Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Oct 1945, p. 7

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vanW 13 crn lAMES GUEST MET DEATH is tons and stepping out into civilian suits in new world Many of shcip daiu ll Sivthes and Miss Tilziiiil Pcrcoiipon illils Wilc lemme IIIlliIi Hill ltlt twin Harte spent the Wetl realization that everything dear imlt bum6 ur us at stake Gradually the wt flit 10410 ler JPN 59 of battle turned and we hui=titWl$ th Maia inld up talent 15i Illiiwcufidllhlm 5150 41 mi on Itftlt and may and liomis it twirl do Mrs fer Laws of Anirn kneel the altar on the ftie MllLs mm goose nhith 11 Emupe and KI4 ay rstablbhed record somruhut ll curl than out or the ordinary mapletr the tv it gm my gum In ISU her first year the ii ivy iiitl Julian mg goose laid 44 eggs The ML xuIIILIIIiIIe4jliifgiflbn he Tisha defeats have lrvr rhea 3m 595 3m ild 55 ML fixred acConiphghwj Mid 01m whit tidied may lr ll his produced 4a 5st me it to the ultl Loti When than it tuit wt to the ninth N1 397 In DC my dump MW my is any difference name sona three lkhrd maria gt lle fighting has Hired 210 gm want thrill lie glut itUZCil that butue has diff rnuir Ha rut gt IIIIIIW 10100 jv met ii flout Eg llwh 17 Limeridt unis MN of our infill ire thatxinsieao lltl rtv lr Lyn in rm sumdsback to plough ti of ii 1g Bonus he has little 411 until twltl tirlsmatslzi LEAN1 iilsdIIivJbI If we built IIIIIIII Im iIiIIII II IIItIIII IIlII IIIJI IIIIIIIIdIHfLIIIIV IUII In IIIMIriII IIIIIIiI ti ry 91 Oil our ace We see iiai in gull oi View All cuu uV rune tutu ticiur vtltlliiitlli Illk 11 llI iJ Ll whit1 we we mu banged if Std lt virgin urd Bonds NidWllliAlltllllig his rm ii lb latiulifttll and lesseninli iliIlltli vH rim Al mi lu son it would Hill one lili in II 3011523 01 Mill illrrfd ldlhetmiiie job we have been diving Mt it own self llililtrl wm itzlidflxtlivlil LTIH1illlllllilrl the past eight lazung it II Ingram kBonds if no will lg ti Hi be my IIIII IIIIIIlIIIIII IIVIIIIII5 IIIlIIIIilmrI IIlIlliIbilxn lill Ulll IIIIILIIIIIIIII JIHIIII vIg truce ill the Jti Iiitl Mm Lu imi Li MU oth mp NM n3 Ami IA ORANGE PElOE tPLi 115 twliilrn of address dangerous spur hut tiaiu is xii ill that reason that our Culilili tiil lullwhr span the iirith ill toil at wi ll le ll liltlll Leeds mi money Winn If VlnINlI Sue As look back utcr the other as to ihe tithe Itlt l7 ll blils rt lliir titlik our country limit jii ill it eight loans are are Illllitlitl otIiIue nioic Span wt to lm unitl Anti no Ii with the fact IEO our timirtauieiai how the Liflltliiittliil for each loan bridiac that Lt in our own tli The 3W js WI Vif I5 it has Illfllltl fluill llthV Illill lllt uIi Sfi illnl tiltlt li Iltil ititttxt l1t Iliiuljr llwllilv people of unused lmiilng fit FANCV 10 Ti53 rune trefoil lit the early days we litittnl lemurs why zsitaiinslti IItiilfI ist as true andcnm med hug mm pniwm it gt were fitlilting hilll our back in Ihe Lotiglit Victory Iliiudy Illli l4 tn been iii the in They heed bl Maggy LvS zall and we Iitlltlll but its Willi il It the firl place we IlltllllItl it inc we liatt with to llfl ore gt IN II Wwmwmm It lIllI wotl0 tlitl lofti liltlil llitlf EvmyI atlohd lzfjiIllindlglkaaIIIIII13 lt EV IIktI VV Illiz Hil gtlmm Hill Canada It may as luff IIIIIII TIM II lllllll ll IW Ell relief And it will he so our own IL II II IIII lia ii Victnly it llozidr fin inure 11 mp Sump Wm 545 IIIIII SWKIQ SI99 tlll IlIil Suriiziil ti we hum 015m it III TlilI PW lilClOl l3 YOI OIIID rug HIT to Luna llouils are 4i l0l hope that we liiiiht Iliinr ubuut II equipped with on $1 SHARE Iil it tliltltlll lllt Lttetmdtllg bum ping It W3 be imp gt Goodyear Tires and MAKE SOME llKY PlIR in the inticr UI nmv Beltd sitiln to maintain iiiurt runway II 53C SON THE OVNER OF THIS how an ttlillllo profit to the iii or mm AV llllly mlnm WI usor are tltl above the in um PI 101 ms mime MACHINE My WW spoiltgram similarly 12 la 92 24 HUS Simply ll llFRIOVORll llil illlt Ill trlllpillt tit illt DIH Cd in economic 51111111 ml yin II 35Cyeffrx ACJKFI MKMTJCIC Vs71 lll yUlllABlJ all mm mm MW has hm gt lnd OIL Iloceedh IllIII IIIIFnI AND NEW latxli done his share in buv lilcriniIEeIIIiIlsllIIII IzIIM IIIII IIII IIIII Iv Ii II III EIIIIIIES SELECTED II ILJtlItllftldlI0f irmnnmntl in llwiitiz th the man on int Bu wimp mm an if all SEA AUNT Uls tiltltl Ililt lm for Mt ltiitm Ul mp mnmml tum0d pap31 1V IlI Cripple CIIIIdItIIIS SHARES 5100 13A 0R tltllit ills no dont mu Optimum men Ml WWI Ii II JHAMA Fund liltl Community SHARES FOR 3500 the other hand there is the men of the Armed Seivne Iiie URINE Pkg Service DONT DELAY III Iii Tim TN for Loan mu BL Ts 11 ltiilllll tlljltliti to buying outs size ant ciaractcr is llla our ACT NOIN ilie may bn the onewho said No country nerds our money for ljia ti itt leer Nu llouits He may be thi tuitics for hospitaliration for pay uie who gtill he would not buy and allowances and for the rehabll II ItOIIAIIY IIlll Ile llflAFllIl IIOI MILLWOOI ROAD tlitnntls ilI Income Taxes were dc tuition of 19mm wt haw mom LEASIDE ONIARIO iliictid Iioiu his pay He may have in the Armed Forces IIIIJJULHWI to liiiyliiy lioiids became On past Loans we all ituuiel PI llISI SINI MP SIIAIilm laugh that there was waste and endorsed the need for moneyi ll SIRIIOIII II IIIIII NHan Ill lllttt pccts of ltnerument for tlllS and tanks and ships and fl ll gt or WING Percoopon peudiriire He may have obnthdplanes lhose Loans were for ma ll II SLICED AWN Ito the Governments llUllt terial things This Ninth Loan is Ill lb iconscripiiou Whatever may Iiiivefor llltllr for ihe men and women II iiieeu his reasons those reasons lid who have served this country It IIl ll COUDOH AWARIS WILL BE APRIL 1946 not stop every past Loan from be is for men and not for niaterialsw III III II IIIII II ll SMOKED Wholl Ol HM lb and it is even more important fl Ill For coupon Pension yourself it or set up even more essential even more ob IH IImmf an Il jlll an income for your farinin In this lttlllljfy YlOilllvtllit Slllc of its Ill ti atlhfsirrrrt it Lists 43 FBONTS 19 priymeiiismadceasybyrlZniondily mrough OUP 1mm Cenugfrod liti mit eath nail slim lot to lllRl 11ll PNCGWM cheques you run purchase yourlife wivng their Ach Sorm but tiiiyuiii doe WHIMHHE 17 FRONTS Boneless Rolled lb 1V lb msurance from income and not Thine who received To AL from capital Inquire today Central lntzrrroBrancli Office Royal Bank Building Peterboro DCHV KETCHEON Branch Manager HOG IJPRODUCERS IN em OhlyHog Producers WIIIOII pose with theirown County Agricultural Representative tegixured for the pur them were just youngsters when they enlisted They have seen and done great deal during these last few years They wonder now what lies ahead of them Not one of iisl should begrudge ltlllitliutl them tbey are our finest citizensAthey are the Canada of the futurewthey are wondering what that future is going to be likethey are wonderI ing what our attitude is going to be to them as they face that fu ture This Ninth Victory Loan is the first time the people of Canada have had an oppttunity of eiviii an answer to the question that is in their minds That completes the three pillars tlDOlliwlllCIFtlllvrlillllFpalFlSb ing built At the end of the bridge is the land that they hope to find Sign Your Name to Victory is our sloganthe name of every good Canadian on Ian application form means his name is on scroll of honor said that at the end of the bridge there is the land for which they hope This is Loan for the men who fought for Canada At the end of the bridge we want countrywhere they and their chil dren can win Peace and Free dom and Security They have it Let us give it to them it LI smart oIfICOIIiiIingoodIIIIIIIII Adjournfng the meeting Mr Morrison wished the salesmen Goodsmight 3391 god hitntingf Thursda PAINSWICK Zxf ge 6473 the For Ontario under Act has been submitted to the mromrmy Ontario Hag Producers Association the dugm tlmelgc urged Farm Products address and towiuihig PUBLIC tithe Produce Vote IDY Below the Botlrcl will consider recom mendingwtlie scheme it mustbe sitili lt that oIfliTHog Producer are in favourolwlts adoption TI IIiIIoT IIIIfoIIhfIEIInIIfIIIIfmaIOIWsIEF token on the questionnm ARE you INT FAVOUR OF THE PRQEQSED pursue HOG PRODUCHS IMAgBKEIINVG SCHEME BEING BRQUGHTINTOI Forcrin bummer ballot is lacing will the proposed scheme may be Panniers CONTROL null or in person at their County Agricultural Rep untatives office in ordu to In eligible to vote ngn registering by maiIIplease forward mm Barrie Legion Hall At this mlctiugtlienuhqno gt miutidnumwgvedBallot ytlllbe iwpplleditotvtlxeheiking to Imelda lter luv registered to utility minvote then Result tions ujIllac adopted arthc mpdingI and oIsIofoIrtu days after it All Magneto are registered will chcciy ballotseithcr at the AgriculturlkzprdsoutI iIVGII olfifct IHIIIQI tingling or by mail C6pls cultunl Representativcs office and the public routing II wllrhe catitIETIo vote on Ichcinc All Hog Paa to register at once by EEINQ nElD PUBLIC Martino Wilhelm Mon Nov 12 800 pan In expliinodIfully Ind ucund at the Agih NIBIIIotoIrnustIhentumecltoItliaIAgiioultuulchrgl scntative beforeDecuiib8145 Aoy Hallo Iritiiiialterthatclatzfirilliiotflaorecordedi ALILII Hoo PRODUCERS ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED to REGISTER TO ATTEND THE MEETINGlN THEIRAREA Arie to VOTEI Boinnn HMO II 4Wekei1d4tisitoerere Mr and l3 give big 055 Mrs Fred Quantz and Betty Mr and Mrs Burnette Mrs McDowell andbabvLong Mrs Whitewood and Dorothy Toronto Miss Hamilton Orillia Mr and Mrs Wm Knowles nnd twoxhildren Toronto all with Mr and Mrs HaroldKnowles he mgs riIanIe Hear About Proposiedy Hoummgu In connection with the Notice to All Hog Producers in Simcoe Countyadvertisement which ap been arranged As stated in the advt thereis to be meeting at theLegion Hall in Bbrrie on MondayNov 12 at 83 Pm Other meetingsin Simcoe Coun tyall to start at pm will be as tiollowsiw Mohday um lZNewton Rob inson Orange Hall Tuesday nay l3Stayner 01 page Hall Waverley Orange Hall Wednesday Nov ltAlliston frown Hall Thursday Nov 15Orillia Coun ciIHall vote of the Ontario hog pro ducers to approve proposed Hog Producers MarketingScheme un der the fjnjovisions oftheimn Products Control Act has been authorized by the Minister of Agri culture vi In arranging for the taking of this vote the Agricultural Repre sentatives have been appointed as Registrars for the producers and Deputy Returning Officers for the 39m in taking Note by ballot Meetings were arranged by Page Mull Lashley Agricul turol ltepresentativos nor North aquSonth Simcoe fought for it they are entitled to Branch Mr and sh pears directly a16gside Wis ar ticle number of meetings have lllltlltill Mlth FREE MEATS AND FISH 25 WM llItIIfliIiiiIziItIIi IllI=IiIIIIxIlIItTIiIiuI IlIiitIiIIlIiiIillItiltlii III II IIJI Illiljf iltjlllttl 53 ll ll Ill RI lb cum mus mi it it 27 tliacc icsoi seriices and pint Sillittil litlllii for Wasaua illcacii 57 Dr oreorau Etltlll Stilt Cu lreasiuei Iltlllitil innin tizitiiiei Shillil gt Ou urtiou of yleszls Kidd iinli lliaie tIounciI went oziIritoiti ii Ilnlut opposed in any tiiiu oh lin IillI the ueclzend ti wand ill urns II nears 25 on carrot new CHEESE 27 Ilroviucial Ithilillllttll to co ne teie iordiuate all public services Mr and Mrs III LatUl PhU County level Council also reuls IIill rutLiv ti ithe IiltllkIllII ouucil TIII apm tl lill IIIIlIllIIIlIIIfll iIhe nlitIIilsIraiIrIlllpsI WIIIlI SIII CIIII4I Mrs Illair rilliz is isitiitii lltl Iaiiuliicr John Currie uum this ltlllllj tended ill anniversary Sui Mrs McKinley Orilha her daughter irs Ross Currie toll uiiucillor Smith I1lll1ltll is rt covering slowly after his rcccut ziccitlcizl Mr and Mrs Clarke Horne and baby isitcd Mitwaud Mrs Itluis Icy Sunday Miss Katie hieArthur has aunt iit spend the winter Willi Mrs Ico Vtilniuan Orillia lte MeCuaiq has received his discharge from the army uhd Nita ctiiriiedlo liisyrhome here held in the Ieirlts office ElmvalcL CUM and he mumha Vic TTltllmiiiji Gra SpentIsiiiiiiliihiiii ZlfljtllllllCtl to meet at TitlIHllIlt Mrs Gray left for Win litiltcii to set up Welfare lIlill ifor the ouuty of Sinicue It is the opinion if Ilos oiuicil Ithat such action would not be in the interest of economy and would constitute step in the setting up of centralized boards which would LIIOI be elected by the people and over which the electorate would have no control though such board would have the spending of the peoples money The Clerk iaslustructbd to for ward copies of the resolution to the Prime Minister and the mem JWlleltlesLthe DIAPER WHITE II 29 sour 15 Cat Seedless ZlhsI BEEHIVE 27m Tin 22 Flag FLOUR SIWIIeId III Bag 23 EAEEHO POWDER ANN PAGE II II 15 Stilhji 15 HEINZ No to fin 16m The Couijtwof Revision willrrrbe AN PAGE WHITE humor Milli MEAD Counc Plielpston Saturday Nov at to nine on her return from the city Mr and Mrs Thus Sureenor ie 24 01 iirned to Toronto with Mr and ANN Loaves llls ETlioiiil5ilu and daughter AGE 00 Drummer Classifieds cost little Audrey Hum mmL My mm WHEN AVAILABLE usr Patrons FLAKES Pit24 armour 2mm CASHMERE BOUOUET IZCakes trailer soap 17 re in It Paisley 12 CARLOAD SALE CALIFORNIA VALENCIA VonAnousf cfwrc 344 don 19 burnout PEARS IvcIszivcd enough on my heating costs to pay for my StokcrNot only does itbum cheaper gradctcoalbbut the automatic controls feed the coal intotbc furnace as iris necdcd getting every big of heat from it Theres no waste The house is more gomformikgmohcrcnjrcW the coldest mornings Now is the time to decide on FairbanksMeme Stoker Stoker coal is available cllLlFoFlINlA IEATINIIG 4725 12 SWEETeNo GRADE sitOTATOESrlb wastage WAXED TURNER WASHED co ELE CABRBTS YELLOW coomnos that sptigtqgtyyhuturn your maliin lbeihpertuliy reliantan SS lbs DOMESTIO COMMERCIAL AND INOOSIOIAL MODELS AVAILABLETOR IMMEDIATE lNSIALlAllON Ikesorieont Company Limits

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