THE Ham EXQWLBORWA 0mm CANADA THURSDAY JUhY 19 1915 IANK YOU The 51362112 left mid charts char Womans Viewpoint on This and That IIOIIsruivcs 5111111211 tlltl drop of nearly 11 gtLlll 11111 111 1111111 11 1111 11111510 11131111 11111 sHHCt 11r51lgt It rimgt150 Iilctt Slush HHVLHH tlv 1111311 lszllnl lliudl may ll 11 111 iZJIil Mr Il LINE LEWIS mmn ate you Seen Si llllltll our luputmuu $1111 lIII Itattlr Halls 11111 tllttttl Ilnlls for 1111 runabout IllIlItt and 5111 Butts tor lill 1111111 1111 and Ill Mort Ilunlts 11111 IIL Sans Ilrrx is lllt tll1l to 11111 Birthday prull lrIII 11 11 liItlr mprnwi ETHEL CROSSLAND if ruggim 11 111114V111s 111111 July 5111 lilllllop Strcct Paul II Ilict 11 in lillzl 11 1111 1lll pL 3110110 111111 I2hnvuuailgt 1111 tl1tl 1111111 IJIIli 111 Moncy Saving Spccial Valncs and Ilcnlindrrs For lllursday Iriday and Saturday DENTAL INEEDS 111 Liquid Ilrntifrirr Ilr 511 Iorontn 11111111111 111111 111s illnl 111 iiilliiiliiln Ill ll 1111i 1111 11 11 1111 Illl 11111 115 Mr liturhlc l1ltlll 1111 1111111 211I 11 I11 11 11511113111 111 Shaving Preparations iillrttr IiIIII lilallcs 5s llitANl lili11 1111 111 lillsorlvrs 11f 1ll In 1111 It tt1l 1141 Iliillltl 1i 1111 l11r1os 111 art 121 11111111tgtllf 1111 111 1121 lilllltlll lil1lttlSiilllhl linl ill Lilli ill11111 tross lsilt of 111Itll1l 111111 51 WW 11 Wildl zoss Ittttitltt l11l 111111 11111t1111111 1l 1211 1111 11111111 1I1111I 111111111ll 1111113 11111111 11 171191115N lll1 111 Igtl111111 o1111t111 11 tflv intuit 11111111111 11 11111 61 IIIIdiIII Nursr 11111 1111 lllltt H1 111111v peckod 1111111311 Wr 111113 11 liltltllt of lcrlmlms cumfoamywusw km Wild vols liarltlltlul 11111111 tiltitliltl illlllltlul 111121 tilllt11 1111111 1111rl111c llll WU mums mum Hwy 115 ll Ht lit lrckEnd Spcrizll lIIIIIIls Lilac ctzrtal 1111 l1 MatIrans lnotll lmlr 1111 171 LOTION IIl Sllavt lilmls Forhllns looth Iaslc tlllr lflr 11 for 100 131 111111110th looth llrllsll 3111 Illc 110 in lttr lllldllh Aqua Vlha Illglltl IIIollI Ilmdtr 351 1111min or uid 111111 Hull 11111111111111111r lavish lllld 111111 111 t1 111111 It thorollqllly l11c licsl 1111 ltlllllll Aftcr Shan lalt 5112 to 31111 150 291 II Itlrrnltlr Iontll lon 111r 51111 in lirnshcs 111I 111 Molinard Shaw llul Lustral loolll Brush 331 at Moll lirushlrss Shavc rcanl lllltts 181 281 111 lars 111 5111111111111 rim run In 131 711 WITE laslns Ilinplu tilSltl 39c BILE BEANS Ill ll 11 Illillttl 47c CLIANS OUR 1111111111 AS 11 1111 111111111 11 this nice ltlllt town 1111IUmdmi New york 1111 1111 llLtl1tKIIl 11 to 111111 111 lllovlcr stlrtod hats 21111 111 111 111111 Clllldrcn H7 11 1v 1113111 about lhct1131111111 women 55 NMAIORIY EXAMS 11111 111111111 111 llt to H111 11111 lll 111111 llt luokillz 1111 $112111 1111111 111 111111 11Cl 11 ii ll 1k 111 11 11 11l11111gt111 111 111 1111 111 l111111111d llt lllt HHWIHUHV mm 11TH up 11 WW 11113 11111 111111 so 1111111 111 1110111 Hlhvldlo 11 11 i1111111111 1111111111 lilt Mn 1M b11Il lil propm llL11 books 1311 111roul 11111 blonds lllcro 1111 111il ll lolllsu11 21111 l11gtgtllli 11s lass litany 4111111 111W 11 111 11111114 vrl 101 for children but thvrc arc 1111111 11 Im 1313 illxiilltmmii HUI 1111111115 lloliy Mums loMlx lurt In lltlllt Honours llolcn IIllt 111 1H Illololhv lliiAIllV 1111111111 MWW llltll 111111111111 sllould 111 1tltl 111111 11stcf1111y lrcsscd 031 llorls Mnolt 111 1111 11 11 PM My MUN Mm which ll1 sorrr silagcslions 111 1111311111111 t11 lllll 1111 It lIlC lii1 11lcrl 1121111 Mary turric Pass 1111 IIl hold 11 Mltlltl 11IlIl1ht 11th 11 1111111111111 of Mrs 11 1111Is MIMI Hum WW MHNH Mm Vmulwhnd Ilcr 1111 Inlurcsllnn program HIKIEmhAulc lll passrd iradc IilAlHI lap1113 llyu 11Hklngm Zztutllllt of 1111 Brldos Book by Mrsnlmlmnny Wm mmmu Standing WI villmrS it r111str11111 Mrs l11111ox routing Audio111s 11111 irinnns Fatty talillilillt address and County Info VESPRA WOMEN XNSTHIHE SM MHV Robinglmz 5flirnbOIshipllns ucrc proscntcd to Illllt Womml Little Mon Jungle 9111 llltSltlttll Mrs LllllllllllLHl Boot llcirns liahics lllo Slivtl s1 101llgt 711111 Alis MIIIWMIIL UltilllltlliEllmllmSirmil QIKIHI luo Sliillt5 11111slnc Hand 11t111 Lolll ltrlnv Dawson by Mrs llcncll lhc llllrfxl 11lmln wm inunmy Tm SN Amp 515 Christmas Carol Tim 1111th Lalrn nrlllc llso reccivcd 11 coffee perm1 11 bcllulllul the MISSIOII Band of 0111 if 115151115111111118 kw lrmto 11111 Vlllld 111 07 angle mc wood 11111s lllzuk lelulyQlVloby lulor 11 11 llIl 111 mud 1V1 Mluwmd illli 21 good milIll hvxvral lot Dim tcrs worn road from boys llvcrscas at their picnic in SpllllQWlllCl Park All invitation to visit Thornton III 1liss Barbara Perkins on behalf of the Mlsslon Band presenth Mrs Smuw July was CWmed Dr Lyons looth loullrr 1l1 tllltllJlllltl 11y 1111111 pcoplv 111ml 33 11111 roughly MlllltlllllH 23 11 ll lm will limit than than 1111 distant Iltldttll 1117 11 1211 lalInolirc Shaw rrzun 331 illc WWMMS III 111 Lathcr Shaw rcanl 3111 Combs Good Quality Spccial lck Iooth 111ash luin Packagi fiflc 1111 1x1n1l1111t111ns 111 lorolltl1 Iiont losc singic jar of thosc tinc picklcs this scason bccausc of spoil age by inferiorjvincgar For sure Icsults insist on Canada Vinegar tin choice of lcading pickle manufacturers and cs pcricnccd IlonIccanncrs favourite for over 80 years Writc for FREE Pick ling Rccipc Booklct to Canada Vinegars Limi tcd 112 Duke Strcct Toronto icnnnnn Beauty Needs Irinrcss lat ILIcI lmrdcr 1111 1331 Walnut Thrcc Flowers Ioudcr ltougc or Lipstick rath 101 11A IlIlANI VcckIInd Spccial BOBAX 1131117 itch 151 120 1111ss11s IDA Brand OINT 1511111111 Sulphur 111111 71111 Ilshmcro Bouquet oppcr Tan I2l londcr en NOlll Liquid Stockings 1131 lcggv Sago Nail lunamcl Stir Dioxogon lrcanx 30c 60c doRoNo tn11m Dcodorant Ncct Dcodorant 1110 391 Don Juan Lipstick Tabs MC 110 Molinard olognc with tor hay fever atomizer 100 250 7011 7391 Illl ltcgi 251 The July 11111111 of tho Vospra Don1 Juan Lipstick Alla Seltzer For acid Pepto besmal For upsct Frcnchce Lipstick Etiquet Deodorant Duration Legdo Two Pairs 11 Savinlr Maybe it is liffIvcnt in your partl Vinegars aJletnizcll Millward with alarge sandwich plate in the cornflowcr design Mrs Roy Black entertained at her lholnc assisth by Mrs Cameron and Mrs Orscr when manyin EXTRA LIGHT 11111101 donation of $50 was made to the Vcspra Community Fund and 55 was sent to the Hospital for Sick Childrens building fund M1s lMurplly gave paper on Citizen ship and Mrs Ncwson gave splcndid quiz on Canada 11119131311113 Fullstrength yeast acts taster because gt its fresh Fleischmanns fresh active Yeast gogs right to winkmakes sweeter tastier bread insures reader light texture IF YO BAKE AT HOMEuse Elcischrnanns activeg fresh Yeast with mhmucliow label Dependable Vm3anadafs timetested favourite for over 70 years NDIJDLE SOUP the bride willtakc upresidcnce in land Mrs Frank RookefMiss May PTDNS Thl Soup Sensation of the Nutitftt RUalfiiosrgliyrv American velled in apoudrbii1f13nth ltKITIIOMISON lottllwa Journal 111 Knox Presbyterian Church Ottawa at high 111111 Monday July 1943 Very Rev Dr Robert John slon officiated at the marriage of Miss Doris Margaret Thompson daughter of Mr Thompson 11nd the late Mrs lhompson to Mr ItillllRl1lltC son of the late Mr and Mrs Rookc of Barrie Ont Mrs James Forsth played the wedding music The bride was giv was attcndcd by Miss Betty Dupon Flt Lt Frank Rookc was grooms man for his brothcr The bride wore strcctlcngth twopiece costulno of Marina him with long sleeves trimmed with lacc the same lace beingused on Tliic neckline She wore small navy blue hat with Ostrich feather tips and waistlength veil Shecarrled Beauty roses of thc country on in marriage by her fatllCIand but down here we can buy only one pair ofstockings at alimo You can see the reason for it as they fiaurc on distribut bull oi Barrio 101 111111120 Roulic HCNVR of Vancouver was the on ly member of tho grooms family who Irillsunablc to attend 8155 lt HAPPY V8A lairHOUR BABYHAHY $319119de salava Following theccremolly wed ding breakfast was held at the CW Immcdlate Ielativs only Later the couple left for WesternOntario The bride tra black accessories On their return Ottawa and the groom will return to duty at RD RCAF Trenton Outoftown guests were Mr and Mrs Harry Rooke Montreal Mr Livingstone auditIra Turn lncs HAPPY BABIES HAP BIESHAPPY BABIES HAVPFYIBAdltbh rIArIr names nmrr gBABYPOODS Start baby off on the road to healthyby keeping him healthy gt and happy today Babys diet is an allimportant factor OW him the eigtra benefits of Libbys strained and then HOMOGENIZED Baby Foilds After yearsot Laboratory and clinical research Libbys developed their patented nontoornl afrlon process whichbroil up the indigest jble portionsnotfrhe food and releases the nutritiOus clemepts This allowsvjbaby to assimilaie vitamins and minerals more easily in much less timeuand with fewer digestive troubles than with ordinary istraincd fopds N6 otherbaby foods are HOMOGENIZED ertg today for free booklet discus sing babys feeding problems Lzbbys EvaporatedMiIk is HOMOGENIVZEQ too 6A It 345 First Strained Then HOMOGENIZED QIIVE Lunar McNmLQam 31F mnmr CBQLMM an salav lawnsalonjitauynsalava xaavn salpva dVHl lt1 indigestion stomach 29 571 50c $150 49c $110 KIDNEY PILLS ID rcliablc Kidney lills stimulate the kidneys thus 1sslstint 1110111 in thclr tunctlon Bottle of FOOT NEEDS 11 11 111 11 1177 SMIMMERING 11 ht PEGGISAGE More than new Shad HA WeekEnd Special Milk of Magnesia E10 Tabs Reg 250 191 BRAND formula IDA 48 for 39C LILA 10m Rclnovcr 25c Blue flay om Plastcrs ZamBuk Ointment 471 Ilcczone Corn Rcmovcr 3730 Putnams Corn Extractor 27c Marathon iFoot Yowdcr 25c Marathon Liniment Sc Marathon Ointment 50c tress om or Bunion Salvo 500 NIIFcct Medicated Insoles pair 250 Mcnnen Quinsana Foot Powder 59c Scoot Foot Cream 0u IR Olivcon 11in Tonic 711 Vitof Shampoo 25c Itllcritle Vitalis lDA Cocnanut Qil ShompooZc Brylcream 25c 111111 VelvettaiBrilliantine Blondlaxshampgo NestleColorinsgy 151 350 Glovers Mango Medicine Me 110 Wildroot cam011 5911 Fitch Shampoo asclkssc 91111 IIROSSIAm nnua non BOOKS STATIONERY KODAKS FILMS 50 Dunlop Streetl DIAL 22 nrcH DanclnIIif Rcmove Shampoo Removes dandrutfs with first apblicatidn rnMoneyback guarantee DIAL IDA BRAND iSOAP All Metal Hinged BE Kills Ants ShoecWhite 250 rAROV BOXES lSickrOOm supplies Lysol Disinfectant 35c 65c 125 Canadian Nasal Spray 150 Reg 25019 cfill 50c valtinc Food Drink 581 989 ANT PALM CHEK Eyc Cups Special 8c lllcrmomotcr Bont 71tillo fortificd Body Ital 29c 89c lympcnc Linimcnt 50c l00 11111161 Aspirin 181 29c 79c lDA Astringent Mouth Wash 230 76907 11111 BRAND WeekEnd Special Penetrating LINIMENTQ Viceroy or Dominiori ounces Reg 450 Iiitr PREPARarIons AIDS lDAV lodinc1 or 200 Absorbent cotton 1211206 30c Unguentihc tor mingle 891 ifiauztex l5c 2101 6501 1358 Vaselinewhite 150 2511 Ovzonol for burns Spirits ofVAnunonih IDA IDATMcrcurOOhrome 15o gr AJBandiAid 101 25c Velvetta Sunburn Cream 390 150 111m KNIGHTS mmm Elisabeth Arden Toiletries Harold Spusden P111113 Wellington note Black DRUG STORE Helenit Rubinstein Toiletrles Next to Roxy Theatre DIAL WritstiAidsKits b3191 to 500 731 IIyx Kills Insects 24c 43c 73c INSECT REPELLENT Ina BRAND WeekEnd Special 10111111111 anG STORE Opposite Post Office LAURA lysac0RD CHOCOLATES iDIAL 03