if Wm lit11nd FllUiltl and relatives frozn tliil conducted by iiv ll llainl ii lin Noltll llay Gait lizcnrnonil the 31 lyy The pall lilttlk Mitchell llrtl sclved all 11111l1113 zllcznbcr of the Board of llusttc ul hl liilli lllzilil and Owen Sound at lit1 wen tu liming Jill 11111 11 fhll imltl Km 11 Iputjfi lienalcu ll1 lunaxral 111 illntnlr ll Iv livi pl sworn in UM Dm Inwp Hilly 1Dim fl MUD lAllls ARNENI ivy cnleftrfs 111 1111 inc so 1c eace utary Foresters lfllhltl yllonlt and WW Hill fll Llit pm 111 in host 111111 mot MAW 31w llnvld lames llltll lielatiws ind l11il Clilltllil5 111 111 Uillillciioy am my diesl at lclllttlh lntlrsoay Nov from 11 neu Mls s1 011 hi Imwhmm mm my 101 111 3112111 attack l=xind1 l1 and Falls cliall yolllly people 1if lltltn 1111 31111 it try lie was son of FUN htlwt grounds on Maplc 111111 known as litter and Matilda Alncni lliril the Methodist Athletic ilayinft it ftlmni Voflllut it ill MC Sec opposite palcc for additional mold in rIzsa l1ii Lit years and before that Obitmmfs He was prcrieccrivorl by his wife his home had been in llannlton in January 10445 blolhcl liob member of the Church of Engg erp Check MI MN him mum tlllitl only two weeks 115011111 land he was Conservative 11mm wiwmmm WM Th Ev sister Lilly died in 19251 Surviv 11012110 and belonlted to the 01 in if hummer MN Mun an 0mm nnmoralways 11111 at 1elt11ltllt Vivian Mm Alt yuryivitpt pro Survivini are his wife two sour early orders hpr lot Itllf two brothers ll and Mitchell both of loronto Tl ft llllllltlt 1115 11l SPLENDID ASSOBTMENT or The service held at the lcsil deuce of the late Mr Mitchell wast conducted by Rev James Dorrian of St Johns United Church In torment was in Alliston Union Cemetery Honorary pallbearers were Sher ROBINSON RDWARE Knight Maclean Jan Kerr Kelly Lati WMWMMMNNN mer Active pallbearers were Jack WW and Maxwell Mitchell Nelson and Charles Shepherd Conse Gor ion Vcitch Members of the AllisI 1011 Business Association carried the many floral tributes that hari the latest ln been banked high in the room where the body lay until the time of the funeral CHARMROWN ti Plastic Compacts and Cigarette Cases Death came very suddenly to Charles Brown on Saturday Nov 1945 In the evening while seat ed in chair at his home 56 Park side Drive he passed away Al Petticoat Pony GIT though he had not been in good health for some time he was able compaCt to go about town and attend to matters of business MIIIIOWW NWJOOIJMVOIOUIOIOIII3 WM WNMOW Englishborn parents James Brown and Eliza J1me Sladci As youth he came to Barrie and started to learn the baking trade with Clifton worked 510111 tfaedlqlnavfrrestehcl NEXT ROXY PHONE 3574 Canada Returning to Barrie he started in business for himself buildinga bake shop on Elizabeth St where Westons Bread is now located He carried on successfully until he retired 20 years ago man of quiet disposition he was much esteemed One of his favor ite pastimes was towatch the ball games in Queens Park acrossfrom his house He was member of Central United Church and had worshipped there from the time of earning toWalrle Allen fnllthrbugh imwQnqnuuqnnluQW He WHSthe last ofTs Tathers family His wife the former Julia Rayner survives also one son Welter Brown Owen Sound and several nephews and nieces The funeral took placeTuesday from Lloyd 85 Steckley Funeral Home to Barrie Union Cemetery Rev Bewell taking the services and the following acting as pallbearers Alf Jarman CH Beelby Thompson Robson Erankj Smith McCullOugll and Neil atrBayfieldl Practical and Dressy WINTER sia srrvm rox COLLAR 3p Warm Thrifty Stylish VMacDonaljd 7W Among theilowersreeeivedwere those from the WA of Central YOU GET EVERY ATOM oftheavdrandgornlnesg in Maxwell House Coffee because it is Raditmr digested Every coffee bean is Toasted thoroughly VYesfonly 3450 for this warm comfortablecoat Its attractively styled toowithadcled smart detail in theLextrawide lapels on the silver fox collar See itinBlack Teal nndGreen sizes to 20ar yourTown Thrower Bridgeti Tern134111 Clmge rAccoutlts in accordancejwith Wartirne Prices and Trade icgulations gt mes nxxxxmrccme DnnugnilcunuunuZnc 371 hydro PlanaA small Alder posit will hold any article until required ll EggbgQS Refillan SSWWTW reach or Smoked aw Dorrieoil Morrow ell vemlafmwelcgiiet hwy Sunday evening sn all momma 7124 Dunlop Thom 3214 Meinhbr ovumlo or Comma TOmnto one rme Josuerigs 575 Danae mwmw BARRELgas scallion $14 i1tilltluilAa411a murmur