Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1945, p. 1

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THIS WEEKS 7l 00 Copies 82nd YearNo 44 Edenvale Eamin Receive Further Word Regarding Death of Roger Rowoil spondenti ll rry Howell have icceiud fa ie word from the Defence it concerning the death Pic Roger Roivell lt eide last Saturday that he died from third dc burns and fractured left lei ed in road acri ll liitc linger Row born in 191 eldest lrs li Howell lle attended ilc public school and Minesiiig ntiiiuatiuii school and helped on the home rm unhl eight ycui go when he was em ployed ie Studios Toronto and later by Campbell Soups ln llillit lie enlisted in the 2nd Can Indian Army Ordnance Corps in Jiiilllill itHJ andwciit tlClgtt32i in May the aiiic year lie later iloileiidal JEEP ACCIDENT ILLS SOLDIER ii TOLLENDAL lNCpl Wiliain Ba It Oeangeville as kl stantly at it ill night en an army jn bridge Cios injured The injured were lpr iowii A33 Camp Unlt injuries lte ll ltu Borden fractured iiiilz ltr Tompkins Camp Bi thigh Rush ric suffered coiitiisiuns and ions but escaped SCllIU inin The jeep after leaving the limit rolled over and slime of the pa trniislcrrcd to COMERU and wasiqeng ml Iationcd in Holland at the time of his death lfe survived by his parents three Mrs lieith Meredith tllorencel Siidbur Mrs Norman Brown Beatricei Barrier Mrs Gordon Clark Agnes Huntsville and two brothers Erie formerly of ItCAF recently returned from over and Keith at home 50 YOUNG PEOPLE AT RECREATION LEADERSHIP CLASS Fifty young people from all parts of Simcoo County attended the first in series of recreation leadership scliools held in the Library llall Barrie last Friday evening The course is being sponsored jointly by the Federation of Agricultuie and the CLTI and is directed by Miss Louise Colley The early part of the evening was devoted to iolk dancing led by Miss Collcy with Mrs Siiiethurst at the piano After two hours tripping the in steps of folk dances the is divided into three groups under Miss Collcy studied ipraclicul plans for liallowccn party Under Mrs Smothurst group practised threepart choral vA third group led by Smith studied games and learned how to lay out playing fields and make equipment canvas roof The vehicle tiliit lo stop against tree at the ilitiilll of an embankment One of the Wu men was tangled in the canvas and ended up hanging from limb of tree She was so securely trapl iped that it was ncce the limb off to relczi Barrie doctor was called to the scene and rendered aid to the iii jured but Cpl Bailey had expir The doctor and volunteer helper worked by flashlight until the ain bulancc arrived An ambulin took the injured to the Royal torla Hospital Later the three soldlers were removed to Camp Borden hospital and the woiiicir were permitted to go to their homes Provincial Constable llylru investigated the accident XIXCOL BAKER COMMAND Il PROVOST TRAINING CENT New commandant of the Aol Provost Corps Iia in Centre at Camp Bordcn ltCol ll Baker MBE lt Baker was in eliargeoof movement of the 2nd Canadian Army Corps from DDay luntil last June In that capacity planned movement of ttootscqlll inent and supplies from Normandy to Germany and during the post surreiider regrouping of units of the corps The first of series of dinners lto be given to the veterans of Vcs pra Township by Vespra Branch iof the Canadian Legion will be held 1H lost Station at pm Wedncs THE BARRIE BARRlEONTARlOCANADA URSDAY NOVEMBER 945 PASSES VicePresident oi 0611 and Associates II TURNER DAVIDSON icltlieiieiit of Canadian ieneral Director of the liadi lllectric Company Valve pn of Canada el Aloiiila Barrie is to have vit Bowen fill lrcident of the Car County th who will be the guests of the Hair chell tic MITCHISON Til of the llaii lt plniit ilian liininl lilcttiii tw dive in Stine in lll lepl rie Company and several other nii pt Canadian Bani ol Ie Li hitter Hi tilt lloyal dill Cliaiziber of Coniineire at luncheon in the Masonic Canada Mel ltlll lliiii1i lnieicn ill lomple liall Mr Turner is also chairman of the lions Dept Banl of low Swim and ltzidin Valve Corporation and VicePresident of the Asst General Mirna Bank of Toronto Canadian linnber of Commerce With Mr Turner Turner will give the main addrem and 11 will be Dickinson Managing Direc Jl of the other will be heard briefly Radio Valve Corporation pf Canada which ha The luncheon branch plant in the Town Hall Barrie Mitchi Manager of the ie plant of the CGE and at the llull is to attendance is expected lic Vesprc Legion to Dine Veterans Nov lLEGION DINNER in the Club rooms at Midhurst For No rm 50 veterans each up At meetingr of the Barriei companied by his wife or mother BMW Jl Canildi LolalOl It will be followed at intervals bv last Monday nignt plans were com ltiiniliir dinners as the men return Dwell litl mi Armistice pm program has been arranged and quot and reception to be lllVCli for Dick Brown Wm handle me mt local veterans of the Second Greati ions For information telephone 73 2165 All veterans erllllll to attend will be welcomed and may buy tickets from members of the chlt Rev Dr Sinclair Urged Uniform Salary Scale Rural Urban Teachers Appearing before the lloyal Codi mi on Education in lawn llev ll Sincl tlie listees and it pay is icialion recommend that uniform standard in lcnclie aiins should be maintained byiiiiia hill of the As ici tinn liliil gliiei also be Ct its from Department of Education rural and urban schools and lb gtgttCit of grants and bun made to rural boards so that ies of rural teachers could brought into line with those lll ur ban centres have already eiimeii Ioi linrrie and lciicliii lconipe le Slaynci Saluid llltilllllli HALFWAY MARK ALL ALL WORK RETARDED OWIN AVY RAINS Iillltl ill lt1 comm swarms ARE ENGAGED IN ORATORICALS lubhc and in Barrie lililili vli tric iitirinlu Ll take part 111 the municipal prelini nc boy or ll liiiiislil III Nov it This Will be at the tillv the Siiiiroe inspcii iibsoii la Jill and llluiloii The Winner of the Stagincr eon test will be eligible to compete it the district competition next licbrui XAMINER Section lches to West Gwillirnbury District Leader ill Slel KPH veterans of Line te Carmichael rd RCAF Siincc headed by lliiiibury and limisfil The captained by Wllgar erred pa ny peopli prim and nr ltl iiitltl of the ruin obl poiidnig liitll idolile ubjtctiVe Iii $ll 000 llii tl and the had have ioul per cent of llliil ll iziitl lnui not vil at llldtli is holding the town 4e down The inn iieures iilltiil Irll the pro or tile tlth Loan in Sin 1c Wt on the troil page of the secoii Unit of this issu8 2ioifiiitlt gFORM RCDS Simcoe Potatoes AND STRATHS llii per cent potato ciop year encouraged black ket ll threatens serious Iliic sccd potato silt tinn in ii count Wild tit Marking the first formation and 31mm ll tieorganatlon of Active Units of Will 741315 011 the Canadian Army in Canada two Royal Canadian Armoured Corps ZvlIil Wilt itllllltlb lWl regiments vitli distinguished perni llllil Cl1 Jl ill nilsaiieiit force backgrounds are now WW item itll WY 11 ntiibcing established at Camp Borden getting enough returns forllieir ct They are the 2nd lst Armoured liill This year with only half HCar Regiment The 110331 Cah crop most of them feel they indinh Dragoons and the 2nd 2nd ititled to whatever money ti IXrinourcd Regiment Lord Strum it lilitttil fifl Duluth conas HorseRoyal Canadians argue that the price ceiling mean The Royal Canadian Dragoons HWY Would 1141th to fell at 11 whose musical ride thrilled thou in addition to the crop being fir ands at the CanadianNational Ex Following these classes the young people rciissemblcd for half 777 lightsiiistructioii in square danc ing below liOllt um CXpcnscs hibitiou in prewar days before ion Executive The 1mm alaryand the winner will no on The rainy wca they exchanged their horsesfor The banquet will be held at the hon with me Uillic provincial finzi link or iiith b9 11 UiUIfAn111101ilbftilllstf pickers could oitcnuwotkiSUDIXCL strength 0f 57 officers arid OClotk Catering Will be 10ch recommended tli be paidng the fulfill Archargc inrMidlandg which began on Oct and con iho evening was concluded with discu ion and plans were made tor iinilar series of classes to be held in other parts of the countyJ inroughout the winter months classes will be held at Midland circuit comprised of Cookstown Thornton and Newton Robinson lvy Stayner Orillia and Stroud Rev Cathcart Chairman of the Fiitromration commit tee was to have been present but he was attending farewell parry prior to his leaving for pastoral Those attending the opening as included school teachers young peoples church leaders and mem bcrs of farm study groups All rural people are welcome Repre scntatives were present from Elm vhlc Stayiier Wyevale Midland Duntroon Allenwuod Stroud Mid 1iu Thornt BgarrieCookstoivn fundflollihgwood The next class in 13211 will be Nov 23 OVER 400 HEAD IN CHILE snow JUDGE Br MoCAGUE JJ ls McCague Alliston has just returned from 15000 mile trip to South America during which lie judged the premier Hol Sinll5ilOi of Chile held at Sanv lingo Over 400 head verc ex hibited at this show including searate es in North Airierlcan and European can Cague liadTSOine nevT prootchto face However he came throng itll ying colors his workearn ling the praise of bothexhibitors and officials Read and use ExaminerClassifieds NaiisnaiiCIbihmg About 800 people crowded into the Roxy Theatre for Barrics 79tl Victory Loan rally last Sund night Extra clia were placed in the aisles sevctal stood on the centre landing and some 200 were turned away Long before the doors were opened crowds lined Lip outside and by 815 there was doubleline 50 yards in each CtiOIlflOill the entrance Cdph Allan Piper who lost his hands in grenade explosion over seas due the speaker Music was provided by the BCI Concert Band Soloists Were Joan and Sylvia Fish er twin daughters of Fisher director of the band Opening the program Rev ll recalled that iiad5iitiiditmcgnimitation of war but now for the first timewe were in the full light of victory He spoke of the great task ahead now that the war has been won and added God give us grace to work and sacrifice and toil together through peace as we did in war The opening numbers of the BCI Band WWW March of the Toys and the first movement La Feria by aeomcr ElevenyearoldJ he dilighted the audio her piano solo by Sindhigr eff brief iiiterruption preceded es own WctcryLoan Turn to page eight please icin collectionHoofEnded The National Clothing collection tinned throughout theincnth Erid yesterdayMtlrthe generous response to this campaign from all quarters the nal results were highly creditable to thiscommunity andthencitizensjof Barrie and dis trictfcan feel justifiably proud of havingcontributed total 017230000 pounds of warm uSable clothing to the destitute people Of liberated Europe just at the season when iwiltrbemostneedeiiuv The local committee that organ ized and conductedtlils campaign was as follows Ladies committee Mrs MacLarenMrs Frank Craig Mrs Herbert Nobleers Allen Mrs Brown and Mrs Woods each supervising for one day each week in rotation ZMens Committee Nettleton chaff man Fred Kelly Malor JR Dudley Rev Howdon GF Holloway Geo Hill and Capt Brownof Salvation Army torthg period of the campaign Thecollcction depot wasstaffed groups of ladies from thevar ions Allaridaleand Barrie cliairclies plus groupsfrbm the Lions Ladies Club Lvegion AWomens Auxiliaryi Hospital Auiiliaryand Salvation Army each group working one afternoon in rotation Two army truckSwere supplied by Camp Borden Command and the drivers Treepers McLaughlin and Mantha gave valuable assistance in col looting weighing and shipping the clothing Miftettletonfrthe chairmam wishes to thank all of the above mentioned and all others who as sistedin any way for theirpart inbelping to attain the above men tioned results The Ommitiee also wish to thank Messrs Salter Smith Smith Furniture Store Geo Brown John Dobson Walter Sar jeant uandj Robertson for equipment srvics and fuel sup plied gratis to the collection depot llllHllivyHall riay the Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion vidcd for 200 veterans Speaker for the cecasion will be BEAUTIFUL MONUMENT IN Capt Rev Maxwell Allan chief NETHERLANDS T0 CANADIANS personnel officer Canadian Legion War Services Ottawa monument to the Canadian Followij the dinner concert Army was recently unveiled in the will be given This Wm he foamy little town of Heiigclo in the Neth ed by 20 beautiful girls from Io At 1dWhimodation will be 1m 1944 to commemorate Canadians erans This partof the program who broke through the German de has been planned by Ham fences and liberated the town it won entertainment officer of Log 15 15 feel high and ll10ftl9iion Wai ll Camp Borden around the plot is designed in the form of marble shells linked with Read und use Examiner Classified crlaiids It was erected in Octoberlronto who will entertain the vet silvcr bars The cross is dccbrated with maple leaf on green back ground enclosed in redmc COMING EVENTS Li Bingoathcgtc $439113 day night 630 shar 15 games 350 40tfb Bing lB Orange llall Eliza beth Barrie Monday Nov 830 pm 44p Closing Dance at Covkstown Pavilion Friday Nov to Lee Barwich and his orcliestr 441 Modern and oldtime dancing Mldlltllst Hall AuspiCcsL0L and LTB Friday November 4445b re and Dance Lefroy Com chestra lunch counterLadinis on 44b Dance iihltustic Room Elizabeth St Wednesday Nov 21 at pm Auspiees St Marys Young People Admission 50c 44b Crown Hill United Church WA fowl supper Novvl4 Play Lo 0s VMzigic by YPU and other pro gram Admission 750 441 Ladies of St Johns church are preparing for afternoon tea and sale of work at Mrs ArthurSnid 30000 Lbs Tara Hre St Andrews Church Evening Auxiliary Thankoffering WVednes day November 78 pm Speaker Miss Standen China Jilnland Mission 44b The Barrie public and separate schools will holdvisltors day Wd Nov 14 from 2300 TheColleg late Institutewill receive visitors from 745 pm on the same day 44b Bazaar aiid playThe Absent Mindd Bridegroom by Waverley YPU auspices StIau1s win Midhurst Friday Nov Midhurst Township Hall 815 35c and 25g 441 Churchill Women Institute party Churchill Hall Friday Nov 16 Bridge euchre mm Dancing BelLRoberts orchestra Draw for quilt Admission 500 Lunchpro vided 44451 The Veterans Welcoming Com province It al suggested cc tializcd adiniiiis ation preferably on county basis Religious instruction was coim mended as charictcr building and greater einph was asked on the teaching of Cl and Canadian history particularly in Grades Vlil next LL 01 Any boys and girls up to Uraoe Vlll regardless of age are eligible to enter the tiniest may choose their own subjects gpeak from five to seven minutes event for some but this is the first time urban sciool pupils This contestiias been an annual 1m on the farmers offering price only few hours day and pos 713 Othel ratlkb sibly only two or three days hi Commanding officer will DOLL eek The steady rains have also C01 It Black who is re made the potato harvest discou turning from overseas Major aging and unpleasant task Lambc is temporary command ng officer Major Fugcr from NDHQ for the potatoes in the field some Oumd to be humid com fdllthlS it is stated have not tried Consequently when truckers callll iAriiiourll Monday Nov 12 at ciliat clnulb and pa and lll IlUblll bvl her has inc ed the harvest c051 amwurw curs have pep iiiand Major Plrie from No nd IX DlSilClil suggesmd Siincoc have been invited to take to tirgue that the price was too Dismd Depm and Major standard report card for all schools to keep record of the progress not misdemeanors of child tern of financial help for part liighi The fact that the price in isoine cases was above the ceiling Advert crs are requested to gel was not considered it is said The ie brief also asked for more their copy into The Examiner of farmer was thinking of cost If lice curly Late copy makes it Lainbc fromNo CAC Training Regiment Camp Borden are the iquadron commanders Capt Cordingley from No GAO Train ing Regiment Camp Borden has Idllcll been named actingadjrutaint and of public health aiid difficult to golfour paperout on Howeverwif the practice contiin rm increase in scholarships tiinc 1171f Fried States has good potato project over 38 otherteams The theirfather in the operat iiiota ucs there may be repercussions in Capt Blake from camp Borden Headquarters acting quartermaster thiec directions The WPTB Vlll takCrraCilOll ifrthey get definite in me Lmd Strdmcona Home WM formation of price ceiling infrac be wider command 0fLtC1FL ti White from No District Depot route with Maor Mills second repercussion Iniglitwbcrtel orary Elma J1 din omer more serious to the potato growerlMThe150ginnt will have per Elf the black litaliiet is continued tlieVGovernmeiit may be asked tolgzglfghgrigim 38 Ofcers ini lift the embargo against United St JQLQLQ Unlike Eaiiada M3 Clem gm He Squadron Commanders nam ed are Major MCKibbin from Royal Military College Kingston and Major Mills from No CA3 Training Regiment Acting adjutant is to be Capt Cowley and Acting Quarter master Capt Steliexi both from No CAC Training Regiment icrop this year If the embargo is illited potatoes from across the border would decrease the price here But the third repercussion mt may set in would be the most liarin ful Many Siincoc ifariners have taken the trouble to grow cc icd seed potatocs 1f the price for table stock continues to rise it may overtake the ceiling price for sdislimeot ood seed for local in nepueMnn potatoes If seed potatoes are Sold planting next spring for lab usehiL iii cffecFonhHutnremthepotat hisareatheweiling pricetotbe eiopin Si coe County Seed po farmer on No potatoes is $174 talcmark hatSimcoe has been for 75pound bag The whole developing may be lost Further saler is permitted markup of more there would tend to be 15 cents bag to the retailer Graham and llitrtilson Judging Dairy Cattle Wijn ProvinCial riots Siiiicoe figured prominently in Hamilton iNiagaraFalls calma the Ontario interclub judging com and Toronto petition held at Guelph last Friday Kenneth and Graham aresoiis when Kenneth and Graham Wilson Mr and Mrs Delmer Wilson form of Alliston won the dairycattle erlyof Singhampton They assis Alliston team represented the Bee dairy farm south of Alliston Du ton Boys Calf Club mittee orNortii Innistil will hold Aheavy downpour of rain fallmmdaunt MaiGen spncer CBE ED With Reception on Friday evening in those who tookpart in Barries Victory Loan him is Morrison Unit Loan Chair Stroud Community Hallat 8Jpm Parade October 19 Camp Borden unit Concert lunch dancing Admission 25c exceptto veterans and ladies bringing lunch 44p Post Ofce Square Taking the solute is is imman Chittick Barrie Chairman and seenhere passing thesalutlngbaserat the Maycr Peter Sinclair Canadian PhOtO Ontario including visit to Guelph ingthe past few years they hang This win gave them theFarrneis established fine herd ofipurebr Magazine trophy and the right to HolsteirisQ At the Show in Guel representithe Province ofOntario they judged HolstEins Jerseys in the Dominion contest to be held Ayrshires in Toronto later this month Five earloads of Northand Sou TheiClliLLatt1aSLIL EILSimchmOLFamastu teams wa the largest on record two girls made thetrip to Guelph The Alliston brothers were second last Friday All Contestants had and third in individual scoringbut been coached by Donald Taylor Ifinished in first place as team The twogirls Belle Warnica and They were coached by Donald Tay Margaret Quinlan of Barrie were lor assistant agricultural represen second among four in the iative and he will accompany the poultryclasS boys when they compete for Dom Norman Graham Guthie and inion honors Mr Taylor and Ken Jack Smith Hawkestotie were neth and Graham Wilson will be placed 5th among mteamsjudzs guests of the Department of Agri ing grain The Bectonjeam WCti culture during the week beginning lace Hayes Tottenham dC rlie Nov 18 Thiswill cover tour of Church Egbert wonj 7t pla Turn me etch

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