THURSDAY JULY 19 1945 Rev Ruwson Speaker At Farmers tcnnnmos InlllANLUAPLIN MR5 MINA SMITH Mrs Bhlll T111 Hj L1 LL IL LV 51111 Followup VVVVV LVVUVV BMW VVVV VVV VV VVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV NEW MODERN INSTRUMENTS 11 gt ilk 9111 1311 llVSXVlilli Kl if in 1H TO LOCATE RADIO TROUBLE wlllolOIOIIOOOOOOIOIIlml 00014 cuvowwwwcaewoooaocvorooa3 oouov 90 31 11151 11 li AL 111 M1 Fl Filmm JV 33V um and Burl Mi LL AA LV AL The llt til Smith 15115 burn in My 11 litflilclll 11151 11 111151 1111 Inked Sum LA LA LL LA 35 M13 when nil traillbtl illl litt Jtliv mm mm LL Lg it UH hood linll litter Itllllhtll to lulu 111 AA Lwh AL LL AL Ari Li LLLL Li LiLA ll LA l1 LL lttltliCL zit llit homesqu llll 111 ska lm 1111 lll111111 11w 15 LL ML lLUbtkl Shi 11 her HillV yin ush HLLALLILL AL LL LL LL 121211 111 Iimiliurit by licz filthl lillhlmlll lllttltlVJLiLd hll V11H1 li lm i1 ltli holy flimllvnglh you List Jammy lirtlLAZalilsvriliL ltlALLliih gt11 7111ol NW of lllc 121 Willi llngcrl Sln 15V BillLVVthtl VliVyVV llVor VIVILVtl itll 1VVV 1111 l1 xili 3111i 11 Hull 11 VV thilljl1lti it ll Vul HUM ametnvurt rim lav 111ml of 11111 luliVI 3th Hand iii111i All MISS Agitm lerx tVV V1 llolll2 VV VV VV VVV VV VVVI gV VAW him VVVVVVWVV Mfr RFV AN0V 11 VH1th HVUI1V we mm 11111 ttnwn Mn 11 um 1m 11c him by right grillnlilxllllrrli we are pleased to announce the assocratlon of Wmooooomoowcmoooaooco4oiovaaov oooo oooo room Qlizlllllllxl 12311111 liItllNltlAN the ililllo lolc your of lihll 111 blidbuly VV Vyfiill WV WM mm dele norm IAIIRM Irnlitlr 11 NV gt VV msNlghllWAV Al lit ll lll Ml lUWlULl 2th 11 9le DUN lllc lllllcrnl tlVle lltltl lt llic 111 tt ill hm WV 112 ll lilitl 11 xuvt 11mg Jl 35 MIN WWh unly 11 ll11 lloklt 5L 11 11 lt lx no bl 111 liu 15 lltli il llnry lili ulliillllat Vh mlum mm hlldd l1111ll1 July 17 Win conducted by Cllpl Kill 11 Zilliit lo tti vl lil tic weekeril ll lluiluld Aldrin2 oi lozlmto 18 El 111 Fultlicr 1111otllc1 HM Ml an of Allnllddh pr Guaranteed Radio SerVICG to All Makes All ll lrlltill 111111 llllllllll ol llm 11mm Win 31 Iltcnnllt Win at 1111 11 illtl1l 0411111 lililtl l311ltlnltLllAlil LL LL AlL ll AEi Millilillst clmtcry llll llilllljlIli 301llltlllrllllrltlollloollltllllllIIIOOIOIOOIIIIIIIOOIIOOIJ DIAL 454a BARBIE VVV VVVVS VUVVV rVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV lil l=I 111 HM 111mmu VV tln Wllt llllll lLlml 7L 1L LWLLALAnMMh Ba for LL W1 11111l 12 ml 1l 11111 11l ll mm the lllllit 12 11HmiVV wrmmV mum 11an Mrlwlh JV VIV HVVVVVV VIHV VV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VV VVVVVVVV VV mom FJit gt ll M1 yinl in ll illt dam lHlllllll illrt Smith nll llc11llcw1lll 11 ltni= 11 1111nt lultliiL lt0l1 No 1111211 11 fv 121 llinil Mnnv lovely Ilurni lll 1111 and l1ll lloollixl Lotlltc No 1x V1 1thl1y trilltllllltl ttlllmill PHIL 114 l1i VV VV 11 MU mum WM mmHr Lauryn Li1 151 vll lllllll1li tow lLlll llltlillllti lllw Ll lllll Winn 11ch Mill Willie 15 LLMVMllLl ll1Llltl 111112111 or lab 1er his TE 11 liVV MVV Ellttl vii11o llll 31111 11111 Him Mle ANN 111111511x lVlchEiV1VVll 74va171 Wu mom or Vli lililliillV llllt VlllVlllt of 11 Mn lH till l=n 2111 311112 l11=111i 11111 1c lllll Li llL IL 11 AA LL AJN Alill mm lll 11 jl lll Vlrv rims lullovll Ill11 lclltllllt July 51V 11115 H1 11 11111 ljl lll Ami Ilulmm fl lllllL itll llll 11111111 tlll April 111 mg ii in Vin 1M NIH lib lil anli into lll 5111 ll Millslfl It LA AIL lilillurz =1 gt No11 WITH VWVIWH VI minim 11 11111111111l1 and the Vim Hm mm VI VIV=11=VHIV Vt IV1 VlV i1VVnl 1Vli Vt1VmI oiw mm 11 11 ii illlltl VIII 112 1111mm 1W 13 lllmn pllnlx 11V Slim 11in $1111 11133 VHVVVR VVVVVI VVVlVVVVVVl KlVVl VVVVV line ll of llllwl Mrcwt 11x11Ii VI VII upin Hum VUHWV SM and 17 le Lil 111 AL LAY LL lill Llllll ll lml ll ill ll IL it 1111 11 ll 11 15 ng my 111111 51 Wmlw 8m lmumld Till nlul M2 lillnlx Molinl HAL Hi AllALLlHLLlAL 5dr Alhli AIAAI HLILYHLU HA hnnni IL lull AW ALA AL AI LL WALL HLL HALLth St hmmlunl IAAThLS SHLNLIL AM Jun ll1111il Mich LUNCH AT VV 1li tsllltr iWu Ulh ll 11 ll Vt 11l llttl home VV tlllilllll1 11 MI 311 11PM 1ll3ttl 211 el1 lltltllurlll wm in tlown llil WWW VVVHV HVVIVVHV NSVV AVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV lL lfli 11 11M 111 Hi Ili llvi AL 111111 111 ii lt 1511115 1111llllilln 7V ll Downy Wm Jinnlow lll1l1 II 1V BR Al MM 11 11 Vi WV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV MR lit Ala Sltlllty 51111 of M1 iillll MY RMVVMV TV VV JVthmnV SW Mimi 11111111 tlillflt 11ll ML Shim til11111 31 llll Smith lAAILlLAHLd LI ImmL Hum Ihtl ll SHOW litlflllVVi illiliA murrinw 111 1r 1t over James of the Tea and Candy Shop lllllll flWl ill illl WV lLlLLl 1A1111A1LlLL7 illLliHiAll IlllALll AmiAOL OF COURSE friends from llfililllIl were M11 liLt1ron Mill liiit ll 551111111 ile 11w 111 is fill Il TllfyRE THE BEST BEl lnnl Mrs Allixtnlre lllltllllfnloll LOOK 110R Illl SIGN VVVVVV VVVVVVV VV VV VVVVVVVV VVV VV VVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVV VVV Vi MVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV SSW WWW Hm NIUHVV FOR GOOD EATVNG rnwmu MN 1er MN 11V VV an 11 34 22 Elllilllll Bl Plum 14 Allo llllll lllviulllll WW Vlm llnllll HUIVVVIVHIMilILVLVVVfi lVVYHVHNUIMUEVV Is lulu ilk lt Anuncul Ilotel 111M 11V would 11 1111 ftlLll1l or 11 111 1111 111111 Mm 111 low 11111 lliltV oil of lllll DIAL BARR erlh IOK AN APPOINIMENT lA111l lilrr1l1nl lllllnicnl Mi V2110 lldillW THU llils BOOKKEEPING AND lltIIilSIIl 35 lm Jim 191 ll71 llll 111 tltqu Hrl Tn AFCOFNT 1n letsltlrr linlllltl ltllllltl 111 Ill l11 home on il1l St SIARVKIL of Mr illld Mrs llJVltl Slnilll Silo VV MW MLHL HHEHHLLU LL Linn rm rad dnd hummue unwed the ml MILth ll lilllilllti Minx icler Alldiwtl bumnpssos lAlWAYS lcft to mourn hcr loss nc thch tvxltll 3111 tlllcc ftllls zit Addison VVVVV cmnnleted CORN FLAKES Billrlc 1111M lVllbtl 111th Mnln ALI MAKIS ll ii at ront 1111113 sons any or monthly FOR BREAKFAST llulLlliilldlesliin llhornton litrt md Alllts EASY Iluddlcstoll Bolltnyllttlit and pk xv 11 ll Quin mum EPARE lllldlllsmlllx Thollyidtlllildlt Illlzl 0m 189 Bradford LEAVES No MESS illIL 50 Ltvm lAlilLlltllliltlltllL licr tree lzleii Amu mum POTS To WASH up hllsbnnll parsed nwzly July 1927 lrl in llllll 1111 lloliltlllillll Income tax forms donhtcls Mm Johnston Vh VV VVVV BVV MV VVM Itll i3 Itnlnlon illnclml and two daugh te1 111 llexlnvler 0111 and Lnpt 1i1l iloinnson J11 recently re Li 111 ll litc 2541 ill$l Trlnlty Anglican Church The Salvation Army mini1135113231 REVCHERVzlglgngVVtVziEEAM SVIVVRFEP lVrllVth lwll fllltlllisor VilVllleVVV11 WV AUTHORIZED KELVINATOR AGENT 11c ianJt VV 1111 Wilmxl Ittollillilllltt rs md 11 longitch min alumnun MRS 113115 IlliOlLlrlml mill their glauclnm Amy 11ml am of Kmm mm died Owen St BARBIE Phone Ellh sumhV SHVYVirVLHVglN VAT VV VVVV Vl lrllnrnVnt VlVlolVldL lust Kelli V913 Mu 1927 AMHOLY if SlNDl 12 11m tltll 11111111 in sin ww 11 AMMORNIN lllAYlilt 11 AMV and pm on S1tllldl nlallll lhcir trip took IS THE ONE FOR ALFRED 30 NIXON WWVH Plenum Llimm 2110 1111511N11Av StliOOL li bm LL AS the VVVVVVVVH Ur VV SVVVVVIVVVV Alfred Rector 01ml ShimC Much 11111 Nlw liihlitilltl lmlmms nnd SWELLr0 eAT Leo Nixlln iriwcd 11wan oll llnlrs WIVVUVVIV to the lllu power loveloplnent VV JVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVLV 127 16450RGAN lilitllAL r1109 PillRS womens ARKNil Quintxe Dom ill Nortlllrn Ieln MORNINGNOON pgmn IUVMV BUHMUV NVYV ML gt MrVVQ wliphc Cdl PAULhluth Jump memmv flllll FULL COURSEs 0R Nixm mulsuffcmd xvmqvul or lhllrsdtlv hm Mr nill Mrs Charles chllon by 191 co CA 11 ch111 EV Friday p111Chlldrcns Mcctma lAnwnlc 0111 paid 11511 to Jim LUNCHEQNS V0 and hnd been an invalid from that ESTIMATES FURNISHED time CAREFUL ATTENTION ATERERS The MGM SuuduyV TO CONTRACTS Preahe Rev Cllllmw Saturday pinPublic Meeting lCrxnniner on lucsdziy on tllcir Wily AL for holiday ill iravenhursl Ill HID LAW AL MILL NCLIUH Edilh AA July ill the home of hi1 sister lullln ll war lencwnl of old nC MrsV Charles Waylon 3111 Herman rDlal v1 First BOpllSl CllUlCll LL olizlilitznnc xllt having been vul 11ml member of this newspapers ht it lo NY 1115 Londuttcd by MMSL in 13 St Andrew Pres VyVlerth 20 Mulcastef Street In for number years She was made in Norm Ridge CememlryV for Information UNION SERVICIIEL Barries Revival Centre Lin very lienrty welcome by WITHOUT Rifmsmnvim 111 Many beaulilul high Clare Giuwoly new Thomas LVZmOV BVAVV Minister 1m nmnbem the present mm HOLMES Proprietor KELLOGGE Ural mmnes testied the Aiimw limlion who were nssocinted with CORNFLAKES mum and respect in whicllMy Nix hcr in tho days 110110 by on was held by his flltllds Hell illnjor llohn Cave 54 Eccles MYFAMllys lives illtl friends from llSlitllCt REV JAMESMRGUSON 1000 AMISUNDAY SCHOOL 91 is visiting with his 11111111 11 11 who attended vcrc Mr and Mrs in charge dUliIltl llwlllll Jilly SERVICES 11 AMfND73011l ler having completed 11 course at an AM Roy Marsellus Mrs Gilhooly SUNDAY JULY 23 11115 11 AMST ANIMUCWH tllURCll PillFIRST iZAllllSi cnuncn SUNDAY JULY 22 1941 VVV ill 111 on Mirsellur SerVice men cladguccs Will l1ri8 pinOld Icstlnnent llCllllth ml WM and N111 V0 11 1f Wm Mi ind Mrs Stanley Garvin MFSVVme BeamsunV MR and VMYVVV Lockport NY nrc visiting lhOthll Rev Ball Minister inVVcllnrgc MVWMWV ManinV LL LL YOU WillL LAL WWHh LWSlALEl vs VA 15 LL Vl Mr and Mrs Victor Porteus and RegUIUr Centrbl and Collier Strpet Free Methodist Mlssmn lnnlzhter llllnnic Owen Sound Sgt VV United Churches 901mm Sm 11 Fee Hamilton tb daymg DOW Fiddle REV BALL Pastor llk851mus number from here attended FOR JULY gt Mrs Iluch Smith 22 Bayfleld St the Orange parade in Olillia on went to Toronto to attend the wed gallygood Thursday SUNDAY JULY 22 1945 SUNDAY JULY 22 1945 ding oi lior son Lester Warren Miss Marguerite Spence Comm receive wclcmnc It Cliff Dodlls Brandon Mr and Whateverybody Phyllis Bowen Mmesmg ls holl 945 am Central Sunday School 2PMSUNDAY1CHOOL Mirenmpbcll to Miss Norma Wood wood spent the weekend at her me helVEV AP= Sacred Movmg plumes VV2V45VVPVVMVTHE PASTOR Owen Sound on Thursday July 12 mr Street MW Butler and son DavidV Tm your warm Made by TBVohlVJy and AltogV VandeerzzteVlt nAKGSeEVlczmflcglfkqtown Soldiers and strangers will find Toronto and Miss Alice Overs Appomtment Kellogg In London Canada ngagb C11 Spell mg Wee Rev ew cordial welcome at this mission Kitchener are chairman of Simcoe Presbytery spending folt Lindy Knapp and Pat ColllnSV qlt Wm Dream theLUmmd LChurCh Thum meLBmyel meetmg 182113 Jr are Spendmg two wee Wlth the Reserve Army at Niagaraml crusade Beginners Deptfor little children DlWa 59 ELIZABETH STLL the Lake 1V Win meet as llsudl ltllLlllE tile mm all lVCLclll ClllLll Cl 591 vice hat 980 ReyVNthm momi 0111 591V1Ce Smit wa er is aung PMnquMce inrmm United Wasaga Beach ENGAGEMENTS Wrights place for two Sundays Mrs Bradford and son Lorrie Minister in charge CQmmunllY uIC spent last Thursday at Tottenham REVV23VE LEWISVV SUNDAY JULY 22 MYVLgnd Mfg JVC12iaV GlasgowV Miss June Fargo and MISS Ilene ganlst Mrs Grlffilhs at gt 5m etledwthel 01 few one 11 and Onequarter 0f cavcmcnl of their elder daughter 3151 mm circus 1M our local SERMON AND SONG M1 Gdsm Ernest Goheen children put on in 1112 Relax311 LL 01 GVGVFEV 50 of Mr and Mm gt hall has been under way for two Comr St Baptist GhurchllESTEREACHER Geore GoheenlC1aigvale orithreedaysnow They have Lucius REV REV ATLKINSON 111 Ch lrll laiSEda nice some ofmone 11 TCHELLV mster out tewart me M1 ofV UXBRVIDGEgtDNSEE wishes to announce the engagement dgf l0 the Hospltal 5191 WASUNDALY JUYLLog 1945 MlAlkmsn W111 preaCh awry of his younger daughter Mario len but VVV y945 AMBiblo School $13 1233125 ism m1 31918chSwirl 3f Tel it well and it willell For In eSe ml WC mt rergqsmn Barrie and district the telling is best 11 Sugar Ratlonlng VM $3Bg1 SSQgSVTIbN ome ear Vthe marriage to take place quietly done thpoughgThe Barne Examine 11 11314 Exp pVMVgELVVANGELISHeaA VERY SPECIAL tlllgelnaugil2nt is announced of LV 77 Lr LL 305MVQPE1EIA1RL SERVf LMT HalIdLBoume Marie Taves daughter of the late if gt and st VWedVVV meVVV Midweek Prayer at Walmer Road Baptist Church Mr and Mrs Toves Togo Sask VV Vhulfg Service T010m0 Who SOlleased the large chewanLto Robert Eric Lackie on our congregation last Sunday will be 01MSVLCkeand the late Egbert PostVOtfico Square present 311 numbers Be Lackie Barrie the marriagetote v1 v15 tors Weicome sure and hear Mr BourneHei canervnitedChurch my 21 an outstanding SlECI MrsSJ1MCL90dBa1rwishes OPEN tounouncethe en tother VV gt2 ADVANgn NOTICE and Eifie 15333431 p1 FOR THEBALANCE OF lUIY Ll Rev calm 17 Ought Paterson Gifford OlairKelloL ofthe United lL Toronto wilL be therguestspeaker States AVmeV schng MrVand MrsV VVV MoryVStzect Barrie on Sunday July 29 at the Kellogg Shinglhouse Penvlyan 29111 ANNIVERSARY SERVICE iii SUNDAY JULY22L1945 Full announcement next week eVarlggdlgsflbtlgigg 1V Butcherser MEATS GAME 11 AMBellevers Meeting VWVCla1kson nounce engagement of1the1l LNLLALML unaaYLsehOOA Guam Lind Musmal DAAeCtorLA only Ada ghter Eunm Eyewn to EN LLCh AEISH FilmTs FltS AnthuLHerrmgton only prlng 1C Etc use wasaga Beam commum sort Mr fond Mrs Arthur Her WV arecooled wrapi Chm rington 41 Dalton StWBarcie The Fliesh r151 pecana stored in 111 tr 3arifll3wa hiking 3511i afallre spotJESS lockemV at 7brides parents 1111 Barrie Ont 1belowzero VV Mr and Mrs Alvin Webb Pains ment of their eldest daughteszdE gt wicn Louisa Annie Webb wncus PulnltureStovgl aints Etc weDehl V1 7PMGospe15rva liciiiliIiifivxfrilirliisgigl 1L29513L1Duhlopl ff Ph6h4492f LL INDIVIDUAL mamas will GREEN MA ThD DD Minister Wick Wish WWW the engage Vdo VV VV 129 001119 Street take 913 mSl James ted LC ilzumm VVVHVVPhdn 3214 EVEEYBQYYEELCDMEZ rChurchrStroudriulr 111 p111 W=miLARmmEBp on LL Memlier of BariIo VV THE engagement is announce VV mugumrm gt V7 RCA WD Summersido PEIL ton Clarke Barrie the marriag to