Auvxl Phils Ila Lizzie and 31 M1 miJ it litann Wuntctix Instituir The 12 Thursday Stilt liltll3i ills Sch il it an Maw tyivc tuzltj inulftilut vllgth dainty tum5 BELLE EWART tr We have taken over the general store in Lefroy from Weston Left formerly owned by Ira Fleming and would appreciate cr cominuonce of your good will STORE HOURS Monday Friday Attention 13 com8 pm Tuesday Thursday am9 pm Wednesday am21230 Saturday 8am10 pm Gilmore Son Farmers no Alsike Red Clover II Graham Son Allisttin have matte arrangements with me to purchase and truck Alsikc Red Clover and Peas in the surrounding district Get in touchwith me for further particulars regarding prices on tlichovcrnmcnt Cleaned basis PHONE 9401 MINESING CHIROPRACTORS $51012 ELSIE BURNS 050 Licensed Drugless Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy flcook Street Phone 3194 CORBETT DC CHIROPRACTOR AND 77 DHUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 26 McDonald St Barrie BY APPOINTMEN MEDICAL WCIORIAN ORDER OFNURSES Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic lm 230 to 430 oclock every Wed day plication of nurses set ces may made direct or througt Telephone 2451 MUSIC LESSONS rat United Church TEACHER or PIANO SINGING gnd MUSiCAL THEORY all grades ncluding ATCM Modern Methods zistudio 21 Bradford St Wand Hardy Mus Baa elrer fi37fo Singin Micatllheory Organist Choir master of St Andrews Presbyterian urch Gold Medalist Toronto Con Watery of Music and Universuy jToronto 113 Worsley SLTCI 2215 rid ACCOUNTANTS WELCH ANDERSON COMPANY Chartered Accountants Trustees etc Crown Life Building 59 Yonge St Toronto LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries Pub ic Conveyancers etc Money to Jan tit lowest rates of interest 0f tice 13 Owen St Masonic Temple Building Barrie Branch office last Tuesday after Elmvale Boys GLADSTONE CURRIE Successor to CAMERON CAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Owen St Barrie TelephOne 3175 MONEY TO LOAN so Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers Notaries Public etc l7 OwenStreet Barrie Branch Office Stayner Thurs Afts Ross Cowan FRANK HAMMoNnTBA KC BARRIS ER iSOLLCITOR ETC MasomTempla Bldg Barrie MONEY TO LOAN DUNCAN McCUAIG BA KC BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Moneyrto Loan Ross Block Barrie ON Associate Toronto Conservatory of Musu London Eng College of Music Pianoand Theory 152 Maple Avenue McAtim Arch gahist St Georges Church Teacher 01Piano and eory 115 patient St Ba Tammany soar ARRE rrso OPTO ETEIS Dunlap St Ihone 296 Attendance 96 me suns OPTOMETRIST 58 Dunlop StPhone2536 Ho ally summoninaerons STEGKLE UONALD MzicLAREN BA BARRISIER SOLICITOR ETC Moneylto loan Masonic Temple Building Barrie JOHN WOODS BARRISTER Ann SOLICITOR Bank of Toronto Bldg Owen St Phone 2661 Money tquoan Joann REID BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC 24 Dunlop St Barrie om VETERINARIAN DR FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEO Stiphia St Barrie Phone34545 iOSTEOYATHY LEDWIN WILSON B8A no gt Simeon Street King Black Bmp Tole hone 2293 Hearst 91 am 25 pm By appointment pinata MINNIKIN Thurmanmo as Mary llwne 8485 Till BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA COURSE lN MEAT CUTTING Annoulnrtnczi is Ltth fits tactk in the first troiwninr Pdthtf lftA flt til lrxxnin Hill start 00 lflllg tor timw ile to tailor the MIC ting italic Those Wishing lull tftltllfitt lion llUUltl phone it Afr opani punlusin agent dur ing llic tlaititnr that the IUUI tlll lie ltril Ulltltr ttfl supcrthiun rnl for boys it and tram cd liutclirr zulrd of sleuth jot Hlfl good ll lit the drqitrssliiripillul food intltis in the TV It is sined ix tliiiiitllit tllltlll siv MIN ESING ppcnl llic uccltcrul lic lane hcrc children Iticliz lfc Slcwznt FBANKCOlil ll lligivi kp HL otni oimlti iInni lo ii tl tt Atiliilit li and liolitl ill ll incl iMis ll Luna It lib Mt litiirihl lilltlt ilui In illtll iolngr time ntcix EDGAR L1 HIllt Myrna Simwt lilittlllty Ill and ilscczl llltlitl ionio oc limitillili aiulr lll lltlltl Mr and Mrs ltic Vtllll and nut lltll silt11 llrt weckcnd at liiidcis Mr and llrs it ltlltlh and on loltn nd Alb Coil lolms Wind may lttvgt last Wttlt vh fixnth Shower and Presentation Editor citizens nidniumi livid reception and nnsccllnncous hllti er in the Community Hall kridav Cvcnmg Ana it for Idem Walter liutchins Ill recently lllllllictl from overseas and his fllltlt inbuilt Dcrrtiualil During hc tVtltiilQ which was spent in lttlltlllfi Waiter was prcscntcd with wallet and nice sum of money lncbridc re ceived many lovcly and useful WLAAC AltaBrooks is home uion annual holiday Miss Beth McClung Midland vis Albert Burner gifts after which the ladies served luncn All Join lll host wishcs for lhcn fulurc iinppincss PAINSWICK Mr and Mrs ltoss Brewster and Mrs Guest spent the Cltll in Toronto Mrs Murcia Findley Ciilgury is spending few days with her aunt Mrs Geo Arnold Charlie Smith Washaco is spend mga week at his farm and renew ing old acquaintance Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jos Pratt on the arrival of ti son Aug 12 1945 in RV Hospital Bari rie Miss Lenore Tribble andMissi Kathleen Lennox returned home five weeks at Wasaga Beach Miss Velma Hubbcrt arrived home on Sunday from London af tel flambiugher course at the universny there Sunday visilors tllllillIlillllr Mrs Geo Wills were Mij and Mrs Geo Ellis and Ruth Mrs Whealley and son PercyandM Armstron all from leave Margaret Benson is homefor her =Miss Lillingston is spending couple ofrnights with her sister Mrs Taylor The sympathy of the community is expressed to Wm Paterson in the Potheieevir Kelley RCASC and Mrs Kelley and daughterloronto have returnedtotheir home after spend ingtWCWeeks with the latters par ents Mr and Mrs Harry Perkins Shanty Bay The Shanty Bay UnitedChiirch tare holdingtheir anniversar ser vice at 30 pm Sunday ugust 26 Glille choirwill tke part and the special preacher will be Rev JF Bewell Bairie HILLSDALE7 ited Mrand Mrs Garnet Reid Miss Helen Jamieson Barrie spent the wekend With her par ents Mrs Roy Fountain and Lois are spending few daysewith Mrs Howarth Miss Orma Faragher Elmvale visitedther parents hereoveithe weekend Willis Moon is spending couple of weeks with his wife and family at the home of Mrs Wm Rowat Congratulations to Mrand Mrs Drennan on the arrival ofa baby boy in St Andrews Hospital Midland onAug Fergus Turner and daughter Marian Timmins are ending few days wlthhis mot er Mrs MIDHURST STATION le if linnn lit liiiil Illilisn ij zc nJl cd in Toronto on their son Andrew who is in the General Hospital the hall on Wadiiesday evening to welcome home Ross Collier John ltvaddle and Donald lllacDonald who recently returned from over seas Mi ending elt lt1t uoiimisiri oniuiindci of anitdlztu luicrs for Pacific PHELPSTON loioito consortium Shanty ltl St the piit on Sunday llwigih Itogchon To do and Wed MANN and Wallet fptltl llt tail Doris limiting and Jim llltlll ire Siltlldlllf two ttlh ullli liltll urtintlniotiicr ilis ftliscaiiipbcll iliul CS ty for the last month Hull ttilit the lltll of lic ctctili called to see Mr lgttl5 conned win tl lt1 l11ul lilHHl citlti in St ion and Mrs It li Wright Robinson Ba and who was Scrvcii 21 jiicin tlflllij an lj iict infi liiii Joint It wt Miss lit tif Ktiit Mr Allicitzno 11 itiirl tif All rii onto IlilliNl ANIMALS Ilo Scotts oftiic 335 lilljlllinil ioop lvlzitiil undertook the of lrcivaim liiczr sixibScout Law jA Scott Friend to Animals in Li vtl flflllllltl lhcy Hllltllthl ltlw aimt Jhost klyumm my Emma Mmliiiittiii ld becomi coated with ilfl Mr and Mrs ligtllltvll Sillllilllli illlliliifl Snntluy llllllfilvlillt for them to swim oi divc nd ilisntiiii Scott nndlfor 11911 Thu birds vscic taken to fl llfm SllWlilhc boy4 Homes scrubbed tlcnn of mmmm hmmnn gioil and fluii returned to illtll nul ltual tlilitlltti GRBNFEL ti flc Hannar lorontu spcnt tlt mick Willi Mrs sen ltltl linineily it speiuliniz Ll of trucks with his grandl Ali and lll lco hTtliUlll ladies ljl inlt incl at the Holmes on nl lllllltll quilt for thci littl tr ill and tlis ls Wnlun left on lnlij= Ixu llltilltl All to spcndi itll ittll will Mr and Misti Alilitizniult isiiois List tvtck with Mr andl kits li llILtill tcic llcv Sr St flock llnnilton Mr and Mrs Mcl llc Sciin and Mrs Muwby and tlilllilllll lozni Detroit and Missl liirrct lltlliidc Angus Flats BAXTEB furnbull anrl dauglu tlll and Anne are visiinv in Brampton 7f Kicrnnn has returned nonn ifltl spending the vcekcndi with friends in Hunlilton lvl Edgar is home again and intends to resume hiswork as school teacher at Sudbury in the near futuregw lurnCr who litislbcen stirl tion agent here for the past 18 rears has been transferred to Camp Borden Mr and Mrs lhos BoyCi motor Sunday to see Reception and Gift to Three Overseas Men lncre was large gathering in Each an address ind purse roccivcd lead and use Examiner Classifieds Phone 2414 We SPECIALIZE IN SERVICE and REPAIRS to RADIOS ELECTRIC RANGES RANGETTES IRONSTOKSTERS HOT PLATES VACUUM CLEANERS WASHING MACHINESle TRILITE FLOQR LAMPS WGPEDS7 LAEMMS ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL sUPPLiEs on ALL KINDS AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING zerEiizabeth St BARBIE Phone 4383 Gallon Frogs NQW MANUFACTURED ByropnowNi COQPQGMPANYL It is not now necessarytor fill out Specialprtnit form for the purchase of metal roofing HovVever it is in short supply and orderswill be filledin the order rW9ivcdas metalis available MAltrvWRvllOOK mun ORDER NOW jSIMcosDisraigr GOVOP 2212 pSEBVIQESi 3E3 rm Wm lutlttll loiozito at It Luc and Mt leiitlI scripiure day night Phyllis Shank and Sharon Toronto MacDonaldX Harry Muir day afternoon Aug 21 of Social Welfare Mrs Mac Donaldwill beresponsible for the program Roll call Suggestion to box What Watson and family and with lltllt the weekend ill urn bringni back his who has been lllt Mrs ylt nd Ml Wm Boyd and ltlniiljrn Lnkcvicw Hench iii Mr and Mrs Al Ilcutl loiotilo llttl it it Sloans Sunday trciund litll Miss Lancas loiontw the uninse ll Al on at his home with Norma Will viil1 her mother Lattincr hit and Jack loiiitt loronto with and Mrs hem Davis WA and WMS iiolkstino fiimtl in wealth of flower the home of Mrs Eco v39 when the WA and tiicir monthly incclliii August Mrs It Sinclair look cborpc of the WA Mis El bcn of Scuiboro Junction sung ti solo effectively jlhc Church By the Side of the flood WMS Mrs It lloycs read verses from the ltllth Irllliii pinenunently stun tlltllllllc pra also portions of whcrc God shows Ills lth in sunnnci true It was de tltlttl to have Mrs Little of lccstvnicr is speaker for the llunhollering nicotine To give Aid to luuropcs Churches was the wish of all present Ilnvelopcs will be distributed The next meet ing will in September Mrs Edgar Sturgeon and Mrs ltonaltl Allan leaders of the Mis sion Hand were guests of the Auxiliary and to cacti was given beautiful corstiuc bouquet by Mrs Norman King The president read zbout the organizatmn of Mission llands nd Mission lliind presidents in llllil word was added about World Friends nd its editor Mrs Pratt who is for the Hands ti little series of ur iiclus about some of the most prominent stars and constellations Mrs Patterson prerided over the worship service with its Help the Churches Now Mrs mu lunch war served by the ho$lt less and her as stunts Mrs Rubi Campbell Mrs Rubi Boycs and Mrs Rubi Duncan of Europe Luncustcr assist Mr and Mrs Thos Murphy spentI the weekend at Wasaga Beach Wedding bells are ringing loud ly in our village Congratulations to Mr zitidMis Jack Patton on the arrival of son Miss Doris Pcarsona CWAC Montreal is spending her holidays at her parental home here and at ago Beach sorry to report that Edward Lalnncr who became ill had to be taken to Alliston hospital for an appendix operation Edward coming along nicelynow and we hope Pte Harry Jenkins Home Pie Harry Jenkins of the Tank Corps overseas arrived home Sun Harry has seen much action being in the service three years He was wounded on In vasmn Day and was taken to hospi tal and later returned to the front agam Cpl Leslie Back From Overseas Cpl Angus Leslie of the RCAF overseas arrived home Monday night Angus has seen lot of fighting and country since leav ingheie over three years ago On his return from AfricrtoEngland he was married His wife arrived here about three months ago from England CROWN HILL visrting in Toronto Shirley Rix ona Atkinson Client last week at Minets Point Joyce Robson and Elsie Switzer are holidayingrateWasaga Beach Margaret and MarianGoughhaVe gonetoToronto to holiday with friends Ruth Windsor and Marian Cald well Toronto spentttre weekend at Vernon Caldwells Margaret Rixrhasreturned after aweekgs holiday withMr and Mrs Thos Ell Mrand Mrs Francis Edgerton have been spending several Weeks at Edgertons Mr andngs Russell McClung Cayuga spent the weekend at the home of the latters Isister MrsM Mr and and Audrey Toronto and rsx Mrs Percy McLean andEliza bjeth Coltingwood have returned after vismng relatives in Western Canadaand are visitingat Vern Steel Roong Caldwells The Womenslnstitute will meet latithe home ofBeth Drury Tues Convener Improve the Neighborhood De monstration and tailkrvon first old home nursing by Miss Mabel Partridge school nurse Questioni you would liketo know anus and aidqandhome with Wheatthe wee and say Glen Huron writim theme is he will soon be home Main is holidaying with srgereTi1ton Lake RLThom son Mount Dennis were recent ViSitors zitJae Rixs THURSDAY AUGUST 16 1945 mu IIlunwvwmlmvlncoaMINININNINv rm MARYBRBBK CONVALESCENT HUME For the Care of Chronic and Aged lnvolids Convalescents and Those Requiring Special Diets Rest and Recuperation STAYNER ONT PHONE 162 lOouootuvznomoootrmmww Is in cailywnot later than pin Wednesday ihe Geer LAN PACWC lequ lvd MIC WI 10 Ill HABGII SKIN nu Itll QUINN SILVERBROOK FIRST GRADE lb OUR OWN FLAVOURFUL lb FINE NULAW 5lb 81g MALT ClDER or SPlRlT Gal Contents only Jar COBNFLAKES mm 15 GBAPENBTS FLAKES 25 FBYS 6000A 1c3l BABY F0003 37 25 Try Wholesome ANN PAGE OVFN FRESH MILK BREAD WHITE or BROWN ssALrits 99 RINGS UT ll 14 METAL Dox CEBTB 25 PABBWAX 12 0L0 CHEESE 31 NEWCHEESE 27 oodburyn Cks sritiicii 10 rumors CABBAGE mm SWEET BURN ACAltlttllS California Siltr 300 TEXASYAMS Lsrrucr CELEYJ nucnsss APPLES BBBINBBBB ILBUB 77 7ib 2411 Bag Bag 602 Jars YUKONCLUB contents only sons 3W 325t1 BAKINGPBWDBB PAGE Minter Dehydrated VCtn CWBOWN or BEEHIVEVZglb Tin TOMAT JUICE 37 17 rzogg liar sum rwrorltlt 35 77 VIGOBousand wmsy rnuoucrs rousn mi 23c SPEED COAT Btl 59c UPHOLSTERY CLEANER in 29c CHAN WAX Tin 59c rnrsn mun Frenchs nusriiiii BEEF srm intlltTEBlltlilSBWING nunsiiioasrr rSHllBTLBlB BEAST iii if FT ii tom townships iii496 itfhESilftmliHLLETSr Alton anions Fresh 714 15mg 12 Mpmm DALSTON Mrs Celeste Watson Celebrated her 83rd birthday August 10 friends in Barrie Mr and Mrs Mrs Lin