mummy AUGUST 11115 hum nm totnnuuscnt 113111 11 llolzttuy 11111115 1111161 of Allttnilulc llownnt 11111 221 151 1131 11s scores 1111 pftiic W111 111 r11c 111211 puttuur It itcllgtiu 11 11 whim Ln 11115 11 11111111111 All itllllll Hlt UV 111111 ltll Axhhk or vUKHJJ gt up 11111 1511 LU 1f 11 1111 111 Mm mm Hm llllfl cl My 17 mmlm ml 11114 11 llc 111121 four lt1tlts Al 11 ll 19111 ll 11 111 11 1111111 1111 11111011 11111 fluldm ll 51 Ill iig11t1111111 2111911 mot mot11 mm Hm Nil 111 1111 pct 111111111111 5th Alml ll in 1171 lot 11w stunox 11 11 11111 111111111 of lqliltt 11111111 ltdlttlttl for up 111 1111 tith lilliott trial 111171111111 llnlt ilttlt in lllt lllt 11ucd 111ot1111 10 points 111 thc 111 luttlilttl wmtt to 1111111 1111 11121111411 lJHHb mm 11 mil llfllA1 Machnc Gunners 11111 lllli 1111ctl IiiHiltt Him1 111 tltc 1111115 ploy 4111111 illttltlfHave Sports Meet 11 Axttiw tI11l1ll flown lllilt MW lll 11m 11111 lwI 11111101 tonight 1111 Sipluu Stlwnh Newmorke Centc 111111111111 ntulc 1171111111 1111111 T1l1lt1ll 111111 Cw whorl grccns vltd 110111 1111111 THEMRRWWI 3133171411994393 cur 11111 11112211101111 rMEN HAVE 11011111111011 The photographir tubing pictttrm 111 the hobby mop lt11 A10 anatb 1f111y lrnnny Cculrtr Mutton arm was sttnupxd 111 gt11111 but 11111111113111 1111 11 1115 Lttlllt 111111011 mumrmuum 110111 cxx WIN75 Ar ANGUS IN REPLAYED GAME cf ion 75 in 4Mile Run NICOOCOIOOIl9OlmlfolmlitltodmfiIW IUSTJN New Gabardine Slip Covers for 40 41 and 42 DODGE PICIMUUlil EllttFl Hi 11 111 Btlltl 11 Mtttlvl DANGERIIELD MOTORS 05001111 Flt1111 11 3111 locolfollllltoocaclaotnlr44091404 11 001 votloaoln ON THE GREEN Allundalc Scotch Doubles Iochiyrtx 111 111w 2111 11 Sch 11 lllt 1111 tltlgpllztltl WON t111111 Thats tun grinned petrol In charge 31111 11111 114111111 fushIquIl 41111111 from 11 111 of copper used 111 11411 1111111111 11 W11th 111ilt 51111111 ifttltltltl is typical 11111 the 111211 directtd by 111111 Captain 1111 Donovan Supcttishr havt ituprovisvtl adopted and scrouuged 111 pruvidv thwuselvcs 1151111 recreational fuctl 11113 Wth there wrre only 11p ph orchards overgrown fit1d 11111 brokendown burn wlttn 111 upt1vor urrlvcd 111 April at tho xlcttford area which it purl 111 utup Bordon omtuztutl tltvrr 111 hov pluying areas for 2111 lypw of sport 111111 1chu1fortablc well 1111121 GUTHRIE 111v ttlt lltttv buildi 11 ML Norm holzduyiu lltlfs Ptttltltt il1i1wlt Vitlitty 111 tutlnn iltl lfitsttttgs Mr 11111 231lffJf3fiI 1111111 111 1111 mm lltl Mr 11111 MB ll liimz Ittcstr 111 311 ll Atulcznm Mr 11111 Mr Mid llhtliJI 11 Kirkland l1t 11111 filth l1ftilt t1t1 titt lltl tutti lltl p11 ANN ttvlilILft l111gt tmwlt 3112 and My 311111 lllttlotctl 1n 11111111111 111 ill liltluut with hot 1mm 111111111111 ltilllfitll with 111cm llcuttltlt lty111p1hr it Mrs John A11dch 11 lltl 1115114 Mi A3111 funLIoi 11111 11111111 t11 131 llif 3115115 pm of Alll 12111 111111 11z 11 Ittutof chirp 11u 11111c1l tss L11111 North1 1111111j iut 111 11 11 all 11111 flurric Now 50 lip Al thc Allutttldc Nlll tllccm NT ynuj last lhutrdtty 1111111 111111c 11111111011 11111 lltlt 1111 111 li11t ll tHElth 111 1le lIl 11 Ulrl lllrll 111 upped Wftfltlltllt boll 131111111 of lttclt 1111 1n worth 1111dcr ditcction 11f Sgt Wultct Mu tcc formerly of Prince Albeit and now 11f Whitby Out to repair thr urn lhcy scroungctl lumber from other old burns dcscrted Slfltk 1111 11111y 111111 IMr thc urctt 1nd 111 poncd 1111 floor 171011 111051 1111111 the walls with heavy 1111 papcr hccp out the wind painful up 411d MNMUWI 11 MUN 11101111111 thctr furnlturc liw it MMh fpf ILotItfttrlztle C1111 llglllellPlllNy awn 1tlctl Lltiled is so 1Zyllu um Would lust 11111111 wntlt 1n u111 gtltsptgtct 1111 big building 11111 11lt 1101 TtHir lliltlttll Moll hm unlsmm hostel Sluttlty 111111111nl 1t111 11 Pitt1111111 111 to clcar large ficlt btu 111111 11111y 11111114 liltItic tlcfculcd Ntlx Moun 111lllgtlH lilmlw tlmlw mm mm mm 51111111 llcclby 11f Allundolc 131711 utility 1121111 1111111 151111111Mm KHmw mm In lhc Word Stxpttlr of 1311111v hllttitllellllf Hill all ltfultl Ml 171M111 lltll lllulllt lullkiltl lll11lltll111lEhA inll HUVNVJJE 1115 Mcrcdith 11111 Job Mtlut of 1311 1lll tll 51 WV 411 11111 1111 ltftllll of Jot Scuttrrnt51Vtd THHHV 11 and DI Srislnul full mmhltviililv iltlvmfllllmy ill ii11111111 11 tttdtl 11 11191 11111111 1m Mum ml llzrf 1131 illul 111111 111 lu thou1111 thltlltlt Al Hull WM MHHW 11111 11111 3111111 111 thus $111111 thr my ploy If hm lituwl mwnh Mm Stlcccsxfttl Mcns llottblcs 11 mm blH MM indill ltul Kushuct 1lt1 11m 111111111 1131111 buttchlul 111ct1gti tlouhlck illfruutx 11111 11L1ud two cucit 111111112111113 3111111v1l11 111cul on ltjdncrduy August 111111 1111 lt11lt clmntpuuu WA lpl Wm Wynn Immpm 20 up 1151pm mm 11 pimp Luuupn Nfivtmgncn hm mm My mi llcctou lrouuctIllc Stuyucr turd All Jilil 11 pntnts pl 12 Retimmmm hmqu Mme thc lot11 c11111gtllc 1111111115 Wt 11 Juuncsnu 111111 831 liliifc bhth 11fmoumw yummy3139 XtClllltCtllltlllttlll 11nd 1110 cpm No 21 wcrc 11cxt 121111 11 and 10 vhiuMshnn 11 mm MM pcttttun vus liltll tluoulihoul l11vl 111111111 rcspccttttly ma gMVHUMS 1m Chump prizcfor thrcc wins was ZlWilltlfdltl Allislttir 11112cr1111 111uit 11 11111 1lctlrn 1Nll 11111 iur 1141131111 1111111 1111111 lJlll Iltrr11ultli 11111111 11111111111 1110 111111 lllltl111t ltrltltlt 1103 11111 11139 111 Byron Nelson Toledo Ohio tron the 71111211111111 Open loll Thuutpionship 111111 the Seugrtuu Gold Cup one of the mod tovctcd trophies in golf on Saturday Aug at 1111111111111 1011 Club Toronto against 21 field of topranking unudiuu 111111 Amcrlczm players with 2111 outstanding score of 2811 The picturc SltOWS Mr Frowdc Scttgram on the tright prcsmtlug the Scztgrum Gold Cup to the winner Byron Nelson who also received 1110 lournumcut First Prize money of $2000 SHANTY BAY 111 11111111111 111 11ll 11Eitlj1tl 113111 1411111 c1111 111111 11 17p Ho11 1zul ll111 31111 if Mimic lttxlltt1l 11 11311 clipping 11111 1111 t1c 111111 31 111tltt with 111111 ltitk 111 59 ELIZABETH ST HOE SHNE Ausdclls llcv 11nd 11 borne Port 111111 With 11 Cumpbcll Fctlcrntctl lrtrnurs fhc ltcdcrutcd l111ucr 1111 11 Mr and Mrs llllllllt1l411t car of whcttt was 111 111 111111111114 ed next dtlyitl 1111 of 111 to l11ll low $23100 W114 douutwl to tuci Oro lowuship Fund for 111111111111 soldiers Next lllCLllllll will 111 11 Mr and Mrs 119 14 Tim hostesws Caldwell 11 Cumpbcll and Jutuicsou United and MS On chucnduy 1151thc 11 i=1 1p 13 moctu 11 1111111111 WA 111 influx and thc 111111111 1111111 111 1111 12 llund Wm hold WW lll311 11 lllllVl 1N nutty Mt1smtsA 11c11 fcoturt of 11111 BRENNAN picnic Wus tllc 11tc111111111c1 111 the older childrcn up to 11 111 Auto lilcctric Scrvlce HAIUZIIi ONT crcut 1111 facilities Camp Bordcu 1133 although they are Stuncwhut 111 the rough What about bowling he was uskcd We already hove some pins 1111th pltm on building alloys he cmuc buck adding out of doors Which is where practicully all games cvcu indoor otter therc are played The boxing ring is in 111 orchard movies have becu shown outside and outdoor basketball is ou the agenda llnelhlllbn tin Iii11 721111133 The men lube in rigornus training down only two ruusflit the 9111 It widen conditions 51mm 10 Jul 11111 wulkcd und come home on Jungle warfare so afne pmfg less strenuous rccrcouon Their Moxous 10111 smash to deep centrc favorite qpot ig we hobby Slum 191011111111 101115 wcrc catches by lt1 11 wecds they lcvcllcd 11 off 1121 31132931 hi3 va lldl ww mumsports field withu volleyball hie 11111111111 1110 Am WYljmmuu GIRLS EAT court softball tlimuond rurby 511c who 113951111 uwuy 111 lltl Alutrj tom 223 ccr 111d llordcn Ball areas juntp 1111 pits 11nd shot put sections Ltd WC1 llllrhlflf rv 111s Hunt 11111 11111 lllllllllly mp told ltposttitttt 11111 Elliott 11 WTINY11$19Elmmltmx gtIlrxrr Inglis lungle weekend mallmm1W Vi lhoutpsou 111d Vilmu for Ncwuttnltct 111 11 lmilc crostMAntrtm c1ch 112111 11 pllttllllri NI ll Joumeyed Bar ILL Cumming Jimmy Hm Barrio mm NUS Swami 11011 funncd 111 and Kcn luilfnylcnoxt Sunday will bc conductcd by fem 81 22 290de wk with bde MS Mt 1122113 1c11 cu 1lt sccout It llCItl1c1rt Allundule gt Wllllftl 13 L1 1gt Pulmcr llcctou mm 50 plus 61 1111 it MtQltltt All third SWIM inning Mr my Mm Richmdmn and bllli 11111 11111 Ids to buck tht gmjtltlfildflulvvogtlilllfs Jim Wurlow 111d Elmcr 01101011 111 Softball 111111 soccer lllt vis CNR ill 2000011 ll Ml MW 51 llllllly lle1Lml 3110 lmmfs me on 11 11 lulu Allundulc 11 tlliltl lltl 31m 11112 cducd 111611111111111 111011 051111111 Anvux ll 111 Willl MT Utld Mls Hilll Millllln Ml ll fmmel dam 1111 ll 11 tit1f 49111138 Illtlllllrllll ltlllllt1Wili ll rcspcctivclv but 111 lucrosc wycbmmo with hon run Hum dim thc fiuc bowlint of Nels Muccc and Wm 11 VOYWJSI Vlymiil OH Almmuim kimlllClillbidzill with Brigadier and Mrs 11111113111 tor rosuts warc 100 yds 111 01111 11 11111111 111111 Mrs 13 3111 rMM P111110 A41 105 22lltilc No 21 Gauthier rf Adums lf unifole Wilson ilttlglCSSlllll lltVtHllbly CV11 ll 24 440ltc Touch 23 5114 Reynolds and lb and mm Henry Marlin is be Joultcd P1111111 10 111 llllowpto Slater 23 258 mile Antsusmllush Zb Chccxmuu lb lto Morton 23 45311 li for two wins with 49 plus 11 The prizc for one win wont to Gcorgc chh and Harry Ellis of the Allan dulc club with high scorc of 11 11115 ll St Marys Now Lead 15 alleys Ylill SHOULD HAVE litv 141111 All ttlJllUulYJlUlItr 11111t11 ml WmV 1m in turnv SCHice 31 llwnms Chum ric on chncstltty evening tutd lo Kinti and 519110119 one group built mud to Gordon Spcucc and 111 ylv CNR4m Mama Rme Sup Cl Km 11 has just rogP1t bouncll put on 11 good Siltlwllll Hwy Ow boast practically ri tho guuncrs bud 1111 110 margin tux sun Jock who won the llLC n1 Quottnx Pork Tucsduy in Centre Dttcltwortlt lb Arncm lf Elliott cus tl1rowSgL Williams All Slumty Boy was wcll rcprcscntcd Simcoc softball K011 Guilfoylc ll thcclcclriciuns tomix c1ttr Rose 11 ivllllblll 55 l11 111 l1111 ll ll ll Bl lle 1121111111 0111 of thc tlucc culricslhng 1m Tmmun 1011 11 10 11 11 1111 11111111011 WWW xvh Wth flllxhlrllztltvgl f111111 11111 Mt Mot 111110 Rnlphlvd Including home mm by Sharp All 011 high jump Edgar 23 filr run 111d thunk llolph ctnuc itt first and ll 111ynt1cl mtl lommy Mox lnlermedtale Softball pl brood 911111plh111cu A111 10 Vch mils Rmh ma lon NR not two runs in thc 3rd Two Wins in The Week 11111 Fifty Yourcwcu 011 111 hits by Jimmy Johwl modicy rcltty N11 51 Only two 11111110 wctc plttycd in ltltiufwur All Mr 5nd Mm Amm Ignn mtlolsltlll IItlrl Mznxhttll 11nd ltuynuclt tho lutcrmcdiutc Softball lieutguc FINISH GOLF MATCH brutcd tluir goldcn wuldrntf 1111110 lttttcrs fourply clout produced July 13 It was quiet affair with during the post wcclt 11nd St Marys hung 11p two victorics to take over That was quilt golf match Three 6111111215 folFinish CentreSimcoe Loop Playoffs Next Week 111 cor chock Ihctc tuc jutt thrcc Inorc Igumcs in thc Ccutrc Softbull 101115110 bc forc thc playoffs llttc 1111 stand 11111 Lost at Mrs Contpbcll3 $1111 missionary progrtuu on l1p1111 Canudiuns wus 1111111er1 in 1nd relays Mrs Mttxiou their fumin ontl grunddouuhtcr ptcxcul thc lcudcrship with pucltomc margin ovcr chlcrs Vott In 1110 rst name St Marys dc ll SIIMMEII footed chlcts lloyuls 117 lhc Harmony feature of this $111110 wusthc hcovy hitting 111 1011 Dubc who collcclcd four out of four lloxoll got off to bad stztrt and the winners pich 11p corumtmdiug load 101 by Gil more lltctt 111111 1101151111 chlcrs motlc determined effort to get back into the ball game but the lend to four runs Last Friday St Marys swamped llztrmony Grill Juniors 1511 George Storey pitched his first league gamedud tamed the Gtillcrs Thc latter were weakened by the ob scucc of Stanwka Foster and Mitt nikiu Curr pitched good 141111104 but failed to scttttet the hits St Marys Jim Sttztchnn 0chcl McKihnou lb Jock Strachtut 2b Harris 53 Coulon 3b McGuire Emms so cf Dube cf Storey If Kerr rf Trovcrs rfp chlcrs Simoch Boxall lip lb McEachern 2bMutson ss Maynard Haddcn Brett Cum miitgs Lolcing Bell Baldwick and PeacocltIThe manager is Geo Gill Harmony Grill Poland Stan wyckand Carr pitchers Cook 1b erg arcchedham Minnikin Ptihgle Won StMarys best they could do was to cut the fleas Gilmore 3b and the ficldcrs are WC McArthur 2b McArthur Ss Fcltis 313 Black 2b and the field Lost It the local club Tuesday Two contestants ill the Buttlc lup first round littishcd lltcir battli 11011045 ill the dark with 1111 1111 of the stars ttt1d flashlight lohttlty Johnson 111111 Archic Wcusley started out at 715 in tending to play just nine holes Johnson was up five at the ninth but Wettslcy decided he wouldnt givcuin then and it Wits decided to curryou Well anyway chslcy lutd the right idea bccattsc Johnson hit ttcc on the 10111 and still llaSlll found his hull Wcttsley took 1111 11111 with par thrce Not only tltotltut he must be real night hawk because be tied the match up at the 14111 and by than all the guidance tltcy had was the milky way Al Lorenz took pity on them and came down with flush ligltt Surprisingly enough they were able to spot their balls nf ter bit of scatch The white balls scemed to show up fairly well on=the grass Johnson fin ally won this completely screwy match at the 16111 three up and two to goItrcttlly dark down there on the tee of the 16tlH7th for nine holes ringed in Jay trees Only one town Weekly i11 Canada CNR 11 1111111113 Angus 10 Tonight 11 Quccus lutk Allltllfl mcct llnnns Friday Ilszo 1t Quccus CNR moot llurnmuy 111 1110 replay of one ticd game 11nd ncxt lucsdoy ht Queens the some teams clash lnuaiu in lhc tcpluy of sccond tied gttmc As may 110 90011 tonights 11111110 will have 1111 11111111111 on third and fourth plztccB1uthc two CNRliar 111ouy games will decide first plucc If they split they will still be tied The executive meets tonight of tor the game to pluu the playoffs 11nd thcsc 111th will be announced inucxt weeks pupcr Date of thc drow for the wrist wutch will be announced First meats tltirtlfscc ohd versus fourth in the playoffs The OASA has informed local softball moguls that no ttllstor team will be prmittcd for the playoffs Consequently the Barrie entry is Harmony Grill lhortcnm cannot draw from CNR players as planned The players who were with the club all season in the Centralsimcoe loop must be used in their Intermediate match at Owen Sound Sept and here Sept gt Altnectiv glass for plane pilots re 11 it TIMETABLE HCNR ThofNll summer timetuble now in cflcct plUlltS for extra holi duy truius through Barrie and Al londolc Tho trains passmg ihrough here now are as follows 111 41 Iltnly except Sunday lcuvcs Toronto 8301m ttrtivcs Alluudulc 10115 1m Borric 1051 11111 runs iu Mttsltoku Wharf to Gruvcnhttrst only tExtru about dill hottt cutlict than regular 211d 41 daily exccpt Suuduy lcztvcs Toronto 1111 LllllVLS Al 11111111110 1120 um Barrie 1143 1111 for North Buy and intermed i1tc points viu Musltolttt Whtuf Curricx 1111111 45 daily except Su11daylcnvcs Toronto 550 pm arrives Allan dolc 805 pm Burric 823 pmI for Midland viuOrillia 47 daily leaves Toronto 1130 pm arrivesAllandale 120 Im Barrie 134 1m for North Bay and NO points dailyrleavesrTloroutoA7117pm leaves Alloudolc 1255 am Barrie am for Vgucouver via Washugo and Parry Soundyno localpassen gers between Toronto and Barrie 46 dailylcavcs Barrie 453 1am Allondale 510 am arrives Toronto alm from North Bay and NO 42 daily except Sunday and Monday leaves Barrie 833 am Allandzile 846 am arrivs Toronto llill Adums of CNR which robbed Hhuff Ncsrulluh of humor in the 0111111111 11icc suntcltby shortstop loulnuy Mutton CHURCH ATlllNllANCll LESS YOIllll OPINION POLL SHOWS reveals that apart from Quebec Province regular weekly attend uucc at church by young Canadians 1524 declines bctwccu steadily from east to wostfro1nv63ff in thc Murillmes 49 in Ontario to 34 in tth Droiric lrovinccs 11nd British Columbia The poll shows that larger 1111m bcrs of young people hrsuch cities 15 Montreal Toronto Winnipeg and Vtmcouvcr soy they do not go to church than do young peoplein smaller communities indicating that rcligionis greater factoriu the lives of young people in small tovvuS and rural areas of young pctiplihfQiiHc and 89 of all youugCatholics in Conadtrsuy they go to church every Sunday Only 38 of young Pro testants make this claim 1A questionnaire conducted for the YouthCommissioh in In large school in Montreal under the Ptot cstant Board of School Commission pollof youth opinion mttdccfor 1116 Canadian Youth Commission vvhcre they w01k with cluyrlcatlt or wood and metal 11 is in charge of Sgt Mugccwlulse civilian 1111 by was creating unique furniture from 111111ch of deer and 11111039 thu mobile cuntcen was need ed to go out in the field with ex tra snacks for the boys he and 1319 Doolou rigged up on outsired cup boutd canteen on jeep which c2111 crawl practically anywhere the men are 11 supplies enough frec doughnuts cigarettes hunches toil and coffee or orangcade in hot weather to keep them happy And when the MO wanted some small first aid boxes the hobby shop came through The recreation hall has library reading writing and lounge corn ers pingpong tables checkers piano movies and also provides educational and leave information The supervisor is kept busy with the present program but still keeps dreaming up new ones Previously amateur boxing champion of the Maritime himself he has plans for interocampvboxingwtnatcbes411112111212 ATTANJiob 100 Small none too large roasts moonlight Cruises and sim ilar projects After Japanis fin ishd he hopes to carry out the type ofwork he is now dolhg in Canadas Physical Fitness Program particularly in his home provincc of New BrunsWick which he feels is lacking in sports and enterlai1 ment for youth 44Mile Cruise frolllidland TJCAVNH DAILY 53 RM MONDAY AND FRIDAY 830 AM THURSDAY 745 AM ADULTS $115 cutthtucx 5111 TWO Boats MS Midland 11y 1111111ty of Dovcr Wednesday opcrutc on this fruisc llcducsdzty GEORGIAN BAY TOURIST COMPANY OI MIDLAND LIMEIIII Phone 410 and 411 Sputler lt Piugl Titoosh SURE SIGNS THAT YOURCAR 1133133 OUR SERVICES HENRY truuox 75 Hayfield St Phone 4484 JUST NORTH0F SMlTll 11 ers gave thefollowing informatio 72707y0u attend church or syn gogue regularly 57 said no Doyou attend Sunday School or RW comartvr GARMENTS movsblittding glare nod invisible light rays ther religious school 74 said no Do you belong to club assdcifat with church or Synagogue 72 saidrrrnoti 77777 Do you beliemc 10bffrthe world an any oth social philosophy 5050 In contrast herhranswers to uquestionalre fcema group farm youth in eastern Ontario person canlead good life and Will Not go to church False l7 Uncertain true 10 True 27 Not worship God False 45 Uncertainz Partly true Tiue Not have any nectiont False 143 Uncertain Partly true 4Tnie2 Efficiency Man The type that starts lookinger but the haystack 1111 loversizcd magnetu 21119er 727 haggabigger circulzttionthattTlte Raunchy Barrie Examiner2580 within Bar TOnFriday night St Marys will rie town limits totaldistributionJ play Harmony at Agricultural Park 7000 copies 11 im from Midland by Orillia lst 44 daily except Sunday The worlds purest zinc is pro leaves Barrio 306 pm Allandale duccd at Flin Flou Manitoba 325 pm arrives Toronto 530 pmy from North Bay Via Muskoka OPEN EVENINGS WharfhwtlEarlier summer train New 194 MOdei Mercury 2114 44 daily aept Sunda leaves Barrie 440 pm Alland 411 pm arrives Toronto 710 pmr from Gravcnhurst not via Mus koka Wharf connects with trainsr from Penetang and from Meaford 3148 Surfay only leaves BarrieA 725 3pm Allandale 737 pm ar rives Toronto 945 pm from Mid land 156 every Sunday except July and August stops atBarrie only to detrain passengers leaves Allandale 847 pm arrives Toronto 1045 pm 662 13in excethSunday Allan dale to Hamilton leaves Allandale 4vpm arrives Hamilton 815 pmj connects with train from Meaford from JNorth Bay nnd No Partly gggggffgfgggtngggwim Moa rlllatriltfoxllilil 13213 reigious con 011nm or on How ily bound In front 9111 AtRWAY Garman are minim tilted ouvoxpm who minute haulcm 111302311 elf 19 1911111111111 cum up In 11m usv of ampletautut 4mm Inaugural 39110111111 you tang 1130 am Abdomtnat Belts 398 fdafly except Su Hay leaves KneeSupports Eggetaag 011m arriveslAllandale Ankle suppofts i601 dolly except Sundcy leaves fj 188th Stockings $030334 $1319 gegglhltgg FeatherweightBracers betorcthemlatallatimeunndges Later 31111161191990113 151312trtctomcrt gagkslm and no swcatglimds The 11911111111 an ShoulderrBrace 63 daily except Sunday leaves Allandale 1820 pm arrtves Mea their lungsuto thrown Wy moi ture Prolongedlactic Water zen7 40 Serve ford 1010 pm connects with train 21 Wt Carry Compllfto item in eggrpwd tionppartlcularly during hotwcatltc1 13115 require an abundance oatlean trash water 662021in except Sunday leaves en saekt adrink lot from Toronto 60 daily exce Bond and tails parchedlungsrandsu cringu Monday leaves ceatord 11111 Lackoft sufficiritffrcshw 111154121 arrives Allandaler805am con sults in lowered eglggprodnctionr and eggquallty isdeeredwltcn ymlgim st smggtltilmsggicu 133113le 11111111133 WT 1135thgsgmggmgff wort thereteastngatphatogratahsof the featuresWidevampofvchangesin exterior mesmam ttrcghthttu 1111111111 and interior body staytlng 111111111 mochanical lmprovomertts tnflectedm the latter lathe 11pm tomd andSs Engine improvchengtncertugjmowltowgamed ar 38 1311111 grommet 121111 year 111 gr 1151116productionytytrelttglgo strictlyinghslvanccu nects with train for Toronto tordrigtkdlrty stog 530 13311 arrlves Allandale 7201 Tfirsthandmademode1ofthe 1946 Mercury pm conncts for Toronto Fordof Canada officialstndtcaetlthat pro mmfmmcwermcarmcmadw will 11111 Vllkelybevstarted untll latenftn tho year The uewMtgcutjyyou 118 wheelbase