THURSDAY Wm AUGUST 16 1M5 h3 THAleCIVING IN CHURCHES NEXT SUNDAY AFTER GRADUATION WHAT 195 WELLER SECRETARIAL 00111111 Vi VV VV r11 VV Hrs salaries W3 hlsflmmlw SPECIALIZED mm gtA liillc hill 11 gt1 12CUCVVVH 11111ch Strum Wife of tit1 Permanent employment in the future and greater opportunity for Susliiy KC died Thorsdsy advancement are yours through our superior tnintng Be free and 1345 at licl home 34 CubllL ll 11s of tomorrow RumV Tuman Independent of unemployment Lifelong resident of Toronto Mrs ch Smithy had been member for wild mt eh many years of St James Cathedral l5 She had been prominent in heal Cross and IODE war work uiiuii taken ill in November 1944 Survtviiig besides her husrbsiiidlilmd are two sons Col Jame ll Sliiithy and Group Capt Colin Strathy AllotliEr son Sub11 lal Smithy was killed in action in October 1941 Siirviving also arc two brothers Col Arthur Kirki111 patiick and Kirkpatrick both of Toronto The late Kiik palrick who died short time ago was brother Mr Strathy is II 5011 of the lalc 11 ll Straihy QC and Mrs Strathy of Barrie the family for many year being among the towns loading c11 ixeiis in 15v Iim 41 ch VJ AWN cliuzchcx 11112 rues the grill1 1111 Friday and DO NUI WASTE THE HUIKRII SUMMER lct an EARLY start fui 2111 chances and opportunities ahead IxzlfiV 1il VV with Mrs Visit Write orilhonc for our Free BookletBeacon The school is in session the riitire year sllldclit may illtr any 1odiy yilli canal nilr115 iiin S1rt 1114 ii of Il ill kkti l111lsuii lzclci 111 all cl1icll Ilcv If it iiiMn kill DayEvening or Correspondence KlNGsnAlJI till WELLER SLICRETARIAL COLLEGE 25 Bloor Street West TORONTO Ontario En 11c11 lmviti 13 1211 livliit No 111 it th1li lili tlhiul In withr 1pm Wu Culljldlilll Air Force 561014 in loans and $10814 ill present uld iiiir Itilipllitlii itidltlii lliitlliltl peakcr up riilntlc VV VV in in tho ttiiliL 112111311 111111 rim1 panics Ltit playru auiil aomd Iii Piuiiihing Heating etc 12VVVOwen St PhoneVVllliZS public ttltlt limit of it 11 titcz Jam coiiziiitiiilozi snaicc iclii follov1n day at Ililli 11111 St iliilt1r Auriicaii ti=11cl llrv ll Xithciil 11115 chnisdn ttl2ll Ill limle 11 struicc at 3311 ltdiioniay cv the litiiivuiciil Fluid assisted 1353 all IHlllS ldllilli lililtllli 111911 or their dependents who of thisycai tlilllVi 13 P031 td ill guest il1iii 111 Lii tiJlVi home ll xii111 ililill ttIitl livcs ill liaiiu Dr aid Mrs nlictt 11111 as lllil gutsis Mrs tlaikc hf 11 ronto 311s tiiixiiiiilziis of Owen Sound Iilil 511 and 1117 Summci lllt If llcllilll Mr 11lti VIT 511111111 iiild family of ltlllillWl liomc Sunday iillti spending llllti vccks lilii tilc foimcis put1111 Mr and Mrs Siiizlh lloiiahl St Mr and MM Iciiiizc iraccy and faintly 21gt larksidc Drive 11 ltlllncd Iiluiitiziv Iiitcr spciidiiiu wok cut31 111111 Mym ma Morton Knox who has been vnli hurl llcrsiv Klililhlilir liccccdctchcisJustin 1H and 751113 hulfovloV 411 Vciigt4ill lic llllll BLIIIIC llll lUiitb MlKlllillliwmSloy 51VV Vm whim4mm Mininrcckczid 111 Kirkland Lake whcrc aiid 111ml tlllltllll YLllllllfd to tliiir 35m Vtdmm ummmmry ml 11 mm gm or 3011 Thursday August 13 and Will be BillllliiV it litillldlll their friciidC from 11 lo BUIH il llliilViili ll Came ill pm Billlil with his parciits and after JV was and M13 Slitill liziic licrc went toV Scotland Wilson New wemmmtmV VCVV ill iliilti IiicyV livcd 111 Ldiiiburgii when on their way north called out fill VG TOMS 11d was thfit MN AWny MW Miss MV311gt111111 had his carly schooling llltl Calvert 11011 hlINicoll titlitl Returning in Barrie in 1926 he b0 Short Wan 1111 working at Reeves aflcr four 11153 Mary acupumV was and Saturdays while attending pub 011 the IiCiioaIiiiiip our 22 cars lic school He continued this part ago was in town at lllt wcckciid lime 11m 1931 Van lit and bud the plcasurc of inccliiipl Killlilltil will lilo COllVllllllC Kind manv old friends She is now rc b01111 VOIRHIX lime Willll siticht of Smiths F11 Is 90 lUWClll5 MRS ELIZABETH TAYLOR 0110 of Allaiidalcs oldest and most highly respected citizens rilis Dirndl11 foilcizc studio lilixabclh Iaylor passed away 11113nd MM llclcziii Harrison 131 liloiiday August 1943 at the bondBoy Point table lamp lird Miss of her niece Miss Orphii Siiplcy Misisic lsaikcy Ilariic Ililliiillltlil 182 Essa Road with whom slic liiid WOW 41b iiililill 11 lived for over six years Alilioiiiah 511l111gt LtHifllilil Sill Nici ll of great age she had been laid up Cmil which 33 iilli ccr ioi only one month prior to llilti Mimi Slillml than liaiiics Born on Dcccmbcl fl 1832 at CHHlim 81 311s Ihlllli 13v liolly Mrs Taylor Ii daughter PM St Mrs lithiiiis Kliilluli of Mohloii and Silllll Siiglcy stllrdy Sillillltl llillill lilifilt 51 Simcoc pioneers and was raised iiimll iillhfwlh illitiili Sll 11111 111511111 With the exception 111 IiIvvvriiimns Muir Si five years ill Gruvenhtlisl and lbwV zit Coldwzitcr the rest of hcr lifc liiliilil 111 Billion Avciiuu liiIV was gptifjnilnanntf 71 adlcdillhtnch 71nd 11lifcuicmbcrlifj In 1884 she was married to Clirisvllllf WMS FUI 50 rhc had whilci tophcr Siiglcy who dch unilWHlK on Burton Ave accommo January 19 1891 Three years 11th mm Illllllllll of tclichcrs from she married ROVV Charles TWIMV the King Edward School and it Wits DD rctircd Methodist minister to Wild ltlt1 SUIN of whose last pastorate was tlic nusW Will kindly 11111111 sciisc on at mm Rer is 50le and pilot humour Iiiadc for llflI me late wmmm 13V Tuth rusillliilly lasting fricnds for she was known throughout the country as Vii bClWM by Who knew licr builder of churches The funeral was hold on Thurs Dr Taylor predeceased her in day Aug ll Illl ltlVlCt at IQ 1905 Surviving is her only son Smith and Cos cliapbl which was Mahlon Sriglcy of Orillia filled to capacity l1 Thus Gltltll The late Mrs Taylor was faith of Burton Avc Uiiitcd Church who conducch the scrvicc paid iributc to her beautiful Christian lifc lived naturally llii 111111111 draw pixcs wcic toii is fulliil Mis ll Mclici l9 llt 111llilll isslslallt SANDWICH 13 with Lettuce and Mayonnaise 10c LUNCH AT hhYSONVS lirlitli iliss 111 REEVES Jewellers Morlon Knox ls Leaving gFor Kirkland Lake To Manage Jewellery Store l1nili and ioioutiv wort mu 11111 or K11111 c11d illlii 111 ill 11112111111 llilh li lictlllddt 91 Mi Ww have just insta anew MARQUETTE BATTERY CHARGER Mill UNI 19 Lhargt your run down battery from ten Central BA Serwce Station OilsnllNiioesnm BARRJE Prop George Geddes minutes to two liburs according to the battery condition itll CREAM AN iixlECIIONERY itiimlictli St Phone 4562 1111111 COllll nu u+ 111 59 First Baptist Church 81 Andrews Presbyterion UNION SERVICES HTYDAY AUGUST 19 1945 liiaiiksgiviiig Service 111V Hi Andrews Presbyterian Church Rm Donald Sinclair Guest Speakch willftST BAPTIST CHURCH llITV HAIRE il harem during month of Augusti Scilicc men and women will ioccivc zi welcome 11 iiiilcm St Andrews Church iirliingservice isto 16 the larger congregation race Gospel Hall 37 Mary SireethVarrie SITNDAY AUGUST 19 1945 10 AMSunday School 11 AMBelievers Meeting PMGosperService You are cordially invited Trinity Anglican Church REv HOWDEN BA Rector WRIGHT Organist Twelfth Sunday afierTiiiiiiy Services of Profound National llianksgiving and Dedication ii ilHOLY COMMUNION 111 AWLService Of Thanksgiving yPrcicher The Rector PhilEVENING PRAYER Preacher The Rector Thzinksbeto God which giveth Lug1110 victory through 01er Lord Josh CliijiSiI rpm Collier St Baptist Church REV MITCHELL Minister 945 AMBlble School Regular Classes ll AM AND 71PM am Colin Buckley of the World Iwide Evangelization crusade ToI rontonV 5820 PM0PENAIR SERVICE PosVi Office Square SUNDAY AUGUST 19 1945 CAPT AND MRS JANILSHROWNV UNION SERVICES Central and Collier Street United Churches FOR AUGIST SUNDAY AUGUST 19 1915 945 21111 Ccniral Sunday School Sacred Moving Pictures 11 AMMMVnningVWorship in Central United PALEvening Worship in Collier St United Minister in Charge REV BEWELL Organist 3111s Jessie Bryson ==l The Salvation Army COLLIER STREET Officers in Charge SUNDAY AUGUST 19 1945 ll AMV and 7PM 230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL Tues fl ipmRSVVVWVomensV Aux Wed 8pmYouth Group meeting Miss Margaret Sinclair lcfl Thurs thcrc will attend the mar iiagexof Miss Norma Ilioiiipsoii graiiddnuglitcr of thc lair John Sinclair to Major Frank McCaulcy Kcii Mclicllzin Toronto is spend ing few days with his grandmoth cr Mrs Will Knapp Mrs Knapp spent last wcck with her dnlightcr Mrs hlclicllnnat the cottage at Woodland Bcilch llcn Knapp is holidaying there this week Sub Licut David laniioson RCNVR Gait son of tholatc Dr and Mrs David Jainicsoii ofBziiric has been spending few days zit the summer cottage of his uncle Fred Jaiiiicsoii Big Bay Point flc joined the Navy inllil2 and has served011 Fairinilc and the cor vettc North Bay operating on the Atlantic Jlistnow ho is on furlough and reports back at Halifax on August 25 Czlpt and Mrs Ronald Fraser for the past thicc years have re turned io theirliome in Ottawa pending gt the farmers discharge from the Army Capt Fraser went 011 active service with the RCA in the first month of the war and later Thursday pm Friday pmChildrcns Meeting Saturday pmPublic Meeting 24 Full Gospel Tabernacle 20 MulcastVer Street Barries Revival Centre Rev Thomas Laito BA Minister VSUNDAY AUGUST 19 1945 1000 AMSUNDAYSCHOOL 11 AMAFellowship Service 730 PMEvaiigelistic Service Subject Russia in Bible Prophecy FridayV8 panPrayer Service Rev 1373 Graham Minister in chargeiw VWasagct Beach VCOmmunity Church SUNDAY AUGUSTIQ 1945 at 11 oclock GUEST PREACHER Rev Gordon Macpherson BA BD Riverdale Presbyterian Church Toronto Pastor The Press saysof Rev Gordon Macpherson He is anoutstandiVngV evangelical preacher You are in was transferred to the Armoured Corps at Camp Borden Hewas 0n the staff at A33 HQ and later became Adjutant 0f the Wiiele5s Wing For ycarvalso be edited and managed The Tank magazine official journal ofihc Canadian Armoured Corps Barrie had visit last wcckarom two further wellknown residents Mrs ory widow of the late Hump toniEVJory and their soanccil Joryffrom Wyandotte Mich They motored over and stopped at Chat ham Ontfor short visit with Percy Jory brother of the late Jory who has been with the Ontario Dept of Highways for number of years When in town they were the guests of Mrs Alfred Wood28 VParkside Drive Cchil Jory left Barrie in 1921 and was engagedin the drug business in Chicago until 1942 when he went to Wyandotte to take position with theSimpleswChemical Co which has big research depart ment and has 800 peoplegliits pay ecingher80 years Mrs Jory is enjoying verngood health She left Barrie for Chicagoln 1932 and has resided iniWyandotte the last three years Thanksgiving Services For Victory eld day evening for Lox Ailgclcs and thdc and son Ian who resided in Barrie Wcll known as prominent boss soloist Mrf Knox will be missed by tho choir and congregation of Collier St 11111th lfurch He al so sang with Barrie Mole Qllmtettc lip is iiicilibcr of Kerr Masonic Lodgu and was active on the golf links in slimmer and with the curling club in winter Mrs Mor ton Knox is daughter of Post lmnstcr and Mrs Thomson and they have thiccyearoid daughter Solo Brothers have jewellery stores at Kitchener and Timmlns and Mr Knox will spend tWO wclfs eat the Iiniiiiins store before taking over the branch at Kirkland Lake on Sept lWEDDINGSI SUTCLIFFEOKE Marion Lorraine Okc elder Jdaughier of Mr and Mrs Bert 510 Sigiiin Thomas Alfred Sutcliffe youngest son of Mrs Sutcliffe and the late Mr Suicliffe of Allan Idale at quiet wedding in the liv ing lOOlll at the home of Mr and Mrs Otto James Thornhill Mixed Suminer flowers and ferns banked against bay window formed an attractive background for the ceremony which was pcr formed by Rev Dr Duncan of fhornhill United Church SVFVloyd Davies played the wed ding music and during the signing of the register sang Wedding Prayer accompanied by Mrs Davies The bride wage Queens blue sheer With matching flowered hat with veiling and carried star shaped bouquet of pink stocks lcenired with SweptVIEart roses and blue cornflowcrs Her father gave her in marriage Her sister Mrs Arthur Waine was matronofhonor wearingcin namon brown crepe with yellow Elizabeth St SHOE SHINE CAMERONS BARBER SHOP and BEAUTY PARLOR Okc VTliornhiIl 0111 wasmarricdw 9K WALKWEL Shoe Stored 1V7 ii the funeral flowered hat and carried fan shaped bouquet of yellow gladioli LCpl Arthur groomsman Wiiine wed Mrs Oke received wearing tea rose centred with bronze magigolclsr sheer with black accessories and corsage of Rapture ross and tiny Vmauve asters Mrs Sutcliffe moth er of the groom who assisted chose navy crepe with black and white accessories Her corsage was of Token roses aridbronze marigolds Later the young couple left for Very many beautiful tlowcrs con vcycd mcssagc of sympathy and cxprcsscd the rcurci of relatives Ccnictcry Sixv iicplicws lSriglcy of Oiillizi Arthur Osbornc of Allandiilc Omar Mitchell of To Edward Iatiisoii and John Mitchell of Ncw liowcll were the pallbear ers Some of thosc attending thc Mclicish Orillizi Mr and Mrs Bagshaw all of Toronto GEORGE CHRISTOPHER LAMB On MondayAugust 1945 Geo Christopher Lamb well known and respected resident of Innisfil lied at his home at Lefroy Con after lengthy illness Born at Stroud on Jilly 22 1863 Mr Lamb lived in Innisfil all his life In religion he was an Angli can The funeral was hold on Wed ncsduy August from his late relt sidcnce The service was conducted by Rev Catlicnrt of St Pauls Innisfil large attendance and floral tributes indicated tlieicsteem and friends throughout the district Iiiteriiiciit was in Barrie Ullltill Arthur rollto Oscar Mitchell of Hamilton funeral from distance were Mrs Omar Mitchell Mrs Anderson +1M1 and Mrs Paul Anderson Mrng 111111 Miss Siiillcy liidllr in which deceased was held The pallbearers were Jas Dun can Fred Morris Harold Trevclyaii Wm Boychoff Sn Frank Rich all near neighbors of deceased Those left to mourn his loss are two sisters Mrs Gibbons liSarali of Siroud and Mrs Schism Jose phlneb of New York and three brothers Wm ofV Stroud Robert of Lefroy and Herbert of Trail BC Relativesrrandr friends from TO ronto Malton Shelburne Barrie ouidipg district attended lnIIIlllIIhIDIICl FURNITURE Munyu IqpuqqIggnuuuunuuuuunuunuuuuuu nuniInunmnuguudnuuu In the great struggle now ended Cctncrddsfsons and daughters hOIyVVe At St Marys Church Niagara Fallsandpoinis West WeclL 8pm Prayer and Praise Wed to hear him VisitOrsVWelcome VCOMIE EARLY PLEASE pldyed ct noble pqri Within one halfhour afterlhe victorynews wasflflashedto ap im patient world on Tuesday evening quite few people wended their wayup to St Marys Churclrwherc ML and Mrs JameS Brigmson of Collibgwood annOunce the eng They fought fpr FreedomLfOrVth special thanksgiving service was mentOf ihelronly daughter Viclt conducted by Feither Harding Dur right to shve ing the St 0f theVevenlng People Reg to Eric Charles youngestf live visited the church in small groups so of Mn and MrsV HVVHeardV Part VV VV to offer their own prayers in priV colbomeV Their efforts were successful REV VICToRSTROUD will sing two solos at the morning service DO notmiss hearing this unusual gifted singer Mr Stbtittd Free will also cOnducif an Evangellllc Song Service at VoclockSl1nday REV 11 BALL Pastor evening Plan to Vattend b11111 ser SQNDAY AUGUST 19 1945 VIEFallelcliv111cliVIs located on the 2PMSUNDAY SCHOOL River Front 245 PMTHEV PASTOR Mr ClarksonVToronto Soldiers and strangers will find cordial welcome at this mission Lithistor fdiSeitr vatei MramuvosRandoIph Willoughr victorVJdathself large mm Angus wish to announce the be Of People lurnd 01 for the engagement of their only daughter two M33595 0f thanksgivmg at 730 Bernice Eileen to Ronald George THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT ahd 900 am The second was Ellis son of Mr and Mrs George High M9535 it was iOIIOWed by Ellis Utopia the marriagezfo take the majesticTe Deum sung by place in August Edward Bray 131 the swelling the Mr and Mrs William Goldsmith Esme Party Was Interrupted and announce the engagement of their mgr Gamma 11113 913 Minister Organist and Musigathirethor glutg pm3387 Meetian NOW out Of the abundanCeof her resourcesCandddcltm afford to on sure thqtihose Who fought OtndtheV dependents of 31h sev thatfell shclVll know c1 Nations gatitude VV everyone emerald the hi1 101 eldest daughter Rhoda 1an Mac to Benediction of the Blessed Sacra LCDL Gerald Knapp son of M115 ment which was given by Father Knapp and the late Mr Knapp Td McCormack Ironic The marriage is to iakeplace Special services Will also be held Saturday Sept at 330 pm in on Sunday in keeping with the St Pauls United Church Midland ploelamatlon 0f Prime Minister followed by reception at the home VVF JACOBIGRAHAM Vm EV VVVV TV VWVVVm spunky AUGUST 1911945 11 VAMEJOINT 35 AND WORSHIP 5111ch 35D Ganaanue of King day be observEd asVVof the bridgs parents Quebec Single COMES The Exalnmer ExnmlneLlnssied3468LlittIc dayVof prgyer JVV VVVWVWVV St MidlandLV AAAAAA SERVICES Home JULY AND AUGUST oa mi allen15calmlem butzivebtelesults