91945 THURSDAY AUGUST Quebec City Becomes TwoWay chotriation Centred tConodion Families lncluding Quebec Grow Less in Sue 341 lilmfm and vegetable if fl 11 Htty llltuztpr 11111 $1111 Vii1135 gt 111 11 tut P113111 Protection 1X 174 3111 Unlinlzltzl Dopamincu of 111111 Icniturc lttn bvrtt tecrsvtng rttttrrts ftutn wtcrul parts of the 11111111 1112 lt1111211 ctlifiul 811111 p11Itoclt lllv 11ttucc W11 lt 1111211111111 gt1ltllltSlS 1111111 unprovctl 111v qzubl ty of 111051111 tho 1111111111111 Mlh that todrw Canada formerly hum fttctor 111 vcgctablc accd pro 11111 t1111 1gt 1111 Important 111111111ch ul ml MM 31 R1d 11 11 1211 ttvmatttl for putoto scrtl chl 111$1u 1lt twpatulittg itscif 1111113 w111tv Vtll1tt xvr run 1173147931 nutmo li vul pnu to any gt1ijccl who could 1l Til find chip that would prnduct PM l11r quotatttcs of foodun 511111 1111 man 11111111111 l11111r11111r Kiltlt forward with tho 71111111 and do11ot1lttr1tctl that hugc uttztnltlim 1111111111111111 bc product11 from 11 JV Fmi lln 19 Ulla CUPMid 1911111 obout tittcc 111111 onehull 111111111 bushel of ccrttftcd seed to 1111 United States Urttguoy South Afiit1ub1 chezuclu 11141111111111 32112511111111 Wide Demand For Canadian Potatoes 1111511211053 for CIlhilt111 firht 1111111 seeds have tome 11111tms tuthtil 131 11 Jean W11 Vacation tMrs ll 11 mbgl 111 8ic1 12111 it 11111 511 lutit of lllitl Wlhe 31 M1 gt Jhfl lllut 1111111 1111 le 1111111111111 211tl Mos lmm l1rdmc lltllllllk 1111 111 Ho 111 111111 11 Al lrIt 1171111 1211111 l11t1 ltttutt 311 linhy Arm 11 11 llmrtc ltrown lltuwo twlurc lit1 51411 11111 kitfuuu ltttl 1tttt 1111 111111 1211114141 714 ludtcs Franco UzuttlnttJtlI llcpnblit Ntttfoundluud 111l ttctt 111 lcclnd Most of lhc uttudiunl illtll seed pttntocs cxporttL if 1111 Allllllllt iltIi 11111113 from wild 31111111115 1111111 it 11111311 iii lnplltity in tho 1941144 51154111ltt totul of 1980893 pclts wax old utun Ittl1t price of $220 ML Iilmpml with 1748239 PM in 11113192174111 Stttsutt W110 lllL vcr1tf prim was 77 cents Muxk 111 for is used principally for cools Th 195 llldllly 50 Wide trudc name of 11111191111 Seal and the top ttrudc comes from thc llidouuttnd Rice 111110 115111015 Oltlilliu The llllllllll WWW 11 vlttl11 1lj 11 5111 11 111xiu hltl 12111 1H i11p11 fishing and Ft ltoplc 1c 11 11 3114111 1111 t11 l1 11 111 111lt111l1 lltt lltc 111111 411 111 1111 luc bullt 11111 The 111 lclhr from Holland 111 ttttittgtl llc trqu lLl1lllll hud 11 litlltlltl 1111119 Aptl 111 111 151171 111 t111di111 Army With tho c11l 1t ltt 11115 putto 111 11411111 1ud tltcir wt old111c2111c1j 111111 1111111 and 11111119 Imitiltlllltllyillt l111111 11 tin111 gt111111ftl 1111 but t11di111 Itt at 11 J11 1101 111 phylum 11H1h11141111J11 11111 11111 121w wifc W1 ml llllllillllll up 11Htm tit1uk lzizu 1115 11111 for 1111 hopl 1111111 untilwd MW 111 hour on 11111 hwcthcr Uttr pllrtzlx 111 llllll 1511111 11 Km Hm WV ltrth lo 11 11111 ll turll llill LINN My Mm 111 1dt111111113I 1111111 11111111Hm lv J1 ndl 1111111 111111 11ct Sunday uttitl cup lhry1111111l1111 now 11134111111 l1rcudlt 111=lt Alt 111111 111 lonwus Iluy 11 thc chutcl muse tl11 cconomy 1111111 lowlililtll 111111 11111 111ml tllllll Will 111 0009 ourbloodcon save t11n11 111w 111m Ullll 111 In 11 1111 Pl 11 1111111 111 11 gt111111 MUM If mu 111111 11111 11111111111 v1th VIOIHIdOd IMVICO mon mm my i3h 11c t111111111 A1111 tort15cm it ouson onor mo 4111111 How you 3118 ciuasddcms Blood CRAIGHURST rfmw MFHUBCHHL MIDHURST STATIO Donor Service MM 31111131 llurna 11111111111111 ix me he Bani holuluyiutt 11 bur 111111111 in Craig In tltc Red Cross Ifttotttgumrst 1151 My mt Mrs Pom W111 Wutchcxtcr DAY AlGllll 16 Starlittgrtzrmt ml Hamilton and Mr and Mrs 11 1115 homc 11 Make umminlmontl ll ltllltjltW 111l buby hllld ill1gtllctty uh Mrs Kcnncth Lllllllllll phonc Suljlilll1llmjl 319 Vlllllttl Stcuhll llctuuxvillc $101 111111c My am My 11p JIM lt llrovrn 11111111 111111 111wrcncc 31mm 11 luvHM Mp mum1 chili llltlltl 111111 rclotivcs 111 Mrs llutly Sloan llittlt tl11tclt Mm WM 11th l11 V1 111 llwutlclt rcturucd 111 Vsmm ppl mum In SN 11111111111 111111 511111111111 hcr VZIClt 11 31111111111111 Mn 11 111111111 in GWE lmmll llul 15 lllllt llll ll 011 Arsenic ism Jillvlnldgllllmi 111111 spout the Iltlll Vllll 1101 mm mod ni 111x1 gm parents Mr und Mrs rlAttho mun t111d hcr SlFlfliVltgt Bradford Miss Muv Dtutncllv 1111111 l111 51L0 pimp is Hyman lx funnly 11110111141111 lot11111111111 M1111 hct parents 11 Lhurclull 11111 Cedar MAIN ml mm Murmur ntm pc11lt1111 Mllllt tnuc 111111 hct 111 nJitll WIitltfl pl1111d oculttrntl er 11 lm ttltl 11 tvrl11l1 11 11111 111111r 151 lcuic1l 111 t1 51111 t1t 11111 1111111214131 11111l111lctt 11 1111 1lltl lhc Jt1l 11111 thhw lilt ma MUSKRAT FUR UATS A111o11t thc host of 311111111111 11112 1111 cools is ttttlsktttt All the plllnklg MW l1111111 lulllltJilit 111 111 1111 ccnul 11 up 1111 11 111 9111 Enty pof of 115111 mincrul 11 11110011 111 rvul l111 lihtt 111 1111 11 11111111 ili 11c1 llt 111 11 11 STRATHEDEN FIRST IN QutbccCitystortcd on July 110 to shun with 11111qu 115 repatriation centre ftmfttuudiou scrvitcutcu coming brick from the German War 111111 llritish civilians 111111 child wur gucsta returning to the Old ottnlty First troopvhip to look ttt tho Wullcs ovc picr which the unzuliuu iztcilii lliltfnr its 111111111111 lllllprttxl of llrituiu was the Sttulhcdcu top with happy Itirutcu 111111 501111218 being deapatchod from um to their homes 1111 Over Canada in CPR 911cch tmius bottom ltft on July 31 011 August the other 511111 of tho picture was prcscutcd when the first boot truin for Qucbcc since the outbrcul of tl lclt tho Llll1 gtWintlsor Station in Montrchl with poxxcugcruincluding the British childrcu bottom right 1111111111 thctu tho 11111 011 the cxtrcmc left taking hotuc his Canadian hothey sticks 1111 11111111on muskmts is the proviucc 0mm With whom SM thotunlcrtitotics contrtbutcmany thousands cxcept lriucc Edward lsluud where 1111 11111111111 cutclt ttvwttlits about 1500 FAST TIME TO CONTINUE No action is contemplated by the Federal authorities towards tct111 mating daylight saving in Canada 11 Church MP brought the 111 tculion of Great Britain to end summer time them now that the War is over to the intention of 11011 Ilowc Minister of Munitions and of Reconstruction The lattcr has rcplicd that after consultation with Hon Paul Martin Secretary of State it was tlccidcd to take no action It present duccd by 74 million and might conceivably be still further rcducctt by thc cud of 1915 unless the pres cut trcnd is checked says the Cur rent Review of Agricultural Cou lilions in Cttnztdu Continental Europe prior to the war accounted for about 26 per cent of world swine numbers but at the outset of 1015 the total was about 50 mil lion head or less than 19 per cent Shortage of foodstuffs may lead to some further reduction by 194001 the numbch of pigs in Europe 1s holiduyint Tlmt astute 1qu animal the rcd fox contiuucs toybc vcry plcu wmLD 00 Nlllmmlb Itiful 111 every province of Cuuudu Iltcuumbcr 11f 110113 In the world 11111 his skin sold 11 this yctujs fur rcuchcd 111 trllhmc pcuk cstnuztt uturtion soles brought twice 15 Cd ll 294 million 11 the beginning much us it did 11 years ugo In of 1le Sincc thou shurp rcduc lllll fur dealers bought 189621 lion occurred in number of skins 11 on ttvcrtttfc pticc of $1561 Enemyoccupied countries but rc coch compared with on ovcragc Lurd 1111111bcrs of 111139 111 thc Unu ptico11f$784 11111111193405 season cd Stole and Tunztdu hclpcd to when 104408 5111115 were sold Fox offsct declines clscwhcrc At the cs are most plentiful in Outurio or start of IllH North A111crICau ho at least that is vhcrc most of them numbers touched the record level ttrc caught Quebec is in second of 99 1111111011 head but by Janu plocc imd Manitoba third try 1915 tins fmurc bud bccu rc WW Mm Mury llotvdcry Toronto is homo for wcclts holtdoy Mm llrudlord 111111 sou Luuric ltpcnt tttv 111ylt 11 lottcuhzutt Miss lc111 lxnupp 1115 rcturucd 1111111 uttcr ptlltlllllz fcw days in 1111114111111 liltttltltl Willi hilr Minor lib111 111111 11w llxuuuucr Classificda and 1111111 of 111111 place All the provirtccs and REYNARD THE FOX TM 111 111 1111 Itrrtttcrturtor srttv1c1 ALL MAKES COMMERCIAL and DOMESTIC JB NESBITT wrxxxxmncct AllTlIOltllell KELVINATOR AGENT 113 Owen 31 BARBIE Phone 3837 YALE TYPE 25 FOR out 01 HOME LOCKS Also Other Types 25c and 35C Norr WEdIIAVE RECENTLYRECEIVED KEYS IllAl WERE INSHORI SUPPLY IWQ Repair Hot Plates Electric Irons Toasters fHeatiancrds Fans gnd Other Small Toplidnces 36 nAthEm ST MEMBER OF BARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 777 19111113371 linoauiloomouou oouocuontiopmorouomu Elsic W111c11011cr 11111110 from plluuh littsho 1111111 and Allislon vlurc xhc Spcnt 111011111 with llurburu Churchill Thebouth Simcocllowmcus As sociation Int 11 tltc 111111111 of llobt Boycs A1111 Dctuils 11113 given in another column Mr and Mrs Douglas Nclson Owen Sound and Mr and Mrs Gordon Burt Listowcl visitcd tt ltcubcn ltogorspus Sunday Congratulations to Miss Marion Stcwzutuud Clurcucc Forgusou Wllt werc 111111icd on Saturday 11 11110 brides homo Cherry Crcclt by lltcv Luncofstcr Scc pogc We are very glod to scc ltc Ilrucc ltrylor 211111 Ilc Jock luylor home 1fle11b1ut four ycurs 501 v1cc overseas Aftc1ijltl days louvc Ihcy intend going 1111 to the Pool 1c Holiday visitors Miss Gcotcic Reivo and Miss lctm Davidson T11 route at Rcivcs Miss Dor othy Watt Toronto with Mr uud Mrs MachtewurtyH Cgaud Willsou Toronto 211 Sloans Dennis Christian at his home Miss Notmu Willson Toronto with Mrs Willsou Mr and Mrs Wm Constable and Ralph Toronto with Mrs Constable Miss Ann Cou stable Toronto 11nd Charlton Nevmarket it Geo Constablcs th M15 Lancaster Toronto 11 11h mm Re anduse Examiner Classifiedso Guthrie Wommx llolitl1 rixitors 11 Bowdcrys werc Mr 111111 Fred lltowu 111d lltltllltl hlurgurct loronto Mr 111111 1111 11111 Botvdcry 11111 51111 luck Cpl 111111 Mrs Douuld 11nd LlllltllCll 11312111 Mills Recon visitors with 11112111111 Mrs Fred Chupplc included the killers brothct Mu Knupp from Cuprcol llc lllSt cullcd on his brother Wilmu Knapp who is in Ruyul Victoria Hospitttl lltutic very 111 11511 LAC llmvcy Chop plc 11111 11111111 from 13X Angus 11111111113 Vw Ittcct on lhursduy Aug 111 at Mrs Wes Coldwclls with Mrs Gerald Rattle spcuking on Facts and Foncics ofAgricultuw Hostcsscs Mrs Iilkey and Mrs Love Oro lIorticulturttl Society annual Institute will 0511113110 TO ADVERTISERS For the information of our advzttiIeIJI auditors male complete 2111111111 audit of our iiicualion floweTshow 111Gutli Arcutt Saturday Aug 25 John Clark Provincial Fieldmtm 011A will be the judge and providc progrmu Doors open ill 4npm Ptogrtuu at 32331 One of the most exhaustive geo logicul surveyscver attempted in any country is being carried out by the Geological Survey ofCtml do now over 11 century old ii NAZI GENEuArIsz CAMERA 51th 717 Vtttracttve have this igforntation and thus be JeODVa vemsmg copy mu lordrthatourtdvcrtiers may layouts are ofcourse essential to the success of your advertising But from to invest in AadvertiSmg spaein his the sfandpointofinal resultstlteanswr newspaper oftthobiisofluiownri depends upon the distribution your dVerfising Wltn you buy newspaper Advertisqu facts we sue 111511715613 of the Audit iBtireatiiofCirculationswLwar The isiahtionalj coopcratiVe a5563tipijbfpublishersadvertisersandi advertisingfatgleitcigEveryyear oneof the trailed 21111111313 1111111111111 the 13 mceyafthtcfntr trots 11th 1111s16111111 T7 futany people thcrcllavtfctnyourgudtencc 11071 recordgsrtTbISgtatudttccl 131fdfhtat10n1$ Ivihererithet are 119311 thisaudienc itas issuediiugttrtilfArB tcpottrcovclf obtained and muyIotherxfact lthat mg each mailboxipttbltictitioti home 1111111111 151 the circulittion avotdtguotyaothd specuauonayhgug fats 211111111111211011 whcyou have Sell Tybu 33111145111135 1113 hcwspaper you vare paying for an oppOrtuhity to talkto people aleItYOttlv merchwttdtsc IRAINEDEXPEm tug5111111155111 and mac Whatyou 3l9fYPf Maploy Tamra rhotafaszzt 11711211101 wrm mmrm MURRAYTHOMPBDN Proprtetou gt This photograph 01 Gen Johannes Btasltowitzin captivitya 1111311111 353 WW 02210011511311031 aom Holland was taken with some difficulty for the German cum thunder who surrendered to LimbGeneral Charlesflloulkes commander F1 grephyrAtteriencounu ertng auumber of photographers he retired in butt to hisleht but hot beforetltlsfshotvothim taklug exerclselunder guard had beeniob CANADIAN ARMY OVERSEAS PHOTOl awaitair mombertqfflfaflzdudlluv14911gartAslrfjgm am MW Wm ml veZ if 11 AUDIT sumo QFlQIRCULAoNEWn