BARRIE EXAMINE Trife wasnt ISSUE 7050 Copies THE 82nd YearNo 39 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY SEPTEMBE 27 19 Home from Overseas Names of Men and Women Returning from Oversees Welcomed for This Column Please Telephone 2414 Wynm Ten Years with ZH LAC Harry Partridge has come home after two years overseas 111111 the liiunderbird Squadron His wife and young son have l1ee1 making their tann with his par ents at 13 Frances St llariie Harry rejoined the IiCAlf11ur years ago after havin Worked at the Dome Mine South Porcupine for six ye1s lriar to his Work in Northern Ontario LAC Partridge had served six years With the RCAF Barrie hockey teams and played hockey overseas with the IlCAF WV Three Years POW lpl Donald Kirk has return cd home after spending over three years in Germany He is the hus band of the f11llllt Dorothy Fe glint who now live Ill Ottawa TV Four ears Service Dvr I3 till son of FSgt and Mrs Gill recently returned from overseas after over four years service and expects his discharge this week His wife and infant son preceded him to Canada in April Only Two of 650 Of 330 men who enlisted with the Active forces and left Regina to go overseas I11 January 1940 unit Gibbins eldest son of Mr and Mrs Gibbins formerly of lnnisfil and later residents of Saskatche wan Sgt Gibbins has returned home 1111 the Pasteur after being overseas five years and eight months He went over with the Isl DiviSion and transferred to the 13th Armoured Division in Italy Ile served year and half in Sicily and Italy and was in Holland and Germany for No and onehat months prior to the end of the war in Europe brother Bdr Gibbins is in Holland awaiting rc rpairiation sister SgtrFrGib bins is with the RCAF 1WD Lachinc Qtic Two Holly Mop Return LACCIarence Morrow son of Mr and Mrs Morrow RR 5Barrierwreturucd Amok overseas 1111 the Amsterdam after three and onehalf years service Spr El gin Morrow son of Mr and Mrs Morrow returned on the Empress 11f Scotland after more than four years overseas Siiilor on Leave liStkr Clifford Raincy son of Mr and Mrs Rainey 78 Dun lop St was home on leave last week for the first time since June He joined the RC1an on July 1942 and haswscen plenty of action in both north and south Atlantic on corvetteandyalso frigate duty He expects toibesback again soon but will not receive his discharge until 1Nov 11 Previous to enlist ing he was employed by the Can ada Steel Co at Hamilton Welcome Home Night Another welcome night was held in Newton Robinson for five boys who recently returned home namely Sgt GWilletts PO Wm Rowe Pie Wilson Pte An drews and Tpr West Signet rings were presented to the boys on behalf of thecommunity by Reeve Edgar Evans assisted by Houghton The boys showedthir appreciation in few well chosen Words for gifts received while in thcscrviceklhe program of the evening consisted of piano solosby Phyllis Edney and Madeline ONeil Solo by GloriTCulbert and vwmtap dancing by June Duncan with Ruth Baines at the piano HABell Was thankedEOr bringing this tal ent which was muchappreciated It Speeches were given by Rev Mr Burton Steers Reeves Community Centre Will Be Discu Government tilt is former member 1f only No are still with the satire One 11f these is Sgt Howard at public led by Dr sitter plan whitby Beta eerilvil lake advantae 11f the Quinta 131th ivaiial l1 for ccnuntsnity Itxtiddnfl tliie iiieetin anti be held 111 lite llabraiy Ilalt l1r t11i111111y cl ii at fl 311 The public ml be iselcvaie 111 ivitattons are beat 11 out members of the iown Tomcat ssed 219 At Ineetziig spons 11111 by 121 Chamber of Commerce Sept 71 the jovcrn1ne11t plan was outlined by fett director 11f physical f1t mess and recreation lie cxplaint how the legislative 11111sz Wouldl be made available If Danie dcel oped program Dr Laurie was named chairl man and David Smith wa appoint ed secretary of Ticoinniittee to insi vestigate the matter further with view to taking action lr Laurieg and Mr Smith decided to call at publiemeeting in order to Lllve every interested citizen an oppori tunily to expres hili ideas on community centre program tentative agenda for the meet ing has been drawn up Among the matters to be discussed are activities that would be included in the program the hiring of full time recreation program director and the appointment of an actinj committee for the development of community centre program for Barrie Everyone interested in recrea tion group entertainments or anyl form of leisure time activity is ili vitcd to be present at the meeting next Wednesday night THREE SECTIONS IN THIS ISSUE The Examiner again this week is published in three sec tions to give full coverage to the news of Barrie and dis trict The first and third sections contain the regular features but the second section is the exlra six pages and contains newsy articles Dont miss it Much of the news of our neigh borhood correspondents may be found there also afull page of sports items including the playoff softball games Prize winners at the Oro Worlds Fair and the Township School Fair are also listed in the special second sce tion On the back page may be found the regular Hints for llomebodics and Sunday School Lesson columns CLTI ENGAGES RECREATION 11111111111111111 David Sinith director of CLTI announces that Louise Collcy has been engaged to head up rci creational program throughout Siincoe County this winter Shel began her new duties this week and is making her headquarters at the CLTI office in the Ross Block Miss Colley comes to Simcoe with wealth of background in directing leisurestime activities ttwy At this 1113et111 home of Joe Lea HON THOMPSON INSPECTS SIMCOE l1tL of pIIIa1 Theie 311111 Ive ll 11ft l1 IIloznpsl 11111lliieritwlitxlleyuiy i1t ll1CI1lllllll Chief Selector for Lintaiio Zavilz lllt Vi litl lit If Allrtwl In the Insimcteal the tititltlt 51i11ltll Witle l1clj 1ij1i1i11i forest iI 11112 l1vIhp Ilufteiin Lfgt Iley 1ls11 inehuh 1i visit 111 1111 tobacco farm of Sunnidati lewitsinp 1e11 Nev Lowell liai tour concluded vilh an 11 pettiut of the Ileiidric Forest and the Uri lke Forest hdlnnlii which slipper wok eIJoyed the Win it it 1lii1 Lat ts 111 hieugnt ll at 111l In ZIILJ at Ir Lake lthc has been particularly splendid growth of the trees in Sinicoe during the past three years Simeoc the trip llcrbert I11 tirade Warden officials includ ed lClothing Collection Drive Will Utilize Be=11ies3uildi59 irgnnzation is 11 the entitiiitiziniile llx colleenon of useful illfl if llif Hai llitlfti 21 1lt tltlt 11 and lId l1111 1fteii11 IIurope got away to lizceting on ltu the Chamber of 1111110111 1t when tltlalllltll active c11111t1e THEEE CHILDREN SUFFER INIURIES THREE ACCIDENTS lllY Slkt lllt lt l1 headed by II Nettleton w1 1el out in dctail the operati Dudley of the C31 Commerce was of great irrlsldltx It has been decrztcd 11 the former rccrtnlinu now owned by the Chamber riceiving depot for contributed Starting next Monday 1111 running until Saturday in the building wall 111 epea 121 ill untll f1 p111 each to receive clothing Articles must preferably heavier overco su Woollens useful shoes iublrez also lighter goods winch Inus be clean house dresses canon11s wearing apparel of all lands Do Iidt bring in dress gtLIIl 1v 0111111 dresses derbics or such aA ticlrs From outside communities I1ee ila CPI 1t 1y there is no definite orcamatitn11 lclothinu may be brought in to the Barker and members of the llcfoiu estation Committee AdaIn son and Harvey Spence of the Mid hurst Forest Station County Cterle Simpson Jack Coleman 115 sistant County treasurer II Car man and Duckwmth 11f the1 secd plant at Angus and Wardens George Barra and George Banting NEW BRADFORD DOCTOR Dr Peter Bailey Bradford has sold his medical practice to Dr Craig Watson who has assumed his new duties Dr Baileys intention to specialize is his reason for leavw in Bradford He will be in lo ronto for time and then Will g1 to New York STEWART KC SON or FAMILY or BARRISTERS Charles Douglas Stewart whohas been appointed Kings Counsel has piactisecl law in Barrie sinecl he was called to the Barfollow ihg his graduation from Oseoodc Hallin 1930 His father Douglas Mme well known Incin ber of the legal profession for many years retired fr11111aetivc pracliceAlwiiwyearS ago and his grandfather the late llamilton Stewart also practised law in Bar rie TheStewart Stewart law extent that it is now no longer as am 1111mm SK RTS 111111111 real pants and liosltocs stockings or underwear lrl the warintposed style for this homeless ireek boy and tl1111san1lsliyko him To help 1r11tert these oar victims against cold and disease round up all your Scrviecablc used clothing for the National Clotlh ii111llection llltll will hocarried on throughout nnadnfrom rtohrr Isl to the Ztlt The drive issponsorttl by the zinailizin Illlfltl Allied Relief Fund and distribution to the liberated peoples of Europe will be under tho direction 11flltllA Library has increased to such anI possible to handle the distribution of books through the central stirl ition at Barrie From now on an Born in Calgary Alta in 1912 she attended public and high schools there After studying at MeGill University Montreal she was employed as director of phv SiCal education in Montreal public schools for three years Tran ferring to recreational work with the YWCA she was another three years in Montreal and three years in St John NklzlShe had been for W0 years director of corccrea tional groups at Notre Dame de Grace Family YMCA in Montreal and also served as recreational con vencr in the United Church YPU Vat Montrealforthreeyearsi Prior to coming to Simcoe She recently cempleteda course in recreation at the University of Chicago Particularly Interested in folk dancing dramatics andgall forms of recreation for groups Miss Col fey will devote her time to assist Harvey and Edgar Evans remainder Of the sievening was spent in dancingJo most accept able music donated by Beattys orchestra fjjIndvep Some 200 tiltizcnsofbarri gath er of India deliver an address 1011 the speaker wasi Rev Lewis chairman off 13 Barrie Ministerial Assgciation Introducing hisisubject Dr Rain related that when Columbus TIng covered America he Was really looking for India and he good1 naturedly added If there rhad beean India there would America He rferred to India as land of contrasts vary from the coldwinters in the Himalayas tor thcThat of the tfoplcs On one hand there fare we the ignorance of the poverty stricken masses The population of Turn to page twospleasa endefrlc avs Dr Ram hisnative landrfev TLJ Hatre was chairman ofthe meeting and introduced by beno3 verylearned pundits on thenother mgarrizatronsthroughout the County to plan full program She will also encourage the further de velopment of rural school play groundLactivities elsComing ered in First Baptiil Church last Thursday evenirig to hear DrRalla Ram distinguished Christian lead Theextremes of climate bounty 11 STEWART rec officehas beanie landmark on Owen St for about 70 years Stewart was named after his great grandfather Charles Douglas Stew art whopractiscd law in the West Indies before coming to Barrie Born in Barrie Sept 1905 Stewart attended private schools here and the BCI He eggpleted his high school education at Apple by School in Oakville andthen went to Trinity College of the University of VTOIOIltO After tak ing his Arts degreein 1927 studied at Osgoode Hall where he graduated in 1930 gt He iS member ofTrinity An glican Church isastaunch Clon Servative asylere his father and grandfather before him and has taken an active interest in munici pali affairs In 1933Uand 1934he was elected to the Town Council beclamedeputy reeve the following year and then Served two years as Beetle of Barrie Int 19373311 theatre of if Stewart Was elected Warden ofi Simcoe the second youngest War den of this county since 1843 Stewart has served on the Board of Education the Board of Directors of RoyalVietoria Hospi tal the executive of the Horti cultural Society andis president of the Barrie Boy Scouts Assacia tion Interestedin sports he is mem ber of the Barrie Golf and Coun try Club the Garrison Badminton Club the Tennis Club and the Bar rie Flying Club His chief hobbiesare amateur photography and floritfultureflhe grounds of his home are beautiful 1y planned endeared for Stewart married Eleanor Ross of Toronto in June 1932 and they have four children Douglas 11 David Margaret and Mary Maclntyre he ieffort will be made to encourage lthe local libraries to take care of like distribution for Schools and 1deposit stations in theirimmcdiatc larea At the annual meeting in Barrie Public Library last Friday after noon Stewart Page pointed out that there are 250 schools in If all these schools were to be served by the County Li brary he submitted additional helpiwould besrcquired resolu tion was passed favoring further development through local librar Ies The annual meeting also decided toughen resolution which will be sent to the Department of Ed ucation thanking the Government for finaiiciial assistance given rural libraries and petitioning further aid On the suggestion of Mrs George Johnston Minesing this ufternoon or night there Barrie centre If at all possible please bring your donation or kindly arrange 111 nt have it sent in and so greatly as sist the workers hours The great amount 11f Work in spreading it out among churches and service groups llaet day three lady workers from one of these will take charge under 111 direction of supervisor Each will be two men from the satire organizi tions to pack and tie up for ship ment 111 this way it will be pos lsible to handle heavy volume of ldonations 1n the lullllllll llltl11 is not large WHAT YOU CAN srAnr THAT Titer CAN WEAK THORNTONVBOY HOME Allan If Green eldest son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Grecnm Barrio formerly of Thornton has return ed from overseas Allan enlisted in May 1944 After llailllgilLBliiLll ford Camp Borden and cheit NS he went overseas serving 111 Holland Belgium and Germany He volunteered for the Pacific and was returned home After 30day leave he reported to MD Toronto on Sept 15 where he expected to be released on sixmonths indus trial leave TOO MucHDignity Among Librarians Says Miss Carlisle The work of the Simcoe CountyiProvincial Executive of the wOI menfslnstitutcs which is preparing brief for the Royal Commission on Education Chairman of the annual meeting was Hawkins ofStayncr He hadbecn appointed to fill out the term of the late Rev Ingram of Midland who died some weeks ago local 21tl111 lllnpvt 111 1111 tion ltxlclalll llll lltlllNllY rsllCUilvtt 1H tll 1111113 1111211 1511111 tit 11 1111 am hhsoaia lllfil 11 lilt titl111 by llt n1t11e1l the car tly slu Intends 31111 11 tl1t the door properly sire out onto the highway ll1111 flew open DULUTHIS EUUIHIIILII lenyearold Dolores tioodchitri lwas knocked ott itcr 1111ycl1 at the Intersection of Ilssi Iload and lsuftered head injury and lacera ttions to the left leg Dolores is the daughter olinc 81 Royal Victoria Hospital taken home where she will tconfincd to her hc1l for tune The car which lutotkcd Dolores off her bicycle was driven by Flt lSLil tIric Walker of Camp Borden WA IOHNWR BOYS IS APPOINTED TKINGS COUNSEL John 11 ipoin ted Kings Counsel is meni law in Barrie and Simcoe County Ilis fathcr the late Boys KC who lied in 1938 conducted ithe Vlirwpractice which It Boys now carries on at 13 Owen street In addition to his legal work the late Iloys served as member of Parliament for this riding sev At the luncheon meetingat the Corner Cupboard Mayor Peter Sinclair thanked the 50 delegates for coming toBarric for this see Coullly Clerk Simpson speaking on behalf of Warden Her bert Barker stated that the Simcoe grant of $1000 to the County Li brary was the largest of any county in the Province He highly com mended County Librarian Alberta Leits for her work Dorothy Carlisle The Juncheon speaker Dorothy Jll Montague Leeds Barrie Miss Catlisle organized the Lambton CouniyTLibrary in 1931 and there have been 10 others set up since JOHN BOYS KC Boys was the late William Boys was born in Barrie December 1899 He attended pub going to Osgoode Hall Toronto resolution will also be sent to the 73 cents DanceaL Brcntwood Friday Sept 728 Willoughbys orchestra 39p Modern and goldtime dancing Midhurst Hall auspices LOL and Literriday Sept 23 39b Simcoe CountyBlack and White Show at Beeton Fall FairSatur day October 6th 1I743940b Public Recreation Program for Barrie Are you interested Please attend meeting in Library Hall Wed Oct at8lpm 39b Afternoon tea andsale of Home made Baking Stroud Community Hall1 Saturday Sept 29 35 Aus picesPresbyterian Ladies 39b Welcomcf Back Party Stroud Community Hall Friday Oct 5th Program lunch dance Special in vitatioii to service persomel 39p Rummage Sale Central United Church SundaySchool boom Sat urday September 29 Auspices Wohelo Class Doors open am 39p Dancchednesday Oct VeSf pra fthhbine Hall Oldtime and modern dancing Lunch counter Coles Orchestra Admission 25 cents 39p Dance every Monday night at COMINGEVENTS iron1 chum Turn T6 paragrit pEEis BiugoAllandale OrangevHall Under auspices of LOBA Tues day Oct 830 sharp Rummage sale St Georges Hall Allandalg Saturday October 13 Auspices Glad Club Deors open 9am 374lb South Simeoe plowing Match at Fennells Comets Wednes ayiOc tober 10thon the Farms Harry Hughes and Herbert Hu hes Jr Highway In 397401 Rummage SaleOct am Evening Auxiliary Sch room Essa Road Presbyteria Church Bazaar afternbontea sale of homemade baking Nov at3 pm 39p PlayThe Absent Minded Bride groom available for dngagements during month of October For par ticulars communicate With Herb Hornsby Waverley Ont Phone 91rl5 39b MinesingLDL will reopen their newly decorated hall on Friday Oct5 with humorous play The AbsenLriMindeleridegroom by Waverley Young People Tickets 200 and 35C 3940b Autumn Tea Saturday Oct 27 3911111111 home of Mrs Spar iwhere hegraduatedriird92276ince that time he has practisedlaw in Barrie He is solicitor for the Town of Barrie and 10 other Municipal ities and he alsorVed as County solicitor until he resig17 Ottawa to lend his services to the Department of Munitions and Sup ply wHe servedas contractsrsoffi ccr until his promotion to the of ficeof consultant to theDepart ment Mr Beys Was dollara year man at OttaWaservvingwith out salary until his return to Bar rie iniDecember 1942 During that time he had maintained his legal connection in Barrie by trip home everysecondweekend In 1926J Boys marriedKath crine Lett ofBarrie and they have bers of TrinityJAnglican Church where Mr Boys ltaught Sunday lBoys is member of the Barrie Golf and Country Club the Bar rie Flying Club and in Toronto he belongs to the Albany Club He has also served 011 the Barrie Board of Education He follows his fa therand grandfather as Conser vative inhis political affiliation In his student days Boys was prominenton the tennis courts Junior champion of Canada Nor thern Ontario senior champion and Western Ontario champion Mr tBoys last summer built tennis lloys who has been ap l11 11 Allll Artl ltL turned the handle and was throunr V11 Ld ms 11011 made poss111 115 Mm ml My 111 111111 Ave last Sunday evenini She of the cff111ts11f the 11111 solttIeIJi and declared they did this became of M111 they and Mrs Ianton Goodenild Ilti Car lllltlllll illltl 101 After three days in the to 11 through the same she was be it lucky might change for the ber of family long connected with after two am morning iKING G15er 11011011 111111 IS 11111111111111 friends and men and Women the eral years The grandfather of 7A Boys Simone CountyJudgg Carlisie was introduced by Mrs lic schools WmmBCfAbefom while the war can end on given In April 1940 Mr Boys welittwmr Passions 11111 471000 and the piovancal schet 1111y anticipated that it Would ieacii TIME NEXT SUNDAY order three children Peterl9 Sally l4 and Mary Lynn 12 They are mem Section IPoges to 40 New Candidates For Barriemliegion 111311111111 wrlii Ilul1 told 1f the t1 lI1 11 1111ent111 l11npe 11 include all lilrjI1lgt iIIi 1111loirs Ilcteii t1 the expansioi 11f the Legion since that time he sa1i thu rezvice bureau pioznan had lump doubled 11I Its year and Wotlllll require $3t1tttltl 111 Ontario this The Illlllln membership 1s ltltllltlt within anetiicr year llecallim the accent convention at Sault Ste Marie Mr llurke told in slippotlinlt the youni veterans know what they went dont want you The heroes of Wellingtons day get into poo Turn to page two please REVERTTOSTANDARD Next Sunday September 30 anada ill revert to Standard tiint locks in Barrie and all Across anadzt will be set back one l10ur In order to facilitate the railways all trains will stop for one hour next Sunday Members of the East End Home and School Club gathered in King George School last Friday evening where art honor IOlledSrullVCllCd to the memory of former pupils who served in the SecondGreat War The unveiling was done by Mrst Weldon widow who lost sonvinItalyww There were 22 names on the rolll two were names of boys who willl not return The memorial message was del iveredby Wright It seemsl an extraordinaiy thing to wake up each day knowing the war is overl and that peace reigns an uncertain peace but still peace be said We arecreatures of habit and many habits are formed during sixi News If If Forces Activities of Men and Women in the NuryArrnyAir Force this is the last time for the cold 1111 News of the Forces to appear in Tllt Examiner The column Home From Over seas will continue until such time is our l10 have All been 11 patnntcd Just six years ago The Ex aminer lfllltll lhl Cofunln iclit lor Freedom and it has appeared as regular feature ever since After JDay as iclory had been achieved it nus decided to change the Lllflt III rftflll VLIHS 35 ulC comersion to peace goes on there have been less items of news suitable for the Forces column However it does not mean that we IAill discontinue such news It will be used In separate stories and heads Fight For Freedom has been one of the most popular and widely read features of The livaniiner Through the column we have brought the news of our boys and girls in the three services and there was nothing more important The Examiner has received many compliments about the column and at one of the LWNA annual conventions we got special mention in the awards for the way we handled military news lreneli Croix dc Guerra Award of the French Cron do Guerre to Air ViceMarshal MelEwen CI MC DIIC former llltf 11f Canadas famed No Bomber Group overseas has been announced by Air Force Head quarters Statioiicd at Camp Bor den for many years prior to tir war and prominent as player and manager of the teams who played in Barrie Arena Air Viecitlarshal McEwcn is well known there Heads Vorthcrn Area Colonel If McIntyre ED who was overseas during near ly six years of the war has sinned 11er duties as commandant of Northern Area MD at North Bay He succeeds LtCol Morgan MC ED commandant for the past year who is retiring to civilian life Colonel McIntyre is native of Hailcybury and was with the Seaforth Highlanders of the First Division at the start of the war later on staffwork for the First Canadian Corps in Eng land As part of the Northern Area the Grey and Siincoe Fores ters come under Col McIntyreS command 213 Return to High School lwo discharged RCAF men have returned to Midland High School to complete matriculation taking advantage of the government grant Both aim to attend university FS Allen Duncan Midlandhis back after nearly three years in the Air Force The other student Squadron Leader Jim Brownell of Port McNicoll winner of the DFC as pilot who had five years in the service When he left school on reaching 18 he was star foot ball and lacrosse player with Mid land teams Flycrs hockey 111111 iS yearswthattiardlLasyethave weJ had time to readjust ourselves to the new situation Wrcertainly feel great relief that many of ourl world over no longer walk in the valley of the shadow of death cheityLisewefeel 1111chs as we did while the war was on Thatis think natural because date you and cannot change so abiftiptly and becomETn perk sons in new world and new War is ghastly thing whateVer the causes may be It 511151 mFen and nationswto cruelty hatred andl and with the terrible recent discoveries of des Turn to page six please Miscassei Peer cf School for 15years In Barrie Mr ton East tre His wife is now living ISLCol Jennerds New GSOI at Camp Borden 7Ner General Staff Grade at Camp Borden is Lt Col Frederick Thomas Jenner who has had considerable past expery lience both here and overseas with Leone Staff work native of Elkhorn Man Col Jenner was borrTJulyZ an enlisted at Calgary Aug 24 1940 Frontenlistment until March 1941 he servedwasrrrr instructor at Red Deer Alta BasicTraining Cen Deer Joining the 14m Armoured Regi merit Officer Calgary Rest ascjroop at Betti Icadethelproceededfoverseasinkv Turn topage six please can The Big Five 31115111 unites StatesrRussiarFrance Ghinadliuut lt inate the Security Council of the United Nations Mrs Cora Casset mtin told the Barrie3 Womens Canadian Club Tuesday evening former Barriewoman Mrs Casselmaqn was Canadian dele gate to the San Francisco Confer ence lastyear when She was Member of Parliament for Edmonv Emphasizing that whileithe small er nations did not want to giVe suchpowers to the Big Five the speaker stated that they were com pelledto giveiicnnams pOiuLln powers Among his tennis trophies are for the Blue Room Barrie in aid of ling 102 Blake St Sale of Handi court at his coitageuheilf Way be Lions Club British Child war Vich timS Fund Prizes Ladies men 500 39b crafts and white elephant table Tickets 251 auspices Trinity Au allcarr JuniorGuild 39b tween Shanty Bay audWOro Sttition In addition to his sportingdnterests he also collects stamps for hobby order to get all of the Big Five in lhe BigtFlve pres sealed Unitedifront the Conference At their firstineettng oir 46 seasonltbe members the aim adian Clubh ofthe trite set until San parts General