Mooaam NEWS OF ELMVALE ImOBOMOEOngg wy REFRIGERATION SERVICE llJ NIKKI COMMERCIAL and DOMESTIC NESBITT AlTilOll illII lililllillt lil 113 Owen St BARBIE Phone 3837 for ciliciency attritctiytttcss working comfort tittttlcruic your IIiLL with icttctal lilLtlllC Fluorescent 1iglttittt the ltIlliltltl new illClIliHInl illumin ation which gives utttrc lightot Itctter quality for less power consumption Contact jottr ilcllt Elli Dealer or con tractor for details co ll cm nm THE BARNIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA lit anti 31 Hfii coccdofllla010lol001lwolvIIIII04Cotillooclovcivlllolloov l7 IIy ruin llultlt Itntilulc ii Ijtj trim it gt il Hydro Supplim lovcd in ltcar of fire 14 imitating Alivnuuod ll Foul Sumter kill it lion ttittt fliccrs lustallctl at Iidlanti of lertivaic itIt ll tt it Illltlhl ttti Iitlgt ilti Hull tt Iit Sci Hunk li intlrtttt In II tli kIiatulllL am ISIEItIttVtJ um HSTll II Iyc1 link It liv Board of Trade loll and lltmlinr Ivj ttt It litttt mittglt Sim it laiiIe wttttt iItt Pruiitl ill IIIulIt Mil ilttlttti ll Ii ililtli hum IitlitI all all ll It ttttt ttttttt to wcw in as It tttIstrttiit ll tgc tlt nil It it Vii tiltl IIl iii lltt jltvtlll Will tl litiilllt lttl VlllllI tv2tIi rt llfll ftllowtti ll hue tut lliwh score Nuswolthv and itlltiti th 1373 l1llttlirlli in New Quarters tumthy of the Ill litd called by the precld at Friday afternoon to discuss Lit Ila litil Ii ll llt tItl 7i litittt Iilllt Scltaftcr Wits llLttlltII twststtret to succeed llradlev ihc idea of movth or iisbandtnp matiotzs was discussed and it was unanim tztsiv that the society should tllllitllll trtauuemertts were made for renting rtuuns fr llll Mrs Rowa to be occupied Nov The usual drum of lift pct cent of all the Canadian lted tttw vli be etzi to Ontario lEv smtt Archbishop Owen Conducts oufirmation Wycliffe Church Elmvale was filled to capacin on Sunday even tnu Oct 21 when His Grace Arch bishop Owen was present for iii confirmation lie took its his text Acts 817 lltcn laid they their hands on them and they received the lloly Ghost It was most im pixssive service The numbers of the Confirm tittn class were Mrs Oda Irene thod Mrs Beulah May Bell Mrs Marion Elizabeth Manning Mrs Helen Steel Bell Mrs GiadysRowI ley Donna Ann Whitton lagcrtill lttnc Marie Crown lagelfl Marv irttic Beatrice Draper 113 Bcrthe Vitlil10ili Draper 15 Muriel Jean iippinul liS ltlarcarct Ann Simpson ill Margaret Genevieve Drysriale 15 Shirley Marettta liandy I15 John Dyer till Francis George Archer 13 Earl Howard McFadden till Miss Dor een Pearson tLSlllliIl scrvicLavaLJielrlLaL Waverley Anglican Church Sun day afternoon when the following L1G Ma llltooccod liay Bulbs For Fall Planting llAlihtllblLS SKILLAS illllgti fiAltLlhlzil lixAtlNHlS liaii promptly Bulbs to for attended orders qp Flower Pots Bulb Fibre for Potting WMw com II tr Bride and Groom Honoer llwt FERTILIZERS LAWN GRASS 99 wome MWL Vtcronv nouns atom co Noopltlrllollltopllitlbooto lili IVlIltil to itflill zit lt ttciti ti Izt Iltt ti ttt til Iiii imztt Ii tiiI t1 lt Ill ttilt Ittt if c2 ill1SIIt Iltll Ill Itc itctc lt tttt pt It IIti tuttiV it In Carc liitllli tttj vtzticttti Etc Iltll it Ill tI wtc ril1 tt IIlI ttvi to Utc HI lil tIistt MITCHELL SQUARE tic Mr and lt ttttdtitt letnter speltt tut weekend lltazttsviilc ltgts Lorna Love Tilitlni spent few Itgt with her ttllll ir lc number of hunters are ucttim in pttytililllllt fur the Northern country kittral Presbyterian Church ao tttvctsary is Nov that 11 tm and Tllfl pm Ittietatulattons to Mrs and Mt llztve Cooper recently mart ted Wilson who were ovwomwoovtnuom oomwouuoooouovmomoaau ripen larttn il1 and nitmtr tittttzt vilI piaym tltti WAWFULpiriotHEI lluutltI llllt MILLS GOOD Cars Wanted For Cash Harold Hill 5355 Eliz St Phone 4035 Member of Barrie Chamber of Commerce lcrtney Scott it Strtthanl McKay and Iill have all re turned from the Western province The farmers are dtd to report that the harvesting of products nearing 4t close It has been quite prublcfn with weather condition and labor shortage were confirmmi Mrs Marjorie May Darby Mrs Olive itiarion Wood Vivian Mailyn Brown till Mar jorie Bernice Reynolds ll3l An nctta Joan Johnston iii Margaret Joan llobson tll Orttta Noreen till Vivian Rhoda Archer tlll John Elwood Sprout2 Gicn Rebekah Officers installed On llltltFdzly evening Sister Isaac DDi and staff of Ihornbury installed LGlen Rebekah officers here The staff was made up of ii ladies including guard of hon he ceretno as most im 11th21 fice IPNG Lottie Wade NG Ruth Ritchie VG Winnie Cray Burrie Rec Secv Olive Beard sall Fin Secy Meritta Player Treats Beardsoilz Wardetl Faster Conductor Gladys Beardsail RSNG Florence Matt ningLSNG Mabel Ritchie Barrie RSVG Una Adams LSVG Gladys Archer tplain Janet Archer Whitton OG James Wezsked for Victory tire TWe risked that our ghting men be given good startin civilian an DoGRSIEP regardlesswof cost CAVALIER DOMESTIC STOKER is now carefully washed Ind oil treated size 14 114 SputumJoiilklnhtLEidonu Brown New Aliantiale Lumber it Fuel 80 Coal Coke Wood Builders Supplies tr Lareihewof LICENSED AHETIONEEB Sister Isaac gave short address and brief speeches were made by several visitors from Thornbury PGM Bro Parker of Barrie outlin ed some new work Odd Fellowship is thinking of undertaking At the close of lodge banquet was eni ed by the Elmvale membersWhile seatedaround the tables Sister Lottie Wade made the presentation of Past District Deputys Jewel to Sister Lily McCaw on behalf of the officeis of Glen Lodge Taken completely by surprise Sister Me Caw thanked the Sisters for the beautiful jewel Sister Emma Fos We askedthdlourgick dndwcundedbe given besipogsihleJcare sprained for We asked NOWriffs up to us dveryldsflonqof Vim they genitL We askedjhoiihe finnilies thosewho gujvitnttitive Matt Sacrificed moslto mak Victory possible gBuYVfVtcrostiY Bonds formers parents Mr ter on behalf of the Lodge pre sented linen luncheon setrtoaPast Noble Grand Sister Lottie Wadc who thanked the m2mbersfhrthe gift andwishedl thenev Noble Grand every successP Intended foerast Week7 RevW Stubbs was in Midland SPECIALIZING tN FARMSALES lhone 2188 Barrie pigoii Licensed Auctioneer xrforArtherGountyofrs With years of experience Farm Sales Spedlalty in Monday conducting the ftmral service forNorman Campbell Mrs Lochsad and little daughter Roberta have left to make their home in Ott after spending the summer lathe andMrs Black Thejoilowing ladies of Etmvale Institute attended the 20lhAnni etisntttttttz versary Tea in Barrie On Oct 23 Mrs Alvin Simpson Mrs Bell Mrsn Lorne Manning Mrs wH Whitney Mrs Little MrsIS thatthe Ibein Tot everythinp be given thiosep The Canada mi Aisumnenampgny Tipping Mrs ACopeland Mrs Wr Whitton Mrs It Black and Mrs Ah White Two Tons of Material for Relief OilMonday afternoontwo tons of clothing etcwas shipped from this community for European re lief llarry Rowley Had Nanow Eocupe When Truck Overturned Monday On afternoon when Harry Rowley was returning from Coldwater with truckload of cream on Highway 27 at 0011 11 he was in collision when Norman Ritchie coming onto the highway collided with the truck The truck 0verturned and was badly smashed and large quantity of cream lost Harry Rowley received several bruises but fortunately escaped serious injury Barrie Examiner 200 year strictly in advance Apptytaigcmh Linea ofce vBatriepor write Box Anton Out and 1110th It tuition will be given rt =ttctttstan ittttcttotttititt EXPEBlENCEDt Mr and Mrs Fralick 13 ii lit iine llllicrlly Services t1tit It litiltitt littltcti nt lai by lizc Icti Iiy ltlltti llifHJ ixII til will the that Ill IllMAIN lttttgtctauc to Lute at What Oct tr llt lttteti tharch iilltlltswt IIIi llw Iittn ilili In It lll ilitti itt ttt fhf ct Hill Ic ttl CIlt Ilil tl Ilzc tIltlttI ti tliit that clltyml iite ftttltt tt filijili 1ttnptttoult i1itLlllIliI It it itvI supper tlttI to over lfitl lhe Yililtlli IllIt sztppixti lite t3tt1iill ltgt lttts primal SS tIlgt atttl cIy snvceliv Jesus Loves 1l iii tlnlelHQ of Larry Cilltlls Il tIIcII artti ltm VtIisilitc Hutu t1 acceptably George tit ltl ItlitI with two time tto accordion stltts Miss ittttc ostello Ulltitfi two splendid solos lhrce favorite rttizs vt re enacted on th stage pantomime while the sing ers rtfttautctl behind the scenes britel playettc iolishinuwllentv ili Ii1ilIIiltxI pzttl tin tttttar was well llllrllltl and highlv er lllitlilllll Iati lMiss illilecn Clark and Henry lBlll Stoddartl played their parts excellently as bride attd groom of six months Ross McCuaitt as the countrified Uncle lliram was superb Miss loan Wittshirc who was ta have played the part of tth brides veztlhy superior aunt was taken to Barric hospital for an ilplltlttlixllptlitlillll and Mrs llow 1111 Campbell at the very last mill ttte filled in for her exceedingly well With the exception of Mrs Campbell the players were am ateurs and deserve much credit for the wav in which they conducted themselves Mrs Muir is to be commended too for the center was wav in which she gave the use of her home and devoted her time to play practices MINESING Margaret Parry has accepted position in Orillia Mrs Trimble Londonis visiting her ststcr Mrs Russell Knapp Mr and Mrs Jack Somers Chap leau called on friends here last week Joyce Johnson is convalcscin ofterrhaving her ztppendix re moved Petty Officer Wally Gravesde Mrs Graves Barrie visited friends here recently Itiixltit ii tttti Itt Stir HWRTTHIUWTMV Isnent Sundav with Mr Sprott at Badjeros McDowell was in Toronto for ztfcw days last week receiving his discharge from the army an andMrSEredhifstk Tamily Dalston visited Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt Sunday Mr and Mrs Andrew Orchard Barbara and Donald were with re latives at Meaford on Sunday Miss Standen who has been vusttor with friends here spoke at the Red Cross meeting last week Mr and Mrs Harry Fraiick and famllv and 105 Fralick visited Mr and Mrs Wray Marshall Kettleby Mr and Mrs GeorgeJtthnston Visited Dr McP Phent POFFMCNEI Miss Ruth Orchard Rechester and Miss Anne Orchard Toronto visited their aunt Mrs Parker and Mts last week FOYSmed daughi ter Carole Vspent couple of days with her mother Mrs Chappell Crown Hill Twelve members of the local Wo mens Institute attended the armi versary tea at Barrie on Tuesday October 23 ngn Clarke MissliouiSe Wain erman Mr and Mrs ThOSRtldd Toronto were Sunday visitors with Sunday visitors MrsH Pearson iBarrie at Fred Pearsons Jean Castop tWortder ValleyatS Mc Dowells Jean Millr Toronto at Millers Marshal Mayes Ham ilton with Harry Mayes Visitors at Mr and Mrs Charles Pattendens Sunday Mr and Mrs Donald Weir Mrs Charles Harris VCharles and CarlMr and Mrs John Pain Norman Pattenden and friend Aduck supper was held on tile occasron of Normans birthday Signet Elrlig to Tw Local 1303 MrCranston of Midland showed 150 beautiful naturacholor slides of Stmcoe county to Very apprent attve audience on Friday night in For Successfulshle ofvousehold Furniture or Farmstock and Implements SITROUD 231m Hall Mrs Helms forntey Joan McDonald also of lttlidland delighted all with their staging Lawrence Parry and Ray Htltz who have returned from overscdsi were presented with signal rings fromthis their home community Classified Adlets should be sent to The Examiner asearly as pos sible to facilitate classification under proper headings pm Wedt Whamy is closing time an Norma McKinley Minesing and monsoon no 1945 viaIla nm Lnint The Show AILANHC PACIHC lea Co Ltd HKH SUHKI l0 mm IAIN St nu NW MIAMI 2001 TM v3 custom JUICE 23 TOMATO SOUP Reitittltcod the grip Bag 71 restitution oars 23 WHEN AVAILABLE OSE Campbells so or an till OUR OWN FLAVOURFUL lb Billith POWDER 15 stint ltitllls vista Mapia Leaf 17 P8d SOAP 3l3t IVORY SNOW 22 gt FLAKES Pkg Clith 13 HEALTHGLO 4Cakcs17c CLEANSER or tonnx LEMON OIL OLD CHEESE NEW CHEESE 1243 Eli til Ctn 9e Ctn 25 Ii 27 OX0 COBES 10Williz Harry CUSTAHD Home TOMATO JUICE rationals TERRIER HOME 29 15 JIFFYIPORRIDGE Iiitiinvf 17 15 CORN LAKES WK ETSOL CLEANER 27 2001 Tins 2001 23 rears on noasrs nonrrrssnunn nozzle Polarization his gt SIRLOIN coupon lst R188 lb 3lirc2lslgon Fat28H KILLED MILK rent Frantic it Bretttctiriis 39 FRESH KiLLElD lb ulna rnotusv 19 vzstu FRONTS 21 VEALLEGS 35 154 lbs BONELESS lb Per coupon tbs ROLLED Per coupon 13d 17 shortenstint lt 19 lull Elltrltsjmly nor PlCKEliEl rams 49 29 gt sauna nuns 49 SILVERBRIGHT lb 35 memnttttWtW but COFFEE fivmonous WINEY SLOCK 31 it it ISLORIDA New ANN PAGE ovEN FRESHj Minimum WHITE or BROWN CUSTOM GROUND BOKAR 35 MILD MELLow on for CALIFORNIA WillEN till 3445 FLORIDA or TEXAs Marsh Seediess 96s Crop 35 250s CAVLISORNIA MES new CEO 248 olden Jersey fBANBEmES Eircen Strinoietgi CALtFoitutA HE1Ea wNp YELLOW cooKtN onions mum gages Washed lb Careless citation MAKE Cvoun HEADQUARTERS Font POTATOES ii for any rhoaw nny thing you nunhuse is not sulistuclury volun ul and you moner Doz 153 1t1