Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1945, p. 8

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WEEK Tinf EXAMINER ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY 5159351 16 1945 Inna4 cm on ma NEWS OF ELMVALE WAVERLEY 11 JEICl Ilk A22111iti1w was lxc1y 111 IIJt 1111I1 111 IIIII TIIIII UM pczi 12111 v1 115 of will inc he 11 11 i1 111 1111 silt111111 11w II nge pnws were in lm PrUdLFe 331 Mill Mi Wiiwzi Youngw according to 5128 and II town NY 11115 311 11111 Mist 111 Iwils1i 11111 11111111 151I II gt1 30L 11 31L mi 51 IL 23c to 3111 will hm mfwl IXLI i1 1311151Bh NM Work Week 11111 115 V1 ctublcs Fruit ctc iwlt Frank 11 llerlllllclli 111111111 1111 tliiiii mm SCWICU Iibmdur iiunt Mrs BerthclottC Sunday 411 $1111 11111 wmcnt 1112 tilt1 51111L121131A 21nd Wt 1111 111 limin tlic iiiiv 111111 111 111 11 11 utioml SMALL liAF 1II 51 113 iIIIIlIllIltld Id UL Hm tic 11 111 wmm III 513 III 5131 VIII imll gt Hmm bum 3C1 11111 itI gilixid lcttuco MIN llgnrlIIl Bmw pch 11 113 357 blIlIlIILh II AMYlt1 I91VbI11IJIUll 1d 119 1M MIL 14 l11m 1010111 1R lliispltul Borric on Aug ers Robinsons Thu theme or 3111 1111311111TW1 Mr and 3115 Alex Denim 11111111119 WW TM 15 Q11 WM 5mm WWW 11111in MIL1111111 Inv 1111111111111 MIX 5001 110MC and pursue 11 Pence 11I1ll1 IIII iIiiIHmmI bumlI NI F11111Is DultonI Mason 11 Stoynii MusonIis thc work of the Lord whatever IIIIIIIII IIIIIMI IIoi booby Ulll1illll is lizivingh DOIIIIUII RCAFI Scoudinic and 11 is peace 11I1v1ngII pcuct preserving who II IVCClII Illkiilltll LmI HMS friend icrc ucckcnd Lucsts of thc PkitItWImkmri Iltiit dwm 4111l1l11 01111 tormch 111111111 uric Was Stlt II II II 112 WON pdmy MI Bum INgilll NFIIIIlIIlCl r11 Ulmtd 111111911 W3 In 30c to 50C I1 IIIiiiz 11 tic 1111110 11 111 1111 III 11 illulls 111111 buns doz 20c to 30c lzw wk 51W 11 TNth limit 1Cookies 102 20c III Here Sweeter tasrer bread II II II II II III II SI IllzI 111115 doz 35c RIII1III 2111 WON Il1 MI4T Mlmiis ll0 1c 30 8111011 tics small 101 Pool Riclini 11111 11111 Mr and Mrs With 11111 =llrczid lozit 7c to 10 V1101 Commit Ml 21nd Mrs 11 cl Humid MThmydmy mrk mums prices Hm mmlm 11 111 1111 1111111111111 Landed lZJound Pi 111 1111 111 Hlms mum Etc Tod Jones of Loinillcii Show After iiiiiiiy 3111111 1111111s or iiirioiiuIoporiitions 1111Ilnttcd plants 20c to SOC hunted liZpound 1111111 sundziyl the Itllttllt wry 11111111 1111 in 1111 ixtrcniily 111111 ll 11 TM illitllulL lurkspur hydrangea Night the HWY 01 Ill 1110 1151191 DerVous run11111111 11111111111111 11 1111111 11111111 urnivnl I11IIXI bunch 25C III 51 men 111111111 ticzich llSll 11111 liitingl To 111 llltisi 11111113111111111111who 11ml $0an kind it 111 1111II1I 511I1I1ILCUIII We mane 5mm mm 1i 11 1I lltE gtiHKanHn if 3111111 1vnwh IllnlhI bmm up HLfned illogiid 111 l11111 111111 1111111111 A111 cm 111 1111111 1111111111111111 311111111115 Health and cho lills to must II IIIII III hen back lmhlllmllm53 ilflmu I1 WIS IIIII jun ml 111lI1lllV Itllllml 119003331 to $53131 the CODV9lCBCnh IIUUIIIdI 0ijqu II IIVWIMMW WVII bringuniluul liodily ntrcngtlt 11nd v1111111r 1111Il 111111111111 1111111 II III CIII BI lricc 001 box oopills iit all drug counters The 1111111111 11i 111 toss 11111111 111 1111111 111111 Min 1111 mm mm FL Watson Toronto visited his Look for our ministercd trademark 11 1111111 Heart on the packs F111 111 01M 111 1111 11111 II Tim Million Co iimtmL Tatum On li cclctiiotion 11 Alliston 511 busiiivss 1111111115 11111111 $15111 111111 WWHWd home Jackie Ellis spent last VCCK v1 11 111111101 MIMI InnerIdle 11II111111 11111111 11 LLlS in lo hulIdIVIIIu Wm IONIch In 10 IS tiincc iv1n 11nd support rclimmt ronio rived Sevcral 31111013 have 11195th PI II iII gt 111 nu dn mu IIII 11mm good mop Is IL hOIIIIIIVIIIII WIIII IIEII IIIIIIII MISI PI II 111111 Vncoc 11 Sympathy is extended to the MIS MCMIIIIIy Int BImCI IIMIIUVCS he of mo 1119 WI MII IIIIIICII POIICIMIII IIIIondS IWCII IIIILI 11ng ammo wckmd IT FULL STRENGTH so It goes right to work LJ The WA men Thursday evening DIIII oth md Ailccn Millci sicnt BIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIII IIII 0IIII1III me SUIIIIIICI home GI MII and the pasIbwcek hOIIdIIIIIIIIII III lVIIIII N0 uniting N0 thra stcps rlLlSCllmaniis fresh 16 1311s lluricy Wymbolwood Beach IIII Bench active Yeast make braId tlntvs mm 11 EICIOus JIM DIIII IS VISIIIIIL ICIIIIIIIS III MiSI Iom Stubble Detroit 1115 Cleveland 011111 tor 21 low week It been spending 10W days With 1181 am lend Sweetectstmg ever llt Mr 11nd Mrs 11111 lioducrs Nicolj sister Mrs Alcx Denney Sunnldale Corners LCpl Gordon Boll Camp Bor ston lSlinl friends in Button 11111 is You BAKE AT HOMEGet Sunday dcn 53cm the weekend with his Lt Mairgurcr iidinc rclurncili II aunt rs Allen Miller Fleischmanns towe fresh Yeast 11111111 1111111 Htlstds 1111 Iucsduyl 100 11113 101 lilStVCel Margret Ellis had 11 few tricnds All 7I III iVIIisIstlzira Ilo1I1dII Owen SIound It UPI dlnncrIII1I1n bSLIlIlIngly to celc Wit rimiirir yellow label1 15 mm Him 11 ying Will pimns WY 81 ay De elkII FIN M151 RUE 11 51115719 135 111153 Millgill91 SChCllv C0111 IMIS BOY Clark and n1IGrnd Its been canada 11C5flfy IIdi 599 VCQkCnd 111 her 1031I5IP11 fCVIIdMIh 1351 week favor 91 more than 70 years Miss Etncl Illtllllllltll Toronto p11ents With lici Sistci Mis Jack Ellis was guest lzist week olyliss Myri Mr and Mis Carl Thompson M13 41ml MYS B0b ROSS Hamll wanwm Tmomh are VlSllmii M11 11nd MW tonn and Mn and MW lm R95 LAC Could lliford BC is John Thompson IIIrilliz1IvI1IeIre LeekcncIlIIVisdors min 91 WW color71 I111g1 1111 Mrs Rnbt McMiirrnv is spending 1V 41 13 31 Illtllll 111111 311111 11111 1111111 Illil 51111 r119 Mc Inngratulfuons In Mn an MISI Tm IIm IulIWIT IS MHlVIVdvllelmugq GDL Wmns rival In ID 11 lmtmii 1ttllglhtlll1tltins 111 Dr Ross 1331111111 iertlilarilvii Georg11121 llll ll 11 Fillr 1111 5111111 naitI 11 ru inii Iiuli 11110 oi gal tziyIBC is spending 1wo wccks Mr and Mrs Howard McDonald lat his home her3 Joan and George Toronto spent Pie John Rutherford left for lo the weekend with Mr and Mrsl ionto last week gtrepzirutory tolEd Breadner lczivmg forthe Paciic VI Pie Harvey Carruthrs Van August 11 15 the date lITlllllly couver BC and Miss Lorraine United Sunday School picnic in Czirruthers were Sunday guests of The many friends of Mls Edgar Spi IW Nicholson who has been on active seiVice overseas for live Becton Community Park Mr and Mrs Edgar Carruthers Carruthers will be pleased to hear that she has returned home after her recent operation in St Josephs Hospital Toronto gtI Ii yeaISI arrived home IIIIII IweekI BeeIton Horticultural Societywill CFolihliillnillllgngl Mrs Maichziiit 11incouver and Cpl Eldon Marshan Nanamo BC and Mac Harmon Badjeros who have beenspending some time with Mr and Mrs Breadner lher sister Mrs 1k Victorii 1rn VlSl 111 1911 81111 11 01051111 Mrs inngford Bobbie 11nd Elizabeth Torontd spent last week have letumea home 1111111 M1 and Mrs Strmig II ways mfm II IfnlflglpsolvueI Cmer Idlnnc 19 nee 11113510 Bands Sucglangungn AUg 16 on the LI rf FOBjnnett Parkhill and his wife Mrs ROss Currie spent few II and little son Bobby 111 Lincolnday5 Toronto 1851 weik 1113 wereg11eIsts lustweek 111 the theha3gMcI$uaig Crimpinr Iormers paren en ca on is paren uring Mr and Mrs DouglasIMcAdai the weekend Mr and Mrs Gough Crown Hill visited relatives in the com munity Sunday Mrs Geo Pearsall AllandIale spent few days last week with Carleton Place have returneidhome after visiting Mr and Mrs Emer son McAdam and other relatives in the vicinity II III Mr and Mrs Wm Daymond Niagara Falls Ont Mrs Thompson Mrs 13 MCAlthur and Miss Marlene Thompson Nia Mr and MrsBarb0uLnd Lois gara Falls NIYI and Miss Audrey Hamilton visited Mr and Mrs Parkhill Toronto have returned McArthur last week pain IlS 30 IMrs Parkhill spending some time with Mrs Alex Lyall who is very ill LSRimLURGHESPONSQm MrmandMrsTiredGrant and scours Phyllis AllistonI called on friends of Canade 1939 Boy Scout in theIcommunity Sunday Groups 1385 are sponsored by Pro Them 0f Mm 80b1 testant Roman Catholic and Jew Storey were glad to See her at the the tovvn halt after her 15h Churches4119 balance 604 522 iii Groups are spammed by commun CpIIIIII1wII JohIISI WindsorI III ity committeest service clubs Can adian Legion and other organiza tions cently returned from overseas vis ited friends in this Community Through progressrve researchyDiinlop men the yveekend engineers have created Dunlop ArmOr ized Iiies Here is greater protection against road shockscuts wear and tear and heat For DiinlofrArmorized Tires 93 deveIPPed to 311 these Jean Douglas visitedwith friends the writer ofIthisletter undseveralthousdnd other who are in the in reinforced atCVBFVPOIntOftvear 6y sfaying at inVasey over the Weekend our ad I1 me 19 WI by secial Armori1zin proceg Mrs EmerISOII MCDOhaldisviSI II IV QIY Y9r IPPIICdtIonIer serVIce certainly has not II IIII cgo II II IIIIIIII VIII III III v11II II II 211111 rem all 11 mimic and 1331111 qusAndrsOHtaBrant IIjImeIffIgfgg 53131131 MinnMomwa dqmmmummm 477stbothidiffpeiOfTDillbSi 99 1e I1Iplus incrwssd strength and wise eng$ffg thatgmemv many extra miles of safe VaseyI VI Eventhough many regulationshave 51111111111115111 and the war iniEurop isbver II II III II I1 II dependable moaning Moan IIIIIIInl signed rIsIIeiIzgskhgrrritigIIerriaIiIrIi there is lireIquIIiyIsIign ofimprovement 1nIlh9Ishoggdolabourund malenqls The uproot weekend If Shorlqge Of Only one prhe mgny puns neededto completed service resulkin dehyI If you argcligible forin NewI Tire Permit see coivmeniir MFS Drinkwine Toronto is The kibouii and materials available are being mod With oxide gm nearest Dunlap Dealer NOW about MM hOhdaIgmg Wm her momerI Mm WEI many new rqulcusIIIII III III in care an planning to 11 ersasuc aso Lap Armorlwd Tues Mththe famous my MRlelxg Cobpr PenetaIng had ICahle Cord Comtruction charge of the services in the Pres and the byterian Church Sunday 350 Mr and Mrs Eldred Leonard and II I1 II family Collingwood visited with Vital Contribution to Modern Motoring by lithe 16 thoseoppllccntf in grog wheie Hydro lines are still to cngiruudI ydro service will be made qvailqble as the supply of labour and materials iniprdvs Alrudy suicienl appllcqtions have been received which Will requird the 1111111111 as lawns of ovpr friends here on ThursdaY 2000 miles of line that cannot be undertaken in 1945 Howaver your Hydro is making Mrs Jas Downer and Noreen and Mrs Arthur Downerwere in ToII so everyveffon Incomplete by the end of 1945 an uppliccitinsMade in 1944111 than ronto to meetFO Jas wn ave Per person 11013119 frgnMEnggni 9393559YPM by ene an rs Robis an II II IMP and MISI FI LummISI Egg Your who has done and doing everIhIngI pound lo III III on Md II 30111111 min XI Beach Visited Mrs MRobins and mi II II Idlbttomito MrsI McRae SundayI 11 heIHYdo WWI WiCPJhll you are waiting for win MERQ Monmol The sympathy or the community completed 11151111 soonIusthdlabour and material situation permits 5210 141111 oes out to Susie and Matthew Ormer in the loss of their brothr perperson er William who passed away sud denly on Thursday The funeral 9911 was held from McConnelts fterno place in the Presbyterian cemetery 11 ycbridgo rim 11111101 Vb VI 11111111112115112 II BARRIE Imonatszz 11111 11111111111111111111111111161111111111111111 11111111111

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