Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1945, p. 8

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on mom dom while Bfilall he crammed 36V cial ortios ovcr en tcil Home vw from verseas Numcs of film and Women Returning from Overseas Wclcomrd For This olumn Please Telephone 3411 lCml 1d Muricd iii Ililclslld CM 25 litI iv Friday belt flvc you liaicai Sllxllilttv thick or back England hero Albcllu Welcome Iiomr Night 31111 it wil Ncwuzu Uxlc II Itli Lu$ Lift Mr lllIlc1I In If Warlord 11111 if M1 LI iiulsl your on 1Il II filtitit 0110118131103 1111 MUNICIPAL 123m Continual fr 1U bc 11 cv docs not 11 rmc Iuqur cit to llltcrplct il THIS 15 Iil It ICni kklut llli 2A 7HT 11557 AN UNIT 11111 11 to mine unflmro prion mm tile is Itlfl Ilc llrlvl 1m 1111111111111 film tlll Irak Filthlllzl xiiusiJ Icrtrluic lim ic 1iI truth New Itft 11ml 1131 tunic mice in ninth 11 tulllvuuitfctr mic to Plum Mic 1115 11 Ii it lliLl 312i Continued from page one the farm of Ed They returnedi luncheon at Jarratt Barrie 1113 afternoon and in the 15 itawu lyrii if tin1c were cvl11 Ill dctluild by liairic gtkcd l1 ilatc Zlic uric1 out it no Mi lillll Iiut Hitluiitl lll plan 1112 of tho llcputy Mlll of limitzl Vc dont 1111 you fool II11 IIll 21 XEH lzcy lltldii gtla 51 bought by the Ncw Ixilii tacking attended incestlng of the division of the lzilpzovcncnt AsI lulloll hold at Elmvalc chlil ay they were in the 111 11 illliC where tllcy ucicl similar to tho York Coopi growers gt0 Crop potatoes law I11 thidlllull to ticIds of Kalahduls 11 party 1It also inspecting fields fCllippawa Ctd potatoes in North spring wcck Keenan oft chief of illc Dominion sccd potato certification service is cxpcctcd to pay ll vlslt to Slutcool County for 1111 illSpCClull of the potato top EITHANKSGIVING SERVICES HELD 11 liphxi Ilir ciltlrn lmnlt Ii HITI IIIIIKINI THE lIJlSKl IHUHIVAI $335 1191111 lick tultttl Iitlil1i ly Liliyolu uiii lllly Muxucil Iluusc tlluu uh any utIIcl brand of Iliilcl in lI1c HIIIII IIII lllltlll Iilcnli contain ltrll 11 11 riliti rllif 1l1rr lain 11 111 up allural fllw Isvllllll Huh 01 trlil10 ll1l Iiicll mil rliitlwio tltlrli who lf 11 own bu Ill III 0114111 11 ii 14 nymIllill1111ricllli IOITUCPM sclcltcd from till Titles 10 world products rrcoMmruo illisillltlor POSTWAR was IttttirllIl Synliltlil IIIlIiIIlr Iiircs 111 cause we Ilavc soon lIlIil all no riority lirnlftl Ill Nrllt know tlcytclui gin 1111 In cxtra tiltago you llccti for postwar driving If IllittlIrIIIllIiIIIIN itltI allll PlyVlrill construction pro yidc curl prolmtioli against Iilowonts 21ml prcullltllrt lira failurc IiiffhillIItlHI gills safe mer tractionlon ct puvcman Youll get smooth safe driving with great mileage from the Goodrich Tires we offer you today Gdbdrich SYNTHETIC 1mm FOR PASSENGER cars 3030le MORAN WHITE ROSE LuciSERVICE STATION Bayfield SL Barrie Another policyholder In lasTwceks Examiner Vernon Bud Mclnnis soil of Mrs Waltcl All 111xk11nlle faiilerof in Tllc Mutual Lich of Canada Many years agoxiiyJa or rzfllw AltNtd twin illoli 1n ital IIle 111 ilt Willi 11w t1l1llll l1y lloilrlxi itilt lzlv llllllic oil itilllilll Two and Half lc1rscrscls Trill llillyd cllc yuillzucl o1 Inf 111 and 111 1li M1113 11l gilludiold St llulllc litllillcdloi Canada on iIlt lulllls IilltlllItlllII 111 at ucblt oll Situljduy Audi 11 lc1111 Quclicc 1ty 111 ll 11111 llilt tloop train lcucllcll ioiginio 111i ylcss than 12 hour Al Toronto Iicf vas incl by 111 wltc and 1115 baby lilill lwillllil 11c lllld illtl sccul Ills letllcl blotllil ulld ltil llltI tililtli Ifricllds Thcy llllilUHtI to ithat cvcuillzz and tho follliwllllf initillt at his sistcrs 11111110 21 family igutllcrlng was bold lpr Ncllcs 1111I listcd i11 Iunc 1010 11c tluiucd at Camp ilordcu chcrt and Niagara 1111d ycut ovcrsclls ill Julio ill13 mid tl llif 1tIl lI1 211d lullldlall Almourcd lllicadc 011 liay thcy llllidcd on ltllc beaches of Normandy ilc scrvV cd 111 France Ilclgium Holland and Gclmlllly Tpr Ncllcs was 11 Trans yport DllL1 and counts himsle vcry lucky in all his cxpcricnccs Ilc 1s cnjoyini 30day IlllIOllllll now 11 wlliting his discharge Father Still vcrsclls Tpl Anthony Ieeso1 of Mrs Lee 101 Clappcrton St Bari ric arrived home fronl overseas last week but his father is still in Britain Tpr Lcc graduated from Aslibury College Ottawa ill June 1943 and joined tllc army at that time Going overseas last OctobcrI Fcbiilziliywiiiid sclvcd Through Bcl gium and Holland and into Ger many He came home as volunteer for IIlC Pacific forces His father Col LeopMC who served in Italy is now at CMHQ in London England Where he may be for eight or nine months 15 Flight Lielitcnant tui lilt 1111 howcnt into IlilIlCO tlic followmg ill Ill lil pollllur lzl =IIJIillIrili plucc 1111 11 lllblllltlt to lilt loukll le and 11 btlll to tho bcst Il1 111 111 tlll11 11 lilllcl lulu1 ls guzului by lllc Iii lill IllJJl Itlii IIwly tltll lli ills Worship should I113 11 11111 for Illlrlll IllltmL lgtl 11111 11 cwry opportun lty by Iillt by Words and by Itttil lo cliIcll xilould buy from Ilulrlo liltllilfllllgt is bcgtl cusicst luld rzlfcsl T111 ltlulc Illgtl115 wc do 111 Illll own town lilc rllfilitl tllc pl1gtpcllfy of thc 1111911 SUIT yoillslll on Iiulllc IIltll Burr1c to cvcrycnc you 111cct Ill closirl 111s lclhil sald Vc arc all thalzlLiul for vlclory it ought to ho tllc duty II cvcly tliliitll lu thought word and dccd Ill IIll 111gu11lc 1111s illc Ic IilifliJw gtL tlitltlsi lii HII Burnout lllsurc lllc continuance of 11clicc pcacc must ho 11111t111cd it cannot live without our support ills Worship was llitloduccd by Lhittlck and Smith tcndod thanks ills Mclnllis 30 John St Barrio was listed as Flying fficcl This was IlllS bch Fliullt Licutcnaut with the RAF in India 25310 116 1111011 STATUS CHANGE WASAGILBEIICH Continued from page one ty altcndcd the hearing and uigcd the Municipal Boar not to make lIlC change 111 staring1 bout your of the taxpayers Evidence at the hearing ill Barrie showed that the 1042 asScssmcnt of Wasaga BCuCh was $335575 of which only $17055 was owned by permanent residents The 1944 as sessment was $453050 approxi mately onefifth of the total for Sunnidalc Township With Wasaga Beach designated as an iliiprovcincnt district this will bc one of the very few coin munities in Ontario to be admin istered by trustee board appoint cd by the Lieutenant Governor and operating under the Municipal Board The returning officer for the vote last Saturday Was Devitt of Woodland Beach The vote was with less than 40 per centuof the more than 900 persons eligible to LL sonand spout513110 Iltr was In bluikcr and IIU saw directly how life insurancc can IJtIllfili 111011 aildILoulcli ill many ways imprcssed on 1116 till yoluc of life insurance He Obtained policy for me when was adulthood when started to work i113 bankin my bad twciltics purchased another $1000 policy with The Mutual Lifc INVITES titanium insured again fora larger amount to give 111 wife the protection She needed clloschO Pay Lift17 insurance prcfcrrillg that plan because have to make oiin Tiilcldypaymfiisbf hosiimeamounh tuiingjmy vbst viiillillgycurs and fliciizmy insuranco will be paidup representative votc casting ballots Following the closing of flic polls at six oclock there was some pliant cap ll111 Ililflllt ii1tr1zulil lithiirhiilin Alix Inflow fr it IlfyA hli Gilli will leltu bow to Inc sillishillc I13 ctilllplcxllm briqlltcncr IlIlt llln lids way with it ulldlflIy ill lt1Iing 1111c1111c Com plcxluns but 13 apt to overdo tlii job cruising dry Icltlicry skin if not wiltmlicll For iIlI maxim thc Im Barry Skul Specialists Iliivc dcvcl opcd crczlln which WIII combat tIlr slightly upillq climb 011 the Skill of too lulllll cxposuic Ili Harry Spccml Skin Cnilm Du flurry Skill Frisil cllcr givc tllc complcxion quirk warmth zllld Ilic and U11 Hurry Imuld ntion otion softclls and diliuscs tlic glow provldcs powdcr b1sc IIltft thrn preparations arc rccmilnlclldcii by lu Barry as I1lsic Ilcuuty csscn ti1ls lBARRlEVESPIIII DEADLOCK 011 GARBAGE PLAN lColltillllcd from pluiconcj lilc dclcczltloll tllcll retired and WWCCI 45 MS bulk for some timo Ill Vlslhu Clillntlllors sat in with the Barrie councillors 11 Mclnllis is home after two yoursIlll WIT10 llccvo From Vcs Cumming Dcputy Ilccvc Earl Richardson Clerk Coulis and Councillors Iloy ilick 11115 Albcrt Ford and lvlln Mc Loan Mayor Sinclair told the looting that llurric was primarily illtcr cslcd ill establishing that thc meth or is sanitary HC Silld it has been found satisfactory by the Ach icau Army is being used by the Army in Canada and is in use in CIIICS 111 Unith States The Vesprzl Viewpoint Itccvc Andrew Cumming addressed the gathering One must sit in the place of Vcspra residents to appreciate just what this means Speaking of the efforts of Vcspra to cooperate with Barric he referred to an editorial in The Barrie Examiner as unfair and onesided He recalled conditions before the Vespra bylaw was passed about six years ago when Barrie dumps ed garbage in the Open in Vespia The garbage was supposed to be covered at that time he added as it is now Mr Cumming Said soon aftcr Barrie began dumping their garb age in Vespra this summer he had noisy telephone and when he investigated the condition was bad Thcsludgc had run across the field and down toward the two to one in favor of the change mad and smelled pretty high Your council told our council that if ever there were any com plaints the garbage system Would be stopped We had told Our people that ihid we believed you suggestion that there had been want tocallfa spaTdc aspade irregularities and it was said the vote might be disputed The change in stutus will have some effect On Flos Township as about oneninth of the POlice Vil lage of Wasaga Beaclrwasiin that municipality There was volcof trustees Fr sagarBczichforthcvcar T940 an electiOnhcld the previous Sat urday August 11 Inch Lawrason and Jamcchnwcll were giygliilg acclimation Villagers arc now wondering whether or not thcse names will have any bearing on the appointments to be made by the Lieutenant Governor Wasaga Bcachaftcr the change in status goes into effect will have on the Simcoc County Council This is provided forlin tile MunicipalAcl There has been no indicalion as to when Wasaga Beach will official7 become an improvement dishid but it may nOt be Huntilmtildvm FirTY YEARS AGO ITEM andI feel that when your dele gation came out it was gentle mans agreement anckthe rBarrie councillorsshould have stood bc hind lt fBut added Mr Cum ming if you persist in dumping ggiirbage it will create ittvvltrjmd agesystem oanSaiditshouldwnolw no good can come out of it Uiider these conditions dont think you should blame us dont want Iorcriticizethesanitary fill But your own municipality wouldnt have itand now yourarc Youvc got to saying in effect take il The Reeve of Vtgspra suggested that Barrie give this plan aoneV year lrialin town and added that if there were no complaints in Barrie the people of Vcspra might be willing to take the garbage Mr Cumming intimated that Bar rie had not had satisfactory garb be thrown onto vVespra Norm lhetime of the saILofJaniiu4Xies lhcn tllc tlsilli gtlltI tiic iilziln sticklni 1111 Ll was 11 Id ttzly 111w Curt ldca good 11 ctilcl 11 such 11 would lltl11 Quin to uric ms ti the 01 uskcli Iiily fillmpp c1111tllil 12 lilc Vcspla 111II illlitlitill lhc llllliflll nltc Ii liIIlllgtlL Ilccw uniluuu lcplcll that In liull lwcl tllclc whcn it was uffcii Sivc lllI 11 was illcll IIIL plillll blmc Aid 111151 lll1ItlI thc Vltll llIltilIli Illdllt llll llic dump and III dccllllcd it was lIlt WW lclnotcly IIlt Cull ll11l 1lli1c Illlli ll uutls llIltI 1Itlic SItll lllliI 11c cquuliy silllliitly 1nd lll lllllisfil Olo 111 llllllil Ifclllllll lo IIlt syslclll llli by Blilllc 11 low yczus 11111 Mr Coulis SllL11IttI it was tllc dry cllltll llliilllltl by diffcrclll 1111110 tlic Itllllil ls supposcd to bc covci cdw Spcaliillg 11f Camp llorllcli Iltlt tlic laudfill 111ctllod is uscd Illl Vcspla Tlcrk said illllC was rcpllafc collcction for prcasc oil INHtm and tho 11510 food was cly collcctcd for 11111 swill lllc majority of Barrio ulllcrntcll 21nd Vcsplu councillors did not sptak on tho lilllttcr during iIl council gtzltlicrinu Close 1111 Sociable Notc About 1013 after an hours lis cussinll Makor Sinclair lldjollillcil thc joint meeting saying We dont sccm to be gettingI anywhere but we can bc sociable The Bar rio council thcn invited lIlC Vcspru council to the City Cafe for sand wicllcs and coffee Thc discussion in the restaurant was mostly about matters otlnr than the landfill mlllod of garbage disposalTt was meatless Tuesday so nearly everyone had chicken sandwiches MIDHURST W0 Leo ORcilly has recently rc tllrncd from overseas and is spend lng 730days leave at his home Visiting also with Mound Mrs ORcilly is Miss Jcan Romans of Halifax NS WAS lli illlldc IIlairc of tllc First Baptist Chinchl LAST SUNDAY Continued from page one tilc oildnide Evangclixatiou llic morning and even in lv1ngclization scrviccs wcrci conductcd vltll praycr and thanks giving for tile clld Of the war Fol lowing the regular cvcning pro cram an tiptllllil scrvicc was held at tho Post Office Sqllarc large congregation was prcsclltI 111 St Andrcws Church wllcli the looming scrvicc was llgld jointly by the First Baptist and Ircsby tcriau congregations Rev was ill cllargc of tile scrvicc lilc praycr of thanksgiving was offer cll by Roy Jalncs Ferguson 111iuis7 tor of St Andrews and the praycr of liltcrccssion by llcv iarbutt Smith of Strathroy Baptist Church Mrs Rubi McDonald of the Bap tist choir snug as Solo 110 Wipcs the Tour from Evcry Eyc The sermon was lfilCIlCd by Rev Doll ald Sinclair pastor of the Baptist Church at Iilltlow vhcrc Rev llairc was 111illiSIClICIOiC coul illg to Barrio 1115 Subject was loud Soldier in Jesus Christ bilSLfi on Timothy 23 He c0111 parcd the life of the soldier ill the army with what should be cxpcct nd in soldicrs of Jesus Christ Takl ing various features of the life of thc soldier his training his uni form his equipment his wcapOns his duties his obligations his loyal tics be effectively showed what is to be expected of Christians It is the duty of soldier to fight and overcome For the Christian there are three great enemiesthe world the flesh and the deviland cvcry temptation comes under one of these The Christian must love the principles of his faith and fight to uphold them In conclusion the spczlkcr pointed out that the great objective of soldier should be to win the battle and establish peace So it should be with the Christian soldier to achieve inthe end the great peace of which St Paul said have fought good fight have kept the faith Church special service of t111nks ReV Mr Hairc preached thevsqr giving had been held the previous mm in the evening in First Bap Wednesday the day following the TS happy good morning when you have the crunchy whole wheat goodness of Muticts breakfast MUFFETS give zcst to caring with their dcli Cious exciting flavour give the health and cncrgy of whole grain for the start of the day Rciidytoscrvc they save time and trouble MlliilIIS lire lmy cat ing too servings cost less than cent apiece GET PACKAGIZ or MIIFFETS FROM YOth GROCER TODAY T0140 1krr his ompany of marlw Limilm lace former pastor spoke bricllyof the war At the Sunday 1001 Al StMarys Roman Catholic 111g Masses and the evening service the clergyman conducting the ser lvicc urng those present to remem bcr the peace in their prayers and tist Church and Rev Wal official announcement of the curl to offer up thanks SCHOOL SUPPLIES There will definitely be ashortagc of Text Docks Wefridvise early buying PUBLIC SCHOOL Arithmetics Grades 10 Junior Mathematics Composition and Grammar Ontario Public School Geography Junior History of England Speller Grades to Speller Grades to nu II First Book of Canadian History New Course Bookkeeping Reader in Canadian Civics Public School Health Book ONTARIOREADERS Mary John and Peter Garden of Stories Grade Golden WindowsGrdIl Gateways to Booklanderade 20 Treasury Reader Grade iiiiii Treasury Readeriadej7 Life and LiteratuleGrade Life and Literature Grade COLLEGIATE INST FlllSTJYEARGRADE IX These bdoks are for all students Living English miniScience Book Essentialsof Business Practice Little Oxford Dictionary Modern Literature for Schools Geiieral Mathematics Book Li Courerimaire dejFraricais Britain and the Empire 25 25 30 TUTE in this grade 55 65 35 45 87 711 59 160 New Algebra for HighSchoolsv La Vipere de Luvercyr THIRD YEARGRADE x1 Litlle Oxford Dictionary CreativeEnglish Shorter Poems Cours Moyen deFrancaisPart Ancient and Mediaevalr History New Algbra rimHigh Schools Modern Geometryfor High Schools TElements of Physics 55 50 Latin for Secondary Schools FOURTH YEARGRADE x11 Learning to Write 100 Shortr Poems Short Stories and Essays COurs Moyen de Francois Part Modcin Geometry Chemistry First Course Latin for SecondarySchools LatinReader for High Schools MacBeth Grass of Parnassus 113st Horizon TwentyOne Essays UPPER SCHOOLGRADE XIII Shorter Poems Short Stories and Essays LongerPoems Book of LatinPoetry Book of Latin Prose Advanced Course in Algebra WzxqmmeW fWWWMEWW put to Barrie and notdthatvpthef New Antyti GeOmtry RECALLSTO DILJAS THOMAS Wiley unread to retire can itlwisli llSCLIlc cash value Geography 75 oftpyfiilsurallcc to ptiifciiasc monthly i11Co1no fNoyv fromJny omrcxpericnce as banker am realizing thewisdoiii of my futhcrshdvice and am teaching u1ysbtilllc vulueOf lifeiu51france Mutual Life epresenfativo arrdngaydurfamily lugimam Life Insurance Since 1869 Peter St 013111121 ontario TRYING Dr Thomas of GaldOn Quill in personal letter to th Editor writes Having been afrader of yourpapeiffor overy 40 yearsI a1 ivays look f0rward to its weekly visit Was interested in the f50 Years Ago inyour issue of Aug regarding the4boys whopassed IheEntrance Examinations in Bar rie The following are graduates in medicine Toronto University Charles Kirkpatrick Orillia Angus Campbell 86 Bloor Toronto RoyThomas 208 St Clair Ave Toronto James Thomas Caledon Another outstanding recollection of the examination was that was required to stand in front of roomfull of young ladies and en deavorto pass the examination in reading Examinr Classifieds cost little but give big results Diarrhoea If you an suddenly attaekedwith dialthus dysentery colic crampaor pains 1n the stomach to bomb or any looseness of the bowels do not wastavvaluableltimepbut at once ro roure bottle of Dr Fowlers tijact of Wildtrawberry and see how quickly it will give you relief When you use DwFowlers you are not experimenting with some new and untried remedy but one that has stood the test of time one thathas been 011 the market for the past 94 years Bellinio of substi tutes They may be dangerous to your healt Get Dr Fowler al and fcel safe The Milburn GI LtdTorot1to Ont Mathomatical Drawing Set LargeLooseLeaf Note Book Paints with large brush SECOND YEARGRADE xi amine Oxfon Dictionary 1714 uuunl1umnun1nnuu Living English Opus Primaire de Francals Building the Canadian Nation 77 General Mathematics Book II General ScienCeBook II Latin fer Secondary schools NewColirse in Bookkeeping EAIM 530 Elizabeth St 65 tilld75 llL 90 55 75 87 85 50 L65 100 unnunuuua uch wannauuuu Keep Thislist for Your Convenience in Shopping at OUTHlS 405 Scrivbhleis Exercise Books Pencils momentary Trigonometry Chemistry Comish Mechanics North America and the Modern World Vicar of Wakefield II 11n Senior Latin Composition Cours Moyen de Francois Part II Maria Chapdelafne A11 B01 Girls willpurchase Good Health thei$ii166i Rulers Erasers PensInk and 3311 School Requirements carried in stock nunnun ooK STORE Gill IMLDADWWuWMW Wowmerumwwmywmus

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