THE BARRIEO EXAMINER 7050 coats MW 82nd YearONO 39 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY Emitting SectionBWPoges Big WW Notmtoawuovoeorruowteviclooreommvmwucooinacvicol tovuM sOVESPHA TOWNSHIP BILL GRIBBLE glcomumomtrton DIStht Rehabltatlon HOME AFTER SIX VV 77777 VW HH wit lunattsliip gt AOz HOUSE OF HITS VVVVV SALVATION ARMY Ot showin ahead of Toronto THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY trail if5fiifitt TOTAL 5351500 THgaglilNDEARlJNG YOUNG CHARMSl VOVAi ltit iiCL out llliiietl tr Parsons treasonr of is Township Council and coli VVVOVV VVf Um lltf Salvation Army lloine O1 ROBERT YUlVr 1K AVV HARDING Vdunml WV OV OICVVVVV on nit LlOAll LLOlllli from Appeal up that 41 3V VV VV In itizii ti officers from ne Silzgllig wit VhOi by it mixed VVVV Vi U1 VMCV mtmntrlr SLOSOU this btru re Sllowing on the same program VV gileoir Oiith all ltilllit aunt of 11 ported to him from Barrie Omit A1 BROWN gt Pillih LI tl ii ti Vi in fIJrJ int it Du district JOll eic if Rum 1tltt Lumnnng told the 11 1m lm mount 1th VmOOO Robertson tie chairman OVN 11 in ill who lit mutt VV VV VV ebjtethe oi 33mth huh it OVOV AVOV or lHtlAitIHl to hang in Hie luiin MI Amm KV FV NV VV the amount raised last yeti ship Hall and lit asked that till VVH mft IldlldlVV The hurwerk eamiuign in new in re HUN Ltiitiklatt to insult lllul the loud last Saturday but there Alt at mm illAilnx mayo bllCltl tun Aw the names on the honor roll all lit VVVtVitIigiO VVVVV made and it Is eweetoil kn mf ho ml dhni Re hk lhm gum union hnuppOlarencc Darts Illm this year Leonard Hogan unium rari ll 11 WA BIIAHO SAlttl FA ulitc Vernon ltobcrt Stewart N3 19 FOtESfch Plan cckcnd aifit ll infested itt hrWm ROlJUL Mott rV Vt DONALD CRtSPcLIONEL BARRYMORE lloil lVlimtVL VVlCAVVVlLlVV ittVVVZiVVOVVV VVVVV VVVtVVVViVVinViiVV llVVchVSclieme at Midhurst film IN Ax lllt OlllillCV WAS OOtll Milli if Uf finmil mum CV lll Slim lV it 51 lvttit li piziiiA Otto ADDED FOX NlllVSl Andre lktllird AllVtiil lll EiMO ULIH OLKTN lit his lOiAtl Oiiiil ntiiiiA Hum VVAVHVV mp hm 01qu ilumiy Viiii inhugn OSVHVVLVV my Vm WV VVV VO VVVV HHVMU mm their we Wm Oi the tlitfieiilfieA of reeoiiveisitiii and it it iimu sittith wit harm iylot OOl nil iiOOwi Wit read ziliimt by Umimllnr Hm rltll lm MM TiW1 Mid Stun OOmv will OO ltl fisli MAllNIVlV WED 230 In lliilliii ulltl llttll llltllltll ha it lltl lit us my Mme emit it mt ii LawnO iilmli honored by moment silence Willth AliAIAOmthl Wmits ttilia anti turnout iltllill Ii Ol JO in iv tit iiii iii MV 1L BHlItltdth HIe lead by ld VHAXHHAIN ill1 AY OM10 represented at amp lzitl fltOO tui llO ltlt lei Aflt llt Oi it gt OA llCtH Alilll ummintt tith 13 lllllll out tOili iii iim in this Hip mm airtim it iitr ti mg tii ii iii Aqiiiiiipt slime it lt MFth ltlliltl Victory in the HA ltlltt Us at SinaiHill tango ll so llll Oi Oi litiOiiOitl to followed by praver of Thanks ltJHt it all trim he men at zimp itnriiei ti ilit Al Im Joli in llll KLIJ To titan for ttssatlon of lmtilititO Him in Him important 101 ill Ulilthe Oi Mayo nth VOO tar lnilliHlOlt lll ir OnllirankCa rasnllmln TL IGMs daring drama Of AI orrcnlm gt Lmu HI ble Fm Ulw xfllm RLJPUH it hmnmg HHW WM Luna ALL IllM did man who lived 3nd UVQHH mulmw Hulll md SVJHIKVV Aw Wd out in cinnziOOtnrl iii lllt 1i Ami tn ltlll iifll tilliilttt lllr mmcmvryc an capture um f3 Nd 111 point Capt Ol SiiOtt Oiilliiiit lllil lltl liiAelt liumor the karmtthlc rommoc dan erousl VV VA 0V9 Opening his sermon Rev Mr Ullttlll of luolic Relations ill seiner ltl ll it OO OiOii iOi tithe Oie ilOiniimL Oii lilillt it mat John Doc 01va NW mm mm WWW mm dm kctbissuch gt Av au turn to pth hunt Dltll iluia to Jiltl llllttllO phase 1th 510 mm it gimp iA Omit tI titre lllt ltllilti vV guy AV VV VV the ltlyaiil and itlttyaiii rang Vi it WW grclgrul lmmc VI 33 WHW tlt reenrtleii lt VV VVV the company 1le hail tOiA Hit VV VV VV in VV SHVVVEVVV mm Inna slut iiiipattit in llt 1H lI at Cam Bortlen which at 1A15 iAO ti ML VWWVV mmth Hjuwd OAAAAAAA ltltlt Aii Zlllll itlltl lllm Tito ivy tiny5 and lirls Baby follows 400 poinlswfor award on NV Remind ll MVVVVIVVVVV VVV VOVVVVV IVOVIVVVVVV WVVVIVVVVVVVLVY VVV VVlVVV VV VOVV VVOHV VVVV VV VV LVVVtV Bwt All Club this past ntLh lithl tall at tltll filllV 300 points to Hit unit Hll in ill at ltl ll iiiiiiiit coluunction With the lissii lown questions and showmanship 300 Saturday afternoon and iiilleiilier they are received the better SVVVVVSCVVVVVVV FVVVVVV VVVWVVVVVVV VV VVVVVVVVCVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVOVVVS VVVVVHVVVVV VV The 13 club members helil the leumll ll 100 points for regu its achievement lay at llaxter in judging competition answers tofmlm Th0 Billltt Ctllllltilll lkAtSt ANltt ill Altllt llXitltttl1TL the big feature 100 Wm VVVVVW and feed attention of the ringside spectators lillit ltd CCUIHCY fmllri OO as they exhlbncd mm Ide monthly itpoiis it 100pmnt5 Oi animals before the judge Fred nondimcc 11d mime WW Campbell of Uxbridm District RC meetings prescntative for Ontario County Results C11 b3591 conSlder the eSlathhment Of forlncy 0f mimic Every cu in 1000 points for the total projectl VA the ring showed evidencc wash are as follows til jetlslle Oer rel bl 0310le uman mum 1008 Ml Campbell in diwmsm the Murray Wurlliea 033 Russell Cl 938 it w2 CARTOON less mlnmkod how dlmum um Qililtnlctonnld ltlaellrliiehecrnf9101rglil task of placmg the calves had been 1d BUVVCV 904V Melvin Hancock and he went on to compliment the EVL SHOWS and pm junior mm girls andboyg mm 902 Donald Gethons 808 Miss under the regulations Of the Physical Jl Ll 886 M15 Evelyn part fo the wondmrm condition Alllllcll LWilbcrt Pearsson 056 Of their animals One who hasVJnck GVVVdi 848V Em Frederick Fitness and Recreation Program Ontario Vwilli Show was the bestdemonstration tie followmg order Don lD EJVECCllglUIVlk lttillds tEver setn 33le Muhay Wmm Miss Mm SPRING ierGTON lAMES GLEASON nd GENE LOCKHART Sproulc Miss Belle Warnica Rus 21150 showing Mtftl1hvti lycargg 3y ilgdglffbbe VVugVV sell Church Mclvm Hancock Ron by the club member ti larger purebred lireticlcrsmill 0111311 Friday Sept 28 the Ivy AND CARTOONHARE FORCE Toronto diSmCt The county Agri Nottawasamiand Om Clubs will Cultural Committee through the participgtecm county chmpimp Beef Cattle Committeea has assistO Ship Show for Beef Calf Clubs to at pmV OO ed this year in the sponsoring of be held in iconjunction with the Your Car is older ald MacEachern Miss Evelyn AVrn inuuuuuiiiiiiuiuunuun Beef Cattle projects Collingwood FairAOA There will be The basis on which awards arclapproximatety 3th club members and Tires are Smoother made in calf club project are as CONT snow SATURDAY 230 pm taking part in this event bOcenin touchvwithclub wurk inthe Comm for lm 20 years was 828 Genomic Marwcli Jean Department of Educahon lheard to remark mm FridayQ Oraeh 180 ChasVNeil 70 For showmanship the standintr THE ltltltillESl Ellis IN llltliuliii Careful driving helps but INSURANCE man WWW is the only real safeguard againstwloss Consult COAT PAIR LONGS 3128 11 to 16 years $1595 $1850 HELEN WALKER BOYS OVERCOATS Vto loyears $995 AND EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT AFTER f7 LONG PANTS $275 $5 25 BOYS FINE SHIRTS 125 to 14 neck size $1255 13150 tE+BE M33 CHAMBER WWLME lms KEEFE BOYSOBREEchEs 319 to $450 at 315 meV 41 Dunlap SVVVO INSURANCE AGENCY um 3135 monooomunuonoooooioommmuoomu MEsgnlililvgogilgg AV Want AUSPIVCES KOF OOi EMEMBER wlinEiILd in Fyd Games 25c Good Door Pnze lodaysmincreased values meansnecd forsfull coverage WMWNIOONOMINIIWi WON AIREV CASUALTY ABTOMOBILE Vi VVV WW BURGLARY PLATE GLAisVS VV m7 Tint AV AA WP iAfMSv OA 7w Af TWO GRND ALL STAR HITS MEMBERS OFATHE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Vprizesvcmckens Baskets of Fruit and Grocerlcsfgtd AA and Special Games foiV111keyS iAG VV ADMISSION Phone 95Dunlop Sl EOFLYNN BRANCH MANAGER AOO 1A9 BAVRRIEBR LA gt 2nd Hit it OV an gt VV sponsomuo ir rom it ToantosVCOlumbus Hall WEDOOTunasMATWED230 OANDOHIS jii geeklngDaP SWBieeze it EgANOTHERGRANDOZ3HIT2PROGRAM VV TWELVE MENandwvaC LIST filigtilshOWOildlls pimLLastjsh9wingy ANcnsa DUNLOPVST TELEPHONE 2443 ALANOLADDVOz British ChildWarVictimsfund NOTHINGO Tllls GUN COOKSTOW ROOM VANCESALETICKETSAATRUSTICROMP OFFICE AND ATHARMONY GRILL MW NR DANCE PAVILION MARKETVASQUARE iniiinicestgenitalia It lms Every Night ghihiOaOOsgatigimisthat oxv Gianni av apt LADIES 35c GENTLEMENOWCO