WDERSO Full GOSpCl Tabernacle 20 Mulcasi blieel Barrios Revival Centre Rev Thomas lotto RA Minister SUNDAY PI Ellil 11 Ill SLXIIAY SCIIIXH ll Mr IIlllligli SIiIiVIII ihll phi St ll llmi 77 Central United Church nsv llrwnm Organist Miss Jessie Bryson SUNDAY OCT till TRANKSGIVINFE SERVICES AMThe Cruxvning of Veal The Beeinners Clo2 of SS ill the school Mill 1230 lflhe Sunday School lMuThe Reward of Faith Come to Gods Ilouse on His Day Monday ll am Tile Interdenom illzliiolllll llmnksliivilns Service in Central United Church Speaker Rev Rubi Dunn Thornton 11 flit Sm Collier St Baptist Church REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY OCT ill15 ll AlliMORNING WORSHIP Youthmessagc from our Rally Speaker The Lords Supr PillTHANKS BR IO GOD Wednesday pm Prayer Meetingr Friday pm YP Service Bible School Rally Oct pm Guest Speaker Miss Abbie Galblltl former missionary ill Western Canada VVisilors cordially invited hjZ Trinity Anglican Church REV HOWDEN BA Rector lThroe Days of Rain Four Nights of Frost NALi The Salvation Army COLLIER STREET Officers in Charge CAPT AND MRSWJAMIES BROWN svxmv ocr no ll AM and 230 PMscNDAY scuoor tics pmRS Womens Aux Wed p3l1YOIII Group lncctillcv Thursday pm Friday lamChildrens Meeting Saturday pmPublic Meeting Free Methodist Mission Clapperton Street REV BALL Pastor SIINDAYOCI till PALSUNDAY SCHOOL 245 PMTIIE PASTOR Soldiers and strangers will find ordiai Welcome at this mission Thurs pmPrayer Meeting Collier St United Church REV LEWIS MA BD Minister MRS GRIFFITHS Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY OCT 1943 ll AIfSacmment of the Lord Supper THE CHURCH SCHOOL ll amBeginners and Primary Dents pmBaraca Class 230 pineYoung Womens Class pinSenior School PMEVENING SERVICE Sacrament following the close the service Baptist Church First REV HAIRE Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ATClVI Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY OCT 1945 11 AM7MORNING WORSHIP Ordinance of the Lords Supper PMBIBLE SCHOOL PMEVENING WORSHIP The Minister in Charge Monday pln BYPU Wed pm Prayer Service Service Men Always Welcome at Ll know Inltlt lzl Ri lnll ixf ullv zucctlillzi IlIlllII cent 5qu bulbs from 35 Holland fur Illflll lllllcally llltl Ispurslll viilit this year of McNeil len of tile ilnadiau umdc fillllllltl of chances the vllldzllllliofl Francis Ilmds un Twila UNIX and the blend Wm Suzliivv ll IILlillx who has been Imowwf Pl IIi ilu llldinl Press in Ior bllk onto nl been tlullsierred to New mm lie war formerly in Will lll Vancouver DIAL 37 liiiltl ol lluil lllyl DDINGS to the run RICHARDSONMcKIhNON Fm Miss St ndlevlresbyteriilll Church the 0mm pink Cltl wore pmli Ilalnloll mall and Kci were to the liillllllllll leaves wilrithe scene of Fm You 7a pretty wedding Saturday illiOllnw widovg Murlullel Elizabeth daughter of Elli and fills Jnhchinnon of Corsagp llalrlv was united lll marriage to lMorlly Elwood son of Mr and Mrs Richardson of Barrie lTlif ceremony was performed by illev Ialnes Ferguson liven ill lllarriacc by her father lhe bride wore an ivory satin own with slurred basque bodice and full skirt falling softly into long train tulle fulllength veil was gathered on il limerick lace Cup she carried cascade of white glzldioli petals and white roses She wore string of pearls gift from the groom The bride was attend ed by Muriel McGowan cousin from Toronto Bridesmaids were Mrs Douglas Smith Toronto and Miss Beth Norris Barrie The bridesmaids wore dresses of trep ical green crepe and the maid of honor wore zl gown ill soft shade of tea rose Their headdresses Were in the same style as that of the bride in shades similiar to their dresses and they wore mittens to match Miss Margaret IIall ofToronto was soloist and the organ was played by Mr Edmund Hardy Donald Lewis of Orillia was groomsman and the ushers were blames Irvine of Toronto and pow ll of pI and sage Among Iruux Brownlce 11 and Mrs Elmvale Following gala Falls make theirv The larges world is REEVES Jewellers she czlrred llllllllllz Illyllis lrullx llhe maid of honor of llespelel was zroolns was the usher The grooms lofts lllmric decorated with gliltlioli and Miss Jm guns nooll September 29 1943 when mm received 3mg tlLllllip attending the wedd int Cluczls and Mona Stella and Mary Bellalltier Roll the Almddol Spain which has bu over 2000 yellrlt CABANAN yMAPLI AUCE C517 lie4 LUNCH AT Ill The magic of ring design found in BIUIBIRD crear ions with every diamond registered chlictf IInl if REGISIERED iixdprlerlsa DIAMONDS rvrrv BLUEBIRD DIAMOND RING l5 INSURED FREE PRIVATE DIUIONI R00 II POST OFFICE 45 to Dunlop Si Hr pink eIIIDIIIOMISNI elm WMJ lliltl wddin WillSiIllllllZltI m1 ll fu lillwllllllli lt lilorvlon on THU MJIV WT lll HHS ll 1tl when 1h mmmm llil IIcllzy Millonulrl Iil Hi lIll bride oit own of mu all tool 11 Jclimard look for lLlS llllde cl lllt bridesmaid lelilmll HUN Zl Rachel lhozupsu llaucntcr of Air and MrsHcmy Thompson llzlllil5lllily were attended by lilr and Mrs Gentle Mellonall and irocudcll $lllll 1h lruglx of llidlzlnd aunt and uncle of the grown The ceremony was performed by Rev Kent Thornton bridesmaids brooches omslllzlll cigarette Zelllla Drillklc playll I7 um me soloist war The uride wore Sil taffeta lrex with White flowers and the home of ztchin accesoriiw Mp Mc mo Illllldltl bridexmairi will two lliecc black crepe dres lriznmcd with while and other numbingr ac ln their eturll they plioll at iilflllfi the brides gtwder bluc crepe the yroullls mother dinchine wore navy blue suit viizl cor pluo lo live in ookhWn llSlllIll were Mrs Mr and Mrs Ros ld sons Angus Vlrs luronto vIISSIu GARNER416m pretty doubleIII POIPmOHY Iolinllliled Wednesay afternoon 1m pmmmge rookstown was that of Robert Garner and Merit Frascr Vill ReV 110m of cokstown United wedding 1mm NliilChurch Officially The bride is ihe daughter MIS 115913 New Glusgnw 15 and the groom is the only sir MW Sykfv jnUICSLQV4IIIA The bride Iho was if those from Alltitl and sons he blnlul 002po to home in Ilesllrlel wrcmy nine in the line ii on oprritcd llvore lmzly pillc dress and out to mat brown aclsmlles He was giadjot and pillk carndt lECprOll was held at the lome of the grooms mother who re iceiredjl pretty rose and grey dress the house was prettily de corated with gladioli asters and zinnias For her trip north the bride donned smart brown pinstriped suit with rust accessories On their return Mr and Mrs Garner will make their home in Cookstown H757 wit AE sunlme Isl those from HRS VITFR PROHKKI iteliried luc Loina5 JAMES NGIS IAIRIII lli liix lii Siz to lit ll lllll years all vlayllald Douglas Lillrlltel it IIIIJII Si Illlt illil and El gt of Ila IotaHim he scl 3115 limiceunf inc deemell lll lulu uti IItilllf lutrlllent we in lillllltirll rllleterv MRS FRANK IISMIIII liter very bef llllltr illii lgtllnnloc of Illllilid the Ilt Fulllitlx lrillli on Satulday Supt 1113 the lll of heart llzlcl which lCltl Iltl 24 hours previously The filmlull Illlllt liizltv on Sill mm the faulin ltsitlilltl illhlio and was attended by many friends and relatives from the Fill ilflflllll country and from Iozonhl llld Sault Ste Marie Rex Sinclair IIl Allaudale cilndtlcnrl the services lhoxe acting at pall hearers were Rosa Fletch er Alex Ross Collies Ilelb Crawford and lavfuld Anion the beautiful floral tributes Guthrie Prelbylelizlll Church Ladies Aid of St An drews Presbyterian Church Om Farm Federation and members vi the Beef Ring Mrs Dunsmorc whose maidcl name was Barbara Bethiu Hunter was laughter of Mr and Mrs Wm Hunter of 0m Iownship where she was born ill January 1888 Except six years in Innisfil Ip all her life was spent in Or Tp Possessed of happy kindly disposition and many fine qual ities she was beloved by all who knew her Iresbyteljan Immediate relatives left to mourn her sudden passing are her hus band one son Howard one sister Mrs Earl Rycklnlul Guthrie and one brother Mark Hunter RR Barrie Canteen Closes Dec Considering Use to Be Made of The Property At meeting of the Executive of the Barrie Active Service Club and Canteenllcld Friday night it was decided to cease operations tit he close of its ixth year Dec Owing to the greatly reduced num ber of men at Camp Borden the attendance has fallen off to such all extent that it was not deemed advisable to continue beyond this date It plannedto have two clos ing partiesone for for the staff on Monday night The question of what use might be made of the property when the canteen closes was discussed It was decided to ask the Town Coun crl Kiwanis and Lions Clubs in funeral Iit ll run drltfllilllll IImlilinl lllli li In religion she was ll the service men on Saturday night and one Dcsigned by the Only Man Who Ever reared Million Feel Our Superny Comfortable Here are llie ply shoes that give yrlzr ice the llcnctlls of die rc markalde dismvcllls made by Locke Ilh worlllflllous llnitliln Lhrur They bring illlllll1lflg fool iollllizlr new walking one LIIIC in and lei ozlc of our pcflcntcd liners moulnlclld lac Dr Lotkc Shoe It for your on IOCKE type of foot WALKWEL SHOE STORE our 2397 58 ovum sr twill de DR two rl li MucIIIIIRSON ll lr mineral wishes to announce that he 1ilt will be absent from his practice to attend the Mayo Clinic for the period Oct 11 to Nov 1st inclusive lbinl Enroll zl ul ulrm llil be Zl lilt Will you grep iu handles and ll ll litl lump on Hm Illllll Neitr 0IOINJIIIIOOIIIIONNIIIIllllllOIIDINIIOIIOIIIIOI MAZDA LAMPS 1000 Hr Guarantee 15 25 40 60 watt lilllll tli walk slid illI Adams 15c each URRY 361Bayiield St Phone 3874 NIIOIINOIIOIIllIlNONNNIOJIOWIMIINOIOOWNJ IIJJOI Ill INIINIIlmmmmmlWNNNNJNIOINI AN EXHIBITION or Canadian Artists Oil Paintings ThursdayFriday Oct 45 HARLEY 82 Dunlop St Phone 3270 WOOWWWOWIONNW sIc RADIO 84 Elizclbelh SI PHONE 2704 GUARANTEED SERVICE All Makes Models Radios PICK UPDELIVEBX SERIES Get YOur Record Player NOW Only Few Left See us for those Hardtogelparts SOUND SYSTEM SPECIALISTS in October an 7MrsersleyBETWbb dmlghterDorothyMarytoSergtF Major Michael Edward Wieder son Arlyn Frank Wieder and the late Mrs Wieder Invermay Sask The marriage totake place Oct 17 Mrland Mrs Walter Thompson Barrie wish to announce the en gagement of their only daughter Della Mildred to Ernest Lewis youngest son of Mr and Mrs Fred erick HarrisGrenfel thernar riage to take place this month gt Mrand Mrs RobertsonAjax 0nt announce the engagement of their eldest daughler Florence Gertrudeto William Barge son of Mrs Barge and the late Barge Winnipeg the marriage to take place Saturday October 1945 in St Andrews Presbyterian ChurchBarrie at pm Mrs Rowat is visiting relay tlves in Hamilton Mrs Nevvton Train and Carol spent the weekend in Toronto MaurieOConnor RCAF is WRIGHT Organist ENGAaEMIINIs appoint two representatives each as committee to meet with the ICE CREAM AND Canteen Executive and consider CONFECTIONERY Elizabeth St phone 74562 The engagement is announced of Sndle Margaret jReed daughfo Mrs Reed and the late AReed Barrie to Wilbur Earl Sander son of Mr and Mrs Sander Or illia The wedding will take place 7SEI Jack Hill ofBmle The grooms gifts were to the bride string of pearls IOjIIle groomsman Grace Gospel Hail ifs MarrSfreet Baxrice rw Harvest Thanksgiving Services AMHOLY COMMUNION 17f AimliloLY COMMUNION igrgacherzmevmccrm MACHINI MA DDGeneral Secretary Board of Religious Education 11 AMBeginners Dept of the Sunday School 215 PMBIBLE CLASSES PMSUNDAY SCHOOLW PMEVENING PRAYER Service of Thanksgiving Preacher The Rector Cigarette Ilghll to the ushers wallets to maid of honor earrings torthe bridesmaids bangle braee lets reception was heldat the home WNNINWMM of the brides parentsThe brides mother received the guests wearing violet dress with matching hat SUNDAY OCT 1945 Il AMBelievers Meeting pmSunday School Sen10347 Wed Oct 10 pm Prayer Meeting You are Cordially invited ured crepe with blackaccess Telegrams of calligratulations1 the bride and groOm were reced from Nrewi Y6fkMntrealor Ann OttawaEorzlawed mg tr Northern Ontario the brideLie cocoa brown Fall suit Withcces Mm fox collar and dark brow RinkT GREEN MA ThD DD WI series On their return tlggldal SUNDAY coupleuwl reside illB7 DIEFENBAKERrvgfeey The Ullitedichurch wedding was the scene of member29 Saturday afterntmn st Diem andothel POULTRY FOR THANKSGIVING ORDER Ellth ffom 0E0 COLES 124 Dunlop Phone 3214 Member of Barrio mammalTI WEBER 21 11 AMWORLDWIDE COMMUNION or wishing to join the Church kindly notify the Minister Special Communion Offering will be for the Orphan Missions of Any desiring baptism dvhsnreamolape 230 EMng It PMTHANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE bakli 50 Of1Vlmo3li Its Thanksgiving Message Vflfenbalier of Prestgigle Tum bride Ruby Iris Mrfand Mrs HGSPBIEIY daughlgrley The cere Abe Truax 0f Imed by Rev mony was GEQFgeMorriageby her lather The Minister will preach The public are Cordially invited to all seerces Notices Swallow14 Holly United Church Anniversary Rev Doeat ll am and 730 pm hdvahce gmday4ct21BurtmhvecunltednrdcomnemarL Av BevGeorgeEgCoulteItatlLamTaanme Tuesday Oct of 730 QuarterlyOfficial Board Mon park JuniorCGlT Tires pm Trail Rangers Wed 730 pmSenior CGIT Friday pm Girl Explorers 59mm girls hot inany othergrqlm are invited to join one of the midweek groups 1QnafIoIfinalsiuiuhnhnynfmuuguiugudunnn nnu SwNoR Ws PRESBYTERIAN4CHURCH REV JAMES FERGUSON BA worsens Hardy Mus BadlFTCIiI Organist and Choirmaster THANKSGIVING SERVICES gSunduy October7 I945 The Minister will preach morning and eVening 11 AMTHE MEssAoE or THANKSGIVING PMSUNDAY SCHOOL 17 PMaIHE GOODNESS OF 001 special Music GueSt Soloist Lieut HoWard Correll Torontln Morning En large assortmentirmany designs Shapesand Sizes RECTANGULARi some Mrs Ed Faraghers mThey villi womithedimaiierr sires for bathroom etc PeQCOCk 0115th HObbS lt Ni Wlthflfricoangefrom Mr and Mrs Rowat Showeredl MlllIlfnIop Dueto wartime conditions they have not been easily procured butan we have 1at$135and up to the With outin patternsof beautiful design in many spending afewdays at Mr and very pleasant sevening was nite of Ellitlkagiiitttg MONDAY 1945 Usage Church Central AT 11 mm lay$11011 glint KleeptIlim in Perfect Peace iOley Speaks egro piri an Joshua Fit deBatt1 rmV gnaw DANNTBFTHORNTW erlzbodj Knows til Trotlgldlge Sen gt vent ardiay invited to take part in th lGreat Is Thy Everlasting Mrcg Ackley gretservice of thanksgivinrt LuASSOCIATION gi pm on song by request Were You There spentin the Presbyterian Church basement last Tuesday when number or friends gathered to presentMr and Mrs Gordon Rowg at with 21 miscellaneous shower Av snort program was given and many gt beautiful gifts were received Geri don thanked ever one after which very delightful unch was served Mr and Mrs Wm McLeod and baby visitedfriends in the village over the weekend and MrleeoTrcmbiey Mrsrm Wm Troney and Miss Mabel Col gan Belle Ewart visited Mrs Colgan Sunday iiia div Tar thine 1291311311111013 St BARBIE Ieleplioneusz gmith andlis Ilia22ml Iigmlll MEMBER ARME CHAMBEF 01 COMMERCE men WEE Hamilton and Toronto last Week WthWunnnhyulw 2a Gospel Ilymn My Father Watches Over Me 115 gllnuIInimimuhmmnmghuuuununuuInmui Mmmwwmwww