THE 511mm copies 77 82nd YeorNo 35 BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY AUGUSl 307 1945 Section lPoges to eWs If our Forces it Activities of Men and Women in the NavyrrnyAir Force To Manage71=c Co Town Property For Veterans gt US FAMILYS MAY USE 10111 11011111611111 1111711111111 from liverseas Ndmcs of Men and Women Returning from Overseas Welcomed for Tbls7Colnmn llrzm Telephone 2416 Jack Blrtlturil Buck from lndix lt lrl 81011111 Barrie boy 111 May 1942 11 TURF LELllilCd by WrAaACA AI 11t11cu11 family 111111 PineI guurgn Pa 11111 their hol ltd at Wu Bcul and lzvc lIl limit 111011 and onc Camp Bordcn oldicz arc 1117111c7co11111y g1 11 lchmgcti =vIth theft of 1110 iamllygt7 clozhurg from an 1111011ot11l0 1119 sidc titulrxc1i111 Promotion Announced lroniotion of tour Barr anothcr from El 111 lhc latest lIv tlc 110 of ovcrscas pro Iuotzons 13de by 1110 lcp1111110nt cnuig August and 110 1111 lac thcft was Inudc lucscla 13 11 Naltonol Drfanco 1M B7 0077 and 7771 B7 ircviiusly 11ctxspap011111111 1t 71 1117 cum in 137pr ECU in Scp 1511111 and 111k libl1c liclattonsl wun lulu ht 777 Lnn MU 111111 Lu Lmm hglden 1417 lloucvcr 110 if the 101110I Aldlllilfr ill Cllll 7x 77 11 77 77 7117 77 171717151737 f771 71777 346 mid by 777 77 77 Ml 11011 acics 01 land 011 which the 00101111110111 tlll ttcct 1w rutnth 77727117 777nf E37713 privilcgc lhxs 7111021115 111 111011011505 for varuns has been bought from Charles Newton 131 551 321 31 77 Arm For lctrolla 15171Hl77ddi1 7ILK777717L7 Tllt IDOVC lllillt shows the hut ctop llthll 011 llllb lillld In ll ti 11 17 1t 21 11111 11111111 1171011111 11111111 i777 77 77777 77 81 7777 177 111 P0111 s11001 last week T110 thcat yielded 61 bushels 21 iihhrdfutli 1131111m lLiinlt lllticilil IllCl ibtugh 1112110 tIzizc next fall witcnlm M1 Ajax 01 waded 80 buths 115 mud it VW Fdwn wrlqm is 77mm mp 1110 court W111 110 110111 11 omits tlit mmlt ltltathll lilt Simmc NOItll Plowmg Mdth $111 77777 777 77 777 7777 7h L7 11 tutu Col Jobstins wifc Mrs or WWW lb illltllllT 17 7177f11mif737l77717j7777l1d77M gig hem 14 ytlk 010 1ND Mslrbhdul L7 177 77 0s ll ll is It is il icitcral 3111121101 11 inc 17111101l 11 Ml gt II1 090 Hm 11 IIgt0 of 111011 9111110 illllllli rtro 311111 Home St P1111110 vlul0 Capt Wrivat slllilm ltlltlmm llilllmllt HI ll It lt litc 111 In wife Mn lap 10 wrlnh sucrcssioii to it ll 1011105 hm v11 1911 1llt livcs tit 60 ltlrslcv ASt Barriid BENIN 1le 30 lllgt lltlv ltflllillll HM md mpumt my In TIllyllatlltf 121111 110 tllrl EM FCld widc 0x1101101100 111 1110 ltlHJlumi 5200 xiv at film hmw Eight 1113717777777E7l 177312172272 27 Md 171777177 numb 77 Vim thum livpcu 217 mum mm 7f7 772777777777737777517717 77I7777777l77777 73 77 77 77 7767 197107 we lt major llIs wrfc 15 Mrs Grncc him 111151119l DUllllil 17L 11111101 float Baltic lwl lllkfiirg rl1t 111 Eilllllfiill Illfl llcl1p 111111051 Farimts Cooptuativc and prcsr Nina Wtilllllk lllL blliltlt lupCoat 777 77777777 Um m7 mm mummy m7 7w 77 ylrlu Addict7111C In lHdIl wow tutu 1Z 1s lllt filth promotion 1s of i111or l7lll wvlltlnlllt ldtitummd mu contract 1111 110011 101 to dllll ablcd 0torans III rcccrp ol llli in rlllltu MWUHH l3LLllth01 LADY 31m HMl F0 Frank Firdon llobcrts MBE ill 0111W milw WU Rm calmed mCMX Clttikltrancis 1111111011 of New slantial pcnsions may 110 sptcmlllHMHR lllll lrr Ulilll 11 lVEKILIJZD BY TRAIN HM 31 MM Rf77 17 nomad li1llllklllll 0xltns1v0 llllVillt businIss 101k 11317403 were It Willis H10 ii Iait AII 111 till 11 an 19 all 1110 men by Conub11 Liana Hi HL memmm bull Hi AH CA HM ILL N777 lim7 11 optiattons 111 Llhlll dls llt hast lLl ll rtm 11 1011 In 111110 1s ll7 015111 Loos on llttllltll boung 111 111111 cltt1tnt 11 11 1111 11 ukulc Robmts llmtali $71717 1717 77 17 7177 7717 11111111 lull 7131C WllU 11 8171111 bolduis StttlttuLut as Hm Ad mlmum 77 7777Hm7m 77 11111111 Ipl llaiuy armpit ltt 771171 Al 11 7777 77 77717 713777 rAV lleUUL tilt H111 ldllmh folding to thc lVll7lltL7 W115 0411114111 part7 of tllcllotziuuon lovcrnincnl 51px my W51 If NHL 17 2111111111 11 lilllllml 11 2317 011011 11cl7 777L7 77 fi nlnml Murlcv Harv Mums onpcrattvc and Is now picstdcitt In tl10 act of brcakmg Into another rcliabilitation program lhc phwwnuum 1ik mp7 told and Is tom nil he 1117Hh7m 73 77 1210 1111110 12111 110701 17 1711 Wis 111 this tntral coopcrativt tlllidllltzn Wlll lypvl elected trill by 11 WNW 11711 11 1110 10 tumor oloncl ll Etlotlov llaIVIc Milly 01 15 it 11 11 11 7111 ti Ill llllll ration lllr llailcv wrll assumi lizs JillV Magistrate Cameron then ll 1m um mm ml lgp 11110 11111 and 110 tnct txcu All Al millmil It HlllJlNII HHm Pu 511 Imptovcntcnis S11 hilll ll1Xllillllll 171mm 1777777177 77777717 777771 777 77 new llllltf5 ll tho In of 1nml7 mid mt ElH would be sent up 77 377 17777777 77 777777 7777777 7777777 inside the 777 777777777777777 777777 77777777777777777 777777 77 777777 777777 777777 77 77 77777777777777 777777777777 777777777777 777 777777 77777777 777 777 777 77777 7777777 70 77771 mu practisin plivslcitn lllfl surgeon Wlhm mp Ummy mm mm the excel lUWH lllllllf Tllt ltlUlLllV $1OU 11 Ichtrl ll 111 1111 flicic 1th TU WWW ml Unot if 11 17 77 77 777 11 77 voe 137 p111 HI Midland 111101 to 1110 war has 17lxkfwiilmlfilIiiKIIIElfitIf 11 IICLPHTH imCnldcpiwdiq 10mm h1Nm lrouitlinu Vtlvran in 1111110 to 411 to Work 211100 CM lgt mull1 AWllm lk llllllll to Canada altcr fiv0 yours l7 73 th lldlllltl ton farm Dischargcd soldicrs may 717777777 77 77777 7777 777777 77f 17777777 177777 77M C7 V8777 Hm 77f lord 1t113174 01110 Join lot 1117 77 77 77 7777 Vl5m7 was mnnmndmg M7 Incmbcl of lhc lJlti 13I1Ill7lll Du Wal0r Bailey illltl Klle ztll apply to the Votcrans Land Act 7f 77711717 bot Imam 77pl111t0 311 litrillil 110111 ll MW Ram mm mm wirwlnko ccllrrs of loroulo and William llillicr 21 1Ia 51 Toronto for an pu 7f7 777777771 777idi7 7m 11 51m 11m t1 11M 11 31 my 77 17 17 77777 gt Nciirolovicrl mi SUIscar llrwpllgll Aflcr gtllttgtgtlllllv managing llit 4l Blld 11111011 10 110 111001 housc rattler tins srllcmc 11 1uur 114 iiiFImIm lmuwl 111111111 bujncizrmtit Magistmtc Cnmcmnntthzrt quFp lmmum lyuhoifm 171111 making lpghwuun illkulfllu 7VI MT 7m lt1 lfliifirmrl Dancmmml WYClUbt 110 tXrtllltt man n1ut llUl Illlllm WI vv7u ytars 111d7tl11ou7h I1 p0rIod whcnHitrum veteran lll Inak0 LlllJSISlLllCC 1777777777 777 7777517 10 77877 77777777 777 717 M77777 777 77 717m7cp7 My CVl1littt St foil 111 ul 1111111 11111 7177 7177 77777 17171777U771f77l7 Rumors About Pctuwuwa Cam ll Wits built to Its prcscnt 111111111117 511110 of thc accused llllCIlllplCd off 0110 acrc of land 10 must c777 of 1777 77nd 777777777vmnout7 77 W7 911 17m hud lill liv Wlltll vlll Wtll 11 Ij 7m but I1IIu 1i lh0 lcmbrokc StandardObsctv mum Hum GHHH It pmwedlnch of Indglhhues have 10b bm md the 10 $480 110 thcn signs contract to ilttltltlil Mini liNMlj 11th $1 3in cummcmvd humanly weekiClcmcs wrshcs to bc Iclicvcd of thc court and finally they were taken ncar lhc outskirts lll cnablc him W777 7777177 7f 77 777 77 Sluclls lllltam SI 1v 77 gt 771 strain of managcmcnt 110 Will downstairs to the cells WllllC only to augment his lIVlllk by liceltlllk Id lllmll MH llilllllg lgt lltIltt 111 Il JHufm ion thc futuic of lCllll land and buildings or $3200 ovcr MW pft pm In llol continuc to take an acttvc mtcicst the one bcmg heard was In the ClllCliCHS cow and haying it mm gt1 151115 llllllill 51 lwllitx amp as fo ovvs Rumor 11111111101 pciiod of 21 vcars lllll 111101051 1m nmor tllll 1hr lune iq to me one Ht it will andwwll provtdc counsel for which court room glzeable game pm New my 777 777 77777 77777 77777777777777 T7777 77 owtl mmt WK 17 lionaln Dctroil 211111 to Itt 17 777 77 777 Vivi7 longcr 10 111 Irlillcrv 011111 be mg 1m cxpcnmce mm CIUWII Attmnry Ftimk lllm be WM and mm mm null iiuvmcnt includin principll mm mg lm 1317me Mb IL Hum KHCMIM IHHEELHDJI HHMVL Ml Nun it1 chtyscn 1r arrics air lt WA cause has ml the mm or the 11111103 17 mond picmng for scvcrc 1101114 MIC 77 77 and 1100747 NM $1917117 Tm 7777 777 77 77 1777311 11111 Imww present luv gunq The artillery 41 titling lylltl Stilltd lllili pamphlet Buck an LIV 111ch Qltlll cost of stock tlll d1 it kiwiwgtf Hm mm 0mch camp Will be somewhere In Mum bcvcn cats had been broken Into LllC lllllCl thc heading Vct 777777777077 77h $1 10777771777 7777777 27121771711 1171777117 171I 71753711177771 777777 apt $711 11 117ll7 litttf 77 77171 gt loba Rumor number two would pmvmus woek hm them had gains Lxllliffql Atllnlmcl Once buwcc the CUSPUFHW Im livid ii miles from cities Thisl 51 tlimlhlitdhlliiiic lincci thc 41 It Indicatt that Its status as Mili ICo 0M MC 13mg 85 ms 11 and btuldmgs and what thc vctcran Id ppm be 17777 District may be reviewed 77nd mundod D7 dong the com the small holding For vctcrans 777777777777 home by 777 7777770777777777777 ou 7710 an as 111111 1117 1117 771 $711311 whosr 11 wool SllCl in Canadian ClllSt 1010 it 1111114 Itairr 31111011 11 us1111 rip It lb Just possible that it Will be dmml AMmm Beddl Hfm 11 in this 50 817 mld of A1110rican tourists 0411110 to Can 1111I 11117 1m Pratt came absorbed byMilitury District No mm pmmed the Wd lmldily some 15 KM wmmcw amount to $2 30 or 38 01 cent 11 or in the field of Ivriculturil cm 1111 it PM ltd Kmlm 111 7111 it Willi FfVPTFNS 13 Um 37 Rumm number three says It of lhIs United States family W7 he Hr1 mbl will 17 77 77 717 C7 77 ploymcnt proVIsIon Is made for ll busy 51 011C AlllUWll want 110 scrvcd tt1 HQ Ullhe 11 777700707 an 111 an c711171p an 011 77 lhlS 11 L7 damuon Icmandcd 777777777777 77 be C777777777777Cd 777 77 The Act 07ble 7c sale 77 mm 1mm 17 mm mu 307mm 77 777777771777 Am and we unnugh gt7 77 Chimp In 10 UFO YPU 150 We 00k 01 50 00d hmm Wm mm acreage of sIgnmcnt of the propcrty by lhc pllll plancs Iicxt ycepi and thcic 77 111mm new ll1lmd7md mu N0 0119 Of coursc haw lhc Arthur Oldfield 23 Mary tencc land itttsidc lllL hi 1h t1xn1ton elem mm pclmd 01 10 30 0mm the WM 121le CInwmndmm CNMM It dccisions ll be made and un 5177 Barrie is gimme 517 HUS unless the cm paid Inc community was shockcd ll areas Mechanics carpenters ma 10 mose7 lgltiiihybgtdllt sons ctccrricinns ractory wurkcrsi The veteran may use his war 7777 7777777 757 7377877777770 70 77e777n 777 717 lt7 77 277 7177 17 andwhitccollar men may bcncfitlscrvicc gratuities to makc the $480 WI mun it is believed that seriously dis initial payment status as military district Should by lpr Emil Potvm CAC Camp Canada have compulsory llzlllllllgiBoden7 then it is rcasonable to suppose tltatl there will be large camps at Peta 1011111 on lucsday7 Irmrniugi 11111 Mrs Norman Ritchie held passctl away about 1033 Monday nightl from injurios rcccivcdHonda morning Mrs Ritchie was liciping her husband draw in grain Monday liltlllllllgll their farm on Con Tiny llicywcrc proceeding with loadtrom the ficld when going several questions Wtrc answcrcd by Mr Vassar Medical tcsts arc ncccssary before one can get liccnsc for pilot The tests for a1 commercial or transport pilot are Very strict One must fly at lcast Vespra Charge AgainSt 113121131111112 r1rri Barrie Collector Of Ovcmcus 16 Months B111 Ronald ill Forth son of Mr and 311s Jack Forth 22 Welling ton 81 ll Barrie came home this month uttcr 16 months overscas llc wcnt to France and through Belgium and Holland and into Germany Bombardier Forth join 0d activc forces in April 1912 The type for the Ekumiucr According to provmcml constable mnlling 1isl was corrected last amcs FlCClllztll Wilt invcstigat week and all payments nuldc 707ml 17mg appears Surev 0d the accident the car driven by up to and including Wednesday PM7 me 9117 the future 9f thClPotvin was going it Borden on No August 22 should be shown by ctawawa Military Camp Will be 90 Highway and it collided with dates on 139157 Incrcml pilot and 000 hours for 117 transport pilot deCded 77 77 down the rivet hill the load got the EZUdflidgxbasflllVThe Zcidilgtfledg Pliasc Check on yollrs lnd LVISHOH lilcgmex Mdc start of the horses and the wagon GllldSOH 0f 111ng Olmes Ted Dymcnl Suffers Broken Le one 15 any Sm1ng 0mm 30 11 dll Tl Godcrich SignalStart curred shortly after lllldnllll on an 1110 to 111 1c aoi Sgh Ted Dyment suffer the morning of August 247ACh7777ge accuracy kindly advrse our Simian who Is DICSldcnt 0f the tongue pierced the bank and pm After over f0 0ng of mm office giving number of rc ceipl if possible Barrie Flying Chm of the load buriedthcrhorscslnwtary service Dudley Holmes son 1C ltclpingher husband and grandson CYOV Attorney and Mrs Clair Archer to Iclcuse the horses Htllmes WBlllnglOll 5111755 arrived gt Mrs Ritchie was knocked OlCl 21nd llvme Ill 1941 Ill the age 0f 15 he trampled on by the horses She 1c Cllllsitd ill TOlOlIIO f0 BCtiVe 595 ceived aseveic gash on 7her right vice He trained as gunneraid arm and severe injuries on neck 01 1915935 Wllh the 5m D1V1S and head She Was taken to Dr 10 111 the Canadian Army in the double fracture of one leg last week of dangerous driving is being laid In an accident near Aylmer Que against Potvin He is confined to the military 1105 Arthur Oldfield aliaaitgaxigdniidgssgnt the Royal Victoria PldgpitbllbalteBa and 1w hours later was 011 his 520 gytmetpt Ted W575381F7W7the wiry to Toionto 7Tpr Potvin and Lgkedpocec 223cc Engggglfxg his two soldier passengers were less seriousl inurcd but arc still years ago he was with the Provost In Magistrates Court last Fridaymoruing Magistrate Kenneth Cameron handed down decision in which he dismissed the action of Vespra Township against Frank Griffin who has the contract for the rcmovalof the garbage of Barrio The dispute had been heard before Magistrat Cameron the previous week At that time he suggested that the Township of Vcspra and the Town of Barrie get together for amicable settlement The Councils held joint mecting7but the gathering ended in deadlock Corcoransi ElmvaleandaLushedhrpntwl 1942 Afl1 aming in fined to their hospital beds at rc con Clbldtmg the Grid 0f the 10h 19 pdeS ploldm 01 Rwal Victor1 Hos ital Barri Ellgldlld flll 11 eat and one half aridplsatity lilanspbegridggtifgrieg camp Borden war with Japan 50 0f Barlie askcdtlfnaxdiillzieftmhgdmbcgifgalleria CigldlriitaiilIgdyMgChgigbKrCe TOW 0f Barrie ths ye means Slic also receivccl intgrnal injurie 13 59m llh31111191emfmce 97 77 the Canadian Army7 Intelligence LIMITNEW TIRES lChmese 7C1tizens 7chatte1ed 81 371178 acting for the Township and C7 D7 Stewart acting for the Town mplmd 7T17lnemlggilg7 12177tldf7ublgcatUgllgi bloodtizmsfusmn was gloen 1711017171 17o Afiutcaf 13707133771171171 BlanCh at NDHQ rHlS wife and To PRIORITY USERS land Vent 10 Tmonto 1351 in the negative 1That is very regrettable commented the Magistrate the afternoonbut to no avail and It 13 gt91 3v 7for thd most spectacular celebra Ottawa Aug 21Thc llSl of Canmun in the history of Torontos adians eligible for newtircs vvilllChinatown7 be broadened as quickly as pOSSibll The seven Chinese restaurants but in the meantime7 the needs of in Barrie wpre Closed on Sunday essential users have to be looked after Munitions Departmentlaftemoon SOD wah 0f the City kenc toht he does not expect to come homel Spo said mg for some months Pte Stranaghan thrce sons reside at Ayiincr Remaining Overseas Mr and Mrs Robert Stranaghan 140 Blake St Barrie have had letter from their eldest son7 Pte Lorne Stranaghan in which he says water mains can be laid down be she passed away at 25 minutes to llillleelled Holland Where they fore certain streets are paved 117 remained until Germany capitur At the Public Utilities Commis MR Ritchie mceived injuries to lutcd in May He made thevoyagc 510 meEtmg 135 week plans wgre one leg and was taken to St Ad 10 calldda aboard the Pasteur made for the following lucrcascs drewS Hospital Tuesday momma Arley thrilling experience over four111011 main in place Of 0110 and for 3133 scas Gunner Holmes has return onequarterinch main on John Mm Ritchie was 66 vme of 37267 ed to his native town in good between Bradford and Sanfordrsix She leaves m0 daughtm57 Mm health inCh main in Place Of one and one Vin Archer Jenni of Elmvale Gunner Holmes is grandson of before delivering his decision The Magistrates judgment 101101113 This is 11 prosecution under Bylaw Number 870 of the Township of Vespra and the accused Frank Griffin is charged that he did deposit garbage and other refuse upon lands in the 77 Township of Vcspra in contravention of the Bylaw Cafe secretary 0f the 10081 Chinese Bylaw sets out that it is deemed 7expcdient and necessary Patriotic ASSOCiatiOH said PWC for 1h health safety and welfare ofthe inhabitants of thLTownl cally eVery Chinese Cllilen Of ship of Vespra to regulate and control the collection and dis ter inch 011 Dalton St between the late Judge Dudley Holmes of recent went back 01 En land from Barrie made7 the trip posal of Garbage and other refuse In the said mun1c1palityu The qu 1r md 55 Hdllet at hmm The 911a JOhn cellyerpremdem 0f All the Chinese in Barrie arc evidenccbshows that garbage was taken from the Town of Bar sympathy 0f thecommunityqu Bimle figllmdhgggggf natives of Canton and for 111911 the ric to the TOWnship of 717051313L7and7 was placed in 17 ditch and if Bygdford to the beleavedemmly 77 777 77 7In ance D73 Slime Rubber programs 775 saying=cele7bration had added Significance was dealt With by what 1577dcscribed as the sanitary fill mothod The Commmion 777778777677 77 770777 777777 177778 7777 717077077777 707 7777 our E77777 ccn 777777777 7LCpl Douglas Roberts on 7717 7t 77 71 77 tbecause Canton was part of This method entails the covering of the material by mechanical 77 77 711 onn so his arrival from overseas was menu mo 015 0u China that had beencaptuledby 7771ncan5tnmdepth of from ongptwojwt In mylopinion this Que from the Quad ompzmy 71197Duglasvcanmgerlt Wh ill Clark DIWl LancvBanler and 8131 10 buy files 011 an unrathned 7Ltd regarding the lranstel 0f 1310 rivcd 111 Toronto August 14 after the 11110 Clark is 7111 Canada Welcomcd byhiswife and parenm method would comewi1hin the meaning of the word dcpositing EILSEl out in the Bylaw Thcrc7has however been an increas ing tendency on the part of the Courts to construe Tthe strict wordiiig of statutes in the light ofthc purpose for which such the years end the Japanesc 78133715 thelggmoof Mrs7anB 7rs 77 77 l77N01779my wore the Chinese ms onnors wen arrie Whaajtededwtrgbiw thanpacia 7AUT0MOBILES ARE FIRST taurnts BL Barne Closed bm perty immediately north of the four years overseas wasgrcfby after three years overseas He was Sarjeant office for property 11171 his mothcryfather pisters and bro wounded in France last summer mediatclyjmubkgfthe most Smith fliers Tho familyis now living 11111111 in October 1944 was wounded thousandpfoftheatmg places in7 was to put street through from and served in Italy France Bel Mary St to High St However the gium and 11011317111 Pte Gallingf Public Utilities Commission declin7to1d The Examiner he appreciated ed to surrender their rightOfWaylvcry much the parcels received to the present lane SO the agreeovcrseas from the Centre Vespra ment between the TOWN 811d 1119 Womens Institute the Sarjeant to the 13th Company overseas He landed inFrncetle days after DDay In Germany at Clevehc was wounded by enemy shrapnel and was hospitalized for some 000 Foresters cnlisting early in the war He is now with his wife the former Marion Piaton Foster in Ottawa and they plan to visit in Barrie withCapt Clarks sister manner of disposing of garbage and the evidence is that by the use of such method there can be no odor arising nor will there dangeLiLomlstumdLlSOf have any injurious ef fects This being the case iris difficult to7sce how the Act complainedbf can affect the health safety 01 welfare of the in habitants of the Township of Vespra particularly as the location do of Mary Toronto and D011 las will mm in luum In Bar lie Enlistmg the latter 31717731319312 EMEWECOND statutes wc1e77 passed It was stated in cv1dence and am SctllS elly 110115 79 we 77 7t 111 cum in g1 11 gt with the 32 ngst company Radios have Eva175 58v Eggsnmfrrrgre Bigpefrggfthgg ed beyond any doubt thatsh is the Gagathat the sanitary ml St The intention ofthc Saijcanl there Enlistmg in June 71940 he attended Marys school and Camp Bordenhelater transferred enth to third placefollowing autoLl brain with lhousands method as described in the evidence is propcrand efficient Company and the Town councll wentoverscm the fomowmg ye BCI and tomed we Grey and 5m se veg ce mobiles and refrigerators in thelof other cooks but no food How lisbof iigf purchases which Canlever7 before the7night was out they adiansplauiomakejfl recent Survey 42 0f th peoTandwiches that were hastily made ple polledsaid they intend to buy for the7grat throng braliohs lasted until7late at night weeks in Belgium 1a rad after the War Sop Wah described the idisplily Saieaht Company will not be car Com an and the Canadian Le ion iv Frank Hargreaves Dunfa lt 1211 feksadthecelebaungas 9tradispczsalgrqa1512u9i17121atef713$t3f thiTltwbnsthl7p ml out thegreatest ever seen in Torontog 771hc 7e7f7fect70f thc aw is no rcgu a7e 27111 70017110 711 07 77 77 gt prohibit an act which does notcome Withinthc punpaSe for Chairman Craig and Chmatown The Chinese consul which the Bylaw was passed If this were permitted the auth Robertson were named delegates I77 ority might bccxtcndedftofhc9xte1il thatthe kepingpf 1am 10 the annual Georgian Bay th77 717 animals or poultry mightbeprohibitdin whichcase the danger icipal Electrical Associationi mcct 16 the 913mm The Ele 11111101112111111 safety and Welfaronme Town ing This year it willbc held SepI as 77 77 77 1205 am 35b Friday August 31 Auspices 70f enabled the SA to be The Army ronto have the contract for the 07 them 7ar797Barr1 7mm Dance at Midhurst oldtime and LOBA 830sharp 16 games forof the Helping Hand7 Both in stggl construction and they began The building 302 feet by15277ieet7z modernrEridayVAugust 31G00d725c 25b Canada and in the ravaged lands work threeweeks ago Jack Fow We bafk from Bratlferdzstlfeet music Everybodywelcome 351 Annual Flower Show Barrie Of7Eu1Ope7 there will beendless7lensupcrintendent of the 10st7eel arid aellhe landscavmrtprolgct Other senior students nimoperated therefor the first time and will be at Camp Borden Fall is approach with the SelectiveService by ac allotted among thefive grade 11X lug when summerplaces are clos ceptigg $991111worklnrgfqrcstc clssesAppr911imatelv200qithe edand7 theshortrdayarecomi11g tion with the railway and 0171 conr 1B boys7 and girls wiltbe from It is felt that the work of the Can th at j7 struction jobs The sons of farm outside the town limits teep can still be of great Value Presentationconcert andvdance Horticultural Society Trinity Par problems of personal readgustmenl workers states they Will be fm 15 Game mug 17 933755117 ers have not had far7to look for For the first time in 26 years Supervisors havebeen notified of Friday September North lnnisfil ish Hall Friday Sept7 Doors op Which the SA is 7qualified and isljed in another week There are an attmetwe 173113157171 to 93339313 work during the harvest Season Principal Girdwood Willgnot theSeptember shifts Vcterans Welcoming Committee an 211118117 3336h ready to assist The Salvation 230 tons of steel going up the big I71 isexpecteddhgr will About 100 school cadts sea ca beat the Collegiate to introduce Saturday night dances Will Stroud Community Hallwh11s6me Meeting of ngus Horticultural Army can give that needed touch gest girders being 40foot one tfif not greaterthan the tember at Thunder Bay with 77 Next Tuesday morning 1800 boys Several of the teachers lock and thousands of Chmesg took Sh WOUIdbev mfny PEER gm and girls Wiuisetolltfor schools work during me summev months part ct 1112212311ftlcazhdsfdartiussvaga MW St7 11 c1111 thew 9111 re9d 111 in Barfi7e77aftr having had rest while some studied summer courses mi enemh ec pa 911116151115 ga Pam Agrs71alem Lfmmmhookyvrnd classea forthn 111 connectioxmwith their sub Bradford street wtll bepractically also on the ob at thet re ttim gt Jects 77 77 77 777 sen months7ln additiontherc will be But next week 71800 boys and 53 club and Home Fropf Appeal COmPIer 591 Of the Operating Standard Elem 9f Trnt9has about 75 of thir little brothers and girlswillgo7 back to their classs Canteen Reopens Sept 1777 Salvation Army 7etlt7171p17nenct71s 1101111 171711 th707 ggounds 1116277cnllt77f11777t7170 electrical 77713111111153 sisterswhowillentera school room Assuming that the enrolment will angs ore 131 rea7y 01 8117 ompgmyo orono for the first time simllprto that of September On Saturday morning Sept at The Salvation Army Home it 1111171 stallation has the contract for plumbing All the students have not spent 1944 the hiuriber of studentsat the 11 oblock Barrie Active Service cents wordMining chm so Appeal w1lll be 71717 73121117197401 7D 77711071111172 sernlendiifof The walls are going up steadily thgir time liolidalingMore than various schoolswill approximate Club and Canteen will rteopen 11f vWens ey7 21111180 1117 001151th 1011 071 01111 81011 and the bricklayers 7am well ad score of BCI girls spent the sum 1y Collegiate 5750 Prince or Wales fer being closed for minor repairs ers Life chairman at last years Companyon the $300000 plant told winced with their task of laying mar withthe Ontario Farm Ser490 Victoria 385 King Edward Some painting and extensive house Dance Brentwood hall FrldIIY Dance WEEK Friday mght at suCcessful campaign has accepted The 7E7lxam111er that work IS pro7 quartermimon bieks77 Vice Force working 77717777 N737 2707 King George7 307 St Mays7 cleaning wasdone7 August31 Willoughbys orchestr7a 09011751011171 Pa7V1hon7 to Mr Bar chairmanship of the 1945 drive guessing favorably and shouldbe Altogether there 7am about so gara and other fruit districts Many 1570 777 Although We war is oven there 30p wicks eightpiece orbhestrei from and Parsonc 0f the Bank of completed bytherend onctpbgr as skilled work nd labmers WW of the boys were employed on the At the Collegiate some 200 of Is stilladefirute n7ee7d for therCan Midmte Dance SUDdEY 5891 DeHaVland Almaft Plant 3315f Commerce Will 7act as7711easu1e1 scheduled 70 the construction job and many glakes 7aS deck hands or waiters the students will be welcomed teen Large numbers of men are Arena Gardens Barrie Starts BmgoAllandale Orange Hall pubiic support 7111 past years has Frankel Brothers Limited of To dets and airlcadets had two wceks the new students to the stafflicl Elrfzigaihon Sept Thedance newly rqtumed veterans wilLbe society in school on Sptember 107 humanity by your aid in ctm beam weighing 37290 pounds The 77 77 training 1111013 1681118 military assignthem to their classes Mr hostesses are asked to be prosentlpresented with watches Every Address on bulbs by Mr Clarktributing to the Home Front Ap Frankel 77steel workers came to appliancesMost of the conditlons Turn to page two please by 915 atthe latest body iriviteclr 355 7111 welcome 35b PERL Barne from another 1312t Willy5310931 us 77 77