yMGB POURTEEN THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA STROUD oweomonomom NEWS OF ELMVALE onqmonomouomouom gt Harald tr U115 Ctr Bin ul THE GREAT ORTHERN 11 COLLINGWOOD 11 II MI 1111 115 lit Ijj 111 litll lltltlt tillll lll TIII lunr ttl tlu II l1I l1 11 omit1111131111 liee lloul 11 I1 II In 1l111111 Our truck In II Burr Hula IIklII On Sun IIII III III IIIIII1I1I1l IIIlIII LItIlIItIII1I III IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIII III IIIIISI II IIIIIII III III Ins IIIII IIIIIIIIIIISI III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIItiIleI II IIIIIIIII II II 11 IN 11 HM Illu if 1el1111i 11 51 twH 11 ll In ll1111t11 11x 1111111 111dp11dt 11tll11 1111 15 l11I li111e Mt 11111 My llI1I1 III III IIIIIIIII RI IIC1IIhIImIhI mm lhhhz II IHWERED BRIDGE ll LAIULlBlltG lth lllii All hmum hm hm lililwlmlim ltd i1 1111i1l11l11l Bill Wiggins All lrnll l1 111tl1 111 lmtl llil1 l1f111 lIlrtckI lhelpIlun 11115 37 11 315 11111 lrlt11 11 71 1135 MrS Obie Orilha 11 are lament I11 I4 11 gtV or unit and 1111ll1ge tor our t11nks to 111 IIr WIII II II 1I 1o 11 11 1111111 sea 111 II II IIh 11 l11 111 111 1111111 1111 111111 HA Spill Similw mix in Si 111 that tlllr Mill over the hl1ltI i1 tiny minim lhl tlllltll ill llt ill 10 lllll Pupls at High Mum llvt iii lleate 1111t1 change of timel Exnnnner suusmwimns are my in IRKSBIRC Nlentytxto pupils enrolled i113 ll 34 lill 11111 veszted Mm Sheath durini tlarvext ll tllll services arclble SlriCllY in adVilllCO Y0 ll hww the 1111n gully In munI My lll Slli ti week 11 1111 11 gt11 lt1 gt1 II l1111 hll 11 Hankextotn on lllla rims label shows due late 1n 1111l111 l11111111r asstilftlx YOUR SilllSlAllON IS OUR SUCCESQ rl 1v WWI ionic lX liiI lllllll Silent the weekend luv EIIIIII XI 1h IIIIIIII XII NI GIIIII ItII Wm IIII MIIHW BIIIIII duck IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIINIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII1 777 Ml 30 Cllulc Kill HIE WI 1lzlt friulds A1 lump 1I1111m huhh hm WIH Wim 3250 ScIIOIIIIISIIIII 1111 11I1tI11I11II11I1 Wm num wnrtlcy mm hold he in km Fijdny iiiuhLl Edith M11va Gmh Xi II Ht IlIIIl lhtI 11 itl 5111111 the weekend lttlllj1lltt the men who have rohhmd 1111 11 11 11 hi 11 lllmulc llnlh Selaml ltllLlJ ll lltttlt ovelxvtls and those who have lilHltllS halt abdn 11111ded Iii ml min hm All ldllKlzl Martm Jack Mar been l11l111t11l from the ietive IIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I1SIIIIIIIIIIIltIIIIIg lelzt111 Il111111 wet1 11 1111 Wile and family spent the 1mm 1In1 1h hum5 hr the com wth Ih 52 III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIytlnuIigpInl hhuIIh 11Ih11hmI hwhvhd hhh Mh and MN MW IIWhhII The WI LIjgh mh he 1llltzt 1lulll 4111111 11111 l1lt1 l1elpe11 MINrm t1gt111111l School hthth xm one 111 11gt Clhllllllull 1llltl lllllCWllOlO 11 0mm xmhhhih hand 111i II mtlls llltllule Ml alld llllsllor11so11 Mr and round 10 we gathered in 1111 01 Ill llt gllllll Sllttlill COllSlllCIllthll HOW to your 1115 pphnlIhshh 1h hhhh Uri there was 111d attendance 11 1115 Rand and children a11d1hall Ana11x lloss called the vouniz lf 1111111311 13 and mer that hmmhmsI Your Comparative is 1811111111 lIIIIhIlIllliIllIlltIlI IllIItIlI II lIlIkII IIIlIIII IlIlhlIIhIlIlIxIIIhIly IIkIpcnt tllt neck lpuvpli Ito tlltI pl11I1f111111 1111dIt11tcd mean 0mm 1mm II gt 1111114 11 lt1 11 111 11 11 S1 11 dchguttul unusual 111 winch cv we prophrhd to sum quantity at campetmve ThC Shh1hh Inwhhh IIf WINE llllllStlolI 1lter1111111 C11gtI1Ilt1ltI1ondv Miss MartcaIretIf11hlck8tIICgtl1eryhody nned Then the chairman van VIII HI IN Itllct 1111 111111 laleue lltlI 121111s 11151 wt rs CH 111 11101 1h mum 1g prices Hh high lllllt OHD Poultry Illmls Slllllsons 2Itl1u1luxltl1vI el11iizrltllll the 11111i111 ltlnrltlletultllf lull lIS IClllbtlloll illld fillllllil quesied ithe Lutllest i1f hoitiir Ilo 11 11 Min Clark 111 aneil for 11111111 Newmarket with Mrs Gem211 ludmgI lllL n1tt1 11 in It ii CI 111111 to 1111 i1o11t of the hall One lhc training school for the 11111 IIIIII1hlllIOhlhfmi 1ij llllllllCS Flltifltt WEIR UllSClVCd ill llettr Meals will be held in the ilvlwli Til hll5lmll Lame GUM 01f Thlml lmllml 53 mil his 90 larish llallI IOctI 18 hhd NII GI SlrliII It 111IlIlrenI ILLI Idonatnyr 1111111 hint at Mr Sultans on 1111111I11Iy who had paid the supreme DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK lllh Mrs Erie smipmn in llhlflm to d11111 o1gt to blind 1111111 sacr1f1ce and flowers were sent to II HI h11 II II II and Mic lI HI whmth It xl hOW the lr WIW llltl 31151Mlltf CO Ru Gel Monliwn WVCGTM himS mm 51 lLW Well CllNll wordlt the 11 wile$111K Radlaut Roast Entnnuncpf1IlyrI UH tlllhl atldle on Peace ll Md 18 ll IchImmIm thmin the men and I1 M1 mnevory IF pvmlsd mm the pmblmn the WWW mm mm mm lllllllf lwomen home and presntcd each 11 11ftUUNllllllilkllt0lOllllt WW llltlltXl 35lca1sI lapped 111 Mr much Ch 110 llllllg axwe Ith hh II when of munch mm III minmmhmwhmhmwlUNIISIISIIIIIIIIII lag Day for the nvv Cat 1e Nu livlll1hll 50 DWI House Coffee bllll out immm mm 11 lllllllllnlly All ill phlumntdmlyprammimlhlllllk9ll Ml WWI SIM lvl llllltllil that bountiful and tclicio 15 re tlltll mail ti 11 Satulday the annual tat 1111 II truth It Inland at carton to 1111 for Navy League sponsored by th IFI lI II lt tht illltl goodness of lilfsIilleUSIiltl by lllld lllOCVOIllng Vlllttrttt1to4statll1g the address of your 11 711171 le WW lll tmlld With few dances Angus grocer le tile Op dc mum mmm lnovrlm Ineludel lt111eltonlt C1112 llllht lltI liltllt FVFI hem 1mm Wu PM new The hhhwim him and hIdI II I11 11111I1on and l11s on lltOVltllllL thel 51 WM hht L15 hd he tugginEtzrlvligscs Nlnj Him Illli All invdfelhlii roautcd evenly mus timer mm than 13 your1111111eyl11uk Querhh thmurdI DIIhIII Rh II IlIlIlIgtII11llIllltlilillIIrIIIal IIIIl30tIIII lltIttsQAxcrIumu l11II1 IllgilIClyI lOlingItl I1 MI in 11 I1 1nhlmllndgtd Cliff Dicks 51 111 W1 ll Ctlllllllltlllfv ll ough when tl1elrestihiinh1 llhine VhhV hideIII23IOIfIII AIClIlLf Alilkllllulal S1 nations 11f Today kA 111 111vi1gIM1 1111 CO Ima we daughmiismhyMl IVIIIIIISIICAMIIsIIIIIIIIIIII MIKE PCIIgII IIIIIIIIII 111o 1I AND THE BALANCE or FULL LINE or COOP FEEDS Auley 1111s E3111 impsfiii Eliid Misses llelen Archer 111Cl llnriett 1I II llold Quinlan he u1111171t111 YOU mu lavrrEn TO COME IN AND msenss llIlIlItIluL IsiIIIsiI111Icm1111butea MI IIIII 1111 lt EnlNG PROBMMS Arrived llomelrihieifdirliilmul hi11l11iilfi 113111qlli1 hliinhmli gt 1mm The entire community rejoice lilies Minjnyih i1ici1g11 11 w1th Jtlhn Campbell in the sale weekend with her sistrgtldltl1I in illm kiifChlS limit Rim Jmm Tomm 1Iar amp W10 was taken Mr and Mrs Nehon McCul DllSlnCr at Hong Kong on Dec 23 chcon Mrs George luwles and 195 Mark enlisted with the 48in children Barrie Spent Sundth at mghlmde Id VZS llilleEIled Milton Hltklills1 re Royal Rifles to Igo to Hong Mrs Arthur Sptlrrier and child Baldwin Dial himfghrirhe lfSthIgrd hIS mule hid lenv TOWW lClllllltll km SW Street 4220 IIIIIIII BalmIsIIthchoIidtI With her iFMBnII OF BARR Cgmn OF any of his fathers letters for over OIMMERCE 1w yearsI D1I DI Cowman and MII No No No gampbelt motored to TorOnto early II UCSdOl m01ning to meet Mark and brmg him Elmvale one claim From qusen one Mlles From Gm Catherine TWPWBOSlO CreekArea 111TI1SISIE1 Whtlm Whom of Polyestangmaiggilmdd In IM he For the past 27 II 14 gt E11 Whine Sed away on sept 7M7 11 1945 Deceased was daughter ToIQl II the ndSMFS JOhn Whil 5HOVING LOCATlON r1 01 heWGS 1mm Oil II 31I1I1IIII1II lcthGntIIngtIAuCchterI 111 SPECIALIZING AUIZLAN DO GOLD MINESLTD courseilm practical about mone matters am have 10 be may not undstcmd hi ggtjlggagt1$8ithhgljifs BEAULEU QlVEQr ABEA 111 NY imonee but lam the one who must bud tth Spent prwtcanf hel me Wih NVT expenudhmtes his my job to stretch SI EII Orrze the cxceptioa of threeyears with Phone Barrie ms her brother the1 late John Whitth teed and clothe c1 growing family 011 Con 10F155 mv The funeral servme was heid qt 11 i77 Hm That is why llookreuponymywhusbonds life ilr home atherIMills on Sam II MINES LTD Insurance as 10ml responsibilit his and mine1 dayl The pallbearers nephe Domld Wh it fP It should ever lose him it is the children and lt villitliam hh5ti tic HI 11111 CONSOLIDATED Whowomq SUer WHhQUl m1 Income 10 replace his Whlllm 0f Elmvale and Russell earnings MacMillan of Toronto Interment Illl 1II II was made in Mount Pleasant Cem 1I So We plan our Life Insurance together to provide 981 Toronto an income that We agree would be nec urvwmg are twosistcrs Mrs iLicensea Auctioneer Eilhicase ol need Hls reguonsibility iessst Yeaiiii SBLyntn 0f linemltang and Mrs for th Si money mine is to see that some twobiieisofiaii 22 mi on mega ts ma lam It 11 Yor with qvculcrble to meet the premiums as they lCtll due funginggirgeggiyesngggmg all or per ence if had not been willin arm to pl Thusbdndw ofxld impossible to provide the finanI rIClCIl protection that ourfamily needs 1e Whitton Wu CY mymgquIIlew II IllIilltam and 1Gtah11nI Whitton Phelpsttm and Mrs Spence Elmvale KerrFaun Nuptiats quiet wedding took place at the Presbyteria11 mansepElmvale on Wednesday afternoon Sepf 512 1949I when John Robert Kerr claimed for his bride EdnaI Loretta Fagan you estdaughterof Mr Dd Mrs 141 s1Faganr Elmvbli RevIDrIthson was the IOiciatL II It Apply to Travers Coach Linea ii office Barrte or write Box Ang1rs101it fund prompt It cotton will IbeII glitch ingdclerg 18an 1III Ttig bride was attractively gown Cltlgtnd ed 111 streetlength dress of Rov ereywochg mance blue crepe madeon princess IclIgilhte th II lines IIwrth navy accessories and cprsageof pink roses She womb smgle strand of pearlsw the gift of the groom Mrs George1Ander4 son Iwas her sistersbridesmaid wearmg an old gold silk jersey streetlength froek with brown ac cessories and cIorsage of Talisman roses The groom Was attended by Dalton Fagan brother of the bride Follow1ng the ceremony recep tton was held at the home of the Ill up are an munViolin Io nitbid on warm em in uicl lotkn no Io untimely inaugu 11cl1lslni 11110110111111 EXPERIENCED LIVESTOCK IquIutoIr quortzt mica schist hoznfels GeologgItaleen From Survey Mopcanddo 4o Geologmol AUG 12 451 trucmrrns nrpairInpicAissIIinouicttostuiisu111m65111151111111 isomer AulttANbol SHARES raAnEnon 1011011 THE MANUFACTURERSJL ms to Counted nAiiKEIr 11111 11110116111111 anoxrli II II III II hugs aremSI The grooms gifHo IIIIIIIIIIII I73 NSUR Iri esmaid was pair of pearl 14Tem ranceSt1 NOW Elhflfhed gigging lliIIeOIgrtttmsgan For Successful Sale Toroniko Ontario co 1w 01161 mom men 1111 may of Household Furniture Please Worden lt 5111121 or Mat 01 at FERMbww 70 11 scuththebridedonned 1111113111111 or AURLAND GOLD MINES LIMITED at 300 per my 74 luNLOP SmEET gigtissgafrici ialitckmitdcceiigiin Farm Stock and Shareforwhihlenclbae payment 14 Temperance St corsage of red roses On mkifie Implements Name TQlOtttlo turn they will reside Fl WigS PHONE STROUD 33311 Adams TelephonerELgin 8261 315d tilliamlnerGlassleds par chore 11