Mia ma swig AUGUST 16 1945 HOmww Much Value 80 Attend 7111 31121313 VRXAIIINVRR BARRIE ONTARIO Lions Frolic Chairman DONORS 111 51111 sf 19 VZBTHs 115 Blur following 11411 War 11 iii arts 11111 111 HV VV VV vVVV rm the if 11111 call iliLl 111 133 was zitid VV out by the pi li vVVV Vb tttltiilitc was till 11 1V 11 mo 1th igV V1 11 WALL W111 Alllll 131311 Mrs Dolls liilliislnii 311 11 31 11d 11 ll Sicplnais liaia 111121 iiic Mi 51c lllii 1121111 ti 0111 8111111 li2 Kim 11113 1111112 the Weekend u111 Ellis lurcnrii 11111 tisiicd 142131 Mr and 315 Iird 1S liuIInu hc uch 311 and 11111 llizldlt lwioatu 11111 111 514111 Hull sticlit the vchi flair Ilircc Ladies Enteriaiiicd Err Leaving llnIl ilticily lililll have lllll lclcl ilccnliy prior to 111111 1c to othc litlililit 3111 11111111111111 lltl home 111 Izitci Hiding 2hr 111 11111111 111 1w dosh World sugar stocks are dangerously low iiliilll 1111 silticr 14 Mis 1111512 Mis llltl use less use With discretion oicd 111111 If U11illl llwdu is leaving gtlIiill for he THE WMTIME PRICES AND TRADE 305 11 11i1VV Mm iViiIiIc in Biariipton and Mrs iiim W1 lKtl 21 iii11 VV 1111 Ray 1111 iud Worthwhile ruiils 311211111 Mir pasliiit ficlti tll Wailwui iitcli piigtlllic 11 half to lllt 11a flzitrzt Mixture Erich Sclilnzi lljliIillt ll luid scpazatcly and ltiivill iiil of tho days p1stliicd on tiiil gt Six 11 tizfirizli lilzicli of lllt flcld VV WILLIAM STIVllVNMN Sivcii 311 lCitIIilrl Slcaziil liiipiovcd pzutllri pixtllcc VV 13 Anal Winn 11s clipping iriis or oidy hid jig V313 and 11 11111 lllk pastliics lo 4111L1il 141111 111 droppings ilt being iollrivuid if UliyimV lt1 2i Nruooruvoourovyunmcmn MI 5111 311 11511511 test ililtltxl LVNth Adiiiis111 iv Garicil Mr Mas Glad of lllt 1M yr 11 11111 Iillillt points Id nod with 15141 11141112 11 1511 11111 111 lgt1t lliii 11 VV 1121 11 liy iial iiVl2llll plililUl ll Juwpliiiio Fianks Johnston ll 111 Iillt4lllt liliil vs Mix iitil11gt111 11111 I911 111 tia 111111il likl lttl VV VVVVV tiili AUVV Tm thug Huhme vam cho 21gt Vbrcakil up litl llilllltVlll R1 1111 M1111 11 lis Susi if Hl you WVlh VVVV nines 111 Siniiipciz and 11 inc iw lilihll li TllliiKtlIV illcill ll 11 four 11 ltllliill ll lad leUlll 11 ladies attended ica lawn 11 apt11 liiiay tiptii fitli 111tlie1r iiuiior 1111 the lawn 11 1111 luidiff Mrs will livid small micsl THORNTON 111 1111111 11111115 Iaidiiii liiiiil 535 114st on 11w luwnli WV vv gm ww REFRIGERATION SERVICE ALL MAKES ccwmgoend DOMESTK NESBITT AUTHORIZED KELVINATOR AGEVNT 113 Owen Si BARBIE Phone 3817 LUNCIIEONS CATERERS for BANQUETS 1081 OFFICESQUARE HOLMES Proprietor KW 1c hidlcs spent the tinic LJV VVV MVWV i1gthc Mc 1U mm MI Martini l11llliilt inc sentiment of all picsciil WV WV 1w Hslvltiiiiz zhcii lino11111 111115 Mex soil icigdiiii pi 1V pasture tilids with top 111 iV of 111111llic in the Fall With 1111 Illlilllti rcipiiibd fall 11 gtlillllr and additional sicl mg VVVIhmVV VVMCV liiu lullion trusts which 111 Sonic of the cwopciators 1111111 NV VV VVV VV gVAHmVV submlmum WW VVVVVNAVVV VVVVIVIVI VVrVVVVV1IV 11 mii days pcr acic Vfioni tlic improvtdi 313 MVIVV 11 11 11 lit 11 liJl 1111ch 111 Iiiatcrial iiiffciCIIci vlo we 1111ultuil licpzo li II hill lliiitcy IItlicriiigtoiz Vlctorra itlldiil lli fllllliW lip WI Illfifl itiditiimiil application of FULL COURSES OR 111nl acriuaic lypc of Iiixtlil lltliih ohti 11111 ill VVVVVHVJVVVHV NV itt VV VI VVVVlVi VVV VV 1111 ill for 113 Slrtn lirowu lay had becoiiii so much 21 pant builicc will no llilti sub Iii1111ileigttuu in tiilgvlkldl VVVVVMVV MVHVV UVVVVVIVMVVV VVl whim VVdd1hV Mum Hum jumml in Abngiicaii tliluin 11VVt 51 1rimrltltrcron111ntlhiTilllirfhhffntd trickinooncmrncrfDllllgillflf7rffjnmw THt VHVVVVV Ur m0 VVVVVVVHVVV lVHlVV HIVVVW ind licil dcsilnatloii and tilcliit inc 81 llldcs VIA Illtl Ill 1ftlll iiii 1111 AH prm were VVVMIVVMV WVV AV 1V Shlmdmx Am MUCMCVVV 11gt net Iih 111111 111 lllt tut 11L li lili ill 511113 lIlicd fol and 1111 11111111115 lllirllll Nil M5 lm mmmy out illc uliiily lll lt ltMiiilHL 11 1lllll Ni SlmilLlH rm1 11w CH Auditmidp lcn Allan Aylls Frank Craig port latcr ill 1111 your when 1111 Walton hiliiistiin Clalciicc Robin rcsults of Ilicsc iiiaiiy tigttliil lush id lllliilslll Alibi R055 will bc 1111dc availablc Siltiliil illl Willillll IiltltlldDullylilr llcdgoi llobcrt Squirtsf Iwclvcr ll Allcn lliirtccir lllll Ariiistroiizt IIiglllttllrDl llaslclt pasluioViililitlirc VonLthiVVVVVVpr11 reports having obtained iica Iiloiiths good pasture from llir plot to date iih ll cattlc pasturiug in four acros This particular plo was sccdcd with pciciiniiii IVic as iitiisc crop and thc ctittlc tuiilcd 1111 as soon as the field was ready 11 tiiilff llodllow lests Oats Etc The rodrow tests in oats barky and soybeans piovcd to be of pill litllltil iiltcrcst Among 1111 ictics of oats Ajax llcavcr and Ottawa 601 were the most proiiiis 1111 Ilibaii and Vanguard still look good in the plots wliilc sonic of the older vzirictics wcrc dls appointing duo in heavy lllltlillinil of rust lIliMlilVV 111 iiicii was 21 tiuod attciidalicc and every1 Lill szlll iii LlllngJlJllivilLEVVHfinuli Mr and Tllrs IiiilcziV it 11d 111 and baby 51111 John liavc tuincd to TUiilllti Iiflci 51111141111 llllll cation wih Mr and All lVilirV ooocoouonooOdb GREETING CARDS FOR EVERY OCCASION NEWjITTLES clicr and Mrs llilflltlLilililiit il liiiiicsoiis bl iilil iilikc tho unvaid fiend in VhltlKtIlthmAJISVlllfhftll lllllll and Mary lIli Cnmdlr Wm nmmcmm in 11115111 and aaclii iiilalc Mr and Mrs liarl gt Clltvtto laiiiIVVuslon Toronto Mrsiold llcyiiolds and Iliion CllulllillliilUnnmilhbtdtegt nally ggfmm since rec 11 c1 11 311 Thus Stiibbcll Detroit vis LVN Hm Hml llmll 1ch friends here this wock mm ldil fly lnlmlsol Is Mr and Mrs John Mason llam Wllili WWSIMDCYS 10 ill lo1 lilysiillon visited at Chas Liiiklaters Mrs Jcssic OConnor Slitlll thc Weekend in Toronto Mrs Martin spcnt few days 111 Toronto last wcck VMiss Moira Ward New York Vishnu with her inotlicr fitcent llllllf 311 llllbtil McKciixil and NOW llillilllli iii Misscs Ilcta iiifin VESPllA 11115311111 TOWN OF BARBIE GARBAGE DISPUTE casc which hits cauScd much discussion regarding the manor of of newsprint problems Mrs ch11 Clilllsuu and Dolores aic holidaying at Wasaga Beach llic Dasix and IN BOOKS ALWAYS IN STOCK WEAVMOUTHS VROOK STORE 30 Elizabeth St 3111mm ONTARIO Member Kairte ciiiimim oi Commerce the barley plots the ncw Galore and particularly well with ltlt ikiiiu variety iii the tcst later varieties well poddcd mm Carefully calculated results HOT PLATES REPAIRED ALSO ELECTRIC IRONS TQASTERS HEAT PADS PERCOLATORS CURLING TONGS SHAVERS ETC AGENT FOR GE APPLIANCES SPECIAL LARGE FLOOR TYPE ELEC TRIC FAN blodesVapprox 20 Reg $75 Price $6500 ELECTRIC IRONS Shipment Eitpccted August 24 DIAL V3874 36 BAYFIELD ST MEMBER OF BARRII ORAMpRROR COMMERCE Vf 73PeliiIImsgPiay tililii iiinfiiips Ctllllil varictics vcrc obviously wcak in the straw at tho plots on tho far of Roy 1110 Olillia RR N11 2i In smooth awn varieties are showing up very Moiiicahii proiiiisizil Nobiirb II or Billboff 11s it is now called has the stiffcst straw of any It is too curly to arrive at any conclusionVas to the best soybeans for the district but obviously ilic are iioi suited to 5131000 County is they were just in bloom at the time of iiispcctioaviscd ihc Jillll05lllli31CSltlLl to 1401 whereas the early vVarictics WLIt if gaibzigc disposal for the iaigci iiililichipalitiis came tip Magistrate Kcnncih Cilllltlliil on Friday iiiiiriiliiu whcli Frank Grif rcnioval for the Town was cliargzcd by tho lowiiship of Vcspia on July 111 111151 with dcposiliiig carbagzc asiicsi11d Iiihcr iclllsc upon lands of the lowiiship the Town and Duncan Mctfuaic for the lowilship thc 1101111111 last cd until 1230 noon His Worship icscrvcd jlldgiiicni for two weeks but struneg ad tugcthcr at once andlarrivc 211 some amicable scttieiiicni of the Situation llc also suggested that the time was more opportiuic bo czlusc of the fact that Dr Albert Berry fioroiito Sanitary Enginccr of the Provincial DcpilllllltlllVtil Health lIisfcsiit as one of tho chicf witnesses for lllc defence and his assistance rould bc dc cidcdly helpful Mr Stewart tclt sure that the Town Council would fall 111111ch with the suggestion Coulis Township Clcrk bcfoic fin who has charge of the parliauc Willi Charlcs DStcwalt acting for lllll IIillllmnwlilliilw HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water llates $150 up pigam Niagara Falls Opposite VlNR Station WWNNWNNW Hosted for Vcspra read the bylaw of 1937 and amendment approved and c012 tificd by the Provincial Depart inczit of Health uiiMarch 18 1910 which states in part that no per son shall deposit garbage ashes or other icfusO brought from out1 side the limits of the Township upon lands ofthe said lownship Mr McCuziig dealt with the charge as lvordcd while Mr Stew art built up his defence from three angles He questioned the validity of the bylaw amendment on the grounds that in other questions as of traffic the Township can con trol but not prohibit He also claim ed that to depositor dump means to placeVupon With sanitary fill the meaning would be entirely dif ferent The refuse is placed in trench about eight feet deep by 12 feet wide buried undch sufficient earth and then rolled flat In this way there can be no possible dan gerto health safety or welfare of any community Frank Griffin Otto Rawson Mrs Jiiii 13011 Toronto spent fcw days with Mr and Mrs Alcx Belg Mr and Mrs Neil McPlicisiiii Oshawa arc visiting at William Davidsons Aicx Begll Toronto and his vifc and family LislcV visiicd Mr and Mrs Alcx 13031 Mr lilldrNIIS Jack MacGicgoi Inroiito visited Mrs Saiidfoid Dcinpslcr last week Garfield hunch is patient in the RV Hospital Barrie again as 11 rcsuli of fall he had some weeks 111110 Mrs Thus Wilkinson visit 11 daughter at St Thomas llcr granddaughter Clare A1111 Goiiticr rctVtirned with her Il Shower for BrideElect 011 Tuesday evening Aug large number gathered at the Com mnn Room of the Forestry Branch in honor of Miss Bernice Wil Iouuhby bride of Saturday 18th and presented her with misccl lancous shower which included lmziiiy beautiful and useful gifts lhc evening was spent in games land music and after the gifts had been duly admired it very dainty lunch was served VVMIDHIIRST Winnipeg are visiting with ties Bertram Miss Beth Oiok Toronto is spending couple of weeks with Miss Dorothy Finlay Duncan Coutts Cookstown has returned home after cousin Ronnie Coulis Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lloyd Spence on the arrival of daughter in RV Hospital Barrie Aug 11 F8 Leo OReilly has returned home from overseas and Sgt Walter mith is home from Charlotte 15 land BC Mrs visiting his Mrs Yiiuiignian and George of STAYNER JFL Jack liIcFVarlane Heine FL Jack McFarlane arrived home on Saturday evening from Vioyerseas Hecnlisted in the RCAF in the fillB offlg receiVing his wmgs rim or Se 1211941 Immediate llI361 employees RObt Pringle and Geo Theakston gave evidence regardl ingvthe method of disposal used by the town on the property in Ves pra northwest of the limits leased from lszihc Carruthers V11voof these mcnsiidfhat there were no rats there The defence brought but that one of the buildings on the same pro Vdeeidhrirsesandthat fact was re spotislltile for objectionable odors 111ng or YOUR Meats Vrrtsl vegetables coasts of NOIway Prince Edward Island where he did coastal patrol duty For few months he was in the Bahamas and last summer went overseas where hewas pilot of bomberjjong the destroying enemy shipping and was stationed in the Hebrides His wife has been living in Midland Previous to enlisting Joe was on the staff of the Bank ang His father and mother live at Staynei VWAIVNTED SMALL AIRPORTS More airports for private flying FLOWER SHOW THE ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW OF THE BARBIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL BE HELD In Trinity Parish Hall FRIDAY SEPT DOORS OPEN AT pm and pm Several Valuable Attendance Prizes Will Be Given Classes toSuit AILOpen Novice Children under 18 years and Miniature Bouquet Displays DONATIONS TO PRIZELIST WILL BE WELCOMED ARE PLAYING 11 IIl BARRIE On No11 HighwaySouth ofCNll lfaCks opposite Mirits Point ALLNRXTWREK ThiVSYeir We Have Something New and 447 TILRRWHIRE You Have theTlirVillof fl Lifetime INCLUSIVE MillOR ROCKET FUN FOR YOUNG AND CLIP Travel at One Hundred Mile 1P er our files etc Drz Berry Stated that had made visit to wine disposal area 11 June 28 unannounced had per sonally inspected the Workdone JVUSVT WALK GET YOUR KEY and foundthatifhe procedure was as required In the sanitary fill AND system Asked by MrStewart iffat the SELECT YOUR PACKAGE FROM time of Vespras applicationfor ap proval of the amendment Barrie THE LOCKER had benVEusiiig this system vvould gyou have approved the applica gOnforV lfhsi amendment Dr rryyepie rite Igt Dr Berry said that 11 lslifle bea BRING IN NOW BEANS BEETS and CARROTS RRsVIaBERRIRs ing used wiismosf suitable in sandy soil and in an isolated spot Erosicil Foods New York City has been using this inethod since 1938 it is used in American Army camps and it has INDWIDUABW Va arm auquwst pnitnnd manta Examiner subscriptions are pay 29 Comer St rhon375o KelloggowfolinudaitdqhndonI able strictly in advance Your ad 01mm Dept 141 dress label shown due date in the metropolitan Boston Mass area was advocatcd by William in ml guldm UscAssistant Secretary NG THE Ommerce for Air1 ina speech before theNaiional Aeronautics As CIHLDREN Away seventyfiye Feet the Am sociation of Boston Ownerstiip of Iprivate planes will increase at at MERRYGOAROUND rate of 30 per cent per year until Vthere areAOJltltl private planes in All llorss well Saddle Broken Easy to RidelV pretty had been used forhandlingl AFTERNOON ANDIVEVENING KIDDIESRIDR cm Trucks circuitous mum the Kids the USwithVin ten years after the war Mr Burden declared This in crease bepointedjout is contingent 1111031 tbef dgdlopircigntof adequate on ing an ies 1m 01118 Dagmar p13 SUPER BINGO VALUABLE PRIZES 31Vofcivilian pilotlfiainiiig increase in will stop within thrgeaxafslwworisndg qmes Mr Burden unlegssufficient small ij VVw airports are providiffor full utili and many other entertaining attractions fOIjiyouVr zation of the private plane in the Boston district he reported there is CHILDREN ONLY not nsingle small eldeor private flying although the number of lt All Rides Reduced toliic VVJmmJLtIL pmnally Stiaiglit aniljiarrow is this sum mers silhouetteshowingbff sliiii hips with ip little peplumlikethisV Whiteonblackonginaf lby Capri of Vj Nowark Would few poundg less let you wearfiialiions like this Then write for thelKelloggWeight duodenum purseaizeci guide wiihfca reducing helpyou keep raguliir nolurlllly Andi beingmade Only fromie offal outer Myersof the Wheatll richlii certain flpiotctive food elements your body must have diet or no diet Replying to Mr McCuaig he NDWOdeGX this delicious cereal is said that the amendment to the pervedbynearlyoiieoutofeveiy two Public Health Act in discussion landfills 1110111in111 Order Kolloggs was still in force and could not be AllBran todayrTogptthe Kellggg changed withoutvchanglng the em Wpight Comm Hamil out the box tire Act to from thenpackage pritiiiyoiir us menus phimedforyouf 611111 ReedsV been used to reclaim waste land in Toronto Kitchener and other places planes owned by residents would justify establishment of at least four SUVChfeldSr Over 29 Canadian ratings were losijin tbetorpedolng 01 the Cang fanmammircraffperrieHM Nabob off Norway lastAugust The carrier though heavily dam aged inanagectto make ports =v1lieeeimenusinclude Kllogg Bianibemuseitguammeed 11111 adoubieyciuimoneracross to