THIS works ISSUE 7000 Copiesk 82nd Fight for Freedom mm at Mon and Wm the NavraAmyfAh om HANDSOME NUMBER ialziizziu Conduct lnumbcr of crop projects YeorwNo 3t TROJECT TOUR 0N CROP TESTS liLlcr iiit LllitCila11 of the Sl11coc tiop lllillltnulllrnl litcll Uf in Nuillt obscrvathn fbimcw lifla BARRiE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY Aooosri FRIDAY A003 THE BARRIE Barrie Town Hall As it Was Many Years Ago XAMINER SFORESTERS EHOME FROM Nununilr it Section to 0verseus Names of Men and we lirturning from 0m Welcomed for Thls Calm llcasc lelepboue 2414 Frank Creswlckc Rom mm special VlClUl number of lhei hi Crows Nest issrxdd at Cornwallisl ml AL Hf lying thwje iceis of LA iv BJfile has arrived NS Ill the innrests of the meniexcellen ttJliLLilltll of tllr comi and Oz overseas for inddmnlill lllc callildiim miViillmunity glodgis and individual farmg iwe in this war NOW chei 1956le by me G0dlls ill the County il criccptlonall caveland expecting ich SignalStar as an excellcntfgood range uf projects is iillillt Ami iPicitic Capt CMWlec souvenir for anvone interested inifoy Mmi ting Mm Sound the mother here on the silent servtcc Codcrich bout mnmtr WI mu rtililtima lllliil Hiinlmcd in the ranks W0 Roddilt is the chief cdilfull an plump It Wmd mi imr llld went over wl The Cle NHL Ml llllbijon thc party the richest point1 it Iorne Scots in 1941 really handsome number is disEel call arm1 of me Unis in lcbruary 1943 15 liltCluClCdl to hm and his assocupmwmmi ml zaduatcd from the les Rctltllt 15 it 50 tillgi1ctllttiil itcpluelitgltltcs Hf ilf FOP some time 1319 Fred RCddm Oflmlliflcc will direct thi tv and John hivructor at All train Of Bmno El Macllcod ald Kcnnctn Murphy nti Borden before of the ntauo rops llixtncli nidl nvcwias again in 1914 Ilamllf lr0lll LUIHlm George Gray Dominion Scid vrVA+ lhrec ncnibcrs of the Lamb tlllnspcctor lllric arc cxpcctcd to Wounded Lc Mr and Mrs Qtluzitl izclibc on hand to splash and discuss llt llhl le in Italy recently in lxmdon England ltc film llmm was and drumou illll btlOlhel of Kenneth Quantz arrived llltlt onilmm Lv Think Czeswicke younz pf lift allivrtk uul vcnt the iry for in regard to its needs and prob ter five years service This is be lieved to be untrue that the pass anduniformmrerstolenranda Inn They in turn were taken in forHaiif Ihaxracksformainlandw leave at the milllc tinic as lA Cclrl Quanlz and spent the ltlli llll lJAW Zl illith Quantz who Isi on the staff of the ltCAl llasc liixll OfllCCTW Reserve Army Now ircctcd by Chief of General Staff Defence Minister Mc Naugliton announced Monday lis ConlinuantT of the office of Dlrccl torGeneral of the Reserve Army and the retirement of MajorGen lhclan the man who has guided Canadas efficient home force since 1043 The lgttillsllllllyl for organization and llllllllll oil the llescrvc Army will now he as sumed by the new Chief of the General Staff ltGen Charles rrlitilllkcs london Ont Gen Foulkcs came home from Europe last week In statement Gen McNaughton said that with the dc mobilization of the Active Army the consequent shrinkage in strength of the active forces and the approach of the postwar period the importance of the Reserve Army as basic structure of mili tary organization in the country increases It has therefore been considered desirable that all branches of the department should reassume their full responsibility lems rather than that these mat tcrs should continue as pre occupation of separate directori ate One Cause Eound For Stealing From Purses AtNWasaga Beach Police at Wasaga been troubled by theft from purses but feel sure now that they has dlscovered at least one of the causes On Saturday morning young sailor appeared in magis trates court here on three charges of theft laid by Provincial Con stable Peters of Elmvale who has been cooperating with the Beach force The accused held pass in the name of Jack Hewitt alleged to be on leave from Vancouver af Beach have many cases of request of Crown Attorney Ham mond he is being held one week for sentence and investigation His name is believed to be Dillon The sailor was taken in at the resort by Toronto family named Jardine holidaying atThc Rustic He wasinade one of the family for the daypnd in the evening on pretextjzofj kissing the children goodnight he entered bedroom andlwhile there alsorifled three pursessto the extent of $32 When the sailor was missing Marine cash MriJardine notified police0h July 25 he saw his man on the beach but his quarry took mirthc bush Flushed out by the officers he ran into the arms of his former host rdcoachowned by sohn Garvin 52 Worsley St was emmoyedmgmy 2Lwaq disring heightfwasatan altitude of stolen from the parking areaof Barrie Tanning Ltd whereheis eredmndhesamezfdatejn North York by police here but all its tires were rmissmg vivid description the Halifax naval dump xplosions is contained in letter recently receiVed by Barrifriend from Sgt Harry McCalllofC611ithdbd The letter wells its own story No Release Centre RCAF HalifaxNSJuly 18 1945 Therejhas just been an in terruption tin thisletter huge explosion just occurred down in the general direction of the ammuni tion dump along the harbour It just about knocked me off the lchair Itshook the barracks and knocked bottles of my table No one seems to know whatis going on There is 7a huge cloud of black smoke hanging ever the harbour imagine there would be lot of damage down along the waterfront and main business section Weare about three miles away and some of the windows were cracked MThe explosion is getting much worse and Ill have to get out of July 20 1945 9nWnesdaxsxenins when teppedeutoofbaeraeksI idea wouldb out all night and lroiuam 030 am it li1kciotltr Long Term lustulc lest tillH sccdnntt ltl1l0lluy lieu Orillia ltll It RodHow tests in Oats and liarlcy 1115 lolnyll llewitt iillta lllt It Long Term llastnie Tests llJlS seedingt 12 noon rillii lunch ll0 pni Stanley iiuwom Tiady Station llodltow tests in Soy llcan Varieties 230 Mimi Darby Waverley Animal and LonI lcrm OldTowdHalL semis 1N lHas Had Mani Uses 89 Years Pasture lci Variety Plots of in dividual ilussus and Clovcrs 315 Earl Parnell lilmvalc Long Term lasturc Tests tliHl seeding 345 James ll Furlong lllmvulc llod Row Tests in Oats and Barley 491 Hunter Russell and Dan Nash Midliurst Long Term Pasture lest itll sccdmgl Fertilizer Placement and Rate Tests on pota toes Use of ltye and Clover with and without Cyauimid for potatoes It is planned to hold special meetings at sevcrill of the Potato Test Plots at digging time when the results of the various treab lllLlllS villbe most noticeable It also is hoped to thcrve RodRow Tests in Grain and Fodder Corn later in the season It Hickling President Morn ris Darby Secretary and Gif fenTChai iian of PotatogCommittcc Not reputed Dead the Five Points lThos Lowe Geo Colcs and Pl Similarly smart rr SGT ROBT PICKERING Son of Rev and Mrs Louis Pick ering who was reported missing im September is now officially presumed dead Rev and Mrs Louis Pickering received word from Ottawa tha their son Flt Sgt Robert Gard ham Pickering itepbitdjmisisig during an operationalflight over Konigsburg East Prussia on Aug 30 1944 is now presumed dead W0 NormanCapar of Winnipeg liberted prisoner of war and only surviving meinbeiiof the crew of seven states that the plane was hit by flak 25 miles north of Konigs burg andtwo engines knocked out The plane which was rapidlylbs Hanover formerly of Barrie hzivtimbunted 7000 Er 8000 feet whenhe baled out Hedoes not know what hap pened tortheother sixmembers 7W twistphia Desenption ax Explosions the next day The explosions really were terrific and dont mind say ing was Jfrightened to death As have already toldyou about the first one thatLbdcurrediatitinSSA pmi Wednesday Lwill go on 510 there There were small explo ion about every few seconds and then there would be larger one every so of ten soiBoband decided togo over and get in shelter of ahill at Jrittzstotlc This picture shows the Town ll years ago before alterations were timc izeablc addition was ma llicllllildil1 Later altcrallons said Work roofing and clabor towers and the verandahs which few years ago llchind the Tow louall Furniture Factory built it Dougall before he was unng Its For 80 years the Barrie Town lllall has stood on its prominent iloration in the centre of Mulcastcr fSt overlooking the expanse of lKempcnfcldt Bay Once the very ccntre of lhliviiigmnTaiktl place land the hub of all community ac litivity it fell somewhat into disre Epair especially the old verandahs which were removed about six years ago Older residents of Barrie can re lcall when 200 farmers wagons and Eteams crowded into the Market lSquare on Saturdays The interior lot the building was also hive of ibusmess wrth butchers carrying on their trade six days of the week In fact there was Town bylaw iwhich prohibited any other butcher shops between Mulcaster St and However these butcheis including John Bingham Hubbert one by one closed up their stalls in the market building andmovpd down town the entire market ltradc is not what it used to be neither the farmers nor the Citi zens taking anything like the form er interest in it Thirty forty fifty and sixty years ago the Town Hall was the centre of all the large public ga therings andboncerts The second floor reached by 10foot wide stairs was an attractive concert hall with sizeable seating capac ity The spacious stage from AVlanLittleEvainUnelcTo Cabip used to ascend unto heaven beforea tense audience isno more Rows ofwork benches now occupy thehall and in plc of the evening concert audiencg girls andwomen operate spot welding machines For 15 years the Barrie Badmin ton Club hadits courts on the up per floorand played all its games there Where civic dignitaries once the steps to enter the main door of the imposing struc ture for public functions there is doubledoors and indicating that the entrance to the dance hall is by the side door The fourteen chimneys have oc casionedmany remarks from citi zens and visitors alike They are real chimneys and ratoneitime they were all in use siTurnto page three please of the crew FS Robert Gardham Pickering enlisted in November 1942 in the RCAF February training Trenton and MacdonaldMan got his wings in Macdonald in Novem rber1943 and went overseas the same month His last flight was his seventh sortie over enemy terri tory He was educated in Strand pub lic school Prince ofWales public reporting for training in 1943 He received his School fln Hanover he tobkiia prominent part in school and com monity athleticstIle had his 19th birthday in March 1944 Rev Louis PiCkerlng was minis ter or Central United Church Barrie for period of fitze years born 88 years ago Across thestrcct is the old Registry Office which Kearns grocery lliii was left standing for some years after the new office hugebanner blocking thc Each of the but chcr shops on the mainfloor used LeageOf canad wu h1d in Brandon Edmonton schoolBarrie and Hanover High wlien Inoticed another ash and the edge of the ship When we gotIand also served pastoral termat over therewere few more andlSt James Church Stroudins more gathered as the explosions eldest son John Beverley Picker got worse and the barracks shook ing Royal Canadian Engineers more Finally thegCO ordered ev undergraduate of McMaster Uni eryone whowasnt alreadygout of versityHamilton has volunteered barracks to get out All windows for the Pacific The youngest son and doors were opened The Navy Randolph will enter Victoria Col ordred all their3 personnel includ lege in the Uniyersity of Toronto ing the Wrens to get out Shortly this alltumn before midnight the explosions seemed to be overand the GO told us we could go back to ourbar racks just got inside my room CLOSING noon ron TAKING Examiner CIassifieds lerive elaclrm 9rvWEDiIESDAYS gave yell for everyone in the quiEfTdkTI wasnt through yelling when the explosion cam VkneeltedrtliWShades ofd VtTurn to pagethree please lll II it itlllfv wa made All that dc to the tea ti ncludcd laurel rte wind and foxn Hull tower were takcn down llllltlll the trees Hall is Lcn thc routidmi it was by the father of cast side of the granary building litth The County Museum BOX CAR OF SALVAGE SHIPPED BYRED CROSS AUX Tuesday July 24 box car of mixed salvage was prepatcd for shipping by Barrie Red Cross Auxiliary Much apprc ciatcd assistance was given by the following men who made this possible Stanley Rolfe Harry Marks Milton Dunn Robt Coulson William Rain ford an Welsman Frank Tar Busli Jccil lichulkin and two men from Westons Bread Unidentified Body At Oro Station May Have Been in Water Years The body of man about 15 years lold as yet unidentified was found on Saturday afternoon by Mr Burlt gess at Barillia Park Oro on the property of Dr Coles where it was floating in the boat slip Police were notified and Pro vincial Constable Pat Poland with Coroner Dr Turnbull Barrie proceeded at once to the location where the body was viewed by thel doctor at oclock In his opinion the corpse may have been in the water for about three years Identification by the facial appearance was impossible gbutVthe clothing was still fairly intact including blue shirt grey tweed trousers leather belt heavy wool socks and heavy work boots which it Ecruid lltgtl Hf in lm is in HM County idtll is seen on tu ltl and thc oiltt lltlllFC is the litulllllrlil lltildii is tlu will lillltlz fit lllt iilt Ttitll tlc old il 1lZl stunting vcyrt liall is HISTORICAL ICOMPETITIUNS VilS on llli lllltlt Historical Stillildlallll lixannnatioi For making the awards lhcl schools arc lividcd into two groups Those With three fulltime ltill chers or loss I2l those with four or more fulltime teachers The value of the awards in cach group a3 follows lst prize 33000 End $3500 3rd $2300 lllll $1500 Winners in both groups are placed in compcul tion for the Grand Championship award with $30 for first IliLillll $2000 for second prize The awards are made on the foll lowmg basis at standing Oblllllltitl Announcement Monday of the results for till second ycu= ill the Sinicoc tounty on special examination paper History and Geography of Sun eoe County and lb standing tili tained On High School Entrance subjects as listed namely writing mathematicstngllsh lileralure English composition and grammar and English spelling The four Public School Inspec tors for the County met and set the historical paper and incl again in July and marked all the papers of the contestants The Public School Inspectors ex pressed themselves as well satis fied with the results of the exam ination and the answers to the questions in many cases showed that lmth teacher and pupil had given considerable study to the subjectyTliere was also noted Windmpeutio ferent parts of the County which Turn to page eight please The lfthand wast missing but blue tattoo mark on the left breast was still visible Records are being searched re garding persons drowned during that period and several names have been suggested in connection with the gruesome discovery The remains were taken to the funeral home of Bert Jennett in Barrie pending further investiga tion Do Not Forget The Navy League TagDay OnMonday Next Aug76 On Monday August theNavy nual tag day in Barrie The people are interested in their excellent work but maybe some have for gotten what the nickels dimes quarters dollarsno amount bar redhave ineantJor theiseas The Navy League operates 23 hostels and recreation centres at Canadas coastal ports where in the last three years naval and mer chant seamen of 43 AlliedNations have made nearly eight and half million visits receiving cumforts helping to relieve the strain and tension of overzfive years vigil on the treacherous waters To these men theytry to give some of the comforts homewoollens jer kins magazines games ditty bags etc All help to make their going easier To maintain theSeservices and the men of also that of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets their Youth Training Movement the Navy League year ly instructs thousands ofgteenage boys in the principles of good sea manship and teaches them disci pline selfreliance theability to re ceive as well as giveorders all necessary togbod citizenship VEDay is past and gonebut With theswinguto the Pacific of the supplies of war the demands increase asuhundreds of thousands of thesamenwill still be need ed to transport the millions of tons of food and medical supplies to the overrun and starved peopleof Europe For these you are asked to give give for those who have helped day afternoon to attend methyl an Junior Farmers Serv1cei Was Ergely Attended About 650 people gathered at Springwater Park Midhurst Sun nual Sunday Service held under the auspices of theSouth Simcoc Junior Farmers Perfect weather and such beautiful surroundings added greatly to the success of the event for which bothlold and young came from wide area to attend All joined very heartily in singing gradd old familiar hymns Day of Rest and Gladness Unto the Hills Aroupclliand On ward Christian panied bythe Collingwood Kiltie Band which alsoplayed half hours program at the close of the lservice 74 Floyd Lashley District Agricul tural Representative in few in troductory wordssaid that the Junior Farmers were entirely in charge of the serVice explained the absence of RevNorman Rawson the speaker announced for the oc casion and stated VthatRev James Dorrian of the United Church Al liston had kindly consented to take his place Ross Beattie Stayner President of the Association presided and gave theCall to Worship as well as the two main prayers Frank Todd ofGilford took the Scripture reading on Sowen The Chairman voiced thanks to Mr Dorrianthe band the Holt Bros the Forestry Officials and to all Junior Farmers who thadi lent aid in connection with the service Bob andGordon Holt of Stayner sang apleasing duet He WillBe Waiting for Me with one of them playing the accompaniment on guitar Rev James Dorrian took as his text That your sons may be as plants grown up in their youth and your daughters as cornerstones polished and beautiful Ps 144112 The text emphasizes the import ant place our young women should occupy even to holdingkey poslv Civic Holiday Monday August lions in our homes our communiTlhlheveniiig big carnival and ties and our nation said the street dance ailBradford =Billy Chambeiofommerceoricerin mentalswimmth llolegaiidghjs Live Wings Hundreds the King Blockdirectly over The It lsfof great import titatyouth of prizes eaker tllt ll ttl li Snldiempacconyfnorth of ii Millers slaughter The Parable of the lw lltllllll ycu Lnricliturtcis rillLlano iiwii ll lmllll to tu mli llt izt nzifv lllttl hlctiil libft lliliu The ho Sl dol litilill inc and lll llHwtlllQIthlll lllrx lll Towi llllttl the many vtti of rtltllt lm lgt1rill Illlllllil which in chaird lit Siiii ramps amid ui nizntlw tl nzcm trauuin courswn lltil llllllllt Days iuiiwi lu luv day for lfltll ilw gtjitlliil coutscs thin tllll if tu fltillllt llialmornl nu avgpoundcr gun Crcwsl lc practices at dummy laid on the wire of Luke llltllltil and iliv llllttlllll mortar tcatns lo Zc so llic livi stuff out on tncl llic Ititl walt terrific bu ll lt nlbhmved skill after ltil Smut training on their wimp tigt mls completed their llilitllllttl lactical scheme on the Nii rsmrpmcnl which was lllt scuuu for Wireless not from brigi fate in battalions to companich Brigade was at Queenston at that too lirocks Monument and l51lltl oi til lll lll lit llbhi Iii ll lll liltl till of vtlf from tlurc immunication 115 csl Iabhshcd in all directions via tho tamous walliictzilklcs lllillllitl of local Foresters qual ified as drivers on motor tianspcrLI lltllLlll carrier and motorcycle lv There was tinbaggage problem to handle this ycar on the boat andl train as all unit Cltlllmlelll was sent home in convoy of trucks led by tluru to page three plcaset Vote at Wasvaga On August l8 The vote on the question of estab dnrtHct and tn taiit mn if UHFi ilntllllltl Gibson Maple icuirncd to Canada hip and was visiting district last week llaiiic where he attended ltc Gibson enlisted and was three and overs is His fath izow lives in Wind Travers Bus Damagcd By Fire No Injuries 751 lonncrlv Instructor at Borden llIKllllCllll at Camp harles Oakcs last December and unit the Fort Garry Eu iclmany after VEDay was stationed in ni thou volunteered for lec Far East native Sui Oakes enlisted He came to Borden actor in 1940 and his children have since ll=lti in Barrie They Maple Ave lvornicr BCI Student lwvclly Rolston who lltl tlircc years ago last join the army has re iltcr two years overseas ill til on the Western Front in gtltni corps An older brother ltll while serving in Italy ligdi lllll Another brother lfioyd ltolston is still over lollwrinu 30 days furlough llcvt will report for posting to Ilu lr lZil lie is son of Mrs llulsiiili till Owen St and the late iii lam Overseas Iwlcc llilt lltirci Laurence Gart whose wife lives at 164 Blake illuie came home last week Itllllti completed 22 flights ovrr enemy territory as bomber wiih tlic ltfAF Porcupine Squad run it was his second time over sras lllCL the start of lhb war Son of Mr and Mrs Gart ncr lit Lcntre St Laurence joined the RCAMC in the Spring of 1939 lie litst went overseas with this Army unit attached to the RCAF and later volunteered for aircrew and nine home to train with the RCAF first week his two young er brothers also with the armed turccs were home for afamily celebration Flt Sgt Gerald GEWW Tre ton ltfttli will tt1tl lo li1i for lrm life 5ivltil illit il could do lll of llll lzlt mo 211 lit who iiith in ic ii hithulldl NI litl t1 tzonalcly lll val experts lilci1il iict Ltl iiic ll at Wasaga Beach is announced to take place on the 18th of August TREE HIT THRIICE CAUSED DEATH or HEAD CATTLE Beeton World purebred Hereford cow and two twin calves beldnglng to Sperry McCartyf were killed by lightning during the thunder storm Saturday evening The animals weth lying nutter large elm tree short distance house It was the third time the samewtryecwas struckibyr lightning resulting in lossof scveifhcadwof cattle in and to the same owner This is in direct opposition to the claim that lightning never strikes twice in the same place should have disciplined mind and will able to choose what is true and stand for true things This is by no meansteasy as society is so organizcdthat it is difficult for young men andwomen to be their best In idepreSSion daysgtherewas littlechancefor youth and only through War has fair place been found for young men andryoung women Taday governments voted VTur=n to page six please COMING Evcurs mzl Dance at Brentwood August Willoughbys orchestra 31p The next bingo willbe held in Legion Hall Owen St Friday night Sept 19451330 28tfb Dance every Friday night at Cookstown Pavilion to Mr Bar wicks eightpiece orchestra from the De Havilland Aircraft plant tfb Dance at Lefroy Hall August pm Stroud Mountaineers Admis sion 30c To all every welcome 31p Eldcst son of lines he took long lutchhike to whose Frankfurt where be secured transi he came to Canada on the Illc de AFrance was at home for ofrithe Royal Navy was killcdiin Catharines Rowing crab vA meeting of the Regatta Com PO ROBT FRED BAR tli Mr and Barre Elizabeth St 13 ms returned from ovc Robert Ettgtlvlellttlimliulir Lllllgtll in illll and afterdraining zitscvcral stations went overseas in January 1942 Commission as Pilot Ot ficcr was awarded him last ch For one year and five months he wasa prisoner lll Stalau until freed by the Russians onblay it Going directly to after completing hygiene course at Camp Borden and Pte Alfred Garlnerhas returned to Hamil loll where he recently completed course as an electrician and has volunteered for duty in the Far East ll Wilt 311s Italy and Holland Among the young Canadian vet erans who returned on the Pasteur gt via Halifax was Sigmn Melville the AmericanlMeeill only son of Mrs Megill home is at 21 Caro line St and thelate Robert Me giHsreeotid ofgservice dates back to enlistment in July of 1941 It was only until September that he trained in Kingston and went overscasvtoimesume training in England He remained there until the Canadians went to the Medi portation in US plane that land ed him at Bournemouth England on lllaylltl Afte1 spending two months in Scotland and England July ll He week and is now visiting friends at Avomnore His brother Lieut Gordon Barrc landing on tunate few with the 5th Canadian Armoured Division who followod action on Dec 1940 any New Many new features have been Sea CzideLgoncxlleeting added for Barries Second Annual The Sea Cadets Will hold their tract thousands to the waterfront on day and the regattamwill start im Civic Holiday next Monday afterlinediately after the street paradelat noon The famous Mermaid Orna two oclock Taking part in the montals will be one greatattrac parade and regatta will be Sea tion and another will be the scul Cadet Corps from OwenSoundL ling races between three of thelop CollingwoodMidland Huntsville clubs in Canada Toronto Argo Weston and Barrie hauls Hamilton Leanders and St The Sea Cadet feature will be last August especially the final be mitteeheaded Salter 15 Owen Sound and Barrie held on Tuesddy evening at the of We fices of the Chamber of Commgrce who are sponsoring theuextent again decision thisyear this year with thefiuancial assis VSculling Races tails were cleanedup and every countrywm be here Mondaytak thing is inreadiness for great re mg pal3 single andilouboared gatta DTdViding the weather 15 races The three clubs mentioned favorable are well known in scullingcirles This year there are swimming and their crews annually take part lraces for boys and girls in fourlin international Competitionfllty age groups Open to all is one Will Come here direct from the mile race and diving competitions Canadian Henley at Port Dalhousie Then there will be greasy vpole completed last weekend pillow fight crab races motorboat Dont miss seeing the Meraiaid races canoe races etc as special Ornamentals of Toronto ten diving events of interest to everybody and swimming championsfwho will 3lpb iEntrisshouldbefildat the new give spectaciiliirdlspy BarrieExaminer Read rules re Turn to page eight please Features For Regatgmnday Regatta which is expected to at zone meeting here again next Mon 10oared cutter races the same as those which thrilled the craWdS tame Gillie members Final de Some of the finest Scullers iiithe terrancan and was 011W The locals are out to reverse that