Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1945, p. 2

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TUE BARRIE EXAlNlCR BARREL ONTARIO CANADA prmm lt mm immune ESIKBLESMEO tau rimmed Thursday Morn ruminants EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST 1045 Marathi Nearly 34 Million Go Through Slotion MEMBER Canadian Weekly 5fev=a it 111 itll satmass Plnlbhrk3 HANAGMO MINI WALLS Victiirsszxxrinn aoszuu Mum DEFEAT OF lllllt Hill rcirl party was inl line person ily has returned in dovenxurxr no way acondr nor of his war rec ins own const Major James Baxter advertising ichut England states llldl sinister cam paign had been ltl lilif Mr Churchillf with the object oi illiilltllll unilioiis of ill experienced voters that his Churchill would lead the lovernzntnt io matter what party they voted tor lie iilvl llit4 that shock ing tactics were itlllgtl the Prime Minister While the leicai The hurrhill Govern ment was ltliillxlztl hf ij 11 utter ingrat itnde in view Ul tin ittt=llitllllf services rendered by their one oi the greatest futures in linizlishn nth writer says there are lemons to tune that the re moval of Mr iinrcnzi in the 1caticrship oi the nation Will be lr1tltlttl by many oi those who voted man hm lle the most rc griettable feature or tn yutmy It is impossibio or prune living in Canada to have any tilllliltlitll ion oi the terrible devastation thexpeoon o1 llritain have had to endure with siiiclltlgs and dire need during tllc loin Iil oi the war It is undcrstandabhx that lli1tisliers tired of the seVere regulations and restrictions under which they had lived and doubtinl about re covery should turn littlillllt party in power to another that plilmttltd them many thingsl they desired lnclndiin relief troni many of the worries of life huge majority known loronto returned from tlitcinf it 11 The task ahead of the new administration will be tough one With country greatlyl impoverished by the ratwows of war and an expenditure of many millions required for reconstruction the inevitable heavy taxa tion will not create situation very produclt tive of the fundsnecessary for carrying out is no doubt the lritish people will face the prospect with the same indomitable spirit that has marked them in the past No matter what changes may come in dom estic affairs there is little reason to doubt that Britains foreign policy will follow the lines laid down by Mr Churchill and his govi1 ernmentand that our Empires undertakings with respect to the war against Japan andi restoration of the devastated countries of Europe will be fully carried out TllE TANKCANADA CEASES lllllJCATION With the July 1945 issue which was mailed out to subscribers on Monday The Tank Canada generally conceded to be the out standing service journal of the Canadianl armed forces ceased publication Due to the exigencies of the service and the changedl aspect of the war the Canadian Armoured Corps decided to suspend its official journal While the order to wind up business was not unexpected it tame very suddenly while thel July issue Was on the presses and it was not possible for the staff to turn out thebang up review pictorial and historical which Lt Bill lcilcr o1 ill writer and sports editor Canada or Gitat Britain $2 03 year United Status $2 50 year at 82 Sinila Cuties mmaa to Borden andnno tiiv head men NDHQ couldnt itczF talents cltlivl and he lie Relations group their year Working with pintel to tingiub lclllll oi this tlontzcal art ilott feature icd out rial lons of copy When 13 fallil naiin der carried on uith it leitcr is zinc editor andlgu llnle editor Xihc succes sive editors iron the nt rl lilifl coed Eltl 1iil Leilaron Ab litlxc lti ill manager It editor and and the mini build tit of he lililililt was ltlll tint it so excellent discontinued There were many special iitirles contri buted We can lttdl lwllt1ilu Llltht ill rw cent issues by ooiui ti tilllllll 1N on his experiencm in ihw liaiian campaign as tlllLB pit of the Lord StrutlzcoiiaE tioiw by iiaj or llitfi1llitullllllll 1130 fall by Majorcott Lindbertz es during illll iii ntu by ll ll Hillels The on ice fall were with who was ltlgtillt$l f3 Allttflf 11 in it lT ivi Ill lt rt iitn 31 31 photographyb Hazt iinuu livans was top notch his voik iivi reproducnni beauti fully in llltlllif1lilt 12 1li lcllarons art7 work has been the uimzrition oi ill espcc tally his wondcriul col drawing for the Christmas issue 10H winch was tops in our opinion The Tank anada was Varied as mor illtdltltiltl for the olizccrs and mcnot the Armoured Corps 1t lilin more than lllletl its purpose DESIIRVING 01 Hllltllll Starting last main the Lions 1uboLilarrie is holding its annqu lfrolic at the Post tice Square to raise tunds for its many and varied activities tor charitable and other wvorthy causes This year has been vcry busy one for the float Lions nearly $0000 having been ex ll ipendcd including 835300 collected irom the ublic for British lhild Victims Ih lt or the promises of the Labor Party But theretp 1M fund was the outstanding achievement for the year the total sum lorwardcd being over $4000 which included from the Club It was this feature which Very greatly helped the Club to win the Achievement Trophy for Zoned Next 111 importance has been the sponsoringr of the local Sea Cadets and train ing them besides contributingr $500 to the Navy League which has the direction of this organization Another fine bit of workior the community has been the Clubs share in ithe bathing beach project and the proposed park adjacent to it for whichithe Lions put up 31049 Among other larger donations were Red Cress 3200 Hospital for Sick Children $500 milk for local school children plowing matches and agriculture $0100 aid to Barrie sports $0100 aid to needy local children 354 public speaking contest for secondary schools 3100 as wellas assistance to several other objectives To these figures which are impressive should be added th amount of time and ef fort which the 02 Lions have devoted to their wortthhileajctiviticsior thewvcirarepr the community All will agree that Club with such re4 cord deserves well of our community good lly lll llll lfi it lmg etilt illl tlvrlt 11 ll 013 How llll oil lli llzlull ttllllll empir and llllttliillJII ill iiohedili uvncliill it li in lut llit and the llltl ilnlltl lit til Quanta V1 llt 11 of l1lllt William lii ln nonv closely reseriilile Wit tux and who the utnkiiic and as znd of eye to the England iHiIn Unity21 ll lmil ilt snznu rod thlflul id look the Ficinli the dvd beaten back it im to the globe dren power hintc SlllLllt re his country and iii 14 voice vsus heard in itc of iinaland was in her degradation ancc with saw America in lll back in foin into lte friends around and lie more than uurnt iffcf Wrifing or Willi said For fniu of England litVIl again one FElllllil deed ever can be foitiziiliTbiitt from man to typical Ft Carlyle was riowozi Winston Churchill is the resemblance ix c1iiiswam olne under the control of narrouu FOR SECURING 4f INDUSTRIES lvlv v3 tllt ili low to lit unzinifncttne the The pci ill iv Hleitl 1i 11 1115111 szo MM the 31 Slicing quiltinert ttl iiui unnzuicc lm lHllll tllltllulllltl1iltittlvil sun at $150000 in ltill to Til tipln iiuilue 11itllil toi iwl In those five years llt llitt nmteii of the lulic nou hm ltlllll lie little poliltcuh tllt icd in his shudmv in the wt lltillll pcizl li lilnt til till llI tiol tl Xllstjtl vCi on the 1c hit of the elec ilr keen student of has tlitl lie probably Viewiin ll ill ill dizuilcir lo ml lid by lllll tt llnnf l1i hurltin ton ttw loan ol gtlllttl on the no time per Hill and your ior iltl t1 That the kind of tltftl are prepuied to rustic Willi other in iidlnll in which he liiitlslUFiHlthl Whr Iie trillion in lo itt in il highliitul rim5mm lll lltlt Jtltl vli lllllllllldlll llfl llv taxis lltVtl itltcehttll llltlt Hit it itll ill lttll not in mp pouch to the Missouri development in hoc impetuous for one thing IHIIIHfiltlitlilll lglilg Hf Stumpy Wm lip The New Rowland shoe manufac to his larger vision of pollu mul mp will int small cnnrnunitg lilit Midland of maintaininc Britains llI Vtll 311 ll llt itdill loll ill131 mid portpylon the out oi litnlzd it into anyone of broader vislofs and to interested ca me that liitains iitciii7rii at $1330 each They and indeed the very life ofiloit worth ti4 of titiiit out the 150ng of Britain lpquulwlicompany needed $100000 to finance down her influential poilne litiildintz of the tnctwiy Front international affairs lllt Silll of the lolt $1000th WW and tttuiolitlt reforms are tculizxd and with this the liltlll 1pm 11 and tnoy huvo l1yvltVit erected on the lillll and loony prominent place in Biitish littlH fill fIl lit mlllillt3 biit it Britain should ever The uxanijocr itivcs all the news WHOM W110 JUUM 11 for Barrie and District while it is an tlxliilllhll little selfcontainedfumes It in that island then Britain innitild be finally reduced to the with price of not less than $10 minor position of Denmark or of in Chicaco Hcltlcti 11m Britain has not gone Social Onehalf of the popular vote Zr iii elliction wont to the old line ltllltLlllllC parties and large jotportion of the other half prob llly represented reaction against extcling covernment which has followed wanna Mr itlld 17m rtlztl them lt ll Kitties socialists in tliglvakc of The newlsibor Government could not set tip Socialist State in Britain vifh at least helf of the people opposed to such rcvolu tionorv chance Mr Churchill vil llurer who taunted to inhi selected WilllleXV SOBY Fiat li ivll liltld li Szlzlill trange culture the 13 family estates Trusts Ex ti pr iui lil lllt tinttvtw unalterinl benefit Ilic smaller your estate the more essential that the most should lit made of it lllllttst lillicnlt days of cclitltillilt clionoc the special knowledge and experience of this trust company and the personal service it renders can lie of material benefit and comfort to your This is why many people with modest are appointing the lotontolcncrzll no less than 68 of the estates we conrorArioN HEAD OFFICE received for administration in llll were under $25000 in value 0111 liliccrs will llt glad to explain to you our services to states and their moderate cost we invite you to call or telephone auuuoltiiiui lliiiill i253 BAY st thRONlO Mai AW Planned edited and managed completely by personnel of the Canadian Arm oured Corps at camp Borden The TankCant ada has looked like profession a1 job all the way through Its art icles have been widely quoted throughout Can smart reproduction lof adlan publica the twocolor cover of the tlons and 1t3 nal issue or The lank tures and art xworkdid not take second place in many places SincethevApril 1942 issue The TankCam wrwada has beemprinted eahmonth on the presses of The Barrie Examin Limited While it has entaiieda great de of extra work forsamehf our staff it hastith joy and delight to produce the magazine because of thevexcellence of its material and the very cordial1ank editors and assistants we have had around otir offices Like the fam ous RCAFmagazine Wings Over Borden which was alsoprinted here until it was sust pended in January19fl3 The vTankecan adatlias brought our staff some fine ac guamtances in the armed forces and no liittle experience in the handling of good mazazme workf ithemagazin Washoriginaily conceived by MaiorGeneral then Colonel Worthington whenhe was headpf the AfrnOured Corps at Borderland the first issue was turned out in November 1940 at Midland with Lt Win TIthrpson offtlTeSadvation Army War Ser es editor When the CAC board which adfniistsfth affairs of the publication to transfer the printingto Barrie mzedltor we came in contact with here Fred Helson who had formerly been ass managerof The Midland Free Press WhenLt Helson was tranSferred to at0ttawaCapt Rx Fraserth over tact ins On his move to another he army at Borden Lt Mel maeitorandrheitalrw done on several pages or one er an advancecopy got out way to show appreeiation is to help make success ofthis weeksF moneyrraising event which will be continued on Thursday and Friday nights with music games fun and other attractions EDITORIAL NOTES 4gt It is possible for men or women disr charged from theservices to use their re establishment credit due them to provide working capitalcfordhcir civilian business or profession The personal drama of the British elec tion strikes hard saysthe Christian Science MonimrBoston Even in defeat Winston Churchill focuses the interest and affection of millions He Once wrote that qualities for war legde peace leadership are sel rdomcombined in onemanHisapeople have endorsed his wisdom apparently holding him still ingmextinguishablresteem but turning limpevrsonally toward alternative peacetime policiesl Prime Minister Mackenzie Kingrdereted in Prinhe Albert on June 11 was nominated for Glengagypni Monday Progressive Cori servative CCF and Social Credit officials decided not to oppose Mr King But man namedDr Richard Monahan 10f Sharbot Lake popped up and got himself nominated as an Independent Liberal He will surely lose his deposit but he may think he will get $200 worth of fun outlet running Next Mon day August is election day The vote on June f1 was Progressive Conservative 2881 CCFj408 Liberal 41950 ltgt The new labor Government in Britain has aknotty problem ahead of it in the Pai estlne question few monthsagoithetiabi orites made demand upon the Churchill Government to allow unrestricted immigrar tion of Jews into Palestine and the Zionist organizations are expected to bring every pessible pressure to bear to have the new Administration open the doors of Palestine five years Churchill virtual kintt of Eiiglztul had rm evoto the zttcilic glory of England and lie xiioni ed the British nation to loo tilt laurels and rallied the penile of ed so much the Empire to the defence if lb war 25 Years edge in BARRIE cxauiurn Nonmiinx ADVANCE AUGUST 1010 Barrie Local Notes Direct telephone coimnnnication established not the first time bc Imid Immense good done to late tween Barrie and VVittitipcgtrlfifltl sown grains and mm CFODS by 1318 miles Years supply of cool for rains McLarty formerlydd Barrio Royal Victoria Hospital costjlmtt from to build newhall Butv FirmBrigade tests out Tier ler liillsdale drew load ofpota trucka bigy contrast to the ooso toes 01113 Craigto Barrie weigh neck hand engine of 1850 Peter incr 4487 lbs merdcadWerTit his home in Oshawa shoe factory closed for an finiteleeriodp about were unemployed mail carrier on RIlLAJlaudalr hadm horse killed in an accident ia The people alongvhisroutc bought him another horse JimWW Simcoe County Briefs Tottenham IonAug unveiled war monument in the new Mem orial ParkTMajor Knowles of Billf rieunvei1ed the memorial at an Old Boys reunion Gordon Long man addressing meetings through out the County on behalf of the Navy League Trustees Educational Association organized with McGLtirc Edmvale as president and Dr Simpson Barrie as secretary Over 1250 fats offered formatted the County tax sale bf which 540 wege irj PortMcNicoll YPS rganize Church WithvEdmund hwm as president and Marjorie Mayor secretary Shanty Bays second annual regatta great success Fall wheat an exceedingly good crop National Dental Co Ltd Toronto movirfg plant to Coldwat er Capt Merton Plonkctt Or when it was pierced by shalif North Simcoc DinBig Bay lPoint Baptist to the Jewish people asadvocated by the inia putting on the road motor Labor Party when in oppOsition Such course ofaction wouldbeviolently opposed by the Arabs of Palestine whiCh have maj mity in rithatrcountry and would irprobably stir up serious trouble among the 11500000 Ople ofArabia and theArabs in other par of the MiddleEast where there has been much unrest the lastiew years pa WNW diet theatrical OOmpanies The Dumbells and Camouflage liaordfaroundCrowd filth see to that and his voice may yet be heard in summoning the people of Britain to preserve the great ness and glory of England for which they have fought and endur in these last years of 50 Years Ago AUGUST 1895 Simcoe County Briefs Turnip crop failure at Cross Sons of Scotland at Don Dr Bremner lec turihgr at Minesing on the need of sendiimmisgionaries to South3f rica Robertjiateman milk col lector was carried by nervous petiplcdiorseiti front of train at Col Dickeyd llllgWOtld thrown 60 feet and fat ally injured boy named Craig while putting harness on horse vas kicked to death at Bond Head Damage from black rust There were so many applications for vacancies in Alliston public school that the trustees had to deal with them at tWO sessiOns CooksJ town has five seas of Col Banting Cotinty Clerk in its band bandmasterLL DJBanting veterg inary sttrgeonT Banting jewele Bantingyphoto graphergR Banting conVey anccri Barrie Local Notes Vital statistics for Barrie up tO une30 werei 36 births 24 mar riages and 24 deaths Town Clerk Bird said that years ago he used to register gt120 bittbs per annurn over 100 marrviaiges Alas for the good old times observes the scribe Many improvements noted bout thetownwr RpA Douglas local manager for BelltlTelephone Co advised Council that he had been instructed by Hugh Baker to state that to take the poles off the front street would meanclOsing the Barrie Exchange The Electric Light CO stated thatit Would re John Millenand Herbert Eat5 move the polls but 5f the Tans on Orillia made the trip from To ronto to Orillia lathe hydro plane Gin Riki in 74 minutes follow ing the water routevvia Oshawa and aka Scugog Read and Use Examiner Classieds 7m vFfmfthEmdigEStEdSUEW expense James BirdgChic ago son of Henry Bird town clerk reported by the Montreal Witness to have invented process of con paunch of an ox into strawboarcl at cost of $1102 per ton as compared g+ Insu OEFICE Iris generally agreed that the Indian Rope Trick isanillusion or myth through easilygained money Yet you will nd people everyday who figure that somehow sometime theyll strike it lucky and get rich over night which mustbe viewed realrsti So too is the idea oilsecurity Making nanciafprovisiohforthe future is oneoilhose vital problems mull It is such an important matter that irjtheipublic are entitled to the best possible advice Thehdon Life harlohghrecognized this fact and has sales lane but arugula ibre experiencedrepresentatives The quality of the servvicectheyf render is One of the chiefreasons Awhy 70000 Canadians thepaStf twelve muntbsihave Selected this Company with which tojinsare rsnatn 5H In 74 rance Company climaxace regattas ada gt 24Dme STREETBARRgt1E

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