swam LL LL ex 11 gt lr Hs 1sz THRILL vtnv mum andtinresothrsllrnleryeslillnrzlt II Iilhg cup of mark tastsnglliptons ten qI 3V VWLE new high 6nli iiLLJiLV Ithe trIn With the brisk 2cttll$II iii lnnyafresll apilitmlnudiulliintlrrcl Elmer lly Ufflwl L2LLLLLLLLLLLiLLLLL LLILLl iLLLLLLL II llmw to bltoll tasting Llptans lung IIIIII II IN my ichumm mhxmrd II IIIIIII II II LL ltltilLHllllt lltlitllITllllllLL alttr lELSlttJlL 1I tHrrSUOOIrumAnnitrrsurx LllilrttlltllI15L11IIll21KMm II PHELPSTQN 1L LIL ll 13 LL II III II III II IF YOU BAKE AT HomE wing llilmt llilllliiiiis Ir tlLli LAL errn hm Sllmwrvtl llIlel vtll my VllllLllLLll lL gt LL IL lint llll llll 1Lltlllitl lltlw lllttll II i1 II II II II II llcgi ltillt illtlll lttlit Um To enrich II II Vll slul llliit MLtj LL LL LL ktrl 15 GHOVGTL dlSl Illl Stxl in lnz add14 mhm II II tLlItIl ltLti0 litrtti LLLLL llLlL Ilrxzj IflII lll1hrLIJtlllli SIMI mm IIIII IIIIIIIII II lstillufl MADE IN II LILl ll II II II IIII III II wI IIIIIIIII IIIIIL II II II II II III II IwIIIIJI II II gIIIIIIII IIIIP FIIIIIII IIIIIIIINI IIIIIIIIIIIIII II II II IIQIIIII IPIIIIIIIIIIINI IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII II II II IIIIIIIII IIrI II adds the tasty avour III II II IIIII IIII IIIIIIII WI II II IIIIII Ilz hm of prime lean beef lwnlwr II II II II II II Extrmhllr llgrillmdi LOl lllllol IL LL LIL ILLLLLSILPLLTLLIi bltl MVP hill ltlllli LL LLL LL LL LL L1 iLLLL LL LL II II II II II IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III II III II lwltll thl MI MI II III WI Nan LA Nltiwlllnlt tutti tum Ymul gt IWPII 1quin lmu lllrkllniz inrlit lxli lrd Ml lllll Mix Addirmn Miss illllwull spout tho tirlitltrl lt llt lltlllt in lirry Shunt ttllLiio lLIllTmlt PORN3 lil rd Vlra llzwit on lodnmdny fr MIL lml MIN ITLHLHHW LLLLLiLLLLLLLLLL SiIlIlifIEILIILI Lll lz MIS lill illmm md Arthur IL ndllltI spent lultdiy tilll Mr and LMlLl1n VIlull LL LL Ml lllll llll llillllll lltlllgtfill ilntl llIlltlllIll ttlt wttktnd llltl IIlll lllfmlS Ill MltllllllSl Mr and Mrs urrlo BilldWlll and iClllldltll illl Arthur Dunn lSlltti lll Toronto at tho wcrlrcnd Lieu Win llltl Mrs Nxvlmnll spzint lVlOlltllly and Tuesday with Mr and Mrs IErn Ellsrncro Recent Visitors Wllll llamld Cooper were Mr and Mrs Stun Mc Dowel and Holly Minosmg llld George Cowper Toronto mm with Mr and Mrs Fran Cis Horne last week wbre Mr and V111 no wivhl Mllzll Ms DO YOU KNOWL that there is bi JIIIIISIltIC EIIIIIIIIIIlqlkIIIIIthlIlIIIIlIIgIIIIlIQI at me of he IOU 9f lifetnce OUT that your bESl baklng Clio I3 slnll unc rs nus Wsusar Beach kind Miss Olmu yo Lise or L9 LerI more wide pLes inkes Larls pUddmgs lwkv WW lad lVines 0f pasny baklngl campbells Flour lhe Clwlce experienced home bakers Tm TIM rm Last week Mix and Mrs Elmer French and JUSi CllGCk the Si advantages YOU get Whell bUY Flour against 92 other family spoilt the weekend with Buffalo frIeIIdSI our on the market Mrs llOlnsby accompanied Mrs M54115 nd Challeismmmh Sunday visitors with Miss and Joe Emmes and Mr and Mrs THE HANDLE FOR CARRYING Archer Mr and Mr lme amiiligmif our bag became 0f lls bUlkI l5 Clumsy l0 It Ii is and Edwmd EmmeIgI Cmlev MXSI curly Lakeside Milling Company lelfed Scott Mr and Mrs McGrulll E1va recognlzmg lhlSi Walled hallle 05 PM 0i 31chrgregergyclrcnbgI each bag to make it convenient for you In It IIl wasII Sl Johns Anglican Church on Sunday AlChblShOP Owen gave an address in VlliCh he SerSSed the need of the individual in the na Lm An IhLS LLdeLLeLLShe nerrormL III Ihc IIIICIeIII IIpOSmIIC CIISIom III Toronto Friday LL Ir 2lSILTh3lL0LlTW For years millers have beenconteni tOsell their our in the old stone sizes Now you can buy Compbells Flow in standardidecimal BETHESDA sizes5 1025 so and 100 lb bags 5s and 10s hLaLv handles JustLanolher lakeside IA In II If If IWMlss ldHelelFlllllOCkr iIMillmgiealureifothyotttlotWhintfi sr ToronloI home Itor the week CLLLLL LL MIL and MILS Gallaugher and Lorne visited friends at Mansfield The between men who are M11 and MIS Bill SLmnhi Staynels LL visited on Sunday with Mr and If II II healthy Successml and fun of drive and Mrs G01d0i41011m 77 For threek enerotions Campbells have been those Who are SlowedUP nervous and MLL and M13 Stan Mommg Holland Landing Visited M13 and Ontario millers of Ontario winter wheat irritable lS often Simply Ia matter 0fdlct Mrs RsEldrldge Sunday ROSS and Ronald Parker fspeni have been developing flours var better InadequaeSupply VmmlggA aInd the weekend with zllItInl Mrs bakingthere is no substitute for experi or can 11591300 appstltempset View Mrs Sutherland and Miss Phyllis once Campbells Flour IS the answerr and jumpy nerves makejall the dif Suthelland BarlIiIe4II2Ilre vIIVisiiiJngIIrIor zrtew wit rs lufernsebetween 89992554114 failureI An Master circellcnnsource of these essential vitaL ELrLLLLLLLLLLLd MCLSFLrLLcLlLLOLd iEQLLILngjiL LL IL has on mms adc hbbYLSjLLGendeLPrCSS Mrsk PgrLlrer remailled over the BETTER DUE Tomano uicei Serve it the rum ler Wee LL IL ful keel it handy in reLLfiLigaLzztor reilaavitll truLIL1Imlxrlsmllllsl5 LLCgEPRFLLSLllLUL Ls LLLLLLeLLLLLtaLLL eLiLLISLtezlr Lo WI MI ex ers Uni own Dickinson who have sold their Me hke to helpthemselves to Lbby farm and are moving to Thornton from the finest selected Ontario Fall wheat the tomato IIjuice with the matchless 313 If Welcfslgy deiel rind its testLBaked for your protection vgzehde press avbuh IIIgItII gigg MEI DlilckIlIigghoweIIIII II presented ivllllonLelectrLiciron and LL LL LL LL wishes of theirfriendsLand neigh hots AIslngsong concertlunch Ammucxounrrusa BOlIIBLE YOURMONEYMGK 8954056 km leme lhal9e mlOllxa if Iouiania fee thariLibLb IK tlti ing amp ellS lour we donthesitat pigs 16le to guarantee itono mLnLeyLbuckLhusls rlf LL vL LQLLLather fairvtrial CampbellsLLFlour fblls to Cls Ice 9i II II Sunday II cLoffeetabl accompanied byigood so sdiLSLf ihL dLLL lLLLL CM eqnd you unuse porion IS so bag ofoqusalong with the bag bOClt to your II the you Vf eve dew geI your fun pbrchdse prIceII II Must peoplefailto recognize theI seriousness 0ft had back II II The ltcl109tmtchelmld images mama enough vaginal gaming LL faring but te II meljtlrec Iulxausowmtldrthowlis NIFI re or 11 out aWnrn in vormLlil Wilt II Ii gurgLLfmough the bztf at Apain nine backis the kidneys For our convenience we haVe available in city forlrelp Go to their assistance ma Gel bailiff 13 gidneygilii Hm Bakingsemce BUTeW li YOU have by II remedy or no no an mc an baktn roblemsiI Ust write to Ruth IIIII gentle PM 9638 Hudson ourgdigttann Lcltlll Lof theLbureau LL IL lAKESDE Mull can pours amply up an It SI IIII II ix oblbhgmy box mth ourma Her some and advice are free to all mean resJom to mark it Maple Leaf on Canadian home bakers IIHIIIcM II llvl mubghtutoaIGotmaw LIBBY MIcNLL EHBBIY 0F CANADAALIMITED Cliatllam Ontario It outbound Ltd Tillbum Out Lv Li