nickM THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7025 Copies HE BARR 82nd YeorwNo 33 XAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY AUGUST 16 1945 Section 2Poges to 16 MOOIftllllC lllflIIOllNlmmftOuldlfN OlNlllW ROXY HOUSE OF HITS DELIGHTFULLY AIRCONDITIONED THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Continuous Show MUSICAL iiiiiii Styne and Sammy Calm Produced and Directed by VICIOR SAVILLE SCREEN SNAISIIOTS and FOX NEWS LCOLUMBIA PICIURES CNW presents HA 1175 CARTOON lanetlltileiBIIWIIIN Ill PUII LISIIE HOOKS phonon ll6010 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Mat Wednesday 230 pm HERE THE PICTURE TO SEE TO FILL YOUR HEART WITH GLEE am PLUS onion ADDED TREATS EVE SHOWSATWAND9PM+c Imou HAVE ll ClarenceEMquords him Showing Tonight Thursday ONEFOOT IN HEAVENand THIEVES FALL OUT UNDERCOVER MAN on racism Aner wuuiiaoo PLUSJNAIVERSAL NEWS are my UNIV fsiiN MIDNIGHT MON TUES RADIUS CRIME DOCIO Hartmans IiwEDJTHURs7MArwEDzoo 1111 No from Overseas Names of Men and Women Returning Welcomed for This Column Please Telephone 2414 from Overseas Mclrniis son of Mrs Walter Mce Innis 56 John 81 Barrie 1121 11 rived home after more than two ycars with the RAF in Illdltl F0 lall of 1941 and won his pilots Wings at Moricton NB the fol lowing March before going over scas gtv Flying Officer Arthur loncll OVCIMAIS Ull operational duty siiicc lust Novcmbcr Flying Offic er Arthur Iowcll younger son of Mr and Mrs John Iowcll Bur ric rcturncd home on Monday night An itCAI pilot he got his gwings Ill April 1944 II No SFTS Dininvillc llc cnlistcdvcarly in 1943 and trained at Toronto Bcllcvillc and Oshawa After getting his wings he look further training at Camp Bordon and Qucbcc before proceed ing overseas Art has 30 days leave and their reports to Trenton It is gootlbct that 11c will spend lot of his time at the Bairic golf course Wounded While Sniping Rfmn Thomas Smith son of er and Mrs Robert Smith 159 vllayficld Sl BtlIIIC arrived home last wcck and was slated for the Pacific but it doesnt appear Iicll see action in that lIlCtlIlC Erilisting in November 1942 11c went over seas one your tutor and wcnt into Franco shortly after DIriy In July 1944 while sniping mile bc IlIllI the German lines tit Cacii lie was seriously wounded by high cx plosivc strolls He was hospitalized for several weeks Mr and Mrs Smith arc expecting their other 5011 William pilot with the RCAF home in few days Home For VJ Day W01 Slaus Brikogcorgc son of Mr and Mrs George Birkogcorgc 31 Duiilop SL Barrio came home last weekend after tour of opera tions as bombardicr with the ItCAF overseas Before joining the air force four years ago Staus was employed in his fathers restaurant chus ovcrscus two and cup112111 yours Intended Iowfjo to Pacific Flying Officer Fer McCorikcy sop of Mr and Mrs George Mcs who reached home early this month had intended fo godthcoPacific He joined the air force in May 1942 and graduated IS wireless air gunner at Jarvis in August 11944 Going overseas in February 1945 F0 McConkcy did not get into action over enemy territory before the war was over Flew Fighter Planes Flt Lt Kenneth Simmons son of Mr and Mrs Simmons 40 Toronto SL Barrie who was fightc1pilot with289 RAF Squad ron came home last week Joining the RCAF in February 1942 he graduated as pilot at Dunnville in March 1943 and wont overseas two months later While taking off from field in Scotland in January 1944 he had an accident and suffered rokcn back After recoveringhc was again flying fighter planes and he went to Egypt early this year Back to College Flt LtWilliam Bill Holmes who rebently returned from over seas hopes to go back to college when he gets his release from the air fore native of Calgary his parents now live in Jarvis Opt and hg joined the RCAF in Septem ber 40 In June 1942 he married PhyllisCaldwell daughter of Mr and Mrs Caldwell 17 Welling tonLSt EBarriefand they have Turn to page sixteanPIease Lsurrs WI IIIllIDllCllIilIIIlplIgIlI DQInlllougIIIInllIlnlIIn iinrin 2285 Home From lndln Flying Officer Vernon Bud Mcliinis joincd the RCAI in 11101 Conkoy 121 Toronto SrTBurric RETURNED SERva PERSONNEL $3400 $3609 $4100s45oo BRING Us Younikiorurr CERTIFICATE DELIVERY Tworarnnnn WEEKS inn roan Honored on Retiringk STEPHEN GARSIDE Who was honorcd by thc stuff of thc ilarric IoFl Officv 121st Satur day whcri 110 rclircd after 31 years as Icttcr carrier On bchalf of thc staff lostiiiastcr Ihorp son ILrCIlILtI Mr itllSIdL with it smokiiii stand and supply of cigar tfle Born in Southport Lancushirc England in 1880 tic married in 1904 and carnc to Barrie fiic years latcr Since he first czirricd mail bore in 1915 Mr Garsidc has wulkcd inorc lllllll 100000 miles on his route and has delivered about 10 million letters to Barrio rosi dcnts An ictivc lawn bowler Mr Gur sidc hopcs to devote more time to his favorite sport now that he is retired Not having bccn back to England in 35 yciirs ho is also con sidcriiig trip across the Atlantic some time in the future lie is incmbcr of the Sons of England and the Masonic Ordcr Mr andMrs Ginside liavc one son and three daughters 25 Seven Names to Add To Oro WarMonument Memorial Service Held lhc Oro Township memorial scr vicc for the men who fell in World wars and was held at the Cenotaph in the Town Hall grounds on Sunday Aug 12 new list of seven names was and those will be inscribed on the monument as soon as possible Names to bc added to those 011 the monument arc as follows Air Gunner Pilkcy Pic Henson Kenneth Clark RCAF Allan Clark RCAF Itc Alex Douglas Ptc Thillips Fourtccn iiicmbcrs of thc Orillia branch of therCanadian Legion at tended in body as colorparty with bugler to sound last post Marching to the front of the Con otaph they conducted service of remembrance and later moved into Sampson and Pie the TownHall SgtMajor Cress wcll of the Orillia branch of the Legion conducted very fine ser vicc Taking his text from the 13th cliaptcrof First COrinthians be impressed upon his audience not to forget thcqincn who laid down their all Flowers were placedon the Cenotaph in memory of lbved oncs McCuaig presided over the musical part ofthc service in his capable manner 38 YEARS IN THE WEST STILL ENJOYS TIIE EXAMINER in renewing his subscription writes Plczisefind enclosed two dollars being my subscription for The Bar rie Examiner have lived in Saskatchewan 38 years but still like the paper as well as when lived in Ontaiipwith my folks We have had very dry summer Crops are verypoor in Southern Saskatchewan this years The Examiner gives all the news for Barrie and District while it is news Caldwell of Hardy Sash rArLonEoJoMmsunu lhIlIlIIIllfIIllhllllIIIBI+ Margaret Anne Beautisaioi thatwvvillbef From Mons Aug 20 till Mon Aug MRS MARGARET MERRICK Proprietress we would like to inform jour Customers BARpr uiunuouuItII33nIoIoIoIIuuuIlIglIoquiHnupII Curr NO LAIRD concurring 77 AQIIIRFLYNN CRAWFORD invzj sinsiris lIzonomo alumnus or THE Tenouro STOCK EXCHANGE RANCH if wBARRIlirelwvriiflitcognitionsrra comparison $311113 spur to action ll VJDoy Celebrations Cost Loss Than $300 The VLDa Ctieblulltili as apiilt sored by the Town Council that Barrie taxpayers less 11131115500 Mayor Sinclair and Reeve Clark havc reported to The Exsiiiiiicr Trio major items wore the trio dance bands for the evening incrils for tire RCAMC brass band during the day and token donation for thc ball teams in tho aficriioin Other expenses included printout peslcrs and purchasmg latLils and horns for the daucc ltzc alderriicii on tho Various committees were as follows chair iniiri ifirst naiiiedt Mcinorizd vicc George Clark Grant Mayor Byrnc Ctiarlic Christie starting committee loiiciicr and Edwin Wilson closing of stores and business nrrangcmcnts Frnk Craig Clifford Brown Ciizirhc Hart Allsopp Glurlstom Currie sportsd HarrisW rill Allropp dance Ross Connor Brown Maximum Temperature For Past Week Was 87 Average High of 80 After ivch with iiiiixiiiimii of 80 01 over for six days II1 tom Dcrnlurc dropped considcriibly on Wednesday with maximum of 06 and 11 minimum of 18 Tho rcad lugs for tinypast wcck wcrc Low High Aug 10 Ill Aug IO tilt Aug 11 til Aug 12 81 Aug 13 til of Aug mitt 23 Aug 15 18 till my HEATH NAMED ACTING PRINCIPALI At special meeting of tlic BoardI of Education last Friday night Principal Girdwood of the Barrie Collegiate Institute was given leave of absence for four months beginning with the Fall term Mr Girdwood who has been with the BCI for 26 years suffered heart attack early this month and is confined to his home ills condi tion is considerably improved Heath of the BCI staff has been appointed acting principal 10 carry on In the absence of Mr Glrdwood Mr Heath joined the staff of the BCI 30 years ago and has been in Barrie since 1915 with the exception of ycrir and half in 192021 when he wzison thc staffl of Central Technical School To ronto Since 1923 Mr bbn viceprincipal of BCI when he serves as science master J3 foayirgin saving Ends Early in October Ottawa Aug l4TIIC Federal Governments action in maintaining daylight saving time the year round Heath lliiSIsidcs of the building 81 side and the public being ad Assistant Postmaster Christie parade Arthur Pugh Ji MAJOR ROY KIGIIIIJIY T7111 GARY ttlthflt ltllttlll YOUNG ti hm MW Mamas git Along Came Jones iiczc tot 21111 aim in Stlllt all tutti rnsc tinou the iaiiin lllll Littlltltlrstlllildi IIIL lemwlni lit July lllvll hc 1111 of Nancy Iliviiniiil Itutiicrt ford North ilutticfoid Stbil at Ottawa Law that your he wont to Ntliitllitllilitl ind sutiscqiicntlyl scivcd iii lIiiitluml and in tlctcr tiil Mcditcrraiiciin socior Last month lic rcliuricd to rinadzi and or rtlttgtl 111 he ltflclistltl from active iicc and posth to if rt scrvc ml mirrors with Illt rank of major Mr and Mrs Roy Right Icy air it prosont iiialiin lhcir homc wilii liic part1115 of thc form at It Brock St Remodelling it scone Bank Will Cost $15000 Work Is Now Under Way Work has slartcd on rciiovulion job to thc Bank of Nova Scotizi branch that has stood on the corn er of IIlilabclli and iliiyficld Sts for morc Illtlll third of century and thc cxpcnditurc will total $13001 II Itiittic managcr of thc local branch strilcs that thc iI lCllltiolis will iiivolvc corisidcrablc chango and sonic cxpzinsion Iiic Bank of Nova Scrolia Barrio braiict wrisopcucd in 11107 lhc ciitiancc 1II bc rcniovcd from its diagonal position oiithc corncr around in Elizabctli St The crrtirc Elizabeth and Bflllld SI will be rcl faccd vitii iicw brick and thei largo windows on both streets will5 be rcmodcllcd The interior of thc buildingwillibe changed with tho stdLmoving to the Hayfield mittcd to the space now occupied by tho staff Ttic bank will be enlarged to include space at the roar of the flower shop adjoining across Canada as wartime iricas ure to con crvc power for War 111 dustry wi be relaxed following the surrcn crof Japan 117 isilearn ed It is expected that the federal order for daylight saving time will befrepealeid early in October and thercafterr its resumption in sunny iner will be question for munici pal authorities the bank on Elizabeth St The contract was awarded to the Canadian Engineering and Con struction Company of Hamilton and Donald Emery ts superintendiiig the Work here It is cchctcd tlic renovating will take three months and the banking business will bi carried on as iisuil Qgt Read and use Examiner Classifieds sparrow StiltCoo News Service Information concerning soil con servation may soon be part of the curriculum in ruraland urban schools thre it is not already taught This suggestion together with many others for improved soil and landuse practice is result of thcwork of Conirnittec on Soil Conservationappointcd at re cent goth tural Committees for consideration of Education was stressed by the Committee as th first essential since serious recognition of the rapid depletion of thesoil is neces Establishmentof separate Soils Departmentof the GAO was also asked by the Committee as well as immediate consideration of the sttingoapuof land use and farm management Services least one demonstration of recom mended land use and management shouldbe laid downin ach c0un ty the committee decided Enlargement of the OAC staff to take careof both research and ex tension work is obviously necesV sary Asked concerning this Professor NRllim1ret of the Chemistry Department admittcdthat his staff was spending the greater part of its time on routine soilisurVeys field plot experiments and laboraIOry tests we are naturally liniitedtin what we can add to our Work innate enough to add to our per sonnel we could expand the soil testing SQIVICQ which is an im rtantpafofdhcrprogramfez garding demonstration farm in each county by the end of this sea sou one of our men trained in farm planning could bcgtnsuch pro grth as you suggeshaud plan rogram soil management and and use for individual demonstra LII 131715511 Simone Conn made an import ead in meeting the prob nation ivlicff ervatiori May Be Taught Ingchool by each County Agricultural Committee At the present time If wcare form meidc more than year ago How ever cooperation on the part of the lDCltlLlllIllitlld 21 real awakening as to the seriousness of present soil depletion are needed lt Toronto Motorist Died In Crosh atPainswick iConlin 30 of Pirksidc Drive Toronto was fatally injured five miles 593th of Barrie at am Wednesday when his car left High no on the part of the individual farmer MIQnMu uguuWM and HELD OVER CHINA SKY iRANDOIJH S0IIRUTH WARRIIKElLEN DREW Showing on the Same Program JOHNNY MACK BROWN in GHOST GUNS RAYMOND IIAITON EVELYN FINLEY STARTS SUNDAY MIDNITE 120 Imperial ThurIriSal Day and Date with Toronto Along timc Joncsi hcld ovcr 2nd wcck at the Imperial Torontos big firstrun tlicutrc wiuim DEHARESI on DURYEA FrinlSully Ram if 659 mooniqu hwmrbxted bySIuAltlrfiSttP 5am N1 b1 Ivvr kiw haven Ln 11W MIMOIMWIINHI liumniwhdomun Ix boo Uta75 of Woman In Iho Window Ionic uMonlo Jarrod lho Kilior the toughest killers blazing gins could not destroy their love SELECT suours +4 ORANGEMICN TO ALLISTON Badgers servce Sfahon Worshiptiil lrcccptor Richard llcnry County Prcccptor John trey Entered Loss Was $80 and ill othcr Barrie membersof The only unfortunate incidcut rc Royalllinck lreccptoiy journeyed portcd to police hcrc following thc lo Allislon Saturday afternoon VIDay celebration was breaking August 11 lb cclcbrntc Derry Day into and entering Badgch Scr Members of the Order from Duffer vice Station 233 Blake St in and Simcoc counties took part in Cigarettes and othcrgoods vcrctlic parade and demonstration stolen and woman loss was aboutI $80 Read rulcs rc Classified Advts ATTENTION FARMERS Dont forget that we can issue you shortterm policy to cover your Farm Produce for Fire and Lightning The cost is small bit the return is gitgo if you lose your seasons crop by FIRE LIGHTNING or at THRESIIING TIME NO MATTER HOWIUAREFUL YOU CANT AVOID LIGHTNING MALCOMSONS 41 Dunlop St INSURANCE AGENCY Dial 3735 MEMBER OF BARRIE CHAMBEROF COMMERCE WWI CANADAS No1 TRUMPET PLAYER ELLIS McLINTocx way It and crashed into tree He died onadmittancc to the Royal Victoria Hospital short time later Hooves driving from To ronto to join his wife at their cot tage on Orr Lake near Barrie over the holiday and it is believed he fell asleep at the wheel Hisrcarl was demolished Prov ConJaines Freemansaid that thereigact cause of the accident Its not known Conlin construca tiori superintendent with the John Inglis Company served for three years overseas as captain withthc Royal CanadianEnginegrs N0 inu qucsowill be held Jerry Conlinwasn former Star lineman and Captain of Queens Universityyfootbatl tcam Mw The rapidly iii vs wuifBiLLosmpiL Mondayip Tuesday and Wednesda or NEXT WEEK AUGUST 20 21 chimp ALI DAY EVERY WEDNESDAY UNTIL FURTHER creasingramountiif RopalrmWork audltho hottinge memmhMF8$r1+se AND HISVORCHESTRAV cooKsrowN DANCEEAVILIONT Thurs Aug 233 TICKETS $100 May bepurchqlsed at Dance monsoon iifridhyiiiuqusi 17 or at cooksiowri coidffstofrdcie Plant