Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1945, p. 10

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ll Mitziraga holiday at Mover Brilliit llCAvti dill bpttl5 Leeds 11 McNalrn have returned guest of 51 Mr Sister Mrs airmen Ammo crild hits 11 11 1t ilzs Fred V1 ls 1311 ittrl llulbilrd Of liar nits Cycles ulzlml lallul Willi on Her itcs 11 Iliarrle iii hlilngl his lurk iirll flourc ilklJV Clappcrluil hock has returned to for two yeah Jack 1111 911111 miis 411 Calgary Alberta ENGAGEMENTS ll liniicilllfoo ii 111 WiSemun been mild atliirliutlier Mr Icouple of weeks 11 313 iiiililh 111 llllldllie Marlin 1111 31 ilxLlIliilt 11nd danglJiigr II 11 after 11 ili llll urinal livlzlo II II l1iiti 2111 tlllfy after an extended mom II to Ottawa and eastern po1 II III II IIII Ills ii Tlcln ulna11 111 rial of 11l Mr Elam have Lillm Vlattal at tolnuierre here ll Tvliilyaret lialnii inwkentl vir and Mrs it Latina1 lo lon were in town on iir Iililll was formerly nlunzlr with CHOCOLATE SUNDAE 15c LUNCH AT her BRYSON XCE CREAM AND CONFEIIFRY 22 Elizabeth St Phone 430 iilillllv and for lilir 11 Mrs Will residents of Eli here WIvnl lt1ltfo1i1 has lsllllltl his who is recent illness lfC Wtlllli borough Blake street St Andrews Presbyterio Church REV JAMES FERGUSON IlA Millisttl deulld Hardy Mus Ilzlc Organist alld 011113 SUNDAY SEPT 13 iii13 ll AM AND 71 THE MINISTER WE xfJffj IFree Methodist Mission Clapperton Street REV BALL Pastor fl Religion and Labor SUNDAY seer 11115 PhiSUNDAY SCHOOL 245 PMTHE PASTOR Soldiers and strangers will find cordial welcome at this mission Thurs pmPrayer Meeting Regular Classes 11 AM AND PM The Pastor Post Office Square Mr and Mrs Alex ll Clark Central United Church REV BEWELL Organist Miss Jessie Bryson SUNDAY SEPT 1945 945 AMSUNDAY SCHOOL Bible Moving Pictures ll AMGod and ills Workers SUNDAY SEPT 1945 945 AMBible School Sund oflln Bariii Branch ofine flunk ler liarry Twins 111111 1101112211 Solulhl Henrik returned home filaltl Alltlllll from Bliss Audrey lllltlkldlilllillili ha litlllllllld to Toronto after spending months holidays with her par ents Major and Mrs il11ii I7 PhiCHRIST THE DOOR Come to Gods House on His Day 4A Im Collier St Baptist Church REV AG MITCHELL Minister 820 PMOPENAIR SERVICE m1 Wed1 pm Prayer and Praise Visitors Welcome 422 Collier St United Churchw REV LEWIS MA 13D Minister MRS GRIFFITHS Organist and Choir Louder COLLIER SHEET SUNDAY SEPT 1945 ll AM AND PM The Minister Sunday School will rcopen on Sunday Sept Eat Trinity Anglican Church Rev HOWDEN 1311 Rector CIHZWRIGHT Organist ll AM and PM Thursday pm BAD To the LOOK AMPHOLY COMMUNION 11 AMlion COMllINlON PMIeEVENING PRAYER TheRectoIr will preachsthe conclud Tventythird Psalm All ililanmenis 51 11115111111131 School wiIIlIrezopen Sunday Sept9 at 11 oclock This service Will be Full Gospel Mission Mulcaster Streef Battles ReviVal Centre Rev1holnas LattoI BA Minister be the Guest Speaker Mr William Raebasso 72 1945 We 59165 1000 Allisspun SCHOOL 11 AM AND 730pm Guest and Jack Horniug Ottawa will preach EverydotlyI cordially invited ily and friends IrGgace GOSPelHoll 37 MaryStretIBarrlf SUNDAY SEPT 104s ISunday School 11 AMiDelievers Meeting PMhGorpeIService lion re cordially invited make them such success Signediu Wasaga Bosch Season 1945 TSUNDAY SEPT 1945 55 AND CHURCH SERVICE rge of this Labor Day Service evening service for thisSunday EVENING SER fCES WILL In Officers inCharge CAPT AND MRS JAMES BROWN SUNDAY SEPP 1945 MR 12 CLARKsoN Organist and Musical Director The Board of Management take this opportunity to say thailk you to all Who have taken part in the seasons services and helped to 301150141 Avenue UNITED CHURCH IIlvTI IThD DID BEGIN SUNDAY lzzI1 The Salvotibn Army 230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL lues pmRS Womens rAux Wed pm1Youth Group meeting Friday pmChildrens Meeting Saturday ramsPublic Meeting urrfourteenfth Sunday after Trinity bout Wctsclga Beach Community Church higwmrirrhrsms Ther3n13tdgiarnaymersmit SUNDAY SEER bfa group of Gideons from Toronto five in numberMr Rae Duncan ArYoung LI Mr David MDuncun President of Toronto Camp of Gideons will 11 ttw liil1lis il Sloan IL1l111 calendillzl Mrs ic 312 lilacli 1111in All liio cl 711 Mrs Wire Twiss iizr llitllll Illclillic Jlli ill Iiiii 11 Inc lliit liiili W111 lc thlzllllIl illie 11 lllt 113 utili 11f l1111 Kathleen 1o Walker sell of HIM iii lllle xulkir iie place Satur zllisr $111114 St Andrews ilnliiil 11131 lrlillil iHlNTSTO HOMEBODIES lllill liio worse for wear oil rood thin to use oi ltilllll book bindings and leu liter chair seats and ll proves of great value 1111 111 age too Dust the leather laminae thoroughly and if very dirty w1pe it off with 1111111 1111111 out of luke warm soap and water Wipe off again with it lclotil 1111111 out of clear hike lwalln water and wipe dry llet 1and 1111111 thoroinzhly dry then pllt llillt 111s11n oil ill cloth and 11111 the leather with it Use is lit lilo 1111 as possible When the oil thus been well rubbed in wipe off thllIil dry cloth You will never know your old luggage leppcr Pickles fl itll peppers green sweet peppers large cabbage cups sucar cup salt tablespoon mus lard seed tablespoons reeleiysced Remove seeds from tile peppers Put vegetables through chopper sprinkle with suit arid let stand overnight Drain Add sugar and seeds and add white wine vinegar until mixture almost floats Heat throng11 but do not boil Bottle in Islettilled jars uiid seal 1lcumberSalad Para large cucumber and cut in quarters ROlllOVC the seeds Dice the cucumber add finely chop pcd onion to taste and jnlix with boiled salad dressing just before using Good with hot meats Low SOUND LEVEL The noise of light plane landl lugor taking off from an air park close to residential district has sound level generally no greater than passing street vehicles the National Aeronautic Association re vealed recently on the basis of the first test of its kind everimade to discover the extent of the annoy ance caused by the noiserof airr noise ii the loudness of ordinary speech at three feet viiilslng lstTell Me the Story of Jesus 211 His Eye is as the Sparrow Everyone is invitedto this LaymenII RWTurtaoi Just returned from Service The hour as usual 11 oclocksharp The Gideon Group Friday13 pmPrayer service will hold on opeInair service on gt the Beachat oclock Come to botli services andIbring your fam TlIIIEBOARD OF MANAGERS Community Church First Baptist Church Rev Haire Minister Miss ElsieCloughley ATCM OrganistI and Choir ILeader Sunday Spt 21 11 ant Communion Service Rev Victor Stroud will sing pm The CrownofIIIhorns SpeakereMrs Victor Stroud Mr and Mrs Stroucl will sing Prayfor Gods Richest Blessingwome yourself and Epsomage Others to Attend 1120 planes NAAofficials showed that tion couponzbankaccount will be ill almostevery case street vehicles subject to immediate administra leTrduced morenoise than the light five or enfolcemerltfactionor both alrplane They proved that the least WPTB If Willi RevlYIictorand Strand italileli AlaniLI ilull lia LtIl 5111119 HST OF lINNICllS lit 1Ll Alid ill Wire Mrs llilte African 11111i1l1ls Titre lioovel French lilt lloovel illlil 1113 Witc Mrs lid purples M131 Viic Mrs lltlllllllif Mrs Noll ly lnmt l1iln1nl 1111 Mrs Sil111I Mrs lloover lltltHllLll llldX Mrs 011 bitt Mrs tic1 Constable ilplliilisis ilrs iili Mn liooicr snapdraaon 311s Wme Mrs Sloan Mrs Thomas Mrs Sloan tlltllil itvl levtloll 3111s Wire linnnus Jenn Lee Vice geranium blijiolns Mia Illak Mrs Hoover sweet pea Mls Black Mrs 11111101 21+ l3Annliuls 10 varieties IMrs Sloan basket cut flowers iMrs Nellly Mrs Constable Mrs lHoover Mrs Black ciit lilowcrs Mrs Wice daillia speci Ztlal qun che 41ll11l sotks asters inlen Mrs Thomas Mrs lWebb 1l1hlia collection Mrs Dose of astolwllil lSloun Mrs ihomas sweet peas 1103 mpg in ppm immilhlls Black Mrs Wire dining III1I Mum 1m 0m lookglillilll decorutloll lforlnall Mrs Black Mrs Webb diningr table 1bouqilet Mrs Blllck Mrs Coll stable igludioli lllot more than 12 spikes Mrs Webb gludioli speci fnlen spike Mrs Webb Mrs llluck igladioli spikes Mrs Black Mrs lIchb gladioli spikesall differ ent Mrs Webb Mrs Black basket Igladioligllrs Webb living lobm ghouquct Mrs Wice Mrs Webb Iflower arrangement sick Mrs Black Mrs Webb basket sulpiglossls Mrs Hoover snap =dlagon Mrs Thomas Mrs Wice perennials Mrs Cihlstublc Mrs Sloun zinnius Mrs Wicc basket Iof larkspur Mrs Wice corszige Ibouquet Mrs Black garden flown 01s varieties Mrs Wice Mrs IBlack Mrs Webb ruse of flowers iln variety MrsI Black double pe tunlas 12 blooms Mrs Black lbasltetlof garden flowers suitable Ifor table Mrs Black Mrs We gbouquet of wild flowers iWicc Mrs Webb basket of vege Itablcs six varieties Mrs Black ngs Hoover Mrs Sinclair IlllL IBcelby Trophy for largest num ber of prizes Mrs Earl Wicc 49r DO YOU KNOW All livestock including hogs must now be stamped at time of slaugh ter according to WPTB regula tions Manitoba crop conditions are better than those of the other prairie provinces clover prices have recently been set by WPTB lb ill 15 lbIots 36c lb in 630 1b lots 34c lb ill lots over 31 lbs Whit clover Ladino ceiling prices ill 1I5 lb lots $205 in 630 lb lots and $200 in over 31 lb lots slightly mIorebusiness was done nationally in June than ill May potato ceiling prices drop down gain the end of Augustthere is no butter in Palisany person who causes an overdraft in ra states Denmark is the gilt planeproduces Iisa bestfed country in Europe today because the Germans used it as The natismadhlrder Barrie Missionof Christian Evangelism Conducted lll FirstIQBaptist Church each night at pmI1rom Monday Sept to FdIuySept For Christian III latinleou will receive help and encouragement Forfumveaa You will be told how you roan get right twith God The Finest Gospel Singing and trenching It lOtilll if 3535 EXAMINER BARRIEltONTARIQ CANADA 1001111111 BRACELETS EARRINGS REEVES Jewellers DIAMOND MERCHANTS gt713 llunlop St Phone 3745 Across from Post Office The regular meeting of the Red trossA1iiliury will be held in the Red Cross Room on the second Mon day in September at p111 JEWELLE BEAUTY SALON is now operating at 100 Collier St lnole chuan of address 351 Mr and Mrs Walls and two daughters alld Mrs 11 Curler moved this week into their lltn residence at 30 Theresa street the former Arthur Ardagh prop ll williplls wishing to study piano enroll with Miss llazel Williams 12 1102s Street 3511 George Wilsons residence at 19 Eugenia Street has been purchased by Fred Morljen Edward Carpen tcr has bought the latters home at 113 Owen Street and the mov im has been completed this week Veiled Cross Salvage Collection Monday September Area No Muicastcr and all cast to Town Limits 351 group of eight young people from Toronto conducted the ser tices on the Minesing United Church Charge last Sunday and gave fine message in word and song in connection with the crus ade For Christand His Kingdom Enroll September lst for in MbbTSfructihn ill piano and tlggijyyith rs Maydcc MTGlFlleAFCIVl 115 Hayfield Street 35p Prize lists are now out for the Barrie Horticultural Flower Sllow Septclnbcr7 There is big list of attractive prizes new feature is $1200 in prizes for group exhibits from Oro Vespra lnnisfil and Angus societies Jessic Blyson will reopen alsike clover seed ceiling price 381 41sth Strands who beautiful pink lissa Marie and the remainder in bigdisplay ofhis dinary asked led Are you sureyoaube quietftenant but give his results It235 for Quality with Daintiness classes September Piano sing ing and theory All grades in cludingATCMf teachers courses Apply at studio 27 Bradford St 35361 over crowded First Baptist Church when they made their first appearance $2Jolin Barrie last May are again com ing here Rev HaireI has obtained the services of these fam ousqGospel singers for week They will conduct the two ser vices Sunday and at pm each week night from Monday to Fri day Geltrude Archer Caterer Wed ding receptions teas home baking Sandwiches of the better class We caterrin or outofvtownGensultus about yourproblem Phone Barrie am TheMisses Campbell Glen Al mond Elizabeth St had an ex quisite display of bloom on night blooming cerus this weekfour large owers on one plant it wouldbehard4ahmagine any thing moieaielicately beautiful Acar was found overturned in the ditch at anearly houryester day morning Provincial Con stable Byles investigated and found the car had been stolen from Toronto the previous Sunday There was no trace of the driver Coutts well known glad iolus hybridyer and grower was in Montreal Friday and Saturday attending the big gladiolus show his third visit to Montreal shows He took with him 100 Spikes of his choice blooms three of his Coutts Orchid which has won wide popularity His1 glads were not shown in Competition The qual 11y of bloom in tileshowmis des cribedby Mr Couttsjgs extraor YOUIMUST KNOW IA man presented himself in an swerto an ad offering an apart ment for rent sharpeeyeilaride lady eyedmim sternly and ber Do you have any chil dren No maam Any pets No maam iDo you smoke or No maam Do you entertain or keep late hours INo maam The landlady paused then Aquer drink 21 FWell confessed the lnan timid 1y write with fountain pen mat squeaks quitea his nominee Classifieds cost little asoocnes lVliii 1111 Hospital 2u 11115 vtisi hilltil loallsiilil daughter of li 1liii vi 1511111 lflria 111121111 ilolic 015 ill ilt lii ecile of Ba ie McBride 1111lllicii1 of iil sister torla grandchildren 151 11 She 211 Born ieb1i11r irilly 2i 111 filaveltharst shortly War iliil 111w lltlslr ll the Society 15 Mrs I111i was piraiuvuwl cr husband ill 3112111 19311 it 11111111 oi Filorenw Mt 1112 ll 111 11 ololiln and co three daughters and Wisizl itll lloki there Vlrs Road Ilev lit tcliiisatril ll1 intern Mass at St 3111 111111 Catholic Church Ilnllsdiiy 23 ceremonies and Joseph Mcltriili of Mimico pallbearers were Laflaliie MlVtllJl Alex l1= Killnoll liilllOllI Friends and relatives git tended the funeral from VictollaI lload Upterulbvc and Tillnizco 11 1llirii1 lit Hit1131111 litltll 11 and liollio lilillojv ll vtll II EXPLAIN lll IIAIIIONINU ELK 1111011 Vilniuii 1111 411mm It MRS orxx 11 31 11 tlrnlcnt was made 111 Si1l11 Cemetery Niil 112 ole 121 1w ililiii1 so 1111111ii1l11i l1 1i1i11111 I111 iliti John hchIlllllll 11 IlIlo III II IIIII tion died at his llnlllc litIII I1 IIIIII Alllellll 21 Hm mm 51 whom Son of Donald AliAlthm 11 1111 Mcltltvre he was itll Ftlllllillyi ll IIW lver 14 18b him 111 life11111 ltHI ll1lli Arls illl ill ll5sll II IIII HIde Aw IIIIIIH In IIIII fIHltllfOl llllllllllllltlll St lAilillfWli NH1 in this 11l 111 113 11 Presbyterian Church 01 111 111 cumin and had also The l1nl 121111111111 of the Na 10 Phone 3214 Hulls served as inanailel Mli llllltlllTI111oni ii1s1i1il1 1111nc1l 1s respons Member of Barrie was Liberal ill his ibilmml lllt W11 itlllLUlllLnl1 Chamber of Commerce Vino one brother roaiilui iCii the llllItl11lt of shill WWW Archibald and three sisters Mrs lllllllilltutls litilllllilllllllliilltI KlSSOfli Mli Mllmltv itilil ll51llezip print llllfll breaks up waterI thus preventing water frolli lrlp Catherine at home lilrops notori 1111 11111 condense DillfJ onthc sailors Rev ll Sinclair lllllltlfdl mo IIIIIIIIIIII SIIIIIIIIIII III III mmI+A1ot residence The pallbearers were II bIIII CIIIIIIIfIImI RI IIIIIfmdI er III II III KIIIIII IC ItlIcliIiiIvig IIIIoAIIIIIIIII neti licnls II 15 =11 the many beautiful floral lllltlltiI were ower mm mmmwrpl and 0m lama 11 r7 1H Aime alch lll hi ill friends aiiendodihe fumml 111 Cit W1 oroug eaC You 1111 Home OHIIIMIdid IIIIIIIIIIIIII Art of Beauty Culture termcm mm Oo MRS ELIZABETH Tim mm INFORMATION Em 111m On uosdw August 21 ill11 llll community of Mincsinc Station was to learn of the passine till alleve II IIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII 0119 Of 05 88 OWEN Sf PHONE 3962 IGSIdCHtS Mis James Fluelm Deceased whose mettle Mm 3i+ was Elizabeth lloulahan was born Dictionaries LMath Sets ingswelethasefromtheMinesingf est Station and John Inglis Co tance attending the funeral were Briggs Miss Mary Barry Toronto JOHN chllTll llf in Elmvale on Feb 211 1808 She was married to the late James lor py lll November 1903 and had lived at Minesing Station since that time She was predeceased by her husband seven yc IOf kind and charitable disposition she was loved and respected by all who knew herfSlle was devout Roman Catholic and member of the Christian Mothers Society For years she had becnhonoruly presir dent of the Home and SchoolClub Two daughters and two sons mourn this loss of dear mother These are Miss Monica Hamilton Mrs Sylvester Lutzen tMudclincI Detroit James Barrie and Am brose Toronto Flle are also four grandchildren The funeral on Thursday morn ing was largely attended Requiem High MaSS was celebrated in SiI Marys Church Barrie by Rev Father McCormick and Rev Dean ClaiLtook the commit tal Service at St Marys Cemetery The pallbearers wereOtto Davis Herbert Johnston Wilfred Martin Patrick Kavanagh Frank Barry andArthur McKee Jr Among the beautiful spiritualand floral offer Station community Midhursl For Relatives and friends from dis Mr and Mrs Sylvester Lutzenand family Mrs Edith McKernan John Mr and LCBarlyMiss Rqse BarrySr Miss Rose Ba J11 Lefroy Frank Barry and Miss Jane Barry Chicago Jack Barry Peta wawa Mrs Brennan Miss Mrs Chas Hook Bracebridge Mrs Fred Houlahan and dauahlhMary Elmvale Mrs Horan and Miss Leora Orillia Blmnmnnmmllannnuu Paint BIgIgles Fauntalrl Pens Pen and Pencil Set Scrap Books 100 gt150 to 51111 tho llttr Make Sure That Receive Them We are Pleased to Announce the Associa ml WWuwmlmvwwm ill Clitl OI OOOl THURSDAY AUGUST 30II1I04Is cw+ AM SPEClAL 11311111111111 RegSS For $350 For 12111 dry and lifeless 11111 try our special per Illlllltlll which finished 111111 or oil CAMERONS Beauty Parlor 351 lililllllclli Street Phone 13781 Barrie III llIIlIfOI OIOIIIMONOM my Spring Chickens Fresh Fish Fresh or Cooked MEATS KELVINATOR gnl New Radio Programmes START mm 11011111 Your Radio Will tion of MR MATTENLEY If Qualified Radio Technician With Our Srvice Dept 1II11 13411546 Barrie Radiod ApplianCes 191 guaranteed Eadie Service and j+459mp1ete lIlIllllull naIIlcnuuancdl heeleup 1uu11u1111nunnunnnu IlllIlIIIulIlh nnllusl Dealer for AUTHORIZED SAIEESPAND SERVICE JWdf we 15o up 350 750 350 75 $115 $175 IWe Pick Upiand Deliver uiununi GETsq GENERALELEQTRIC AEPLIANCES Scribblers rot51 5c 10c Pencils Paste manage Inks allcolours Refills Pencil Box I2 for 5c ununnunnunu 350 IununnhlonshlIIniunnunu II II I5c 100 15c 50 Ill

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