PAGE FOURTEEN vvircl tisriors with Martin Stan blxt1 tmdlrs Cam in lnd and Jun ittcrirhng It living IIIIII It Illllll IIItIIlll lfall liyal Hi XII rivliil oarid Itn Tilt and filis Wilson which Iiryz lyni Party and ialxll 1m OLIVE with NUT and EGG SANDWICH 150 IlNlI RYSONS ICE IlIIsUI AND IONFIICIIONICRY 22 Elizabeth St lil Mil III vIl ill bl leuetaiiu iirircd luirni on Day after mlix overseas Ir lrIn an Itltl Ill ulr llli lltl Elm lira Iluzniile liillsdali was sful pasins Intermediate ill the school ex held at Jarvis ollcgziau It int Iill5l Miss hay Iricc Toronto who lt Iiicliaige recently from litre Womens Royal Canadian Naval Scivice Is Visiting her sister Vlrs John Payne Owen St Miss Iiuth Drummond nursein trainmg St Josephs llospital lIUIVtII he Phone 4562 Salvation Army COLLIER STREET Officers in Charge CAPT AND MRS JAMES BROWN Collier St United Church IIIIV II IJIWIS WI III Mirilsrr MRS GRIFFITHS Organist and Citlr iitlci The SUNDAY semi 16 in 11 AM and PM lND Sll YZ illl 230 PALSUNDAY SCHOOL lllillt THE CHURCH SCIIOOI SERVICE res pmRS Womens Aux ll AllBeginners and Primary Wed8pmYouth Group meeting Thursday pm Friday pmChildrens Meeting Saturday pmPublic Meeting ntral United Church REV BEWELL Organist Miss Jessie Bryson Dents III IllYoung pairSenior School PMSEVENING SERVICE unions lass Methodist Mission Clapperton Street REV BALL Pastor Ce Free SUNDAY SEPT 16 1945 ll yAilIProf Charles Leslie Victoria College Toronto 230 PMThe Sunday School teachers and pupils sounzxvfserr iti tots PitSUNDAY sCHOOL 245 PMTIIEVPASTORY Soldiers and strangers will nd are expected to be the place cordial welcome atthis mission urs pmPrayer Meeting All officers this Sunday 700 PhiNew in Jesus Christ Let Gods Spirit inspire your life Come and Worship Grace Gospel Holt if4TVTliLitiEBkTMhStet ma7M5FSWBie Full Gospel Tabernacle 20 Mulcaster Street Barries Revival Centre SUNDAY SEPT 16 1947 10 AllSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AJILDEVOIIONAL SERVICE 730 PMWith Signs Following Special Notice Sunday p1riVlrater Baptismal Service at Victoria St near Barrie Fuel Everybody welcome Rev Latto preaching SONOAY sspr161945 ll AMBe1ievers Meeting ptn+Sunday School PMGospel Service You are cordially invited Izz Andrewsresbyterio Church REVJAMES FERGUSON as Minister TrinitylingicanLhurch Edmund REV HOWDEN BA Rector WRIGHT Organist Organist and Choirmaster 7suuOAY SEPT 16 1Ii45 This Do in Remembrance ofMe MEDINQJYQBASIIIILD AMHOLY COMMUNIONW lLsAMzMQEUNINQCEBAXE Rally Service aAll leaders and workersjnorg zation are urged to bepresent t3 dedicate themselves anew to the service of God Preacher The Rector AMBeginners children age Come to Church First Baptist Church REVT Minister Miss lElsie Cloughley ATOM Organist and Choir Leader 1945 Department to in the Par ish Hall 3PM+l3rimaryf andjlittermediate Departments of the sunday SchOOI 7PMEVENINCZ PRAYER Preacher Rev1A Cathcart BA St Georgesc Allanda AV rSt Baptist Church REVwA Minister SUNDAY SEPT161945 945 AMBible$chool gt ill AMLetter to Coldsse TheLords Supper PMCHRIST CRUCIFIED RISEN COMING DPENAIR SERVICE lPostOtceSquare ed f8 rpm Prayer Meeting pmYoung oples service Book Night mural SUNDAY earn 16 11 AltarMORNING WORSE Guest Speaker Rev John churnDD PMISUNDAY SCHOOL PM4EVENING WORSHIP The Minister inCharge Service Men Always Welcome my pmme ector of hunch IP Cellie St Gearges Anglicdn Church Allendale HECTOR REV CATHCART Organist Miss McAuley Choir leader Mr Page can PM mavssr HOME steamers SUNDAY SEPT 18 1945 330 AbleHOLY COMMUNION 1030AMMORNING PRAYER 131Rect6r RMEVWING PRAYER Rhyme in Dr Rom India Outstanding Church lLeader Coming Sept 20 Sudan Zizi llrtltillt it 1ric held at cflwxrc Sittihtr nu keenwilted haw Itev Hill tllAililI Piotrstun lw Vial after hear New Yo l1 lllflv mice Barrie hi have Indian flirts ltlllt bran holidaying with Set and IIIIE liayticld St rcsvsiche Mrs miter WHEN Joan Fol ccrlrt tsiur llll Mrs II awmuko Mr and Mr Wilson leiilitlinill NV Miss Johnson Warren la and Miss Leitcr lhiladclplna were weekend guests ot Mr and Mrs Chas Wilson Clap notion Si Limit and Mrs 13 iii Glover and dang cr Shari Sue spent alew lays hcrc Jus wcck with Mrs llounsome tl route from West Palm lloach Florida to Sacramento tilifornia ahlis Wanda Watterworth is home in Barrie after serving in letauaxva Military Hospital and is expecting her discharge this week troinvthc VAD of the Royal Cana dian Army Medical Corps IIl Empire has received word that her cousin Col Irvine Scuddcr of Vicksburg Miss hasl bccn frch from Japanese camp at Corrcgidor Col Scuddcr was with licut General Wainwright maelarm MFS ll MacLaren Mrs Mutilation F= Mrs Lennox Stouffville announces the engaement of her daughter llattie Jean to Andrew David McFall son of the late Mr and Mrs Arthur McFall Bolton The wedding will take place in1 September Mr and Mrs Kennedy Toronto wish to announce the en gagement of their daughter Lucy Jean to John Wesley Johnston son of Mr and Mrs Wesley Johnston Minesing The marriage to take place quietly the latter part of September Mr and Mrs McMaster Cookstown announce the engage ment of their daughter Lillian to Mr Irvin Watson son otMr and Mrs Arthur watson Totten ham the marriage to take place at Cookstown United Church Septem ber 22 at pm Mr and Mrs McKinnon Barrie announce the engagement of their only daughter Margaret Eliz abethklo Morley Elwood Richard soi son of Mr and Mrs Rich ardson Barrie the marriage to take place Saturday Sept 29th at oclock in St Andrews Presbyterian Mr and Mrs Sterling Archer formerly of Lynden announce the engagement of their eldest daughv ter Verna Priscilla to DArcy Trombley son of Mrs Alma Trom bley and the iaWilliam Trombley Thmzewilltakeplacein the church of Immaculate ConceptiOn Belle Ewart Sept 24 at 1030am Reception to be held at one oclock Church Barrie in Lefroy Hall GEORGE WILEY injury to one arm which had healed properly the service in trouble or need nSapford St Barrie home Thornton AN ACHIEVEMENT IN SILVER CRAFTINGI akzzzzwwmzma ARE hand nilHIt RueI lacolikc loveliness Ulllllltkl with the 1mm 11 IasIIIIg beauty of durin bcauithlu hue sterling You bridal Veil of Will appreciate the quccnigarc Ial magnificent work Iacc craftsmcn Ilic mansliip the ro Inspiration Iur inhuman Miss Edith Crew clu and ltlt Misses SlIOllltI were mum dull Rose Ioim Stcr ling This exquisite Ii 059 Pnint Ster sterling has lis Iiug proud crea hllIlClIVtllalltI tion of Wallace wrought quality of craftsmen in Canada by WA On Display at REEVES Jewellers 16 DUNLOP PHONE 3745 cuts Mr and Mrs ll Lay where his wife and two sons have been visiting for couple of weeks About October theymwili leave for their home in Mexico where Iohn is District Representative in and the West Indies for Ibo MasseyHarris Co Mrs Gor iirui Dunlop of Ottawa and Harry lay also are visiting at their par cntul home Squadron Lcaderarryt Lay has secured his discharge from the RCAF and is going to reside in London where he will take Coml mcrcial course in business admin at the university Laidlaw Barrie and Miss Isabel Toronto spent the past week on motor trip to Eastern Ontario and the Montreal district going as far as Ste Marguerite Que Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Hines 259 Elimbeth St were and Mrs Wm llines and of Hartford and Mrs Wardfordhlr and Mrs Robertson of St Thomas and Mr and Mrs Fred llincs ot Tor onto John Lay of Mexico City is holidaying at the home of his par IFort William She was sent to INew York boarding school the Rochland Female Seminary and much of her youth was spent be Mexico family Conn Mr isl rat ion uuuuuduuuuw uIiuul nIlIInInmngrno+ BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH REV GREEN narho 1313 Minister SUNDA SEPTEMBER 1651945 ll AMJOINl SS AND WORSHIP SERVICE PMSERVICE OF WORSHIP AND PRAISE The Minister at both services THE PUBLIC ARE CORDIALLY INVITED nnIuralIlIIIIuunuunnIuuanununuuhnvn OInllluIIoIuunIlnIlilIInnIIlllluIllb CHURCH OFENGLAND DEANERY RALLY SERVICE FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28 pm TRINITY CHURCH BARRII SPEAKEkz REV GEOFFREY GUITON Heres BLESSED RELIEF for ACHING FEET MISS CONSTANLE LEWIS Cyllalirlci Links IICV ICgt lIIIicil In Guelph on lla had INTI 3H zrultl It years Fn nerly of Bumpy ALIS II iilrlllll ll lie one Sistcc as rustic vvr Is the mouse In Barrie few cazs Rev and Mrs limcsf ltl 311s Ihm Sin of liufllt and Mrs lnglis Jannesii of lanfirav were Guelph fo tzzc wince Saturday our famous DR LOCKE SHOES MRS LIEBIII CRUSH Following an illness of mu lal Libbw Pearl IIIcsl beloved WIII of John rosse ptgtgttol away on lhursday September 294 at Mrs McMilluis Nhillt Hanu IIaIIie Ivlrs TIosm was born at Mini sing October 24 lilJi youngest daughter of tin late IIl and M15 llarry Priest Surviving are her husband one son Glen llLAS In llollaud two daughters Joyce and IJOJcczi at honmgmc sister Mrs Otto Du MI flillll lw brothers Wil but In ck ltlincsuni Ilie lune era Saar ice was conducted by Rev Axllcvlcll at Central 11mm Church at her home 139 Bradford St on September Interment wa at Minesing cemetery Willi six nephews as pallbearers Arthur Gordon Gordon Clarke Melville IIiest IIIIIry Priest IlaIIy Davis Wilbert Davis Many beautiful floral tributes showed the high cs teem in which the deceased was held suso Aching feet are naturelt warning you are not wearing Ircaml ainillion fccr rclicvctoor mixcry by helping to restore weight bearing points to normal position Let one of Ourcypgrignccghoc liucrs runs FRANK 3103mm Mrs Frank Moltglly nee Mary Vioch McIntyre eldest daughter of the late John McInter of Fort William died in Toronto on Mon day Sept 1945 She was born in Montreal in 1848 and many were Dunlop the early days As baby of six months she was taken in birch bark cpnoe from Lachinc to James Bay most hazfirdOus journey with its many portages and lurking en emy Indians In 1858 her father was given the important Hudsons Bay Post at The Office of Doctor of Osteopathy tween Ncw York Toronto and home In 1882 she married Frank Mo berly then living in Winnipeg and accouIpaIiid him On maiiy of 1115 importanttrips in his work as civil engineer Later they moved to Co lingwood and from there to Barrio staff are on vacation where they lived on Blake Street the thrilling talcs she could toll of for many years Upon the death of her husband resided with her daughter Miss Jessie Moberly until her death She was woman of genial charm and her many friends loved her mimicry and whimsical sense of humour Left to survive her are her 5011 Douglas Moberly of Sioux Look out and her three step children Miss Moberly of the Infantsi Home Toronto Miss Algo Moberly of the Meath Home Surrey Engg rand BernardMoberly of Grimsbyr in 1927 she moved to Toronto and Exterior and Interior with his four children Philip Frank Donald and Shiela The funeral was held on Wednes day Sept After largely at tended service in Toronto con ducted by Rev Donald Frank of Trinity Church the body was brought to Barrie and interred in The Union Cemetery Rev Howden took the committal service and the pallbearers were Percy Plummer Douglas and Bernard Moberly and Stewart JUNIOR AND MISSES SMART STYLES AC FRGS7Palqmpur Puniabrlndin Sponsored by the Anglican Churches in Allandale Barrie Churchill Craighurst Elmvale Innisfil Midhurst Penetang and Waverley QBITUABY Wununuuununnunuuuuum AUGUSTINE RALLA nudism WILL SPEAK AT iIINTERCHURCH RALLY IN jFlRST BAPTIST Thursday September 20 p971 The public is invited to sharerthis unique opportunity of hearing an outstanding leader of the Christian Church in India OFFERING FOR THE ORPHANEDMISSIONS OF THE WAR AIIspices of BarricAMlnisterial Association In failing health through nerve trouble for many years Gemge Robinson Wiley oflQQTssa Road could not overcome heart attack and passed away on Monday Sept 1945 at his home He had also am Mug Bag RTCM suffered forsometime through an Son of thelate Jamesand Marie Wiley he was born on February 18 jatThorntorrandViwaswraisedr there He took upfarming and followed thatvocation atlhomtorf until some thirty years ago when TITATM4UNDAHCHQOIF heTnoved to Strouttand carriedmn the same work for liveyears He then moved to Allandale and was fer over ayeartngtthe employ of the CNR but through illness left Judge Sewing Ch The Singer Sewing Macliine Cowil hold dClosses ianorri tWoweeks in Octoberr turthervinfOrmotiOnwriteto GERSEWING He was connectedwith the Unt ited Church was alifengzlong Coh srvative an industrious andthor ough worker and while running was greatloyer of horses He was iavorite with children and al though giving full attention to this Work he found time to help anyone For ACHINs Cd iSlN rMisusiSsagu StigmaUN HZ Immediate relatives spmvmg are his Wife formerlyMiss Esther Tyndale two sistersMiss Minnie Wiley Strand and Mrs Phillips Sarah in the Canadian West three brothers Thomas of Maitland of Stroud and William when 90 uuanuunuuunwImwnHWuhnuuuynauf COMPLETE LINE Mine Oh The funeral was held on Wed nesday Sept from his late resi dence where the service was ta ken by Dr Thus Green at Burton Avenue united Church Interment was in Barrie Union Cemetery with the tollowing pallbearers John Ferguson Boy Ferguson Melyille Wiley Gilbert Wiley TrialsTyndale am Balm Mame There were my beautitul now ers from relativesgiiriIaMS and neighbors some of whom present from Toronto Willis Strand Ivyand from his tormar vale DODGE PLYMO DE SOTO ECHRYS ER QUICK EFFICIENT SERVICE gtbANOERIIEID MOTORS zooms AND or sarcoma otherSt WmnTnu 1on mm the or use Lodge Case momma IiiuIunuunIIuQillIIlcIuunpm GEORGE LAVERY In failinghealth for some months George Montgomery Lavery died Friday September 1945 at his home 12 Frances St Barrie He was in hisVZanyear Born Nov ember 24 1874in Windsor he was son of William John Lavery and lsabel Montgomery It was in Windsor he was educated and began his work with the railway His workwith the railway took 1mm to Belleville for four years1to Palmerston for two years and he lived in Barrie for 36 years lghfererhe was employed as boilermaker in the ONE shops at Allandale until retiring years ago He was ahmember of Central United Church and belonged to the Boilermakers and Iron Ship builders Unioux Surviving fiswhisrAwife Emma rmwfwhom he married 47 years rm and Polo Cloths One Price lIt ago sixXons Charles and William of Detroit George at North Bay gt John of Edmonton Chester Barrie and Samuel of Ottawa five daughters Mrs MacLaren Isa bell VOfStzWIlliams Mrs Love Bessie of1Windsor Miss Agnes at home Mrs Dagle Alice of Egmteonard Helen at home There are L15 grandchildren Mr Lavery Was predeeeasedby two brothers and one sister it 35 A2 Bewell conducted OService at the Lloyd and Steckley Funeral jome in Barrie Sunday evenihgSepttber and the body was later removed 5to WihdSor Tuesday afternoon September 11 service was conducted by Rev wait at the Morris Funeral Home inwmdsor The funeral was atteiided bye large number of friends and relatives Among the profusion ot floral tributes were Everyday Scienceedrade Everyday Science+BoQk Vitaiizedi English431368 Vitaltzedl EnglishGrade ritualized EnglishGrade Vitalized English4Grade and Mary John and Peter Work Book Garden of Stories Work Book 442 Power Employees and Bell Telephone Company each 91 Barrie and theFord Motor Com pany Trade School of Windsor The pallbearers were Wyatt and John Merino Kenneth and Kermit WogangrMarshall Love and Leon ard Cooper Interment was in the tamilyf plot at Windsor Grove Bea mam addition oblt uaries THURSDAY EPIEMBER 13 1945 Ilicriiillf Slim WYW leot foot Ir inclc Shoes ilcsiizncrl in variety otlasrs by rhi only man whoever commcnil the right DI Ioclc Shoe for you new WImOIOmO NW ION um 00 ll MOOOMOM EDWIN WILSON will close during September while he and his EDWlhTWlLSON Dio No WAITING ESTIMATES FREE DIAI 3010 Prop Gilhooly Winter Coats UNTRIMMED AND FUR TRIMMED McrtericrlsinTWeedsShagsSuede Sizes 12 to 16Ha1t sizes ill2 to 151 alasY com SIMMoNsaco TheiCocttrSiore fr Signoi Bear 19We carry the fDIIOngZPQIIKSJII staccato obtain other supplementary bonksln days for you Vitalized EnglishGrade Opportunity Work Books in Arithmetic t0 8minimugnan m33IIuisuii my FirSt Printing Book my second Printing Book 20 We willapprciate ypiir Orders for your requirements LWEAIMIIIIIHS Btltllt STORE $1 Phone 4055 on ninnnInnutugnuhnhnuIQmnHWIIaOM