31 THE BARRIE EXAMINER 1311312113 ONTARXO 351111011 THURSDAY OCTOBER 11 194 ANT MAW A5 AA AA AT THE AA MOUNTAST AA IVY BRENTWOOD Keys wen Kt l1 l1z 21 111491 1t TV IIIIII its surpnsmguml CXClllllg loohow hath rooms can he lllJLlC 311th modern and lll4 tilingh hr simple iiicxptmiwArciiiottelling tilaflltIt iwragie prion were llitllltt Us that iccnrtimg to size and hhutr Inf tiw Sleiiiit jun 1W 11rl11m II Your 3H Paint Dullr will he glad to make Suggestions tltl tor the Atlnal tiltittr 35 IIIIiiAIIIIAI touches hcll supply Amu mill ll l1111ts 311231 Al AAAA III IIII III xv lntt ln1lngl ll supcrltir 1111 it 11 1ltlt 51111 E11111 etc 31 AA AA 1AM 11 that AA chlt hotivt Annual tl $11 AAA11AA11 IIII III Im IN HUI II ltrl1llA Vi lI111l111lt II II tit AAA AA AA AAAAAAAAAA AAAA AA II gt Ii 13 I11 if 11 villiLl 11 f1A lillltiI AA 111A AtitAt1Htt II AA AAA AAA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA 11 lth 11 131 II gluonlull thl llllltl 111 71 Zt IIli ld SlIlIiAt if 131 11 mtz 1v 1A1A 11 232 is 1111411 mm 111 201 11 31gt hm UWAA mm tAAI AAA Ilhtllttl 21 tttili GEO HO Ho So AAA AAA IAA Sr lthllltltt ltrting A1 111 tttlitlt 1l1 IlIiv 51111111 lirtr A121 II EVIIREIT 1115 AA AAA VA Mh AA Mix iarhui Llltt l1gt I111 Mr Merchant htriintaize lit II lilI II Iv III IIII ilrnt last wool iii IlIttiHll= Iho lii111i1111 lug tlltlltlll1n liit1lit 111 it with HusI ttlllll lI=II1H silent the 7000 mm tittli ttltllll rith lil aintht Idlits lnrlty PIC 111m tgt11 11A1 IiI 31 All MESA VA YUM and Aw ACHlEtS 300 to 1ltll Iltiitlt 131 111i AlfIA Mar 511111111 Wed and M15 Frill IIll11ll 1111t littnf llll 20c 11 181 lit ii I1 lohlienn QtHtHMllli Wore Suii Il1ltI ouli1gtloz 2t II lirlI JW IilhI till Ml Jtl lhll 1111111 lvnl11 MAA Amd MESA AIM 11AA1AAAAA All ittitlItl 1111111411 11 1111 111111111 nrAt AA 11 AAAA AA flit AAAm mmu Aw AyAAAAAAvAi AAAAAAAAAA AA 31 it 1tl1kll LIANMW 1mm MAMA IAAAkAA Ii lAHEJ ltll 3l1111l1r 1111 1111111 it II MA hII 31 have niorttl into their l1n111 lnrt PM Ilililll ltlt gt1ltlr Mn 1ltIillill 11 ltl lIIIiI ZIHII III MI AMlII D1IIIi1A litiittilil llit property lIlI nroatl loaf 1113A11122 Yenlgic St t111t11 ihMImiI HWI 1111t1l Kliu Millie We 111 111lI 1111911 huh mini 111 11111 tllkltl 11 v1 l111lt wink at riotis liriees llos hamiuii roiilturtutl 11 Wtttl Ml toino tlltill Read and use Eimmtner Classlth l1o1s1gt him 11 11 11111111 111 l11li111 Sliltliiis I1 311N434 lithh iiil 2IIIIiItIllIlIlIIlittIIIItIltitIiIltiIIII II II1II1IIIIIAIIAIA 1111111 llwpztii t1illi1 at llants lloiors lite uiti hIltial tiiltli111III II lllili IN INI IMfTA AAAA1AAHAI PT Whhm hgtl thWliWq AA AA AHA AA AA 1th Plum litillth AA hinalt Wiltat Acreage MAAAAAHA NF rm ltit 11A1Att 1AAA iAlllt 511111Al1ltt tint411111 of talll Am wank in 13A iitus has htAIAn Fmin gt5 AA AA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAA MAAAAA AAA BAAAAAAA tm AlAlAl AllllA district tlAiAis yuaAr lliAcAeoiiA AA 1A HA1 AAA ilIA ltA Vtu ltIl 1115 tytt 51A1I1AIAI II II 11111011111111 for last wool igtttllll lhc wheat that is sow tI 1i Couth and btltlirt Workman lItflLllls is helpill IlIl 11 him 15 DOWN the 0th 03 ll tho kldtllts will run 1111l Mr and ms r1lIII Iw mmldmlWl ImSIdIlIId Ill 1mm mu mlt MI 100m llmlwdy ImllEd have 0n 00 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA AAIAAAAAAAdAAd AAA AAAAAAA AAAOkA undy mt 11mm Aim cm may mm clothing NA theuted and mo 00 smL Klanlaul 11 Sunday Knox Church scrrico 730 1111 jthmtvM It III IilIIIIy got the IcIwetI kIIIk um bpd IIOIhIS m1 gt1 11 IIIAITIIIAINIAII AIAIfAtAIAIfAIAI AlllALAAAAAAAA 555 MW tlll ChAurlip mmC1 ml Mil III IIliItiliIItIIlitIIIlIiItIiItlIchIiiIiIgIIIlIFIIfIliIilIiILIlleA AA AA AA AA AA AHAqu Am the AAXAAAAHAAAAAA rel 1111 111 lltA 1111 11 to gm 111111 Nilllttlllng 11 1Tid AAI mm showing at Tolliiizwtltnili lixhiliilionz tliAoyllilllAlkliHtililtltl1111g they Will take vitAlioilt11y tthS and this the mother 111111 Hitwild leiAoiittA1 and Mr and AAAlAl1ogt mm mm AHWSA mmwm IAN WAN Will tllltl 111 Dr Woods Norway liuu Syrup ltlllttlAV llSttl hA Canadian AA fIAIIII AiIII WM fjllillllAIlAIjA11AlulAIAAAAredml Frank Btollt yollnltost son of Mrs tlialnicll isittd in lo I1 HI the pitL 18 yea AA L1AiAAti 1ilAiiLAii tiiiAbuiiA 1tAAAMAAAltA AsiAA AztAAhAtvaHKAA Mr and gutSA mm 1111VAA1W1Arum 1AAALAALAU1A AA lrite 351 bottle the large tIttlllllV size about tiniov 111 111111l1t1tit1t 211 1A fl Akita 5993 the liiistortune to have the tip at Foster preached lllS farcwolll illiltlIlTliltlltllSv LINN hm IiI II flI ud MI his third tiiilt talaon till ulliilt rttilltil lltiL 111 San ll lt1il llll1ullI41 limlml1um1111111111 11 1112 Nil the tlllll1 by 11011 anion 1m 11 lrlavisi tlt ltrgidttird Illtl Mrs Murray Bell and 1111 11 mil attendzuito 11 trim of Barrie visited Mr anti 1111111 injured or all M1 and Mrs Earl Cordon anti Th III It IIIIIIIII II II CI III It amt lC VlSl item 112111 llt lixzunilior liiscitioch MW 1100250 lCCLmly 1111 1111v1 5111111 mum1 11111llrlt lirn Ellsmere at the weekend AAAm AA There was 11 beautiful Harvest 311mm in 31A Juhns ChmCh Am Sunday Rev Mr lVlCLillCll of leiictaiig took the seiVice The church was decorated rith fruit HUWCAFSA CICA MYSA H111 brought beautlttll flowers 111 memory of her mother Mrs Morrison Miss lleleii Dunn left on Mon IIIIIIII IIUII BIIIIIIIeI IIIIICIIIC SIIC IIIIII IIC provrdes IIII for 50mg me II III We aic 111 glad to see Mis llaAiAiy 131 mm mm the hittlhldl 10013119 vely well II lhe anniversary servtces of the to ll al 111 111C hurcn w1 be hd lWEKt SlllldaYOCttl4letemintHelh It be MR MilddICIIT II II Those home tor Thanksgiving were Mr and Mrs Bert Crawford M153 Buriitield Witn Mrs Miller Mrs Arnold itl rs Electrmty cannot be stored it must be made MFA ad AMiSS $rigmhIA wnh WIIIIm uIIIIy Imam OI second 0f me ls Prince many of the cottagers were vi used he now queII In IlhEIgenemmts he fo the llQlgflyJML md controlled by sensrtive automatic gates so as to of Dan MCC makeonly enough for the demands of the MiaEilkllkcglgmmflnd 13 momem II II II II St Andrews Anniversary anmversmy SCFVCCS Sl Do you realize that Hydro power must be made to your order mode and delivered to you so quickly that it would seem to always there Whenever you flip ct switch youuse electricity before the water which made it can leave the Andrews Presbyterian church powerhouse Your order is received and lled faster than good camera can wink its eye Yet were held on Sunday with theris iting minister Mr Jack of Iioroil to The services were well attended itFpoweHometoiyuuahrauglru giant trons lt AAA JormepuonrQIMuLdistdbunmsmnPAANA QueenslonChlppawa and allenjoyed the day The 11d Lute Cunareganonm 2A GP9 IIIaIII with the singing Miss P11 in smatt tronstormer near yourhome oll Crawford Was soloist in the mornlt multitude ofwatchful personnel stand reudyrtoM st was evening so am sing Ontarioihustcdmiatc Qigfibmldosrrvice United Church andAthe other two Hamilton called on friendsuheie parents over the weekend War or PeaceIthere is always job for you cut ting or delivering pulvaIood This wintertheres no AAAletup=intlle neAAed forpulpwood Many i659 await you in good camps with good food Youll AImIakIe AA goodoubstontlol lnliotweenteason income lInIxsorrIio placerthere iAsIAotIsoIworkIAtorryoui horses Malia inquiriosrpoclcle now to eorn that Iextro money connected by many miles at transmission and mg and sang The Garden Of PM AAAASAQAAE ygqggmeyb OTyWTAigier on swikh 1nAAHMy Task and anotherlovely ChillChES 0f lheChOlge Mrs Johns is visiting her run in BurlrrigtonA Sunday II MII Stevenson 50mm or St An dIStIIlIlIlIIaIiiIIoIfIIlIISlIla th of to ler and The Lords Prayer Liealtti or Qmpmen AA fullyltliss EleanOi Leigh Htlles AA AA AA 5010 Man friends oined thl many men tof thAcAAdAa ormght That l$ what AA Swan yfmm Barlia OAHULAAAACtge Montreal Mr WW and Mrs Percy Blough TransformorSlatioii IITplI Glow Dyer Whpis Slit honedatOrillia Camp v151ted his DEPENDS on YOU lIlrtItalIlIIgis ClilIglIlIIIISigiIdiiIIaI lingGOEI II house mus be qde quater wired if you 47 are to have full Berletfrom the elec tricity onumay wantto use If yourAAplaceAIis wired fora range under water heater you cIalI thewrberethut Ym hove Dyetalr of Hamilton spenrlne enough circuits and plenty of weekend with Mr and Mrst Dy outlets conveniently placed in every room Remember er and Mlar1d MrsuR Redraw that any one outlet can supply only limited amount Anmvemar Services Will be held of power efficiently and safely Remember too that an CthlIlIiCIh IIIIIXIdSIiIIII you will want an evergrowing number of electrical pAmA Rem Mn 509 Egvghurff conveniences in the years to come Ilhe economical be songs were very much enjoyed eed alsoof Toronto coming for the gt Your Marat National Em lo mentomce Lewis and Mary Andaman To tht II YIWVInIIlIl PIMV iorI fieldman gussume you aveonoug thelt many friends IIyCiIllIiiitrlctzj or ayenit authorized by the National Employment Wilson LougheedTorgnto visit II II Ir ed his parentshere Over the week end Mr and Mrs Milton Lough AI AI AI holiday Mr and Mrs Fred Brown and IXIIIIOI III IIIIe weekend It MISI COOKS II wAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA Am AAAAAAA rider 118 cottage hereundsatted PMWF WWW if the is oils in Mmerfoou houseA Fm Dr and MrAS Holly Dyer and 10111 Ann ande and Mrs Floyd ASIGN UP With unycunvasserrupresenringqpulp ampu Th6 host thlng to do is to go backto the you worked for baton IIIiIIIpIIIIy mwi MacNAAMARA Deputy Minixleroanbaur formerly of this parish will be the If wtlmetuwirendequutelris whenyourehyiiinaat er In h9iygf mulling maior alterations Plan now for your kw wit ome 45 per cent of the mem AeAAAAAAAAcAAAAAAAAAAAeAA WAA AAAAA Ipy bers of the Royal Canadian Air Fonqes say they idesirel further HYDROELECTRIC POWER COMMISStON or ONTARIO Wm dimming as MultidpalbistribullanStation not 111101 their rehabilitation benentsv AA AA AA