TRIS BARRIEEXAMINER BAltiilll thlAltlU ANADA 11 1211311111 NOV 1915 PAGE E10111 WWW wr1RMV4MMVVH Arljqwpue 11 Me on PIPER is 00110111110111 AT LOAN RALLY 53111330 CONTEST Stonevwowti Buried 91111001 Tcamiicoplairi Tossorontio Former Ct1iiz l3 I11c 0331 11 illFERS iC 1e 0VVdVVVVVV VV VV VVV 1L11L111Ued iii1 Luge ozie Vh5 lt 1311 min 11mm c1 1111 11112111 111 111111 55 1M Wit ulliltl t1 1i 01 itt 1111 111 it now 111 111 V1 LEUVV V1 tiff LCVVrV Vli tit 1111 lite 116 1111 1111 V3 VIN Han NJ Y1t 1211 11t 121 V11 12 11 imt lulubil L1lfiltitii ztllititdtlii 11L1i 11 VLV gt 1VV 1le VVVVVX1VV VdidirVV 11 mum numni T1 111 Utilitix ill to ptl 11 flint TNT 11Vi tii 11111151 11111 11V101V11 11 gt4 ftlll tiVlfltJ cu 11 13311 ciiii in LL lnuil illil iliilnniii 111At 11111 1111121111111 1211 5111 have been 11 11101 Np 511 11111 V1 11 riiliiiiiil llllliltllilllv lhH titlit it zitr iihcrip 11111411 dun the text 11111111141 14111 5111111 11 thmi 111 1tl t1l VV l1tllt xn 111ml 1L 11 11 mm 111 in i11 11 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11 11111 111 hm 11 W1 51 Exide butleiY Oh give you l11 lintiii 1111LL11111UVn1111K111 71 9111 1liiilt 11111111 ciaio 417 11 11 11 remar wmise of ca pmmV VVVV IhVVinVVVV ViVVi 112111 15 1111111 11111 VP Vr or mg 111 111 tin 11111 li111111 1th VV in any wather 151 111111111 1111 iilii itilt111illiti 11 UHHVIM 141153 11111 11 11y 11gt111111 p11h111ilt Victory 111111 C111liiiitlei1 is 1111111111 tip VV Icpcgtcii lilttit thziiiils to Capt V1 Iiipcr on behalf 11 the cilia11s if 1111 111 1151 11111i iiiir 1311111 iii tiltli11111tgtgtitlll 111111 1111 their 11111gt1C md Air Saw havinu imidc tilfinlioiituiiiv uric li liiiticli Nnnuiiiiccd lhain Vili lilc tllti iii liit iiisl wciii pl til 11113111211 llaiiic 1111 rziigtcil 5151 13 lottaids ts objective UK 151 1117100 While 11 collection ll iiiiitll 111 ltitlhi cxpciics ol the rally the bend pl1vcd Gershwin lIni ibiacciibic You 21nd llnllcliijiili number lrmn the musical coin Motor 89C four sections seniors iiitCimCd and the Judgml 01 Mttt ltiziin iii nilci gthnit illness llcnr DJWIl rv The directors of South Simcoc larinersVAssocn meetingV in A1 11111011 inadc plzms for their 11111111211 stock and seed judging competition1 in i111gtt111 November 10 The more experienced juniors are urged to coach teams of younger boys and girls in readiness for the contest One member must be novice judge and all three must not have reached their let birthday on November 10 The contest will be divided into 1V iALLISTON NOV 10 cdy llil tin Deck by Yoinnaiis lilies juniors 11nd novices those 1171111 Niiitlea 11111 up the col Icomppting for the first timel 10 MING 111 11 81 Wm 11 liccliun and acted is tib1lLlLttOS un 11111 10 encoumgc keen VLVluublc christening tool place 11 lt in lnmi iliiieh 111111V hen WU irimpclitir lll1 qttmct greater MV jV dVV ltd KEV VVVV MVVV 1V iV 111ftVtU1 ninnber of farm youth in this ed it Intiiiin 1111219 dTillE it Nlliil Ilftlti 111 flttl iiieutional project four Yorkshire Mrs 1115 11011 spent SililtiIv 111 Alet timid liiiiiiiito iiriiilii mm 9mmdmnm m9 mumC breedcrs will each donate pure friends in Newton Robinson V1 11111111111 01 M13 Emu MrsVtvufyd in ylnilll win polish DilllLQV 111 ibred weanling sow for the high VVAllen kltotgelsV lsVinnitorrl gtt111 B1UVVV1CO baptide ichern She was accompanied 151 in each division Those 10 tVee on at its ome ncii 11 111mm 1111 Miss 10000113 iiiiulnflf IVIEONFMMV ilrilring part will judge draft horses COG NCVVOI 25 l5314V As it concluding number the VVBH ldnbc ibccf 0ch dairy cattleV hogs oatsV ldfg V11191d1115i1 ftfo1iillifi iBCl Band played l1iistVlicl 1311 0f ommcurco lbaricy wheat and potatoes The $311 cfwh mc 5155 100 um TH ilti by KCCYBCW TM live stock judging will take place T115139 passgd ail11y 111 11 1111111 nmuun FLOUR MILLS 110 1111111111 the bond plinVVni Dr rVAcrccr ion farms in the Alliston district in Egbert on Sundi Oct 15113V it 1915 Will5 NUSlC FurlWU 711 iluront next February Alter 11 At Trinity Church mg 118 the build 011155 01 girls yen in bUCCCSViUnV WV DVVVV SV AV BV MVVVVCCVV r77 Barrie Build will CollipClOill llr profV of 11010V In 1111111 1155 111 me next Festival Languages ltini$ COpgl Rm 111110 djlfd preached 11 the morning and cveV 11 190111114 1111 =1 lllxlym that nine services 01 lriniiv Anglictiili VV hadbeen used by Sir Francis Drnlze Church on Sumin Oct 21V 11 VV RVVlVVchn he sailed intoC1Vdi in 1337 10 his mommy to Dr Momm Chm Th iCh emimtth is Assaulted Restaurateur glorious from St inulsEpistle 11 the Corinthians 110 illilil$iC1 number FVIO 81055 DOOI illial the finidainenliil things 11 which we beliCV ed 911 c5 1170117111111321513 ifii1l1i LVWVVVW VVV 111 11V 11ml them iii1137mqnufuunngfinduSinesflLCGadahuSJnqeqsediimw uplihnixgdlesloiiiimlj Ungisltjiilziie 3511111135tc11redirected inane17 11mm su1d0ig mm new an ximiiiziiicifimqm11r 7175 by wilth 10mg $25 Or wilful dunqu God Vitllti 111111181 thVeiiVlivcrlini the 011 Oct 19 10 11101111111 glass 1111 ICIBKVT MW Vitolt11 iee 1111he01 Cafe owned by so Wum only Hos Producer who 1112 WuhV 01535 remanded for JllltlllV was tnkcii 1lttilll Daniel ffA Mind pm TucsduyV when he was faced And 1115 Windows 111111114 upon 10 VVVV with VVVddiVVVVVl Charge bf VVVVVV WVmlVmemVlenLV1 kncolcd mm pole With their own County 51ng the Chinese proprmm his knees and 111Viijvirrllliz Morelr AsritutluiotRtpmtnllivc 115VingV emphasized the importance of iiil mx will in ntiticd lo voteon Evidence showed that the soldier mg mwdmw 51 no lt AProposed HOS Im H5 to the influence8 of the spirit 111 on VCC in Mb God Marketing Scheme dmm mmm mm Wm on by llltil over some ciuarellcs Sui Hi Wall liad locked 11101001 with the mHZVZ 11s Wm Wmuw ior Ontario under Sindhi iiiscocniii 31 VH1 VV zVinzi 11111 in Viiitow sym AlVllell VCt pollccVV V111 DVVVthVVV VVVVdlVVV VVVVVVVVVVVUW Ur fVVVUVV the Farm Products When ItsMelina by maillV up ForVwd an aside and causing him 10 1211 011 Pbmumm Control Act has been submitted folio ndrcsrndlowmtiib gt VVV V11 11 ltl 1H gtV 1de1 he ht hVumVlCd PuttW buinmi 1m 1VVV WjihHSVEV Farm Products Control Board by the WWII the felelleddHmlcmu f1iopimin1uttiuns1nmeeninuns Ontario Hog Producers Association then realizing that he had made VV were iinszle to explain the find lllttditcnbdfjkth L1dVbe in the 10m Furthmz no porms injhis USIVViCL iVV Beore 11 Bogrd wllchongdcf ccVomr to act buck into the lethldlli have been mmer Vt bu ConstaW investigated mm sitSW llQNlVilsz 1n Alliddil in the mzinufllcture of Knitted HVVfVuL gVVtViVVpaillflegV A1jne Subgmpog that 16 fePfSntalileoF the H09 PUBLIC MEETNG it lt VVImdudSV pcmmms have CODSlSwlekacPt Pace With can ew jdmhfled by SOOV payable 111V11dv111ee If your copy Produccrs are inViavour 01V Its adoption Vw 19 in 1V VV VV 11 fine or $20 with 30515 or $16 fallSJ CaChyUlh 100k 111 your VVIn order to obtain the recorded vives pt 11111111111 Legion Hall 11110 llKillStlyu lhcir knelldesigned Hosieryserv1cealple 1215 iinttloscfd $211 Vitihedassuuit entaing addresihlahelu 37in Adm ProducmV arm by5ait ghting V1 11 VMonNov 12 VV 11m Cosso Wt amageso 01 Underwear and attractichOuterwear liaivcbeen 11 constant 011 the wilful damage count 12 the questmumv Qt 931m lt A1 1V Al tins mccuiigtlieVsciiem will 1111115111111 ARE YOUIN rAyO0R or 11111 rdcmilnd Todaythoustndsof Corrections choose Knittedi Unidetuiedorcor pV 111 questionlansweicdBallotsV VV JUNE bUVrmgVtthfamllldt Pf A81VV14191V VItVlSlhclf 0f BoyVVVofV12VVVYeoiVs PROPOSED ONJARIVVO HOG 1e gmch Vmuimg maneV who V1 VVassurance of maximum comfort and 1113111111 protectionplus Fund 01 PRODUCERS MARKEHNG have registered in 1111 they may voiezile R5ixt1h VVV VV in VVV up0tbcmmute stylingtatlbtfeci to CurrentncedsVVW x1 lfiuiViViVu VVVIUOVEVVVchoppVigdVvlgtli iiV SCHEME VBE1NG BROUGHT INTO VVIVIEVVDNdVtJhcin911dflf tchlV 10 oyVVo 1V in av 15 pro igcrstVoaic 31121 wi hgfreViVsc receive 15511011 either at theAgricuitVurai Replcscnt mysteries the10rillia police ever am ofiifzial lls byim cm have faced 11 proposed scheme may be secured gt tin A91 fT3113 foottullgsulound iii thedcgntre sculiuiaiRepresentativewlliccorattire public muting VV own V0 awasagaVan am cg ronSlsthreevLeeksogo 110 VV 7A1L13B1V1013muslinletumedrlddilAglkuituikcpii 711 31 $11126 3111 much in the dark senialivc bzioie December81945 Any Ballot medamVVthV mg rsrii 1911 sealer at police headquartersbut ciinVoffer only the suggestion that ggolswgg 333th 53351 ALl HOG PRODUCERS ARE URGENTLY Officials said inspection of the T01 ATTEND foot revealed it had not been an putated by surgeon but had been THE AND TO VOTE chopped off bywrraxe or hatchet been dug up by grave robber or VVVVVVfoe Siiuiii4staken1rom medical cotlege AM RRucrsiszoNTRL 111 Pillll 1511 Yur ER Officials also said the foot had notV