Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1945, p. 11

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SING MINE llllllllIIIIIJIJIIIIIIIIllla FOR PROMPT ELECTRIC APPLIANCE SERVICE 11111 BARRIE 4540 101 IHNLOI sr Barrie Radio and Appliances Watch for Radio Announcement meov lovoorovoo otiollttortllittvltctiltotllttooloooro ii ta IIIOIJOIIIJ lrllllllllll prom SOME COOP SUPPLIES IN STOCK UNIVERSAL MILKER Maywequote on your complete installation OOl ROLL ROOFING ROLL ROOFING ROLL ROOFING lOLOllRlll ROCK FACED 90 lbs Coov HOUSE IAINI qt $100 gallon $365 HEAVY CLOVER SEED 0R GRAIN BAGS each 40c mormr ELECIROIIAILS 1320 watt ELECIRO FAILS 300 watt $2475 iiniisrini AUTOMATIC TOASTERS $490 BERSIED STREAMLINED 1R0Ns $600 ROYAL VACUUM CLEANER and Attachments $7450 LEYLANUJ 111 ELECTRIC MOTORS $6325 IlIlYLANI ILP ELECTRIC MOTORS $3060 ONLY LEYLAND 13 nr used $2600 can ELECTRIC CHOPPER Complete Nor AND STEELan smear DISTRICT 1311101 VAT SNOW FE Baldwin TEStrcer HF FRkticKIPlop EVERTHENG 0R YOUR CAR MEMBER BARRIEIIIQIIAMEER 0F QQMMERCE NEWITEMS RECENTLY RECEIVED lBllMPER ncxsi Screw type $149 nlliitiieRaichkt $365 BOX RND lsnrs j1$445 43WayIRIM WEE 89c 76119 N011 himmi SPRINGSI AntiS 840 GABARDINE SLIP II COVERS For most Lat fVGalfF Model ash$1435 contqining man iii 3i nae 101 111 Reopened zli lm tiltxiiiluis aim lens Institute ii ilil ii 271 iiic illll real lll lit to Kn iiltlllllll tt th ttllliilly clean is nil turn out in tistLtziie wile filii children The illililldl 11 upper litll lillililtt liliiII Ilttli tiiii ti Ildn i511 Kliljilt llQlt 11 lltSllnlOiliS 100 $165 1115 $225 lbs $285 $345 $1675 $23600 OP 00115 WEATHER Nimsmnsa ANTLFREEZE Per Igal $149 wmrlimtziinoin IllHIEIlMOSTATSI For all cars $110 $275 MOTOR CONDITIONER Weather Starting OUI docket Batteriesi complete for eveIY Purpose including auto radio farm tencersIIv etc Ask for our Fall andWintcr supplement more money saying BARBIE KIA TEE IN WOMAN per tmd minimum MINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA NEW COMPLEIE CHRYSLERBUILT ENGlNES Hltf tll WMWWD BOOKS FOR lol all models VJ liliths tttir If 11138 tillt lmh Mmud am 1wlllill til riftit 51 111 iiiiii ltIIlHl ii IH tli 111 WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE 30 Elizabeth St PHONE 405 iwmli Iilnhtl Illrrli Ulnilirrt Hill 1511134 ill llltln IHl tlll sliiiii not 111 MilitiaIiitiili1titli HAROLD Hill lHSllHHIOR PHONE 4035 33 Iiilliltli Si Hill Dr Murphy Mounted Herc Hll tsis or llalillirr if it ting ilzt MINNIEi lii1i Olilerliewirucksitow ii till 135 1111 2112 iiaiu ir ilw WI illjiIV 12 Tli liliii 5v lllllilil lliiiiialdlaiue iiid Mi to illlltggllltl ililllCl1 liiiiitai ll llltl illll lllilitlltt 1115 1111 I71iilrlil ltilill Ilaintal ill and dil itrlli $1 LllAltllINlIlillr lloilitil liill lltl HEAD iii iiiiiii in lili To and dl the lRtthllllii Mrlt WM 11 ton have it splendid iiitcziiic illt iiioti 11 iii viiic SAiili helm li own tioir lzil ltlllliil 11illoeili party avasI lirwiiseeil and it hopid that 11 div 11 tile 114 ll oiia illif Ltiallitzllitl il 1111 imlill liliiillh Sliciinii lll on Sunday Oct and Mrs llltili Still tStcvxail ltoiiiiima litiIYal Hospital llalilc on 11 to 1111 and Mr ti Wold Will he litkl on Nov llltlllS were made 1H have good oed clothing for overg ixias left in lie Orange Hall oi Oi 111 Mrs iillllttll courttier 4I1ll lerisliip iizliodiicfd the Spl alto Mitilitiisi who have 11 gt1llllil talk on that much wowed suhiect llchlibilitaliin Mrs Oliver Wilson eava some 11 terestuig current events Marjorie Took favored with it 301 Mrs Ad aiiisoil had distilzlv of handlinth continue jewellery After the llli iiiii Mini Jessie Foystoil and Mr llzirvcy McLean served dainty ru Slilli Molliti liitl 11ml ll1N1i lii iiiliiiniy oi lliit ll li iimMti iitaji til JONES iiiilI itiiit lcdi tuiti loiiiu and iziill KNAll liiiilI vllllilll LHH llospitai Barrio on let ii 11 lxnziiiii liliyal and conflicts oit itii Christ zliirie lics iicoili lii lllt Saviour Iilttlli lltltl liiiiiilI itiiitliilhlttl liigt liiislitci lilllNlilllAlllV litliiVlriit1211111iif my dear llillltl llitl iiotiiii tiio lilhtl Attic 111 1933 iAluays remembered Daughter iiiiilt dun11$ tiizit Mrs aoiie hlilltSlllll son NOWlJSw At COLWELL the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 11 15113 to Sgt and Mrs 111mI lliititl WalnuthH Sliiiioltl St son lllylc loytpht MOltIiISONwAt tlifgtltoIal Victoria Hospital Barriefon Oct illlli to Mr and Mrs liarle Morrison John 81 Still PARSONSAt the Hospital Barrie on to Cpl and Mrs Parsons 112 leiictaiig St lillllllti Ila tricia Louise SMIIIlwAt Hospital Barrie on Oct to Cpl and Mrs Bradfwrdstratatn Wife and li ixiioltlt iiii illi llii15 and Mrs laincsIllr ths llclwi lotligtc Shirley lililiblllli tookwiile the week Willi the Mrs lliii5 lillililtilii ital husband midoii tlcdi and1I reamde II WI father who passed away ll TI Ii Ii it lentil yogi IiiIiIII 1551011 loian spurt the heir day at lil home as did also Mrs away tl 13127 and icrlha slicii Rhyal Victoiia but i045 ltkll 1a Mrs 11 Friel visited friends iii lISIilttlltl liOllllSvln lovini memory of illH Aliviys remembered Florence and Son WalkIV Victo lilfi Siiiith Royal Dlllltldlllllm Royal dVictLiliirllcr lpiia arrie on Mon 11y Mr and Mrs Ray Bridges Tii 43 Essa Rd lV Class and ii BARBIE in memory of Sandra who was killed threw Siaroii Watson Oct 111 Life was so fair thiiii to her wept and pleaded for its stay My wish was granted me for in She hath eternal lifotliclll illkllllll reinctiiheied by Mum Brtiilici 1911 ammo roiito GET Krembcl and Mrs Iliiciids iliiitwx 1ioii to iltl C1111RMrlt villtgt to tliaiik iiliitiiliiiis Eiilrcii for lillltiiit illiilll illl lttilli licreiciieiit 11h EllDOWFII lg Agnes relatives Wed DALEYTIIIBIDEAUOn at Sacred nesday Oct Heart Cathedral Buthurst N13 Rev Father Arsenault Mary Eleanor liiibideau to Lieut John Francis Daley Barrie GREELEYYOUNGAOn day Sept 26 1915 in the Fred Mission United Church by the Rev 11 Hunnisett daughter of Mr and Mrs Young Stioud to Homer Arthur Greeley son Greeley and Mrs Greeley roiito DRAPERBARKER4Ai tory Eliiivalc on Oct 1943 by Rev Stubbs lddi hitliilill 351 llialiioril St wish to gtlliltt mic Daddy and Sis iiitl faintly exprcw iiit iillitlilt Moon 12 lltltltilillil lt04 Keep check on your job print ing requirements VliilolIliie Ek ainiiier always aims at tllittl early orders help lot SHORTS $145 per 100 lbs BARR FLOUR MILLS their Wedilcs lLttiil iii 551 in lino wi4 MC lll and Mrs llarold laikti take this opportunity litany liieiidx and Yoiikxtotvii their spiel lilt Victor Chapel of the Mary Alice only the late thank their neighbors and llriuade 1111 iii the recent 41p To e1 dont fret lllil itiltl iiilo lion iites the rec Marian tellc daughter of Mr and Mrs John Barker Wasaga Beach and William Murray Draper son of Mr and Elmvale lioiiilil Sci tfx lllit Job Fair vilc Mrs Lorne Draper COFFEYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Oct 10 1945 Mabel McLean beloved wife of the later Richard Coffey and dear sister of RoyMcLean Bar riagestlngiatthe Jennett Filli eral Home 152 Bradford St for funeral service on Friday Oct Interment St Johns Cemetery 6th Line chumseth GRAVESAt the Royal Hospital vermin in ls 76th yearnjternientt Pauls Cemetery Innisfil Oct HAYESAt the RUyal BarrieOct 1945 wife of the late in her 78th year Interment St Marys Cemetery Oct 11 HiIRLEHEYert 12 at pan Victoria on Thursday linguives be Hug tes Barrie of Agnes Victoria Hospital Mary Ann Cris ayes Get our NEW DRAX nuggitluciuulmou rhisIIlate residence 15 Frederick St Barrieon Oct 1945Hemy Hirlehey in his IntermenLBarrie Un ionGm Oct 107 HORWOODAt her horneIIFarnIi ham Court Toronto on Tuesday Oct 21945 Fanny Jane Gold smith Horwoodrin her 97th year m1me Hammod dear mother of Mini EStage Mabel North Hollywood Califg Mrs Raymond EthelL harlottetown PEI tforinerly of arrie andiAda Horwood lat Interment JULIAN II FERGUSON My II North Simone will deliver the flllil Italic in the series fReport From 79th year iCFORII Orillia oti Sunday II noon October 14 4415 oclock Mr Ferguson will report OilTile present session of Parliament as he sees it from vantage point on the Progressive Conservative benches It is expected that Mr Fergusons taIlkII will ircflectgthe same re Ifreshing vigorous approach that prompted the IMinister ofLabour to admit that theNorth Simcoe member had putvIIIhim over the after Tllat Suitof Yours Last longer Drax is Water Iand Stain repellant and beIindeT Garments treated Iwith Drax have long useful life because they dont readily pick up dirt and soil DRAXING home St James iCIemetery TOTOHtOICt LESLIE4Suddenly onOct 1945 Int Toronto Ethel May Leslie Wife of the late formerly of Barrie and laughI terof the late Canon and Mrs Du Vernet of Montreal Inter merit Mount Pleasant Cemetery IToroIrttoOct MARLINGAt the Royal Victoria Hospital BarrieronOct 10 1945 William Marling of Bethesda MCDOWELLSuddenly home of his daughter Mrs Robt 129 Bradford St Bar Wednesday Oct 1945 beloved jI10w2ow gal $114 Alexander Leslie CLEAR VISION 39II McMilla me on Alexander McDOWell 18th vWill put your motorin good condition for Cold CoSTs year ghiTsfferncteryf OCtT5 QUANTZOn Oct Elizabeth Hospital Toronto at ter lengthy Manson Quantzrbeloved husband of Eva Lockhart Delaware Ave son of thelate Mrsand Mrs Dan Quantz Painsi Interment Cemetery Toronto Oct MIDDLINGS $158 per Imo lbs IBARIIIE FLOURIMELS Let us DRKIIW Xour Garments IT OVER WITH NU VICE CLEANERSand LAUNDERERS at Queen illness Aubrey Quntz Park lLawn wick 6mm AND EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT if TUNE 1N MONEY MAKERS III II II ill137 if FOR SINGLE WORD ANTEN MILLS Les Coolie iii atrial lor iltiitixi iic Ilgttttl to 11 iici mil Ill 111$ ill and lt initid 113 lxliilpp iiid tliiiii ii Kanpur 11 tll and ltzitii 31 lor Zilltl liiilii Mali lllllxif all of Toronto li aid Mrs Ilickic ll iiit ard MN atoiiI 11 UiighllnI Toronto llii Villain ill Verle lricsl Acton it hlt To hoiiie lit rcI TORONTO Winnie aizlll thvniarkct this week Ruth llairsoii Joan Fagaii had her itililS re lireinltcl and Clarence Carson mot ored to Algonquin Park for the weekend IONIGHTM FRB mm or cour ROY mam clots OFFERED WEEKLY BY LYONS TEA atJOFFEE CARTAGI and STORAGE LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE Iv that tox iiiiiuzesiini zwll mm fully Licensed and Equipped oads From KAPUSKASING KIRKLAND LAKE SUDBURY or en route about Oct 18 Newton and Tim g00d neighbour partylline rules these promptly mstmt innitch THE warrhasttaught us the value of liciglilionrlyieoioperiiiw Parliament Hill oveiiraditlitlon Ii lionsharing transportationfoi instance if NOWhere is mutual consideration moreimportant howevc than in party line telephone usage Both you and your telephone Wither will get illeIgrcatest satisfaction oiitgol youifbtclephonc service by faithfully observing such simple if Mldke lure thelinc is riotiin use Ifitgivs liailg advtf II up gentlwy gt 23 Be briefrsomconc mayibe waiting to place an impertantealh IDo not make Several calls in sticcessioneQgivc others chance to uscthclinc Answer goalls promptly replace the reccivcr IMakc courtesyandccnsidefaticn y0urlilotto Use yourparty lineIquringlyI shoringly

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