THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7I00 Copies mm NWWOOONNWWWMOOOOOI Noooltr00torro emotoo ONO ON NW MNOm0mmNN tlvouoo IN OO OffMNJNWMOWOOONNOOIJOIOI II Honing ARTURO mm FITZGEIIALO GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT 82nd YBOIWNQ 43 THORNTON MAN LOST 91 LBS WHOUSE OF HITS THURS ERI SRTQ 39 91 pound dlztilt onedial year of cizILciitialion Li Singu normal might 3i went down to llJ W43 lll nrn condition when Pacific Stronghold wziS open Iiu he as ullltlltd to ho 13 bed for one Ellwlstll lIzciiiiiIilly ho ailvd it fits on llrt Atr Marching Montreal lllnl St llct In 15 inc by lllgt uilv win lhad cscapcd from thtit lJlltlrt it It captured in lapaiicsc Li lit il and low Bey Hutton lltt idtillltlt1 iiIt Planning in itc italiilc Mr JamieSon 101 low layS at MiiirticIl lli wii of tni lat ylx loiii Jiiillittill of ton and iicplicw ol Mm ll Bicilil Ill Bradford lliiirii Whilc in Singapore llict Jain was inanagcr til lllt wide Cordova oCHARLES RUGGLES ALBERT DEKKER Mary Phillips Bill Gwdwhidword Game The Maxcllos Maurice Rocto Climuing OntThird of Ccnrury of lIntcrtRinincnt from Paramount ON THE SAME PROGRAM FOX NEWS AND CARTOON lIVlI SHOWS 645 and pm ENTIRE WEEK Starting MONDAY Mcrt WedSort 230 EVE SHOWS 630 and pm Mr llill ilutnl To nilltC licutcnaiit more when thc llllllzll wcrc Iiiobilirrd lillciidctt stilltitll Ii lhoriitoii Barrio ollcgialt Gill Uiiivchity Collcgc of Education mQLW TEMPERATURE riANinzii hw FROM 13 T0 26 IN WEIij wcatlicr iiiOSl of the pint rain with cw Italics of Show last night lhc Icin pcruturcs iiiitts lIiiiitSiii and Fair Wtclt littlc Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct wmmlmo on ooomwomo the dance Innhm refrcshmcnt booth 33 Orillia Ontario Eye Ear Nose Throat Specialist wiii be on holidays from Oct 27 to Nov 19 1945 Ausp of mous vigor Iiful Tiffin St THE BARRQEX BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY OCTOBER 25 3945 MRS IRS LEIGHTON Near Quarter Century GREETS SON AFTER IAPANESE RELEASE III llilii liii lliioni bf Sillio hill Oi Iili llutl 131 to illnIIlJEi ll 13H yo Mb your pr rm Iiu llli lllt lt Mct ly licluiid Low High ll 73 SAM STRANSMAN 42 71 37 78 BUYS OUT MINETS III III l3 til Sum Strainsmaii Barrio incr 29 43 chant has bought Miiiets Point 2Ii ll from tho Slralliy listatc of To BINGO ThurMay Evenings 815 Oddfellowsf Hall 12 GAMES 25c GOOD DOOR PRIZE Ni NOTICE Barber Closing Hours We close DAILY at pm Except Wednesday 12 noon and Saturday pm MAGEES BARBER SHOP Ph0he 4565 BARBIE Section 2Poges to l6 FINE PROGRAM ARRANGED BY BAND girl lo rlcCrcady Io tiIgtI SLElMll last having war Bumstoadsond mansized riot on the taunt ultrr Itlw iIIIl iit liftt filtrItl 22 born ituls ago Iiltci was il2l il oztgtiiIdIi tiiirgii llii tallw illcd siiiitly iIIIl iIiIltlpiiiIIS liititllLl oral yiiI to Iillilrlliivli about Iltl your hilt but ll rcniar thlltilitl lit li brigh IIll mov car llttlltiir ill Iiiloiiilciry Navy nudity mill lltlll1 it lLtl MC llong zivy ltltllll lt ttfv rltflttltl lllllhli Fwd lElrll lli t1lll Ylttlt when Imd mt ml lhc Iirzirliai aiIIrixl and was to ltttt llllllllvi llll If rr lapancSc in im or non lirlSlmnx Day II bipltlnliil lltiitlt no llttll51tllll tltlllitl Il1l Iirzigmziy It overrun thc irm ltlll Siiitc that tllllt llt hail becii ii Ns ti II III id ii lll on mm lithiliii lur ltItltii iint lllti IIilui Iiii li tlillll17il4gtI lIi pictuit iiiiiiiaiiIIIlly tlll from Mm 151 iliiiiin =IIIIIIII Siiii about Ilutiixx antit Hm Omar of II it SalimJilin wax llowii Japan to Alibtlillll tlicii Eilllttl to camc caiiic lilii intro ycnrt of Mltltt and cxtrnrlcd from now 1w wccli from llllilli loIii ll ttuiy llllllllld tii liin ttl2lli lIlElll TILIJ phygtnriau HlYlHll hair that it would bc ziiiw llElIl to ltltltll to Ztll lIc allbllTllittl tillll Vt to Toronto by train to llarric last wcchtiitl and will IcmIiii born with his lt ttlL bclorc rIrrcIiIII1 our tliici tIIil IIpci pcrwii II lllllllll rctiiiniiit iln ll Hf um Ilw IIiml gtpcrlir lhc llairw Victor iIIltttt Icil liit llil arranged llll attractions Ill lllt provuitc for this Sunday ivcziiin rll iiitllt gt will LilllltJZ lii rcpiy lt in ltitioi Ul III12no lIin Hugh ll lloiialu Iiipccui iv oiii lrgal Otticcs wrote Limit illll very lllsl pimiblc your lll rolly will litII hcalth not Iicrnif your rcsuiniiis your poSIlioii on the lltllLllnlllKl am stirc that what litwc said is morc than itlllltlliill your frintlx in SIIIICI County and by the Illillt55liill in this vLIICI COLWELL and II llaioltl lIlIII until litlI Iilcaliiid tlll Suiidzry Ilii Mr and Mrs li Iifliii ronto The purchase included the pork bathing llb ivI iltl ll Min tgt llltlttll ltttiltll by li uh know Mr JCIIS that his litalth liai not improvcrt as ICSircil sriiuontly he will not be Iolc again which houses lakcshorc and 54 lots The lots are worth from $300 to $500 each DR Mr Slrammzm ALTER ll WOODNOIV make improvements dance hall and to the bathing beach He has long tcrcslcd in the property hav ing bought two other lots there during the pint 20 years This tourist area has more than 100 cottages and summer population of 1200 and plans are under way to develop it further as summer resort Iiiid tIIILl intends ALL VETERANS Monthly gcncral meet Canadian chion to be held in the Club Rooms Owen St MondayOctobcr 29 at 830 takc IiigilttiiIIll duties liSchargcd with ability and fairnch for Iicailv Ji gt 5332 COMING EVENTS been iii yen cottages and liig the All llXEilllldlCl ttlltllllltll arc payable in advance full to lCthll you loot at your address label mOOMINNNImmlIOOIINNIIOIOOOOOCOIINMMO OVERCOATS wSILLDJSNI SIZES $91521595 BOYS $99512l9518250 WBOYS llNDBlHGAKERS $395 $495 LEATHER $895 BOYS HEAVY BREECHES $195 $300 $395 $450 Mens llcaVy lViiidbrcnkCISSSOO $625 $650 toWSIITSO WILF ToDDl7itl WNOWW ANCING Dance in New Lowell llall Fri aiispiccs club Admission lay Brciitwoorl Davidsons 35c and 25c Oct Uiidcr lVClSClS pm Knight Secy boys Wuommvonnolm orchestra Vle mwmruooo 00 lldfimuwl GOOD NEWS FOR DANCERS ODDPELLOWS TEMPLE OPENING Saturday Oct 27 AND EVERY SATURDAY FOLLOWING WITH CHARLIE WYBRANDT AND HIS ORCHESTRA FROM TORONTO Down stairs Every Fri ARE VOU INTERESTED IN WIPHOTOGRAPHY Thc Barrie Camera Shop will open at 71 Elizabeth St now occupied bLBradloyS Lunch LAST SH fVRrsitySlioulliGRVSiStSis ERI SAT MATSAT230 pm tiin sitIi who tuglljllllm 2nd Bight ThelTriqufKitCarsqnfi SUN MIDNIGHT MON and TUES gr BIG DOUBLESHOW q9 iACHARi uu iii OWING TONIOHT THURS ai+ tjhgn 2951 CRAWFORD 00 Ia lug nunuunuu BARRIER SIAIIIIINO srrrr Slillj EIEL WED BETTY GRABLE Pinlln Girl THURS MAT WED 230 Another Big ZHil Program Ioel MoCREA in BUFFALO BILL AdmiSSion NEW LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY NOW FROM RESIDENCE INVESTMENTS TORONTO MEMBERSOF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE EVFLYNNBRANCH MANAGER RANCH389 DUNLOP ST Imperial ThurlriSat mi mm material Ic VOUNB PENNY SlNSLEltlll ARlHUR llttt tARRl SIMS leutlm lllll Daiiiiy Palmetto Km COtUMatA PICYUIE llto on till Sumo program IOE BROWN in Beware Spooks Willi ll IARLISLE ===0m0==30u0===0=0==0 STARTS SUNDAY MIDNITE 1205 BRAND NEWTEATURES lAP SAVAGERYAVENGEDl HARRY CAREYKELLY RIMS LITTLE DEVILS run JoucKY LOUIE HAYWARD 500 HO RALPH LEWIS JIMMY DODD MONOGRAM PICTURE PAUL 2iid Hitlieaturc ADVENTURES OF KITTY ODAY JEAN PARKER PETER TOOKSON TIM RYAN FOR MEN ANDIYOIING MEN $2395 $2450 $2750 to $3750 and Sat Night with BOb Powells Melody Men Sat Night feature pf VOCALS EYMROV TRUDEAQ igguaii uiinnunli SPECIAL 359119331575 P3 Wed Oct 31 Prizes for costumesSpot Prizes SOMETHING EXTRA DIFFERENT TOME EARLY FOR YOUR TABLE AVOID DISKPPOINTMENT ANDVDANCE Oi THE LARGEST FLOOR IN TOWN Steam heating system installed with new Modine Unit Heaters for your comfort iCRoom Cabaret Until MriBradley has mOVed to his new location the Camera Shop will use the west window to display and so1LphotographLLSiipphESJndJQuipment olillAl11nllglquIIn WW3unHumnu EMO BEAVER REBEKAH LODGE and BARRIE LODGE N0 63 NINE NOV SIR pm 1uuucIuuuI RI SERVICE hold by Barrie Ont 190 9ffa+ Tunsnni III ADDRESS BY THE REV JAMES FERGUSON MUSIC BY CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH CHOIR ODDFELLGWTEMPLE 41 COLLIER STRE 4iI 5mm Rust I2x EI BARRIE Ye UV SOroptiinisi Club TELEPHONE 2443 imNsicIUB sponsOEing THE From to 1249 SONNY BRONSQN AND ORCHESTRA sCOUPLES ONLY 100per couple HUDSON Mgr iy AT7RAM f1 sprciuladdyed Fcaturerin Afternoon Country stor 33nd Bake at 430 pan 58 ELIZRBETH STREET PROCEEDS IN AID OF SERVICE WORK lime grRIDAY NIGHTDS in ciidiot Tame 1C TEMPLE WW If your copy 371i Evengedand4rirNitee British Chil Practice in Prevention REMEMBER Some Fires Cannot be Avoided and InsurctriCO is the Only Solution MALCOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY MEMBER OF BARBIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE S1 Ouiiiop St Dial 3735 Wm Victinis Fund INTHE Iv BLUE ROOM Prizes Every LADIESSSS