Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1945, p. 15

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GE SIXTEEN rnr uAnnrr EXAMINER BARR urn112111 Amok TllURdDAY inlmm 17 WHNAw lawmgf WI III WWW onemenowauamamaq NEWS or ALLAN DALE KSTOWN BEETON l1l nng ew ope catamaran=2 III 1V IV ha ered Ive in its homes hos itals and hostels for men women and children who have fallen pray to mischonce or human frailty The Salvation Army brings new hope to the command simmered hardenerser needed to make this work possible Give generously Space donated by IIVI VI AIM 41 in liensz lurl ll11 11 III IBIIVI1I111 1I1IljIIAI11 In WW iI thwh 31311 IHIIi MIMI II cm Amil 11 lli 1ilr tm 411411111 IIII II II IVV IV VlII A11111fj LHAHI4 1IIJIII II IIIIIIIII 75111 nl wanlimd II 11111 rim1 Clix him Ar spat 111 tyrchthitl Willi vllI My lmItApil11I1l VI iilil$r my Wilmim rvm mm mm mo 10 are made miwh Wlll pCIICIde gt hHM Cm MILH Kitiiiltliilk llllllLlSHl hi 111 111 111211 micro 3111 able bythobrenking outofp1mplesandou robuhly III II Iii IIIM Wm III We MN 11 JNN know of cum when mmmng mmanm ms MI at their quarters II viII VI VI IIVIIIIIII CIIIICIII 8pm by how MI MI catering and mm mod II CANADA II ll Ii ltlltll gI luv ulnar3 p1 IIIIIIIVIII IIIIIV IIII WVII VIIII BIIIIIIILII mm on the MCI 11 11x utternoon The trouble in not somucliphysiealpumIhuttl1c 11 111gt 111w 11w 31111111111111111 pupils urc rLd mental millonng mum by tho embermissing disligurumcnt which very ma vi rlltllflllil lilttlllika 111 111 111 11l lnck Allan 1115 pm often makes the sufferer ashamed to go out 1n rompnny 11Ivfu 11101 l1 truce Inn III IIIIIIMI II ennui new school bins Tho quickwl my get rid of piullcgig Oimpmvctlm gmemlhcallh wwr mJ unni 32wath IIhhi fl IlltliA llkllthlclI ltd ill by thorough cleansing of the blood mildly llgtl Lil1 41131 111 1111127 if the exam MUM Burdock Blood lIlilters helps to cleanse the blood and with the blood 311 11 dutic the stuff of tl16rllulA xiii hlllh 10rd UH 11er the 0011191130011 should clear up lIllvliivlfiuili illilillkdi School 01111 l1ill1ciiii1illivjpieul Il3uiic on ThuTMtlbumCoLiiuitedTumuwOut AVlllllilyllflt as Shh 1111i1 1121111 for ginursc III II IIIIIIH IIII III 11ch Colemun lllI ll 111I 1112I1 11114111 11V1 111 11 11 11 1le had rhc wIII mum III In my hale WIN 1H 1wle NHL 11I3lI 11 1111111 the II 2111111 uni m1 3C1 Ii IVllllIiIIIi Inf lII Vlli1 fIII IV 111 lurk on Friday when the Oil telling 1111 children not to out be zippctrtc slugllgpp whip IIIIIIIII EVIIIIIIIEEIIIjIIijdl VVVIEII VII IEIIIYIWIII VII 1111 are guests of Churchill IIIINIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIUI IIIIII ianIIIIlIh 1I II II II II IIIIIII IIVIIIIIIIII me home of Mrsd home on IvIIIIIVI IVII DI mll Hmur Show iradui evening 11 unscelluncous IIIH AK Nhh ll 11 11IHlm1 SWw hm gt1111wur wus given in honor of Miss III Mm Mp Imd II III VIIVIVIIIIIIII VIIIII DIVIIVIIIIV IIIIIIIISI Illml 1Ildpsmlk imikm i111111111lllnllul Schools reopened on Tuesday Mi TQM Ilt SFl 112111 um 11 1111 111 wnn Alias F1th Todd as teacher 11 111111 Mrs Smut Sllxlll the $11me X13le ghljiwnlelwill 111m lll 112 1w 1111 N1 uInd Miss Annnn of NC 1m MENUwr1X11 11W llm $5 II 11 1r 1I IIIV IIIIIIIIII11I1I1I ii VviIIiIIIIIlVlImoA spun duh VI IIVIICVIIIIIILIiIIIIlIh VIth1FESITIIIhIIIIEBRIVCIrhIVIin 111 llrntliir llA1r VDDV mm II IIIEZ IllIIIWmd wililmliil III ICl 111111Iicd by Rev bancuster RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CAN ADlAN 1311 1111111111 her home II IIIIITITI III IlIIlIIIIIIILliIIIiI 1I 1n the Unucd Church on Sulurdrly 111 1111 A1 ssh gt 113illlgxliilbiiiyileiszq WW 0111 Cilmllillilll Lf milgunofgfldluElilmlli Mrs Brown mu um speaker II if llxs lunh lullesumii 1111111I l11lt1il1ss lciu remummt fol Mp Imp IhII nihmih vleI I1i1lt Illmlh lIWIlIlllllC 1110011111 MAIN In Rm II1VI it weeks liol1d11y with her ailel 1111111I mum thI weekend llfllIIilllllllIIVll MIIIIVII AIVIIIV IIVIII IIIII IIIIIIIVIIII II Mm prkIwIdII IV WOWth II II IIIIIO I11 I1IV IIIVIII IIIIVIIIIIIII IIIII IIIVIIIII III II IIIII Sllllflgxy motors at 1A Slozlns 11nd IIlpl Joe River llurrwncld 111d yup Hillwa 120 hltlf131lzlH 111111111 711lu1v111 11 Liki l11111ll11f 11 Thmmg were Ml MrsIm SM 13111 lxnllIlllMlll 1111111 lliudcn IIiIjIIIAII Smith IIIIIII SVSI Al mmg RoydIII VIunIdV Lorrumc ILukechw hill ho WWMM in ms wwot Dlivu Smith ookstown 1r ll Wompp pi1H1 1111 11 e1 lilvliliiiildllgiuilihloA Redd md II IVII1IiIIIVIIII IIIIII NIVIIIVIIIVI IIIIIVIV HIM Mme mm IIIICIFCIIS III Mm MMpIIIIIIIIIIIII VIIV lIIIII II II II VI II AMIII GI III dIIIIQhIIHIV IgIIIIIIIII IHIIIITVIIIIII VEIIhi heekI DrivSIer Smith served lv 1i11IISopl ll Ili1cIIi1111I11111ITf 11 IIIIIlIIKiileIIIIIIIlI 158 R335 hm WIth huh IlhmIIII rmIv Ierv cc oipsuntl 111 musup llls 1111111 11 be 11 II ZN VI II II Ir MhVIS Marjorie whim 1301 IIInlIiIlIc IlltiiililtlllS IuriuIipCm 111sz chargerInd the lllllhllll IiIIIIIIIilll 313 whhggmh IiIt OWRIHNQ PADS SOIllllllKl llllllld l1 lulctl II g1 wHwiw 1111111 111IdIIlziinuiI leIssoIih VlIo mimic IELIIIlIIIlngLIIIIl5 Mrs It llogmson and M155 Alice 01 plain paper 111i qz v142 11v VIII and Mylth II1ICLIIIL IIPch Marcus Ross lolmlio ive5 IVI IVanIlIMIlFIIIIIIII IUIHMI If1333Ihlwhhgign PKGE 0f 25 ENVELOPLS Wlilll wcuvc bluelined II VmI IA 1i 111 I11l 13 II For low cost roong on omnsI Mm lh VIII of MII Ind Ith 11 miito with friends AB Donncl white duplex Ros 1cl111ntd homt 110m 11 ll ll VIII TIImIImI mm hiszummSV II ings summer Collages garages industrial is this week 10 Ross 11 is llltit body want 11 itlltl 11 111 1111 LINEN FINISH ehvcm cs in Alclmip Of 25V budlngslelg Alexander Miirrayslourlypesr II II II AhIIIII III IIIS IIOIIICI II Slalo Surladed Talisman Janus end Fibm Sunnldale corners Ohidsluhlliljm ml weld mohnswm 11 every need for gerniflxzv md 130mm mM 10C economical roofing Rich in appearance they MISSDIIIIIILIHC1 Mum iII MILL ThoSchool Teaching Stuffs WRITING PADS linenfinish 01 VellllllkiiliiSil NOW Public and Continuation schlwl de lastin oloelion ainsl heat cold 111 1w 11 pm mm iriizniiviiiiin1iii1ir1liii$iilur opened here Tuesday Willi 21 pin correspondence and letter sizes Wmd and mm mick with M3 and Mrs Allen lc llmllice Til mblli 5011001 Fig RIIIIIIM thq Tnmnm WIII AI Lei us help you select the roll roofing lor beck 1121 IIvIova will 11I1I1IIM1sIsIII RVJV1I11Vi IIVIIIVIIIIIIIII IIIICIIIVI MII and MIIS 25C llubcrt Streuhorn Toronto spent mill 55 ll your noedvyou cannot go wrong when you choose Alexander Murrayls Products PARK LANE WRITING PADS containing upprox the weekend with his wife and cooksmwn Miss DJdd fIlmjhI ronto 15 lSSlSlllll$TllC continuu SWth mmlly Tmonto spent the holiday weekend alfflmir We home here Shoririduc IV VI IMItlrllV1shlclvilGBntcsIvil IllIbtVIilswayI 11th 130 Sheets 0f ghtwelght papel 10 ly lrs Miss Gludwyn Burton was the 191 are II It 1wailIKIIiijgighfuhuQuII hIrstJ0111iiliigliirri llcaches 12 M53 Edm 3311 Barncv for 11ro11l1i visiteduwcr the weekend 70th year Illlliswelbrre Mollisnn whh MR and Mm James MCQUIWI On August 29 Mrs CunIume IWIIIIIIIICII SIICIII the hlidny W691i grand assortment complete with envelopesI for gifts Green or Red school reopened 0h Tuesduv Wm hum of town celebrated her 70111 ml with the former or Mm bl Mrs Elwoo blrtllle NSOCCHFWI ltll fdm SW41 and congla Ions 0n Amemma 00038 Vrd1n touchlnh 11 II VIII GIIIV II WI JIlrdmCI At GI SISI NUI and MISS D01th Evans leIlIs OI IiIigiiCM1sIChI1Irlcs Glad II hem that MII and Mm or 11 88 No SIS an onII unnm dllIl Iwm Cupelzmd have purchased the lbs M1sscs Murvurcl Schell Collmn Alldlidle made 11 event mill Cl 1113 mmd and VigIIiIIIII Sacheh Orih tIEnJoyglble one for tthirImotlier who Ins IhllvlillIgelilII Ix negrnggtagf 113 ms cen an invai or the past lbs PhIlIII ith MI and three eralsIA Speciulbhmduy din Mrs Ken ICummmgs and httle 11 108 The Sympathy 0f the immunity ell 31 Cilia emffsfMCY ScRIBBLERS illilbllofrigiilgevilgipe Iliigstgndi 3325 ne IO square 93 ilIiecxtIgudedIloIIIVlrs Jrglm Movitin 131 relgvezcxselgauegg lCo MFS JI AICummings over the Just what you1re wanting to pack away out0fseason Iss er Imo or rs ii nculs and tar 1n eCtCh IOH Mummlsonv Barrle lnellfggilgfuiefg2l139331I fl533131 to report the illness of CIOtmng and plankem OfStjrong flbreboald Con latiOhsI Gifts and flowers 310191 Brooks who at time of writ structed to protect from dUSt Insects and moths ing is confined to his bed and un der the doctors care Hope he may 1800111th restored to his former teat ALLAN also received by Mrs Cuiminuhum WARDROBES $239$338 Storage Chests 79c1$119 COAT HANGERS 101 15C ANGUS METHOD An upcnmccfinfgvof the Angus $31 Timid candy lHorticultural Society will be held Handlian North Wales ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 DUNLOI ST PHONE 2431 MIDHURSZSTATION in the school Thursda The first six eo 10 in the Sept at 830 Speakei 1331 queue will not be SEWEdIn Give GeneIOUSlv Clarki topic Bulbs There was no queue Mrs SI Iy HamIIIOhI IS vIsIIIIng eadwell Shure copper Chff is hop mg at his home here Con Pierce Essa spent the holi day weekend at Treadwells 1Ruth and Billie Robinson spent three days in Toronto lastvweck Mr and Mrs DAngio Mac Tler spent the weekend at their home here HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY AI quoted by First ooperallve rPackeu at Ontario Emit AI zANDTHRIlTY GRAND GLOVES Grand for FallthroughWinber weer beautifully styled BACON 068 swmn RVG Ho kinsLa1erie1d love ieatherandtabric Sizees to8 in b1acknavy Dressed no weight in rail speiii few dayspwith his sister at Grade pIus federal and mva MYSV RI FieldhouseI brown natural With seams whipsutc ed in 0011 res cial bonus v77 Mr and Mrs Godfrey attend mgI colour 13 109 T0dl mg IeId the wedding of lrhelatters sister Onezyguvzgg TWE GARMENT5 mlvildgartgggghmsgayhas ben lt5 wo TWO weeks ago II $1835 VII VISIIIng her SISIeFIYMrSI LI Mjmkenv IIVII TM Che tervmer II IIWCCfS 810 950 II Bovfderys as tum BPWS Sincere sympathy is extended to GaLomlpgttemed ban ms or ne qud an 16 N0II1 Grade $1450 Mrs Fred Chappeldwthe recent cotton Al thls price another one of those ZellerIVaIlues No Graded $1400 1v ealh I13 5her brother Wilson which are popular with the Smart and Thrifty At 15o AIILE napp arrle Buwher cattlcsmm 105 we areglad to mp0 that Mary BIIIcIIEIIICaIIIeIIHeIIeISIugh IOIOO II Treadde is home and recovering II II BLItCIherCows VI up W$8I50 giigIIIafggpitawegrethe Royal VI iBOIOgnaBuus up 10 $5300 CWI VealICalves up to $1330 wgghleiiiseimlligi Millvi Tailoredand frillyIvtypes of lace pleatedorgandieeye SHEEP DQNT fretand stewtrying VA dryand Fred Brawl an of Tomn Iembrdidered batisteAfIagotled pique 111 popular Widths II 7V Show from $300 I0 $500 toshdogged messes out of pendulomsh IVOIIML anthSIRonald Lessor ade VI for trimming lingerie or dressesII AtI yard 25 toAIV 599 Bucks $1 less drlns Just pour downsome Peslgned ror the very heavy figure Heav twins gt CI Orcndlninnoney anywheremCanada Spng 1mm We 75 leI III $135 Gilletts Lye and relax Gilletts lm a51 Miss Jean Knapp has returned outIILDomestic Money Ordrs are safe I1 than it out in no timewater Ned by mum whoareIIOIIIIeId III AhorInIeIhafterI IspenIcIlImg sum time EGGS runs freIcly againIIAnd dont forget handle the requirements of each Indmdual AW 515913 1S airmen case Thimexperl filljngis your assurance of complete satisfaction and mforf Lel demonstrate lites garmentsno Obll gtmlinnun yourpad large medium IApullels Mr and Mrs Raymer aAnd sop Larry spent the weekend at KnappsI Mrs fEdymgr rigid Larry areremainin or ew zi Is AAbdomlnal BeltsAv Ithat GillettIIs soiuuqnus nth 32 cleanserCutsright ItIhrough srub 26 born dirt and grease41ft Convenient anEIAIchcapI TOILETRIES ZellerassqrtmenlII APuymeptsfabmad ran alsobe made 135 23 kednfd Ohmshelps Fm Of Beauty Algst III VI yorightmdlftIGetsometodayI VVKnee Supports Zcueblow prim Lac means of our Fomgn Money Orders cmCKENS Ankle Supports AiL Dgafts and Mail Tmh 11 Gd on Ismd WW2 Elastic Sto ki FACE CREAMS bold CI a5 we IGde and slldm Brand We Fm ngs and vanishing creams Cable Transfers where speed is necessary Mum We iiiriyoiiilffrigiiiitiiim c1 FeatherweightBrace Manan Dicker his fair posi lbs and oveiII32 2V 30 VV Gilletclunzmpikudgmifugugz Ladieg surgical Supports on in momma 2502 jarsI II II IV 5i 29I an of Dummekcvlmses Id II Back Support and Mrs Sheffield has taken all1p EAICE POWDERS naI generously EX lain your re SI II SII A9 23 minesmm grandsong and help Shoulder Braee out West V151tlend5 tural rachel brunette VIIy quircmcnts at my out ndIei lbs 21 26 youmadozenowwuurknm ill19m Beam Oshawa tv the ibtanihes and we will advise the method 8191197 33 31 Qualied Flue15 caIver Bingwile Ruiniaiits LOT Wl Oh we I1 70m Barri witfflis aw 33s almond 30Z WhICh best suits your case wGradee ewe 011 MissrMurielv Bentraiii Toronto onmpLIANTINE 202 2935 25 mum We Carry Complete Ispenl the holiday at Keith Berta solid uid b5 to lbs 24 301191glnI stock or Sm icalgi ramS Under Ibs 23 Alegggtfg NoI 151 school opened Tuesday OWAVESET 6oz of The above dress DWI 10 the lye gt pp lances mornlnngtthMrs Mclnena Ed wavenetting fluid mayhem gar presidin the wafer Best McA ll Toronto and gt MISS Esthe McAlllster Barrie prices and are subjct toVa killing charge of five cents pefrbhdbn chickensand Owl and 120 on tur keys for birdsdellvered alive to the gOCODQANUIT OIL SHAMPOO for lovelier whirgliisliiiiifrivliimpm the tresses plant Ducks and geese are only Vmon IoLAugusthit Mm QIDI VI CIIPVAR0NISIManager purchased dressed head off Un VI II IPhonIBWERi Bmgpdalc ridgeIfhas retng to Tom 19 SKINI BALM fragran Bmhedlpoumy NM accept MAIN II CHAMBER COMMERCE TS BIOWXly Bettyanduddv 113V and 5903131113 at present time also return in Torontoafter 9mm II week D71Iamrifige

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