PAGE SIX THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO AN We owners HILLSDALE DDT Is Effective STROUD WS OF STAYNE mm Mcth MW iIN But We new insect pray re are again in position to do rlt rlr A7 rt oucmoaemoao 7e nolrda iii med on Illall fauna in this m1 VIV VVV 7t Willi wtistgizrg results WIIIIIIdV fl INS store farmers believe LlJli Mr lt jun um tinny II VV ilt lI pm IV not ii her l3 10 ALL MAKE 1r VY mini JV discfhi Vrhleriiord Washing MGChlnES Vacuum Cleaners rn if zitJun Brampd IQ 7i vr lillfltl SO OVBS ILL an lrm fib gtErprrrrts of DDT crre 31 Id Mr Eton it Uphn load retuilcrs about tnorrtlri ronrn gritLi it ii been rr Aluit REV1 Iaghy IVIHUanV UtInflgmImV irrrgngmVrVrVe zipiv VVV UVVVIVV mi MVIryleIV VIMCVVMIHIIV ductmhy KI Why VVVrinjiVaqVVdVVV gtlrtrltl be dried on the tclllltgf untl 5umVVMV lSIHIES IV all five feet from the tloorV minimI PHLVH 2313 BARRIEV Cure rrrtrst be taken tliut illillllilisylUIriliIl rt iiltl Axum ICVWh like VeinJV when we hits hltillt VV IV II 512 rv 7V unt guele 3th ink it lm int photon btwlVIklztiVy Myme 52m war it pays to read and use Examiner if Luxuwmi TVIUHIS md nuke Wm it1r rilltl sl rrtcc itlrrssifieds ypruwmi if lluwu II mm in JI may totes who med tlzei wit BIN II in pzry rt hl barn and SiLlthIilltfl ifireen and Uirlrt twin rim 12m rlt sritlzrtt37 Um 13 liillf 15 up and idol titanium ruinirrnr i7 her daughter in untriediate effect Most SillilIVr 11z ygillatlnilft VVHV ithhU Udtll Sound lrr quick effect against iliegt ash mi 15 in want 14 rzuiu Mm II II Iki autumn trir in win in Ill Ur Adorn Wit tizlcriimrrx ruinaniihi in TECH 312 mug often iorrr off within rtr hour ma it 1r 3x or uugc rI irrr Lon VV VI IV VI II jVVVVVVi 1h llriwp er wrtrr DDI deposrt rifi Willi Mr Uzrtmril IOIIRk mm v=irtrht Hotth VV VV tV IV VI II MI AMI THIWII minimtr pmmn is left when the liquid driosl AVllIgtli MorrrxanV rrrdV luv Whirl win her daughterIjoff and it is this that kills the rrr 3lt3iifI iw Iimrr Mummy ner Stilllltlrtttlx when they come in contract VJ ll Vi WWI iUstd rloutrd the Windows ot VV Off VVIVVVV Pl iVVV by tillL Llllrl hot 1tnblelt and other plzrces where hunkgynini mp In Min to rllttl to llurcrsvrlle utter WI IIIIIII Wm hH nmmer M7 lliex gather ir is extremely effec rd lll theVArrrlnun liditlVl in lieu Iftvmiihh Etrvi rrrd one spraying lusts for ll Czrtntnrt grfterVlrriVn gt rmr it Elli miziixl1hf mmkim ZYIXU wverul day anent in Vtrn tum WW viVilliLf3h Uergt of DDl ilr irritated that mu pnwcmi 19 ulr inu Ml IIdear Archer lmm imund mt Limb 214 1II and vlh Win lititrcv mllfhiinkvnrd mi the blln 15 imm ll II effect in reducin le nrrnbcr SI ott urn lt ltt 1t l1 irr itlxrcrj Svlres Culliniwmod visitcdiri the home ind Min Cllflxtlti torter Sun First brought into extensive use LlMlllIl AllltlllAllUN nl iiillztlt 4220 are the one tltcrl rm lrltgtlllltttl lrrpasis conquest of the Dutch Johns pm Holy Communion the weekend with Mr and Mrs ll VV it It armed Hex DDT is mm can mum Sim II Hm BHLA YOUR Hth CONTAINER VI VIIVV VII VV IIIITHMHI itiIIIIiIVEVfVV seckgxintheme released in larger quontrtres rasnin attend wry In it IWII Mrs llerh Siriiti also Mr if WIN OVmg ill friend The zirmlll UVImmIIVVI U1 311de was limited supply farmers ureaborn sought hrrn on to find rut ii in Plum Guaranteed Bread our ltllc I1lli given preference until qrrotns can was rlljtllllL himself Weekend lllti of Mr rind Mrs be illClUlxCfl Slrrvrrrr retor urn hich VV VV VVV VV DVW VL Mff and George Brown who has found you that is the only tinny ln in ROYGI Househo inIV lrIt rVndVVVMrs Vtary Ill ready sale 01 DDTV mw il is jVMM IIVV VV IVVV nrgnadtii ant it it in gt VV IVI VV VVM VIIVI Vr rirri in lVVIIVIV Nymph Mini hiring produced by the paint toniI Blossom of Canada With Millrlli iii Kltlit llliillKllHl ii H1 mum Hi in mwuh mihirlii ml mi Mf Lawumnd puma imd pm up gallon mm Mr and Mrs lllzrck and MM memIIiwomfnr unwindum jwultn Viitr ktin llilllli thtIilli Vin tzie lwcexx in 41rzr Milli this lieverrry IllrVxVV Vtuulsorr MrsVSe quart llllS 5th BMRV Him ML and NV rnnrnet at it error iiss or con twin 1r ilJII geuerouJ titlt it 10 In 01 md Pun 5mm ll em few luv last week vrli unplcasrurtodorur Sqlllihl rt litii lhhv it llrx V1 VVVVVtVtrVrVr VV Vt it tiVV5I Mn and 33k an MuncurV THI 12 mm Mm CIVVVVIVC BIVMMHV llrllRh AIFRAVLUVE WHOLESALX 1R F9 for dmldll IM tilkliltfs lit MK Ni lihf W11 Mumiiikw llll Siltm Cklnd With til Miv ml Mik Bmi EHMmip mi INVITEDr letsbottlentymrrrlruxzhta R11 iv rim Hilmh wipii min LimitsS mum $9 Hum Gwen Crrpteril spent Wedncsdn today KNP llultle till Htlt MI iiliwi UzHIL Linux it Minimum kw Nmqmu wer 9150 lliziQlfl mm Ml LUlS BilldWill ViSlth ill and lhursdziy with Mrs ilurl Vi bumwunhcu VVVK VV Vr7VerrVitiV VVV VViLl3 1an mum II WIN rumhm iIrVVVVVlrne Rumble Ioronto re Dalston last week Brock and other 1eluicVVV that rs tutmhlr of my Ammo Mr and Mrs Sinton spent the Miss Grrrce Hill who spent two VrrVigerry VVIVlltVrt VlilatkVVVVVlltltltrVVVlit 1355110 Hummul NIHVVIIIUHV HHV lVVIrVrrrrtl Mrs JVVAVGrllespre VIC weekend at Proton weeks with her mother has rctrrrn ViinVorrranVle Vrs preercd Hill VVVDVVVVVVCVV VVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VHVV rVutrVLrVrjlzulmurVMM Webe and pm Im BukerV BarVrieV was ed to her positiun in me Canadian Vi it rl4lltLV VVVV VV VI nn irinriiitigt rrrd CM Gilles home for the weekend Treasury washingnmI DC Fm p1 WNW IMllw England Harry BIUCk was home from Mr and Mrs Win Cowmd and blood titlllul rervrce riruIllhllllillll Vlrt Hillm 71gt lhc twirl IllthUlVilv llllfd 1155 dnd lororrto for the weekend VTom spent the weekend in Toronto rlrfl ii ill lulu lly The end ririrrtonn illlil trilllllillt very little INN lilrt Wh Miss Dorothy Caston is spending visiting Dirk Chuml viii is so Baldwm Dial nlmid pimping hIidtto tire iritill of ottiiir rnrurn WTM Several weeks at Port Severn iously illIin St Josephs llolt1ilzrl Knox Church service 730 St Miss Orer Slack Toronto spent Street 77W WT WM Hillmy mm FM mm if 88 cm or Chafee Craig Toronto is spend Horne Billie Home North our MEMBER or BARRIE CHAMBER or COMMERCE lmmmum mummm ilk 333 midis Mm supply Pet ing few days with his sister Mrs liar has been spendier his lltlliddVS I0 er IS vrr Iwih and it luw the tinrm Clifford Bell there WNW pvrtgrzrt adrnrrtuee that it chem icnlly different from uranrurn and is therefore easrly xepurutcd limit it by chemical lllClllriltlS New llrrrrt Produces llutoriirrrn The plant which hernc built From Headaches It is hard to struggle along with ahead that aches and pains til the time headache nch not he an illness in itself but it 1b mlmll symptom mt mum newml Hm ltlrurr to produce materV Fluggmhncss wlthm ials for release of rtourrc more Io help overcome the cause of headache it is will Hymnm ummum and mmvi ncccasary to clrrnrnute the waste matter from the system VBurdock Blood Mel When we HIVUIIII1 lfI Brttershelps to remove the muse ot headaches by regulating the digestive bI II VIVV IIII wd7bilinry organs neutralizing acidity regulating the constipated bowels IIMI hm DWI thoumg up the sluggisher and when this has been accomplished um thoIle limit for sulficrean irrrrrrlrty Inches Hhuuld snppmm tizrrns rssnnrs are 50 up dirt Get BVBV 15 Many drug count Pmo SlenboweI large quantities of energy are re VV llml Milliurn CoIlnritud Toronto OnL leased from the uranruur in con AH immd ma 11w1 WW TV VV lLV msth protc in the letawa our plant is the production of liS Siorr in uranium 233 by slow rreu iron The fiskinrr of UBIiS atonr releases high weed rreutr ll he Junk will mi hel will 11 cult iitilllt hen litiLl mil gt VII gt0 they lose Speed nrrtrl they in turn produce fission In this way slow Ililitott chain reaction is set rrir This WWI in very 11pm ntnnbcrs hr LV bf7b L04 5l mic 91mm 135de thc7U38 atoms to produce Iltlilll rurrr Later the urnrrrurn crrn be re th move tom rrrtwurr lie 9i mi 7w puonrurncntratted trtmrculy Aid in Research zrndMedicine Other neutrons can beizibsorhed i7777i77 in materials placed round the re Incting uranium By this means in teresting new radioactive mater ialscnn be produced in large quan tities The plant will therefore he 17 source of supply of such mater ials for the study of chemical and biological processes and for rippli cation irr medicine in Some of the energy of fission is released in the forrrr of fast ncu trons and energetic 0rrrniria rndia tion The reacting uranium must dunkGM monitor nursing therefore hemsurrounded 1th it g35t777E7i7c7knesnf material wrbithIeineutmns in order to pro tect the working persrrriilfrom fn S7effct77Tl 7t ltr hleglfgltlneutiog VIadijqeuVigseggnVyughV Shigteltothghymgisg evrihldSlgrgggiii iA great possibilities Vfor scientifch re Isearch VI 77 Industrial Power Source VV Onggsiggedigeggtifffufyefcili5 From eight weeks of age until the time your growing heat generated in the uranium flock is ready for the laying pensVisn criticalVVpeigViodVVinV metal This heat has to be removi the life of your future laying flock Its 111 to you tO Se ggygysfg 113efjhifess that your young birds are built upintostronghealthy are too low at Diesent fol this heat birdsso that thengomto the Job of laying nextIfall as to betised effectively for the gen IV VI zi vigorous welldeveloped pulletscopable of high steady eratiIorIlI of power but their 15 ct SOME dayir wrgl Thoh tho Ifanspou Ionproblem will He eggpmducti0nV possibility that thrs limitatron may VV VV Iocg be removed by further workI Research CoumuDesigns Plant ve we orig wuVlVLV cuvy or one we 9I ucon The results you get next fall and winterVdepend upon TheIdsign ofummum ssion I7 the care and the femur ock getsN0WMakevno plants presents technicalpr0blems rennin and owsrowdtuis Widthsqu been vheinmmrvr mistake Start now to build for thVfutureebuildVvyourf entirely different VfronV Vonythipg yr high production pungism summarilnGrowinngash WetlousyenFounteredImIndustrial IotIof every wartime traveller will then be memoriqs insieud and engineering exmnenceI It re IIHURQAIN7QFWIHEMWFilS plentifuny Slfpphgd With quires the combined knowledge IT VIaVn thermgredients so necegsary Vfor topflight growth and training of experimental and of ilrlng daVlVly root gs At your disposal leI be gIVngwIGaneIal 7V VV andVdevelopmenttasty animal proteins bodybuilding mathemetical physique fghemisls minerls and healthpromotingvitamins a9delgeers 33 exprlsnlhel MI ecnmyl VV scrences Every important fgature t9 Growin gulffggmafogeegezggmgtd and dependability styled and englneeredliy master t5 exneilmgm craftsmen In the tamouieneral Motors frndltlon II Thls Work haSIbee carted out on MADE AND SOLD BY for the Canadian plant by the Men II VI VVV trezilILaborziltoryf aide byfsuch ex curious andellllng to Mkoyou safely Vx oerrencean th +7 iv US Nola argaaglmfigrend Heed gd ngbl to our Th II Ml IV 77 7ragreemern umwgfii PIE Wham sented Vthe inane data to Defence on no if W7 IndumleP let9d3VVWh0 have Dre cared detailed desrzns for the con 19be the VFraser Brace Com 9Jiinirr mm Second only to the United King dom Canada has been principal seurceqof mechanized transport for the prmdservics of the British Commonwealth