News If If Forces Actiuticx of Hell in the Niriiiwir lttrtt xlitl tntmii Continued tram page one Hli llilill tuct lilllll llitt1tt llliil tr ltiiicd in COMPOUND 752 VV5ll niacit Caulking eat 98 Enough to do the average house WE RENT OUT CAULKING GUNSW MURRAYS Rolled Roofing $165 itnii 1th Square Feet NAILS and lAlt INCLUDED in each roll ROBINSON HARDWARE Dunlap St ALL PVRVOFITS tittiHAMtBi UH tipping Ontario Branch Office Royal think Building Peterboro KETCHESON BRANCH MANAGER 1annwvy XNVdWltOD irs FORf if PRISONER or WAR lti ti lit 11 Set ltl l3 ti linilli tt ot itr pcrttln Eicr sisci lt tll ct chnul 111 Mr tiiitii min lt friends from Ctmp 154 the largest of which tippedth beam at pounds ro OlVICY to as CAN An extra $255 month inconio for life beginning at age 63 can be yours for approximately $2011 wch payable now In addition should you die before 65 your ianiilywould get $910 at once and $23 monthly for 12vyears Inquiries are invited cirld electriciadanigerously low use lessiymwithdiscretionfj Til IltRTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD ttitti inc titit tltgt 11171 tl utitit v1l tt2j ttttvitctl llll utd llct Mut tti Tilt and MN 11b lrtlnc tnl ltlll Willi 311 llttai ii tt llc vctkezitl ll mi 31 ltllci St tahw ttni il ummwmnuws its watt liipttttt 11ml lllilll tttci holi tit lr tiid Mrs l1iili Alis Dari lc1tdtlcn thn Wart ltwni aiid latiti and Mr and Mrs Ell and baby Detroit vist ctl Mr tdlrgt Robinson Bride and Groom showered crowd ittctided and shower itt night in huntair and Mrs lilinald Ellis r0 tit bride and groom iiisuit chairman extended the liitwt vtslits ill the llicn Mary Dumpster Aileen Milk ll and Alma Murphy assisted in the etitsf Ronald expressed appreciation to all for kind titss to 1itllt lhci followed very ttjuiilc time dancing tlvillnhlltby orchestra the music assisted the lli comiiintiiy ill supplying scvcral Hw lIlGlIl LAKE lltOIil iaintn brothersutf Detroit Wilt ittcorcc llook as mascot while triti llllilliiill 31 Bay Point one day ii icCcntly caught eight lake trou MUTUATL COMPANY aElihu at age 30 HO RiS ticx Thornton Cpl Husband CAC Shanty Bay 49 Burton Aye Barrie Me 11 Little Angus lpr 11 lloss foolstown itc ti ltoss til Ctttitbcrlaiid St Atttttttm Me ll iiccii 211 1Iiiibtitli St liairic llc it illlltl Moonstone Pie Nowlgin llllllgtllc lpr 11 lcntty 77 Victoria St llaiiic lpi it it McFadden lliiiiic lpt llioriic 17 liftin St Allandalc tltni l5 itli Till lnnistil St liturie lpl llf ilioadbent 117 John St liarrit Cpl ll llccles Shanty liay town Capt Burgess 151r Bay loiiit Pic auntt Allandale Capt McGinnis Midliiirst lStt Donnell Keswick lpr Fletcher Barrie Set it Bclanger lliilsdalc Major Farmer Bradford Barrie C1111 Crawford RCEME RR Barrie Cpl llaitly CAC 101 lolin St Barrie MSM lztrnhain RCASC 119 Bradford St Barrie Mstu Health itCAsc an Angus lte Kinsclla ncoc19 Main St Allandale Cpl Weaver RCE RR Ilawkestone ltCpl Young RCE Stroud Sgt George CAC 32 Sati lord St Barrie TllF ll Willle CAC Ellill illriis conimunity extends sympathy iarric Spr hloriow RCE RR It Ba iri Spt Noble RCE 198Bziy field St Barrie Tpr Wallace CAC 237 Bradford St Barrie He 11 Wingrove RCASC 21 Elizabeth St Bariie Cpl Murphy RCE Anter Mills Cpl Salisbury RCE llills dale Pte Dunnctt RCASC 56 EsSa Road Allandale Pte Ciotl RCASC New Lowell Tpr Roe CAC 189 Bay Iieid St Barrie Major Armstrong Sit UFC172EllZiibcth Sti Barrie Lt Baker Bit Wilts High St Barrie Sgt Crowc etc 215 oun lop St Barrie Sgt Oliver 15 Ft AME RR Barrie QM MtiCKiiilttin aCEMis 12 Toronto St Barrie Cfm Ntisbit RCEME Gen Dcl Barrio Sgt Patterson RCE 55 Park St Barrie Cpl Black acnso Park St Barrie Spr Hoskin RCE Angus SgtN NMunroc CAC792 Bur ton Ave Allandale Sgt BoydCJC 70 side Drive Barrie +GSM Statham RCASC 110 Codrington St Barrie Pie HDJoungTor Sco 72 High St Barrie Sgt L1mrge CAC 32 San ford St Barrie Tpr LWhyte CAC 61 Elm St Barrie CleJ Crawford acasc RR Barrie Pte THan1eyRCR Bur ton Aye Barrie Pic FW carting inchSc for Cumberland fStBarcie Cpl ngavv RCAS Barrie LtS Grover LER 86 Cum berland St Barrie cpi Lawson RCASC RR5 Barrie Cpl AHill RCCS 54 Sanford St Barrie Sgt Thompson CIC 42 Jameerta Barrie Bdr Lee RCA 103 John St Barrie Cpl Carter RCE Barrie Cpl Kerr RCE 46 James St Barrie gt Spr Poole RCE 12 Grett ville St Barrie Spr Robinson RCE 23 Penatang St Barrie Pte Moore Tpr MasonGowan St SSgt KgFirman Tpr Dinning CAO MapleVAvew Barrie Rte1LA JonesCIC 11 Florence StBarrie SSgt WFL Kydd RCOC Theri esa St Barrie Pie Hart RCASC Siiilcoe Thursday Aug 30 1945 in her Mrs Johnston Margaret Brantlold also to nine gralldchiid her fathetxe RCAso Roma THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA NEWS OF STAYNER ww Mwm 0m lunatic lz1n ALAIN liinta timed rom ii $21tc Sufi Cttil ilt Ctlt erseas Names of Men and Women Returning From Oversea Welcomed For This Column finl iiiitlitti Urn Hospital Plusc Telephone 2411 Continued from page one lac ten111d to the lttltk Guild and it ilLlituft and later ic lelfltlp fut ll liciitcitttitctoiclt with it Lil iciwan lzc igt with the an Llsi ll mural liiiptt intuit HUN we he zed to the llla tt1tltii lcitnziiztl as ADSl in llltztl Mrs gt1 lit iic gttlttl Ill ttic Lttntnicti it lctcy ltwnt its Germany lie it 01 MHiiil who it 1139 wlii lt In il it itlgt Que and his Wife 31 ni tswt llltli in lt1 tt nave itlctlttt lititiic otiiw Ill llil lltllllm llVllll llalizt lllvt nuniii litilll liar r1 llf NW in cat in Nliltltlllil 193 brother gray my 31 ltL1 Rnbcrgc coiii it A1305 iuzl ttt 111 at St liyacintlic 311 it as AlivN llvnncf Qitcbxt AlQt llttl tt iv ll lt ii who gtlillllitll lli cit tabtit t4t litttll htii Listed by Army NW in the soldiers in this ll tcan lc 1ci=to malarial ltttt listed in tlic Aitiiy its litwitii tbllil SN ittlilllill vcs i1 lt in ivet 110 tl ll My 11 KC 1111llllll0li li =lt Him ill1 Dr IM bula 11 1tttttic rni ya lttuin llontl Ullt gm uu its lat itit in lpr Icllcr built 5t tt it who Ltpcrtnteiitlcnt ot y1HXVU Rtrhdmt on littiiiiiti for the til It it ll ltir l1 tinny llllllltile llthlJllltt iitlillllltsii and lli otter 121 lLl1l lllt 11111 lt llolih lllcnhciiii and Mrs tecrl liall Iicitgt gtr were 1L til it In Lduc lmn Littlpl of Mrs Wlilt Ross to wel pl 11 llziciitll Angus Hm mow hum 31Ig1lltt lit home from overseas This ctiiiiiiiiiiit sorry to learn that liohiiy libbj thiic yearold son of WO and Mrs lin hcrt lithbyitncc Anastasia Con nori Barrie had been struck by car and instantly killed on Sept Death of Miss Mary IMalley 1hc syiiiptitliy of the community is ixllllilllll to Miss llclcn OMak 1c whore sister Miss Mary OMal licrc ley passed away in Colliiicwood hospital oit Iloiidty Ann 27 after few days with Mr and Mrs Ivan lltocltwcll at their col Mrs Sunday with Mr and Farland Woodbridgc Congratulations to it and Mm short lllllLSS Reopening of United liiircn There was true Cllllllltlitlltlil Sunday inorniiiL at the reopening services of Centennial United church which has been newly dcc Win Gauley Jr on oratcti Also dedication scrvmc baby boy on Sunday Florence Mt has none to Mont taking postgradt Mr and Mrs ton visited frien Mrs Harry Adamson tiLlSSCd HWIU on day last wet and Mrs and family friends here in hit the weekend iW Ituddiek Doris igar made business itll l0 Tmmlmi on Monday MY illtd Mls Clarence Ferguson the formers parents or pulpit chairs presented oy ll and Mrs Dcvitt Toronto Mrs Jane McLean Dies in 87th Year Mrs Jane Ann McLean sister of in Barri on Aug 27 191 Funeral service was conducted in Stayner Baptist church on Wednesday Aug 20 Mrs McLean was iii her 87tn year and had been in failing health and MN Ed for some timel StevensonPatterson Congratulations to Flt Sgt 11ml Orillia visited on Saturdays number from here attended wedding on Saturday 111 St GeiilgJS Ule BillSt Welling MI and Mrs Ellison are Church Saint GCOlLU NBt Wed taking up IQsidence on the farm of was well known in Stayner being Edg an employce in Cautheis drug our midst store for several years Mrs lticd Stevenson nee Mary Geotttine Patterson who were marrtsd Saturday afternoon Sept Stayncr Native Dies in Kitchener Russell Lawson 156 llomewood Ave Kitchener passed awaylat Kitchener and Watcrloo Hospital recently Mr Lawsuit was born in Stayner on March 1890 son of the late Mr and Mrs Geo Lawson to the bereaved wife and son to his brothers Norman Edward and Percy Stayncr and to the four sis ters Misses Etta and Myrtle Law son Staynei Mrs Kenneth Bowles of Kitchener illldMlS Edward llil kcr llespclcr Died in 92nd Year Mrs Eleanor Emmett Invinu stone wife of late Charles Living stone Stayncr died in Toronto on 92nd year and was buried on Sat urday afternoon in Stayner ceme tery Mr Livingstone who con ducted an implement business and later barrel mill here predeceas ed herin 1908 She is surviVed by one daughter Mrs Alex Gibson Rose Park Drive Toronto will whom she lived two sons Hughn Railway Mail Department Toront atfd llerbert Areti agct Shelburne The Late Archie Watson Archie Watson retired liardt are merchant passed away Fi iday morning Mr Watson had be in failing health for some time pathy is extended to his Frank and DI George Stayner two daughters Mrs as McMullen tMaryTorontt and ren one brother John 1Vatson Stayner and two sisters Mils Cauthers Stayner and Mils Joh Hoodggsunnidale Funerat se1lig was conducted in United ohmch Mondayafterndon by Rev Gra ham Serv1ce at Stayner glneteiy was conducted by Nort em Light Brown Jno Thompso DrHanna KerrEvansN ptialsrr WSunnyside Farm cStayner the home of Mr and lirs Norman Ev ans was the scene of pretty wed ding on Saturday Sept 1945 at 12 oclock when eir eldest daugh ter FFODCES Kathleen became the bride of Kennei Orville Kerr son of Mryand Mr WmvKerr stay ner Revg ame Isaac officiated The bride en in marriage by redthe livinggoom to the strai of the Lohen rin Thebridew re floorlength gown groom was groomsman For the reception the br St Barrie as St Barrie 000 05416 and Citing of lililn clip turf For travelling the bindc ill dress of wttlt matching gitst blck l1ttll is hair 0K in ili was wearing the it luCiiLl tnd Mrs Kerr will 1th UCLJHH Kttltllllg llllliVLlSnl biztlcs parents llld to her titaritagc Mus Kath was leted on occasions The women and young ludics of the lrcsbytctnttt church itcltl llilsttlldlltitlls shower at thi ztttthv is the saute Oti tit AN 0M PM In th ovelicst of Colour com hilmtlttui Softone brings new elmrmiand freshness to all inter ftone washes like china and Wears like iron finishes mlilat Velvet Finish Semi Glow and Gloss glticn Evans evcrul tors In three plow ELA STlCA RWICKWORKGLASSITE ROBINSON HARDWARE 351 neuter sr ilis Clinton int Workers evening prerentcd Kathleen with ca 11111 cream and shirt the ornfioitcr pattern Luis of Jubilee ltcsii it pics 8001 it the church prc clothes fixcnds tticl llilgllllviln gathered at the littlllt of Mn ias Sinclair and llliltt and Young PHONE 2131 twctai evcnn gttlltttl haiiipci its lztinp mittfl INTERNATIONAL WERN utuu isii COMPANY tritium noun mm mmns Hum tutIO ltlll iiiiiiiirao presented Willi llari ic lllllllttl $300 yczii strictly iit tdvttitcc away useful and beautiful gills Mis NormanEvans gave it trons reau tct in huttii if her daughter Miss Kathleen IIvzans table Presiding at Dalton aunt of die lltlCi Frank Watson Amuatz those ilelrliliL were Misres Marlow and Audrey lleinhait lmla liogcrsg Kay Walker and Marne Watson Wcmumu ONIONNN MIS will and Mrs ll the weekend at Tolltntzwood Mas Margaret Stithbull spent the weekend with llanitlton friends Mr and Mrs ClllCtlS Toronto 151th the 511th faintly last week electrical passed over Ivy Saturday alt3r lloslll Mr and Mrs lil ttlcnd service at Egbert and Jenith lLlli Fresh or Cooked MEATS Spring Chickens KELVINATOR COOLED We Deliver GEO COLES 124 Dunlop very heavy 1Lti BAXTVEB Bruce Edgar left on Moadziyt it attend loronto Normal School Several from here attended Eg bsrt anniversary on Sunday 1111 and Mrs hlchiastet spent Sunday with Mr Morris Miss anniversary last Sunday speed limit for this gtlllilll vil liicc should be sci for the safety of he small children Miss Ruth Jcnnctt has returned home after spending thc Stiniincr at Wasaga llcach Douglas Dann llziinpton N1 is spending two weeks with his bro her Rev ll Dznin Mr and Mrs Elwood iennctt and 111 and Mrs Davis attended hardball game at Mansttclti on Saturday There Troy and htlzs Olivi lliiddick Thuonto spent the weekend at 11951 home llllo ll Brockwell 1S Sgending 11 age and ll tuna snent 11s 11 Mc will service Christ Church Ivy Sunday Stpt 16 owing to Harvest Home service it St Georges Utopia Phone 3214 Member of Barrie Chamber of Commerce rwvownmmuunrmww To Those convalescinv Alter Severe Illness After many severe illnesses or serious operations the patient is very often left in nervous rundown condition To all those convalescents who need some kind of tonic to stimulate and build up the weakened tern We would recommend Milburn in back to healthhappiness again These 1113 help supply elements ncccssa in bringing tick bodily strength and vigour Price title box 05 pills at All dnig counters Look for our registered trade mark Red Heart on the packngn Th Milbnm Ca LimituL Torontn Ont he arrival of Miss lead and use Examiner Classifieds cKnight RN lCv ll where she ate course Turner Allis ls in the village RoLer Desjardinc tronto called Mr aiid Mrs an extremely weak 18134 Health and Nerve Pills to 85th the Ellison ry to assist the convalescent All welcome them to +uu if its plain Janedrcss or dark sheer or little stiltblouse or your second bcst set of lingerie that needs lacerenovating job Youfllitind that touch of trimming will help you get spice and individuality into last 756a TRIM IT cd bank in forJabotstMIarsCuffs Lodge AF The abundance ofrbeautiful flowers testhfied to the esteem in which the ceased wasl held by his many friends Pallt bearers were Lvnn Howard Snowywhite crisp organdytrilling in tiny razoredged accor dionpleats with sturdy cottoLbinding 261krThftPiicbd yard s99 zttiif mm Bridali Ch0r JS played by 155 NEW Keri sister of the groom of white trple sheer and lace with sweetheart neckline and long sleeves er fingertitanveiltwas caughtWI ha halo of pleated chif fonandsrecarried bouquet of 1Amerlcan Beauty roses and steph anotis Mi Leone Evanssistei of thebmde as bridesmaid Wow oorlengt gown of Reflection blue triple er with pink accessories and cart ed bouquet of pink r057 es Little Missjiaren Kerr niece of thegro as flower girl looked very da nty in dress of ink taf feta carried an oldashioned nosegay of pink Sweetheart roses Ray 0nd Kerr brother of the 112iinch accordiOn pleate fagdtted tailored finish batiste frilling about Yard TAILORED lhinchfagottedinsertion whichvcan be used as binding utoo Snowywhite and eversodainty Yard organdyfrilling with white Eyeletembroidered 1Tillllfififlf49 RIMMlNG YPET ides moth received wearinga dress of Ame ican Beauty crepe with black Barrie acces rtesand corsage of Ameri can Beauty roses The grooms mot er assisted wearing dress of 32 gre nfigured crepe with green ac HOOIIEOHOOE 1101 ACE Scalloped whiiepique with fagotting in white blue or red aAinch width Spiderweb whit lace frilling daintily patterned whiteali0ut MY Lt WhE Mao enzie CIC uryLane Barrie rte Hiltz RCASC Mlnesing Gnr Skelly RCA 60 Owen nchwide gt zELLEitls uxmun llPilllllM