Tn irif you gr uni our egg more prr day than you are iiow migr lung from 10 11d 11 ltrln that one whim 1112 llrrrnrr ll llirrl it hums Wintti Clt 131 gtl1llC we saved Weir the pith 11 1111 tuxlf nct tiluill 1n the 1f 54 Litllluilttl Mon Man bin mil Lo1 11111 And you Limlot liIuy Iu lnlhr full Akuge prices were jI but you git 11111113 more ulna cgya it you ftttl Notchunis IProouce II intuit11111 13p rimming 111C Egg=1 WOW 512 are all lra prolil Ltltl Ma 111 RI vi Sonitliy not start now to feed 111 WI le 1de hi II th 11 III IIIIId vd III IBM 11 HURRII RH Anh 53 311 oltrs lutiii is 111 H11 1111 the Vegetable Mairuw Mr and iv 1111 Air IIVII1IVI9 MN 5mm and Joan North 11nd Mrs HUM II III Armstmmg and III II NC III11IIII1en hznls the b1111 was 411141 III I1I IN 5mm 1m wwpmd 11111 M1 moo by hi feet with pond stalmnu nl high41 H1 1w t1 well mo ttl and 111 lllliil Ml Tenouro ouumo ill undulnnl LIIII MI WW II II p11 1111211cr was 11111llit ill KM II IIIIIII MII CIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII ICI1UII IImIMI 3H IIII aw mlGtCtll oinons bunth Sc LJZ 1i BROWN IOMPAVyx 111 Ultt estimate heard was that hmIIhU III Pensron yourself at or set up KRHII 31 McWatlozs Illlll 111 11 would require over $5000 to rev IIlIIJI III lt II II II an intome tor your hmiili in this mince the buildmcs and Cover the Pllfd N1 111 111011111 011ka WILSON llllhltblNG tIlutuzs and l1111 1111211111 hm Hf mnmm 1051I1I IllItt bum vi it 111 up mmuh use 1111 iriendr lunglisli lithlldtl hunch 10c KKIIN nl Wtr l1 11111 in Hull 1w tour lite pygmy BAY I311 LIIIHHEEjiffy IN immul mum lt1 111111111 lt1w 11 in 11 it 11 31111 tstl it III III Ix II WI III III 111 1H HUM II Th fl 1213 Cakes Pastry etc lt Llml ll li 31le Hill 1111 111111 1111 111 inninsov naos qrnoun twin 1LJ ICIakes so to snoutfl IVg M15 linetc Smnli lorontzi 111111 oils and bur do 200 to 30cl VAN MAW THORNTON 111mm jllld Mrs John Wozul l1ltt MtlHIPllmgliEII Shunt 11 Cookies d07I 90c it 1I1 BELL ZlIIA Wttk Hull huufu ang dm 55 IKI II II 111 11111 lrs Carson nnd tfmilT mwl 1m WILHHJ KlthLhL my iHII Tm In 115$ 011111 dd 41 lltm p103 large CilCll 30CIUgt 131 Ir 111 uuppnh MILLI Runyon MIISI NI DIIIIIM 11 III IXIIIXI LIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIKI IIIIIIIIIIIIIII p195 gnu Inc AanHLUI mm my 3E0 ll USS COOKSTOWN Sympuihy is extended to Eli t1 6111111 after months lciiw Bread 10 7c we 02 Sfm 2mm rim in ART onus EDGAR lrlgg and family on the 111s of hero FmCl mk ill 10le PNCCS 1131 HH husband and father 111111 lonn1 Cole is progressing Plants Flowers Etc mf umsru 111w u= lllv1x Miss Amy 131111111Llililblttlllll lltl EEI$III111 Ill lpmillml PONOdI plants 200 to 50c gmllv limit gt at Coulwn spent Sunday v1h thcr 11111111 md othei cut 11 mm 11 JACK ALLAN LEmOY bruthtl JUlklllll Wh l5 thllilhl Wlill ml Ray ha 0f flowers 111111111 1th to Site 1on1 inldI 1111 11 Springeld NY have returned to AM ll lLl151lt111111151111 tn111 lionns 1ftt lSlllllh with Min PIII IIII BIIIIWII WI lil1s1111 81111111 innicy 11111 llr AllllthLiiltly scrwccs w1ll be held IH 111p in Anton Mills church on Sunday hilllllfl mullu mrm run 0ch SCI SWch Spmkm mm mm lww ilcil laid the imiww ltltl 11 11 11111 and 730 1111 The Sunshine Crimp of Young and Mrs Galbraith NIP IIlIlI LII IfIIIt I11 ItI RUM ink luldlngv trhtm With Mrs Lynn Russtll and ntla Iltoplc iiom loionto Ulldllthtl pm mowh KFTFHFQOV mSphmg SCIVice hCIQI SundayI MulhrnSII nucndvd Sumrduy HR I1I IIII built 1W ltd liUlill nwssuxc xICEdIIIIn of their niece Miss Ruthl Branch Manager VwW It Udl 10h mnmh Road and 11w ll1111111r1 il111111l in mm4 about backachothun this she found relief About weeks ago started got depressed and worn out household duties and was beingneglected trial started by faithful Mrs 11 AUGUSTI3OIII195 difference ould any woman tell happier story Read how awful pains in my back At times could notstraightcn thyself and could scarcely carry on with my everything It was then saw 11 Kruschen advertisement and decided to give Kruschon taking small teaspoonful in hot water in the morning and in three weeksmy word what differ once The pains gradually dis appeared and though am now it really feel years younger llu re is alWays 11 cause of baclo ache and in many cases it can be Fred Cole Anten Mills WYEBHIDGE ESoffers Heavy Loss 180m Contents Burned Form Atljala United Church The writer has elven 11 trial to the new numbadvertised ll1 barn spray and the results would seem to indicate 11111 the material Mrs Whytc Toronto was the lmlWll ll PllCd at 51131105411 will Of her mum Mrs MC about stab is and pens will inarlv my mm ihe weekend Iitlly l1lllCL the fly menace Apply Mr and Mrs Harvie Leslie and 1111 With it blllll IllllltillS bl lllO Judy Orillia were guests of Mr feialile to spray unless thL spray and Mrs on last week is 111 the form of small drops rather Nursing Sister Marjorie Suther than fine mist land Montreal is spending some The prolonged drouth while just having traced to toxms or OISOHH staying holidays at the parental home the thing for harvest wiirk is theystemlnftfmt Ofbemgelllmhl Sympathy is expressed to Mrs pretty hard on growing crops hated AndthatiswhereKrusc 10 Landerkin in the passing of her roots potatoes corn etcrand saline treatment can be of real help to you Kruschen has brought happy relief to Mrs and to many others similarly aficted lry it yourself Kruschen is com posed of balancedcombinntiooof hol ful mineral salts It in laxative undeiuretic and when taken faith fully eacli mornirKgK ruschen helps brother GIIco Atkinson Cornwall many gardensarnstiftcring severe last week ly Not for many years has there ConliltlllullmlS to HIPWCH been so little preparation made or on the arrivnl of urozitnrund wheat sowing at this date Neither daughter burn to Mr and MlS Nr horses nor tractor is equal to the Malcolm fncc IBetty Camiva 11 task of forcing the plow through Bellwle hUSDltle last week the baked andstubborn glcba See Watt Family Gathering ond growth rad clover is showing The 1W21tt family gathering took goodbloom but as the humble place on Sunday at Mr and Mrs bees which have been considered Walls Those present were Mr 115 indispensible for the pollcniza and Mrs Watt Village Ml 11nd tion or this crop were almost coin Mrs Tomlin Mrs HIIW plctcly exterminatcd by the severe thorne MisSFairy and Mrs las wot Spring mi 1y relieve backache Ilicumntic ains lumbngo consti ion and end nchc Ho one of the happy crowd who say Thanks million for is for KTUSCIenn Witt Toronto lll Mr and Mrs pimp old of seed aic Stll 25cund 75cutall drugstores Jack Hughes ChmChm 13km mark StIIgeI 11105 tc FYyour Farm with FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN ITIthAL 1111111 BRANIICHl IIntcnded for last week Smith Bros are operating fine new combine Some are complainingof Ijather disappomting turnout of Wheat Fields that looked good for 40bushel yield are running quite bit less Some extra fine fields of corn are to be seen although this crop was sown Iquite late particular ly good piece is that on the farm of Culham on the 12th Line with never weed showing thanks to Mr Culham Sin and his trusty hoe The clay farmer is suffering just now from sdmething in the line of split personality On The one hand he is hoping that the dry spell continues until he gets through with rharvest On the other hand he wants good soaking rain in cretelike fields so that he can glow for wheat sowinltl Unless No gets his wish thernaydoez Siderable reduction inwheat acre age for next year Killed By Train Sincere sympathy is extended to the relatives of the late Millie Wil son who met her death by being struck by train on Sundayeven ling near her home in Alliston Miss Wilson of her life here and was lyregarded vcry high 63 Needs Women workers 111115111113 Service Force ruWFW1I NEWTON ROBINSON CRAIGHURST the 701 W8Yto soften the con BELLEEWART Intended for last week Joyce Ferrier is spending this week inOrillia Mrs Geo Baxter is visiting in Toronto and Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Wm Ruffett are taking trip on the Gregthakes Mrs Taylor Stroud spent few days at her home SgtMajor VJ Stansfield and Mrs Stansfield Toronto the visiting Miss Lazenby Mrs Cleary Toronto is visiting her daughter Mrs Farrier Electricity cantlel1cdrT1dgery out of many farm choresave you time and moneyrhelp make clife pleasanter and easier for everyone in the family PlaInInowltoelcctrify your farm with Farm Improvement LoamAt anyjbranclrof The Royal If Bank of Canadaxloans are available to farmerSI for the PPtaIEtleinsttuatlonOYilePYOVment 0f ItDEys to read and use Examiner farmIvelectr1csysterns These loanskcan nowbe ClassifiedS made on security of the equipmentfiitselh and Vrepaymcift arranged by convenient instalments of Constipation zJfgelectricalequipment isstill hard toiget in your districtcanIn1akeIastartby doingyour prcI limmarywiring swrtcthoxes transformingI Those Who keeI mm etc are available in many dlstricts By starting impuritypent pp 11 the turtles now you will be ready to putelcctricitytto work Sgotgfgiumgd $3513 on your farm as tequipnientcomes on the hiarltet 0mg 1iIn tyventyyfour hours in Talk your plansover with the Manager of our lam mil constipatm II The use of clioapharshpurgativea nearest branch willnever getyou any whero as they only aggravate the trouble and in in the delicate mucous lining of the 815 and are very able to cause piles hip II If constipated $11k movement thmbovyfllia They do no gripe wen lichen many madman 112 on 55 95 1461111 Moron co MEAN OilLCALtlzllt733l WONT IT BE WONDEBFUL to step into ashiny newIcar gand drive through the gloriousIcounfiyside llOlllftl hour And at theend the grandest holiday youfve had sinceII1939 with your Incwgcar to take you here and there whenever you foellilteit If Yes it will be reallywonderful itIIa brandnew FordLI For find of Canada Will build alcar youll be mighty proud tdowh Ifgslsoon as production canIget under way again IIt will be big roomy smoothriding Ford p0weredIIwith V8 engine in which gm many impromnentr will come to you all WW Yes the new Ford V18 engine will have all the power and responsiveness your heartdesires It will offer sprprisin economy of fuel andoil 21111118 meantime 133$ your501d carrinishape Andwhenehe time comes keep your eye open for the greatest Ford yet