Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1945, p. 2

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has rwo THE BARBIE Hartman lhlk ll Published mum1 than ran amt mun mum law nnmm um um um up lJIthKY no wmm nun Eddarial 3017 AT HEART The other day an observer in England re markeri The Britin game out of the war lllltlis thiHlthlls PART tzred cross and i1 moverished While Eire Stutliern Ireland maintained lie was rItirraig to the people of the Brit the strictest neutrainy throughout the war 2121 Isles land thereby redeem it he Were doing his observing here he it apparently rriitai 11 Circat Britain for might cirrlctl wise crack and say protectionrrozn lltc 1z111onenemy cm Canadians 211121 01 cf the lar tired Now that the war is our it has been re eicss period lvealed by Alan iontg1mterj Ill despatch Such observation might be jitstifietlfrom Dublinthat the lilsll army was equipg located 11 from the scenes of battle Canalped by the British to protect itself against liiill llt1ilt$ lltltllies tublic services rega possible invasion by the Germans 111ined in ti1zoughout the war Thus This all seems very strange when one looks 21 country was tble to satisfy the demandsiback and recalls that DeVaiera once said or 111irht111gry nurchxne And in so doinglthat if Britain Ellttlttl Ireland Germany Canadian citzrtns earned money on scaleitvould come to her aid islhl equalled herc before Right now in Eire has played very inglorious part in addition to holding several billion dollars the stirring evrnts oi the past six years 1t11lil of Victory Bonds Canadian citizens Certainly she hits earned no right to have have total in savings banks accounts which say in 11iodelling the future of the worlds the highest in the history of anada Delalcra could lllivl given tremendous aidj critic might label as cross and tired to the Allied cause by lettzng the British have But he really knew us he would not des submarine bases on the west coast of Eire cribe 11s 11 ungrateful or selfish But he didnt and thousi nus or r1 is Coniirruzuionoi out true national spirit Irish lives too were lost as result of his wll he torthconung in the Ninth Victory attitude Loan campaign To provide for the civil reg There are 111 or people like DeValera establishnrent of our men who fought and Who spend most ct illnll time smariing 1111 to provide 11 least little of the goods which der injustices of thliilies past The strange impoverished people across the Atlantic mustl part about DeVaIera is that he is really have to survive our people will buy bonds as SpanishAmerican and is little concerned entliusiastially in the Ninth campaign as with Eires past they did in the previous eight Victory Loan Eire could if she would live in the pres ulnpajgng cut and govern herself by pleasant relations Vr between her and Great Britain and instead SERVHIF SANS SACRIFICE of brooding on the wrongs of the past fan The National lothing Collection an nounccd for the period from October 120 marks departure from the old familiar wartime appeals Thus fariitlleililll 11113111095 9f91l=l5 ing the aggressor nations of driving them fromstolen soil and pressing on to their unconditional surrender real sacrifice has been the ordcr both abroad and at home With the sacrifices made by our fighting men we all are poignantly familiar Each ivcck the casualty lists had revealed mounting monument to their courage their gallantry their readiness to give all Our sacrifices at home have not been of this supreme and priceless category Yet sacrifices we have made and are makingw the sacrifice of our dollars of many of our living comforts of most of our peacetime pleasures of our time our thoughts our en ergies and of many other things as we had made our army navy and air force among the best equipped in the wbrld as we worked for and contributed to the Red Cross na tional war funds and other organizations committed totheir welfare But in October we can help mightily to ward achieving the full fruits of victory with out yielding 11p single item used by or use ful to its We canwe shoulddo this by giving to the National Clothing Collection our un needed outgrown outmoded forgotten clothing shoes and blankets How can our nolongerused but still ser viceable apparel accomplish this By helping to clothe the millions of des Atitutcdmenmmencandchlldrenjntheglar devastated lands of Europe Asia and the Pacific on whom we must count to build and maintain the peace that is to come In Europealone 30000000are statis tically naked and three times that number additionally are in dire need of serviceable clothes of any mode to cover and comfort their waremaciatedbddies Many have died many now are sick and dying for the want of your discarded suit dress coat or shoes Jhejctobercampaignzof the Nationali WOT Otudlm Weekly Nunpin Mi Clm Weeklies of Canada Audit Bureau of Circulation BSCRIPTEONS Canada or Great Britain am you United Stat 8150 you Single Copiu lClothlng Coilccnizt prmaies you an oppori ttinity to incsaving peace assuring service 151211111 the slightest sacri fice peril 11 lt omething of an outcast with many of her distinguished sons living in other countriesl omewhat ashamed of the role she has played during the xi11=yearsg EDITORIAL ESTES Carelessness of Tsmokers is by far the big gest cause of fire losses in Canada Accord ing to the statistical report about 20 of 111 fires in 1944 were started in that way The number was 10035 for total loss of $2093136 Since the beginning of the war 200000 Canadian children were stricken with diph 1nd 4000 died These cases could have been easily prevented by vaccination and innoculation Every child should be pro tected against smallpox diphtheria whoop ing cough and scarlet fever before his first In an article dealing with conditions in Germany the magazine Timerrsaid Berlin was getting ready for the winter Quickly before the earth froze over shovel squads were digging extra gravesfor some 100000 Berliners expected to die of hunger and cold or commit suicide Such nws as this serves to emphasize the tremendous need of the clothing drive for clothing Which opened in Canada on Monday 4i ped to the United Kingdom 11000000 lbs of beef 44000000 lbs of pork and 6000000 lbs of canned meat per mOnth To meet our commitments it will be necessary to send 35000000 lbs beef 27000000 lbs pork and 18000000 lbs canned meats every month in therrbalance of this yearrJPhis meansrranrln These figures show how great is the need for meat rationing lt3 orncmrs HERE gggageuoo ReforemorcoeiCIVIC RECREATIO 5FR6MWATERLOO tycoonAM PLANsN berboughtjin his county for $5 an Continued from pageone acre as it was in Simcoe He de clared that land cost nearer $20 an program to be emphasized partic ularly in regard to the teenagers acre and for this reason Waterloo was developing reforestation by means of establishing sheltermelts John woods stressed thaLth Simpsonrclerkcof Simcoe sum the gum superim referred to the county council young Maple Should beAgwen mm flendent Adamson they viS sessions back in 1908910 when conderauon Mrs Eleanor Brett ass ed tht cited Sprmgwaien Park Foll George Campbell 01 ON talked the parents should be epinnitt lowing this was an extensive tour foreman at WSessim Inlo tk rt of the Provincial Forest Station term wane dyrmg the ElIEtithaihilgfenoizjhfilgis With bountebus supper withan GrfiakW mthe reglme or Heath suggested the roast chicken as the main course Hon Dmry the Mdhlrsllolder peoplerequired leisure time vwas served by the Ladies Aid of Forest Stan waseStabhshedk activities even more thankthe young Midhurst at the Forest Station 1922 and 51mm Counle C011 folk He pointed out that the stud Ilall Logs crackled in the roaring bought 5m moman acresihow entshad several activities at the Iriirerplace andthe hall was attrac knew as the end Fore Collegiate and morewere being Ltive with green growing ever EarWarm George Barri Who planned greens in tubs ahdra profusion of Cpntinues his interest in Temmsm 13 Dudley manager of the hon regaleditlge gathering in his Chamber of Cimmerce recalled Slam Pleasing manner that it was the of that plan Marritt zone forester 1n the men the rst mam He also Waterloq dlstnct was welcomedby emphasized thatdthe Ontario Gov many friends on sins yisxt to Sun ernment grant would not be avail 009 Mn Maittwas itlhe Mld time unless acommunitycprogram hum Forest Station hematitetime was planned to rinclud all citi lt opened in 1022 until 1927 gens Donaldvmadfaren county Splicl Four alderman were present tor was calledcnmfor few words 13 Brown Grant Mayor Charles Harry Coleman county treas Poucher and Gladstone Currie ureatoldvthe Waterloo delegatmn When asked the attitude or the that Simon 1438 the favorable Town Council touthe proposed pro imancialipositmn of hayingnnoidcr gramngGur said asap bemlne andhad $126000 mresentatives were there hear ftron and in the growmg of po bonds hatvu ed slowest and referred to Wasaga uWarden Herbert Barker bartic grey w213pritzillgxfeiitexlii addedm fBech as the best inCanadal ularly cominendedllawey Spence dud the th Waramgsmpn Dimer Wa andLouis Brown forj their Work 293c183 aggyggggg loo expressed thanks for the in decorating the hall in autumn Strongly in favor or Friday or ospmmy 3km by 51mg and mka Saturday night play party or dance saved areth to visit Water rWatetloos agricultural qrepreSe in which they would not havemek emotive McLoughery stated zavltz chief farmer parents or older people in attend that 20 per cent of farm lands 11 1t OntarloAaidmthoSixncoocmtnoz shouldlhojoodlotLandadded we Wm would enjoy vlsit to Water should do something for the next to ace the best Woodlots in On Continued rrom page one In the latter part of the after noon the party which had now increased to 50officials of Water loo and Simcoe visited Midhurst autumn loaves 7W gJMcMaster Reeve of 1153 grind chairman oftheSimcoe Re fforestatlon Committee was chair man foi the round of afterdinner remarks vProstrank Morwickj of the GAO ital Guelph said that many people ad tendency to see only what lavas above mthe groundnd he yoflnted outthe importance of the 601 George Johnston MLA for coTeCentre stressed that Sim coe led the Province in reloresta success of the tour ATioltlfort by Mr Adamson and Mr Merritt wasva comprehensive program of six mimeographed pages that in cluded 52 paragraphs each dew cribing woodlot or some point of interest along the 170 milesfrom nlt ir Mdhurrt zonalalien Charles singer Waterloo treas urer paid he hoped Simcoe coun cillon would my return visit MW did not address at great length but Woodman the lyoung men congregatian under the cied or real be prosperous little country upon young ludles as they go by popular with the world llowever shels todayThinss Pretty lively on the 011 1at Allandale Sunday mum mom =21r the Allied causei 50 Years Ago1 NORTHERN ADVANCI OCTOBER 10 1805 Barrie Local Notes he uruc Oct II and ill National Vaudevillv featuring aerial comedians Bolivar the trick elepant and Ulll crs Steamers 111 but now are the lslay Lillie Conqueror and Longlord Dr and Mrs Mortoa to spend five years in Europe annii then return to Barrie Iowel and Co and Dunlop Stll11 dams in 111e11s clothiuu lnotl sultx from 34710 up mens hirtt Me 1111 flannelette 4c yard Ai Ali111 dale complaints made of boys 1111i remarls veraudahs and passing Several in coming and outgoing trains how things hustling in the yard One train froth Vancouver with butter and tea and twotrtiinsofconflan Toronto besides other 1r1ius math llfultlllill idlftwo night scam omaaro cannon THURSDAY ocroucrt 1945 YOUTH AND COMMUNITY SPIRIT NEEDED H1311 tit1 on Wiml THE PADRES 1013 WITH THE ARMY IMPORTANT Captain Rev Mitchell Pres Minister at lhornbttry who is back llulll overseas after tseiving for four years as A11111 Chaplain related some of his exl penences at last vks meeting 111 the Kiwanis Club The Padre in the Army dresses the some as the soldiers but wears badge on which 1s inscribed the 1words In this sign lt111r111er lie cruiducts services almin1sters the rite of baptism and communion but this is only part of what he does lie acts as mediator between the soldiers and their Command3 ihi Officer Often the Padre has lo intcrccde for the private If there tire complaints the Padre looks inigt them and tries to straighten things out livery application for marriage among the troops must go to the Padre it is his duty to intcrvicw the prospective bride Whilc inl England Capt Mllflltllw said he up of lumber and other merchan dise Slmcoe ounty Briers Frosts put finish to the green garden stuff The gate and stand receipts for the Great Northern at Collingwood were $153963 Glcancrs union organized Sparrow Luke Iottenham band is lead due to lack of municipal and other support Robert Sproule had load of bar ley in market yesterday and was bid 33 cents which he thought too low lie took it to Becton and Sold saddle horse it for 23 cents her1a whoopmg cough and scarlet fever worm $125 beinngmg CO pl Brien was killed on the railway 11 Shanty Bay Cooizstown cheem factorywis closed and the cheese 1s all sold lilaubaushene became almost wild over the marriage of La Plante to Miss Bessie birthday SillS the Health League Of Canada1Polkingh0111 and the supply of ricelthp was exhausted in giving them sendoff from the railway station Threshing competitions seem to be the rage just now Messrs 1OBrien and Pickering report that they threshed for Johnson of Watt 1000 bushels of cats peas and1 barley in eight hours Epidemic of Strikes Imperils Prosperity warns The Financial Post in leading editorial discussing the current epidemic of strikes The Post argues that labor and the gen thinking thaLreconversion would be simple matter that easypros perity was just around the corner It states The problems presented by the are now made clear by the stark facts presented by the fir ex amples of actual Conversion itself and by the blunt declaration of Mr King to labor delegation when he said that No person can control the present situation As the Prime Minister pointed out fullemployment in Canada or even moderate prosperity depends upon trade with Europe and Asia uponithe orders Canadacad get from other countries The Prime Minister eral public have been deluded intol often had 50 domestic problems brought to him in day The Padre can be of great help to the men Capt Mitchell was with the Army in ltaly In the theatre of war the ludres work is of all importance to i10intn the thick of the has who lighting and ndninnster comdame for mme munion to the men dying on the field Many Chaplain gave his lo Hareaim COST OF LAND FILL RR No Barrie Ont The Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sirln your edilion of The Barrie Examiner Sept 29 under heading Land Fill Method Jess Expensive than Incinerator lit would appear that the person who isvrotejt was not thIIy conver As resident tsaut with the facts of the Township of Vespra do not wish to dictate to the Townl what they should do in connection with garbage disposal but there rare certain facts which should be lknown to the ratepayers of the1 Town in order that they can judgel for themselves After quoting the price of the caterpillar tractor also stating that EmphaticallylhiLig 11110 01 24 Bi km labor leaders to keep their headsff Hm us 51 dry During months of this year Canada ship1 man is all the expense in connec tion with operatingwtl1is machine as matter of fact the Town has been employing night watch man to guard this machine dur gting the night and this is part of the expense which has to be borne by the ratepayers of the town of Barrie After stating that there is ap proximately 46 loads of garbage crease of 30071 in beef and canned meat 50b of unwinding the War economy dumped weekly 11 states that all garbage is buried immediately to good depth As this garbage is dumped at various timesduring the week it is necessary that this tinuously while the article states that it will be possiblevto use caterpillar and shovel for ditch ing work excavating IVeling streets in town This could be ac complished if the dumping took place within the limits of the town as the machine would always be is to becloseiat hand and notmapproxir commended for statingtliecasemately tWO miles away from the frankly and plainly The only pity is that this declaration was not made months ago before labor and the public generally Were deluded into thinking that conversionwould 1be simple matter that peace would automatically usher in new era ofeasy prosperityand abund ance If its to be hoped that Mr Kings declaration will put an end to this wishful thinking that eVery citi zen will now realize that we can only gain prosperity by working for it that fair days work for fair days wage isessentialy if We are to have full employment thata real partnershipbetween labor and employers is imperative Then follows this warning in regard to the Outbreak of strikKes Allntli real progress labor has made in the last decade is in jet pardy After ve years of priva tion and encrmously heavy tali atfon the general public isvin no mood tollsten to extravagant de mands or to put up with unreason able action werg agreeable to this suggestion However owing to the remarks made the students motion was ample to make proper Coverage passed that the Student Council rbgwipviited to name representatives to the prayisimmimu Among those contributing to the discussion were members of the Board of Education including Chairman Dr Sinclair members of the clergy several BC teachers andrpresentatives 1mm ratepayer aiscore of Barrie 1virt1ai711im1 centre of the town The town could also reclaim considerable would not then be breaking the Township of Vespra bylawwhich the ratepayers strongly object to People of the town would not have to go so far to make an inspection tllitlv Purl wt Ptlluynl liltmdtzi ttu He llii ne Ae preparwl 11 gur and HM are llixlrlc il1vi in 11 ultd 311 rc rcrncrnlrer ti iil =ll jlizi lJCCtsr lIlt fu lnaril butter in tlulzt the11s11u1111oltj 71 this point llcv lirmiwt following story Allfl ii tthn than es 111r mentally l1s lilittl 31 Home toyed Ulla l11ill 11r1 rapti death ll lo sleep he tlrcanml 11 comes itlLl 111 liti tint la lict 111 lie1tii13 c1133 lnialt new and Clea by all sullftizm His wile says Elli 1t 11 Vision lllllttm build it All will remain $2441 11I1 put our rliollltli to the wincl Ilct Illllll 11LgtLLl the newly for lwo objecting youth t1sl11iai and co1111111i1 iiillll School could be supplcmeutul in izclp fitl down child ltiel111111vtzcy ll and YWtAs Would lltll i1 11i11111l1 lirlnli il 11 llilillll cu ml lnlp twr pl111111112 invitll Hui 11 1Io shipamourK all 111i121111r111111 mullI service clubs In Klntivui Rev llllllll mull lhal the war mind not have been won without tmtl and we 1111111 keep peace ritliou Him ltllltlil that it required prayer ill the noun and at work ll 111 1111 church and that the Ten 111111i1d mcnis is still the way of life George Holloway introduced 111 speaker anti lc9va lhunketl lg Art More Members of the Barrie Rehalllk itatioaCunnnittcc were our the Lions and they were introta by the Rehabilitation 1crct1y Mrs Neil Laurie life on the battlefield lhe Iadre goes where the men go into ilic fox holes the trenches and shell holes The men appreciate what He knows 11m strain the vearir1css the courage and the faith of those billtil gave their all I11It1ly ihc Alliesi faced fearful odds but the fight1 ing qualities of our Canadian lioysi was wonderful they sticceedcd to surmount any obstacle Ono Canl adian carried trench llltliltrli weighing 1th pounds up the side of steep mountain when the mule gave up Canada hm every rcnzmnl YHE to be proud of the part played by her gallant sons The speaker was introduced hv Rev James Ferguson and Rev Lewis extended thr thanks of the Club Millions in man l25 Years Ago gm Mum KXAMISEB Vihi1ii it Milli Harrie Local Notes Med 11111111r 1mm v1i use it ll 2111 gt11 l3 RING RUSSHS Hligfs it an 31 1511 oliii 1w lii lln labor saving lhere should be It spirit of fliltllll If you manage your own securities you will nd the agency scrvicc of this Corporation great help in saving tinic and trouble this servict 1111ii9pii lrielly coumriscsi vsical safekeeping olyour securities 71 rllcction and creditingofincomc toyouracconnt Imvitli WI SlitlisiliTiHnlot1ilzrtii1rrm Attending to purchasesu1d sales With the continuing trend towards the multiplication of detail in can play all spheres of activity our agency service Drill III SFlllIli lit control of your investments Illlfl have the comfortable 1381 Illl that your records are always in proper shape The cost is reasonablc we invite your inquiricsfi Awartorn Countries Need serviceable if UsedClotlring machine be keptjondhojobcon 1land in using landfill method and of this reported sanitarymethod for if the machine has to make seVeral trips daily from tbodump in Vespra to where work canbe lane for the town there is going to be great wastage not only of time but wearand tear on the machine and its very questionable whether the roadlthat isbeingcused at the present time in Vesprawill stand up an or this machine for thebalance theFall months LTherefore might suggest that you economize to the extent or disposingwith the night watchl mans time as themachine Should heamply protectedbx the polls And Lt the method is as sanitary as reported there could be no ob jection to using it right in the middle ofthetown And further more if the building waste and surplus earth from the excavation from cellars etc were used together with the ashes this should be instead of as at the present tinie persona individuals Thanking you for giving this letter space in your paper am Yourstruly Mrs Dawson this materialfis going to interested Vcapra of the Township of 111111110 111111111 1111111 CORPORATION BRANCHES lN PRINClPAL CITIES HEAD OFFICE 253 BAY ST gnome INwartorn countries 125 million people30 million of them children arc inVdesperamheed of clothing odequa They facethe comingwinterwithout promotion Heipshild tli against deathffrom exposurefrom disease ld miseri by getting out all the servlccable used clothing fobtwea and blankets you rcanespareiiLorJk through your clothesjrclosets andiattiics Everygarmentghelps IAct NOW 33 =5 If Clean oufyom clothe closets NOW Take your contribution to 31012 nearest Post Office or any official COLLECTION DEPOT ow

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