VETERANS PLEASE NOTL REHABILITATION CITIZENS COMMITTEE OF BARRIE from verseas ne of Men and Women lemming From Cum AND DISTRICT Welcomed For This Column Please Telephone 24 38 Hayfield St Continued from through the Italian cairizqiiizk mt Qten came back to llclgxnt ti carry on until the rte if Zltt He reached home la if Inst week and t5lllli limo illii and wellcarncd RSI Home on Pasteur of Mr and Mr Ainslec Ell on McDonald IIuiIit Itivot ft last week an the Ias It HIV erNCO With the Gzcy SIHIII Foresters iIIII he In the Fall of lilll to Officers Courgtc in tho He was thgn only in you lit if r1ll the Sulllllltl of 1943 iic tttizi iw Cats with thc Cit and wrtci tho iiilh Western front mm enjoying 30 days Short Iiinc ttisth tc Kalil 00 it prim to join tiit Acnvo gt Octobcr and Ill April this ycai was ended your Merseas and into Holland slioitly with his unit thi IIt Vllllltlkl ttl Pacific and clinic llw 0n the Iastciir llc lzitc Continued from page ome Hialwlilw Illtlr ll Ih1i tl II lttlil IllkIt lit uni Wm unit Grin tiiiIiicI Iiiiliti Illtlg SS Ni WSatltii Jiut barb lI t2 Nil If ltx Siill liil itt ss huin Stillhfl Arllixllllllllitlly 51v Group It SliiilIy llntxiitaii Iltriic Silltltl ltl citzal 553 till Itrd lfttl ll livu civvies MIN Hindu id and Diai llill Pfilltt ngnvhuvn Wm l4 it Walts Illilgttt wcic llltl acid waiting for his tireHm Tm 51 mm station lie is slot auxii IlWHlllmmml Mrs William drawn whizr linglon St ltl ll Wu Namy Ironsiiit $2000 Rcturns After Five Yogi5 EIJIITY STANDING IN IIIIIVIAIN CSM Russcll IIIllHllNlt foiiiicfl Standout ll llii Barrie boy arrivcd ill llali July ll rllM of tommmn Hill 23 on the SS Amstcrdani tii lt Im Canadian lc ing five ycars ovlcrscas tic otililitl by tau llt met by his gtl$li rcn VtiultliJtll 20 Robinson who is statzorzcd in Haltf Illii fax 110 is now liltlii hlt lliiillli or Mrs ltobinson 40 lloiitil il gt It ll i1 Iiti trllrtltaliti ill Libcral Nat vitl ii 201 St and Ullltl rclativcs in Im Libcral ll rontn liidcpcndcu National Illtltiltiltltiil onstrvativc National lndcpcndcnt Labor tarty 31 liidcpcndcii Labor ll Contintintsi oaniioii calti VWHS Home Bcforc tlic Pacific Itc Jim OWtllF just rc turned from Holland is onioying 30day furlough at his homo iii Centre St Allandalc lgttfiilC Din1 tlt Situoo Latin lIIllih IIIE DARRIErEXAMINERtBARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Rural Promotions For Grades IX and In Centre Simcoe iradc IX to lime IO Kiwanians See Picture fLive and Learn is rticciicd at iiivaiiin itsiiiittioiial lcs ltlt lv iii itt ltttltltll gt ring gtlttiltl iiivcr takc tin Ii tha It ti tr=ttllllltl Ir it Il lt VIl Mittlmil irrtntly ztttiii rt v11 ittl and int gut out of lirtllnl awn cain in April it iiioiithr llv 55 oi cxpcruncr ittiali prison camp few of lillE tu hail tZill iis1ici ton you liltv til at iztll vltt lt Iic tlu lllX licws iviIy thri lzclpcd lot llit Museum gt for did and only for tho Itcd tins painIs zitany could not havc stiivivid lowxiidn tlic lltl of Mlilillltd by Simcnc oiiiity Apri tla llusriaiis Hlt ncaiing Woiiicns Institutcs tiic miin and the guards flcd Ill liriitll sad ho and scvcial otlwis tiil1lttltlltlttl an old car lltlI 0F mus and dollettltitlivelitilltldtllilillllTutti HRHAx 1870s ill iiy pitr iioug tvtr1uiii lulu lciitor out vcrc olaint oi lliitisri vtillillidtl or iizolvstctl any way ltnt Zl Ivtit utili IISEI ICXIIIISII 3l3 ii Inc party Mtllil oncc Ilit postal thll of lcx Scott lhltlihtlltl gllarric is idoii llliili to thc Mincuiii llzc collcctioii wcil bound littll ftlcd covci rod slorotco iiiiii iicntirciiiciit lti by 12 Inchcs ilhc llruish Wort tan worthy lillltlllleiC which appcarcd in niii iioincs tow dctatlcs lllt Canadian army thcy tourcd throucili lcrinany and saw Uililt ll the Ilcsfruction wrought by the Attics llic lcrmanSknow titty ari badly bcalcii and are Mlllttl particularly of thc Russians Now tlcmbtgr Wclcomcd lEl Boys tv toys was vcclcoiitcd into Stlc Gen failta lilic issiny sound picture lilLtlllllt ttllllll and thcy After Morgan llipcr of the him of Awarded CEM nit RS lt luv ii lfttltl lot tin TWISS aidcii IIlt Illli til ill Nlr lost 537 ltli by llit tol It lC lllim qualiiud Caiiadi st If tllllrt tlll lite camps lit ltl you got Sunmdale Corners tlibyfrctltritli Nichols loioiilo hllttl lltl Iiiotlitr Mrs Will Mc lmd Mr lis Mr and aid vsliiig into lli and Mrs Marsh itiotland lllt visiting IIzl lluic Mr and Mrs Elwood ioitloii and liatliaiinc vtsilcd Mr and Mrs lstcion Allandalc Sunday Mr and Mrs lIttictt LotighcciL aizdafaniily vmtcd Mr and IIlt ioun llarc llocklyn Sunday li and Mrs Jas McQuay and Efilr aiil Mrs John Morgan viltitctl A1 nold illchon ant Mis Iaiiic all lzil Rtl tJhlis on Monday with fricnds at Ivy IIISM lllcanor and Joan Iatton alltl lcvu Cookstown visitcd Mr land Mrs Harold Wood Sunday llissus Montix lhillipps Marion land Ilorciicc llaiiirt spiiit fcw days with Mr and His Ii lordan l1 and Mrs Jaw McQuJy and hlr and Mrs Join Morgan spciit Sunday with Mr and Mrs Donald pit tout dccuratcd with flowcis licld many HHHMVl Black IIollleocks Tiiunsnavgwousr 1945 WWIWWOMNIOOOiumuOW Stuigci Vitslld Hamill for few IuV lucy I3 few day wt Florence litwar Tubith CIIICII xtsth he punLiar ml tlis Shari spenti chia will Mi and Mr ind Collzns Iciia Rogetl III son during vlr and son Lorne visited at II All ans on Saturday iii and Mrs Witt Coimtablc and ltalpii lixruntt vsitcd fricutl illflc Thu and Friday Mrs Russell Jory cntcrtaincxl at tiatisscau Kw on Saturday in hon ior 1l hcr gt151 Mus tlarioii flex and Mrs litlc and on Charles Niagara Falls who ic spcnding few days in Lc wch fetcd by relatives from rchill on Monday cvcning at he harm of Mr and Mrs lloycs Miscellaneous Showcr inisccllantuius gtltowor wasltcldi It Mrs Sinclairs on Thursday aftcinoon for Miss Marion Stow ttl Ovcz 60 United Church ludica ifiiczids and iiciglibois gathcrcd on thc lawn where table and lltlliSi Dated at Barrie this day Of July 1945 llovcly gifts tatcly hollyliocks yo gttctll laid tcmlc in thc air Calling all the world to praycr itc llarry Cannon who is home on furlough from the Ilivcr Kapos iasin is vcry proud of thc rarc bollyhock blooms in his gardcn llic flowers are dotiblc and whcn thcy first conic out appcar vcry black with the SllLtli of satin and aficr limo ltiina vcry dark pur plc with shades of black Itc Cannon brought the seed from Montcith whirc tlicy were noted for their rarity beauty and color Ihrcc From Overseas Welcomcd On Friday cvcning thc congrcga hon of St Peters IlttlliLICtl in tho Orangc Hall to publicly wclcomc lhrcc of the boys liomc from OVci morc than 100 years ago They W11 7501 FA ll DWIIWH llllilwill bc grcatly misscd as thcg Spent fivo ycars overseas AS II were good vtlllltllh always taking Doiiiiclly now on furlough before an active part in anything pcitaiii going on to the Pacific and Sgt ing to the good of the iicigliboi Ii Illustcr lluiitcr RCAF also hood homcfor some time After an up As slight token of cstccm Mr propriatc spccth of welcome by thc and Mrs Brown were prcscntcd icctor Rev Calhcart Dr with table and clcctric lamp and Shannon president oftlic Warliinc Louis with pcn and pciicil sot Committee on behalf of those prcs The members of thc Womens As ciit prcscntcd the boys with lca sociation of Holly Unich Church tlicr wallets and contcnts The presented Mrs Brown with Sil boys cxprcsscd their thanks for var cream and sugar sct tlicso tokens of friendship and also The best wishes of the comnnin for the boxes and cigarettes scntiity go with tlicm to their now to lhcm during the years they home Farewell Presentations to thc Brown Family Contribuch by l2 it On Monday July 23 number of neighbors and friciids of Mr and Mrs IIcrl Brown and Louis gathcrcd at lllt school house to bid tlicm farcwcll before their tcparttiic from this coininunil The Brown family have bccn rcsi tents of Holly for many ycars llr llrowns grandfather scttling licrc PROCIAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAY In accordance with Ct resolution duly passed by the Council Of the Town Of Barrie setting apart August 1945 US Civic Holiday hereby proclaim Monday Aug 61945 AND CALL UPON ALL CITIZENS TO OBSERVE IT ACCORDINGLY PETER SINCLAIR largo HOLIDAY 28rd NI WIN OWWWM WMMNNWO mmnm Mayor GODSAVE THE KING il0WWOJOWMNOIIIIIIOIONIIIIIIIIINOIIOIl lvo Io to do it immediately it it you conu tbc fiintic voicc Nlilc pluc on tircl Summer Complaint ch proplo especially children cscapo fill nttiuk of aummcr c0111 plaiiit during tho hot wcntlicr Simianr complaint bc viiis with profuse dinrrhou wry ton accomv panicd by vomiting and purging Ihti mutter cxcrctcd from tho stomach has liilious nipcnrnncc Iiiid that from tho butch watcry whitish illNiiiclliiig 0r ctcii odorless thn the children Show Iuiy sign of loosciioss of the bownls the mother Phoiild administer fcw doscs ifDr Fowlcrs Extract of Wild Straw bcrrr so its to bring quick rclicf This inciliciuc has been on tho market for thc past 04 years Ro fusc substitutes They may be dangcrous let Dr Fowlers and feel safe Till ItIilburn Co Ltd Toronto Ont cccding to the Pacific Inappnmicm highly prrcd for tho quality of tr DUNN lttllllt and bountiful illustrations DomHal In this volume titl Uill find were overseas Folk dances and games were enjoyed by young and old alike Mrs Smctluirst and thc cliiiiby ti Curric chairman of tho Alcmbcrslizp Committcc Courtney Itiplcy Visitors on Sunday with Mr and LABOR INTERCIIANGE To ease the farm labor situationl arrangements have been madc for Tml thc exchange of liarvcsting cquip mcnt between IIilcstcrn States Ihcrc wcrc two tire calls in thc and the Prairie Iroviiiccs whilcwast wcck Last Friday cvciiiiig at skilled tobacco workcrs Southern States will again be brought into Canada as well as Canadian potato workch being al lowed to work in the United States ti ltl 1Ctlll cacti case lainagc was slighl Advtsd Read rules rc Clas ithc following TIME to have ouncxpcrts check over your Generator Car buretor Starter and Spark Plugs DRIVE IN TODAY BRENNAN Auto Electric Servie BARRIE ONT Squadron Parade Aug The 102 Barrie Squadron Air Cudcts will parade at the Squad you quartrs at 730 pm Wednes day Aug in preparation for go ing to Camp Borden for 10 days from August ill2 It is compul sory for every cadct wishing tO at tend summer camp to be present and to get final instructions Go to Bordcn Aug 1625 It iscxpcctbd that about 40 Cad ets will make up the Squadron contingent going to Camp and they are all looking forward eagerly to their visit to Camp Borden and particularly to receiving familiar ization flight in one of the service airmail GFRESH CURED LLOILCOOkedMEATS Spring ChiCkenS FreSh Fisht KELVINATOR We DeliVei GEtCtllESf Instructors Course Near Ottawa ThLBarric Squadron has been very fortunate in having one of its course near Ottawa in gliding This course is being presented by the Air Cadet League inmconjunc of Canada with the idea of provid Squadron Bill Green has gist and also li topics of froin illio oclock ihcrc was call to 2751 he mo 11 70 he Cliarlcs Strcct At 243 oclock lastlpl Sunday morning there was lalllfm mm ml to Thompwng Tim Sam 99 Mmloilltilltii iticstion lllltlttlllll this ccssivc gcncralioiis and appcars as Brougliton Northamptonshirc is in to receive issue of camp clothing tyrant upon earth nor my dearest Bill Green Will Take Glider wicmby this very slime it is my God the X318213silcitskfyofsggnfda toytmm hath Often been strange untoc me r1 tion with the Snoring ASSOClaIIOII Heaven 0f HIS em DOOdneSS md mg Instructors to Carrywm ltmcssistchithe same and be SOIJ Russell work with the various Air Cadet been selected by thcrLeague on account of his qualifications as meteorolo keeiiiinterestvin AirICLCletSjIe 11an of four in liicsts at tho iiicctiiig includcd mllmmvlllms lrllivmus Il Jack lair and llob Dudley who and slicl ciigravings among tho drawings paintiin outstanding varc lhosc by Harrion Vcir HC Baby Beef Calf Club Tour in York County ond llandsccr Many of lltt picturcs llic rcadcr cannot fail to Sinicoc Ncws Scrvicc lhirty incmbcrs of thc Boys and Winn1 Buby Bccf Calf Clubs of the County together with thcir lead crs rccciitly totircd York County visiting outstanding hcrds thcrc liic tour was sponsored by the SImCoc County Agricultural Coni mittcc ll Wariiica chairman of thcBccf Cattle Committcc Don ald Taylor assistant agricultural representative Watson as SlSIlllll director of the Ontario Livc Stock Branch Toronto and Lashlcy South Simcoc agricultural representative directed the party Group leaders Jack Walker Stay ncr and Andrewv Bartholomew Guthrie assisted in thc arrange menls Bcllc Warnica Barrie land Ken ncth Dicker Shanty Bay tied for top place in competition conduct ed during the trip in judging classes of breeding stock At Don Head Farms the group was shown an outstanding Aber dccn Angus herd Parts of this farms Soulthan flock and herd of Jerseys were alsorinspcctcd picnic lunch was served 0IlLIIIe lawn by Mr and Mrs Mcv Tagrart and appreciation of their kindnesswas expreSscd by Allan Browiir Dalston Ringwood Farms QStouffville owned by Geo Rodanz gave the membersnn opportunity to see fine Hereford heidand also re cently imported $15000 herd sire Russell CliurchEgbcrt thanked the host for this privilege Offspring of some noted Short inonlhly London Jiiitl publiShOd at Patcrnostcr ltow and tStrand From lllt Octobcr number 1373 An Aiicicnt lcinpcraiicc llcdgc On tlic blank heat of an old English Biblc which has been transmitted from sirc to son through many suc tlic property of llobcrt Bolton BD and preacher of Gods Word at scribed the following pledge From this dayc forwardc to the code of my life will ncvcr pledge any licaltlic nor drink whole car ousc ina glass cup bowls or other drinking instrument vhcrcsocvcr it be from whomsocvcr it come ex cept lli ncccssity doc require it not tomy own most gracious Kingc nor any the greatest monarch or friend nor all the goudc in the world Shall cvcr cnforsc me Not angel from Itctivcnlwho know will not attCmpt itl shall persuade not Satan with all his ouldc subtcl tics nor all the powers of hell it self shall betray me By this slime for sinne it is and not little one doc plainly find thatl have more Offcnded and dishonoured my glorious Maker and most merci ful Saviour than by all other sinne that am subject untocband and for thatcausc and noc other respect have thus vowed and heartily beg my Good Father in infinite marCY in JESUS ChllSl 10 mor Farms where the owner outlined the breeding favourable limo 10 for What is Mr Russell also showed his visi term pasture on his farm Soft drinks were served and Norman Graham Guthrie voiced the thanks of the enliiepaity to Mr RUSSG Broughton 10th April 1637 ltgti THIRTEEN SHEEP KILLED One night recently can driv on by Sunderlandwman going lll rcccntly rcttiriicd from ti01lt horn families were seen at Klay DHSL Amcn Signedl 301mm tors the successful stands gt0Flong lhlrs Mclville Batcs wirc Mr and Mrs Norman Schcll New Lowcll land Mr and Mrs Dalton Arm istroiig Staynor Visitors on Sunday with Mr and Airs Donald Mcliityic wcrcz Mr land Mrs Duncan McInter and family and Mrs Neil lllcliityrc Collingwood Mr and Mrs Geo Kclso and family llatiiilton vSnnday visitors with Tom Prid hani were itlr and Mrs James Rodgers and Carol Mr and Mrs Walter Johnston and daughter Misses Colcna and Frances Prid ham and Howard all of Toronto Memorial Service for Aviator memorial scrvue was held in lllC Church of thc hlissiaiiuSuiini dale on Sunday for Sgt Edward IStzmlcy Pridham RCAF lost in re turning from Frankfort Dec 20 1943 LEFROY Sorry to report that Miss Allo tviha Ferricr is seriously ill at time of writing Mrs Milton Reid and Ted Ncs bitt spent few days at Niagara Falls last week Misses Luella and Marie Don iielly Toronto spent all last week with their parents Davis and daughter Diane Toronto are holiday guests of Mr and Mrs Stewart Dorothy Marie Graham Brad ford is holidaying with her grand parents Mr and Mrs Ferrler Mi Forsythe Mrs VGallagheI Severn and Mr and Mrs Keating and Howard Toronto visited Mrs Reid Mr and MrsFrank Rosyand Mrs Walter Corner attended the fun cral of Nicholson in Toronto Tuesday Rev Thos and Mrs White Nia gara Falls and Kenneth McLen nan are spending their vacation in the village Tebo paid brief visit to hisliome here over the weekend Mr and Mrs Tebo are holidaying with relativeso in Western Canada Weekendvisitors at Don wnellys were Miss Eleanor Hamil ton Toronto and Mr and Mrs opn Button and family Newi Visitors during the week were Misses Mary and Eleanor Ralston Toronto at BB Groses Lieut NS eMarion Pallett RCAMCJand F0 GPallett recent prisonen of warjn GermanyJ both just return ltliss Sloan presided at the nano tind Mr Cathcart dircctcd tmch was served and from all isides was heard WE had jolly tine CEILING FOR BEgS CARROIS Lower consumer ceiling prices went into effect Aligust for beets cabbagcs and carrots SolA don prices and supply rcproscntti tivc Wartime Prices and Trade Board announced Maximum prices throughout central Ontario beets without tops 5c 1b cabbage 6c 1b carrots without tops washed Sc 1b carrots unwashed 4c 21 lb Beets and carrots with full fresh tops lbs for 150 The Prices Board requires that all these vegb table be sold by weight On Aug 26 Elizabeth St 15 there will be furtherSlight re duction WE SPECIALIZE IN SERVICE and REPAIRS to RADIOS ELECTRIC RANGES RANGETTES IRONS TOASTERS HOT PLATES VACUUM CLEANERS WASHING MACHINES etc WTRILITE FLOOR LAMPS ELECTRIC HEATINGPADS ELECTRIC OF ALL KINDS AND CONTRACTING ARRIE Phone 4383 The GREENFRONT STORES HARDWARE AND ELECTRIC FENCERS complete $1595 SWWHEREIYOU BUY MORE 0ft LES CHINA RUBBER ANDZINC JAB RINGS Steel Hay Fork Cable 87 CUPS qndjSItUCEBS 85 Hay Fork Rope 73andvlil BINDER Asstdzf COLORED TuMBLEjBS ea 10C 4Vcmd 412 r9cand 10 BINDERAGLOVES sh QIt long PLOODPuSH BSOONIS $10001 2751 $1039 950 $1069 $225$275 to$425 eoi 15C 20cr30c Ontario to be given this course by and his rherdsnlen ed from overseas ceilled on their aunt Mrs Walter Corner Sr coiciircine drug waitthe strange ability to double oitriple the number of chroinosomervin 124 Dunlap PhOne 3214 Member 9LBLrle Chamber of Commerce FLYDED aFly Spray 25cf15c$1002 $135 KIDDIE CARS JELLY IARS Slip screw top ALL SIZES FRUIT IABS northran into flock of sheep be Eli igeggohgn$grdio ing driven across the roadby Don new curing process for Cana very active participation in glidinIRSS South Of Balltong dial WiltShlre b3900 deIeloped by workthis commg Season jlbefore it could be brought to the BiologyDIVISIonvijthcPNation stop thirteen sheephadetther been at Research Council has enabled RiiuAiic PAIN ingto injuries CONSUMERS RAIION atouroii Attribut VDGIayLIILtientingthe early signs of mnemonic pains sun plymeans that they maygetatightergrip on the system killed or had to be deStrOyed owI nearly all the cron to reach Britain in excellent condition buttbr Coupon 116 mostvplants is beinglinvestigated by Canadian biologists QQUPOHN VALUJs supm pound gsurm pound That was what happened to the writer ofthe letter below Lfefl cannot letdzinother day pass Mtboutvletting you know the happy nef have received throu taking Krupch Salts faithfullyri ad bad tili atic pains in arms and very legs as ially intmy knees Unfortunately itlgoon and on until it got firm hold on me In spite if that did the pains got Do be ten Then saw our advertise ment and got butt of Kruachen Aftertalnngasdirected for while that fgradually went and ale the Ill take Kruschenyhen am for Weeks ow all Drugmesgt 25c and 75c When you take Kruschen as directed the system is beneted by different mineral salts contained In this fine old remedy Your organs of elimination are helped to not normally and thatleadst 15b Improvement health and ease en alts sobtainable at Billie rotten coupon gymrborodopto will not be ntlml GI DUI 37 COMWIIOII 0f ButteTCoupOn 117 Butter Coupon lid IPreservesCotipons PHI915 Sugar Coupon62v 30BytterC0iip0n120 valid Moiclianu have until dplombu to doped rinse cumin In ihofr ration coupon FanE qth or exchange lm for Bani tranir vouchers After that dale they Invalid for any purpose DOZ 819C Qts DOE98 Gaiiyf coloredtz$356 A1 LargeviSeletiQjiofi COrnflOwer LSHOPPINGQKSKETSCG COVERED SAUCSPANSsBICBZBOILERs PAILS LIPLPED SAUCEPANS VEGETABLE Stfainrifgpors SEWING POTS PlEPLATES Dis gtDANsfMUGs MIXING BOst it TEA KETTLESIi 981 4DUNLOPSL MEMBER OF BEETS cunnibi p0 XRMSTRIING 2801 77 nous MMERCE