PAGE EIGHT News Of 0Ill Forces Activities of Men and Women In the NAArmAlr hirer my Continual In halt one let for Ii ia leaderaw tiltKS Lee sa ger lirc PJCL normal RCAF IValltett gured I3 points Hitting iitsls In THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIIL ONT MANY ATTEND cani IT it il dd Continued from page one KI ll wireless air giiiiizcr back ire litelt VI OiiiLe iiiilli Isms action Fly II liartwir rsrti instirtun of lIiL the I1ILIL hrliierr Etire running broad jump and I0 ards dash and second ii the logic it gtIlutshtd In marks in Japan Ltutulliili Ii Hirlmp Hm III II IVV HI IIV close second With 13 points vrirl wu Air rm Ir hi phi AvVv ALHmeCU HM Hm piravitltd the iititl runam Resume Parades tltl rlti itlt officers and Ni Another Policyholtter Reports or erg iti tilrft toriveilse Asteviirty tn may is alti t1rivxi Itlielll tvtttilittl oi tapt II Bobt illafltet Vetittiii HI Zitti ttiis rtitl ilxlft oi the they ili Sinitoe Fore in his 30th year Itnilitia tlte llzltIVrtl of peace IIlIN lilStISSIXti II When the Grey ard Sititeoe For lllt Iltttrttttrtlllt leatets were tiltilllttl ll June of IIHHIIJIIII irreridsulm tiltI0 he zet1t oi retrve service as anHHTHJMHHE Itptdlitlviiiiltl oi the ltLLIIlltlII hiMrHII WHMHIM Iitt he Wit trarstetred to Illu otlzer tllll and went overseas in they tlt particularly iutertwted iti learning that wait policy iii The Mutual liie oi auada tltllttl liutlldIVirttii1ltieliillpioirleaiiiiitontt oi $1M mouth for ItiI lie at my death Iliis iirmttie will continue until Would have been if had lived tndtlteii she will receive $ltitiilti May oi Illll lle returned to ztll Vada in August oi the same year Ile fspenl gtthltll months in Iiilereiit military hospitals as the result oi Uweu Sound month prior to his II NIISIi liitie made sure through another dtdllL poliey iii The Mutual Idle that she ll also hate certain amount in cash with iiliieli to pay ltlllS and to provide ltgttltf fund for ttlltlltltlt lnse North Bay RM eiitre KAI Transport Lortimaiid North llay whose air base trained huu dreds of aircrew personnel in the Irrti licathl titt Itlt tacit 1n fallround athlete from the Tilarr Wonieris Division Mtiittl 2i poiittsVlU more than Cpl iNorina Craiiiicld who not most of It Ilteatt trouble eoiitrrteted diirtiin liist iserviee iiid had only returned to l230 aitls dash and the truth jttllip with thirds tor the broad print land yards dash Also well up iii the point martin rwas the Chief Flying Instructor Oi tiliestatioti Witt Cointnander Den ltils ilalloy DFC Spitfire pilot oi the early days of the war Vllt Wot his wings at Borden tn Illl0 Atzl Ii lledfozrl iuito iiy nure of limit Tut team Tili lhiif described lit3 oi llllilllL and Bud scored tllSLll lilzilloy area onds in the shot put and IIIIVIVW ltleioitit trl perfectly ioritier Iorester IIt5 Away WI II NH IL li taxiu Neural Monday the itllli2ttl For the third year in row Cpl Illoroilry Iloy voii top honors for tite littil rllililllliliit tktlrls She r1 Irrrii ilrresat lillli Ii1itiriIrrlatt Iltt tltllliii hearty ulitllit Yti it illi irito athletic rrrttritiiriit number oi station pet possible and to foster tiilt id lllltltpl iii Iitlil auri s1e rl llllt iirli Ioritis inl tuitariiait liie ttiIltllliHll oit tlie sports lltltl hvomeiis singles was LAW Dot Mae laren who teamed with Lpl llol iio win the doublesIalso reel Cpl ll Iraiitlo Won the inert igtltitller iii tertiiisaitd teaured wrtrii II Judges to take the Ititllllts iIO Sims and Ilraiidham were runnerstip team spirit and map Headquarters otitptilled all up 1ill vhieh ha protect essential tpositiou to win the ttnoiwar whilelrn IttltlthJt Vltltll lo the Allied EIrainiiiq Wing lllplllltlittl tlte Nation In addition physical iit iiield in the volleyball eutttpetition mess eizables inert and ivotiuii to LAC Nubel and LAC BIIIIIIUII Ulltittl physical liardslirps with Maintenance fired too tnariy irtuz healthy body and to face the prob ers for the others iii the horseshoe life with trained alert pitching ltlilttl Canadas Itillttllltlll war Aii Cutlets lheie lori illtll demanded plitril illiitKa llit day was lilthliCd by litlll illtl niii peace eiloit IttlllllllS it in beds of Air Cadets from Eastern tip irlt Ii tll herrtri iiltgt lenm lie liatl tittl uerer Ill tilt titers in tire sivrmitirttu ittsil to eiiiov llit llilltlli li st mi in tliZLe Whits MW VI VI Huh II II tennis tournament proceeded in iltiilll Lipton lrzrrvti H5 Ct through the day and the winner of air tie tltIiot or liligt even SEPTEMBER 1945 THURSDAY Out of the waste and weariness of war humanity tials hope and selfrespect to turn the individual soul to righteousness that is the Armys historic mission looks hopefully to the pro mise ofa better world HI IIISIUVIZIIICI during our oiteitliou that llltt itilliers were not aware that it was possible to obtain rt policy with the INlltlIl provided Iin the Family Itieoine eoutraet and both of them have now interviewed my Mutual Life rtpttililitllt whom Ittttlllllltltllttl to them and discovered lioiv llie polier till lit into their insurance itrograiux are It MuttII Life rtprtwrruiirr IJliIIlII Iir vprturfroter of this mnpmn llt lrl rim IIIIIIIIII FaintIi IIFHNH policy for you or irlrutrrrr policy may tSIlfltlllitftIr your particular flrtlHlMllltfca THE ngmmmm Life Insurance HEAD omce wAtitLoo ONIAIIIO Since 1869 Branch Officel4 Peter St Orillia Ontario RALIIII LANG Branch Manager Representatich PHILLIPS 132 Mary St Barrie Ontario THREE ANNOUNCEMENTS 230i Ainteresttoevery Low Cost iittportaut war task oi ierryiiii air Lrait to the four corners of tlieI leartb ceased training operationiv itltls week by the ennitiiatidinu oliieer Wing Couimatider ll Seys DFC AFt lttl said disenveredhe was Ottawa jtiiiiOi other units Our food and atrri IV fhdtllifdm Cilllig championAir Cadets Kirchner and lttllllllittil are exhausted What cuminlg lleadqyllrlers Wile 3094 ElfrIIIZIIIVIlHngtimu IhCIII Wham from Montreal cleaned with 1pr rI ltlanuiacturcrs Life Office 70A Dunlap St DirndlTimon vlwiuwgfom thlyltop honors iii track arid field Adolf threw up his hands lll Illl CllflllA WCIISIC TICZIS Parsons WI 7f1im1t Norm Blhs The mens swimming provided patience Why do you come tol Ilmslki IrIlIII VIVIICidwu iv some fast races with FO II Dean inc tllt irewihing he shouted Wine Commander Says nddcd IIIIIIIIIDImIICIEES 1mm 0110 Aiter pltIIIiiIIVlyF112WII II that the RAF section of the big IV Ir II lNorth Dav nirdromeditiilt by tliil Diggmg DWI 113 LODy well Csondmstd lhl it On the golf course in the ittorii what newspapers like in these days mlmm Yep men ing the divot diggers were tiardof newsprint problems llt 19Itlwill be closed Shortly VH mmww ROBERT BIBBY iSTBUCK BY AUTO INSTANTLY KILLED Continued from once one Ontario arid Montreal who were finishing their summer camp at IlllHIlt STORY Ilordcn that week There were the Russians were closing tight spccial events It ietns ve itieial announcement was made the ma Im 01 iii the prizes Steelc was standout iii the swim tiring races and it was eventually W02 Bibby the father of the Four small boys Bobby Marshall Ilugh Seadort Iatncs MeKinnoii andi Vincent Iattchtlck who were garb ed in red sotitanes and white stir plices acted as honorary pallbear ers At the entrance to the church was guard of honor made tip oi lboys from St Marys School while group of little girls iii white dresses arid veils lined the main aisleI Dean Clairofficiated at the ini cliild who is at present overseasI pressch service in the church The were replacedby white and gold because of the fact that when child dies before attaining the use of reason itis iii heaven and deep itiourning is considered unneces Itsual black vestments for funerals As the stay Canadian motorist Heres postvar plan already iii operation MIT BrEFAnienEah Oilnow operates COAST To COAST INCANADA Effective gnarl oncerthroughrthe pdrghase OLIhchnVionIOil Company of Canada bTBAhUnion Oil stations ewia43cisaeerumbimndaibenfwtuamgmsm Canaditiamotoristsaat theSign of the big BA Britiin American Creditr Cards now valid THROUGHOUT CANADA AND THE us Etfcctive at Once customersof British AmericanOiIl may use the convenience of IltIheirBlAcredit carst not cqasttoicoast inTCanaVda but alsOVby aitangement withGuVlf Oil MidI Continent Petroleum Union orrI of CaliforniaLthroiighouf VtherUpited States BriIfisliAtivoricVonOil rosters GASVOLEN To FRIWAR QUALITY Eifectiv at once gasolene Of firewar povivet and ciionomy is being made available at the Sign of the big BA AS new type engines areprodUCed Superior gasolVenesproduct of wartime research virillbeatyour dispoiialQI nyliuu out oiilto an tits big or tits downtrodden IIMIIEII ReginariWtnnlpeg lor6nto Montnot SoiMIJolin procession left the church fatter theserviecaheehoir sang On This Day Beautiful Mother Interment was at St Cunning where Father Ibo5 Illlfl around llrtleis lust tllltll tieutlzj quarters llt llerliti Nazi ueuei reported Iiiehter the enemy is all around Hr We have lost contact with ourVE for the One lad AC1 Boli Harding said the prayers Among the many expressions of sympathy was mcssage from the senior Roman Catholic chaplain for the RCAF overseas Friends and relatives attended the funeral from Belleville Stir lingppoint Anne Holloway Penc lang Kitchener and manyfriends Of the mother frotnStayncr gt LETTER FROM PALESTINE BEACHES ALLISTON YEARS Mr and Mrs Wolfsoniofjll llSlQn received lettgpgn Au ust 1045 from theirnsoii Haiiypwho holdsa prominent position in the Jewish community Of Palestine While readinglhe letter Mr and contents which hinted of danger and spoke of the last American ship lentlag Palestine ports It wasinot for some time thatthey noticed thel date the letter was written It was June 18V1940 The letterhwas written during the trOublesome days of that year when German inirigucidind threatofin vasion plus trouble wiihtheVArabs threatened to cause serious trouble in the homeland of the Jews Harry was assuring his parents thatat II the time he was safe but the neviS was more than five Vyearsaeach ihg Alliston Dnchses idneyLiver Pills 0000 APPETITI Mrs Wolfson were mystified by the EveryFarmerHaS alloy Today The Salvation Arm betterIwoild lunandsbet IIIICII IIIC IIIIIVtVdIIIlc II tel people the prevention of lj Ig humm 3sz task In its history Again it IIIIIIappcaIS to you iorsupport To relieve individual dis llcasc give generously when tress to revive the individ WA your cattvrtsser calls mwmwwu klQ59 xflrmmwvy WVWEXIww Il coon DIGESIION THEliOvis the one Who foigetslorput totilsaway IliiitsiV understood that boy again Forging yn Will itcvefr IV VBllt no lnattecwhotsucspotisrble for leavulg tools and 691111153 ing products yougself went out in the weather the results neednItheScriOus now hut shelluses this same gt At Shells research laboratories scientists have made spectacular lesearh 9XPelfience progress invisiblvingthe RUSTproblem andsklll on petmleum products you do usejeV i177 Shell 18 readynow With caIsytoapply rust preventivesfor flier with resultsthat will farm These successfully protect toolsand equipment leitoutdoorf Show in your own post just as they protectfmachinery in big industrial plantsantlmctal war motoring4n Vner roducts in transit orstora asoline and lubricants 1g