Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1945, p. 2

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PAGE Irv Wm Frw THE BARBIE EXAMINEa ntutustn rm MEMBER 11mm Menu by Cmndlm Weekly Newspaper Assladon must Mum Chm Weeklies of Canada Audit Bureau of Circuistiru MacIAREN TUBSCRIPTIONS Minn MID HARMth until Canada or Great Britain $2 00 year IL WALLS United States $2 53 year lllblll up IUSIAE Mum Single Copfel WW each Ilifitl TO Till WORLD ltt reigns at last The six long years of tii all their sorrows sufferings anxtctv restrictions and hardships ll rtitild it not be arranged to have proceedings stayed and the represin or both municipalities inert unset dillcatss the question in titenuly see if somc satisfactory minus Zfratllctl of OMPLETIC SlllltlNllIll 2311 eI Vi yiiis war Mr liiltlllllillull of the long coniiict is that Japan the lust of the Allies had agreed to complete pm hrottgh the centuries the Japaiicc liar in submit to complete surrender With 11 tiiczri tl Though it was tremendous blow to trimr lltle and to their boasts of gltdlllrr dwwi by been brought to their knees and lttltrti top THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE nuul mole an ar HM Ihe about it Iic didnt for the Itgt le very popular Lin the iziysiery is al hti in the last chap virU1Itr of science how cleared up for LlllIIC knowl utei myster is lhat the io and was never liitlltlld the ulti iitirs us The in Liltl 1v Atomic Bomb andCWomrld Peace to 3521i it otin II sell tt LII BIIEIIIOIC of Ittclttitc Gzca poets are the true telf and we would do uil to listen to Ibriil it was beyond Science tvztnout scuctive This modern tite of Limit aboutisowledge like that of the Garden myself got Eden fur work for sum it niplieditvorse than the first Ii irniziihs 111 gtSlblllr for if the revelatiorilevil and is for men as tree our Mr will agent to choose which it wll guy he The danger is that man llla become the slave and finally thclieet blitIllllg Victim of his inventions duct of his Frankenstein lllOIlttet and destroy Oliver higher standard of civilizntmn Ilhr plritual and moral that on universal scale can rave nankmdlrom selfdestruction the MARIO CANADA Tennyson wrote Let know of the edge grow from more to liluit bu dim1 SPELLING tl VILXI355II The Ha rte all reverence is del Den fall 3113 tic or Ietie rtmfdl 11 Bit this knowledge vtl tw Well new Im the Lifl lontl It if The pio like theilisted ll ingeuuuy gt may hit turnladiaii Ali AS 511in HI only iiiiiaps Clealttl indicated its Lidge values intli purtmcttt do 21 If amniie bomb had come into HAttll to tijv and Liai He gttatrgt 11112 It ll 11 ptnfeltlt Ila iinl rtllltllltlili is Witt thr Illilt mbfttttljf ANNOUNCEMENT Itlll DA Herbert Harris Certified Public Acc0untont Toronto and Frank McLean Spry Accountant Barrie announce the formation Of partnership to be known 08 HARRIS SPRY Accountants and Auditors Ill rtli TH WIIII OFFICES LOCATED AI it Owen Street llARlllE ONTARIO ulster vi lie clot trtl signs Iltil gnu thankfulncs 51113 Illlitd 101118 platted ill Iht llhlltlltl ill Illfl in evil the lllflnllc hand Ur mo GermH Ind 10 IHui up kl Undivvp IIHIII 23 1iiri has been dotcated but be bupieini Allud Cornmandii ioi laphi ML ml linimumlif 131mm berm people ms iuhtcous cause for which we have for already vanquished Germany lllil incanl LKdf or grim and most of Rugs om pm do liltjv immmedl may uh mum NHL Km ind smug cmmmr my 151i5tlp1 WWth me mum would have been wiped off tho fart bitn gin fiplkt cm bun mp tilt dismembermchtof an eniiirc won by it as it mm Jp WWI Flux and sweet clover are iml Total casualties in Canadas arm it UNA Ium Would not have stopped at Pearl am enclosing will of al dt 54 31 1945 1me bpmdcspupng mm Sinnullnhm HugoAmp munefromlic at so it wreu ones gt in illill 1i ascisni 11 ttll llurbour lotions WM NJw mm gnurte 102934 racv has triumphed over tvruniiy occupation of their country Hit zti opt 119 iaroma Unless dong in mm Mm ti tnu tlt irrdozn is more firmly established IUIIOWlllg the surrender of tnrumny lap It Hf it mm Mid limit of blutt ou km ltlll world md any the WWI 10 0m to mom my Mum MW MI Jerriiany and Japan Within the time that the spelling Jul minimi1 IUV MCl Hmfm next generation it will it Some iect we are sorry in you it not 91M UPC that Vlr 1115111 Will lllt blows lUlllltl Iltll position increasingly 11311 dial one in concentrated and mum mm 355 53 and UN do NW that the chancel cult and it was felt by most people ill Allittll be wracked by war Ezv ttvoplc of Canada have special rczison countries that it was only prestioii of tune until she would have to yield yet notwith 11 inksgiving for all the comforts lltsi rum happiness we have enjoyed whip standing continuous defcutsin herisland put in other lands have hurl 1Q pnrlmiw sessions Wllll Iltfl nuvy lllltl ftll itittt 2llllti ctltlicly destroyed her industries wrecked her cities laid waste immense numbers oi her people killed hnd the remainder stiicr inc the pangs of hunger slip still hunt on 111 aiirt sufferings beyond our tilllllit In Jul Ill out rejoicing let us with dccpest thank 111 honor the memory of the unrcturn 11 izzxrzc who have laid downthcir lives on our in half and let us remember with sincere rah fill those who sorrow for llltlll Let tlrtl remember the widows and orphans and aLl those who bear the scars of war the manned thehaltthc blind and all others who lllt suffered afflictions of body and maid To all such let our attitude be one of yrnpathy and helpfulness We have won the War but the real test of oir peopl and Of all the Allied Nations will be their willingness to devote to tlitp1sctvzl lion of Peace thesume high resolve indomit ll tructivc force the atomic bomb and Russia declaring war and sending her iriuics sweep ing across Manchuria against Japans ciack Ixwantungr army made total defeat incviu able for the enemy Still the Japanese delay ed the unconditional surrender called for in the Potsdam Declaration In tints trying to hold off the evil day the Jups Sought to protch the position of 10m pcror Hirohito whom they regard as jhcavenborn sacred person and the descend taut of it line of monarchs whose authority tllt courage and faithfulness with whichl hf been abOIlte for 2900 ltills JllllillltSt my Dmgmuted the war And in this gmaLEWlltel describesdiis posxtlon under the con tunerlive upon which the happiness andgstmlthn mus The emperor ls 1191pnlplt wwwmy of mg world so largely dqis3ceiiclod divine and sacred prccnuncnt over WMV Canadian has part to may rall his subjects Homust bc rcvcreiiccd and is mvrolable He has indeed to payduc respect tosthe law but the law has no power to hold FILL UESTION THY LAND Ihim accountable to it Not only shall there The differences between the Township of Vmpm and the Town of Barrie regarding mm be no irreverence for the emperor person Enos of garbage by the lanmml method but 11803110 shall not be made topic otudo 1D0pmW the township leased by Bm iogatory comment nor one of discussion Finally giVillg up hope the Japanese Gov zvc reached the Sta where 3Ct10111 crnmcnt on Tuesday announced its accep as con takcnb the Township against the Llufltsqmm who cilmectg me garbage in this tunce of the Allied terms and Plltllllfl Attlec and President Truman gave the eagerly 01 nnlmganmeggl waited news to the world with the informa It seems 100be 5110 Evbor OIation that the Japanese Emperor would order should have 51115011 W99 lallhis forces to cease operations and place vi trolls VVthhhclVe heretomm go along 1y themselves under the command of the Sup Wtll togethel reme Allied Commander The Township bylaw under which the EDITORIAL NOTES court action has been taken washot enactch since the Town adopted the landfill method of disposing of garbage We are informed that it was passed several years ago toelim mote previousobjectionable conditions due to firemanner in which certaingarbage was dumpedin VeSpra We have not heard of any othertownship which hasa bylaw to prohibit the disposal of garbage by the landfill method Intact it has been definitely stat cdfhut no other township in Ontario has bylaw like the one lnVespra now under dis cussion Dr tBerry chil sanitary engineer of the Department of Health after two surprise visits has pronounced the plant adequate tvcll run and in eXcellent shape In the1preamble of the Vespra bylaw it is stated that Whereas it is expedient and necessary for the health safety and welfare of the inhabitants of Vespra to regulate and control the collection and disposal of gar bage etc Asked in court by the counsel for Barrie if the landfill system asiioprfd by Barrie gt is in any way detrimental to the health ishes the novice or the veteran who risks wTafetTdndwelfarejofthe people ofVespraf ShamiAFGPOUFDaPtr we thinkaeBritish Dr Berry declared that it is not EleCtldneering way muchmore interesting Following the court action he wrote thanLOMWmtaheckllng by the letter to the TownClerkcBarrie intwhich sort of hecklers over theremehtsav The sum should like to offer my servicsin an attempt to reach an amicable agreement on thigsmatter You will recall that the Mag istrate felt thatsomething mightibe done WMMeWgeeisignron3171PARENTS SHOULDNT TRY TO SHIFT RESPONSIBILITY ON SCHOOL Huntsville Forester It is too customary habitriamengapartems to im agine that once school agelis reached by members Of theirfamily responsibility is at once transferred to the tezrchersof the public school for their guidance and thedevelopment of character This is Onlytrue DQ551139 to 501 this matteramicably to limited degree Parents cOuld by exercising Garbagjcatccmp Borden iSJROWmkenjcre their rightful interest in the homeaidmaleriallyiin of by lampme which misplaced Iihe lllfth development of their children during the wsehoel 77 cineratorwgyeim formerly used The larger period and greatly assiSt the teachersin giving the army camps both in Canada and theUpited1gggghaggwlf manger b1116 family Stateslluse the landn math Many clues best suited to their titrantlhalesrzllllilllt9 ti mgs lnlle inthe Unitcdstgtep report the landfill dis vi pg plan as entirely satisfactory FARMERS SUFFER LOSSES DUE To STRIKE eftherthe TownCouncil nor the people CreemoreStar rof Baumr we aresure navel any desire to im tThe farlmers werice3 heafyy losars due to the strike veemp oyees in am tan packing plants When pose 11120 Vegpm apyunsamtary nulsance the strike got well undefway there was no market gMuch Ofvthepml mwnsme was 3113039 or at leastbnly limited market Farmers with time part0 VesprraAll these years the re hogs at the desired weight were forcedto keep them lation between Bameandivesprav has been The prices droppeddwo or three dollars and when mararson neighbors 0n numerous rsrirrrrcbsir curricular 5212 3530115 Barrie firebrigade has answered bracket Ther Government held out allkinds of in calls in Vespra freeof charge within nea ducement to farmers to grow hogs Whythendshould zdistancera service that some towns they not protect those who responded to the call by Big tip dvforlby adjacentmunlclpalities No d9 other amides could be given at Another point which we fail to understand is 6151 Sides who is running this country Parliament enacted ve thatthe great majority of the legiSIationmakingSuch strikes illegal Why in the 5mtgmWmmmerfd pile little pettvrgrivunces Are these strikers in 35 emen packingplants greater than Our sons who stopped the armpitfeeling Claims 1x ThOse leaving the Armed Services may use their ReaEstablishment Credit to buy tools instruments or equipment necessary in their civilian trade profession or business as Every serviceman or servicewoman is en titled to free dental treatment after leaving the service as indicated by the final service examination Application must be magic within 90 days after discharge Actually British election campaigns reach degree of ferocity not approached by our own states an Eitchange There is more iron in them more bitem0re Cleverness and wit andmore deadly heckllng In Canada where the election rneting seems to be dy ing out heckling except forthe west is all but unknown In Britain heckling is pot itical institution as much apart loe dem ocratic process as question hour in the House The British heckler shoots to kill has often devastating wit not infrequently demol OI Vespra that the two councils might get together aft jolntameeting merely inake this suggestirm sogthat you1will know that this office is desirous of helping iniany way reimbursing them for the loss Which they had because of the illegal strike 811 arbour and town would worlddoes our Government allow organized labour to defy law and order Our soldiers obey orders des NV tlthsill ticIt fictive oi tllIitliilll Butthe discovery of the worlds most dcs trawl force has been ill the way IVzltktmn It 15 he SHLlregeneration and that can only be llt frqnmijlot of hooey on the platform overmhere downrgonmnx tuiv Oi TUGUST 18 1895 to take Sundayjmoming tili one devised means Sir Ollwr years tiiii foresaw when he litt2 If ever the IJIC HLr hold of the mean you llltllI fraction of concentrated in lllt own planet the Con he bciicficient or ucoiilitig to the state Unfortunately the drain lllllltrll of this concen tiii force no in n1 t1illutltl dynamite and all of which have added to The illCrllfxll arises as to whether the discovery of the atomic bomb will merely provide monkind with another engine of destruction and wholesale slaughter or wheth it Will scare the human race in INl hoiroi of war 11 IN ll BARBIE 25 Years Age AUGlelvT 19 1920 Barrie Local Notes For the first time this season Barrielady golfers won over Mid land and Orillia clubs In the fourth match with Midland the Barrie ladies who won to were lliss Lawson Miss Creswicke Il Recs Mrs Leslie Miss Vera McCarthy Miss Vance Miss Pall ingr Miss Turnbull Mrs Stew art Mrs Lawson Miss Wlsmcr They were called the Invincibles Lyon son of Capt and Mrs II Lyon appointed In speclor of Marine Boilers at To ronto Funds of the 76th But talion CEF which spent winter in Barrie were announced for dis tribution among exmembers ond their families The trustees were ltCol Ballzintine Georgetown ttlie 0C Major Grant George town and Robert Martin Hamil ton Simcoc County Briefs Joseph Orchard Minesings last pioneer died on Aug 14 aged 87 years Beit Adams Only son df Mr and Mrs Thos Adams Utopia fatnlly burned Motoring home from Barrie accompanied by his father and mother he ran out of gas Geo McConkey Barrie who overtook them offered to let him have some gas Young Adams crawled under the McConkey car to draw Off the gas Hardly had he opened the top than therewag an explosion the gassupposedly ig nited by lantern held at the edge of the car on the Oppositeside by the young mans father When the son was crawling from beneath the car his clothing caught flames His father caught him in about 100 yards and beat out the flames but not before his body from the hips up was badly burn ed Hewas rushed to Barrie hos pital but died 24 hours later Geo McConkey was able to shove his camwaycjmmdhegblazingcmof gasoline beneath it and so saved the auto Barrie Local Notes Lady bicyclists incrasing in town Theyiideinfinitely more gracefully than men Comment daughters of Comma posite Dr MOrtOns disorderly 40 Simeon 0me Brief ped carload Of flne cattle to in Old Country 75 members adml EJ When Jesus had cast out the evil spirit from maniac Ills disciples and He replied rug nnd during the war and the atomic bomb cannot blast them out though it may qttieten them for sin repentance and faith in thcl MORE THAN HALF Five or six years later the On ie He started to run which mime IlO Government assumed the full presmnumberu of 1800 This was the Quite number of ladies appear on horseback The rider Whlsh ride well and have perfect control of new horses Barrie Quoit Club atesumes operationsongroundspp Mrs John Stephens and Mrs Frank Jackson distributed flowers to poor Satur day night $100 and costs the regular fine for cases of drunk and Chief features On Civic Holiday were excursion 011 the new palace nm 10 acres 300cordSOfwood steamer flslay to Strawberry Is landand Orillia 300 attending ex cursion On Enterpriserto Jacksons narrowly escapeddrowning while Pointand the fire brigades excite sion to Owen Sound patmnized by 400 Some prices Dressedhbgs $675 butter 16l8c eggs 11c chickens Ill60 potatoes per bag Manybanisosuiir in vicinity ot Hawkestone this season Hillsdale boasts shoemaker Geo Carter Sunnidale lost his planingmill by fire Mr Hisey Creemore ship ted to Grillla Methodistchttih this new Weapon against humanity could have Illcl made llvfoh 1hr wn tray truly lskcd Ilini how they might do it This kind goeth rot out except by prayer and first Then there are evil spirits ms been fully dczhonstrated before liae made if lllC lttoltls li lllt plutr lil IiillkLI illlctlcil find that ill pear on inilit searched the from the year TUIILlltllll was time There must be spiritual and moral brought about by conviction of Fatherhood of loll and the bro Office therhood of mankind It would be The Dcpartn worse than vain to put our faith Forests from in the atomic bomb to bring lasi ing peace to the world for it might well eventually lead to more terrible wars spelled the nor as their autho map made by IIowevcr THOSE OVER 70 GETTING PENSION Old age pensions were granted to 25 residents of Simcoc County when the board met in Barrie on Tuesday of last week and blind pensions were granted to two per sons lwo applications pr old age pensions were refused The pensions recommended were as follows Alliston Barrie Bee ton Midland Orillia Pene tang Ioltenliam Victoria Har bour Essa Medonte Nottawu saga 0m Toy County Clerk Simpson sec retary of 1119 Old Age Pensions Hunter had its origin McMiillcn and mill was purch OBrien who rnund Lally musical name From an page l2lhe lcndal is situu Bay grist mill nort Mr Fultons Letter Ilillllt with or Tttthout an Ii formation regarding lingwootl dated 1071 Library in History of Sinicoe by ical Society we find that Iollmidol sawmill tIll ship about 1820 or 11130 by Geo Lally that lollendnl received its Canada and Historical Siincoe County Here the first sawmill and ing was built etc Sllllll tliicf lfiixineor something more an cxtemtvc search riletcrinini vhctlcr which Mr Mael to should be spelled 11 Ynll family will cxpcct sonic la sheet and have anadian Almanac lllfill It lllllll lvlt not listed is losl thing more than business efficiency from thc cxccutor and trustee of your estate Tlic intangibles naturally of Lands and we get in place iranrcs tie with an IQ and rity they quoted loliii Hour of Col icnt count for great deal complete but simple cx Wilttlll planntions counsel and assistance on family matters an understandingapproach are allimportant to Loginurivc the comfort and contentment Of beneciaries Ap secretary or Llislor pointing this trust company under your Will means with the erection of that your family will deal mainly With Single cx st in Iiinisfil Town pcricnccd Ofcer The scrvrccs to your estate vill Geo Elites This used by Ca aln Roi later sold to Ed It was from Mr be channelled through him he will consult with your family oncvcry important decision and keep mm them in touch with the progress Of their affairs Sketch of 1081 we find on little hamlet of Tol tcd on Kempenfcldt illustrated They will have human and personal relationship with this trust company Weinvitc your inquiries of llollzmd Land map on page Btlmd reports mat me are now 109 prepared by Macdonald aboutl800 men and women over CF Shows 1md1 70 in Simcoe TecelVing monthly Would assume from this lil old age pension cheques formation that Mr Maclnnen is CORPO HON HEAD E1253 an St The meeting In Week was 1101 correct and that there should be the Same day Of the announcement no 19 on the end of the Word gt from Ottawa that the Dominion FULTON Provincial Conference had discuss chief surveyor ed 11 federal proposal to pay $30 month to everyone in Canada over the age of 70 regardless of income At the present time the maximum Income for person 111 Ontario re eivlng old age pension 1533651 year this may be $12511 yearof personal earnings or income and up to $28 amonth pension Old age pensions were first in troduced in Canada by federal act passed nearly 20 years ago The Act was adopted in Ontario in 1920 and at that time the Dominion Government paid 50 per cent the province paid 30 per cent and the remaining 20 per cent was paid by the municipality In 1932 the federal act was alter ed andthe Dominion assumed 75 per cent of the Cost The province then paid157per cent andrtbermun iclpality 10 per cent provmclal share of 25 per cent and the local municipalities have paid nothing since that time The presentbasisctplilnggpsn sions imOntario 15320 month However two years ago the pro Vince voted bonus of 15 per cent or $3 month and few months HE LIK To Knewirou The service you receive from your bank rendered is quietly and effi ciently thatvtfioi human values behind it may not have ocgurrdrio 10mm ater the Dominion voted special warappropriatlon of $5 monthly These increases were to meet the increased cost OfJivlng and brought maximum old age pensions in do up to $28 anonth If old age pensions were to be paid to eVeryone in Simcoe County over 70 the increase wouId be ap proximately 70 per cent over the estimate is based on the Dominion census of 1941 showing about four per dent of the populationvover 70 the total population of Simcoe is approximatlily 80000 iriowever the Dominion proposal pay $303 monthto all those over 7ovdepends on whether or not the provinces are willing to surrender irncmneabdomenimitation nights entirely do the Dominion GoVernment appolted lPostrriastef at Hillsdale inplaenf RP Davis James Coburn Newton Robinson thresh ed over 400 bushels of fall wheat destioyeclaby fire on railroad track near Angus Col Tyrwhitt MP swimming in Ijalifax harbour Strawberryglsland Lake Slmcoe apopulari place of resort OMMAN FIRE FIGHTERS At the request otthcBritish government Canadian Corpsof civilian fire fighters was organ ized With personnel of 423 men recruited from 107 municipalities Tliey arrived in the United King dom beforethe end of 1942 and were pestedto six stationsin tour condos They fought fires caused lay incendiary bombs and explos uritil they were minimum It r=ltlllthltljllllliltilllltllSTSt think WWdencbhn in branch bankfmapagr pggligps without even knowing him cs1Personalltos993M$97ineviiilifcfr d5 gir the custpdians of your accountiind tetransactions relating tb it You hold him iwhich yrskeowing that YQMIldWF affairs will bekept private You will 1104th liVlffalnedflmdth hall Codieup throughtth who Willb glad to discuss your financialneeds youandm inIOrm you the apprOpiiate ServicefliisfbpnkCaniendenf Should you dnclrniapemoniillcid tonicer some unexpected expense talk Over can depend ohlreceivlnlg courteous understanding updlfiigndly consideration Small loans are inst one of the rr your brink provides You nay beisurpriscdl to learn ofsuianyother sexvisagavlablg for your use JV islqm ml OUT inghyour moneyriln hisbrancli you made himand his staff gt

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