Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1945, p. 5

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Colcznan 111 v1olc1 111111 bcrt 111111 11 Show 111111121111111111111111111 1111 IOiil Lita3 LILARI Chuzci DICKINhUNW iii hlUlll 11 Li 11111111 1945 11 3151 1L 121 11 ding iv jermme 1111 111 3i and ML 11 r1 illallt 1111111 3115 D11 chl The 1111111 11 sinul $511 113 v111 of SKtiilc11 tended by tlic in 11010 biack iztkfswlltw 1111 Johanna 11111 1m was 111101111111 11 in 1111 110111 ltktlilluI 11 111 11111 member of 151 111=11115 11111 111 the 011111 11111111 1w 111 11 mother 1010 111 illlutl of A11 1511110 11 111 11 111 1i 511150 of 11111111111 11 ml 11 grooms 1z1111nr1 11 navy 111111 111 11 11 111111fwl 111 11111111 won 11 Corsage of After 1111 1111111 gt1 111 111 IiLlxlliroll itll 111 111 l1 1711151911 111111 111 1111 They 11111 1121150 11 St 11111 Iicad 111111 11w 12211113 1131111111INN11H Heres SENSIBLE way to relieve MONIHLY FEMALE 111 Missnv not only 1111h1 also111111111111111311 1111 strung1111111154111111111w 11 periodic 11141111111112 11 110 mostcftrcnvc111111101111 1111 11114112111 Iinkliams 1111111111111111 111111 11111111 Follow label 11111111111I111 11 11111 Mini by com 64114141121 11111111111111 7101111011 111 1111 111110 1111ibidc11u 1o11sin of 11 honor 111111 It will ill UNSHDE llQUORlCE 13111111741111 IIIE BARBIE EXAMINER ISARILII 141911110 CANADA TCTESecond Community Life ijonferencAeJ mAtWRaney 31111111 11111131111 31111111311 15 1111112111109 of 111 icdcr11on of Ag 1111113 their 501 I111 11c1c11cc States com Minted 111Ill 13111 lik user 11111cl 1111111111 10111 Rolls iup limit up Biggie 1141111 londrr up call 111 Sworn 11 111111 attended anal 11 111 1c bthlicli Sift together bench est up milk 1m Imltrd 5111111111111 the pro Stir in the uuunumty Iilgtl 1111c 111111111111 program 311111NIII 11c1110 11115111 3111111113 1111 111s 411 31 11 111 11111 1111 11cr sg111 mm 1111111 1112110 11111L11111lightly Mateo large thin paiuakrs ilmul inches fxrucn 11m brown 011 both and limp 111 11111ch 111111111 made of cups of ilmppul 11ws1d pork mutslenni 1111 cup gravy or 11111110 111111 R1 up place 111 hot plnllu and pour rrnuirulnl more our mils lies 11111 in Mldiiurszz E1111 1111111117150 1111111211 111 111111 11111131115 10111 113111 new the brides31111 1111 1111 1111105 1101110 1010111131 11 titl= W11 1111111111 l1lifit 11=1i 111W lcrfcCt was 11011111111111 Webb 11111 1111111111 Illrrlil 11111111 111111011 11 11 lt Alli11w 5111111 IN 111511 5110141 1114 11111 11111110 Ilitltll 1111 1111 1111 111p 1111 devoted proinol 51111111 in 1311111111101 1411 1111111 Lliuuliiv who years to 111111 of 1111 111511 111111 1111111611 111111r11k11 11111111118 111111 191111 1111121 11 51111 512111311111 I1t 41111 by 111VHorod CUSdC Elected ushers brother 1111111ls AlinlilMorg 111101111011 111111111 1110 11111119 111111111 5111111 111111 101211 11 111 11110113 1110 cnUl 151 5V of row 111111 1111 1111 01111111 lilllatss111 1933 11nd 112t1 project widely 11111911 l1111lt1111A11111111ci 51111111 lillfllrlui 11111 111 1111111111r0l 1111 111 11111111111Ve 01111 1Siomp Club President on Piper Secretory 10 1111 1111 310111 111111111 1111s illk 11111 11x 1121110 111 1111 11 111111u 011111 1111111 itLl 511111 1111111 1111011 11xl Y11111t11 1111117 111111111 111 1111111 11140 1111 couple 1111 11 ll1111tllit111 11 11111 111gtt11c1 111111 112 attending 11L1111 110 lt1ppj 11111111 111 11 111111111 0121111110 1111 11 11 11111111 111 111111 11111 111 111111 111111111 13111 1111111 1111111111111111111 111111 1110111111111 111111 SUNDAr 5511661 LESSON By IIPV Thus 11119 ltliillil 11 1111 THE 11113111 fwlilt 1111111 llil Yllilllilli1l 311111111111 rttllt 1c11111sd11y p111 11111101 1511111 11111111Y 11111 111111 Rs111 rosrizluxu inf1115 1111111 111 hwcv 111111111111 11111 11 11 11113 1103113 iIRISllAN when EM 111101111111 111111111101 11 1111 1110 Ly111211111111111111111111 11111 1011111111111 1111 111111 Mas icorgc lhibidcau 111111 1111111lfl oi 1111111s1v11s 111111011 111 1111111111110 11111311 1111 IA lohn 111111111 son of Mrs mfl ll1l11 of 8111111 11nd the late 11111 11l1 111v 1111 ccrcn1o11y was per Robicluiud 1111011 111 1111111111110 by 11131 bro 111101 101 lhibidcuu of lrcss princcss and 11111 1111l01111111 l11 1101111101 should 111111 11111111 111 1111 1113 117 10l v11 111 1121111 lllll ilt1111 11111111 Holdcn 41111113 17111111111I 11 1111 111111 111111 1110111 11111111l 11 110i 11111 1111 111111 1111lit1111ll tllt1 1111lr 11111 110 this tiny ctiics Commercial 111101 Quality BEEF ALL BEEF iTEMS 211 PER COUPON WING 5191111 or Roast 43 SIRLOIN $1111 or Roast 1743 PORTERHOUS SHORTor CROSS RIB 11271 BONELESS and ROLLED PLATE Bnlsnsr BONELESS and ROLLED SHULDERB9k 1522 Fresh LAMB Cuts lll$13Jvlh 112 01 ith LAMB LEGS 11111111 11111211 111 SHOULDER Neck 0n Breasts liliif 11111 1111111111 1111111111 1111 110111111 111111111 111101111511111 0l11n 1151111111101110 of 1111 11111111 ic110d 1111 11111111 Mar 1111211 111 11111111111113 1111 111K 11lllgt 11 111111 plants for 1s 11111 111 11111111 0111111111 be estimated 111 11111 1o1s which no gt11c1nof 1111011011 1111111111 111111 whose 1111 1111 31111 will only 111 Spuit 1111111011 and 1111 11111115111111 1011 practically uncontrollcd 1111 111111111111111 11111111911111 show 1111 11111111154 r0sults becauso of this 111111 many womrn wliosc hus bands have been away and who in then have 111 111111 5111 11blt1 for 1111111 111111111 111111 1110 neglect 11 11111111lt1 1110110111111111 by our v111l10 1s costs of 11 1111111111521 of ivory 111105 11c11r1 fathers 11 11111 l11 llx i1l111 11131111111011 151111 3111111111 1131111111 11001111110 the full skirt 1x 11111101 from bodice Women 1101 WUTOPIA 1111111 11111111111 veil fell 11 1111111 edged with socd 11021115 11111 l11v1 were long with points over 1111 hands and she carried scmi 11114111110 of white roscs The bride was attended by Hazel sister 111111s1nzu115 were Al0v1s Levesque 111111 Noreen Mention 1111 of 1311111J 111121 111110 MissSnlly Annc Slcclc flower 111111 Miss lhibidcnu wore 11 gown 111111111011 revival 11111 ion have 1111131 swctpst Chil 111011 and gtI11gt111t 1111011111 1111 111011115 111 1111111 Mrs 11111011 31031 $111111111111111 01111 11 Camp Ituwicv Sunday STEAK or ROAST 43 111111 s111urrs 01111101 Pumpkin 31 lil MIXIII PEEL gtII1U1II Cream 111111111111 NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT BANQUET 131111111 TOMATO JUICE CHOICE QUALITYNo 15 SiliVli AYLMERIPEA3 MERRIE ENGLAND PURE SEVILLE ORANGE MARMALHDE KKOVAH 11m 11 and the1 I1l10111 1v10 Mi 111111 Mrs Ktn 11111 ol lingwood 111111 M11 111311 Mr 1111 111 Mrs 11111011 1111111411 11 nd 17 gHL Pkg have 1111110 hands 1111111 over lulgcd 111 1111 kinds of license to 110 111111111 110101111111111111 of 111011111110 1111don ilic 1111101 11111111 111111 11111111111s have forgotten to bc f1111111ul to loved ones 111 home 1111 contributing down 1111 hey bride was 77011135 lUlm 11011110 Mchlastcr llcryl with her 1111111115 11111 V1l11111101 Toronto 11171113117105 1111 11l 1111 117117 day 1101 111 111111111111 red chiffon velvet the 11111110511111ids vorc dclph blue chif lon vclvct wiIh 1c111her callots The ltloIJcr 1111 wore 11 dress of autumn 2011 chiffon 11111113lf11111101 nosegays of pink 5111111ch 111 211111 llig 221 of which breaking homes to the nations good home Is 11110 of the 111 1111 ranks of 1111 11111111111n Army university 111111 011110110 5111 dents are now eligible for 1111111011191113111051 1111111115 Contributing to the solidarity of the 1111111111 All 111111111411 the Word 1111 sanc iilyvof the home and instrurtinns given for 1110 s1110 Godgiven in velvet The b1idcs 23 15 12 27 110111 or 111111 43 231 15 For Braising maid large roses bouquet bronze mums and1he flower girl carried 519 noscgay 61 small bronze university has 11001111011 111011 11p llill to return to 111011 provided 1111c discharge schnlast 10 II 11 II Tim Slidt5 is c111pli1isizcd guarding this 511111111111 lllE mums All the brides attendants plication ill I1 111 PARENT IN THE HOME Dent 6919 Eph 64 gt Jewish parents were enjoined by God to teach great truths of the 1111111 the Christian parents are under 1111 obligation children the things of God this means to seek Paul vri1i11g in Eph 34 commands fathers to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of 1110 Lord quently today this altogether Sunday School teacher to do Some childreIvill go wrong inspite of 1111 the influences for good which may be brought to bear upon Itll iiiliiilfiilil up the influence will never leave no matter how they may under into sin CHILDREN IN THE HOME Lu 1251 Eph 613 The Lord Jesus Christ as 11 boy set an example for 1111 children to follow for Heobeyed His recognizing developed as every 1101101111 onpons 31 F1 on Jar their children Jylb l0r Coupon11qu 3LITTLE PIG PORK usage So also their and their same teach 29 Sc through convcrsmn NATION COUPONS VALID 11111111 11116 BUTTER 116125 SUGAR IRIISIJI 20 of these are 01111 or 111111ing5ugar BREX The Wheat Germ Cereal liks JERSEY 131111 11d NEILSONSCOCOA IIEINZ STRAINED BABY FOODS 31111239 WQBANQE PEKOE 11111 110511 1111 DELICIOUS 111m COFFEE VITAMIN ISVERAGIS 119111 1111111111111111231 INVIGORAIING 0x0 Cube AT10URLOHLIL1LBIIiIJSISXBSTORIL BIRDS 111550 SNAPPER FILLETS NOT 1111110511211 Too frc tlb is 3111101 111111 lcft for 19 lectcd 4664 llil VALENCIA Is set bliiiV CALIFORNIA SUNkIsT 441 439 491 them LII lkg 1511L Im their author in cacli storc Ichild norm should1n WISdom and In stature 5170 111 favor with God and 1111111 The happiness of the home depends largely uponThe behavior of the and the Word frowns upon all disobedience children to parents God and of these sizes QRAPEEBUII 1911111251 At least two of these sizes incach storc lkc 7M least one thi of 111 11111 10 23c vw children 31 1111w sEAsONs tnor FLORIDA 321 21 Dent 21 has promised blc upOn the children who Obey 111 parents andthc blessing pron cdgin the Old Covenant EtztedinrthcrNews Ex 2012 Eph THE WIFE IN THE HOME Eph God has appointed the hus band as head in the home and 1111 the dutiesof the wife are summed submit drive this home He illustrates by speaking of the 77131169111110 Lord and Church showingthat the wife must gladly submit to the husbandevcn as the Church to Christ THE HUSBAND IN THIS The duties of the hus bandwrre all included in the 101121 It isnot for the husband to obey blit to loyc Inarriagethe husband drew her to him bylovc and he demands her submission on the the 111111 5110 70 IS 11 61 mustard 7711 11 522 ONTARIO GROWN VEGETABLES W$1110WhithtcfciTrNO 3111111 looking CAULIFLOViER 31111 Silcctcd Quality VILXMI ltUlABAGAS Assoursn SHADES Zmi SHOFPOLISHTIH 09 wnsmAVAILABLE UEE 11101111 snow 11111111 11011811611 IIIwEs Wheat Germ Cereal MOTHER TRICK SON 1mm maniacs Alf11 7a swam Dog Biscaits rd 111 will is 11 ll relationshigTbc elected1119 Law CELERY HEARTS BRUSSEL Ifll bIIIOUIS 1m NIHHV ULEAN EB 13 111 01 31 451 An Iritckcdthat 1111111191111111111 1111 HO No 10111110 smmsn ONIONS Eph 625 s11v1111 CREAM ovc 1110111 WAX In the true 1111 FANCVY 1111110111151 RED TOKAY GRAPES IMILOIIIisnIsELECTED QUALrnz POTATO respect and same grounds Where lavishcs his love upon his wifcit Is easy for her to obey to render happy Asubmission This is Gods order forthe home and when it confusion is bound 111 111 ffrannlcncnas is reversed follow The Christ nuns 25c 11 hedy for broken homes is Saved beconieSa better husband 111 Woman better wife and chil dren become better children when therheart is yielded to the Lord Where thereids confusioii seek thq Leidrier He can and Awill solve every pr blem 7111 2101 lkgc 151 the hea iltlli Iunyes aved zivAIInxngLEUsn annLsnon IIEADY1QSERVE Wis NUTRIM Baby cereal AYLMER HOMEMADE STYLE Greenlomalofic oGILVIE Mruurnonrs AYLMEIR CONDENSED chasm PHI ES Lib Cln ewe cALMOL 499 BEAU 91 31 15 OD 111111111 11110111111115 11111111111511 TAREN OFF RAIION SoineCOnfusion has arisenas to fancy meats have been temporarily litakenmoffl the ration list by the Prices Board said Seldon representative WPTB These meats are liver heart kid ney tongue Sweetbreads and blood sausage Thermal out coupons WE TY son munnus41ususknguy RATED Mms Illoz Illg what the are that CONCENT SUPER sun Largo Pkg JglgigigtIKIIillllt in ilit PRINCESS FLAKES TOILET 594 Illoz prices and Jar Idle suiiplii 4801 77 VLxelkg he sold wit of radiurI Can VSince thediscovery at Eldorado 10 El oz in Northwest Tm ada in the early 1930s the price of gram of radium has decreased from about $100000 to $30000 Cakes 5311 EX 1ass our 1n

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