Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1945, p. 7

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It is hard to struggle along with head that aches teresting questionnaire on Africa was conducted by Mrs Cecm Rey THURSDKY SEPTEMBER 20 1945 THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARR ONTARIO CANADA gt 8WES WM MORE CONTRACTS 1131111 CLARK VALIED AT 33330110 FOR DRO IN PREPARES PLANS If WW4 gt TP PM rmuir WW II 11131 11 11 11111114 11Jltl 11v llw 111111213 1111 lt lt 111111 11 the 71111 II1 AM11111111111111l1lrr1n thinning 11iflhm 133nm 111 lutu1l 1111 111a11mln an 1qule IIII liw 51111114151 II II 11ll11111111111 11111111 thrng mans 15 QT 311111 11 Mm 1b 11 111 11 11111111 111 4111111111111 111 411111 11 1w111r1111111311111111111 1lltl111111 llmt the Miami 111 11 111 11111 11 111111 1110 11111 ll WM 1111111 11 1111 111 151 111nm 11r 1111 tnture 111111 my family ml 111425 11111111 11111111r111111 11111r 1111111111111 if 131101114 lIgi 11 14111111111 1111 111111 11111111 M121 we 1111111 11 11111 1111111 wulwhvMumal Iirre1wnmmc 1111 11 11111111 1111 13111 Wm gt 111 11 11 11111111 tummy 11 innimnu E33113 WNW 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71 31 11 22 1Q Suhdny chhrIiIol will meat at perperson an yndax Sept whmliithw 1131 the 11111111111 were Miss Gert CFVICL rude Mmgl Hm Miss Mnrmvic 591 MIS 301135110117 131111111130 Spencer in lannnlo Misc MnriIlnret is spending some tune with iicn viii11 I1 C11 11Ir II1s hOlrnI 01HZWTNIWDUW Nil GhllirnIitlIiIIin 11011113111 III sisters Mrs Rev 11 Purchase Tul 11311 71111 afnemarkeroi 11111 September meetingr 111 the Eve111111 Anxi ury 111 MissrAldn 101SltIllt Mrs Gordon llnwton prosided 21110 Ied In the devntIonaI pcrIOdI An In Ind pains all the time headache need not he an illness in itself but it may he wnrniug syniptom that there is intestinal Iluggishness within couse of headache it is holds The thnnlmffering meeting on Oct 15 will be heldnt the home of Mrs Gordon Reynolds Mrs Dobbs was 11051335 to the WMS 121st Thursday with To help overcome the large attendance Mrs necessary to eliminate the waste mottler 1mm the oyster Buriloc Blood Kenrns Conducted the meeting WW Bitters helps to removefie cause of 1911 aches by regu ating Lie estive Mrs ll Holbort in charge of the and biliary organs neutralizing Acidity regulating the constipated owels deVOliOIml p3110d emphasized 1110 and toning up the sluggish liver and When this has been accomplished the 99 eZCh member 10mg ho headaches should disappear gt task tuithfully and well Miss Get at anYdTUK counter Price $100 bottle thltircigmwgig 133112155 Tl TMnbm letedTmmhom hy I11 discuISQion The South Simcoe 13310213 $1125 $11131 B13310 Frda Oct 19 Refresh mentsIIwOeIie SICIVYCd by thehostess Death of Reynolds gt Edward Reyndsv 11 re Wmzdresldetnff Off 15 dStQQ passe nwayfnq 1g gum in ee on last Thursoay evening11ged 79 sssreTrorm 53 1111111 tthIflhilgdIghuilchpueIglic ducted byRev 11 111111311 He 16mgfvggggmgglgssgggggi one nu manv T919110 two Sons Vemver DelmhImlChz and CECIL on 19 homeStead Interment tmk place in Unlth Churth CemeteljYv Bee AI VH if and Mrs anald Blown and sons spehtSunday at Umonvi 1e lt PO B111 IROWEY RCAF MTS gyevEmllgggrgv at HAT WILL BE THE DAY The day whencumbersome Harold Andrews has gone to Es gyagthsktfciigntwQ months on BundIGPGQEEY99WluE9E1h9wf themsf 13 nameaponyi hld Weston sIIentthe wek VI Em lt tumeyucas moat endwnh Mrs Connem QVaker Corn Flakes Web2Eg$grgyglilgggvghxgg Miss Ruth Noblg Toronto is com CGSiOHGd VVTIGPSPOHOIIQH shortages be USI you IT they home We 110 she Corn Flakes are The most dellCIOUSrOf com flakes 311111212131 he conipletely Wellgiegain something 10 remembernd laugh hours 5511 may urges for the on as 101 gush You macombline gt gt Tm 1wo to getumque1 eassuc gs unpon ecauspiTcom mes un nee Benhe who gt jandiPpicLQunkerQagsgompangoflkgadgflmnuedreset ragegfgr of 74 Cr mlr gghtto supplxkggvsh euiyahants f0tE1leSthChmVE unavailgble Vsamfda ngm OYW OUIICEOA orgmenrergy 145 uerrto wartimerestr cuons The 105 Red Cross Tursday af gt gj II RULES ternoon sewingIgIoup have resum Ski andxlong experience dlleICIEd Toward Your 11 bilt ll baconsldetqti by the 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